Discharge from the mammary glands in pregnant women. Discharge of colostrum during pregnancy: norm and pathology 37th week of pregnancy discharge from the mammary glands

Natural process

A pregnant woman's body gradually restructures itself in preparation for future feeding of the baby.
The woman herself begins to feel some changes in her breasts - slight itching or tingling, as well as muscle tension and swelling of the nipples. If colostrum suddenly leaks from the breast, some women begin to interpret this phenomenon as a harbinger of childbirth, although this is not entirely true. How many days before birth does colostrum appear? There is no specific answer to this question - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the female body. In most cases, colostrum begins to be released 2-3 days after the birth of the baby, but for some women it can happen a whole trimester before giving birth.

It all depends on the physiological structure of the mammary glands, which are a set of glandular lobules with alveoli, and the processes occurring in the breast. Around the middle of the first trimester, under the influence of hormones, the number of lobes increases and their ducts expand. During this period, a woman experiences unusual sensations in her chest.

If colostrum appears at the turn of the 2nd-3rd trimesters, you should not worry about the fact that there is little time left before giving birth. This is how the body lets the woman know that her mammary glands are already ready to feed the baby, and she shouldn’t worry about it. Nature made sure that a baby born prematurely was provided with the same nutrition as a full-term baby.

In women who have given birth, the ducts are more developed than in first-born women, so colostrum can appear from the first trimester. Experienced pregnant women know that they still have time before giving birth, but the time has come to pay more attention to their breasts.

Colostrum during pregnancy

If colostrum is not released in advance, but only before the birth itself, then there is nothing dangerous in this either. In principle, it should not be released until the birth itself. And if colostrum is not released until after birth, this does not mean that you will not have milk in the future. These things are not interconnected with each other. Colostrum begins to be released immediately during or after childbirth. The amount of colostrum released is an individual thing, so do not pay attention to how much is released during gestation and how much after it.

Interesting: How often do periods occur during pregnancy?

Timing of appearance and reasons

There have been cases when small drops of yellowish liquid were released from the nipples of a pregnant woman even in the first trimester, and this in no way preceded the approaching birth. Due to the individual characteristics of the hormonal composition, this sign can be perceived as confirmation of an “interesting situation.”

But more active production of colostrum begins in the second trimester. Some women secrete 1-2 drops per day, while others soak all their clothes with a sticky substance. This phenomenon does not depend on the time of day and may not be regular.

The third trimester is not accompanied by an increase in the volume of discharge, but the yellow tint becomes white and the liquid becomes transparent. This can already be regarded as a sign of imminent labor.

Reasons affecting the appearance of colostrum:

  1. drinking plenty of hot water;
  2. hot bath or shower;
  3. strong outbursts of emotions (negative and positive);
  4. active sexual intercourse.

By minimizing these factors, there will be less breast discharge until the baby is born. In addition, these reasons can also provoke uterine tone, which is dangerous in the early stages.

Appearance time

From the first days of pregnancy, a woman’s breasts begin to prepare for pregnancy, and certain changes occur in the hormonal background. This leads to the fact that from the moment the baby is conceived, the production of colostrum begins.

  • Almost always a woman (before) does not feel or notice this, because the amount of this nutrient fluid is minimal. However, there are cases when the appearance of colostrum is the first woman. It depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.
  • (from 13 to 28-30 weeks) colostrum production begins more actively, and many women notice yellowish sticky droplets on their clothes. These discharges may not be daily, appear regardless of the time of day and have different amounts (from 1 drop to 1-2-5 ml).
  • (from 30-31 weeks until childbirth) in most women is accompanied by the release of colostrum of varying amounts. It acquires a less saturated color, but its amount does not change significantly.

Breast discharge during pregnancy is associated with several environmental factors:

  • emotional situations (both positive and negative);
  • taking a hot shower;
  • after prolonged sexual intercourse;
  • after massage of the mammary glands;
  • hot drink (water, or others).


After birth, colostrum becomes even more clear, but still retains its yellow color and chemical composition. It is secreted for the first 3-7 days, after which it is replaced by mature white milk with a slightly different composition.

Preparing for feeding

In the middle of the third trimester, the release of colostrum before childbirth may become abundant, causing the woman some discomfort. In this regard, she will have to take a number of measures.

What to do when colostrum appears

  • change bras;
  • choose looser clothes;
  • wash your breasts more often;
  • treat nipples with bactericidal creams;
  • review your diet.

You will also have to wear a bra at night - to maintain full breasts and soft napkins placed on the nipples to absorb excess liquid. Clothing should not put pressure on the chest or provoke the release of colostrum.

The appearance of colostrum before childbirth can cause the development of inflammatory processes in constantly wet nipples.

Therefore, you will have to wash your breasts with warm soapy water several times a day, while changing your bra. It is recommended to buy a special cream that will prevent infection from penetrating through open ducts.

Premature production of colostrum can be caused by carbohydrates taken in large quantities. Closer to the third trimester, it is recommended to minimize the consumption of starchy and flour-containing products, as well as sweets, switching to proteins of animal and plant origin. Immediately before childbirth, more vegetables, fruits and protein are introduced into the diet.

Some experts recommend waiting for childbirth to benefit by preparing your breasts for feeding. It is believed that if you squeeze out a little colostrum every day, it will increase milk production during lactation. It is also advised to develop the nipples by kneading, stretching and twisting them with your fingers, so that it will be easier for the baby to latch onto the breast.

These recommendations are useful, but there is no need to rush to implement them. If a woman knows exactly how long it will take to give birth, then preparing the breasts for feeding should be postponed to the end of the last trimester. Premature stimulation of the nipples will lead to tension and tone of the uterus, which can provoke miscarriage.

Why should you take vitamins and minerals?

Vitamin and mineral complexes recommended by the gynecologist must be taken in full.

  • Calcium is especially important now. While in the womb, the child continues to grow, the bones increase in size, and his body needs a sufficient amount of this microelement. Calcium also helps the mother: by strengthening the walls of blood vessels, it prevents the formation of hemorrhoids and varicose veins.
  • Another useful element is magnesium. It reduces the risk of developing seizures, relieves muscle spasms and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system: it reduces general excitability and calms the expectant mother.
  • Iron is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis in the baby’s body, and vitamin C helps it to be fully absorbed, and together with calcium, supports blood vessels by increasing their elasticity.

Colostrum at 39 weeks of pregnancy

The appearance of colostrum before the birth itself or during pregnancy can greatly frighten the expectant mother. Here's what experienced experts say about it. The release of colostrum during pregnancy is a natural process, as is its complete absence.

Colostrum production begins in the second trimester of pregnancy, even if it is not leaking at this point. Pregnant women should know what colostrum looks like. Initially, it is thick, yellowish in color and sticky, but as it approaches childbirth, the structure of colostrum becomes much more liquid and transparent.

Many expectant mothers monitor their health very closely, often worrying unnecessarily about certain nuances that are actually considered quite normal. In particular, we are talking about things like colostrum release. What is it and when should it appear?

What is colostrum

Preparing the mammary glands

Colostrum gradually changes in composition, turning into transitional milk by the fourth or fifth day. From about the 6th day of lactation, the secretion of the mammary gland is nothing more than mature milk. The process of replacing colostrum with mature milk occurs in women with varying intensity. For some it is faster, for others this process is longer. It is known that in primiparous women the process of converting colostrum into mature milk takes longer, in multiparous women it takes less. The individual characteristics of each woman matter.

A significant increase in milk volume is called milk let-down, or breast fullness. In some women, this phenomenon occurs on the 3rd–4th day after birth; in others it is observed later, on the 6th–9th day, that is, after discharge from the maternity hospital.

If colostrum is not released, this is normal. There is no need to think that your breasts are “non-dairy” if there is no colostrum during pregnancy. Remember that its allocation depends only on your physical characteristics. Whether there is colostrum during pregnancy or not, this will not affect the appearance of milk (after childbirth). It is normal for colostrum to appear immediately after childbirth, and not during pregnancy.

There are some times when leaking fluid from the breast can be dangerous, but only when there is a risk of miscarriage. When you have nagging pain in the lower abdomen and bloody discharge from the vagina, you should carefully monitor yourself. During such periods, the release of colostrum can cause miscarriage.

The fact is that when immature milk is secreted, a woman’s uterus contracts, which can lead to termination of pregnancy. This applies to cases where the release of colostrum is accompanied by other signs of a threatened pregnancy. If you, while in confinement (in hospital or inpatient care), have some signs of a threat of pregnancy, and notice discharge from your breasts, be sure to tell your doctor.

Changes in the mammary glands during pregnancy often cause a woman a lot of unpleasant sensations: the breasts grow, swell, and sometimes become painful. When colostrum appears during pregnancy, the expectant mother may feel itching or tingling in the breasts - this is normal and only means that the mammary glands are preparing to perform their main function - milk production.

When the mammary glands undergo changes, the woman experiences discomfort. Her breasts grow and tingle and sometimes become painful. If colostrum begins to appear, your breasts may become itchy and sometimes stretch marks appear. All this is quite normal and indicates that the woman’s breasts are preparing to feed the baby.

Tell your gynecologist about any changes that occur during pregnancy, including breast discharge. If he doubts anything, he will refer you to a mammologist who, after a thorough examination, will tell you the reason for the appearance of uncharacteristic discharge.

Be prepared for him to ask you the following questions:

As for breast care, if colostrum leaks during pregnancy, it comes down to simple rules:

  1. Every day (at least morning and evening), wash your breasts with warm water from the shower without using detergents.
  2. Wear a comfortable bra - with a deep cup, strong wide straps, without unnecessary seams or decorative elements. The bra should hold your breasts securely, preventing them from moving excessively, but not squeezing them or causing any other discomfort. The bra should be regularly replaced with a new one and ensured that it remains dry: a warm, humid environment promotes the growth of bacteria.
  3. If copious amounts of colostrum are produced during pregnancy, it is better to use special breast pads or place cotton pads in your bra cups.

Finally, we note that there is no connection between the release of colostrum during pregnancy and the production of breast milk after childbirth. There are various myths among people about this, supposedly:

So, colostrum during pregnancy is quite normal. However, if you experience chest pain and “suspicious” discharge of uncharacteristic color and consistency, do not put off a visit to the doctor. Good health to you!

How does milk appear: what should an expectant mother know?

Breast pain before menstruation: is this normal?

reasons for the appearance and nature of discharge

Breast enlargement during pregnancy

Composition of breast milk

Pregnancy 38-39 weeks: main characteristics

Pregnancy period 38-39 weeks: what changes and how does it end?

The last weeks and days of pregnancy are always quite emotional for the expectant mother. This is due to the fact that the baby’s gestation period is coming to an end. Very soon the woman will be holding her baby in her arms. But for this it is necessary to go through the process of childbirth, which worries the pregnant woman. After all, by this time everything should be ready for the baby to appear. Labor can begin at any time. Pregnancy 38-39 weeks is the period when childbirth occurs for most women in labor.

How does the woman feel?

At this stage of bearing a child, the weight of the expectant mother reaches its maximum. In addition to the additional kilograms that the woman herself has gained, she also carries 7-8 kg for the fetus. After all, the baby has already reached a weight of 3-3.5 kg, about one and a half kilograms falls on the amniotic fluid, and the uterus with the placenta weighs another 2-3 kg. Such a burden at 38-39 weeks of pregnancy makes a woman even more eager to give birth as soon as possible, because additional weight often causes deterioration in well-being, namely:

  • increase in heart rate;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet and others.

Pregnancy 38-39 weeks may be accompanied by the beginning of the mucus plug. This can be understood by the mucous secretions, which contain streaks of blood. There is no need to be afraid of this phenomenon. Also, there is no need to rush to the hospital with this sign. The loss of the mucus plug is an absolutely natural stage of pregnancy, which indicates that labor will begin within 2 weeks.

During this period, lower back pain often occurs, which is associated with a shift in the center of gravity, as well as increased load on the spine. In addition, pregnant women often feel pain in the joints, and not only in the lower extremities. Unpleasant sensations can also occur in other places, which is due to the fact that the expectant mother’s body sends a lot of minerals to the growth and development of the fetus. Therefore, it is recommended to consume more calcium-containing foods during this period.

Pregnancy 38-39 weeks is often accompanied by the beginning of colostrum secretion from the mammary glands. This is preparation for the breastfeeding process. The milk itself arrives after birth, 2-3 days later. But colostrum is not a mandatory sign at this stage, so those who do not produce it should not worry. It can appear immediately after childbirth, which is enough for a newborn.

During pregnancy, 38-39 weeks, stretch marks may appear on the abdomen. Even if they didn’t exist before or the woman carefully looked after herself using creams or special underwear, at this stage stripes can very unexpectedly appear on the skin. But after childbirth they will lighten, so you shouldn’t be upset.

It is especially worth paying attention to the expectant mother at 38-39 weeks of pregnancy for the increase in swelling and the indicator of devices for measuring blood pressure. A strong deviation from the established indicator, as well as swelling not only in the lower extremities, can be signs of late toxicosis, gestosis. This is unsafe for the health of both mother and baby.

Baby at 38-39 stages of pregnancy

At this stage, the fetus is already fully formed and ready for independent existence. Therefore, going into labor now will not be considered a premature birth. There is even the first feces in the baby’s rectum, which is the result of the digestion of amniotic fluid. Evacuation may occur immediately after birth.

At 38-39 weeks of pregnancy, movements are practically no longer felt. This is due to the fact that the mother has no space left in her stomach for movement. Therefore, very often the baby feels discomfort and stress, which leads to the release of the hormone cortisol. The latter, in turn, provokes uterine contractions and the onset of labor. Although at this stage this is considered a normal process, and pregnancy is considered full-term.

The gestation period of 38-39 weeks can be called the period when the expectant mother should be ready for childbirth at any moment. When leaving home, she should not forget her documents and exchange card, and she must also prepare packages for the delivery room.

What to do if you have colostrum leakage

There are no hard-to-follow rules for the production and excretion of colostrum. Caring for the mammary glands is quite simple:

  • Wearing for pregnant and lactating women (made from natural fabrics, soft material, appropriate size, not constricting the breasts).
  • Washing the mammary glands with clean warm water 1-2 times a day, without using soap (for inflammation and colonization of microorganisms).
  • Using a soft towel to wipe or blot the mammary glands (without sudden or rough movements, avoiding pain and chafing).
  • Apply specialized pads between the underwear and nipples (you can use regular cotton pads, gauze, handkerchiefs). Change them regularly to avoid the development of infection.
  • (will speed up lactation and).
  • Do not express colostrum (this will speed up lactation and increase uterine tone).
  • Use moisturizing creams (this will prevent stretch marks on the breasts and reduce the risk of cracked nipples, both during pregnancy and lactation).
  • Follow the rules (reduce carbohydrate intake - flour products made from refined wheat flour, sugar, potatoes and white rice, consume large amounts of animal and plant proteins, and, and 1 month before giving birth, increase fat intake).


In case of pathological impurities, pain, poor health, uneven enlargement of the mammary glands, you should immediately contact your local gynecologist in charge of pregnancy.

37 38 39 and 40 weeks of pregnancy

37 38 39 and 40 weeks of pregnancy are an important time to prepare for childbirth. Don't feel unhappy. Don't act like you're sick. Pregnancy and childbirth are work designed by nature for a woman’s body. And she is on your side: believe me, she has done a lot to help you safely get rid of the burden and feel happy.

The expectant mother should remember:

    About two weeks before giving birth or a little earlier, the mucus plug will come out of the cervix.

The placenta begins to age: difficulties arise in supplying the fetus with nutrients and oxygen.

The center of gravity in the uterus changes, and, as a result, lower back pain is possible.

The sensitivity of the uterus to the baby's kicks increases.

The mammary glands are enlarged, swollen, and colostrum may be released.

Post-term pregnancy is possible - this is dangerous for the fetus. Be on the lookout!

The breaking of water is a signal to immediately go to the maternity hospital.

37 38 39 and 40 weeks of pregnancy are the most difficult. The load on your body has increased to the maximum. The heart lies almost horizontally. The pulse is increased: in order to drive blood through the additional placental circulation, the cardiovascular system has to work in an enhanced mode. Metabolism changes, the thyroid gland functions more actively.

The placenta has practically exhausted all its resources and is no longer able to fully provide the child with nutrition and oxygen. The baby feels this and “insists” on living independently.

Do not be alarmed by the separation of the mucus plug, which closes the entrance to the cervix and prevents infection from entering. The plug is a mucous lump, sometimes even slightly stained with blood. Everything is going as it should, you just received a “warning”: there are no more than two weeks left before the birth!

You may have experienced back pain before: during pregnancy, the joints of the pelvic ring change. To allow the fetus to grow normally and then pass through the birth canal, the pregnant woman’s ligaments and joint capsules gradually relax: as a result, the muscles experience additional stress: this is where the origins of lower back pain come from. In addition, the center of gravity has shifted, the pregnant uterus seems to be pulled forward, and the woman is forced to lean back more and more in order to maintain balance when walking. She instinctively walks more carefully, her movements are leisurely and smooth. Yes, this is not surprising! Let's calculate what kind of load you are carrying: a child weighs 3-4 kg, amniotic fluid weighs 1.5 liters, the placenta and uterus weigh 1 kilogram each.

Pain in the lower back and calf muscles is also possible due to depletion of bones in calcium. This should never be discounted, because even closer to the 40th week of pregnancy, when the fetus is already fully formed, it is finally intensively stocked with minerals. And he has only one option - to take them from his mother. A woman must strictly replenish the amount of calcium in her body. Dairy products, fish, eggshells, and multivitamins containing calcium will help you.

An unpleasant surprise in the last weeks of pregnancy is stretch marks (striae). These are reddish grooves on the stomach and thighs. It can happen like this: you went to bed and they weren’t there, you woke up in the morning and your whole stomach was “painted.” As a rule, after childbirth, stretch marks will turn pale and become slightly smaller.

Sometimes, if the fetus is very large, the navel turns outward. Don't be scared! This is also normal. Don't try to push it back. Still worried? Then consult your doctor.

By the 37th, 38th, 39th and 40th weeks of pregnancy, the mammary glands become greatly enlarged, and you already feel their heaviness.

The appearance of colostrum is another harbinger of imminent birth. It is not difficult to recognize this event: spots appear on the bra. By the way, now you only need a cotton, thick, harsh bra. The ligaments that support the breasts need protection to maintain their beauty after childbirth.

Milk will “come” on the 3-4th day after the baby is born, when the hormone prolactin reaches its maximum in a woman’s body and gives the command to produce milk.

Is it possible to do something extraordinary in the last weeks of pregnancy to ensure that the milk comes on time and there is enough of it? Unfortunately no. The program - whether to have abundant milk or not - is genetically laid down for every woman.

There are observations that young and healthy women have fewer problems with milk. The older the woman in labor, the less often she feeds her baby herself. Women whose mammary glands have a wide base are more “milky.” A mother with “acute” breasts may have problems while feeding her baby.

Note: In principle, you can give birth in any of the remaining four weeks. And childbirth should not take you by surprise.

Maintain good hygiene. Sexual activity has ceased for you since the 33rd week. Take a shower every day, and if this is not possible, wipe your entire body and chest with a damp towel. Trim your nails shorter and remove the polish. Think about your hairstyle - hair should not get in the way during childbirth. Prepare things for your newborn that will be needed upon discharge from the hospital. Show your husband or relatives where they are. Prepare things for yourself too.

Continue to walk more in the fresh air - at least 2 times a day. If possible, to train for temperature changes, walk around naked at home for a few minutes. Please note that you will only wear a light shirt in the delivery room.

Prepare for difficult physical work. You must help your child be born!


The fetus at 37, 38, 39 and 40 weeks of pregnancy is full term and fully formed. The “formation” of the reproductive system ends: in boys, for example, the testicles descend into the scrotum. The navel, which has been “rising” upward in recent weeks, has reached its rightful place. The cheese-like lubricant has disappeared, it can only be preserved where it is necessary to protect the delicate skin from abrasions - in the groin, in the armpits.

The child already has good intestinal motility, and meconium, the original feces, accumulates in its lower sections. Sometimes a lot of it accumulates: it happens that during childbirth the doctor is presented with a “surprise”. Where does meconium come from? It's simple: this is the result of the processing of swallowed amniotic fluid in the digestive system. It consists of particles of epithelium and vernix lubrication, secretions of the stomach and intestines. If you examine the chemical composition, you will find fats, bilirubin, and cholesterol. The meconium of an unborn baby is sterile, but immediately after birth various microorganisms will settle in the intestines.

The “system”, which is entrusted with the extremely important task of providing the baby with the ability to suck, is getting ready for work. Without exaggeration, his life depends on this unconditional reflex.

During the entire last month of pregnancy in the mother’s womb, the child, if there is no breech presentation, “stands” on its head.

To the question: “Why does labor begin?” — there is no definite answer yet. The most common theory is that they are initiated by the fetus. By the 40th week of pregnancy (or a little earlier), he finds himself in a difficult situation: the placenta has grown old and is already having difficulty delivering nutrients to him, and the uterus becomes too cramped a home. The child experiences very unpleasant sensations, his adrenal cortex is activated and a large amount of cortisol, the stress hormone, is released. In response, the hormonal balance in the mother's body changes. As a result, the uterus becomes very sensitive to biologically active substances produced by the woman’s placenta and pituitary gland. It begins to contract - regular contractions appear, followed by childbirth.

A full-term baby is pink, with a well-developed subcutaneous fat layer. Many babies grow quite long hair in the womb, and their nails are already so large that during childbirth the baby sometimes scratches his face.

The average weight of a born boy is 3600 g, girls - 3500 g. The height of newborns is from 50 to 53-54 cm

Is it necessary for a newborn to cry? Yes, I should. After all, the cry comes with the first breath: the lungs expand, and the baby begins to breathe.

Video. pregnancy 38-39 weeks

Your baby will be born only in a few months, and you are already getting ready to feed him. Many women generally call swelling and increased sensitivity of the breasts the first sign of pregnancy! At this time, the mammary glands begin to produce colostrum - the baby’s first food, a thick, sweetish liquid of light yellow color with high nutritional value - more than 150 kcal per 100 grams, this is the calorie content of fruit jam and milk ice cream!

When and how should colostrum appear, what is normal and what is pathology? Let's figure it out!

Medical examinations at 37-38 weeks

In the last weeks of pregnancy, a woman should visit the doctor more often .
An obstetrician-gynecologist must prescribe a urine and blood test, which determines the presence of protein and sugar. Blood pressure must be monitored and edema detected. If all these indicators differ significantly from the norm, then the woman is sent to the maternity hospital, where her well-being is monitored and, if necessary, appropriate treatment is provided.

So, this is the 32nd week of pregnancy. Very soon what you have been waiting for will come. It's time to learn how to breathe correctly during childbirth. Knowing this technique will help you reduce pain when the baby decides to be born.

In addition, it is important to collect everything you will need as soon as the birth takes place. It is necessary to study in advance what to include in the list for a bag to the maternity hospital. After all, it is important not to miss anything, to take everything that you and the baby will need in the first days.

When should you pack up and go to the maternity hospital?

First, the mucus plug comes off, the next day mucus with blood streaks may appear, the stomach also drops, as you can notice - it becomes a little easier to breathe and it becomes visually clear that the stomach has become lower.

A clear sign of imminent labor is if you place your palm under your breast and it fits between your chest and tummy.

There is also a stronger pressure on the bladder and intestines.

Not much blood may be released, as you know, the mucus plug can come off a week before birth and one day before birth, the mucus may contain streaks of blood, this is also normal, but if blood is released, labor usually begins within 24 hours. At the 39th week of pregnancy, a pregnant woman may periodically have a stomach ache, periodic pain in the abdomen is the beginning of contractions and it’s time to get ready for the maternity hospital.

The intervals between contractions may vary, usually the intervals shorten closer to childbirth, and when the intervals between contractions are already 5 minutes, you need to go to the maternity hospital.

Registration at the maternity hospital is usually done quickly.

Next, the pregnant woman will be given an enema and take a shower.

Then you will be taken to a chair and you will be examined by a doctor; if you are fully dilated, you will be transferred to the delivery room.

Physical activity: recommendations and limitations

It is better to limit physical activity this week. Under the supervision of an instructor, it is allowed to perform light exercises to prepare the muscles for childbirth; You are allowed to cover only short distances at a slow pace on your own. Evening walks are useful in the fight against insomnia, which often bothers expectant mothers in the last weeks of pregnancy.

At this time, relaxation and peace are indicated - the woman should fully rest and conserve her strength before giving birth

Breathing exercises will bring much more benefits than physical education. Breathing training will help not only during pregnancy, but also during labor. It often happens that a woman in labor on the obstetric table has no idea how to breathe correctly in order to alleviate her condition and relieve acute pain.

What does the doctor check during the examination?

In the last weeks before childbirth, doctors pay attention to the following indicators:

  • cervical condition,
  • fetal presentation,
  • the width of the pelvis of the expectant mother.

At 37 weeks of pregnancy, the cervix becomes soft and thin, and in some cases even begins to dilate. Its changes occur gradually and are usually accompanied by aching sensations in the lower abdomen. To determine the degree of dilatation, the doctor examines the pregnant woman on a gynecological chair.


During the examination, he also takes a smear to exclude disturbances in the vaginal microflora. If tests show the presence of a fungal or bacterial infection, timely treatment will prevent it from ascending the birth canal towards the fetus.

After this, the doctor measures the circumference of the pregnant woman’s abdomen, her weight and assesses the physiological state based on the presence of edema, blood pressure, urine tests and, if necessary, biochemical blood data.

An ultrasound at 37 weeks is performed only for medical reasons: for example, in case of suspected umbilical cord entanglement in the baby’s neck and oxygen deficiency.

Why is it hard to breathe during pregnancy and what to do?

When carrying a fetus, the expectant mother is accompanied by discomfort and not always pleasant side effects of pregnancy. For example, some suffer from increased swelling and itching of the skin, while others realize that it is very difficult for them to breathe. During pregnancy, this is a frequent complaint from the patient to the local gynecologist, but before offering the expectant mother effective treatment, the doctor must individually determine the cause of the pathology.

Etiology of the pathological process

As practice shows, it is difficult to breathe during late pregnancy, when the already large fetus unnecessarily “strains” the internal organs and systems. This is explained very simply: with each obstetric week that comes, the uterus rises higher and higher, compresses the diaphragm, and impairs breathing. Sometimes a woman notices that breathing is difficult in a certain position, so she immediately tries to find the most successful position.

If you have difficulty breathing at 30 weeks of pregnancy, this may mean that giving birth is not soon. The fact is that the fetus has not yet descended into the pelvic region for further passage through the birth canal. All that remains is to wait and hope for speedy relief of breathing and natural preparation for childbirth.

There is another explanation why it is difficult to breathe during pregnancy: we are talking about impaired blood pressure. When a woman suffers from hypertension, the disease can worsen more than once during pregnancy. During an attack, in addition to constricted breathing, attacks of dizziness, nausea, ripples in the eyes, and shortness of breath at the slightest physical exertion are observed.

At 30-37 weeks of pregnancy, breathing may become difficult due to iron deficiency anemia, which is caused by a low hemoglobin level in the blood. If you consult a doctor with a characteristic symptom, then after a laboratory blood test the cause of the disorder will become obvious.


Possible deviations from the norm

At this stage, the development of preeclampsia is dangerous ; this pathology can negatively affect both the child and the woman’s body.
This condition is expressed by the appearance of protein in the urine, sudden weight gain, severe headaches, and swelling. At 38 weeks, a complication such as placental abruption is also possible, which can be indicated by severe pain and bleeding. If you notice these signs, you must quickly call an ambulance. Sometimes the child also suffers; due to entanglement in the umbilical cord or some other conditions, hypoxia occurs. To prevent this, a woman should go for regular checkups.

Photo of the fetus

Finally, we invite you to look at a photo of the fetus at 38 weeks of pregnancy.

Fetal face on 3D ultrasound

Photo of the fetus at 38 weeks

The baby opened his mouth

Photo of the fetus during pregnancy

4D ultrasound results

Photo of the fetus at this stage

Routine ultrasound of the fetus at 38 weeks

All photos of the fetus

Ultrasound recorded fetal movement

Photo of the fetus on ultrasound

This is what a baby looks like at this stage

Photo of the fetus at 38 weeks

How to recognize the signs of imminent labor?

Gynecologists include the following signs as harbingers of impending childbirth:

  • Breast swelling and colostrum release - the body is preparing for lactation.
  • Descent of the abdomen due to the fact that the baby's head moves towards the cervix; Now it’s easier for mom to breathe, and the heartburn goes away, but the urge to go to the toilet becomes more frequent.
  • The exit of the plug in the form of a lump of mucus, accompanied by nagging pain in the lower back and lower abdomen: in first-time mothers it occurs several days before childbirth, in second-time mothers it can happen immediately before it.
  • Liquefaction of the stool indicates that the body is cleansing itself;
  • Weight is reduced due to the fact that excess fluid leaves the body along with swelling;
  • A surge of energy, or the so-called “nesting effect,” in which a pregnant woman, feeling a sudden surge of strength, takes on household chores and cleaning.

Harbingers warn of an approaching birth, but you should not be afraid. The body prepares gradually, and from the moment the symptoms first appear until the baby is born, it can take from 3 days to 2 weeks. Experienced mothers in labor know this and behave calmly, while firstborns begin to worry, and completely in vain.

In multiparous women, the warning signs appear more intensely than during the first birth.

You need to carefully monitor the discharge. Normally they should be milky in color. If you notice yellowish, brown or pink-yellow discharge in the form of stringy mucus, know that this is a plug coming off. During pregnancy, she covered the cervix, protecting the organ and fetus from microorganisms and bacteria; as the birth approaches, the need for it disappears.

Colostrum during pregnancy

Colostrum is the secretion of a woman’s mammary glands, which is formed and secreted from them during pregnancy and in the first days after the birth of a child. In appearance, it is a liquid with a yellowish, transparent or creamy tint, thick consistency, high viscosity and stickiness. Colostrum also has a rather specific odor and a slightly sweet taste.

The release of colostrum is an absolutely normal and physiological process in the female body bearing a fetus. After the period of its release, colostrum is replaced by full-fledged human milk, which the mother feeds her baby after birth.

When does colostrum appear and begin to be released during pregnancy?

At what stage does colostrum appear and be released during pregnancy? Typically, this type of mammary gland secretion begins its synthesis under the influence of the hormone of the anterior pituitary gland called prolactin from the beginning of the second half of pregnancy on average.
In general, the initial time of colostrum formation varies for each pregnant woman: for some a little earlier, and for others almost before the birth of the child. But there are also situations when colostrum, as one of the first symptoms, determines the onset of pregnancy in the early stages.

In each of these cases, the most important thing is that the formation of colostrum begins during pregnancy, and a secret useful for the baby is already waiting for its consumer.

Contrary to the opinion of some women that colostrum is released from the mammary glands when, in fact, it is synthesized, this liquid may not be released , although it is in the milk ducts. This is explained by our nature: it has designed the female body in such a way that it is actively preparing for the birth of a child, and even if no one has yet


How does mom feel?

The uterus reaches its maximum size during this week of pregnancy. Its volume is now about 5 liters, weight - 1 kg. Due to such an impressive volume and the presentation of the fetus with its head down, the pressure on the bladder of the expectant mother increases, which is fraught with a frequent urge to urinate.

Significant stress on the spine can cause back pain and shooting pain in the perineum. Expansion of the pelvis is accompanied by discomfort, tingling, aching pain in the lumbar and groin areas.

A woman's navel changes shape - it enlarges, becomes flat or protrudes outward. You shouldn't worry about this, because... After the baby is born, everything will gradually return to normal.

The time for the baby to be born is approaching, and the body begins to actively prepare for this. In late pregnancy, the ovaries produce relaxin, which is responsible for the expansion of the birth canal. This hormone promotes stretching of muscles and ligaments, softening of cartilage and normal opening of the cervix.

In recent weeks, the stomach becomes stiff and tight, but the tone is not a dangerous phenomenon at all. “Training” contractions can occur several times a day. To relieve tension, just relax, lie down in a comfortable position or take a warm bath.

A hot shower can help relieve a hard stomach.

If increased tone is accompanied by precursors of labor, you need to inform your doctor about it.

Colostrum: myths and legends

Since the time of our great-grandmothers, there have been many “true signs” associated with colostrum among pregnant women, which, however, have no physiological basis. It’s interesting to check whether they “worked” for you or not?

“The appearance of colostrum is a sign of imminent labor (usually called two weeks).

Such a prediction can seriously worry expectant mothers who notice the appearance of colostrum already in the second, or even in the first trimester. Fortunately, it has nothing to do with reality.

The more colostrum and the earlier its release began, the more milk there will be. There is no colostrum before birth - hurry up and buy formula.

In fact, neither the period at which colostrum begins to be released, nor its volume before and even after childbirth, correlates in any way with breastfeeding.

“Missing” colostrum is a sign of future problems with breastfeeding.

During pregnancy, colostrum can be periodically released, then the discharge stops, then resumes again... this does not affect the quality of breastfeeding in any way.

Prepared by Ekaterina Ershova

From the 37th to the 40th week the baby is considered full-term, and childbirth, as well as its precursors, i.e. phenomena that one way or another indicate an imminent delivery may appear at any time during this period. 38 week harbingers of childbirth are more of a normal course of events than a surprise, and every woman needs to be prepared for this. Another thing is that for a woman giving birth again, the harbingers may even turn out to be childbirth. Childbirth at 38 weeks is, firstly, absolutely normal, and, secondly, for women who are not giving birth for the first time, the sensations are slightly blurred and not so clearly expressed. Whereas primiparous women may take it as a harbinger of a malfunction in the body. Lascana - lingerie store However, there are a number of symptoms that one way or another indicate an approaching birth.

1. Weight loss.

Usually in the last weeks of pregnancy, weight does not increase, moreover, it begins to fall. In this way, the body gets rid of excess fluid and prepares for childbirth.

2. Training contractions.

Mild nagging pain in the lower back. No repeating intervals. Starts and ends suddenly. Doesn't get stronger. This is how the body trains and prepares for labor. What distinguishes training contractions from real ones is the lack of regular repetitions and strength - it is constant and does not tend to increase

3. Discharge.

At the end of pregnancy, mucous discharge is possible - transparent or slightly colored. Unlike the mucus plug, which signals the onset of labor, the discharge is not abundant and is more liquid compared to the “plug”, which is thick and volumetric – at least a tablespoon.

4. Uterine tone.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, the uterus is in good shape almost all the time - this is how the body prepares for childbirth. Childbirth at 38 weeks is a normal, natural process. They are called “urgent”, meaning the baby is full-term and will be born on time.

5. Colostrum release.

The breasts begin to prepare for the birth of the baby. It increases in size and colostrum discharge appears.

6. Frequent urge to urinate.

The baby in the stomach sinks, the bladder is under constant pressure from the weight of the fetus, and the urge to urinate at 38 weeks may become more frequent than in the previous period.

7. Reduced fetal movements.

The baby in the belly becomes quite large and moves much less compared to previous months. This is due both to a decrease in free space in the mother’s tummy and to better sensations of them - so, the mother can now identify any movement of the baby.

38 week harbingers of labor are natural signals that the body gives to a pregnant woman who is ready for childbirth. Listening to your feelings and interpreting them correctly will help you properly prepare for childbirth and successfully complete your pregnancy.

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37 38 39 and 40 weeks of pregnancy

37 38 39 and 40 weeks of pregnancy are an important time to prepare for childbirth. Don't feel unhappy. Don't act like you're sick. Pregnancy and childbirth are work designed by nature for a woman’s body. And she is on your side: believe me, she has done a lot to help you safely get rid of the burden and feel happy.

The expectant mother should remember:

    About two weeks before giving birth or a little earlier, the mucus plug will come out of the cervix.

The placenta begins to age: difficulties arise in supplying the fetus with nutrients and oxygen.

The center of gravity in the uterus changes, and, as a result, lower back pain is possible.

The sensitivity of the uterus to the baby's kicks increases.

The mammary glands are enlarged, swollen, and colostrum may be released.

Post-term pregnancy is possible - this is dangerous for the fetus. Be on the lookout!

The breaking of water is a signal to immediately go to the maternity hospital.

37 38 39 and 40 weeks of pregnancy are the most difficult. The load on your body has increased to the maximum. The heart lies almost horizontally. The pulse is increased: in order to drive blood through the additional placental circulation, the cardiovascular system has to work in an enhanced mode. Metabolism changes, the thyroid gland functions more actively.

The placenta has practically exhausted all its resources and is no longer able to fully provide the child with nutrition and oxygen. The baby feels this and “insists” on living independently.

Do not be alarmed by the separation of the mucus plug, which closes the entrance to the cervix and prevents infection from entering. The plug is a mucous lump, sometimes even slightly stained with blood. Everything is going as it should, you just received a “warning”: there are no more than two weeks left before the birth!

You may have experienced back pain before: during pregnancy, the joints of the pelvic ring change. To allow the fetus to grow normally and then pass through the birth canal, the pregnant woman’s ligaments and joint capsules gradually relax: as a result, the muscles experience additional stress: this is where the origins of lower back pain come from. In addition, the center of gravity has shifted, the pregnant uterus seems to be pulled forward, and the woman is forced to lean back more and more in order to maintain balance when walking. She instinctively walks more carefully, her movements are leisurely and smooth. Yes, this is not surprising! Let's calculate what kind of load you are carrying: a child weighs 3-4 kg, amniotic fluid weighs 1.5 liters, the placenta and uterus weigh 1 kilogram each.

Pain in the lower back and calf muscles is also possible due to depletion of bones in calcium. This should never be discounted, because even closer to the 40th week of pregnancy, when the fetus is already fully formed, it is finally intensively stocked with minerals. And he has only one option - to take them from his mother. A woman must strictly replenish the amount of calcium in her body. Dairy products, fish, eggshells, and multivitamins containing calcium will help you.

An unpleasant surprise in the last weeks of pregnancy is stretch marks (striae). These are reddish grooves on the stomach and thighs. It can happen like this: you went to bed and they weren’t there, you woke up in the morning and your whole stomach was “painted.” As a rule, after childbirth, stretch marks will turn pale and become slightly smaller.

Sometimes, if the fetus is very large, the navel turns outward. Don't be scared! This is also normal. Don't try to push it back. Still worried? Then consult your doctor.

By the 37th, 38th, 39th and 40th weeks of pregnancy, the mammary glands become greatly enlarged, and you already feel their heaviness.

The appearance of colostrum is another harbinger of imminent birth. It is not difficult to recognize this event: spots appear on the bra. By the way, now you only need a cotton, thick, harsh bra. The ligaments that support the breasts need protection to maintain their beauty after childbirth.

Milk will “come” on the 3-4th day after the baby is born, when the hormone prolactin reaches its maximum in a woman’s body and gives the command to produce milk.

Is it possible to do something extraordinary in the last weeks of pregnancy to ensure that the milk comes on time and there is enough of it? Unfortunately no. The program - whether to have abundant milk or not - is genetically laid down for every woman.

There are observations that young and healthy women have fewer problems with milk. The older the woman in labor, the less often she feeds her baby herself. Women whose mammary glands have a wide base are more “milky.” A mother with “acute” breasts may have problems while feeding her baby.

Note: In principle, you can give birth in any of the remaining four weeks. And childbirth should not take you by surprise.

Maintain good hygiene. Sexual activity has ceased for you since the 33rd week. Take a shower every day, and if this is not possible, wipe your entire body and chest with a damp towel. Trim your nails shorter and remove the polish. Think about your hairstyle - hair should not get in the way during childbirth. Prepare things for your newborn that will be needed upon discharge from the hospital. Show your husband or relatives where they are. Prepare things for yourself too.

Continue to walk more in the fresh air - at least 2 times a day. If possible, to train for temperature changes, walk around naked at home for a few minutes. Please note that you will only wear a light shirt in the delivery room.

Prepare for difficult physical work. You must help your child be born!


The fetus at 37, 38, 39 and 40 weeks of pregnancy is full term and fully formed. The “formation” of the reproductive system ends: in boys, for example, the testicles descend into the scrotum. The navel, which has been “rising” upward in recent weeks, has reached its rightful place. The cheese-like lubricant has disappeared, it can only be preserved where it is necessary to protect the delicate skin from abrasions - in the groin, in the armpits.

The child already has good intestinal motility, and meconium, the original feces, accumulates in its lower sections. Sometimes a lot of it accumulates: it happens that during childbirth the doctor is presented with a “surprise”. Where does meconium come from? It's simple: this is the result of the processing of swallowed amniotic fluid in the digestive system. It consists of particles of epithelium and vernix lubrication, secretions of the stomach and intestines. If you examine the chemical composition, you will find fats, bilirubin, and cholesterol. The meconium of an unborn baby is sterile, but immediately after birth various microorganisms will settle in the intestines.

The “system”, which is entrusted with the extremely important task of providing the baby with the ability to suck, is getting ready for work. Without exaggeration, his life depends on this unconditional reflex.

During the entire last month of pregnancy in the mother’s womb, the child, if there is no breech presentation, “stands” on its head.

To the question: “Why does labor begin?” — there is no definite answer yet. The most common theory is that they are initiated by the fetus. By the 40th week of pregnancy (or a little earlier), he finds himself in a difficult situation: the placenta has grown old and is already having difficulty delivering nutrients to him, and the uterus becomes too cramped a home. The child experiences very unpleasant sensations, his adrenal cortex is activated and a large amount of cortisol, the stress hormone, is released. In response, the hormonal balance in the mother's body changes. As a result, the uterus becomes very sensitive to biologically active substances produced by the woman’s placenta and pituitary gland. It begins to contract - regular contractions appear, followed by childbirth.

A full-term baby is pink, with a well-developed subcutaneous fat layer. Many babies grow quite long hair in the womb, and their nails are already so large that during childbirth the baby sometimes scratches his face.

The average weight of a born boy is 3600 g, girls - 3500 g. The height of newborns is from 50 to 53-54 cm

Is it necessary for a newborn to cry? Yes, I should. After all, the cry comes with the first breath: the lungs expand, and the baby begins to breathe.

Video. pregnancy 38-39 weeks

Changes in a pregnant woman’s body occur from the moment of conception, and even when the “interesting situation” is not yet noticeable to others, the woman herself already feels that something unusual and new is happening to her. For example, from the first days of pregnancy, she may feel changes in her breasts: they may become very sensitive and even painful, increase in size, blue veins often appear on them, and the nipples and areolas darken.

But the biggest news may be the discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy, called colostrum.

, because this can happen literally from the first days of pregnancy. I would immediately like to reassure expectant mothers: breast discharge in pregnant women is considered an absolutely natural phenomenon, as is their absence. But first things first.

What is colostrum and what does it look like? It is a sweetish-tasting, yellowish liquid with a watery structure. Usually it begins to be released immediately after childbirth, but it can appear earlier - in the second trimester of pregnancy, most often from the 19th week.

At first, colostrum is yellow and thick, but closer to childbirth it discolors and becomes more liquid. Colostrum has a rather interesting chemical composition:

it is even more high in calories than milk from a nursing mother, and contains substances such as fats, proteins, milk pellets, specific colostrum corpuscles, vitamins A, E, C, B, and minerals. Such milky discharge during pregnancy is not a cause for concern. They are provoked by the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the secretion of milk.

Hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman are so rapid that the prototype of milk - colostrum - begins to appear “in advance”. Breast mass or active stimulation during sexual intercourse can stimulate the production of colostrum.

There are many myths among people about discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy.

Firstly, that colostrum is a harbinger of imminent labor. This is why many people begin to panic when they notice yellowish droplets coming out of their nipples in the second or early third trimester of pregnancy! Doctors say that many expectant mothers call them with a complaint about the appearance of colostrum and ask them to be hospitalized just in case. But these fears are not justified: discharge from the breast during pregnancy itself is not a harbinger of an imminent birth.

Secondly, the appearance of colostrum is the first sign of pregnancy. Some women, wanting to know if they are pregnant, press on their nipples, trying to see if anything stands out or not. However, such pressure itself can cause the appearance of colostrum, and discharge from the breast occurs not only in pregnant women: this happens in men, and even in newborn girls, and all due to an increase in the level of prolactin in the body. And, by the way, by pressing on the nipple, you can introduce an infection through microcracks invisible to the eye.

Thirdly, if a woman has a lot of colostrum, then there will be a lot of milk. Accordingly, those women who have not had any discharge from the breasts during the entire period of pregnancy begin to worry that after giving birth they will have to feed the baby with store-bought formula. In fact, there is no relationship between the amount of colostrum and the amount of milk.

Hygiene rules for breast discharge in pregnant women

It would be useful to talk about hygiene. It is important to choose the right bra

does not compress the breasts
in any way .

If you have started to have discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy, special inserts

(sold in stores and pharmacies) or ordinary cotton pads (this is more convenient than placing pieces of fabric, and also more hygienic, because it’s easier to throw away the pad than to wash the patches every time).

Even if the discharge is not too abundant, it is undesirable to get it on the underwear, because warm colostrum is a good environment for the growth of bacteria, which can again lead to infection in the breast. It is also necessary to wash your dairy products several times a day with warm water without soap - these simple hygiene rules will help you prevent many problems.

Most importantly, do not try to express milk secretions during pregnancy.

. You may have heard that breastfeeding mothers with a small amount of breast milk are advised not to stop feeding the baby, but, on the contrary, to put him to the breast as often as possible - stimulation of the nipples triggers the mechanism of breast milk production.

The situation is the same with colostrum: if you express it, it will become more, not less. Therefore, no intense breast stimulation, because, in addition to increasing the amount of discharge, this stimulates the release of oxytocin into the blood, which stimulates contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterus, which means it can cause a miscarriage (especially if you are at risk of miscarriage).

Don't be alarmed if you feel a slight itching in your chest

. There are two reasons for this: firstly, colostrum is pushed through the ducts, and secondly, the breast itself grows, preparing for milk production, the skin stretches and begins to itch.

Do not forget to use special creams for stretch marks, this will relieve you of the itching sensation and prevent the appearance of unsightly scars on the skin after childbirth. These creams, like any cosmetics during pregnancy, are best purchased at a pharmacy.

Is intimacy possible?

Today, gynecologists unanimously claim that having sex in late pregnancy is not only possible, but also useful if no pathologies are observed during pregnancy. The reason for this is the presence in sperm of a substance that increases the elasticity of the cervix, which plays a big role in preparing for its opening.

In general, the possibility of intimacy this week should be assessed based on your own feelings. If sex does not bring discomfort, you can allow yourself pleasure, even if your lower abdomen is a little tight. Of course, poses in which your partner puts pressure on your stomach should be avoided.

When having sex, it is worth remembering that it is better to avoid positions in which the partner puts pressure on the already impressive size of the stomach.

When warning signs of impending labor and copious watery discharge appear, intimate life should be stopped.

Child development at this stage

At 38 weeks, your baby is almost completely ready to be born.
All of his most important organs have finally formed, and right up to the birth, their gradual preparation will simply occur. The child's weight is about three kilograms, sometimes a little less, and more often more, the height reaches 48 cm. On each subsequent day before birth, the child will gain weight up to 30 grams per day, and its size may increase by a few more centimeters.

By 37 weeks, the respiratory center is completely ready for work and therefore, after birth, the baby easily begins to breathe on his own. During this period, some babies’ nails already protrude beyond the edge of the bed and therefore they can scratch themselves. But don’t worry, because this is a natural process.

At 38 weeks, the baby’s facial features are almost completely formed, the fluff covering the body completely disappears, the skin is pink and smooth , and in some babies the hair on the head is already quite long. If a child is born with blue eyes, then over the course of several months their color may change to brown.

Normally, meconium, that is, original feces, passes after birth. But sometimes it happens that the baby empties his intestines while still in the amniotic fluid. This affects the change in color of the water - they become green, if the reason for the green mucus is the passage of meconium, then you should not be afraid of this.

The only thing a future mother should think about is not to worry, and also to listen carefully to her doctor. And, if necessary, the mother should undergo an examination, although it is usually not required by this time.

At 38 weeks, routine ultrasound is rarely prescribed . At this age, the child is already clearly visible, you can see the features of his face. The doctor, conducting an examination at this stage, assesses the condition of the placenta, the location of the fetus and the umbilical cord, and counts heartbeats.

36th week of pregnancy

The baby's movements are not as strong as before, because he continues to grow

, and there is no more space in the uterus; a certain amount of water is already absorbed by the mother’s body. The baby is cramped, but it’s still too early to go outside; he needs to gain even more weight in order to emerge into the world as a plump, healthy, strong man. During this period, most often the baby is engaged in sucking his finger, so he is preparing to suck on his mother’s breast in 3-5 weeks.

At this time, many women notice that droplets of colostrum begin to be released from their breasts.

. For some, the flow of colostrum is so abundant that they have to put special pads in their bra. Don’t worry, this is completely normal, as the mammary glands are preparing for such an important period as breastfeeding. A small amount of colostrum is produced, but these few drops after birth play a very important role in the development and health of the baby. This is not milk yet, which will become food for the child, but a very fatty first diet, which contains a huge amount of immunoglobulins, which help strengthen the newborn’s immunity, prevent the development of dysbacteriosis, and reduce the risk of infection by pathogenic flora.

Immediately after giving birth, you will be laid on your stomach and placed on your chest to receive these valuable droplets. Milk will usually arrive on the 3rd day, and before that the baby will have enough colostrum. Don't worry that you won't be able to breastfeed your baby. Only 1-5% of women cannot breastfeed for physiological reasons; in all other cases, breastfeeding does not work due to ignorance or unwillingness to know how to breastfeed correctly.

Before giving birth, it is advisable to start preparing your breasts for feeding. This is usually required in the case of the first birth. If you successfully fed your first baby, then now you have nothing to fear. If breastfeeding did not work with the first child, this does not mean that it will not work with the second child. It’s better to look for modern literature, talk to consultants, they will help you identify the mistakes that were made then and advise you on what to do to prevent them now. If you have inverted nipples, you need to pull them out and also massage them with a terry towel after a shower. A contrast shower is very useful for the breasts; it will not only prepare them for lactation, but also help maintain their elasticity and beauty. But you should not overdo it with massage, since breast stimulation can cause uterine tone and provoke premature birth.

Nowadays, an increasing number of children are born by caesarean section; statistics show that now the percentage of “caesareans” has increased from 4% (in the 70s of the 20th century) to 25% in our time. A caesarean section is a surgical operation in which an incision is made in the abdominal wall and uterine wall, through which the baby and placenta are delivered.

Indications for caesarean section:

1. Delivery by cesarean section in previous births. It is possible that after a previous cesarean section, a woman may be given the opportunity to give birth naturally. The suture on the uterus is dangerous, as it can come apart during contractions and pushing. Therefore, the doctor will evaluate the condition of the scar using an ultrasound and make a decision that will be best for the health of mother and child. If it is possible to monitor the condition of the fetus during childbirth, then the woman is usually given the opportunity to try to give birth herself without surgical intervention.

2. The fruit is too big. It happens that even a small woman gives birth to a “4-kilogram hero” without problems, but it happens that a large woman cannot give birth to a child with a normal weight of 3-3.4 kg. It all depends on the width of the internal pelvis, which will be determined only during the birth process itself. Then it will be clear whether the woman can give birth on her own or will have to have a caesarean section.

3. Fetal hypoxia. If the child reacts poorly to contractions and does not move forward, then a caesarean section may be indicated to avoid his death.

4. Prolapse of the umbilical cord during childbirth, when the umbilical cord goes ahead of the child, which is dangerous for his life.

5. Breech presentation of the fetus. Some highly qualified doctors are able to successfully deliver a baby when the baby moves forward with his legs, but increasingly, surgery is now prescribed to avoid the risk of injuring the baby.

6. Placental abruption. This condition is fraught with great blood loss for the woman and a risk to the life of the fetus.

7. Placenta previa, when it prevents the fetus from exiting through the birth canal.

The advantage of a cesarean section over a natural birth is only the reduction of risks to the health and life of the child and mother. The disadvantages of this procedure are that, firstly, it is an abdominal operation, and there is a high risk of complications and infections; secondly, after a caesarean section, a woman’s recovery period lasts longer than after a natural birth. In addition, many modern psychologists and psychiatrists argue that people born by Caesarean section have a weak will to win, they develop more complexes, and they often take unreasonable risks for their lives.

But even with all this, do not consider a caesarean section an unsuccessful outcome of your pregnancy, your goal was to give birth to a healthy baby, and surgery is sometimes the only way to achieve this main goal in a woman’s life. In any case, the decision to undergo surgery can only be made together with a doctor, who should tell you and your husband about the risks of natural childbirth and cesarean section.

Your baby will be born only in a few months, and you are already getting ready to feed him. Many women generally call swelling and increased sensitivity of the breasts the first sign of pregnancy! At this time, the mammary glands begin to produce colostrum - the baby’s first food, a thick, sweetish liquid of light yellow color with high nutritional value - more than 150 kcal per 100 grams, this is the calorie content of fruit jam and milk ice cream!

When and how should colostrum appear, what is normal and what is pathology? Let's figure it out!

How to eat properly during this period?

During this period, expectant mothers may lose their appetite, which entails a weight loss of 1–2 kg. To maintain a healthy physical condition, doctors recommend giving preference to easily digestible foods rich in vitamins, microelements and healthy carbohydrates. Portions should be small, and the frequency of meals should be 5–7 times a day.

It is recommended to exclude salty, spicy and smoked foods from the diet, as they increase thirst, and drinking too much increases the load on the kidneys, resulting in edema.

The following products will be beneficial:

  • milk;
  • dairy products;
  • cheese;
  • vegetables;
  • beef liver;
  • cereals

During pregnancy, it is better to drink natural drinks with a mild diuretic effect: for example, lingonberry juice will help remove excess fluid from the body.

To avoid insomnia and heaviness in the stomach, it is recommended to refrain from eating 3 hours before bedtime. However, if you really want to have a snack, you should not deny yourself this, but preference should be given to light foods.

Possible problems: how to detect violations in time?

You should pay attention to discharge that differs from the norm: an earthy tint indicates infection, blood indicates premature placental abruption. The infection threatens serious complications, and placental abruption, accompanied by sharp pain, is fraught with blood loss for the mother and oxygen starvation for the baby. Both conditions require immediate attention to a gynecologist.

Transparent or cloudy copious discharge indicates water leakage. Special amniotic pads, which are sold in pharmacies, will help to recognize this pathological condition in time. You can also carry out the test at home by placing a dry, clean diaper under yourself for 20 minutes. If after the test time a wet spot is discovered on the fabric, you should immediately contact your doctor.

Leakage is associated with rupture of the membranes - even if this rupture is minor, the likelihood of infection entering is very high. The obstetrician’s actions depend on the gestation period: at 37 weeks, the doctor will most likely order a caesarean section, and at an earlier period, he will prescribe drug antibiotic therapy.

Women with kidney and cardiovascular diseases are at high risk of developing preeclampsia, a dangerous form of late toxicosis (preeclampsia). It is accompanied by increases and surges in blood pressure, rapid accumulation of edema, disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system: changes in hearing and vision, dizziness, etc. In this case, urine tests reveal a protein that should not normally be present. At the first frightening symptoms, you should consult a doctor, because... delay threatens with serious consequences for the mother and child (convulsions, oxygen deficiency, inhibition of the most important body functions).

You should also monitor the behavior and activity of the fetus. Normally, during this week he regularly moves in the womb: about 10 times in 12 hours. If the child is too restless, or, conversely, does not make itself felt for a long time, you need to see a gynecologist monitoring the pregnancy. Please note that before birth, movements normally become rare - the baby increases in size, and he no longer has enough free space in the womb.

If you do not observe movements for many hours, then you need to visit a doctor as soon as possible.

If a pathology is detected, a decision will be made on a caesarean section - such a measure will save the life of the child and the health of the mother. The current deadline allows this, because a mature fetus is physiologically ready for birth.

How does a child’s body develop?

The bones of the skull, unlike cartilage, remain soft, and the fontanelles remain open. Nature ordered this to make it easier for the baby to overcome the narrow birth canal - in the process, the skull is slightly deformed. This is a type of norm and does not affect the health of the newborn in any way. It has been noted that children born by caesarean section have a perfectly even skull shape.

The fetus occupies the prenatal position: head to the pelvis. However, breech presentation (head) can persist until birth. While the body is preparing for them, there is a chance that the child will still be able to move in the womb - such cases are not uncommon. If this does not happen before the end of the term, the obstetrician will have to resort to a scalpel so as not to harm the baby and mother.

At this time, the child should take a permanent position.

The functional systems of the child’s body begin to actively prepare for childbirth:

  • the liver deposits blood and accumulates iron for hematopoiesis;
  • Surfactant accumulates in the lungs, which promotes their opening in the newborn;
  • the adrenal glands increase in size and begin to produce hormones necessary for proper breathing, activity and response to stress;
  • neurons are covered with a myelin sheath, which is responsible for coordinating movements;
  • in recent weeks, peristalsis has become more active;
  • The mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract are covered with villous epithelium, necessary for the absorption of nutrients from food.

In the womb, the baby does not breathe in the traditional way; he only imitates this process by swallowing amniotic fluid and prepares for his first breath. At the moment of birth, the newborn’s lungs expand and the heart valve opens, through which blood flows through the vessels into the lungs for oxygenation.

Fetus at 37-40 weeks of gestation

The fetus is full term and fully formed. The “formation” of the reproductive system ends: in boys, for example, the testicles descend into the scrotum. The navel, which has been “rising” upward in recent weeks, has reached its rightful place. The cheese-like lubricant has disappeared, it can only be preserved where it is necessary to protect the delicate skin from abrasions - in the groin, in the armpits.

The child already has good intestinal motility, and meconium, the original feces, accumulates in its lower sections. Sometimes a lot of it accumulates: it happens that during childbirth the doctor is presented with a “surprise”. Where does meconium come from? It's simple: this is the result of the processing of swallowed amniotic fluid in the digestive system. It consists of particles of epithelium and vernix lubrication, secretions of the stomach and intestines. If you examine the chemical composition, you will find fats, bilirubin, and cholesterol. The meconium of an unborn baby is sterile, but immediately after birth various microorganisms will settle in the intestines.

The “system”, which is entrusted with the extremely important task of providing the baby with the ability to suck, is getting ready for work. Without exaggeration, his life depends on this unconditional reflex.

For the entire last month in the mother’s womb, the baby, if there is no breech presentation, will “stand” on its head.

Why does labor begin?

There is no definite answer to this question yet. The most common theory is that they are initiated by the fetus. By the 40th week of pregnancy (or a little earlier), he finds himself in a difficult situation: the placenta has grown old and is already difficult to transport nutrients to him, and the uterus becomes too cramped a home. The child experiences very unpleasant sensations, his adrenal cortex is activated and a large amount of cortisol, the stress hormone, is released. In response, the hormonal balance in the mother's body changes. As a result, the uterus becomes very sensitive to biologically active substances produced by the woman’s placenta and pituitary gland. It begins to contract - regular contractions appear, followed by childbirth.

A full-term baby is pink, with a well-developed subcutaneous fat layer. Many babies grow quite long hair in the womb, and their nails are already so large that during childbirth the baby sometimes scratches his face.

The average weight of a born boy is 3600 g, girls - 3500 g. The height of newborns is from 50 to 53-54 cm

Harbingers of childbirth

If you experience signs of labor like those listed below at 38 weeks of pregnancy, it’s time to get ready for the maternity hospital!

  • Weight loss. Before giving birth, a woman can lose about one and a half kilograms, which indicates that the body is ridding itself of excess fluid;
  • Training contractions. A nagging, slight pain periodically appears in the lower back. It can begin and end completely unexpectedly. Training contractions differ from real contractions just before childbirth in their consistency, that is, such pain does not increase or decrease;
  • At the very end of the child’s embroidery, the discharge may increase; it is mucous and can be either transparent or slightly colored. The plug, consisting of a lump of mucus and streaks of blood, usually comes off two to three days before birth. Bloody discharge should alert you. Amniotic fluid should normally drain just before birth. Sometimes it happens that water gradually leaks, this is evidenced by constantly wet underwear, which has to be constantly changed. If amniotic fluid leaks at 38 weeks, a decision is made to induce labor;
  • At this stage, increased uterine tone is considered common. A woman may notice that at 38 weeks of pregnancy her stomach turns to stone, that is, it becomes hard. Increased tone is a kind of preparation for the upcoming labor;
  • Lowering the head into the pelvic area increases pressure on the bladder, which is expressed by increased urination;
  • Often before labor begins, a woman’s intestines begin to intensively cleanse themselves. This is expressed not only by diarrhea, but also by nausea, and in some cases, vomiting.
  • Clear signs of labor are contractions. They manifest themselves as cramping pain throughout the abdomen or below. The contractions are regular, infrequent at the beginning, and as they approach childbirth they intensify and become more frequent.

Just before giving birth, most expectant mothers begin to experience “nesting” syndrome , that is, they definitely want to put everything in the house in perfect order. This applies to the baby’s room and all other places in the apartment.

One or even several precursors of labor are not a sign that you will definitely become a mother in the next 24 hours. Precursors help you understand that your body is intensively preparing for the most important time for it in 9 months and they can be periodically recorded for one to two weeks.


  • https://kormly.ru/moloko/molozivo-pered-rodami/
  • https://deti.life/beremennost/beremennost-po-nedelyam/37-nedelya.html
  • https://www.babycoun.ru/38-nedel/molozivo-na-38-nedele-beremennosti.html
  • https://ladynumber1.com/health/pregnancy-salendar/week-by-week/38-nedelya-beremennosti.html


Feelings of a woman at 38 weeks

The ninth month feels like the hardest. The belly becomes large, which brings great discomfort to the woman. It is difficult to perform habitual movements; the gait changes and becomes like a duck’s. A common problem is abdominal stretch marks and itching. To relieve unpleasant symptoms, you need to use cream, oil and wear a special bandage from the second trimester.

Stretch marks after childbirth

The navel at this stage is either smoothed or, on the contrary, convex. This is a normal condition and does not cause cause for concern; after birth it will take on a normal appearance.

Normal body weight should be 9-14 kilograms more than the woman’s initial weight. But even if the weight is much greater, now it can no longer be adjusted. Extra pounds can complicate childbirth and the rehabilitation period, and women who carefully monitored the gain are more likely to have an easy birth.

During this period, the baby’s movements become less active, but if he pushes, the woman feels it much more strongly. Normally, a child makes up to 12 movements per day. If this does not happen, then the woman should immediately consult a doctor. The baby may use strong and sharp movements to express his dissatisfaction with an uncomfortable position, loud sounds or other irritant.

By this time, the stomach drops, which helps reduce heartburn and makes breathing easier because there is no pressure on the diaphragm.

Unpleasant sensations occur in the pelvic area, pubic symphysis, back and lower back. This is due to the heavy load on the body, as well as the fact that the bones soften for the passage of the child through the birth canal. Training contractions occur periodically and are accompanied by irregular pain in the abdominal area. Sometimes they pass painlessly, but at such moments the stomach turns to stone. Thanks to this, the body prepares for the upcoming event. If the interval between contractions becomes more intense and the pain is stronger, then this is a sign of impending labor and you should immediately call an ambulance.

By this time, the woman should already have a bag with all the necessary supplies ready; a complete list can be obtained from the antenatal clinic.

Maternity hospital bag: complete list and recommendations

Discharge at the 38th week of pregnancy becomes more abundant, this is natural and occurs due to the fact that the cervix gradually softens, opens slightly and a small amount of mucus is released. If blood appears, then this is a direct sign that the plug has come out and labor is beginning.

A dangerous symptom is green or brown discharge with an unpleasant odor and altered consistency. This indicates the presence of infection, which is dangerous for the woman and the child. Bacteria can penetrate into the amniotic fluid or infect the baby during passage through the birth canal. The same symptom may indicate premature placental abruption, which also poses a threat to the child.

When the discharge is too liquid, this may be a sign of leakage of amniotic fluid or its complete discharge. You must inform your doctor about this, because the maximum permissible water-free period for a child is no more than a day.

The breasts swell and fill, which becomes noticeable to the naked eye. The areolas of the nipples darken and sensitivity increases. Massaging the nipples can trigger the onset of labor. If you press, colostrum appears, but it is not advisable to do this purposefully.

Before giving birth, a woman’s stool may be disrupted and diarrhea is possible. Thus, the body tries to cleanse itself on its own.

A woman is susceptible to the following sensations at 38 weeks of pregnancy:

  • increased apathy;
  • lack of appetite;
  • irritability;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • unstable emotional background;
  • perhaps a depressed state due to fears of childbirth.

During this period, support from loved ones and family is important. A woman needs to be treated more carefully, surrounded with care and attention.

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