Is it allowed to get flu shots during breastfeeding, what vaccines should be used, and what does Komarovsky think about it?

Flu is a serious illness caused by a virus. Characterized by rapid development, the disease significantly worsens well-being, often leading to the development of serious complications. Each epidemic claims thousands of lives; outbreaks are recorded from mid-autumn to the end of winter. The danger also lies in the fact that the viral pathogen is rapidly mutating, and every year humanity encounters its new modifications. Taking into account the fact that viral immunity is not formed, this means that, theoretically, each person can get the flu several times during the season. Doctors offer a vaccination that will protect the patient from infection. This is the most effective measure against influenza.

The immunity of a nursing woman is weakened, and the likelihood of illness increases. In addition, the mechanism of milk production involves an increased need for oxygen, which means additional work for the respiratory organs. The flu vaccine while breastfeeding is a reliable way to protect yourself from the disease.

Can a nursing mother get a flu shot?

Seasonal influenza is a disease characterized by severe course and dangerous consequences. It is accompanied not only by classic respiratory symptoms, but also by a sharp increase in temperature, headache, lacrimation, aching muscles and joints. Sometimes they are accompanied by dyspeptic symptoms - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Symptomatic drug therapy often does not bring results. And given the fact that during the breastfeeding months there are numerous restrictions on medications, influenza poses a serious threat to women.

According to WHO recommendations, a nursing mother can be given a flu vaccine. This will help reduce the likelihood of infection, reduce the intensity of symptoms if infection occurs, and eliminate the development of complications. The components of a high-quality vaccine do not penetrate into milk, which means they are not harmful to the child. Before administering the vaccine, it is mandatory to visit a physician to check for contraindications.

Nursing mother

Flu symptoms, course and complications

Flu always develops very quickly, while ARVI develops gradually. Its symptoms are, first of all, high body temperature, which increases quickly and persists for several days (up to 39 C and above). The patient’s health is poor, there is weakness, headache, aches in the muscles and joints. In this case, symptoms such as runny nose, swelling of the nose, redness of the throat, and cough may be slightly expressed or absent altogether.

The flu is very dangerous due to its complications. This could be bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis, meningitis, if a secondary bacterial infection is associated. And also - myocarditis, pyelonephritis, encephalitis, heart failure, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

For a nursing mother, the flu is especially dangerous. A woman’s immunity during this period is reduced, and the likelihood of getting sick increases. Many medications, alas, are incompatible with lactation, and if you don’t treat the flu, it’s dangerous to let things take their course. Therefore, the prevention of this disease is rightly considered a priority. Vaccination is reliable, almost 100% protection against this disease. But can breastfeeding women get a flu shot?

Why do nursing mothers need vaccination? Risk of flu while breastfeeding

The disease is characterized by rapid development, the incubation period of influenza depends on the strain. In cases of infection with a common virus, its symptoms appear within three days. When infected with bird or swine flu, the infection can manifest itself after seven days, and sometimes the incubation period extends to two weeks. It happens, on the contrary, that the infection develops so rapidly that only a few hours pass from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first specific symptoms.

Why is vaccination necessary? The risk of infection is higher if a nursing mother has not previously received a flu vaccine. And here the following points must be taken into account.

  • The virus is not transmitted through breast milk. The disease is spread by airborne droplets, and infection can also occur through household contact. And this carries a special danger: a nursing mother, not yet knowing about the presence of the virus in her own body, can infect her child.
  • In addition, it is worth considering the fact that lactation implies a refusal to take most medications. That is, it will be more difficult for a nursing mother to recover, or she will have to give up natural feeding and transfer the baby to artificial nutrition.
  • It is also necessary to take into account that with hepatitis B the immune system is weakened, making it more difficult for it to fight the virus. The risk of developing complications from the flu increases.
  • When vaccinated, the mother’s body begins to fight the disease, and the immune system begins to produce antibodies. They, unlike the virus, are transmitted to the baby through breast milk and create additional protection for the body.
  • And, of course, when deciding on the need for influenza vaccination during lactation, it is worth taking into account the symptoms accompanying the disease: weakness, high temperature. Poor health will not allow you to provide quality care for your baby.

The flu is very dangerous; you should not refuse vaccination. But we must remember that vaccination has contraindications.

Are there any contraindications

Whether or not a nursing mother can be vaccinated is decided by the doctor after an examination. Given the weakened state of the immune system, a person with obvious cold symptoms, or if less than 14 days have passed since recovery, is not allowed to get vaccinated. Absolute contraindications to vaccination for hepatitis B (and not only) are also:

  • chronic kidney and liver diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular or respiratory systems;
  • anemia;
  • disruption of the nervous system;
  • manifestation of allergies to chicken protein, medications.

Flu vaccination is not carried out even in cases where a person has previously experienced severe side effects from it. Attention is also paid to the temperature - even if it is constantly elevated, no vaccination is given.

In addition to the presence of the listed diseases and allergies, the doctor assesses the general condition of the patient. If it does not cause concern and there are no contraindications, the therapist gives a referral for vaccination.

Features of vaccination during lactation

Flu vaccination during breastfeeding does not differ in any particular way from the standard procedure. The main thing is that the nursing mother is healthy and has no contraindications. The peculiarity lies solely in the type of vaccine used. Since the immune system is weakened, it cannot be actively exposed to the virus; it may simply not cope. Therefore, gentle medications are administered to nursing mothers.

Should breastfeeding be interrupted? Getting a flu shot while breastfeeding is not a reason to stop breastfeeding. This should not be done even if a nursing mother fell ill with the flu before vaccination. In the first case, antibodies are transferred from the mother to the child. In the second, the virus enters the baby’s body immediately after the mother is infected, and weaning leads to a decrease in his immunity.

The fact is that mother’s milk is the main tool for the formation of an infant’s independent immune system. Together with it, maternal immunoglobulins enter the child’s body, which are directly involved in strengthening the immune system and developing defense mechanisms against infections. If the mother is infected, but the incubation period has not yet ended (therefore, most likely, she is not aware of the infection), then when feeding the child receives not only the virus, but also anti-influenza antibodies, which will help him in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms.

If we talk about viral infection during lactation, then you should neither wean the baby from the breast nor perform any manipulations with milk (for example, boil). When boiled, it loses all its beneficial properties and is deprived of the above-mentioned immunoglobulins, as well as vitamins and microelements. If this warning is violated, the child’s immunity will suffer, and subsequently he will not be able to normally tolerate viral infections.

Is it possible to breastfeed a child with the flu?

The answer to this question can almost always be - it is not possible, but it is necessary. Natural feeding is stopped only in extreme cases. In general, the flu virus is not a reason to wean your baby off the breast. By maintaining breastfeeding, the baby will not need to be switched to formula, and with milk he will receive the necessary antibodies and strengthen the immune system. You just need to carefully approach the issue of treatment and choice of medications and in no case violate the recommended dosage. At the same time, some women try to feed the baby with expressed milk from a bottle, and sometimes boil it. It is not worth doing either one or the other, since it is much easier for a child to drink milk from a bottle, and after the mother recovers, the baby may refuse to return to the breast. Boiling spoils the taste of milk and kills all the beneficial properties of such valuable nutrition. Therefore, the mother’s illness should not affect the baby’s feeding schedule in any way.

What is best to use for this?

There are two groups of vaccines: live and inactivated. The former includes non-infectious and weakened viruses. Inactivated vaccines differ in that they do not contain a live virus. Depending on the type, they contain either the whole cell of the virus, or split into proteins, or exclusively surface viral protein subunits.

Flu vaccines

During lactation, it is recommended to use a high-quality inactivated vaccine, as it is safer. An excellent result is achieved by introducing a split vaccine, which contains a destroyed virus cell. Its use allows you to minimize the side effects of vaccination, but at the same time develops strong immunity to the flu.

What vaccines should not be given during lactation?

But a nursing mother should refuse an injection of a live vaccine. Its administration is often accompanied by the development of strong post-vaccination reactions. In addition, the virus, even if weakened, can be transmitted to the baby during breastfeeding. And then the child will get sick, since he has not developed strong immunity to various infections.

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What medications can you take while breastfeeding if you have a reaction to the vaccine?

Taking into account the use of high-quality inactivated vaccine and compliance with vaccination rules, side effects from the vaccination drug are rare. You can usually observe a local reaction at the injection site, which is manifested by pain, redness and swelling.

Within 24 hours after vaccination, you may also encounter:

  • weakness;
  • increased temperature;
  • redness of the throat;
  • headache.

After the injection, a general malaise may appear, as if you were sick. The first day or two after vaccination, this condition is considered normal. In turn, the temperature can last three to four days. You should not tolerate unpleasant symptoms; when they appear, you should stop them. And here it is important to remember: not every medicine is suitable for a nursing mother.

How to treat? There are general guidelines for treating various reactions to the flu vaccine.

  • At high temperatures, a nursing woman can take paracetamol, following the dosage prescribed by the doctor.
  • Gargling with herbs will help eliminate a sore throat; if a cough occurs, it is better to inhale with decoctions.


As for antibiotics, you should stop taking them. Firstly, they pass into breast milk and harm the baby’s health. Secondly, with uncomplicated flu, antibiotics are simply useless; they have no effect on the virus.

Additionally, plenty of warm drinks and honey will come to the rescue; if necessary, bed rest is prescribed. Taking any other medications must be agreed with your doctor.

"Grippol Plus": reviews of the vaccine for the prevention of influenza

Of course, ARVI can hardly be considered a rarity in the modern world. And it will probably be difficult to find a person who has never had the flu. Fever, weakness, cough, runny nose - the symptoms are extremely unpleasant. Moreover, the disease disrupts a person’s usual daily routine.

Nobody wants to get sick. And modern pharmaceutical companies offer customers a lot of vaccines and drugs that can prevent influenza diseases. The flu vaccine “Grippol Plus” is considered quite effective. But what is this remedy? Are there any contraindications to taking it? Are there any possible side effects? Should you agree to get vaccinated? The answers to these questions interest many people.

Release form of the medicine

flu plus

The Grippol Plus vaccine is available in the form of a solution for intramuscular or subcutaneous administration. A single dose is 0.5 ml of solution, which is placed in glass ampoules or bottles with a rubber cap and an aluminum cap. Some companies produce the vaccine in convenient, sterile syringes that are ready for use.

Composition and properties of the drug

Naturally, first of all, people are interested in questions about what this product is and what properties it has. The drug "Grippol Plus" is a highly effective, purified anti-influenza vaccine that provides immunity to influenza A and B viruses.

flu shot Grippol Plus

One dose of the drug contains hemagglutinin from current strains of the influenza virus, in particular various subtypes of the influenza virus A and B. In addition, the drug contains the immunoadjuvant polyoxidonium in phosphate-buffered saline.

According to research, the Grippol Plus flu vaccine ensures rapid formation of immunity. As a rule, in 75-96% of patients, antibody titers to the influenza virus are determined in the blood 8-12 days after the procedure. Immunity lasts up to 12 months.

By the way, polyoxidonium, which is a component of the drug, has immunomodulatory properties. This substance stimulates a nonspecific immune response and increases the human body’s resistance not only to the influenza virus, but also to other infections.

Indications for use of the drug "Grippol"

In what cases is vaccination carried out using the drug “Grippol Plus”? The instructions indicate that vaccinations are permitted for almost all age categories of patients, including children over 6 months.

In addition, it is worth highlighting several groups of people who are particularly prone to this viral disease. Vaccination is recommended for people who, due to their profession, are susceptible to such infections, in particular medical workers, military personnel, workers in transport, trade, police, social services and educational institutions.

On the other hand, the drug “Grippol Plus” is recommended for people who have an increased risk of developing complications if the body becomes infected. Risk groups include elderly patients (over 60 years old), as well as children attending schools and preschool institutions.

Patients with poor health are also advised to get vaccinated, for example, people who constantly suffer from acute respiratory infections. High-risk groups include patients with chronic somatic diseases, as well as diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, congenital and acquired forms of immunodeficiency, autoimmune diseases, allergies, diabetes, and metabolic disorders.

The drug "Grippol plus": instructions for use

flu plus instructions

How to use this product correctly? It is immediately worth noting that vaccination is carried out exclusively in medical offices or clinics. Only a specialist knows how to properly administer the Grippol Plus solution.

The instructions for use contain generally accepted recommendations. Children over three years of age, as well as adult patients, receive the vaccine in a dose of 0.5 ml. In most cases, the procedure is one-time. The solution is injected using a sterile syringe intramuscularly or under the skin into the upper third of the outer surface of the shoulder (the deltoid muscle is located here).

By the way, in some cases the dosage may change. In particular, patients with immunodeficiency, as well as people taking immunosuppressants, are vaccinated twice - the second injection of the solution is carried out after 3-4 weeks.

Before use, the vaccine bottle must be kept at room temperature. Immediately before vaccination, the solution should be shaken thoroughly. It is worth paying attention to the presence of physical changes - if the solution has changed color or you notice an uncharacteristic sediment, you should refuse to use this portion of the vaccine.

Naturally, the procedure must be carried out under aseptic and antiseptic conditions. Syringes and needles must be sterile, and the skin at the injection site must be wiped with alcohol. Storing leftover vaccine in an already opened bottle or syringe is strictly prohibited.

It is advisable that the patient remain under the supervision of a medical professional for the first half hour after administration of the solution in case of an immediate allergic reaction. By the way, the vaccination room must be equipped with equipment and medications used for first aid for allergies.

Features of using the drug for children

flu plus for children

As already mentioned, the drug “Grippol Plus” is administered to children over three years of age according to the same regimen as for adults. But for children under three years of age, the vaccination schedule changes slightly. In this case, the dose is divided into two times.

First, the child is administered 0.25 ml of the vaccine, and after 3-4 weeks the procedure is repeated, maintaining the same dosage. By the way, the injection is carried out intramuscularly into the anterolateral surface of the thigh. Sometimes doctors recommend giving the baby an antipyretic on the first day after vaccination.

Are there any contraindications?

In fact, this drug does not have many contraindications. However, not all people can be vaccinated using this tool. In particular, Grippol is not suitable for patients with increased allergic sensitivity to any components of the vaccine, as well as chicken protein.

Before vaccination, you need to carefully study the patient's medical record. If in the past there have been cases of developing an allergic reaction to the administration of influenza vaccines, then you should abandon this procedure.

In addition, contraindications include exacerbations of various chronic diseases - the drug can be administered only after a period of remission. Also, vaccinations are not carried out in the presence of febrile conditions, intestinal diseases, or mild forms of ARVI - in such cases it is better to wait until the body temperature normalizes.

Are there any possible side effects?

It is immediately worth noting that this vaccine is a highly purified product, so complications after its use are extremely rare. Nevertheless, the possibility of their occurrence should not be excluded.

flu plus reviews

So what side effects can the drug “Grippol Plus” cause? Instructions for use indicate that local reactions are most often observed. In particular, soreness, slight swelling and redness may appear at the injection site. These phenomena are considered completely normal and go away on their own. Common complications also include general malaise, slight increase in body temperature, and weakness.

Much less common are such general reactions as sore throat, slight runny nose, headache and fever. Such symptoms usually go away on their own after 1-3 days.

Intense allergic reactions of an immediate type are considered rare during vaccination. In some cases, after vaccination, patients developed some neurological disorders, parasthesia, and myalgia.

Is it possible to get vaccinated during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is an extremely important period in the life of every woman. After all, at this time the immune system is weakened, and any disease can affect the body of a growing fetus. Therefore, today many are interested in questions about whether pregnant women are allowed to be vaccinated with the Grippol Plus vaccine. Feedback from experts, as well as research results, indicate that this drug does not have embryotoxic or teratogenic effects, and therefore can be considered safe.

In any case, the decision to vaccinate is made by the attending physician, taking into account the risk of infection and the development of certain complications. By the way, it is believed that in the second and third trimester the drug is safer.

By the way, the Grippol Plus vaccination is also allowed for nursing mothers. There is no need to interrupt breastfeeding during vaccination.

Interaction with other drugs

Is it possible to use Grippol Plus along with other drugs? Reviews from doctors and researchers indicate that this vaccine combines well with almost all medications. For example, it can be used simultaneously with basic therapy for the underlying disease.

In addition, it is allowed to use this product together with other inactivated and live vaccines. The only exceptions are BCG and rabies vaccinations. Naturally, in this case, the doctor must take into account contraindications and side effects of all drugs used.

There are also medications that can reduce the effectiveness of Grippol Plus. In particular, these are corticosteroid and cytotoxic drugs that inhibit the activity of the immune system.

How much does the medicine cost?

Of course, many people are primarily interested in questions about how much the drug “Grippol Plus” costs. The price in this case depends on many factors. First of all, you need to take into account the financial policy of the manufacturer, as well as the organization that distributes the vaccine.

Nevertheless, on average the cost ranges from 250 to 350 rubles - this is how much one dose of the Grippol Plus vaccine will cost you. The price, you see, is not too high, especially if you compare it with the cost of the drugs that you will need in case of illness.

On the other hand, we should not forget that some categories of the population can receive the vaccine for free. For example, some schools are conducting mass vaccination of schoolchildren. In addition, free vaccinations are usually given to people whose profession poses an increased risk of infection.

Are there any analogues?

Not in all cases are patients allowed to be vaccinated with this drug. Nevertheless, modern pharmacological markets offer various products with similar properties. The Korean medicine Jisi Flu contains purified influenza virus antigens. If the patient is allergic to egg white, then vaccination can be performed using the drug “MonoGrippol Neo”. In addition, the Grippol Neo vaccine is considered quite effective, as well as Vaxigrip, Influvac, Fluarix, Panenza and many others.

The drug "Grippol Plus": reviews from doctors and patients

flu plus doctors reviews

Today, many people are vaccinated with this drug. Moreover, the state allocates funds for the purchase and mass vaccinations using the “Grippol Plus” product.

Reviews from doctors about this medicine are mostly positive. Indeed, mass vaccination helps reduce the number of patients with influenza diseases. By the way, vaccinations are usually recommended in the autumn-winter period, as well as at the beginning of an epidemic outbreak of the disease.

On the other hand, not all patients are satisfied with the result. Many people note that after the injection they feel worse for several days, although this is considered a normal consequence of vaccination, since the body needs time to develop a strong immune response. The undoubted advantages of this drug include its availability (it is often used in clinics), as well as the relatively low cost that every patient can afford.

In some cases, even after vaccination, a person gets the flu. This phenomenon has a simple explanation. The fact is that the current strains of the influenza virus are used to make the solution—it is from this that the vaccine will protect. But in relation to another strain of infection, the vaccine may be inactive, so there is a possibility of developing the disease. Therefore, it is extremely important to provide patients with the necessary information in a timely manner and explain the features of influenza vaccination.

However, many people like the Grippol Plus vaccine. Reviews from satisfied patients indicate that the drug really copes with its task.>

To summarize: is it possible and necessary to get a flu vaccine for nursing mothers?

Complications from the flu pose a huge threat to human life. When a nursing mother becomes ill, the baby is at risk of infection. Therefore, it is important for women to get flu vaccinations in a timely manner to protect both themselves and their baby.

Is it possible to get a flu vaccine for a nursing mother? Yes, if she is healthy and no contraindications were identified during the examination by the therapist. Here it is worth remembering about inactivated vaccines, which do not lead to the development of serious adverse reactions.

How often should you get vaccinated? Vaccination allows protection for 6-8 months. Therefore, it is recommended to be vaccinated once a year, in early autumn before the outbreak of the epidemic.

And, of course, it is worth remembering about prevention. Maintaining personal hygiene, proper nutrition, and an active lifestyle help strengthen the immune system. This means that it becomes more resistant to any virus.


It is better to prevent the flu than to treat its consequences later. Treatment during breastfeeding is best prevented by preventive measures. Therefore, a woman should limit contact with sick people and time spent in crowded places. She needs to strengthen her immunity with vitamins and healthy foods, and maintain personal hygiene. It is recommended to carry out wet cleaning in the apartment as often as possible and ventilate all rooms.

And of course, don’t forget that you should always lead a healthy lifestyle. Adequate sleep, limiting stress, active pastime, walks in the fresh air, and the absence of bad habits help maintain health and strengthen the immune system. Be sure to discuss with your doctor what you can do for colds while breastfeeding.

It must be remembered that even if a woman gets sick with the flu while breastfeeding, she should not wean her baby off the breast. By feeding on mother's milk at this time, the baby develops its own immunity.

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