What kind of abdominal pain can the second trimester give and how to distinguish between them

Having learned about her pregnancy, every woman wants this happy period to pass as best and painlessly as possible, because it is so important that the baby is born a healthy and strong child. But the entire stage of an interesting situation, unfortunately, can be accompanied by unpleasant sensations and ailments characteristic of pregnancy. Various types of colic are the main accompanying “troubles” in the life of a woman in an interesting position.

Colic during pregnancy is a cramping attack in which sharp pain is felt in the abdominal cavity. It can be associated both with an illness of one or another organ, and with a rapid increase in the body weight of the fetus in the mother’s body. These unpleasant sensations often begin in the initial stages of pregnancy, at a time when the woman is not yet aware of the appearance of a small belly in her womb. But in the second and third trimesters they become more obvious and “expressive” and in most cases require consultation with a gynecologist.

Causes of intestinal colic during pregnancy

If such symptoms do not go away, but, on the contrary, bother a woman more and more often, even while eating or during bowel movements, it is urgent to tell your doctor about it.
Medical practice shows that intestinal colic in pregnant women has pronounced signs that are almost impossible to confuse with any others:

  • periodic nature of spasms in the intestines;

problems with bowel movements, or frequent bowel movements.

It should be noted that cramping abdominal pain occurs not only at the beginning of pregnancy, but is especially common in the last months of pregnancy. And this is not surprising, since the constant growth of the fetus causes displacement of the internal organs of a pregnant woman, in particular, it deforms the intestinal walls, causing colic, and also making it difficult to empty.

If a pregnant woman experiences intestinal colic of an allergic nature, this can be determined by laboratory analysis of stool for the presence of eosinophils and pointed crystals. In any case, only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, so if colic occurs, it is best for a pregnant woman to contact a medical facility.

Colic in early pregnancy

Colic during pregnancy often becomes a cause for concern, sometimes unfounded, and sometimes requiring medical consultation and immediate medical attention. Attacks of colic can occur at different stages of gestation, both at the very beginning of pregnancy and immediately in the last weeks before childbirth.

Colic in early pregnancy can be triggered by increased production of the hormone progesterone in a woman’s body, which helps to “relax” the intestines. As a pregnant woman's immune system weakens, the risk of inflammation and infectious diseases increases. For example, colic in the bladder may well provoke cystitis. Symptoms such as colic should be treated with special care, since it is at the early stage of bearing a child that the likelihood of miscarriage reaches the highest level.

Often, from the first days after conception, a woman’s stomach becomes very sensitive, both to touch and to the slightest changes from the inside. If the pain is not severe, passes quickly and does not cause discomfort to the pregnant woman, there is no cause for concern, since at 5-6 weeks the uterus significantly increases in size, as a result of which the ligaments holding it stretch. This process causes mild colic in the lower abdomen, nagging pain, and tingling. However, if the pain intensifies, becomes acute, unbearable, and is also accompanied by poor health, this is a very alarming symptom that may indicate the presence of an ectopic pregnancy or the threat of miscarriage (depending on the period). If the egg is “stuck” in the tube, its division and growth provokes rupture of the fallopian tube, and often a symptom of this process is an attack of colic in the lower abdomen, as well as increasing intense pain. In this case, the pregnant woman may lose consciousness. Often accompanying signs of ectopic pregnancy are nausea, frequent urination, and increased body temperature. This condition is very dangerous for a woman, and an ectopic pregnancy itself requires immediate surgical intervention.

Colic in the early stages of pregnancy, which manifests itself as an attack of severe cramping pain, can signal a spontaneous abortion (miscarriage). In this case, the pain is intense, pulling, localized in the lower abdomen, and also “radiating” to the lower back, sacral area, and groin. Bloody discharge is another symptom indicating a threat of spontaneous abortion. In this case, the woman needs urgent hospitalization in a medical facility.

According to medical research, women who experience period pain may experience similar symptoms during pregnancy. Abdominal colic is caused by physiological changes in the body of the expectant mother. The main thing is to pay attention to the intensity and frequency of colic. If the pain increases, becomes cramping, acute, then you cannot do without the help of a doctor.

Symptoms of intestinal colic during pregnancy

Colic during pregnancy causes discomfort and very unpleasant sensations for expectant mothers. One of the most common colics in pregnant women is intestinal colic. They usually occur due to poor diet, consumption of spicy, fatty, hard-to-digest foods, as well as carbonated drinks that cause bloating.

Symptoms of intestinal colic during pregnancy are usually pronounced:

  • sudden cramping aching pain in the lower abdomen, often of an increasing nature;

flatulence, seething and bloating;

The duration of intestinal colic during pregnancy can range from several hours to several days. In this case, exacerbations are often replaced by remissions. The pain is aching and sharp, it can pierce the body in the lower back, then move to the abdominal and groin areas. Sometimes an attack of intestinal colic is accompanied by dysuric symptoms: pain and burning during urination, frequent urge to go to the toilet. This is explained by the fact that the growing uterus puts pressure on the internal organs of the pelvis and abdominal cavity, and with bloating the situation becomes more complicated.

Symptoms of intestinal colic during pregnancy can be complemented by increased blood pressure, especially if the attack lasts for a long time. To prevent the development of complications, the expectant mother should promptly consult a doctor for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

Unpleasant sensations in the 2nd trimester

In the 4th month of pregnancy (that is, at the beginning of the second trimester), a more significant enlargement of the uterus leads to the fact that it begins to “conquer” space from the stomach and intestines, and, as a result, interferes with their normal function - digestive disorders may appear accompanied by constipation or heartburn. It is these symptoms that lead to tingling in the abdomen, which is considered quite acceptable. Daily routine and diet will help cope with unwanted sensations. Potatoes, legumes, nuts, any cabbage in any form, grapes, white bread, that is, everything that leads to increased gas formation, should be excluded from a pregnant woman’s diet. Wholemeal bread, mild-tasting vitamin-containing fruits and vegetables, lean meat and fish (required), fermented milk products (to form healthy intestinal microflora), dried fruit compotes (without sugar) - this is what should make up a pregnant woman’s diet.

Pressure on the pelvic organs increases along with the baby's weight, and therefore the likelihood of tingling in this area increases, and frequent urge to go to the toilet appears. Such physiological reasons should be corrected by drinking regimen, especially if a woman experiences swelling.

Fetal movement in the second trimester can also be mistaken for a slight tingling sensation in the lower abdomen. But if you listen to your body at this moment, you can truly enjoy your child’s activity.

Treatment of intestinal colic during pregnancy

Treatment of intestinal colic during pregnancy comes down to eliminating this symptom with the help of antispasmodics - for example, No-shpa. The drug Espumisan, which is characterized by inertness and is not absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and blood, will alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman, therefore it is an absolutely safe drug. The dosage of Espumisan should be determined by the attending physician. Usually it consists of taking 2 capsules of this medicine three times a day. The main factor aimed at reducing intestinal colic and getting rid of it is diet. To avoid unpleasant symptoms, the expectant mother is recommended to adhere to a diet that excludes from the daily menu fried, spicy, fatty foods, smoked and pickled foods, flour products - in short, everything that complicates the digestion process.

Folk remedies for treating intestinal colic are taking decoctions of medicinal plants, which have an analgesic and sedative effect, and also relieve intestinal spasms and reduce gas formation. These are peppermint, lemon balm, valerian, dill seeds, etc. Before using one or another traditional medicine recipe, a pregnant woman should consult with her doctor to avoid negative side effects.

Fennel tea, made from the seeds of a special variety of dill, is very helpful in treating intestinal colic. This tea can usually be bought at a pharmacy; it is also widely used in pediatrics to relieve colic in newborns. Pregnant women simply need to brew stronger tea to achieve the desired effect.

You can try a long-proven and very common method of treating intestinal colic in pregnant women using a decoction of dill seeds prepared in milk (1 tablespoon of seeds per glass of milk). Freshly squeezed carrot juice is an excellent way to improve intestinal motility. It should be taken 1 glass before meals.

A decoction of oak bark, angelica and calamus perfectly relieves spasms and eliminates bloating. To prepare it, the mixture (1 tablespoon of each ingredient) must be poured into 1 liter of boiled water and left for an hour. Take 2 tbsp. spoons three times a day.

Chamomile decoction is a universal remedy that has an anti-inflammatory effect and can help eliminate the symptoms of colic in the stomach and intestines. Pour a glass of boiling water over a teaspoon of chamomile, let it sit, strain and take 1 teaspoon every 2 hours.

Motherwort juice relieves intestinal spasms. To prepare the remedy, 1 teaspoon of juice should be diluted in 100 g of water and taken before meals. To prevent bloating, it is recommended that the expectant mother include raw pumpkin, apples and artichokes in her diet.

Kidney treatment during pregnancy

Kidney treatment during pregnancy

One of the most common ailments that can cause renal colic in an expectant mother is bacterial discharge in the urine as a result of cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), as well as unhealthy processes in the pelvis of the organ. This phenomenon is accompanied by extremely unpleasant sensations, and can be diagnosed by taking laboratory tests from the pregnant woman.

These bacterial, unhealthy discharges in most cases lead to inflammation of the pelvis, so careful and detailed observation of the woman is the key to successful and correct treatment of the disease. In order to identify the presence of inflammatory processes occurring in the urinary system, the expectant mother will probably be prescribed a laboratory test of blood and urine “According to Nechiporenko”, as well as a daily study of it “according to Zimnitsky”. Mandatory analysis will also include bacterial culture of urine for microflora and ultrasound diagnostics of the kidneys.

It is important to quickly and promptly identify the disease and begin treatment, because inflammatory processes in the pelvis of a pregnant woman can lead to sudden birth and lack of weight in the baby.

Preeclampsia, also called late toxicosis, is a danger to both mother and child.

In most cases, it is the inflammatory processes in the renal pelvis that lead to gestosis. Microorganic provocateurs of the disease are Escherichia coli, yeast bacteria, and the bacterium Klebsiella. The ways pathogens enter the kidneys are different. These are: the rectum, external genitalia, dental blood, tonsils and other internal organs.

Signs of inflammation of the pelvis:

  1. Colic surrounding the back and abdominal cavity.
  2. Heat.
  3. Weakness.
  4. Headache.
  5. Pain during urination.
  6. Chills.
  7. Deterioration in general health.

Inflammation of the bladder can also cause kidney pain. In the acute period, this disease is accompanied by an unpleasant clinical picture. These are: frequent urge to urge, little urine output, itching in the genitals, pain in the upper pubic area, less often - an unpleasant odor of discharge and an increase in body temperature.

This condition can torment a pregnant woman for up to ten days, and the acute period can smoothly transition into a longer stage or even into inflammation of the pelvis.

In this regard, treatment of the expectant mother should begin when the first symptoms appear. There are also some kidney diseases in pregnant women that cause colic. Among them are kidney stones and inflammatory processes in the renal glomeruli.

Basics of kidney treatment for an expectant mother

For a favorable outcome of events and getting rid of the disease, it is important for a woman to:

  1. Maintain bed rest.
  2. Do not roll over onto your “affected side.”
  3. Twice a day, take the knee-elbow position for several minutes. This will help improve and streamline the flow of urine.
  4. Drink more water. So, with the liquid, all pathogenic microbes will be released by the organs of the urinary system.
  5. Limit your diet to salty foods and foods as much as possible.
  6. Drink more fruit drinks and juices containing such healthy cranberries.

Drug treatment of kidney diseases

After the doctor has identified the susceptibility of bacteria to certain medications, he prescribes treatment.

In case of severe clinical picture, it is possible to use antibiotics such as Cephalexin, Ceftazidime, Fosfomycin and Trometamol. The main condition for a quick cure is the normalization of the urinary tract for the healthy removal of fluid from the body of the expectant mother. To ensure this, the use of antispasmodics - Papaverine and Drotaverine - is allowed. The first drug should be taken only with the consent of the doctor, since its effect has not been fully studied and can harm the fetus.

Traditional medicine in the fight against kidney diseases

In the group of natural medicines, herbs such as horsetail, birch buds and foliage, lingonberry greens, bearberry, and bean pods have become widely used. Infusions from these plants can cope with renal colic and relieve inflammation.

A well-known herbal remedy that helps with kidney stone diseases is the drug “Canephron N”, but even its use requires consultation with a doctor.

This medicine is a composition of dried rosemary leaves, piper root, and centaury herbs connected to each other. The medicine has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic effects, and also promotes the rapid removal of pathogenic microbes from the body along with urine.

Symptoms of intestinal colic during pregnancy

Some women may believe that such pain is a harbinger of a threatened miscarriage, which will have an extremely negative impact on their psychological state. To avoid unnecessary stress, you need to know the symptoms of intestinal cramps.

In the early stages they are joined by:

  • increased gas formation;
  • rumbling or grumbling;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • bloating;
  • problems with stool - constipation, diarrhea;
  • loss of appetite;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

All these signs are moderate in nature, but with poor nutrition and an inactive lifestyle they can intensify. If you feel unwell or have persistent concerns, be sure to consult your doctor.

At later stages, the symptoms of intestinal colic are more pronounced and bring more concern, as they are accompanied by dizziness or weakness.

Tingling sensation in the uterine area

If the expectant mother periodically experiences stretching or slight tingling during pregnancy on the sides and in the uterus, do not be alarmed: from the fifth week of gestation, the uterus increases in size. The ligaments holding the uterus are stretched, which is accompanied by nagging pain, which can intensify with sudden movements.

Tingling in the uterus during pregnancy most often goes away after a short rest or after a change in body position. By the way, most often the tingling sensation appears in the evening or at night, since at this time the pregnant woman’s body is more sensitive to such manifestations.

Tingling in the last trimester of pregnancy can signal the beginning of training contractions.

Also, tingling during pregnancy can occur due to pressure of the uterus on the bladder. To prevent discomfort, doctors recommend that the expectant mother limit her fluid intake to one and a half liters daily.

Tingling in the uterus during pregnancy is a dangerous phenomenon if it is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Fever, diarrhea and vomiting. If these signs appear at seven to nine weeks, they may indicate an ectopic pregnancy or a threat of rupture of the uterine tube.
  • Brown, bloody or watery profuse vaginal discharge. All these symptoms reflect processes such as violation of the integrity of the amniotic membranes or rupture of the placenta.
  • Frequent urination with burning and cutting. These signs may indicate infectious processes in the urinary tract.

If one of the above symptoms appears, you should immediately seek medical help.

Treatment of intestinal colic during pregnancy

Mild, quickly passing intestinal pain does not require treatment, but be sure to inform the gynecologist about the discomfort. In other cases, when intestinal pain is a sign of some other disease, it is necessary to begin treatment under the guidance of a doctor. Even pharmaceuticals such as No-shpa or Espumisan, which can relieve spasms, are prescribed only by a specialist. He selects the dosage for the pregnant woman and sets the course of taking the medicine.

To treat colic and reduce gas formation, doctors can recommend the following drinks and foods, only taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient:

  • Tea with mint or lemon balm. During a normal pregnancy, doctors recommend drinking no more than 4 cups of tea per day, and the course of taking mint should not last more than 3 months. It should be used with caution, especially for women with a difficult pregnancy, since in case of an overdose, mint can provoke premature birth, since it contains estrogen. This tea is also contraindicated for women with low blood pressure.
  • Dill in any form. It is recommended for postterm pregnancy or weak labor, since it enhances the contractile activity of smooth muscles, and the uterus is just a smooth muscle organ. Therefore, if in the early stages a woman is at risk of spontaneous abortion, then it is worth limiting the use of dill. In the second half of pregnancy, it is better to replace it with less harmless greens to replenish the body with vitamins and minerals.
  • Pharmaceutical chamomile. It has antispasmodic, analgesic and carminative properties, that is, it is an ideal remedy for combating intestinal colic. However, this herb, although weak, is still an abortifacient, therefore, like peppermint and lemon balm, it increases the production of hormones - estrogens, which leads to uterine tension. Therefore, especially in the first trimester, use it only as prescribed by a specialist, observing all dosages. Chamomile is drunk in short courses, lasting no more than 7 days. Take up to 3 tablespoons of decoction no more than 3 times a day.
  • Motherwort. According to doctors, it is one of the safest folk remedies when used correctly and without individual intolerance. It does not have a negative impact on the development of the child and the health of the mother. Unlike previous medicinal herbs, on the contrary, it relieves uterine tone. There are enough drugs based on it, but only a specialist can determine how to take it, the dosage and duration of the course.

Physiological tingling

If there is a stitch in the uterus, this is not necessarily a cause for concern. This feeling is familiar to most women whose pregnancy proceeded without any complications. They are associated with intense changes that occur at this time in the body, especially in the uterus.

Here are the features of tingling that do not pose any threat:

  • They are not strong, many compare them to an injection with a thin needle.
  • They pass very quickly, in most cases instantly.
  • They are felt when a woman is relaxed or with sudden movements.
  • If they appear during activity, they go away if you lie down.
  • Does not interfere with daily activities.
  • Other than tingling, there are no other unusual or uncomfortable sensations.

A woman may feel something pricking or tugging in her lower abdomen at any stage of pregnancy. But the reasons for these feelings may be different. In order for discomfort to occur less frequently, it is important to understand what reasons could have caused it in your particular case.

Early dates

Stitching pain can appear as early as a week after fertilization. Around day 8, the fertilized egg is implanted into the endometrium. At the same time, it stings a little in the uterus, can radiate into the vagina, and sometimes there is minor bleeding. Not all women feel implantation, but tingling is considered normal.

Starting from the 5th obstetric week, the uterus grows rapidly. At the same time, the ligaments that hold it are stretched. This causes a stabbing and pulling sensation. They intensify with exertion, for example, when a woman stands or walks for a long time, and quickly disappears when resting.

The uterus continues to grow and slightly compresses the surrounding organs. It also puts pressure on the abdominal muscles from the inside, which causes them to become slightly deformed. All this does not always happen unnoticed. Therefore, you should not worry if your lower abdomen tingles a little, but you feel good.

Mid pregnancy

In the second trimester, the uterus continues to grow rapidly, pushing away nearby organs. The baby's movements are already beginning to be felt, which can sometimes be harsh. If at first they are almost unnoticeable, then in the later stages some pain is possible.

For most women, during the period of bearing a child, bowel function becomes difficult. It is compressed, so peristalsis is impaired. This leads to constipation and increased gas formation. As a result, pain and tingling may be felt in various parts of the intestinal tract.

Last trimester

Women experience the end of pregnancy differently. Some are active until the last month and feel very well. Others are constantly hampered by discomfort due to the fact that the organs are now located completely differently, the intestines are being squeezed, then the bladder, or the baby is pushing. All this can sting and hurt, and severe fatigue is possible.

A few weeks before giving birth, various preparatory processes begin in the body. Almost everyone knows about training contractions. This is a workout for the muscles of the uterus. But the cervix is ​​also preparing for childbirth, gradually softening. Usually this happens unnoticed, but it is quite possible that the woman will feel minor discomfort. The main thing is not to worry too much and always tell your doctor about any unusual phenomena.

Intestinal colic during pregnancy - prevention

Don't want to suffer from intestinal colic? Do you want to reduce the likelihood of their development? Then you must adhere to the following rules:

Fiber added to the diet:

  • fresh fruits - apricots, apples, figs, pears, kiwi, black grapes;
  • vegetables - carrots, spinach, pumpkin, cucumbers, beets;
  • cereals - oatmeal, buckwheat;
  • pumpkin and flax seeds, nuts.

Avoid products that increase gas formation:

  • peas;
  • beans;
  • beans;
  • black bread;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • baking from yeast bread;
  • white cabbage.

The following recommendations are also taken into account:

  • Eat less sweet, fatty and fried foods.
  • They eat regularly, but in small portions.
  • Preference is given to low-fat meat and fish, which are steamed or baked.
  • Be sure to include fermented milk products in your diet if there is no individual intolerance, as they help normalize the intestinal microflora and relieve flatulence.
  • For constipation, it is strictly contraindicated to use enemas and take laxatives on your own. Natural products with a laxative effect will help get rid of constipation - prunes, baked apples, boiled beets, kefir.
  • Drink enough drinking water - about 1.5 liters per day.
  • They lead an active lifestyle, avoid stress, anxiety, and strong worries.
  • Have a full rest.
  • Visit your gynecologist regularly.


The most common forms of colic during pregnancy are intestinal, renal and hepatic . Intestinal colic occurs because a pregnant woman does not empty her bowels regularly, or because she drinks carbonated water or food that is difficult for the body to handle.

Colic will be accompanied by increased gas formation or constipation. To prevent intestinal colic, you should reconsider your diet - exclude hot, spicy, fried and starchy foods, or reduce their amount. If you have constipation, you need to drink more fluids. For strong and sharp spasms, you can take a no-shpa tablet.

Another cause of abdominal cramps may be kidney problems . Every month it becomes more difficult for a pregnant woman to go to the toilet, as the enlarged uterus compresses the urinary canals. In this case, urine is retained in the body and leads to exacerbation of kidney diseases.

Another cause of abdominal colic is an insufficient amount of the hormone progesterone produced . If its deficiency occurs, uterine contractions intensify, which increases the likelihood of miscarriage. These phenomena are often accompanied by bleeding. Timely medical assistance will prevent miscarriage and save the baby.

Stomach colic

The main cause of stomach colic is exacerbation of chronic gastritis or pancreatitis . Pain usually occurs after eating certain foods that irritate the gastric mucosa - spicy foods, smoked foods. Colic also occurs in case of overeating, as well as taking too much liquid.

The easiest way to get rid of these colics is to lie down for a while. In case of pronounced pain symptoms, it is allowed to take antispasmodic drugs. Preventive measures against stomach colic include split meals, limiting foods that are “heavy” for the stomach, and reducing the volume of fluid.

Colic in the lower abdomen usually occurs in the first months of pregnancy. This occurs as a result of the egg attaching to the wall of the uterus. In parallel with this process, the body begins to actively produce progesterone, which expands the uterus and prepares the “place of residence” for the future baby. The pain in this case is not very strong, aching, similar to those that occur during menstruation.

It makes no sense to take any specific measures to eliminate these colics. This is a normal physiological process that accompanies any pregnancy. To ease the pain, you can rest by placing a warm heating pad on your stomach. If the pain is very intense and continues for a long time, you will need to visit a doctor.

Colic in the groin

Pain in the lower abdominal area may indicate the following problems:

  • Infectious disease - adnexitis, parametritis, endometritis, proctitis, genitourinary tract infections. The development of infection in the pelvis can cause inflammatory processes, accompanied by sharp stabbing pain in the groin.
  • Hernia . A pregnant woman often experiences weakening of supporting tissues, due to which loops of intestine can penetrate into the groin area, resulting in the formation of a hernia. The most dangerous option is a strangulated hernia, which can only be cured through surgery.
  • Stones in the kidneys . A stone stuck in the ureter or lower part of the kidney can also cause severe pain in the groin area. They are almost always accompanied by pain in the lower back, abdomen, and sometimes in the bladder. A kidney stone causes incredible suffering, especially during urination, and blood may appear in the urine.
  • Osteochondrosis . With this disease, the spinal disc compresses the nerves that go to the groin area, which causes pain.

Colic in the groin can also occur for such reasons as: varicose veins, genital herpes, injury to the groin area, femoral artery aneurysm. Any pain in the groin during pregnancy requires immediate contact with a gynecologist.

Colic in the vagina

It is not always possible to determine exactly why a pregnant woman experiences pain in the vaginal area. It is necessary to observe other symptoms that will suggest a possible cause. Vaginal colic can be caused by the following problems:

  • Vaginal infection . A pregnant woman's immunity is weakened, which often leads to the development of candidiasis and other infectious diseases. In addition to pain, signs of infection include burning, itching, and vaginal discharge with a strong, unpleasant odor.
  • Growth of the uterus . The larger the size of the uterus, the more stress it places on the groin area and muscles. As a result of increased pressure on the female genital organs, pain occurs in the vagina.
  • Sprain . With each month of pregnancy, the fetus becomes larger. In this case, the ligaments in the vaginal and pelvic area are often stretched too much, which results in pain.
  • Opening of the uterine cervix . This is a rather dangerous condition, especially in the last months of pregnancy. Requires medical attention.

If the pain is caused by physiological changes in the body, warm baths, as well as wearing a special bandage, help alleviate the condition of colic. If you suspect an infection, you should immediately visit the nearest hospital.

Colic in the side

The causes of pain in the side depend on which side they arise from . If colic appears in the right side, this may indicate problems in the functioning of organs located in this area - the gallbladder, intestines, liver, pancreas.

If the gestation period is short, pain on the lower right side may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. This is a serious pathological condition in which pregnancy almost always has to be terminated.

If pain appears in the left side, you need to check the condition of the spleen, pancreas and stomach. The most common cause of colic in the left side is compression of the spleen by the growing uterus and too much physical activity. But the problems can be more serious, including the risk of splenic rupture.

If pain in the side occurs suddenly, this may indicate inflammation of the appendix. This pain is localized in the navel area. It is very acute and can last for several hours. If such pain does not go away for more than half an hour, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

Colic in the uterus

Painful sensations in the uterus during pregnancy occur quite often and in most cases this is completely normal. The fetus grows, the uterus stretches, causing slight pain.

Mild cramps in the uterus can occur after sexual intercourse, as well as when the bladder is full. If the pain in the uterus is intense and continues for a long time, a visit to the doctor is necessary.

Causes of occurrence in pregnant women

Expectant mothers experience the first signs of colic in the very early stages (even without knowing about their situation). After conception, the fertilized egg migrates to the uterine cavity, where it should implant.

Implantation in many women is accompanied by periodic stabbing sensations in the suprapubic area of ​​the abdomen and bloody discharge. In fact, this is not colic, it is the body’s reaction to the life developing inside.

Discomfort occurs with every burst of embryonic activity. If a woman knows about conception, she worries about miscarriage. To eliminate the risk of miscarriage, you should consult a gynecologist.

At 2–3 months, women experience real intestinal colic. It is associated with an increase in the concentration of progesterone in the blood and a weakening of smooth muscle activity. Congestion is observed in the intestines of the expectant mother. They are accompanied by fermentation processes. Due to the accumulation of gases, the intestinal walls stretch, which is felt as sharp cramping pains - colic.

  • poor eating habits;
  • consumption of foods that enhance fermentation;
  • violation of bowel movements;
  • drinking carbonated drinks;
  • hypodynamic lifestyle of women.

Under the influence of one or more of these factors, the likelihood of colic in the early stages increases. If a girl suffered from bloating and constipation before pregnancy, the situation may worsen during pregnancy.

In the 2nd trimester, the hormonal levels are stable, and the expectant mother’s body has already adapted to the changes. During this period, colic occurs extremely rarely. They may be associated with exacerbation of chronic diseases. An increased load on all organ systems predisposes to this.

The second peak in the incidence of colic occurs in late pregnancy - the 3rd trimester. At this time, the child quickly increases in size, and the uterus puts pressure on surrounding organs, often affecting the kidneys and intestines.

Colic can be caused by:

  • eating disorder;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • sudden movements;
  • Irregular bowel and bladder emptying.

It has been proven that women with choleric and melancholic types of temperament are more prone to colic. Stress, anxiety, physical and psycho-emotional tension can also provoke severe abdominal pain.

What causes colic?

Colic is spasmodic pain in the abdomen associated with bloating of the large intestine and tension of its muscles. They develop against the background of advanced gastritis, poor digestion and peristalsis, and fermentation processes in the intestines.

During pregnancy, colic can occur during the migration of the egg into the uterine cavity. So, already 1 week after conception a woman can feel this condition. Another cause of intestinal colic is hormonal changes in the body.

As the fetus grows, similar troubles will be felt.

But there are a number of symptoms when it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor and even hospitalize the patient. This is a long-term pain, similar to sheep feces, refusal of food and others. For mild colic, you can use the drug Espumisan; it is not prohibited during pregnancy and is prescribed even to the youngest patients.

If before pregnancy a woman’s body begins to grow any tumors, then due to hormonal changes they may increase. Such neoplasms in the intestines will cause discomfort to the expectant mother. This is why careful diagnosis for bowel pain is important.

But during pregnancy, doctors try to refrain from drastic therapeutic measures. After all, this can harm the fetus. If you interfere with the work of the intestines or anus, the tone of the uterus will increase, and this will pose a threat of miscarriage.


A characteristic feature of all types of colic is suddenness. Spasms occur some time after exercise or eating food, and therefore it is not possible to track the relationship between a woman’s actions and the appearance of pain. The set of symptoms depends on the type of colic.

Abdominal cramps appear 1.5–2 hours after eating food. At first, a woman is bothered by a pulling sensation on both or one side of the navel. Then the discomfort becomes pressing, and after active movements or going to the toilet it transforms into sharp pain.

Intestinal colic can be distinguished from others by the accompanying symptoms:

  • the day before or on the day of pain, the woman had problems with the toilet (loose stools or constipation);
  • a pregnant woman complains of a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, seething, rumbling (provoked by increased gas formation);
  • no appetite;
  • the woman feels sick (sometimes vomiting occurs).

If intestinal colic during pregnancy is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, intense vomiting or diarrhea, an infectious disease or poisoning cannot be ruled out. You should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Renal colic develops without any special preconditions. The cause may be an infectious lesion (pyelonephritis, urethritis, cystitis), activation of peristalsis and the movement of stones (stones, sand). The child's pressure and increased blood circulation in the pelvis contribute to the development of the inflammatory process in the kidneys.

At the beginning of the attack, the woman feels weak, quickly gets tired, and is in an apathetic mood. Then sharp pain appears in the lumbar region on one or both sides. If colic is caused by cystitis (which often occurs during pregnancy), the expectant mother suffers from cutting pain in the lower abdomen and burning during urination.

  • increased body temperature (up to 37–38 °C);
  • chills;
  • increased sweating;
  • lack of relief when changing body position;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • difficulty urinating.

Renal colic in any person is considered an acute condition requiring emergency medical attention.

Bowel pain associated with pregnancy

First, you need to remember an important rule: if a pregnant woman has a stomach ache, this does not mean that these symptoms are necessarily caused by pregnancy.

The expectant mother can get sick from any gastrointestinal disease. When your stomach hurts severely or for a long time, you should not self-diagnose, but contact a gastroenterologist.

Now there are methods for diagnosing gastrointestinal diseases that are allowed even in the early stages of pregnancy, since they do not pose a danger to the fetus.

If your stomach, intestines or any other organ in the abdominal cavity hurts, and the pain is accompanied by chills, cramps, vaginal discharge, discomfort when urinating and fever, then you need to call a doctor at home - these symptoms indicate diseases that are dangerous not only for the fetus, but also for the life of the expectant mother.

Here are a few non-dangerous, completely physiological reasons why a pregnant woman may have intestinal pain:

  • constipation - pregnancy is very conducive to constipation, since the expectant mother is limited in her movements, especially in the later stages. The functioning of the intestines is also affected by the state of the hormonal background - during pregnancy, hormones slow down digestion, as a result of which the food bolus stagnates in the large intestine;
  • pressure of the uterus on the colon in late pregnancy;
  • soreness in the ligaments that support the uterus. The ligaments stretch and hurt due to the fact that they have to support the uterus that has become heavy. Such discomfort can easily be mistaken for symptoms of intestinal diseases. The pain is felt on one or both sides of the abdomen or deep in the groin. It usually occurs in late pregnancy, but can also appear in the second trimester;
  • short painful tremors in the intestines in late pregnancy when changing body position or after an active day - this is how the round ligaments hurt. The pain in this case goes away after a short rest, but if the discomfort does not go away for a long time, then you need to tell your doctor about it.

When your intestines hurt, you can alleviate your condition with simple exercises or, conversely, a short rest.

When you feel pain, it is best to immediately lie down for a few minutes in a comfortable position and listen to yourself - this will help you better determine the place where it hurts.

After this, you need to try to assess the seriousness of the situation. If the pain is caused by problems with digestion and bowel movements, you can help yourself by doing constipation exercises or taking a warm shower to relax cramps.

Diagnosis of colic

With pain in the abdomen or lower back, women turn to a gynecologist who is managing their pregnancy. The doctor will listen to complaints, palpably examine areas of discomfort and give a referral to a specialized specialist - a gastroenterologist or nephrologist.

Diagnosing colic involves finding the cause of the discomfort. It is necessary to exclude a functional disorder or organic changes in the intestines and kidneys.

For this, the woman will be prescribed:

  • urine or stool examination;
  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • general and biochemical blood tests.

If no objective prerequisites for pain are identified, specialists will analyze the pregnant woman’s lifestyle and give appropriate recommendations. Perhaps the spasms appear in response to pressure from the uterus.

Tingling in the lower abdomen during late pregnancy

  • During this time period, the uterus is maximally stretched, the baby is actively gaining weight, and it is natural that for the mother such sensations will not be the most pleasant. This process is accompanied by tingling, light lumbago and a constant feeling of heaviness;
  • the appearance of stretch marks may be accompanied by stabbing pain, as the abdominal tissues are strongly stretched and, unable to withstand the tension, tear;
  • the baby is actively moving, trying to take a comfortable position for birth, beating his arms and legs;
  • From about 30 weeks, the pregnant woman begins to feel training contractions - they can also be accompanied by tingling.

How to reduce pain?

  1. In later stages, it becomes increasingly difficult for a woman to follow doctors’ recommendations to walk more and eat right. Fatigue, constant lack of sleep and hormonal changes are the reason that the expectant mother spends more and more time on the couch. This is what provokes disruptions in the functioning of the stomach and intestines. No matter how hard it is, she needs to try to get out into the fresh air and eat fruits and vegetables.
  2. If training contractions are too painful, it's good to take a warm shower. It will instantly relieve tension.
  3. Wear a maternity bandage - it will fix the stomach, prevent stretch marks, and reduce the load on the lower back.

Signs of the onset of labor

  • intensifying contractions;
  • nausea, upset stomach, diarrhea;
  • nagging pain in the lower back;
  • discharge of the mucus plug;
  • leaking or broken water.

Alarming symptoms

Sharp pain and bleeding, hyperthermia are signs of placental abruption or premature birth.

First aid for colic in a pregnant woman

Sharp abdominal pain during pregnancy is a reason to call an ambulance. Before the doctors arrive, it is necessary to alleviate the fate of the expectant mother.

To do this you should:

  1. Help the woman take the most comfortable position (lying or sitting).
  2. If necessary, remove clothes or cover with a blanket (if the patient is hot or cold).
  3. Provide fresh air flow.
  4. Eliminate all objects or items of clothing that could put pressure on the woman.
  5. Offer her water.
  6. In case of severe cramping pain, it is allowed to take 1-2 tablets of No-shpa (the time of use and dose of the drug must be reported to doctors).

For any colic, do not apply a hot heating pad or take a bath. Heat treatments are inappropriate in cases of infection and stone advancement. Warming up can aggravate the situation and accelerate the development of complications.

Tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy in the second trimester

  • from the fourth month, the growing uterus begins to take the place of the stomach and intestines, pushing them aside. This can cause colic in the lower abdomen, constipation, heartburn and digestive disorders;
  • Women often mistake the first movements of the baby for an upset stomach. Everyone feels them differently, but most often they feel them as light tremors, reminiscent of the fermentation of air bubbles;
  • Pressure on the bladder may be accompanied by a slight stabbing sensation and frequent urge to go to the toilet.

How to reduce pain?

  1. Meals should be the same as in the first weeks, that is, fractional. Overeating can instantly result in bloating and discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  2. Eat more foods containing fiber to avoid constipation and heartburn.
  3. Protein-rich foods, such as meat, fish and dairy products, have a good effect on the intestinal microflora. They are also a source of calcium, which is so necessary for expectant mothers in midterm.
  4. Emptying your bladder in a timely manner should not be tolerated under any circumstances.

Alarming symptoms

Constant tone at these times is no longer the norm. Therefore, if a woman feels that her lower abdomen is turning to stone, she needs to inform the gynecologist who is observing her about this. In case of severe, cramping pain, nagging sensations, aching lower back, leakage of water and bloody discharge, it is necessary to immediately call emergency help.

Therapy methods

For symptomatic treatment of colic, the doctor will prescribe an antispasmodic (safe during pregnancy) in the form of tablets or injections. Such therapy should be short to minimize the side effects of the drug.

The main treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of colic. If these are problems with the intestines, a diet and medications are prescribed to normalize the microflora or eliminate excess gases.

For kidney pathologies, antibacterial agents, herbal anti-inflammatory drugs, and surgical procedures (to remove stones) are selected.

To avoid renal colic during pregnancy, it is necessary to reduce the amount of salt consumed. It is important to drink enough liquid (total volume about 2.5 liters). All foods that contribute to the formation of stones (sorrel, radish, radish, rich broths) should be excluded from the diet.

During pregnancy, self-medication is unacceptable. A woman should take only those medications prescribed by her doctor. The specialist recommends the most gentle antibiotics, painkillers, and herbal remedies. Individually selects doses and timing of treatment. The patient’s task in position is to strictly follow the specialist’s instructions and coordinate the slightest deviations with him.

Traditional recipes are often used to eliminate colic. Herbs with anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects are recommended (mint, lemon balm, chamomile, dill, fennel). However, during pregnancy, a woman should be especially careful.

Even infusions and decoctions can increase the risk of premature birth or lead to allergic reactions. Phytotherapeutic treatment methods can be used only with the permission of a doctor, in parallel with drug therapy.

The operation is performed in emergency conditions that threaten the life of the mother and child:

  • appendicitis;
  • acute intestinal obstruction;
  • blocking of the urinary ducts with stones.

Surgery is highly undesirable during pregnancy. Doctors try in every possible way to avoid it. However, if a woman’s life is at stake, they take risks.

Colic in the groin

These problems can be localized in the groin of a pregnant woman. This is usually caused by the following reasons:

  • Hernia. Usually caused by weakening of supporting tissues, as a result of which intestinal loops descend into the groin area. A hernia can be identified visually - it is observed in an upright position of the body as a small lump in the lower abdomen.
  • Presence of infection. Having penetrated the pelvic organs, the infection causes severe pain in the groin. Similar diseases include adnexitis, endometritis, parametritis and other infectious and inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs. Such problems are often accompanied by swelling of the lymph nodes in the groin area.
  • Osteochondrosis. If there are no problems with the kidneys and the lymph nodes in the groin are of normal size, it is time to suspect the presence of lumbar osteochondrosis in pregnant women. The spinal discs put pressure on the nerves in the groin, which is what causes colic.

Prevention and prognosis

To avoid kidney and intestinal colic during pregnancy, you need to prepare for this period in advance - undergo an examination, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and treat chronic diseases.

Prevention of pain during pregnancy consists of proper nutrition and moderate physical activity. The prognosis for colic is favorable if it is not associated with serious organic pathologies. After stopping the attack, the woman must strictly follow the doctor’s instructions.

Nagging pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy can be caused by colic. This is a consequence of a special hormonal background, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Increasing or continuing pain should alert you and become a reason for an unscheduled visit to a doctor.

Why does the stomach hurt during pregnancy?

Colic and lumbago in the lower abdomen during pregnancy are primarily associated with growth, a rapid increase in the size of the uterus. The reproductive organ develops every day. With the size of the embryo, its muscles and fibers stretch, stimulating stabbing, painful feelings. Whoever said that pregnancy is a “sweet” period, sometimes unpleasant moments happen. The key causes of pain and tingling in the lower abdomen are:

  • hypertonicity of the uterus;
  • digestive failure;
  • flatulence, gas formation;
  • pathology of pregnancy;
  • injuries of the cervix and isthmus of the uterus;
  • inflammation of appendicitis;
  • early birth;
  • the beginning of labor activity.

Uterine tone is observed throughout pregnancy: both at the initial stage and at the end. This is due to the functioning of the uterus and hormonal changes. There is no need to panic because of hypertension and “heal” it. It is necessary to control the level of discomfort when the abdomen “petrifies” and if the situation worsens, consult a doctor. Often, painful feelings when carrying a child appear in women with injuries to the cervix, which arose due to previous births with a large fetus, the use of obstetric forceps, and abortions. Sometimes you notice tingling in the lower abdomen when walking during pregnancy. Experts explain that fast walking, running, and dynamic movements provoke compression of the muscles of the uterus, “petrification,” which results in discomfort in the lower abdomen and stabbing pain. In this case, slow down and, if possible, take a horizontal position. After a certain period of time the situation normalizes.

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