What to give and do to prevent influenza and ARVI in children

Recommended groups of medications

Colds usually develop against the background of impaired immunological reactivity. A decrease in the body's natural defenses increases susceptibility to infections and increases the likelihood of relapses of viral illnesses. Medicines recommended for the prevention of flu and colds:

  1. Interferon inducers. These include the drugs “Cycloferon”, “Arbidol”, “Kagocel”, “Amiksin”, “Neovir”. These agents enhance the production of the body's own interferon, which increases the antiviral response. It is recommended to use such drugs in advance, in a certain preventive course.
  2. Vitamins. The body's need for them increases during the cold season. The most relevant medications are “Aevit”, “Gerimaks”, “Antioxy-caps”, “Vetoron”.
  3. Adaptogens. These are drugs that increase the human body’s resistance to environmental influences. Medicines stimulate defenses and increase performance. Preference is given to such products as extracts of Eleutherococcus, Leuzea, Schisandra, and Gerimax.
  4. Immunomodulators. These drugs restore impaired immunity. It is advisable to use medications for the prevention of influenza and colds that do not require prior examination and are characterized by excellent tolerability. These can be the drugs “Immunal”, “Immunorm”, “Bioaron S”, “Tonsilgon N”, “Bronchomunal”, “IRS-19”, “Licopid”, “Imudon”, “Ribomunil”.
  5. Antiviral drugs. Such means allow you to protect the body from various viruses even during prevention. Some of the effective remedies are “Arbidol”, “Anaferon”, “Grippferon”, “Amiksin”, “Viferon”, “Kagocel”, “Cycloferon”, “Amizon”.

General recommendations for flu prevention

Prevention of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections is very important. Without it, the normal life of society is impossible, because if you do not counteract the widespread spread of viruses, then the outbreak of an epidemic cannot be avoided.

It is worth noting that it is necessary to prevent not only the spread of the influenza virus, but other infectious pathologies that affect the respiratory organs. Bacteria settling on mucous membranes can be provoked by enteroviruses, rhinoviruses, parainfluenza, and adenoviruses.

Prevention of influenza and ARVI does not require much effort or money. Experts distinguish two types of preventive measures, some are specific, which means they involve blocking the spread of influenza viruses and other respiratory pathologies. Others, nonspecific, contain a number of measures aimed at stopping the spread of all respiratory pathologies without exception, caused not only by viruses, but by bacteria and fungi.

The main methods of prevention include:

  • use of antiviral medications;
  • taking medications aimed at strengthening the immune system;
  • flu vaccination;
  • wearing masks and refusing to attend public events;
  • maintaining a rational diet;
  • consumption of vitamin-mineral complexes;
  • carrying out procedures that promote hardening of the body;
  • compliance with the necessary hygiene requirements, including the use of individual personal items and frequent hand washing.

Cotton gauze bandage

Cotton gauze bandage

When deciding what to do to prevent influenza infection, you should remember to wear a cotton gauze bandage or a special accessory purchased from a pharmacy chain.

A mask is required to be worn when there is an increase in the incidence of viral infections among the population. You need to wear it when visiting shops, concerts, exhibitions, and riding public transport. This accessory is definitely needed in hospitals or clinics, where the number of sick people is greater than anywhere else.

The mask protects the mucous membranes of a healthy person from the penetration of viruses that a sick person can spread around him or her by coughing or sneezing.

The protective properties of the mask are not endless; under the influence of high humidity from human breathing, it quickly gets wet, as a result of which it becomes useless (even harmful if you are in it in the frosty air). Therefore, it needs to be replaced with a new one every 2 hours.

Hand hygiene clothes body

In the autumn, and then in winter, in places where there are many people, in public transport, almost all surfaces can contain the smallest molecules of viruses. You just need to touch the handrails with your hands, press the elevator button, or pay in cash at the checkout, and the viruses will transfer to your hands.

When a person touches the mucous membranes of his body with his own hands, he transfers bacteria and viruses that linger on them. This provokes infection with influenza.

hand washing

This is why hand washing after returning home is so important. In addition, the procedure must be carried out before eating outside the home.

Make it a habit not to touch your face with your hands on the street or outside your own apartment. This creates a powerful infection threat that can be avoided if you follow this simple rule.

The same applies to clothing; one can only guess how much pathogenic microflora settles on it while being on the street or in a store. That is why, upon returning home, you need to immediately wash your hands, change your street clothes to home clothes, and put your worn items in the closet.

Use of saline solutions

The mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are the entrance gates for viruses; it is on them that pathogenic microflora attach, beginning their journey into the human body. To complicate this task, you need to keep the mucous membranes hydrated.

Irrigation of the nasal passages with saline solutions is well suited for this purpose. You can prepare them yourself by mixing some water and sea salt. You can purchase ready-made bottles at the pharmacy, for example, Marimer, Aqualor, Aquamaris.

Aquamaris, Salin, Aqualor

It is very important, when returning home from the street, to treat the mucous membranes of the nose and oral cavity. This is necessary to remove viruses from there that have managed to attach, but have not yet descended into the respiratory tract.

Not only saline solutions can be used to irrigate the mouth and nose; you can also use decoctions made from herbs. It could be chamomile, sage or calendula.

Ventilation and cleaning of the premises

It is very important to regularly ventilate your apartment: this way you can get rid of viruses and bacteria living in the air. You need to ventilate the rooms after waking up and before going to bed; in addition, you can leave the windows slightly open while leaving the house. You need to regularly do wet cleaning, wiping all surfaces.

It is advisable to maintain the air humidity in the apartment at 70%, this is necessary so that the mucous membranes always remain moisturized. This will create conditions under which viruses simply cannot attach there.

ventilation for flu

Nutrition and lifestyle

To reduce the risk of contracting viruses, it is recommended to eat only healthy foods that contain sufficient amounts of microelements and vitamins necessary to maintain the body’s defenses.

What should you eat during cold season? These may be the following products:

  • fresh vegetables and fruits, according to the ripening season;
  • greenery;
  • non-fatty meats;
  • fermented milk products;
  • seafood;
  • porridge;
  • baked goods made from whole grains.

It is necessary to maintain physical activity, play sports and regularly walk in the fresh air. Nobody cancels the hardening procedures that should be in the life of every person, starting from his birth. They allow you to strengthen the body's defenses, making it invulnerable to sudden changes in temperature.

The drug "Amizon"

This medicine is used to treat and prevent colds and flu. In addition, it is used to combat certain infectious diseases such as measles, chicken pox, rubella, mononucleosis and others.

The active ingredient of the drug is amizon. This product should not be used on children under 6 years of age.

When treating ARVI and influenza, adults should consume 0.25-0.5 g 2 to 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

If the product is used for prophylactic purposes, it is recommended to use 0.25 g for 3-5 days. Then, for 2-3 weeks, use 1 tablet every 2-3 days.

One package (20 tablets) is usually enough for a course of treatment. The medicine "Amizon" is a fairly inexpensive remedy with a wide spectrum of action.

The drug "Arbidol"

Need flu and cold prevention? Medicines that allow you to achieve high results are quite diverse. An excellent drug is Arbidol.

The drug is effective for the treatment of influenza A, B, ARVI. Very effective for preventive purposes. Allows you not only to treat ailments, but also their complications. It is often used in the complex treatment of pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, and recurrent herpes.

Allowed for use by children from 2 years of age.

For the treatment of uncomplicated diseases, adults are recommended to take 0.2 g 4 times a day. The duration of such treatment is 3-5 days. If the drug is used for prophylaxis, 0.2 g is used per day. In this case, the duration is from 10 to 14 days.

Viral diseases: characteristics and features

Viral diseases (or simply viruses) are parasitic molecules that are in a “dormant” state outside an organic cell, and when they invade the human body, they feed on human cells, thereby killing them.

There are 2 types of viruses:

  1. Transmitted from our smaller animal brethren.
  2. Transmitted only between members of the human race.

How can a virus enter the body? In general, viral diseases penetrate the body of children and newborns more easily than adults for a number of reasons: children have low and not yet developed immunity, and their bodies are not strong enough.

The virus can enter a favorable human environment through:

  • food (hepatitis);
  • blood (HIV, HPV);
  • by air (flu, ARVI).

According to the classification, viral diseases can be:

  • Infectious - quickly affects the immune system, accompanied by fever, lethargy and chills. In this case, recommendations from a doctor and quick-response drugs that will stop the effect of the virus will help.
  • Latent - these diseases may not declare their existence for a long time, or occur hidden from a person. But as the immune system weakens, they manifest themselves. If measures are not taken, there is a high chance of these viruses turning into an infectious form.
  • Chronic - such diseases are long-term in nature, in which a person spends a longer period of life fighting a viral infection that has enslaved his body. Usually, attempts to expel the virus do not end in success, and the human body undergoes dramatic changes for the worse.

The drug "Anaferon"

Homeopathic medications can be used to prevent flu and colds. This is exactly what Anaferon is. It is recommended to be used in complex therapy for the treatment of influenza, herpes, and ARVI.

This drug is approved for use in infants from 6 months of age. It is recommended to use the medicine every 30 minutes during the first two hours. Then take 1 tablet three times during the day. Treatment continues until recovery.

Prevention involves taking 1 pill daily for 1-3 months.

Drug prevention

To prevent ARVI in children, pharmaceutical preparations can also be used. You should not choose them at your own discretion; it is better to first consult a doctor.

What to give your child to prevent flu:

  1. Agents that increase the body's production of interferons, substances that actively fight viruses. For children, you can put Viferon, Kipferon suppositories, spray Grippferon spray in the nose or dissolve Anaferon tablets.


  2. Aflubin, used for preventive effects on the body, has a homeopathic orientation. Oscillococcinum, which is approved for use by children aged two years and older, has the same effect.


  3. Immunity drops are used to prevent influenza for children and adults. They contain a whole complex of plant components, including rose hips, ginger, chamomile, dandelion, linden, propolis, St. John's wort, thyme, mint. After just a day of taking the drops, they increase the body’s defenses, and they also shorten the time required for recovery from viral infections.

    Immunity drops

  4. Miramistin is used to irrigate the mouth and nose for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections in children. It is especially important to carry out such manipulations after returning home from places where many people gather and there is a high probability of infection.


  5. Relenza, thanks to the zanamivir included in its composition, actively fights influenza viruses, types A and B. This drug is approved for use by children from the age of five. It can be used for preventive purposes by inhalation for 10 days, twice a day.


  6. When deciding what to give to children to prevent influenza, you should not forget about Arbidol. This drug has an immunostimulating effect on the body; it contains umifenovir, which prevents the development of ARVI, influenza and intestinal infections, and also actively fights them after they penetrate the body. The suspension can be used from two years of age, and tablets from 3 years of age.


  7. Among the methods of preventing ARVI, Cytovir 3 is often prescribed; this syrup is an immunostimulant, which speeds up the child’s recovery from a respiratory infection.


To prevent colds in children, it is better to use natural ingredients. It makes sense to use synthetic medicines in cases where an epidemic begins in the city, one of the family members is sick, when visiting children's educational institutions, or when the child has contact with other sick people. The choice of a specific drug, the frequency and duration of its use should be determined by the doctor; you should not select such medications on your own.

Means "Amiksin"

It is advisable that for the prevention of flu and colds, medications for adults are recommended by a doctor. If you select medications yourself, be sure to carefully study the instructions.

A fairly effective remedy is the medicine “Amiksin”. It is widely in demand for the treatment and prevention of colds, flu, and viral hepatitis.

The drug is not used for children under 7 years of age.

For treatment, the drug is taken 0.125 g 1 time per day for 2 days. Then the product in this dosage is applied 1 time within 48 hours. Prevention is based on the use of 0.125 g once a week. It is advisable to continue this treatment for 6 weeks.

Prevention in adults: what you need to know

Prevention of viral diseases in adultsPrevention (sometimes called preparation for encountering dangerous viruses) of viral diseases is remembered by many adults from school - only by increasing immunity, proper nutrition and exercise can you harden your body and prepare it for various types of aggressive aspects.
Although it is often difficult to persuade adults to take comprehensive preventive measures, in addition to this, the following procedures should be periodically performed:

  1. Vaccination is the active prevention of the human immune system, which allows, by introducing “live vaccine preparations” into the body, to create antibodies that will resist viruses.
  2. Taking stimulant medications to strengthen the immune system - these recommendations from doctors allow the body to be on alert in case of a sudden attack of viruses.

Also, in addition to the above, you should treat your body more carefully, excluding hypothermia. You can take it for granted to regularly visit the bathhouse, which has a beneficial effect on the overall health of the body - it is not without reason that even in the Middle Ages in Rus' the bathhouse was held in high esteem.

In addition, you should reconsider your daily food intake - you should add more fruits, vegetables and dairy products, since healthy vitamins and minerals are unlikely to be found in fast food or pizza.

It will not be superfluous to follow simple rules and regulations of personal hygiene (be sure to wash your hands after walking, working, training, etc.), since viruses can be on any surface.

Treatment and prevention of children

A healthy child is always cheerful. He laughs cheerfully, touching those around him. But unfortunately, babies sometimes get sick.

It is much easier to prevent illness by using medicines for children to prevent flu and colds. To avoid illness, the baby should boost his immunity. The drugs Grippferon and Interferon are quite effective. Such medicines for the prevention of flu and colds in newborns (up to 6 months) are instilled into the nose. It is recommended to use them twice a day, one drop at a time.

Starting from 7 months, children can be given the children's drug "Anaferon". The pill is diluted in a spoon of warm water.

Below are the most effective medications for preventing flu and colds for children. However, remember that self-medication is not recommended. It is advisable to coordinate the use of this or that drug with your pediatrician.

Vaccination of children against influenza

Vaccination can reduce the likelihood of your child getting the flu. Even if he becomes infected, the disease will be much easier. This is an effective method of preventing influenza. The vaccination should be done every year, well before the outbreak of the epidemic. Preferably in the fall, no later than the end of September - beginning of October, since it takes time to create antiviral immunity. Those children who are vaccinated for the first time (especially children under 9) are vaccinated in two stages, with an interval of 4 weeks. Vaccination is especially indicated for children with chronic diseases, as well as cancer.

Viferon preparations: suppositories and ointment

These medications should be stored in the refrigerator.

Suppositories are an antiviral immunomodulatory agent. This drug is prescribed, if necessary, to newborn babies and even premature babies. The product is effective for a variety of infectious and inflammatory ailments: influenza, acute respiratory infections, complications after bacterial infections.

Suppositories are administered rectally every 12 hours for five days. It is recommended to start using them at the first signs of illness.

The ointment is approved for use in children over 1 year of age. It is carefully applied to the mucous membrane of the nose 3-4 times a day with a cotton swab. This remedy is very effective in complex therapy.

Medicine for children "Anaferon"

The question often arises about what medications can be used to prevent flu and colds for children under one year of age? The drug "Anaferon" for children is approved for use by babies starting from 1 month.

This is an excellent antiviral immunomodulatory medicine. It is used for therapeutic and preventive purposes against many diseases, including acute respiratory infections and influenza.

The medicine is available in tablets. For infants, as described above, the tablet is diluted in boiled water. Older children are recommended to dissolve the pill.

Briefly about influenza and ARVI

They are viral diseases. The route of transmission is airborne droplets, and in rare cases, contact. According to statistics, almost 80% of children fall ill with viral diseases in the autumn or winter season.

Flu symptoms include:

  1. Hyperthermia, up to 40 degrees.
  2. Severe headache, particularly in the frontal and temporal lobes.
  3. Soreness of joints and muscles.
  4. Coughing.
  5. Nausea and possible vomiting.

Flu in children: symptoms and treatment

Symptoms of ARVI include:

  1. Watery eyes.
  2. Runny nose.
  3. Sore throat.
  4. Headache.
  5. Moderate cough.
  6. Slight increase in temperature.

The drug "Aflubin"

This is an excellent homeopathic remedy that effectively relieves cold and flu symptoms. Its use is allowed at any age. It’s just important to follow the required dosages.

The taste of the drug is not very pleasant. Therefore, you can dilute the required number of drops in tea or water.

This product has immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, detoxification, and antipyretic properties. It is recommended to use the medicine at the first signs of illness.

Definition of diseases

Influenza is commonly called an acute respiratory disease caused by a particular strain of influenza virus. Currently, the most common diseases in people are those caused by type A or B viruses. Such viruses are very contagious and very often provoke not just epidemics, but pandemics of such diseases.

The concept of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) includes a whole group of other viruses, including rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, and many others. ARVI and influenza have many common symptoms, including fever, runny nose, sore throat, increased fatigue and drowsiness, which is why they are often confused.

Means "Grippferon"

The basis of the drug is the “Interferon” described above. The product is completely ready for use. There is no need to dilute it. The medicine is stored strictly in the refrigerator. It is also allowed for use from birth.

The concentration in the bottle is slightly higher than in the self-prepared solution described above. Therefore, babies up to one year old are instilled no more than 5 times a day.

How can pregnant women protect themselves from the disease?

The immunity of a woman preparing to become a mother is weakened. Therefore, she is more likely to catch a cold or contract the flu. Sometimes doctors recommend vaccination before an epidemic as a preventive measure. But in the early stages it is undesirable.

A pregnant woman should direct all her strength to strengthening the body and increasing immunity. It is recommended to consume a lot of vegetables and fruits, fresh juices. Doctors advise eating a clove of garlic or a little green onion.

For preventive purposes, it is useful to use vitamin herbal teas, fruit drinks, and compotes. It is recommended to choose rose hips, cranberries, viburnum, and currants. Tea with lemon is beneficial. Eating citrus fruits is effective.

What medications can be used to prevent flu and colds? Most of the products are prohibited for pregnant women. During an epidemic, before leaving home, it is recommended to lubricate the mucous membrane with “Oxolinic” ointment. You can drip your nose with Interferon. Before going to bed, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with Calendula or Eucalyptus tincture.

In addition, it is important for all family members, during an epidemic, to take appropriate medications for preventive purposes.

Avoid crowded places

The child's local immunity, which is maintained by constant hydration of the mucous membrane, helps prevent frequent infection with acute respiratory infections.

To reduce the likelihood of contracting ARVI, it is very important to avoid visiting places where there are many people at once. It is especially important to avoid such trips during periods when the incidence of influenza and other respiratory infections increases, in the fall and winter, when a lot of people, not always completely healthy, gather in shopping centers and cinemas.

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