Fitness for pregnant women by trimester. Is it possible for pregnant women to play sports and gymnastics at home?

Greetings, dear readers. In fact, the period of waiting for a baby should be filled with joy for every woman. And no changes in the body should upset you. And if a woman feels great, there are no threats and there is permission from the doctor who is observing her, then she simply needs fitness for pregnant women.

In fact, the old prejudices about pregnant women have long been a thing of the past. They are no longer treated like crystal vases. While everyone knows how beneficial exercise is for every expectant mother.

That is why in this article I will tell you about the benefits of fitness. I’ll also be sure to introduce you to specific exercises that need to be done in each individual trimester.

Fitness for pregnant women and its benefits

Without a doubt, by doing exercises during pregnancy at home, you are doing a good thing both for yourself and for your unborn baby. What is it for? The benefits of activity are enormous, it is difficult to overestimate:

  • this is the path to a good mood and a way to minimize irritability;
  • a way not to gain extra pounds, not to gain weight and stay in good shape (read the link for how to lose weight during pregnancy);
  • it has been proven that those mothers who did exercises during pregnancy regained their weight and figure faster after childbirth;
  • training is needed to prevent back and lower back pain, swelling and other troubles;
  • the main muscles involved in childbirth are strengthened thanks to exercises at home, this makes childbirth easier, childbirth will be faster and easier, less painful;
  • and for women who have already managed to “gain excess weight,” home workouts will help them lose weight;
  • There are even special exercises that are needed to make the child turn head down.

1-4 weeks of pregnancy

1-4 weeks. As a rule, at this time the woman does not yet know that she is pregnant. But at the slightest suspicion, you should reduce physical activity . The very beginning of pregnancy is a difficult stage, during which all the organs and systems of the future fetus are formed, and any overload will not benefit the baby. Working in the gym until you sweat, long marathon distances (as well as sprint races), and ski slopes are prohibited for the expectant mother. Now she needs to learn to calculate her strength and dose the load taking into account her new condition.

Rules for physical activity during pregnancy

However, physical training for pregnant women must vary in intensity and nature of the load, depending on the current trimester:

  1. 1st trimester is minimal stress. Because they should not harm the fertilized egg attached to the walls of the uterus. Moreover, abdominal exercises are now taboo. But exercises on the legs and back are allowed. In addition, you can also train the muscles of the chest and arms. Breathing practices of moderate intensity are extremely useful.
  2. 2nd trimester is safer. Since the risk of pregnancy failure is minimal, serious loads are already allowed here. At the same time, activities aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor (helping to avoid urinary incontinence) are recommended. But exercises in the “lying on your back” position and with weight transfer on one leg are prohibited. They are dangerous, because the uterus can compress the inferior vena cava and provide the fetus with oxygen deficiency.
  3. 3rd trimester – the load is again minimal. As a result, you can train the muscles of your legs and arms and relax your back muscles. However, you should not strain your lower back.

Also, all pregnant women are prohibited from lunges, strong twisting, squats, and exercises where the abs are very tense. It is important to breathe smoothly, exhaling as you relax, and not hold your breath!

32-36 weeks of pregnancy

32-36 weeks. At the end of the 8th month of pregnancy, doctors advise stopping training with elements of step and water aerobics . In general, an expectant mother shouldn’t be too active—and she doesn’t want to. But it’s time to start developing flexibility and relaxation exercises. After all, before giving birth, a woman’s body releases many hormones that weaken the ligaments, the woman literally becomes gutta-percha. And this effect can be used to prepare for childbirth. For example, even at this time it is useful to get acquainted with the basics of yoga . There are a lot of flexibility exercises in this practice, and almost every one of them teaches you how to relax. Choose simple poses that improve blood circulation in the pelvic area, neck and shoulder girdle, breathe smoothly and deeply. And even without any meditation, you will immediately feel how the accumulated tension will leave your body.

Exercises for pregnant women 1st trimester

So, at the beginning of the journey, the following exercises are recommended:

  1. Warm-up: walk in place, roll your shoulders back and forth, and while sitting, do gentle head rotations.
  2. Stand with your feet approximately shoulder-width apart. Do small twists (turns) to the right and left with your pelvis, without much tension.
  3. The legs are the same. Bend your elbows and place your palms behind your head. Then bring your elbows together, connecting them in front, and spread them apart. Do it slowly, repeat 10 times.
  4. Sit upright on the mat with your legs straight ahead. Slowly and alternately pull the heels of your feet towards your pelvis, spreading your knees to the sides. Just as slowly return them back, pulling them straight. Repeat 8-10 times.
  5. Lie on your side, place your bottom hand on the floor, and place your top hand on your hips. Slowly pull your knees towards you, bending your legs. Then smoothly straighten them. Repeat 5-7 times. Repeat while lying on the other side.
  6. Get on all fours. Then extend your left leg back and your right arm forward. Bring it back. Do 10 approaches. Repeat the same with your left arm and right leg.
  7. Sit with your legs straight in front of you and try to touch your toes with your fingers. Stay in the bend for 1 minute, while your knees can be slightly bent. Take a deep breath.

These exercises are quite suitable for beginners. Watch fitness for pregnant women video 1st trimester:

Exercises for pregnant women 2nd trimester

The following exercises are recommended in the 2nd trimester:

  1. Warm up – walking in place, rolling from heel to toe, rotating your shoulders.
  2. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold onto a support (table, wall) with one hand. Raise the opposite leg low to the side, holding it at the top for 10 seconds. Then switch arms and legs. Do 10 lifts on each side.
  3. Legs stand wider than shoulders, hands on waist. Lean to the sides, alternately and slowly. The depth of the tilt is individual, but you should not experience any discomfort. Do 10 bends in each direction.
  4. Sitting on the floor, extend your legs straight forward. Stretch towards your feet, while doing this you can slightly spring.
  5. Place your knees on the floor and your palms too. Hands are under the shoulders. Do slow, shallow push-ups, keeping your back straight. Repeat 8-10 times.

For example, video training for pregnant women, video 2nd trimester, including for beginners:

Recommended sports

It is better to check with your doctor about what sports you can do during pregnancy before starting training.

sport and pregnancy

As a rule, doctors recommend:

  1. Breathing exercises. The need for oxygen increases as the fetus grows. Correct breathing skills will also help during childbirth.
  2. Hiking. Double benefits - exercise and fresh air.
  3. Walking up the steps. On 2-3 floors, at a comfortable pace.
  4. Run. On a flat track, at a slow pace, with deep and even breathing.
  5. Gymnastics for pregnant women. A special complex prepares the body for childbirth, strengthens the pelvic and abdominal muscles, and teaches breathing exercises. Fitball - exercises on a ball - is very effective.
  6. Swimming. The spine is unloaded, muscles are strengthened, breathing is trained. Water aerobics is suitable for those who cannot swim. Important - the pool must meet all hygiene requirements.
  7. Yoga. Relaxation is beneficial for pregnant women. But some asanas are prohibited, consult a trainer.
  8. Pilates. Relieving the back, strengthening the pelvic muscles and breathing exercises are beneficial for a woman in labor.
  9. Fitness. This is permissible only if restrictions are observed; it is better to find a special group for pregnant women.
  10. Cycling. Only permissible on a safe route. The best option is an exercise bike at a moderate pace.
  11. Dancing. Helpful both physically and emotionally. But in a moderate rhythm and without sharp steps.

Exercises for pregnant women 3rd trimester

However, at the final stage, it is important to listen to your body's signals and stop training even if there is minor discomfort. Now gymnastics on a fitball is suitable, because it will help to prepare the body as much as possible for the upcoming birth:

  1. Sit on a fitball, pick up dumbbells (1 kg each) or plastic bottles of water. Press your hands to your shoulders. As you inhale, lift them up, and as you exhale, slowly return them back.
  2. Lie on your back with one foot on the ball. Roll it to the sides, with a small amplitude. Repeat with the second leg.
  3. Stand, take the ball in your hands, extended forward. Slowly squeeze and unclench it in your hands, while trying to strain only your arms, not your abs or your back.
  4. Sit on the ball and make circles, rotating your pelvis while maintaining balance. Then carefully jump on it, low, with support on your feet. This will relieve tension from the back, lower back, and strengthen the necessary muscles.

Gymnastics for pregnant women 3rd trimester on fitball video:

What types of physical activity are contraindicated?

Naturally, and every woman understands this, not all sports are equally useful and allowed during pregnancy. There can be no talk of any boxing, parachuting or horse riding! These types are strictly prohibited while carrying a child. The reason for the ban is the high probability of injury, but at this stage a woman should protect herself from falls, concussions, hypothermia and overheating.

Some other sports are on the black list:

  • step and dance aerobics;
  • jumping;
  • sprinting and long-distance running;
  • diving (deep-sea diving), diving, water skiing;
  • skiing;
  • group sports;
  • cross-country cycling;
  • lifting weights;

Also prohibited are any exercises based on stretching the abdominal muscles, any sudden movements, strong stretching, “inverted” yoga asanas, sudden movements and swings in swimming, and strong bending of the back.

Training and recommendations

However, it is permissible to exercise during pregnancy only after consultation with the doctor monitoring your pregnancy.

  • Training frequency. It is optimal to do exercises 2-3 times a week, for 30 minutes.
  • It is extremely important to monitor your heart rate while exercising. It is normal for an expectant mother’s pulse to range from 120 to 130 beats per minute during exercise. 5 minutes after completion, it should return to normal and become between 60 and 80 beats. To monitor your heart rate, such a useful thing as a fitness bracelet is very useful. You can read about him here.

Finally, some interesting information from scientists. Spanish scientists, as a result of research, came to the conclusion that fitness and physical activity are simply necessary for expectant mothers. Moderate exercise minimizes the risk of gestational diabetes and preeclampsia, as well as birth defects in the baby.

That's all! I really hope that this article will convince you that exercising during pregnancy is not advisable, but necessary. And fitness for pregnant women is the key to health, well-being, and an easy birth!

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Is it possible to exercise during pregnancy?

When a woman finds out that she will become a mother in a few months, this fact brings many changes to her usual routine. One of the first questions to arise is about correcting the physical activity regime in order to provide the best possible conditions for the formation of the baby in the mother’s womb. Is it safe to continue vigorous exercise during pregnancy? How to keep yourself in good shape so that childbirth goes well, and after it you quickly get into optimal shape?

The correct answer to the question of whether pregnant women can engage in fitness can be done only after consulting the expectant mother with her doctor. It must be taken into account that every woman’s body is individual. Some representatives of the fair sex, in anticipation of their unborn child, may go to the gym for classes until the last weeks of pregnancy, while others, in order to avoid the threat of miscarriage, may be recommended bed rest. As a general rule, moderate physical activity is recommended for pregnant women, but their type and intensity should be determined in consultation with a specialist.

Pregnant girl doing exercises at home

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