Norm and deviations
Blood sugar from 12 to 12.9 mmol/l what does this mean
Normal and deviations Laboratory analysis is used to determine the normal blood sugar level. Indicators vary
venous bleeding
A tourniquet is used to stop bleeding
Four main types of bleeding Depending on the source, the following main types of bleeding are distinguished: Bleeding
How does rat poison poisoning occur?
Symptoms, first aid and treatment of sulfuric acid vapor poisoning
Rat poisoning in humans is rare. Typically such poisoning occurs in children or
sulfur poisoning symptoms treatment
Food poisoning treatment at home
Sulfur poisoning is one of the types of intoxication of the body, which can be progressive and provokes
Description and control of the tonometer
How to correctly measure blood pressure with an electronic tonometer
Measuring blood pressure correctly is not as easy as some people think. Although today in stores
Causes, features of the course and treatment of hypoglycemic coma
A condition when a person develops an acute lack of glucose in the plasma and tissues begin to starve
Symptoms of tachycardia
Medicines for heart palpitations (tablets). List of drugs. Causes and treatment of increased heart rate
Symptoms of an attack of tachycardia An attack of tachycardia is considered a condition in which the heart rate reaches 120-140 beats per minute.
Is it possible to include pasta in the diet if you have food poisoning?
As a rule, a person suffers from food poisoning quite seriously and this is due, first of all, to
Injuries in children: first aid. Face and head: 6 most dangerous places
There are open and closed traumatic brain injuries (TBI). Open traumatic brain injuries include head injuries and
basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation complex
How to perform artificial respiration correctly and when to do it
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a group of surgical and therapeutic measures that are aimed at
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