Burning sensation in the abdomen during pregnancy - pathology or normal?

The pregnancy period brings on a wide range of different symptoms, some of which are expected while others can be a little unpredictable. From morning sickness to body aches and sad moods, a woman can experience any symptom that occurs naturally or due to irritants.

Abdominal pain is one such symptom that women complain about very often during pregnancy. However, are frequent complaints normal?

Sometimes abdominal pain can indicate a deep-rooted pathology occurring inside a woman’s body. Timely diagnosis can help determine optimal treatment, but this does not mean ignoring this symptom or treating it lightly.

Is it normal to feel pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy?

For experienced mothers, stomach pain is a normal part of pregnancy, along with mood swings, back pain and cravings for certain foods. But if the baby and organs are in the lower abdomen, why does the woman experience pain in the upper abdomen? Poorly controlled or persistent pain is a serious sign of internal problems that may also interfere with the normal course of pregnancy. Therefore, it is very important to keep an eye on the symptoms you experience; they may not mean anything on their own, but when combined they can help diagnose the underlying problem.

Diagnosis of anomalies

To separate pathologies from the normal state, the girl must undergo some examinations. They start from the gynecologist's office. A smear is taken for analysis in all cases if the patient’s condition is not accompanied by acute symptoms: vomiting, fever, unbearable pain.

After the examination, the gynecologist prescribes additional tests:

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  • Ultrasound of the pelvis, x-ray if necessary;
  • cystoscopy;
  • biopsy;
  • genetic analysis.

If a woman comes in with complaints of acute heat in the lower abdomen, pain, vomiting and other severe discomfort, examinations are kept to a minimum.

Common Causes

Pain experienced during pregnancy is not necessarily a sign of a serious pathology. It may be an indicator of normal pregnancy. For example, as pregnancy progresses, the uterus continues to stretch, which often leads to abdominal discomfort. Pain may also be felt as organs are pushed or pressed inside the body to accommodate the expanding uterus. Some other common causes include bloating, heartburn, gas, diarrhea, or constipation.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), also called heartburn because of the burning pain it causes in the upper abdomen or chest, is common during pregnancy. It affects up to 45% of women during this period, according to a systematic review of studies published by MOU in 2020.

Other symptoms seen with GERD include a sour taste in the mouth or belching, which usually gets worse after eating. As your pregnancy progresses, you are more likely to develop GERD as your growing uterus puts more pressure on your intestinal tract. GERD can also result from decreased muscle tone in the lower esophageal sphincter, which separates the stomach from the esophagus and prevents food from moving back up. Slow passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract due to hormonal changes can also cause heartburn. Some foods can worsen symptoms. Ask your doctor before taking antacids or other medications.

However, a woman should not try to diagnose the cause herself and it is always a good idea to visit a doctor at periodic intervals.

Symptoms of burning sensation in pregnant women

A burning sensation in the lower abdomen can indicate muscle strain, inflammation, injury, and many other unpleasant symptoms during pregnancy. In parallel with the burning sensation, other symptoms of the underlying disease or pregnancy anomaly may be present. Unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen indicate accelerated growth of the uterus, which occurs when taking certain medications or during a multiple pregnancy, with polyhydramnios or a backward deviation of the uterus.

A prolonged burning sensation in the lower abdomen that does not go away for a long time may indicate a pathological ectopic pregnancy. Associated symptoms include bleeding and pain radiating to the lower back and rectum. An ectopic pregnancy occurs in one of the tubes; the belly takes on a rounded shape as bleeding occurs and the fallopian tube may rupture. In this case, the burning sensation turns into a sharp pain, and the woman needs urgent hospitalization and surgery.

Serious reasons

Pain in the upper abdomen is not always due to bloating and other problems in the intestines, but can also be a sign of several devastating pathologies, each of which is a serious complication during pregnancy and can lead to catastrophic results if left unchecked.

Gallbladder problems

A significant proportion of women suffer from diseases of the biliary system during pregnancy. During this period, the formation of gallstones (cholelithiasis) may increase. According to research, sand in the gallbladder occurs in 5-36% of pregnant women, and stones - 2-11%. Acute cholecystitis (violent inflammation of the gallbladder) is a common complication.

Gallbladder problems arise due to the fact that the secretion of cholesterol in the bile increases during pregnancy, which leads to the formation of gallstones, which eventually form stones. The gallbladder also empties more slowly during pregnancy, which allows sediment to accumulate in it and contribute to the formation of stones. Symptoms include pain in the upper right side of the abdomen, especially after eating a high-fat meal.

Severe cases often require surgery. If it is necessary to remove gallstones, your doctor may prefer to do it in the second trimester, when the risk of complications is lower and the surgery is easier to perform, than in the third trimester, when the uterus is larger.2

Pancreas problems

The pancreas and gallbladder are connected through the bile ducts. Because of this, blockages in the ducts caused by gallstones can also cause problems in the pancreas. The risk of developing acute pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) increases during pregnancy, but it remains a rare condition, affecting only 1 in 1,000 to 3 in 10,000 pregnant women.

You may experience pain in your upper abdomen that wraps around your back. Leaning forward may reduce pain.2

It is believed that about 70% of all cases of acute pancreatitis during pregnancy are associated with gallstones. High triglyceride levels or alcohol abuse are other causes.4


Preeclampsia can lead to serious pregnancy complications for mother and baby. This complication affects 2 to 8% of all pregnant women, and is more common during the first pregnancy. Age over 40, long-standing hypertension, diabetes or obesity also put pregnant women at greater risk of developing this complication, which develops in the second half of pregnancy. Classic signs include pain in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen, visual disturbances, facial swelling, headache, protein in the urine, and high blood pressure. Call your doctor immediately if you develop symptoms of preeclampsia, as the condition can be life-threatening for you and your baby.5

HELLP syndrome

Some experts consider HELLP syndrome to be a severe form of preeclampsia, while others classify it as a separate condition. The term is an acronym for hemolysis, elevated liver enzyme levels and low platelet counts. It is a rare complication and occurs in 0.1-0.6% of all pregnancies and 4-12% of women with preeclampsia. Typically occurs between the 27th week of pregnancy and childbirth or immediately after.

Main symptoms:

  • headache;
  • nausea, vomiting, indigestion and pain after eating;
  • pain in the chest and upper right abdomen (from liver damage);
  • shoulder pain or pain when breathing deeply;
  • hemorrhagic manifestations (hemorrhages);
  • visual impairment;
  • swelling.

Any severe abdominal pain during pregnancy requires an immediate visit to the doctor.

How to alleviate the condition?

Below are simple home remedies and traditional methods. However, if you experience severe pain, you should seek emergency medical attention.

Eat small mealsEat small meals at short intervals to prevent abdominal pain, discomfort and gas.
Try to do exercisesDo a relaxation exercise that helps relieve muscle spasms and loosen strained muscles. For example, whenever you feel pain in the upper abdominal area, you should curl into the fetal position and then slowly straighten your body. Keep doing this for a few minutes and relief will come immediately.
Avoid constipationIn some conditions, expectant mothers may experience abdominal discomfort due to constipation, which is a common complaint among pregnant women. To prevent this, it is recommended to include high fiber foods in your diet. Fiber helps in absorbing water and allows stool to pass without excessive drying.
Drink enough fluidsDrinking the right amount of water per day can prevent stomach pain caused by constipation and bloating. Water supports the metabolic system and prevents dehydration.
Visit the toilet more oftenAs pregnancy continues, the uterus begins to grow and take up more space, which increases pressure on the bladder. If urine does not come out often, then abdominal pain is felt, so it is recommended that women urinate more often.
Relax in a comfortable positionTake frequent breaks from work and activities to relax your body by lying or sitting in a comfortable position, especially in later stages of pregnancy. This can prevent fatigue and muscle cramps, thereby minimizing the intensity and frequency of abdominal pain.

When should you visit a doctor?

  • If the pain in the upper abdomen remains constant and/or there is also pain in the lower abdomen with cramping or bleeding. In some cases, bleeding may not be heavy and may be accompanied by vaginal discharge.
  • If pain is felt and continues for a significant period of time and/or does not respond to over-the-counter remedies, it is recommended that you speak with your doctor immediately. If spasmodic pain is felt in the neck and shoulder area along with the abdomen, seek medical help immediately.
  • Fatigue, difficulty passing urine and dizziness should not be taken lightly, if you experience these symptoms then seek medical help.
  • It is extremely important to take care of yourself and pay attention to any suspicious signs and symptoms during pregnancy. Talk to your doctor about any suspicions you have, although they may not be a big deal. Also refrain from self-diagnosis or self-medication to minimize the risk of complications.


If candidiasis is detected, the doctor will prescribe special suppositories (for example, Pimafucin). They will have to be inserted into the vagina before bed. You will also need to wash with special solutions. Douching for pregnant women is prohibited. The partner must also be treated. He will be prescribed a tablet form of the drug.

If kidney disease is detected, homeopathic treatment will be prescribed. An excellent option is Canephron.

If there is a risk of miscarriage or premature birth, it is advisable for a woman to undergo preservation. She will be prescribed maintenance therapy. This requires constant monitoring by medical workers.

An ectopic pregnancy requires urgent surgery. Here the fertilized egg is removed with or without a tube.

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