Is it possible to cure syphilis forever and what are the consequences?
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Author venerolog-ginekolog Reading time 6 min. Published 09/15/2015
Syphilis is a dangerous disease caused by Treponema. For many centuries, people died from it without knowing how to treat it. At all times, the question remained relevant: is it possible to recover from it?
The first breakthrough was the discovery of the bacterium that causes syphilis. After the invention of penicillin, a cure for it became possible. Until now, treponema pallidum is sensitive to this antibiotic, so it is used to treat syphilis.
Can syphilis be completely cured or is it just suppressed?
Anyone who is faced with this problem seriously wonders whether syphilis can be cured today.
The root of this issue lies in the lack of accurate modern knowledge about this problem among part of the population. Yes, indeed, the “French disease” was incurable and deadly for a long time. But this trend stopped in the 20th century.
Let’s say right away, so as not to intrigue readers: syphilis is curable!
Some may still doubt this, but it is true. Despite the fact that syphilis is one of the most dangerous sexually transmitted infections, complete elimination of it is a reality.
When the causative agent of this disease, Treponema pallidum, enters the body, it begins to affect various organs, including the central nervous system. But correctly selected therapy in case of timely consultation with a doctor guarantees relief from this disease.
The incubation period of up to six weeks may make it difficult to notice symptoms of the disease. Therefore, it is important to be able to notice some changes in your body, which will be described below. Syphilis has three stages.
The first stage is characterized by the appearance of ulcers at the site of infection penetration into the body. This stage can be painless, so a person may not contact a specialist in time, which will lead to an increase in the course of treatment.
The second stage may last several years, but a qualified attending physician will be able to prescribe treatment that will not only eliminate symptoms, but also speed up full recovery.
This stage can be characterized by a rash on different parts of the body, as well as enlarged lymph nodes and a deterioration in general health.
Fortunately, almost all patients in the 21st century manage to recover before the onset of the third phase, in which the central nervous system is affected, depression occurs and there is a risk of paralysis.
With timely treatment, syphilis can be completely cured in a couple of months. Treatment involves staying in a hospital and administering penicillin-containing antibiotics 3 times a day.
Modern treatment methods help to cure this disease quite quickly, but if it is diagnosed at a late stage, the course of therapy can last up to two years.
If the disease is detected in pregnant women in the first two stages, its treatment does not harm the fetus. But if the disease has managed to affect the mother’s internal organs, the pregnancy is terminated, since it can threaten the woman’s life.
But if the patient is cured of syphilis before pregnancy, she has every chance of giving birth to a healthy child.
Can syphilis be treated at home?
Many people, suspecting infection with this disease, panic and wonder: is syphilis curable? In past times, treatment indeed presented certain difficulties, and the development of pathology led to fatal consequences. Now syphilis can be eliminated in a fairly short time, but the duration of treatment depends on several factors:
- timely detection of the disease;
- stage of disease development;
- the presence of additional infections and/or chronic pathologies;
- strict adherence to all recommendations of the attending physician.
Currently, when the causative agent of the disease has been identified and fully studied, treatment regimens and drugs have been developed, syphilis can be completely treated at any stage - primary, secondary or tertiary.
In most cases, patients are diagnosed with syphilis in the first two stages; few people take the pathology to an extreme degree of neglect.
Treatment of the disease should begin as early as possible when the first signs appear or immediately after receiving information about the partner’s disease. If this is not done, then the person poses a threat to his loved ones and family members who are in constant contact with him and live in the same house.
When a diagnosis of syphilis is made in one of the family members, it is recommended to carry out preventive treatment for all household members. This is due to the fact that the risk of infection through hygiene items, dishes, towels and bedding, although small, still exists.
The answer to the question of how long to treat syphilis directly depends on the stage of the disease, the presence or absence of concomitant diseases and complications. The first symptoms of the pathology begin to appear in an infected person for a period of 1 to 12 weeks after the pathogen enters the body. In some cases, the incubation period is up to six months (26-27 weeks).
In clinical practice, several treatment regimens have been developed:
- Specific. The regimen is prescribed when the diagnosis is fully confirmed using a targeted study. It contains antibiotics active against pathogens, as well as a complex of vitamins and probiotics. The latter are intended to restore the functioning of the human immune system.
- Preventative. As the name suggests, this type of treatment is carried out as a precaution and is recommended for all people who have had close household contact with an infected patient.
- Preventive. A special therapy program designed for pregnant women with a history of infection. Treatment is prescribed to protect the unborn child from the possible risk of infection.
- Trial. Treatment is also intended to eliminate the threat of suspected damage to internal organs in cases where the doctor cannot confirm or refute this fact with the help of special diagnostics.
- Epidemiological (or syndromic). Treatment that is prescribed without special studies (if it is not possible to conduct them). That is, the doctor makes a diagnosis based only on the clinical or symptomatic picture of the disease.
How many days syphilis is treated is determined by its stage and developmental characteristics. So the primary stage, if you consult a doctor in a timely manner, can be treated in a period of two weeks to one month. Such rapid treatment is possible by contacting a venereologist when the first signs of the disease appear. After which the patient is under medical supervision for another 3 months.
The duration of treatment for the secondary stage depends on the degree of development of the disease. On average, the treatment process for secondary syphilis ranges from three weeks to one and a half months. The third stage refers to the most critical conditions with a lot of complications, so it is difficult to say how long syphilis can be treated in an advanced state. It may take at least 3 years for the disease to be completely cured.
Very often, at the tertiary stage, the nerve endings of the central nervous system are affected, which leads to the development of a more complex pathology of neurosyphilis. In this situation, additional treatment by a neurologist is necessary. If the nerve endings that are responsible for vision are affected, then the help of an ophthalmologist will also be required.
Due to the fact that syphilis has a specific nature and belongs to the category of sexually transmitted diseases, it is treated by a dermatologist-venereologist. Syphilis is most successfully treated in an inpatient dermatovenerological department or dispensary. How long the patient will have to spend in the hospital and then be registered with a doctor depends on the stage of the disease and compliance with the recommendations.
It is important to remember that a complete cure for syphilis is now possible, but the duration of therapy and the degree of possible consequences depend on the timely detection of the disease. That is why an analysis for the presence of the causative agent of syphilis in the blood (Wassermann reaction) is included in the complex of all medical commissions and examinations.
Attention! This article is posted for informational purposes only and under no circumstances constitutes scientific material or medical advice and should not serve as a substitute for an in-person consultation with a professional physician. For diagnostics, diagnosis and treatment, contact qualified doctors!
Where is syphilis treated? This disease can only be identified through tests that are performed at a dermatovenerological dispensary (DVT). The doctor who treats this disease is called a dermatovenerologist.
Syphilis cannot be cured using traditional methods. In addition, self-medication is completely unacceptable, since it not only complicates the diagnosis of the disease, but also causes unwanted and dangerous complications.
Only a doctor can prescribe the most effective treatment. It should be remembered that the stage of the disease, as well as complete recovery, can only be determined by test results. And they are obtained only in laboratories. Therefore, to the question of how to treat syphilis at home, we can answer that you cannot engage in therapy yourself without a doctor’s permission. In some cases, if the disease progresses or there is a danger of infection for others, the person is placed in a closed special hospital.
A chancroid that lasts a month often gives false hope, and a person does not rush to the clinic, but in vain - years later he is diagnosed with tertiary syphilis, from which approximately a quarter of patients die. It should be remembered that untreated syphilis is also deadly.
At this stage, the damage affects:
- nervous system;
- main organs;
- bones and musculoskeletal system;
- skin where ulcers form.
In 70% of cases, a fetus carried by a sick mother becomes infected with Treponema pallidum - a miscarriage occurs, or a baby is born with congenital syphilis.
The doctor determines how to treat syphilis individually. This depends on the stage of the disease and the patient's condition. Treatment of syphilis with penicillin remains the most effective and fastest way.
Over many years of using the drug, the causative agent of the disease was unable to develop immunity to the drug.
One of the most effective methods is the introduction of water-soluble penicillins. The course of treatment is about a month, takes place in a hospital, as the patient is injected with a solution once every 3 hours.
Outpatient penicillin for syphilis is used in the form of imported durable drugs such as Extencillin or Retarpen.
The first drug allows treatment of syphilis with one injection. A single dose of 2.4 million units is used. mainly at the primary stage of seronegative syphilis.
A drug produced in our country, Bicillin, is similar to Extensillin. Syphilis is most often treated with bicillin 3.
The number means that the drug consists of 3 components: salts of dibenzylethylenediamine, novocaine and sodium. Use a dose of 1.8 million units twice a week. Bicillin-5 (it only has 2 components) is also used, 1.5 million units every 4 days.
The same drug is used for preventive treatment of syphilis - without the manifestation of obvious symptoms or if suspected (prophylactically).
In case of intolerance to penicillins, syphilis is treated with ceftriaxone.
This drug:
- easily penetrates tissue and spreads throughout the body;
- penetrates the central nervous system and spinal cord, making it possible to treat the most advanced forms of the disease;
- affects the pathogen at the cellular level;
- used during pregnancy;
Treponema affects organs and cerebrospinal fluid in the human body. Therefore, ceftriaxone shows excellent results for syphilis, especially when administered intramuscularly.
To quickly cure neuro or secondary syphilis, locally produced ceftriaxone is replaced with the Swiss drug Rocephin. It is also effective in the latent course of the disease.
The following treatment regimen for syphilis with ceftriaxone is used:
- For primary and secondary illness - half a gram once a day for 10 days.
- For tertiary treatment – 2 g once a day for 2 weeks, 14 days break and repeat course.
- For congenital disease - 50-80 mg per kilogram of weight once for 14 days.
- For early neurosyphilis - 0.5 g once a day for 20 days.
- For late neurosyphilis - half a gram per day for 20 days, break for 2 weeks, repeat course for 20 days.
The drug is eliminated from the body within 8 hours and can be used on an outpatient basis.
Among the tetracycline antibiotics, doxycycline is used to treat syphilis. The drug is used for allergies to penicillin and as an additional remedy when the disease is difficult to treat.
Doxycycline, compared to penicillin and ceftriaxone, has many pronounced side effects:
- nausea and vomiting;
- metallic taste in the mouth;
- diarrhea;
- liver damage;
- nephro and ototoxicity with a negative effect on the kidneys and hearing;
- violation of tooth formation (when treating children).
Recovery criteria
Since the main phase of the disease proceeds unnoticed, in order to understand whether syphilis has completely gone away or not, observation by a venereologist is necessary. The main criterion is the absence of treponema on the skin, internal organs and blood.
Many today still doubt whether syphilis is 100% curable, since therapy requires long-term observation and the result is not immediately visible.
If the specialist understands that all recommendations have been followed and the results of therapy have been achieved, he makes a conclusion about complete recovery. To do this, it is important to understand whether syphilis is being treated correctly.
In each specific case, the question of cure is determined according to individual criteria. Unfortunately, there are no absolute criteria that help to understand that syphilis has gone away. Therefore, the main criterion remains the complete and persistent absence of signs of the disease.
On the basis of which a conclusion about recovery will be made:
- The initial diagnosis made before syphilitic therapy, which is compared with the patient’s condition after treatment.
- Observations of the patient during the course of the disease.
- The patient's health status after therapy.
- Reviews of treatment and comparison with its results.
- Examination results after treatment.
- No relapses or complications.
This last point is especially important because some complications may affect the effectiveness of treatment, which may cause it to take longer.
It is important to remember that someone who has been cured once can get sick again, since the body does not develop immunity, as with chickenpox or rubella.
Therefore, it is worth knowing some rules for preventing the disease:
- Do not engage in casual sex, especially with members of the risk group in this area.
- Use condoms.
- If accidental sexual contact occurs, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the genitals no later than two hours and apply antiseptics such as Miramistin or Chlorhexidine.
These small recommendations will help you never wonder whether syphilis can be cured.
Test for syphilis at home
Medicine does not stand still, and today it is possible to undergo a laboratory test without leaving home.
Such tests for detecting syphilis at home are very easy to use and do not require medical education or the presence of a doctor.
They are available in all pharmacies. The cost of such a test, depending on the manufacturer, may be even less than paying for laboratory services.
However, it is worth remembering that you need to carry out the test in clean conditions, first disinfect the area on your hand, after which you can make an incision on your finger with a special device, and draw blood into a test tube.
After this, place the blood on the plate and apply a few drops of the reagent there.
The test will be ready within 15 minutes. If the result of your experiences is confirmed, you should immediately consult a doctor.
However, along with pharmaceutical products, you can independently use ancient recipes of traditional medicine.
Many people are treated with such recipes, and they really help fight the problem.
In addition, syphilis can be cured by douching. This procedure can have both a preventive meaning and be a means of combating the problem.
Often, in order to completely get rid of the source of the disease, restore tissues and other affected organs, you need a little strength and patience. Doctors often prescribe antibiotics and medications like penicillin.
- Doxycycline belongs to the class of tetracyclines, which are produced in the form of tablets and taken orally.
- A common remedy is Miramistin, an antiseptic whose action occurs at the cellular level.
It is used in the form of a solution. Kills parasitic microorganisms and acts directly on bacterial cells.
- Cefotaxime, which can be treated at home, intravenous drips. Cleanses the body and disinfects problem areas.
- Bismoverol, an analogue of modern bismuth. A fairly strong drug that is used in extreme and serious cases at the last stage of development.
- Tincture of iodine with milk or concentrated Lugol's solution, for washing and lubricating wounds and inflamed mucous tissues.
In conclusion, I would like to note that the best treatment and diagnosis are carried out in the early stages and stages of development of the Treponema pallidum bacterium.
In order to minimize infection and as a preventative option, you need to use contraceptives, periodically visit a dermatologist and venereologist, and of course adhere to the rules of personal hygiene.
Importance of General Health
This indicator is sometimes crucial in the treatment of lues (a synonymous name for syphilis), therefore it is included in a separate paragraph.
The nature of the rashes in such a disease may differ depending on concomitant diseases and the condition of the body. Thus, in alcoholics, phagedenic chancroid is possible, in patients with tuberculosis - lichenoid syphilides, and in people with exhaustion - rupees.
Dependence on alcohol or smoking, tuberculosis and chronic diseases - all this can slow down treatment and affect its final effect.
But we should not forget that the decisive factor in cure is adequate therapy. Not only the speed of treatment, but also the general condition of the patient depends on it.
Thanks to proper treatment, the risk of failure is reduced to a negligible percentage.
Regularity plays a vital role in the quality of therapy. If the intervals between drug dosing cycles are properly observed, the prognosis improves.
In case of inadequately carried out or selected treatment, only the symptoms of the disease are suppressed, but it is not completely cured.
General principles of disease control
In most cases, treatment for syphilis is effective. It is important to observe the following principles:
- The slightest suspicion of possible infection or the appearance of initial signs of the disease (primary syphiloma - chancroid and skin symptoms of secondary syphilis) should force the patient to consult a doctor.
- Attempts to treat with folk remedies or at home can only worsen the course of the infection.
- Laboratory and instrumental examinations are important: the selection of an effective treatment regimen is selected depending on the results obtained.
- It is necessary to convince all sexual partners of a sick person to be examined, as well as all persons whom he could infect. If the patient's relatives turn out to be carriers of Treponema pallidum, infection after treatment may occur again, and treatment will take much longer.
- During the course of therapy, it is important to follow all medical recommendations, including bed rest at the time of severe intoxication syndrome and complete cessation of bad habits. In many ways, the effectiveness of treatment depends on compliance with the regimens prescribed by the dermatovenerologist and regular injections of antibiotics.
How to cure syphilis
Syphilis is best treated with water-soluble penicillins, because the causative bacterium is sensitive to them.
If for some reason the patient cannot take this group of antibiotics, they are replaced with drugs containing tetracycline.
Another important element that will help treatment is immunostimulation. Patients are prescribed an intramuscular course of drugs that increase the body's defenses.
It is necessary to strictly follow the prescribed treatment to prevent relapses and complications.
Thus, the question “is it possible to cure syphilis” should be considered closed. The main thing is to remember that syphilis can be cured, and then give birth to healthy offspring and live to a ripe old age. Fight to the end to achieve complete recovery.
A cured person can forget about the disease forever. The main thing is that not only doctors, but also relatives take care of those who learn about their diagnosis. This gives additional strength in the fight against the disease.
What should not be done during treatment?
During the entire treatment period, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol, as the effectiveness of therapy will be reduced. In addition, it is prohibited to engage in any type of sex, even if a condom is used. There is a possibility of re-infection, and you can also infect your partner.
Until syphilis is completely cured, it is prohibited to perform any operations. If they are not emergency and the patient’s life does not depend on them, then they should be postponed until complete recovery.
Is it possible to completely and permanently cure syphilis?
Questions about whether syphilis can be treated and whether it will be possible to have healthy children after suffering from the disease concern many young people who are faced with this problem. Over the past 2–3 decades, the incidence has increased 7 times. Most often, syphilis affects people of childbearing age, so issues related to its treatment remain relevant.
Routes of infection
The main risk factor is promiscuous and unprotected sex. Like all sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), syphilis is easily transmitted through sexual contact with a sick partner. In this case, the carrier may be in the stage of a latent flow, which does not appear outwardly. But even at this time, he is able to transmit the pathogen with sperm and blood.
Due to the latter property of Treponema pallidum (microbes that cause the disease), another route of infection can be:
- blood transfusion;
- dental treatment;
- manicure;
- surgical intervention.
If a reusable instrument is not thoroughly sterilized, the patient is at risk of infection. The doctor himself is in danger when working with such an instrument or trying to help a person infected with syphilis.
Secondary stage of syphilitic disease
Syphilis, like many other sexually transmitted infections, has a wave-like symptomatic picture and can alternate periods of absence of any signs of infection with acute manifestations of the disease. If the primary signs have disappeared from the skin, and treatment was not provided on time, syphilis moves to the secondary stage of its progression and the question of whether syphilis is curable becomes difficult.
The manifestation of signs of secondary syphilis can begin 3-6 months after infection, or maybe 2-5 years later. Skin lesions and rashes in the secondary stage of syphilis can become more pronounced, spread to unhealthy areas of the skin and take the form of purple papules or bumps. Most often, at the secondary stage of syphilis development, skin lesions provoke the development of inflammation of the lymph nodes and can lead to damage to deeper areas of the skin, phimosis and tissue necrosis.
The second stage of syphilis is dangerous because it is not limited to destruction of the skin. At this stage, treponema bacteria destroy tissues of internal organs and can affect the central nervous system, bones and cartilage of an infected person. Medicine knows of cases where syphilis of the second type led to the development of dementia in the patient, loss of vision or hearing, and the ability to move independently.
Despite all the difficulties, the chronic disease syphilis can be cured. Syphilis is curable if you take the correct dosage of medications and diagnose the disease before the development of the tertiary stage.
The first signs of the disease
In order to detect the disease in time and completely cure syphilis at the earliest stage, you need to know about the signs of infection. They may appear 1–6 weeks after infection. If a person is promiscuous and has many partners, it is almost impossible to determine which of them infected him.
After the incubation period ends, a small ulcer (up to 1 cm) appears at the site of pathogen penetration. It is painless and does not bleed, has a round shape, smooth edges and bottom. It can be localized on the genitals, near the anus, on the lips or in the mouth. If the infection occurred during medical procedures, then chancroid will appear where they were performed.
Syphilitic erosion is formed as a result of an attempt by the body's immune system to fight infection. After some time, the ulcer heals without leaving any traces, which is why so often a person does not see a doctor in time, mistaking the symptoms of syphilis for an ordinary wound or sore throat, stomatitis, if the ulcer appears in the oral cavity. And only in cases where the infected person has minimal knowledge about the manifestations and existence of such a dangerous disease as syphilis, can he consult a doctor at the very first stage of the disease.
But even experts can make mistakes. The early stage of the disease is characterized by the fact that specific antibodies have not yet formed in the body. When carrying out tests (Wassermann reaction), the result may be negative. This means that a short time after infection and the appearance of the primary ulcer, syphilis may not be detected during a routine medical examination. It is also not always possible to see the presence of treponemes in the contents of the ulcer.
In such cases, doctors carry out diagnostics using other methods:
Most often, they are able to discover the cause of erosion and begin treatment for syphilis if the presence of the disease is proven.
How is syphilis treated in the early stages?
What medications are used to treat syphilis in the early stages? Treatment of primary and secondary syphilis is carried out using the same methods. Therapy involves a course of antibiotics for 2 weeks. Afterwards a large dose of long-acting penicillin is administered. 30 minutes before the injection, a suprastin or tavegil tablet is given.
There are some other treatment regimens. But they are all selected individually. The most popular treatment regimen is the prescription of long-acting penicillin. Injections are given once a week. In the early stages, syphilis responds well to treatment, so 1 to 3 injections are sufficient.
Skin rashes that begin in the second stage of the disease are treated with chlorhexidine with penicillin dissolved in saline solution. Repeat the lotions until the rash disappears completely. For faster resorption of hard chancre, they are lubricated with heparin ointment or a special mixture of podophyllin, dimethyl sulfoxide and glycerin.
For faster healing of ulcers on the body, they are irradiated with a helium-neon laser. They cauterize each rash for 10 minutes daily. The course of treatment is 14 days.
If the first symptoms were not noticed
When primary syphiloma heals, treponemes continue to multiply in the body of the infected person unnoticed by others. But already at this time it can infect a sexual partner, a child, or those who use the same razors, syringes, and utensils. For the person himself, the onset of secondary syphilis may resemble a mild cold (accompanied by a cough, a slight increase in temperature, etc.).
During this period, pathogens spread to different organs, affecting the tissues of the liver and kidneys, heart, skeleton, nerves and brain. 1.5 months after the appearance of the primary ulcer, a rash characteristic only of syphilis appears on the skin:
- roseola - reddish flat spots up to 1.5 cm in size, disappearing with pressure;
- papules - small nodules, brighter in color than the skin;
- pustules, or pustules;
- leucoderma - discolored, flat spots on an area of darker skin.
The last type of rash often occurs in the neck area in women. Because of this feature, the symptom is called the necklace of Venus.
The appearance of different types of rashes alarms many patients, so turning to a venereologist often happens at this stage. Subsequently, changes in the body become so serious that even after recovery, the patient remains with pathologies that arose as a result of tissue destruction. The earlier treatment is started, the more effective and faster it will be, the fewer external and internal changes will remain.
Second phase of disease development
At this stage, the patient experiences new symptoms. The ulcers gradually heal. But new rashes appear on the surface of the skin. They look like spots and small bubbles. Other symptoms are also present - baldness, pigmentation disorders of the epidermis. How long is syphilis treated at this stage? The treatment period in this case will be longer. It varies from 15 to 26 days. The later the infection was diagnosed, the longer the course of medication use will be.
After completing treatment, the patient needs to periodically visit the doctor and undergo examinations. If necessary, repeated therapy is carried out.
Is the infection curable?
People at risk, and especially those who are sick, begin to worry whether syphilis is completely curable. Currently, almost all forms of the disease are treated. The only exception is neurosyphilis. But therapy for a complex and dangerous disease requires a comprehensive and competent approach, and even the opportunity to get rid of syphilis forever should not give reason to be careless about your own health.
There are no folk remedies that could help cure this disease. A person who has discovered symptoms of syphilis should not resort to witchcraft healing methods. When self-medicating, you can only waste time, and the consequences can be complications of the disease itself, and difficulties in diagnosing it when the patient decides to visit a specialist. All attempts to cure syphilis permanently on your own will ultimately only lead to problems with treatment using official methods.
The main goal of therapy for syphilis is to destroy the pathogen. Treatment in the early stages can continue continuously for 2–3 months, and in advanced cases it lasts for 1–2 years.
All patients undergo drug therapy, which consists of injections of penicillin drugs. The effectiveness of these medications is due to the high sensitivity of treponema to them and to more modern antibiotics (macrolides, tetracyclines, etc.). The microbe does not have defense mechanisms and cannot adapt to penicillin and its derivatives. But even in this case, it is impossible to treat syphilis at home.
The drugs are administered according to individual regimens. This may require up to 8 injections per day. During the treatment process, the doctor carries out laboratory monitoring of the patient’s condition. If you are allergic to penicillin, other medications may be prescribed (tetracycline drugs, macrolides, cephalosporides, etc.). For advanced forms, preparations of bismuth, iodine and arsenic are used. Such treatment regimens require special attention from a doctor, because these substances are toxic to humans.
Together with antibiotics, other drugs are prescribed individually:
- vitamins;
- immunomodulators;
- immune system stimulants.
When a patient with primary syphilis contacts the clinic, all sexual partners with whom they have had contact over the past 3 months must also undergo therapy. At later stages, a much larger group will have to be found and treated: everyone who has met the carrier in the last 1 year may become infected.
With timely initiation and continuous adequate treatment in a hospital, the disease is completely eliminated within a few weeks. The duration depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the stage of the disease. But injuries and changes in organs resulting from the neglected process remain and require separate correction. Congenital syphilis, in which infection occurs in utero, is especially dangerous. Malformations of the fetus in this case lead to disability of the child.
Even a completely cured disease often leaves consequences:
- decreased immunity;
- disorders in the endocrine system;
- changes in cell chromosomes;
- liver problems.
All these changes in the body occur not only because of treponema. Long-term antibiotic treatment also has a destructive effect on all organs and systems. It is easier to avoid syphilis than to treat it and its consequences.
How is syphilis treated?
Syphilis is caused by Treponema pallidum. This is a harmful bacterium that is sensitive to antibiotics. Therefore, they are prescribed to all patients with syphilis. What antibiotics treat syphilis? Mostly penicillin drugs are prescribed. If such antibiotics cause allergic reactions in a patient, or the body is intolerant to penicillin, then tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones and macrolides are used. These same drugs are also prescribed when initial treatment with penicillins is ineffective.
In addition to the medications listed above, vitamins and natural remedies are prescribed to stimulate the body's protective properties. Intramuscular injections of immunostimulants are given.
The doctor must check the patient for tolerance to medications, especially antibiotics. Therefore, antihistamines are prescribed before the first two injections.
The stages of latent early and secondary recurrent syphilis take a long time to treat. What drugs are used to treat syphilis? Antibiotics of the penicillin group are administered in large doses for a month. Starting from the third day of therapy, antibiotics are combined with bismuth preparations.
If treatment is inpatient, penicillin is administered 8 times a day for 2 weeks. Then the patient is transferred to outpatient therapy, and penicillin is replaced with bicillin (3 or 5), administered twice a week - a total of at least 10 times. But the first injection is done in the hospital, three hours after the penicillin injection.
In addition, as with conventional treatment, vitamin complexes and drugs that support and restore the liver are prescribed.
Is it possible to plan a pregnancy after syphilis?
After treatment, the woman is registered for a long time (1–2 years). During this time, she is periodically examined for the presence of antibodies. After eliminating the slightest doubt about the destruction of treponemes, patients are removed from the register.
You can start planning a pregnancy only after the woman is deregistered at the dermatovenerological dispensary. But even in this case, the former patient may be prescribed additional examination and preventive therapy. You should not worry if, when planning a pregnancy or at the beginning of it, the gynecologist recommends a course of treatment for syphilis. This does not mean that the infection occurred again or that the disease remained untreated: preventive procedures are necessary to eliminate the likelihood of intrauterine infection of the child.
What factors influence the duration of treatment for syphilis?
This disease is quite complex, but as with any disease, the treatment process can be accelerated or slowed down. The success of treatment is influenced by:
- Stage of the disease. The shorter the duration of the disease, the easier and faster it can be treated.
- The effectiveness of the treatment regimen itself. That is why it is not possible to remove syphilis at home, using herbs and without the help of a venereologist. He must monitor the process and correct the treatment if necessary.
- Responsibility of the patient. In addition to medical procedures, a number of restrictions will be defined. For example, you cannot have sexual relations (even protected ones), drink alcohol, get hypothermic, and even smoke is undesirable. If the patient approaches the process responsibly and follows all the instructions established by the doctor, he will be able to shorten the treatment period for syphilis. If, on the contrary, the course of treatment is increased or even made ineffective, therefore the question of how much syphilis is treated is strictly individual.
- Features of the patient's body. He may be sensitive to or allergic to any prescribed drug. The dosage is also individual, which is why you should contact professionals and not self-medicate.
- No prior self-treatment. It will not be effective, but will only blur the clinical picture and confuse the doctor. Therefore, if you suspect that the disease already exists, the first thing to do is to immediately contact a dermatovenerological clinic. The tests performed (Wassermann reaction and serological) will show the presence or absence of Treponema pallidum in the body and the current stage of syphilis, if it is detected. At the moment, there are more accurate diagnostic methods, for example, the immunofluorescence reaction.
The number of drugs for treatment depends not only on what stage the disease is at, but also on the general condition of the body. In addition to the main treatment with antibiotics, the patient takes many other drugs that enhance the effect of antibacterial drugs and also perform other functions. How long the patient will be sick will depend on the correct treatment regimen.
Is it possible to get infected with syphilis again?
Immunity to the disease does not arise even after having had syphilis once. This means that you can become infected again if you do not stop promiscuous sex with different partners. Since infection can also occur through household means, preventive measures should include:
- using a personal towel, razor, toothbrush and other things in a dormitory or rented apartment;
- using a condom during sexual relations with an unknown partner;
- avoidance of casual sex;
- use of disposable medical instruments;
- treating manicure accessories with alcohol;
- allocation of personal dishes, linen and other household items for a relative who is registered at the dermatovenous dispensary.
By following simple personal safety measures, you can prevent infection with syphilis and other infectious diseases. By promptly contacting a venereologist for help if suspicious symptoms are detected, you can protect your loved ones from infection.
How to forget about syphilis?
It is quite possible to forget forever that you were once sick. Today, the disease can be successfully treated, and patients can lead a full life. But in order to avoid any consequences, it is important to follow a few simple rules: before treatment, during treatment and after treatment.
Before treatment
The key to successful treatment is a timely start: the sooner the patient goes to the hospital and begins treatment, the more favorable the prognosis will be for him. That is why, if suspicious symptoms appear, you should consult a venereologist. If concerns have been confirmed, diagnosis should be started as soon as possible.
Symptoms may appear throughout the body
During treatment
During the treatment period, you should adhere to all recommendations indicated by your doctor. Skipping medications, as well as a delay in time, can affect the result: the risk that the disease will be suppressed, but not completely destroyed, increases. If this happens, then syphilis will definitely return again after some time.
It is prohibited to take pills for treatment on your own.
If the patient does not follow other recommendations and does not adhere to these prohibitions (abuses bad habits, uses drugs), re-infection may occur. Against the background of a new developing infection, current treatment may not be effective.
After treatment
After therapy is completed, patients have to be registered with a medical institution for a long time and undergo periodic tests. This is necessary, first of all, in order to be sure that the treatment was successful and recovery occurred.
If control tests show a positive result, additional treatment is prescribed.
The cause of infection can be the use of someone else's syringes.
The patient’s main task at this stage is not to miss visits to the hospital, undergo timely examinations and tests. The patient does not have the right to refuse registration at his own request.
If all three rules have been followed, the disease will be successfully cured and will not bother you again. But we must not forget that there will still be no immunity to the disease, that is, re-infection cannot be ruled out.
The video in this article explains in more detail how the disease develops.
Is it possible to cure syphilis once and for all?
The effectiveness of the treatment process for syphilis depends on many indicators. The main thing is to detect signs of the disease in a timely manner. In the early stages, it is necessary to competently begin treatment with antibiotics in a hospital setting under the absolute supervision of a specialist. Manifestations of the disease can be hidden for several years, so it is very difficult to determine the extent to which its symptoms have been eliminated.
A person with a history of syphilis can be deregistered from the dispensary, taking into account certain criteria for cure. The doctor determines them for each patient individually, taking into account the stage of the disease, the patient’s age, etc.
Criteria for recovery from treponema:
- Completion of the full course of therapy according to the recommendations and under the supervision of a venereologist.
- Results of specialist forecasts at all stages of the treatment process.
- Accounting for the results of all serological blood tests during treatment.
- Absence of obvious symptoms of treponema during skin examination, ultrasound of internal organs, and blood tests.
How long does it take to treat syphilis?
It is better to approach the solution of the problem comprehensively - this way the result will be achieved faster and with better quality. The main treatment is antibiotics of the penicillin group. They are administered intramuscularly, but are also supplemented with oral medications (tablets). In addition to penicillin, antibiotics such as erythromycin and tetracycline are effective. Sometimes a cephalosporin is prescribed.
In addition to antibiotics, immunomodulatory drugs are required. They support the body and become a barrier to additional infections. This is pure vitamin C, echinacea, lemongrass tincture.
If compactions have formed, drugs with a high iodine content are added, for example, iodomarin. In the same cases, anti-inflammatory drugs (proteolytic enzymes) are also taken.
During the treatment period, the general tone of the body should be maintained, so vitamin and mineral complexes cannot be avoided.
Taking any medications necessarily affects the condition of the liver. Double load harms the organ, so hepatoprotectors should be added. These are karsil, gepabene, heptral and others.
To ensure that treatment does not end with the appearance of dysbiosis, you should take probiotics. Linex, Hilak, Bifiform are suitable.
If necessary, painkillers (analgin, baralgin) are also prescribed.
The treatment regimen is written and adjusted only by the attending physician, and how many days syphilis is treated depends on many factors.
Is it possible to be completely cured of an illness?
Treatment of syphilis is a labor-intensive process. In the initial stages of the disease, when disturbances in the functioning of the body are caused by treponema and its waste products, the disease is easily treated. In the later stages, allergic reactions to the pathogen appear in the foreground, and treating syphilis becomes problematic.
After the discovery of penicillin, complete recovery from the disease became possible. But an individual course of treatment is selected for each patient. Syphilis in the initial stages can be cured in 2-3 months. In later stages, therapy may take up to 2 years. The venereologist must take into account the variety of factors and possible complications. Based on them, he determines the treatment regimen. Syphilis is a serious infection, but with early diagnosis of the disease and proper therapy, today it is completely curable in stages 1 and 2.
Penicillin is usually prescribed in strict concentrations. The number of injections and dosage of the antibiotic varies depending on the manifestations of the disease and its stage.
For a complete cure it is assumed:
- for primary syphilis - 1 injection per week;
- for secondary – 2 injections;
- for tertiary treatment - 3 injections;
- for neurosyphilis - 6 injections weekly.
If syphilis is detected in pregnant women at stages 1-2, it can be cured without harming the fetus. All medications, penetrating the placenta, will affect the child. This is better than treating a child with congenital treponema. If the disease has affected the woman’s internal organs, the pregnancy will have to be terminated, regardless of the term.
No one can guarantee themselves freedom from syphilis for life. If infection recurs, treatment will have to be repeated.
Features of treatment of late stages of syphilis
Treponema pallidum cannot be defeated without antibacterial drugs. The duration of antibiotic therapy is determined by the doctor based on the stage and form of the disease: the process can last from weeks to several years. Which doctor treats syphilis and monitors the treatment of syphilis? Venereologist or syphilidologist.
Syphilis in its active form is treated in a hospital; in latent cases, outpatient treatment is indicated. In both cases, it is unacceptable to interrupt the course: the full course of treatment ends with a mandatory re-examination.
The effect of antibiotics is usually enhanced by the prescription of physiotherapeutic procedures, immunomodulators, probiotics and vitamin and mineral supplements. The patient is required to exclude alcohol and sexual intercourse for the duration of treatment.
When choosing a treatment method for syphilis, the venereologist takes into account all factors together:
- form and stage of the disease;
- the presence of chronic pathologies;
- tolerance to specific medications;
- patient's age;
- his physical/psychological condition;
- his living conditions.
Ultra short circuit
It is applicable to combat Treponema pallidum if no more than 48 hours have passed since it entered the body. The doctor makes the decision to administer medications based on the patient's information about potentially dangerous sexual contact. Treatment according to an ultra-short regimen includes a single intramuscular injection of benzathine benzylpenicillin/retarpen in a volume of 2.4 million units.
For preventive treatment
This model is similar to the ultra-short scheme, but involves two injections of bicillin-1 in a volume of 2 million 400 thousand units. (each).
For specific treatment
You cannot do without it if the disease has already taken hold in the body, and doctors talk about early manifested/latent, secondary or secondary recurrent syphilis. For early latent and secondary recurrent syphilis, they are treated with retarpen, bicillin-1 or benzathine penicillin G, 2 million 400 thousand units (a total of 6 injections). For primary and secondary fresh syphilis, the same medications are indicated: injection into the muscle of 2.4 million units every 5 days.
For the treatment of pregnant women
Bicillin-1 is recommended for women at different stages of pregnancy (in the absence of allergic manifestations to the drug). It is administered intramuscularly 2 times a week. The single dose is reduced to 1 million 200 thousand units. The course consists of 7 injections.
Medicines against syphilis are available in tablets or in powder form for injection.
In the early stages of infection, Azithromycin in the treatment of syphilis is equal in effectiveness to benzylpenicillin, which is recognized as perhaps the most effective remedy against treponema pallidum. In addition, this semi-synthetic antibiotic does not have any noticeable side effects on the body. The price is about 65 rubles.
As a prophylactic measure, Azithromycin, a single dose of which is determined by the doctor, is taken for 2 weeks after contact with an infected person. Complete cure with the use of Azithromycin occurs quickly if the patient does not have a “bouquet” of other sexually transmitted diseases.
Amoxicillin in the treatment of syphilis is part of the group of semisynthetic penicillins that can actively inhibit the synthesis of cell walls of Treponema pallidum. The tablets are taken without reference to food intake, washed down with drinking still water. Price from 62 to 489 rubles.
The daily dose is calculated by the attending physician: usually it is 500-1000 mg at a time (2 times a day). Treatment with Amoxicillin takes from 5 to 14 days. The time interval between medication doses for people with kidney pathologies is also determined by the doctor.
How to treat syphilis with Tetracycline? Its derivatives are recognized as the most toxic of antibiotics and are indicated in the early stages of both primary and secondary syphilis. Price from 28 to 51 rubles.
Tetracycline is taken:
- primary uncomplicated syphilis - 4 times a day (about 15-20 days);
- initial stage of secondary – 20-25 days;
- in some cases - for 40 days.
Tetracyclines for the treatment of syphilis are taken 500 mg 4 times. per day, simultaneously with food or half an hour after food.
This is a semi-synthetic and relatively safe antibiotic (for intravenous/intramuscular injections) with a broad spectrum of action, classified as low-toxic. Intramuscularly - powder from 1 bottle is mixed with a solution of sodium chloride or distilled water (4-5 ml), and then injected deep into the muscle. Intravenous jet administration - the powder is combined with a sodium chloride solution (10 ml) and administered over 3-5 minutes. Price from 32 to 48 rubles.
Cefazolin in the treatment of syphilis is prescribed to adults, taking into account the complexity and severity of the pathology; a daily dose of 1 to 4 g (sometimes more) is recommended.
Treatment with sumamed works well in the first and second stages of infection, but is unsuitable for tertiary syphilis, when the nervous system is affected. Price from 215 to 957 rubles.
When taking sumamed, adhere to the following regimens:
- first stage - take 500 mg (4 times a day) for 10 days;
- second stage - only the duration of the therapeutic course changes (14-30 days), and the dosage remains unchanged.
Treatment with doxycycline (depending on the stage of infection) lasts from 10 to 30 days: for primary syphilis, at least 2 weeks and twice as long for secondary/tertiary syphilis. Doxycycline, usually taken during/after meals twice a day, is washed down not only with water, but also with milk, since the antibiotic irritates the mucous membranes. In addition, it is allowed to be combined with antacids in the treatment of syphilis. Price from 20 to 32 rubles.
It belongs to macrolides and is prescribed in the initial stages of syphilis in case of an allergic reaction to penicillins. The daily norm is 1.5 g, taken with food. One course - at least 3 weeks. In case of relapses, up to 6 courses are carried out, between which breaks of 30 days are required. Price from 23 to 135 rubles.
It is used intramuscularly in the treatment of syphilis: adults - 2.4 million IU (every 7 days), patients under 12 years old - 1.2 million IU (every 2-4 weeks). Primary seropositive and secondary fresh infection - 2.4 million IU is administered twice, with a break of 7 days. Price 2500 rubles.
For latent early and secondary relapse:
- first dosage - only 4.8 million IU (2.4 million IU per buttock);
- second and third injections - 2.4 million IU each (with a break of a week);
- small children, including newborns - 1.2 million IU.
Nowadays, this is not one, but a series of drugs that still effectively eliminate the pathogen in the treatment of syphilis.
Instructions for use:
- Primary, latent or secondary infection (no more than 2 years have passed since infection) - 600,000 units are administered intramuscularly for 10 days.
- L
- treatment of late syphilis (more than 24 months from the moment of infection) - the patient receives 600,000 units per day (course - 15 days).
- Mixed (gonorrhea syphilis) type - once every 3 hours, 400,000 units. The length of the course depends on the period of illness.
- Congenital form of syphilis - a single dose is equal to 50,000 units/1 kg of weight, if the cerebrospinal fluid indicators are close to normal.
- If the central nervous system and cardiovascular system are affected - 20 days, 600,000 units per day. For neurosyphilis, 1,000,000 units are administered every 4 hours for 4 weeks.
Children under six months receive 100,000 units per 1 kg of weight, children 6-12 months - 75,000/1 kg, from 2 years - 50,000 units/1 kg. Injections are given 6 times a day, prescribing 2-week therapy for primary infection and 4-week therapy for relapse or latent syphilis.
Currently, syphilis can be successfully treated with various medications, and the patient does not necessarily have to go to a venereology hospital - therapy can also be carried out on an outpatient basis. The main direction of treatment for syphilis antibodies in both men and women is the destruction of the pathogen - for this purpose antibacterial agents are used.
- Benzylpenicillin - intramuscularly, 600 thousand IU per day, for 8 days.
- Bicillin - intramuscularly, 100 thousand IU once every 3 days.
- Bicillin-5 for the treatment of syphilis - intramuscularly, 1 million IU once every 5 days.
- Erythromycin for the treatment of syphilis - orally, 30 minutes before or 60 minutes after meals, 500 mg 4 times a day.
- Tetracycline for the treatment of syphilis - orally, during or 30 minutes after meals, 500 mg 4 times a day.
- Olethetrin - orally, 500 mg 4 times a day.
- Doxilan - 200 mg is prescribed on day 1, 100-200 mg on subsequent days. Treatment time for syphilis is at least 10 days.
- Retarpen - intramuscularly, 2.4 million IU once every 7 days.
- Extensillin - intramuscularly, 2.4 million IU once a week.
The antibiotic for the treatment of syphilis is selected by the doctor, taking into account all contraindications. In parallel with antibacterial therapy, bismuth and iodine preparations are taken:
- Biyoquinol – intramuscularly, 3 ml once every 3 days. The course of treatment for syphilis is 13-16 days.
- Bismoverol - intramuscularly, 1 ml once every 2 days. The treatment period for syphilis is 8-10 days.
- Sodium iodide - orally, 2-3 tablespoons after meals, with a glass of milk.
- Alcohol tincture of iodine - 50-60 drops per glass of milk, after meals, 3 times a day.
In addition, nonspecific treatment is prescribed (more often in the tertiary period):
- Pyrotherapy is a method based on deliberately increasing a person’s body temperature, which helps strengthen the functioning of the immune system;
- Subcutaneous injections of biogenic stimulants - aloe juice, vitreous, placenta;
- Immunomodulators (methyluracil, levamisole);
- Vitamin therapy requires the use of ascorbic acid and B vitamins, which strengthen the body and normalize all types of metabolism.
Possible consequences of treated syphilis
Even after successful and timely treatment, the consequences of the illness may appear. This largely depends on the stage at which the disease is treated. It is very difficult to foresee the consequences. Spirochetes can affect various organs and systems in the human body, causing the development of heart disease, meningitis, neuritis, pupillary abnormalities and other serious disorders.
Typically, the consequences of treated syphilis are decreased immunity, disruption of the endocrine system, and chromosomal lesions. A trace reaction may remain in the blood for the rest of your life.
The action of spirochetes can affect the musculoskeletal system. Osteoarthritis and arthrosis appear, and limb movements are limited. Once in the cartilage, spirochetes actively develop, causing tissue decay and degenerative processes in them.
If you become infected with syphilis during pregnancy, its consequences can affect the child. Treponema can enter his body through the placenta. After birth, the child is given preventive treatment even without visible signs of the disease. If for 5 years after the mother suffered syphilis, the child has no manifestations of it, he is considered healthy.
The consequences of therapy for syphilis are most reflected in the liver. It is negatively affected by both treponema pallidum and the antibiotic that kills it. Long-term use of drugs for syphilis can provoke yellow atrophy of the liver. If treatment for the underlying and concomitant diseases is not started in time, irreversible consequences will follow, including death.
What may be the first symptoms of AIDS?
Effective medications for the treatment of chlamydia in women can be found at this link.
Prevention of syphilis infection
Treponema infection can occur not only through sexual contact, but also through everyday contact, during injections or blood transfusions. To protect yourself from the disease, certain preventive measures are necessary.
To minimize the possibility of sexually transmitted infection, you must:
- Use a condom during sexual intercourse;
- Avoid promiscuous relationships and frequent changes of partners;
- If there is a high probability of infection after an unprotected act, treat the genitals with antiseptics (cidipol, miramistin) no later than 2 hours after contact.
You can become infected through everyday life through things that have come into contact with the mucous membranes of a sick person. To prevent infection, everyone should have separate utensils and hygiene items. If contact (sexual or household) with a sick person has occurred, preventive therapy is carried out no later than 2 months after that.
To avoid infection in medical institutions (through dental instruments, vaginal speculums, etc.), they must be thoroughly processed, and if possible, it is better to use disposable devices. Medical personnel must use medical gloves to protect themselves from infection. After each patient examination, hands must be disinfected.
During the period of bearing a child, women undergo serological tests to detect syphilis 3 times. If it is discovered that a pregnant woman is sick, she is immediately prescribed treatment to reduce the risk of illness in the child.
We also invite you to watch a video on how to cure syphilis in men:
Should you tell your doctors if you have had syphilis in the past?
To identify the disease, blood is taken from the ulnar vein, preferably done on an empty stomach. In addition, material from chancre is taken.
Treatment Options
Treatment on an outpatient basis is possible, but with the exception of congenital and neurosyphilis, in this case therapy takes place in a hospital.
If a person has had syphilis, even if it was 20 years ago, blood tests will definitely show this.
Such tests may be required in the following cases:
- to obtain a medical certificate when applying for a job;
- at the time of hospitalization;
- before surgical interventions, as well as invasive studies - gastroscopy, colonoscopy;
- pregnant women and donors.
Treponema pallidum can cause vision loss
Most patients with treated late-stage disease, as well as those with early syphilis, may test positive. Most patients are sent to the hospital for examination to confirm the diagnosis, but only if there is no certificate of successful treatment.
The risk of infection of a child from a sick mother is high
The answer in this case is clear - no. Immunity to the disease is not developed, and the absence of symptoms does not mean that recovery has occurred. In the absence of traditional treatment methods, numerous irreversible consequences can occur.
If you are worried that you might have become infected, you should get tested no earlier than in a month. But if you are absolutely sure that your partner was sick, you need to undergo preventive treatment.
You need to go to a medical facility again and get your blood tested. In addition, it is necessary to give a preventive injection. As a rule, it is this action that helps protect against possible infection.
Can syphilis be cured?
This sexually transmitted disease is considered one of the most severe and common among people who are sexually active. A common way of contracting syphilis is through sexual contact with an infected person, but you can also catch the bacterium through saliva, blood, breast milk and by using common hygiene items.
Despite this, medicine can stop it at almost all stages and relieve symptoms, excluding irreversible processes.
But the success of therapy and the likelihood of full recovery depends on a number of factors:
- early detection;
- the stage at which the disease was diagnosed;
- the presence of concomitant inflammation;
- general condition of the infected person;
- strict adherence to the course of treatment.
If the patient consulted a doctor earlier than six months from the moment of infection, then the effectiveness of therapy is 99%; if the disease remains in the body for up to two years, then the probability of a complete cure is 85%.
Syphilis, which develops in the body for more than two years, is considered chronic and is in the second or third stage, which leads to damage to many organs. According to statistics, the effectiveness of its treatment will be less than 50%. The question arises: is syphilis curable in its final stages? Definitely yes, but therapy requires a long time and a more complex course of therapy.
Since the disease is caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum, treatment is effective only with the use of antibacterial drugs.
Most often, syphilis is determined at the first or second stage. As soon as the disease passes the incubation period, the first symptoms appear:
- A hard chancre develops, the localization of which depends on the site of penetration of the bacterium. It does not cause any pain.
- Lymph nodes in the groin area or in the neck and head area become enlarged. This is due to a large number of Treponema pallidum bacteria, which actively multiply.
- By the end of the first stage, the chancre disappears, leaving behind a scar. Often at this time additional infectious processes develop in the reproductive system.
If during this period the infected person consults a doctor, there is a possibility of relatively quick and effective treatment, but it is also important to carry out additional symptomatic therapy to relieve associated inflammation.
The second stage is more complex, it develops over a period of six months to two or more years, depending on the state of the immune system. Main symptoms:
- periodic rash all over the body;
- deterioration of the patient’s general well-being, fatigue;
- hoarseness of voice;
- hair loss.
This stage is dangerous because treponema begins to affect the functioning of all internal organs. And the difficulty of diagnosis and treatment lies in the periodic hidden form. But, nevertheless, a long course of antibiotics can completely get rid of syphilis.
The third stage is considered the most severe and dangerous; it has a negative impact on the entire body - cartilage tissue is destroyed, the heart and liver malfunction. Treponema pallidum bacteria penetrate the brain, gradually destroying its cells. A person becomes covered with wounds caused by necrosis. This condition is considered the most dangerous, but even in this case it is possible to rid the body of Treponema pallidum; the only thing that cannot be done is to stop the destruction of internal organs and the brain, which significantly shortens a person’s life.
Work and past syphilis
Syphilis on the genitals in women
Syphilitic rash on the foreskin
The secondary stage is characterized by the fact that the ulcers disappear and a rash appears instead. It can be of a different nature, sometimes appearing, sometimes disappearing, and is usually located symmetrically. At the same time, lymph nodes (one or more) may enlarge, weakness, fatigue, and drowsiness may appear.
Pubic rash, secondary stage
Rash on the penis
The tertiary stage is the last. It affects the entire body - the nervous and cardiovascular systems, immunity, internal organs, and the musculoskeletal system. Treatment of syphilis at this stage does not guarantee a positive result at all. Nevertheless, you can try to defeat the disease even in its advanced form, but such a fight will last a long time - from 3 years to lifelong therapy. It is especially dangerous if syphilis is accompanied by another disease - HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, or another sexually transmitted disease (for example, chlamydia).
The last stage of syphilis in women on the labia
Advanced stage in men on the glans penis
People who have had syphilis once can become infected again. Most often this is an infection with “new” syphilis. However, in some cases, past pathology may return if it was not completely cured at one time.
But what does this have to do with?
Syphilis is a disease that can be cured, but it takes a long time. If the treatment was chosen incorrectly, the dosage of the drugs was not followed, or the therapy schedule was violated, then treponemes may become resistant to drugs.
As a result, the bacteria will begin to transform into a stable form and will continue to remain in this position. Under favorable conditions, they will come out of hibernation and begin to attack again.
Primary syphilis
The period of chancre or primary syphilis is the most favorable time for treatment. During this time, treponemes do not have time to cause much harm to health. The disease at this stage is easily treatable, and the consequences remain extremely rare.
The method of infection with syphilis is the absence of a condom during sexual intercourse.
Secondary syphilis
With the initial onset of secondary syphilis, a rash appears on the body, but the time is also considered favorable for undergoing treatment.
In addition to rashes, the following are possible during this period:
- eyelashes, hair or eyebrows fall out;
- white spots appear on the neck, in medicine they are called the necklace of Venus;
- diseases affecting internal organs: hepatitis, nephritis, gastritis, etc.;
- damage to the central nervous system.
After complete treatment, most manifestations of the disease quickly disappear. After a few months, hair is restored in the place where baldness formed.
As for the Venus necklace, it can last for several more years. Most often this is associated with the development of neurosyphilis. Treatment in this case will take a long time, but with the right approach there will be no consequences.
People leading an antisocial lifestyle suffer from syphilis much more often
Tertiary syphilis
With the development of tertiary syphilis, gummas and tubercles appear. The disease is difficult to treat, and there are more consequences.
So, what can pathology lead to:
- Scars remain on the skin - visible blemishes after suffering from syphilis. Outwardly, they are very striking. Lumps with gumma do not go away without leaving a trace; they leave scars.
- As a result of damage to cartilage and bones, they become fragile. In the future, this may cause the development of osteochondrosis or fractures. In addition, a hole is formed in the hard palate, and a saddle-shaped nose appears.
- Development of neurosyphilis. Symptoms may persist throughout life even after treatment.
- Development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
It is important to remember that prescribed antibiotics kill treponemes, but do not eliminate the consequences that they manage to leave behind.
Can having syphilis in the past somehow affect employment in the future? Patients can work anywhere: in school, catering, police, but only if the disease has been completely treated.
How to live with syphilis and after its treatment depends on many factors. If the disease has been completely eradicated, no restrictions arise and you can safely do what you love.
Under what conditions can treatment of syphilis be successful?
In order to successfully treat syphilis, it is necessary to diagnose it as early as possible. In this case, all responsibility lies with the patient himself.
He must be attentive to any unpleasant symptoms in his body, or in the case of unprotected sexual relations with an unfamiliar or dubious partner, get tested or take a home test for syphilis, at least two weeks after the act.
If the result is positive, then you need to contact a venereologist, who will prepare an individual treatment regimen and help cure the disease.
At this stage, it is important to follow the doctor’s clear instructions and not skip taking prescribed medications. As mentioned above, syphilis can be treated with antibiotics, but this does not mean that you can prescribe treatment for yourself. Since treponema pallidum exhibits resistance to low dosages of antibacterial drugs, at the same time, self-medication can lead to the latent development of the disease and the inability to diagnose it.
Separately, it is worth noting that therapy is effective only if medications are taken strictly, otherwise there is a possibility of under-treating syphilis and allowing it to slowly destroy the body, exhibiting periodic exacerbations. In modern medicine there are no incurable stages, but there are chronic and latent forms that are difficult to treat.
For treatment, doctors use antibiotics of high and medium duration of action, penicillin, immunostimulating and symptomatic drugs, and compensatory drugs.
After the full course of treatment, the patient must be tested for the presence of Treponema pallidum.
Non-standard treatment methods
Some venereologists successfully use nonspecific therapy methods to combat syphilis:
- Oxygen therapy is a method that involves the subcutaneous administration of oxygen. Its molecules make it possible to improve metabolism in tissues, normalize cellular redox processes, and increase the rate of energy metabolism in the body.
- Pyrotherapy. This method of therapy involves artificially increasing the patient's body temperature. Artificial hyperthermia triggers the formation of specific antibodies in the red bone marrow, stimulates the functioning of the stomach and other internal organs, activates the blood supply to tissues affected by specific inflammation, and enhances the ability of phagocytes and macrophages to capture and lyse Treponema pallidum.
- Irradiation with a mercury-quartz lamp can reduce inflammatory tissue damage and restore the body's defenses. In addition, the procedure has a beneficial effect on the immune system.
- If the nervous system, somatic organs and bones of the patient are affected due to tertiary syphilis, annual sanatorium-resort treatment (sulfide, iodine-bromine, radon, carbon dioxide baths) is recommended.
It is important to understand that alternative methods of treating the disease increase the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy, but are not able to fully replace it. At the first suspicion of possible infection or clinical manifestations of the disease, it is important to seek medical help.
Treatment regimen for syphilis
A breakthrough in the treatment of syphilis has been observed since the development of penicillin. It is still used today.
The effectiveness of the drug is accompanied by the lack of body resistance to it. Therefore, if penicillin was used in treatment, but complete recovery did not occur, a second course is possible.
The following treatment regimens are used:
- For primary syphilis, benzathine-benzylpenicillin is used as a one-time injection. The dosage of the drug is 1.44 mcg, the injection is administered intramuscularly. Treatment is used for secondary disease or early asymptomatic form.
- The last stages of syphilis, as well as latent forms of unknown duration, are also treated with intramuscular injections, but in the amount of three injections with an interval of one week.
- Penicillin tablets should not be used to treat treponema pallidum.
There are also durant drugs (bicillin) - similar to penicillins in therapeutic action, prolonging their antimicrobial activity. The regimen of use depends on the stage and duration of the disease.
If this drug is intolerant, antibiotics from the group of tetracyclines (doxycycline), macrolides (azithromycin, erythromycin) or cephaloasporins (ceftriaxone) are prescribed.
If syphilis is detected during a woman’s pregnancy, then another treatment is used. If a woman is not allergic to penicillin, then a standard regimen is used, depending on the stage. In other cases, oral erythromycin is prescribed.
Syphilis can be congenital if the mother is a carrier of the disease. The infant is given an intramuscular injection of penicillin every 12 hours for 7 days and every 8 hours for the next 10 days.
Features of treatment of late stages of syphilis
Unlike other STIs, Treponema pallidum is still highly sensitive to the group of penicillin antibiotics.
Therefore, penicillins are used in treatment regimens for advanced forms.
They have been used since the beginning of antitreponemal therapy.
Drugs of the penicillin group (the list of drugs is quite large) have a minimum of side effects.
They do not have high toxicity compared to other groups of antibiotics.
It makes sense to refuse to use such drugs only if the body responds to their use with an allergic reaction or if there are any serious side effects.
The most common treatment regimens for the disease:
- Intramuscular injections of 1,000,000 units three times a day with an interval of 8 hours between injections for four weeks. After a two-week break, injections are resumed at the same daily dosage for two weeks.
- At a dosage of 600,000 units, the drug is administered intramuscularly twice a day (every 12 hours) every day for at least one month, then a break is taken for 14 days. Afterwards, antibiotic therapy is carried out according to the same regimen for another two weeks.
- Use of penicillin at a dosage of 1,200,000 units per day - just one injection every 24 hours. Course duration is 20 intramuscular injections. Then a break for two weeks, followed by resumption of administration of the drug once a day for ten days.
The treatment regimen for latent tertiary syphilis is the same as for diseases in the active phase.
The specialist can, at his own discretion, choose the course of therapy that is appropriate for the patient.
The mechanism of action of antibacterial drugs is reduced to the destruction of Treponema pallidum, the causative agent of syphilis.
The disease can be detected using a special blood test. But signs of the disease often become noticeable even without it. Depending on when syphilis is detected in the body, it is divided into several stages and types.
On average, the incubation period lasts 3 weeks. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, it can range from 8 days to six months.
Throughout this time, a serological blood test may not show the presence of the bacterium. This type of disease course is called seronegative; when the disease is detected, it is called seropositive. Both results refer to primary syphilis.
If the serological analysis is negative throughout the entire period of the disease, it is called latent. This type is the most dangerous because it does not allow the disease to be diagnosed in time. Recently, the hidden occurrence of syphilis has become more frequent.
Symptoms of primary syphilis are:
- The appearance of hard chancres on the skin and mucous membranes, which over time become inflamed and become red or bluish.
- Inflammation of the lymph nodes and blood vessels near the chancre.
- If the disease manifests itself in the mouth, the throat swells and the tonsils become inflamed.
- When the genitals are affected, scleradenitis occurs.
After a specific rash appears on the skin, secondary syphilis is classified.
It is characterized by:
- With further deterioration of the condition of the chancroid, a syphilitic ulcer appears.
- Spread and depletion of the rash into large areas on the body and mucous membranes.
- Damage to the central nervous system, which manifests itself in deterioration of memory, vision, attention and coordination.
- Gradual or immediate baldness of the head and body.
After treatment, neither the central nervous system nor the hairline are restored. In both women and men, the genitals, anus and oral cavity are most often affected.
Is reinfection possible?
Having had syphilis for the first time, a person does not receive immunity for life. The disease can re-develop in the following situations:
- through contact with an infected partner;
- if the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor was not followed;
- while taking the main antibiotic and another antibiotic not prescribed by a doctor;
- when the bacteria transforms into a protective form, typical for people with weak immunity.
Treatment of recurrent syphilis is not very different from the treatment of the primary form; the main thing is to choose the right dosage, otherwise the disease will be hidden. Intravenous injections of penicillin are mainly used.
It is believed that effective treatment is in a hospital setting, but today the use of long-acting antibiotics makes it possible to undergo therapy on an outpatient basis, making injections 2-3 times a week, at least ten injections.
To avoid re-infection with syphilis, it is important to follow the doctor’s requirements when treating the primary form, not to use traditional medicine methods and to refuse unprotected sexual intercourse with an untested partner.