What is gonarthrosis of the knee joint and how to treat it?

Treatment of gonarthrosis

Methods of getting rid of gonarthrosis of the knee joint have the following goals:

  • relief of pain and muscle tension;
  • ensuring limb mobility;
  • activation of the restoration process in cartilage;
  • increased muscle tone;
  • reduction of the inflammatory process;
  • improving blood circulation in the knee joint;
  • prevention of complications.

A prerequisite is an integrated approach that will achieve an improvement in the patient’s general condition in a short time. The disease requires complex treatment, which should begin when gonarthrosis has not yet started. This will prevent serious damage to the knee joint.

Today there are no medications that can eliminate joint pathology forever. However, it is quite possible to slow down tissue destruction and relieve pain.

For this purpose, painkillers, chondroprotectors (substances to improve the condition of cartilage tissue), anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, manual therapy and traditional methods of treatment are often used.

In this case, regular health resort treatment plays an important role. If there are indications, the doctor recommends surgery.

Features and process of disease development

Gonarthrosis is characterized by the destruction of cartilage tissue. In the first stage of development, changes occur at the molecular level, so the symptoms remain invisible. Upon examination, the cartilage appears cloudy, begins to thin, and cracks. Gonarthrosis leads to the cartilage being completely destroyed. This exposes the underlying bone.

Dynamics of the disease.

Due to constant irritation of its surface, the body turns on a protective reaction and begins to grow an additional layer of bone tissue, which turns into spines (osteophytes). That is why the last stages of development are characterized by severe visible deformations of the joint.

If the symptoms are not noticed in time, the person becomes disabled, unable to move normally.

Gonarthrosis of the knee joint does not develop overnight. The process happens gradually. The following sequence of pathological changes can be distinguished:

  1. Initially, metabolic processes in the knee occur under the influence of osmotic pressure. That is, when the knee bends, lubricant is released, and when it is extended, lubricant is absorbed. If any reasons contributed to the disruption of this process, then the cartilage begins its destruction and becomes thinner.
  2. Next, destructive processes occur in the collagen fibers, which are responsible for the shock-absorbing properties of the joint. In this case, the stability of the knee and the elasticity of the cartilage tissue are lost.
  3. Since the synovial membrane of the joint is constantly under abnormal load, it begins to become irritated and an inflammatory process appears. This, in turn, leads to limited mobility of the knee.

Gonarthrosis of the inner part of the knee is considered more common. The problem occurs more often in athletes and older people.

Pain relief

Painkillers cannot cure the disease gonarthrosis, but they are quite capable of relieving its symptoms. Such medications play almost the main role in the treatment process, because it is pain that gives the patient the maximum discomfort.

Painkillers include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It can be:

When using these medications in the form of tablets and ointments, you should know that they are not designed for long-term use and are characterized by an impressive list of adverse reactions and contraindications. NSAIDs eliminate only the symptoms of the pathology, without in any way affecting its root cause.

In addition, they should be used carefully and strictly following the instructions of the attending physician. In the form of tablets, anti-inflammatory drugs have a detrimental effect on the stomach, causing exacerbations of gastritis and ulcers (if there is a history of them).

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of gonarthrosis is mainly aimed at eliminating pain, inhibiting the inflammatory process and joint deformation. Unfortunately, this disease cannot be completely cured. Even surgical treatment will not be able to return the affected joint to its original condition and functionality.

Read also: Arthrosis of the ankle joint 1st degree

Treatment with conservative methods involves, first of all, a radical change in habits and lifestyle. The patient will have to reconsider everything, from diet to daily routine. From now on, the menu will consist only of harmless products, and physical activity, rest and sleep time will be strictly regulated.

Treatment with medications

For each patient, medications of the following groups are individually selected:

  • Anti-inflammatory and painkillers, including corticosteroid hormonal drugs;
  • Chondroprotectors are means for rapid restoration of cartilage tissue.

Systemic and local drugs are used in combination. These can be ointments, gels, tablets, powders, liquids and injection solutions.

Treatment with orthopedic devices

In the treatment of gonarthrosis, it is important to minimize the load on the diseased joint or joints. For this purpose, various orthopedic structures are used to support and fix the affected knee joint. These include:

  1. Orthoses are rigid pads on the knees that reliably protect and fix the joint, preventing its deformation.
  2. Orthopedic shoe inserts, especially if lameness has developed.
  3. Cane or crutches.

How appropriate treatment with this method is is always determined only by a doctor; it is not recommended to select even orthopedic shoe insoles or a walking cane on your own.

Surgical treatment of gonarthrosis

If all of the above methods are ineffective, there is no other choice but to perform an operation. The functionality of the joint will never be restored. But there is a chance to relieve the patient of unbearable pain and return him to a more or less active life.

An operation to completely replace the entire knee joint or parts of it is called endoprosthetics; an artificial knee joint is used. Permission for surgery is given only for post-traumatic gonarthrosis caused by fractures, dislocations or ruptures of articular ligaments and bones.

If the disease is accompanied by osteochondrosis, surgery cannot be performed, since the bones with this disease become too fragile.


These include drugs that contain chondrocytes, hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate. Chondroprotectors are aimed at restoring the structure of cartilage tissue and are a natural building material. Such drugs increase joint mobility and inhibit the further development of the disease.

Every patient should be aware that chondroprotectors do not provide quick results. Only after 3-5 months will the patient feel their beneficial effects on their body.

Moreover, such drugs are effective only in the treatment of grade 1 and 2 knee joint gonarthrosis, when the cartilage has not completely collapsed. Otherwise, restoration measures will be completely useless.

Chondroprotectors include products in which active substances are present in different proportions:

Solutions for injections

When non-steroidal medications taken orally do not help relieve knee pain, it is necessary to switch to injectable forms of medications. Injectable drugs for the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint are divided into drugs intended for intramuscular and intra-articular administration.

Injection therapy begins with intramuscular injections. Most often, the following drugs are used for intramuscular administration:

  • Alflutop – chondroprotector;
  • Analgin, Baralgin - analgesics;
  • Movalis, Ketonal, Piroxicam, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Mydocalm, Baclofen are antispasmodics.

All of them are prescribed for a fairly short period of time - the course of any of these drugs is no more than ten injections. If the effect of intramuscular injections is too weak or completely absent, doctors recommend intra-articular injections.

For this purpose, glucocorticosteroids of the following names are used:

All these drugs for arthrosis have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. By getting directly into the affected area, the medicine acts most effectively. Chondroprotectors are also administered intra-articularly:

Intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid also have a good effect in the treatment of gonarthrosis. They normalize the composition and consistency of intra-articular fluid, facilitating joint movement.

Injections into the joint can be quite painful, so they are done under local anesthesia. They can only be carried out by a trained specialist in a medical facility, maintaining complete sterility.

Treatment with intra-articular injections is contraindicated in case of inflammatory processes in the knee area, as well as during pregnancy. The course of such treatment is much shorter than with intramuscular injections - 3-5 injections, the break from one injection to another should be at least two weeks. The first injection will contain the maximum dosage of the medicine, with each subsequent injection it decreases. If after the first injection the patient does not feel relief, the doctor changes the drug.

According to patient reviews, intra-articular injections are a very effective way to combat arthrosis of the knee joint. By using them once a year, you can significantly delay the progression of the pathology.

Comprehensive drug treatment in the first stages of arthrosis of the knee joint helps prevent the progression of pathology and avoid endoprosthetics.

Source nogivnorme.ru

Gonarthrosis of the knee joint is a dystrophic change in cartilage tissue; without treatment, the disease progresses and leads to irreversible changes. Arthrosis is typical for the elderly population, but in recent years there has been a disappointing trend: the disease is diagnosed in people aged 20-30 years.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Many patients know how to treat gonarthrosis of the knee joint with anti-inflammatory drugs when destruction occurs in the cartilage. Inflammation and synovitis (accumulation of fluid in the joint) are connected to this pathological process.

Corticosteroids - strong hormonal drugs - come to the rescue in such a situation. Pharmacology usually produces them in the form of ointments and gels, but they can be used in injections and tablets.

This group includes the drugs Hydrocortisone and Kenalog (for intra-articular administration), Butadione, DIP-Relief, Bystrum-gel and Diclofenac (in the form of ointment).

Symptoms of the disease

The most common symptoms that may indicate gonarthrosis of the knee joint:

  • Morning stiffness;
  • Limitation of joint mobility after a long period of rest;
  • Pain in the joints of the knees.

Then the pain becomes more intense and lasts longer. They are no longer always tied to the patient’s rest or activity - deforming arthrosis develops. Characteristic symptoms:

  1. Night pain in the calves.
  2. Increased pain when going up or down stairs.
  3. Difficulty bending and straightening the leg at the knee.
  4. Crunching when moving the joint.

If treatment is not started at this stage, arthrosis deformans develops further. Symptoms such as swelling and deformation of the joint appear. To move, the patient needs someone's help or support in the form of a cane or crutches. There is an increasing fall on the affected leg.

Alternative Treatments

Treatment of gonathrosis of the knee joint can be carried out using non-drug methods:

  1. manual therapy. In organic combination with therapeutic exercises, it will help relieve tension from muscles and joints, reduce stress and improve the condition of the knee joint;
  2. physiotherapy. Exercise therapy for gonarthrosis of the knee joint - all exercises can be performed only in a state of stable remission. As soon as discomfort begins to be felt in the joint, the exercise should be stopped;
  3. physiotherapy. Qualitatively helps eliminate pain and inflammation. The maximum result can be obtained by using ultrasound, magnetic therapy, hydrogen sulfide and radon baths, laser therapy.

Treatment of gonarthrosis of the knee joint can be performed surgically. This can be arthroscopic debridement (using an arthroscope to remove the affected parts of the cartilage that cause pain) or endoprosthetics (the doctor will install a prosthesis made of plastic, ceramics or a special metal alloy).

Degrees of gonarthrosis

Three degrees of development of gonarthrosis have been defined:

  1. Gonarthrosis of the 1st degree. This is the initial stage, when unpleasant symptoms and sharp, short-term pain occur only after an unusual load - fast running, standing for a long time, etc. the joint does not change its shape, but may periodically swell. The tumor goes away on its own.
  2. Deforming arthrosis of the 2nd degree. The pain becomes more frequent and stronger. In the morning, the joints are stiff, and when moving, the patient may feel a crunching sensation in the joints. The disease is easy to diagnose visually - the knee joints are hypertrophied, swollen and deformed.
  3. Arthrosis of the 3rd degree. All of the above symptoms intensify, accompanied by lameness and the inability to move independently. At this stage, even complex treatment will not always be effective.

There is also a 4th degree of gonarthrosis, but according to the clinical picture it is classified as 3rd. On x-rays, one can note a greatly altered surface of the bone and joint; there is no gap between the articular elements that allows movement. The patient at this stage suffers from constant pain.

Alternative medicine recipes

The disease can be successfully stopped through the use of medicinal herbs and products based on them. Moreover, these should be used only in parallel treatment with classical medications, which almost always guarantees positive dynamics.

Thus, rubbing with camphor oil, compresses from burdock and cabbage leaves, and ointments made from a mixture of bee honey and apple cider vinegar have a good effect on health.

Treatment of chronic gonarthrosis involves strict adherence to the diet. It is necessary to limit yourself to sour fruits, alcohol, fresh tomatoes, meat and whole milk. It is very healthy to eat dishes prepared with bone broth and gelatin: jelly, jellied meat, aspic.

Important! To get rid of knee joint pathology, you should avoid overeating, carefully monitor your weight and reduce physical activity on the sore leg.

Traditional medicine recommends using dandelion for treatment. In the spring, you should collect 5 leaves of the plant every day, wash them thoroughly and chew them until a homogeneous paste forms (no need to swallow).

The yellow flowers of the plant will also come in handy. They need to be placed in a dark glass container and filled halfway with alcohol (you can use triple cologne). The resulting mixture is infused for 30 days in a cold place, and then used as an ointment. The affected knee is lubricated 2 times a day.

It will be useful to use Jerusalem artichoke for treatment. You need 750 g of raw materials (can be stems and leaves) pour 4 liters of boiling water. After the liquid has cooled completely, lower the sore knee into it and hold it for half an hour. This procedure is carried out for 10 days in a row.

Physical activity and exercises

Here are some exercises:

  1. In the position of placing your palms on your knees and standing, make circular movements with your knees alternately, in different directions, 20 times.
  2. Crawl on all fours in different directions.
  3. While standing, lower your arms down and make shaking movements.
  4. Lie on your back, alternately pull your legs to your chest.
  5. Sitting on the floor, stretch and straighten your legs, then point your toes toward you and away from you.

Read also: Injection in the shoulder joint

Along with doing exercises, you should follow a diet that is aimed at reducing weight, and therefore the load on the joints.

Eat protein foods: fish, cottage cheese, lean meat, dairy and cheese products, beans, lentils.

Carbohydrates, in the form of vegetables and fruits. Fats, mostly vegetable. Alcohol should be avoided.

Remember that nutrition plays a very important role in our health!

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint (synonyms: arthrosis, osteoarthritis, gonarthrosis) is a group of severe, non-inflammatory disorders of the musculoskeletal system, developing mainly in old age. Often, the consequence of the disease is loss of functional ability of the joint and disability. Gonarthrosis - what is it, where does it come from, how does it manifest, what are the symptoms and treatment? All these questions can be answered in this article.

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Diagnosis of the disease

In order to choose the optimal treatment, you first need to conduct a diagnosis to confirm the disease and determine its severity. Whatever the reasons, primary or post-traumatic gonarthrosis is suspected, the course of the disease is always slow. The diagnosis is made based on questioning the patient.

An X-ray of the knee joint or an MRI is used to determine the extent of the damage. A paradoxical feature: a laboratory blood test does not show the presence of inflammation in gonarthrosis of any degree.

Causes of arthrosis of the knee joint

Deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint develops as a result of impaired blood supply and nutrition of the cartilage lining the intra-articular surfaces of the femur and tibia. This leads to destruction, gradual thinning, disappearance of cartilage tissue and exposure of bone surfaces. The friction of bone on bone when walking is a source of severe pain. Later, bone deformation develops, ankylosis forms and other complications appear.

Gonarthrosis leads to abrasion of intra-articular cartilage and exposure of bones

Today, diseases of the knee joint are very common. Osteoarthritis occurs most often for the following reasons:

  • increased load on the lower limb,
  • exercising too intensely;
  • deterioration of blood circulation;
  • capillary fragility;
  • previous joint pathologies (arthritis, periarthritis, rheumatism);
  • the presence of excess weight, which increases the load on the musculoskeletal system;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system, disturbances in calcium-phosphorus metabolism;
  • previous injuries (ruptures and tears of the menisci, damage to ligaments, tendons and muscles, cracks or fractures of bones).

Many patients do not even know what gonarthrosis is and how it manifests itself.

Deforming arthrosis of the knee joint causes severe pain and difficulty walking. The disease often becomes a cause of disability.

As you know, gonarthrosis of the knee is a chronic, slowly progressive disease that goes through several successive stages of development. In the initial stages, the symptoms of the disease are subtle, which is why grade 1 gonarthrosis of the knee joint cannot always be diagnosed on time. Arthrosis of the 2nd degree is much easier to recognize, while for the 3rd degree the diagnosis is practically beyond doubt.

Arthrosis deformans causes severe pain and difficulty walking. The disease often becomes a cause of disability.

  1. First degree. Due to prolonged walking, heavy physical work or sports, a person feels dull pain in the knee. Sometimes a slight swelling forms in the joint area, which spontaneously subsides some time later. Arthrosis of the 1st degree of the knee joint is also manifested by a feeling of stiffness that occurs after a night's rest or prolonged sitting in one place.
  2. Second degree. The duration and severity of the pain increases, but it goes away after proper rest. There is also a crunching sound when walking or squatting, pronounced swelling and initial signs of knee deformation. Gonarthrosis of the 2nd degree is always accompanied by difficulty in straightening the leg, especially pronounced in the morning.
  3. Third degree. The pain is present on a constant basis, well expressed, does not depend on physical activity and intensifies with atmospheric fluctuations. Grade 3 knee joint gonarthrosis is accompanied by lameness and severe difficulty walking. The leg can take on an X- or O-shape.

Deforming arthrosis of the knee joint causes severe pain and limits the ability to move. The disease often becomes a cause of disability.

Initially, the pathology does not disrupt a person’s usual way of life, but grade 2 arthrosis of the knee joint usually forces the patient to seek medical help. Without timely and adequate treatment, the articular surfaces are partially destroyed and fused, which leads to the formation of ankylosis. This, in turn, causes complete immobility of the joints.

Reasons for the development of gonarthrosis

The disease occurs for the following reasons:

  • disturbance of blood supply;
  • increased fragility of small vessels;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • overweight and obesity;
  • knee injuries (cracks, ligament tears, fractures, meniscus injuries);
  • joint inflammation (rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism);
  • excessive stress on the joints (usually in athletes);
  • disruptions in the hormonal and endocrine systems;
  • untreated old injuries;
  • congenital anomalies and developmental defects of joints;
  • heredity.


Most often, patients with osteoarthritis develop bursitis, synovitis and hemarthrosis of the knee joint. In the first case, the intra-articular membrane becomes inflamed, and exudate accumulates in the articular cavity. A person experiences severe pain, swelling, and a noticeable increase in volume of the knee may occur; then they speak of a Baker’s cyst. This complication can occur at any stage of the disease.

Hemarthrosis of the knee joint is the accumulation of blood in the intra-articular cavity due to hemorrhage. It is most often caused by grade 2 or grade 3 gonarthrosis. It manifests itself as sharp severe pain, swelling, increased volume of the joint, and limited mobility in the affected leg. All symptoms are pronounced and cause a lot of discomfort to a person.

Causes of the disease

The factor that causes post-traumatic arthrosis of the knee joint is most often trauma - mechanical damage. Blood circulation in the tissues of the knee joint is disrupted, the innervation is interrupted.

Innervation is the process during which the central nervous system changes and controls tissue activity through signals that transmit nerve endings from certain organs to and from the brain.

If innervation is impaired, the amount of nutrients entering the joint is insufficient, and the shock absorption function is impaired. The mobility of the knee is limited, and congestion develops. This causes post-traumatic arthrosis of the knee joint.

There is not enough synovial fluid, which acts as a lubricant for cartilage. The pressure on certain areas of the knee joint increases, and the articular cartilage begins to deteriorate. It first dries out, cracks appear in it, and then is almost completely erased. If the metabolism of cartilage tissue is disturbed, the content of sulfopolysaccharides and chondroitin sulfate can be noted.

Due to a lack of chondroitin sulfate, the cartilage begins to rub with a crunch; the limited amount of sulfopolysaccharide does not allow the joint to resist the development of inflammatory processes.

Further, the areas of bones that form the knee undergo pathological changes. Osteophytes—bone growths—form on them. When the knee joint is deformed, due to its limited mobility, atrophy of nearby muscles begins.

Trauma is not the only factor that causes deforming arthrosis to develop.

The mechanism of the disease is triggered:

  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • being overweight;
  • frequent inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Post-traumatic arthrosis of the knee joint has the following symptoms.

  1. At the initial stage - a crunching sound during increased load and when walking.
  2. Pain that first appears during dynamic tension, and then in a static state.
  3. Restricted knee mobility.
  4. Change in its appearance, swelling of surrounding tissues.
  5. Inflammation of the skin around the injured area.

If you put your hand to the skin at this stage, you can feel a local temperature increase.


X-ray for gonarthrosis

Before treating knee arthrosis, it is necessary to confirm the diagnosis. This can be done by the attending physician (orthopedist-traumatologist) after an additional examination. The following research methods are used to diagnose osteoarthritis:

  1. Radiography. An x-ray can show destruction of articular cartilage and destruction of bone surfaces. Unfortunately, this method is not very informative at the first stage of the disease.
  2. CT or MRI. Very informative, but quite expensive methods. Allows you to visualize the internal structures of the joint and see damaged cartilage.
  3. Ultrasound. It is used primarily for diagnosing complications: synovitis, arthritis, hemarthrosis. Allows you to see the inflamed intra-articular membranes and inflammatory exudate.
  4. Arthroscopy. An invasive diagnostic method that requires the insertion of a special sensor directly into the joint cavity. With arthroscopy, you can get a good look at the inside of the joint.

Symptomatic treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint consists of eliminating pain, inflammation and swelling. Drugs from the NSAID group (Nimesil, Movalis, Diclofenac, Voltaren, Celebrex, Rofica) are excellent for this. It is worth noting that grade 1 gonarthrosis of the knee joint is easier to treat than more advanced forms.

Gonarthrosis of the 2nd degree and more is best treated with steroid hormones, and they must be used in the form of ointments and creams, sometimes injections into the joint. Medicines in this group can only be used with the permission of a doctor, so before treating arthrosis with them, you must consult a specialist.

The use of chondroprotectors for arthrosis of the knee joint makes it possible to slow down the destruction of cartilage and somewhat stop the progression of the disease. To achieve the desired result, medications should be used over a long period of time (at least several months).

Anti-enzyme drugs (Gordox, Kontrikal, Ovomin) also help to stop degenerative processes. In case of severe inflammation, Kenalog, Hydrocortisone or another corticosteroid-based drug is injected into the joint cavity. Hyaluronic acid preparations (Sinokrom, Hyalurom, Ostenil) are also excellent for these purposes.

You can also relieve pain and inflammation using warm compresses. To prepare them, you can use Bishofite, Dimexide, medical bile and some other medications, which your doctor will help you choose. In the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint, Piaskledin, a natural preparation containing extracts from soy and avocado, has shown good results. However, this medication must be used for at least six months - only in this case should one hope for a positive result.

Read also: Arthrosis of the knee joint gonarthrosis

Some of the exercises depicted are suitable for the treatment of grade 1 and 2 arthrosis of the knee joint.

Some of the exercises depicted are suitable for the treatment of grade 1 and 2 arthrosis of the knee joint.

Special exercises also help alleviate osteoarthritis of the knee joint. Treatment is selected individually by a physiotherapist and consists of daily performance of a special course of exercise therapy. It should be noted that during the acute period of the disease and in the presence of any complications, physical therapy is strictly contraindicated. In this case, the sore leg needs to be provided with complete rest.

People who have deforming arthrosis of the knee joint are prohibited from performing:

  • squats and frequent flexion and extension of the leg;
  • hard physical work;
  • running and long walking;
  • any exercise that causes pain.


In addition to special gymnastics, some physical therapy methods can be added to the treatment of knee arthrosis. This will help stop the inflammatory process, remove pain and alleviate human suffering. Physiotherapy also accelerates and stimulates the regeneration of articular cartilage.

The following methods can be included in the treatment of gonarthrosis:

  • electrophoresis with novocaine - administration of anesthetic medication using direct electric current;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • use of diadynamic currents;
  • ultraviolet irradiation (UVR);
  • ultra-high frequency therapy (UHF);
  • treatment with cold (cryotherapy) or heat (mud, paraffin, ozokerite applications);
  • sanatorium-resort treatment is indicated only after active inflammatory processes have subsided.

Wearing special devices is an integral part of the treatment of grade 2 and 3 knee joint gonarthrosis. As a rule, experts advise wearing orthopedic insoles and orthoses made of rigid materials that fix the knee and limit the range of motion. How to choose knee pads for arthrosis of the knee joint is a question that should be resolved together with your doctor.

Endoprosthetics allows you to restore the destroyed elements of the joint.

Surgical intervention is indicated for severe dysfunction of the joint. Endoprosthesis replacement is recommended in case of disability in young or middle age. One or both joints can be replaced. As a rule, surgery is not performed for grade 1 arthrosis of the knee joint. Osteoporosis is also a contraindication to surgery.

In the initial stages, many people fight the disease at home. It should be noted that treatment with folk remedies is effective only for grades 1 and 2 of arthrosis. You can use any homemade medicines only after prior consultation with your doctor. If home treatment does not help relieve pain and inflammation, this is a clear sign that it is ineffective.

Folk remedies to combat gonarthrosis:

  1. Compresses with apple cider vinegar (3 tbsp) and honey (1 tbsp). The ingredients must be mixed and applied to the skin over the affected joint. Place a fresh leaf of cabbage or burdock on top, then wrap your leg with polyethylene and a warm cloth. It is better to apply the compress at night and remove it in the morning.
  2. Blue or red clay. Used to prepare compresses at home. The clay must be diluted in a non-metallic container and applied to the sore leg for 2-3 hours.
  3. Infusion of garlic, lemon, celery. Prepared at home by pouring boiling water over a mixture of three chopped lemons, 250 grams of celery and 120 grams of garlic. After the infusion has cooled, it is placed in the refrigerator and taken orally half an hour before meals, 70 ml 2 times a day.

Treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint takes a lot of time, money and effort, but if you do not follow the doctor’s recommendations, you can become disabled in a short time.

Effective drugs

After consultation with a specialist, it is necessary to purchase medications for painful gonarthrosis. The cost of drugs varies depending on the manufacturer, the quality of the substances in the composition, and the pharmacy. There are products both at a high price and their inexpensive analogues, differing only in name. Let's consider the best effective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and chondroprotectors.

  • Ingredients: active ingredient – ​​diclofenac sodium + excipients.
  • Indications: helps with inflammatory, degenerative pathological changes in the musculoskeletal system. The drug is effective for arthrosis and arthritis. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, produces an analgesic effect, and relieves fever.
  • Application: dosage is prescribed individually depending on the course of the disease. For adults, 25-50 mg of the drug is prescribed when taken orally 2-3 times a day.
  • Price: 40-100 rubles.
  • Ingredients: chondroitin sulfate + glucosamine hydrochloride.
  • Indications: the medicine is an indispensable tool in the fight against gonarthrosis; it is prescribed for osteochondrosis of the spine and other diseases associated with dysfunction of cartilage tissue. Available in tablets.
  • Application: in tablets of 250 milligrams - 2 pieces 2 times a day, 500 mg - 1 twice a day, 750 mg - 1-2 pieces.
  • Price: 670-1600 rubles.
  • Ingredients: glucosamine sulfate + excipients.
  • Indications: helps in the treatment of gonarthrosis and other diseases of cartilage tissue. The active substance of the medicine restores normal metabolic work in the cartilage, promotes its better nutrition and good “lubrication”. Reduces pain by inhibiting degenerative processes.
  • Application: powder (in a sachet) - one packet once a day for one and a half months, injections - 1 ampoule 3 times a week.
  • Price: 1100-1200 rubles.
  • Ingredients: glucosamine + auxiliary elements.
  • Indications: for negative processes in cartilage tissue. The medicine helps to cope with arthrosis of the knee joint, producing an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Stimulates restoration processes in cartilage tissues.
  • Application: the drug is administered intramuscularly. Two milliliters of Elbona with a solvent are used, administered once a day three times a week. Course duration is 1-1.5 months.
  • Price: 1200-1400 rubles.
  • Ingredients: sodium chondroitin + sodium salt.
  • Indications: this chondroprotective medicine helps the patient to quickly cope with arthrosis of the knee joint, restoring cartilage tissue and improving its nutrition. Has an antioxidant effect and helps cope with inflammation.
  • Application: the drug is used in capsules, the recommended dose is 1000 milligrams.
  • Price: 1400-1500 rubles.
  • Ingredients: chondroitin sodium + glucosamine hydrochloride.
  • Indications: a combined medicine that helps slow down the destructive processes affecting human cartilage tissue, which helps to more quickly treat arthrosis of the knee joint. Reduces discomfort, relieves inflammation.
  • Application: for the first 20 days, 1 tablet 3 times a day, then two. The course lasts 2-3 months.
  • Price: 1000-1500 rubles.
  • Ingredients: chondroitin sulfate + auxiliary elements.
  • Indications: the medicine is indicated for people suffering from arthrosis of the knee joint of the first and second degree. The drug helps get rid of inflammation, pain, promotes restoration processes that return cartilage tissue to health, and improves metabolic processes.
  • Application: every other day, 1 ampoule of the drug intramuscularly.
  • Price: 1200-1300 rubles.
  • Ingredients: chondroitin sulfate + excipients.
  • Indications: the medicine promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues, helps cope with inflammation, and reduces pain symptoms. Improves metabolic processes occurring inside fibrous and hyaline cartilage.
  • Application: 2 tablets (0.5 grams) 2 times a day.
  • Price: 300-500 rubles.
  • Ingredients: chondroitin sulfate sodium + auxiliary elements.
  • Indications: used for osteochondrosis, cartilage damage, arthrosis of the knee joint. Helps reduce inflammation, relieve severe pain, improves metabolism occurring in cartilage tissues. Stops degenerative processes.
  • Application: 1000 mg per day (2 tablets 2 times per day).
  • Price: 60-300 rubles.

Source vrachmedik.ru

Ointments for the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint: how to choose the best remedy

Inflammatory or dystrophic diseases of the joints occur in all age groups. They are especially common among people over 45 years of age, where the detection rate of such pathology is more than 65%. Among the variety of dystrophic diseases of the joints, one of the typical localizations of damage is the knee area. Damage to the bone structure in this area causes severe physical and emotional discomfort in people. To alleviate the condition of patients, ointments are prescribed for arthrosis of the knee joint.

Classification of post-traumatic arthrosis of the knee joint

As soon as the first signs appear that indicate arthrosis of the knee joint, treatment should begin immediately. Cartilage destruction occurs quite quickly.

The disease does not appear immediately. Osteoarthritis of the knee joint periodically comes into remission and reappears. The course of the disease and its treatment depend on the intensity of exercise, climatic conditions and even the nature of nutrition. Remission can last for quite a long period.

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Arthrosis of the knee joint is classified into 3 degrees.

Characteristic symptoms of 1st degree:

  • without load, no pain is felt;
  • limited range of motion is almost invisible;
  • pain occurs when starting to move.

Signs that the disease has reached stage 2 are:

  • the limited movement of the joint begins to be fully felt;
  • the pain subsides only after a long rest;
  • when bending and straightening the knee, it crunches;
  • functional changes begin in the joints of the spine.

In the 3rd degree of arthrosis of the knee joint:

  • he loses mobility;
  • There is a lateral deformation of the joint at the level of the axis;
  • degenerative changes in the hip joint begin on the side of the affected limb.

Why are ointments prescribed?

Damage to the knee joint by a degenerative-dystrophic process is called gonarthrosis. Despite the fact that knee deformity occurs quite late, the patient feels clinical symptoms from the very beginning of the disease. Even grade 1 gonarthrosis is manifested by pain that requires medical correction.

The prescription of ointment preparations is carried out from the very beginning of the development of pathology. All ointments that are used for local therapy are used for the following purposes:

  • have a direct effect on the joint;
  • relieve symptoms of the disease, especially pain;
  • improve functional mobility of the joint;
  • relieve active inflammation.

Ointments for arthrosis of the knee joint should have the following qualities:

  • have a quick effect;
  • simultaneously relieve pain and improve knee function;
  • do not have a damaging effect on the skin;
  • be non-toxic so that long-term use is possible;
  • create a minimum of adverse reactions for the patient.

The main disadvantage of all ointments is the presence of a greasy base, so it takes a long time to be absorbed and can leave marks on clothes. To mitigate these problems, a cream is used that has all the qualities of an ointment, but has a well-absorbed base.

Degrees of the disease

In the course of the disease, it is customary to distinguish the first, second and third degrees. Each of which has its own symptoms and distinctive features, and is treated accordingly, also differently.

The first stage of the disease

It does not bring significant discomfort. As a rule, a person has no idea about the disease. And day by day the disease progresses. But it is at the first stage that treatment brings the most positive results.

It is sufficient to use only physical therapy and the use of physiotherapeutic methods, which include.

  • magnetotherapy,
  • UHF,
  • hydrotherapy,
  • ozokerite therapy,
  • laser therapy, etc.

If a person listens to his body, then, despite the minor symptoms and almost hidden flow, he will not miss the signals.

  • slight aching pain in the knee,
  • slight stiff mobility during extension and flexion,
  • crunch in the knee joint,
  • edema.

In the second stage

The person experiences the following symptoms:

  • Prolonged joint pain
  • Pain when walking for a long time
  • Crunching in the knee joint
  • Formation of osteophytes
  • Cartilage deformation

Also in the second stage, gonarthrosis is divided into degrees: right-sided, left-sided unilateral and bilateral.

At this stage, treatment cannot be done without the use of medications. Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs are prescribed. It is good when their use is combined with massage, sanitary and spa treatment.

Third stage

It is the most complex, very dangerous, and is characterized by such symptoms as increased pain when the weather changes, crunching when moving, changes in cartilage, knee deformation and gait disturbance.

Typically, patients experience the disease in both extremities at once; less often, unilateral development of the disease.

It is carried out according to the following scheme: eliminating inflammation, relieving pain, returning mobility to the joint.

Of course, the disease should not be neglected; it is necessary to do therapeutic and prophylactic exercises, which help increase joint mobility and restore blood circulation.

Ointment preparations with anti-inflammatory action

The most numerous category of ointments used for arthrosis are drugs with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. These drugs are based on a non-steroidal drug with a pronounced ability to suppress local inflammation.

  • Bom Benge. Combined ointment for knee joints with arthrosis, consisting of a salicylic acid derivative - methyl salicylate and menthol. The first component is a pronounced analgesic, the second has a distracting effect. This effective combination of drugs mutually potentiates each other's effects. Use externally twice a day for a course of no more than 10 days. Due to the ability of methyl salicylate to be absorbed and have a systemic effect, people suffering from erosive and ulcerative processes in the stomach should avoid this drug.
  • Dolgit. Contains one anti-inflammatory and analgesic substance – ibuprofen. Available in the form of a gel or cream. Apply to the knee joint twice a day. The course of therapy is usually at least 10 days.
  • Finalgel. Contains piroxicam as an active ingredient. Available in gel form. Apply twice a day.

Most manufacturers have recently switched from the ointment form of drugs to the gel form. This was done in order to remove the negative properties of ointment fillers. Water-based gels are absorbed faster, and the active components are in a dissolved state. There are no traces left on clothes, so the medicines are easy to use in everyday life. The duration of action of most gels containing anti-inflammatory components does not differ from that of ointments. It is about 6 hours.

Read also: Treatment of grade 3 coxarthrosis

An ointment for arthrosis of the knee joint, containing anti-inflammatory and analgesic components, should be used under the supervision of a specialist. This is due to the fact that the active substances of this group can be absorbed and affect the gastrointestinal tract, causing ulcerative damage.

Oral medications

Powders, capsules and tablets for knee osteoarthritis are among the medications taken orally. They can also be divided into groups depending on the nature of the impact.

At the first stage of the disease, when the manifestations of arthropathic symptoms are minimal, the emphasis in treatment is on the use of chondroprotectors - drugs containing glucosamine and chondroitin. They are also prescribed for the second degree of gonarthrosis. The remedies not only relieve the symptoms of gonarthrosis, but also fight its root cause – the destruction of cartilage. They help improve the nutrition of the cartilage shell of the joint, thereby accelerating the process of its recovery. The list of the most popular drugs of this type includes:

  • Artra - its active substances are glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, which are part of the drug in a 50 to 50 ratio. The medicine is produced in the USA and is currently one of the most effective in the group of drugs of this type. Its cost ranges from 500 to 1700 rubles, depending on the number of capsules in the package;
  • Teraflex, a product of a German pharmaceutical company, is also a combination product. The amount of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate in one capsule is 500 and 400 mg, respectively. The price varies from 600 rubles for 30 capsules, to 1500 rubles for a jar containing 120 pills;
  • Dona is a single drug containing only glucosamine, produced by the Italian company. Powders and capsules are taken orally. Dona's price ranges from 1200 to 1800 rubles per package;
  • Structum, the active substance of which is chondroitin sulfate, is produced in France. A package containing 60 capsules will cost the buyer from 1,400 to 1,700 rubles.

All chondroprotectors require a long course of administration - from three to six months. A shorter course of treatment will not have the expected effect. It is also important that it must be repeated annually. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor individually, the usual rate is two capsules (tablets, powder) per day.

After consulting with your doctor, you can replace expensive drugs with their main components - Chondroitin and Glucosamine, which are also sold in pharmacies and are much cheaper - on average 300-400 rubles per pack.

Inexpensive drugs that simultaneously have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect for gonarthrosis are Aspirin and Paracetamol. The latter does not have a negative effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

The group of anti-inflammatory tablets most commonly used in the treatment of gonarthrosis includes the already mentioned NSAIDs - Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Ibuprofen, Nise. But in the tablet form of these drugs, absorption occurs through the gastrointestinal tract, causing undesirable side effects in the form of irritation of the gastric mucosa, which, with regular long-term use, can provoke the occurrence of gastritis and even ulcers.

They can also cause pressure surges, leading to hypertensive crises and increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Indomethacin, popular among doctors and patients, according to recent studies, causes disruption of metabolic processes in cartilage tissue, accelerating its destruction.

When it comes to the use of pharmaceuticals related to NSAIDs against gonarthrosis in the treatment of patients over 65 years of age, preference is given to selective drugs that treat joints without having a negative effect on internal organs. These include non-steroids from the coxib group:

The only drawback of these drugs is their relatively high cost. Nimesulide and Meloxicam occupy an intermediate position in terms of safety of use: they are inferior to coxibs, but do not have such serious side effects as non-selective NSAIDs.

All medications mentioned are taken only as prescribed by a doctor. The duration of treatment ranges from several weeks to several months.

Ointment preparations with regenerating properties

Products with anti-inflammatory components very effectively relieve inflammation and pain, but do not restore joint tissue. In the initial stages of changes in the joint, it is more important to use restorative rather than painkillers. The essence of such ointments is penetration into the cavity of the affected joint through percutaneous diffusion. Such drugs then improve structural damage to the articular surfaces.

Ointment for knee joints for arthrosis with restorative components has been used in medicine relatively recently. Just 15 years ago, the use of such drugs was rare. Today it is impossible to imagine knee joint therapy without the use of regenerative agents. Below are the most typical representatives of this group of ointment preparations.

  • Chondroxide. Contains a natural ingredient – ​​chondroitin sulfate. It has the ability to restore damaged joint tissue and has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect. Apply three times a day. A little rubbing is necessary to enhance effectiveness. The course of therapy is long, since the process of joint restoration takes time, sometimes lasting up to several months.
  • Kondronov. This ointment for arthrosis of the knee joint contains two restorative components - chondroitin and glucosamine. It has a powerful local regenerating effect on affected joint tissues. Apply twice a day. The course of therapy is up to 2 weeks.
  • Chondroglucide. It has a similar composition as Condronov's drug, but is available in gel form. Used twice a day, the course of therapy can last up to a month.

All restorative ointments are non-toxic and can be used without age restrictions. They are allowed during pregnancy and lactation. The only contraindication is intolerance to the components of the product. For preventive purposes, when there is no obvious pain syndrome, they are recommended for all people over 50 years of age. In the initial stages, when there is only a slight crunch during movement, these medications can restore joint mobility and prevent the onset of pain.

Symptoms of gonarthrosis

Women suffer from gonarthrosis somewhat more often than men. The disease usually develops after 40 years, although sometimes there are cases of “young” gonarthrosis - after injuries or in professional athletes.

The disease begins gradually, with minor pain in the knee when walking . The most difficult thing for patients is going up and down stairs. Sometimes pain occurs if a person has to stand on his feet for a long time or when he needs to get up from a sitting position or from a bed. Often it is the very first few steps after standing up that are especially painful. The pain usually goes away with rest, sitting and lying down.

The initial pain sensations with gonarthrosis do not arise “in a second,” that is, they do not appear immediately, in one day. A period of intense pain with arthrosis is almost certainly preceded by a period of many months or even many years of mild pain that occurs exclusively during long walks, exertion, walking up stairs or getting up from a chair.

If the pain arose suddenly, in one day, or even more so in one second, and before there was no pain in the knee, then this usually indicates some other disease or damage. For example, a pinched meniscus, a pinched synovial membrane of a joint, or a piece of cartilage (chondromic body) getting between the cartilages of the knee.

However, with gonarthrosis, such troubles can also occur, and then they will complicate the course of arthrosis and add sharp pain. And then arthrosis will have to be treated taking into account the above complications. But initially, the diagnosis of “arthrosis of the knee joint” is confirmed precisely by the gradual development of pain symptoms.

Despite the intense pain at times, at first, in the first stage of arthrosis, the bones of the knee retain their original shape and are almost not deformed, but the joint itself may look slightly swollen.

At first, such a change in the shape of the joint may be associated with synovitis—the accumulation of pathological fluid in the knee.

If too much fluid “accumulates” in the joint, it even spreads to the back surface of the knee, to the area of ​​the popliteal fossa. This accumulation of fluid is called a Baker's cyst.

For reference

The term “Baker's cyst” often frightens patients, since the name makes many people think that we are talking about an oncological process. However, this is just a term that means the swelling extends below the knee, and in some cases further down to the back of the lower leg. This condition has nothing to do with oncology. A Baker's cyst usually shrinks easily with anti-inflammatory medications or hormonal medications injected into the knee.

At the second stage of gonarthrosis , several months after the onset of the disease, the pain in the knee clearly intensifies. Painful sensations appear already from minimal load or immediately after it, i.e. pain is now caused by almost any movement in the affected knee. But the knee hurts especially badly after prolonged exercise, long walking, or carrying even small weights.

After a sufficiently long rest, the pain usually goes away completely, but with the next movement it immediately reappears.

Around this time, a crunching sensation in the knee joint when moving is added . It differs significantly in volume from the barely audible clicks that occasionally accompany individual movements of healthy joints. As the disease progresses, such a crunch, weakly expressed at first, becomes more audible and distinct.

In parallel with the intensification of pain and the appearance of a crunch in the second stage of gonarthrosis, the ability to normally bend the leg at the knee decreases . When you try to bend the knee “all the way”, sharp pain occurs in the joint, and more often than not, full bending of the knee simply becomes impossible. Sometimes the knee bends only to an angle of 90°, and then with difficulty and pain.

At the same stage of the disease, it becomes noticeable that the joint is deformed. First of all, this concerns bone deformations - changes in the shape of the bones of the joint (when you feel the knee, you can notice that its bones have changed their shape, becoming wider and “rougher”).

In addition, changes in the shape of the joint are aggravated by the accumulation of pathological fluid in the joint (synovitis). Synovitis at this stage of gonarthrosis is observed much more often and is sometimes expressed much more strongly than at the beginning of the disease, in its first stage.

At the third stage of gonarthrosis, the pain in the knee intensifies even more. Now the knee hurts not only when moving and walking.

Pain begins to bother a person even at rest . It is difficult for the patient to find a comfortable position in bed, to arrange the affected knee so that it does not hurt. And yet, having found the right position, a person can usually fall asleep. Although, if the destruction of the joint is combined with poor circulation, the joint begins to “twist” even in the middle of the night, usually when the weather changes or, as the patients themselves say, “towards the rain.”

At this time, the mobility of the knee joint is reduced to a minimum. It is no longer possible to bend the knee more than 90°, and sometimes it hardly bends at all. In addition, the opportunity to fully straighten, i.e., straighten the leg often disappears. In this case, the sick person always walks on slightly bent legs.

Compared to the second stage, at the third stage of gonarthrosis, the bones of the joint are deformed even more, and in some cases, varus or valgus deformity of the legs develops - they acquire an O-shaped or X-shaped shape . As a result, in people with similar leg deformities, the gait often becomes unstable - a so-called waddling gait occurs.

Ointment preparations with local irritating effect

This category of drugs does not have a therapeutic effect on joint tissue; moreover, they are not even effective for pain relief. But medications are in demand because, by irritating the nerve endings on the skin of the knee area, they help alleviate suffering by diverting the patient’s attention. Ointments with a distracting component do not contain substances that are absorbed into the systemic circulation. This means that they act only locally, without causing unwanted reactions throughout the body. The most typical representatives of this category of drugs are listed below.

  • Capsicam. A multicomponent preparation containing camphor and turpentine oil as a distracting base. The effect of the ointment is enhanced by dimethyl sulfoxide, which allows you to prolong the warming effect. Apply twice a day. The duration of therapy is individual. Since ointments with irritating components do not have a therapeutic effect, they are stopped when acute pain symptoms are relieved.
  • Finalgon. The product contains two active components - nicoboxil and nonivamide. Both substances have a distracting effect in combination with a local vasodilator effect. This is very useful, since a joint with arthrosis suffers from insufficient blood flow. The dose of the medicine is 1 cm of ointment with a frequency of three times a day.
  • Efkamon. Contains a set of herbal ingredients with a distracting effect. Additionally, the composition includes methyl salicylate, which has an analgesic effect. Used three times per knock. Ointment for arthrosis of the knee joint can be used under a warm bandage to enhance effectiveness.

For gonarthrosis of the knee joint, ointments with sulfur are currently not used due to low efficiency. Even 10 years ago, such a practice could be found in peripheral medical institutions, but now the use of products containing sulfur is not justified.

After application of ointment preparations with a distracting effect, a burning sensation occurs in the joint area. This is a normal warming effect and may cause the skin to become red. Local irritants should not be used only in children and in cases of intolerance to the components of the medication. After treating the knee, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap to avoid contact with the skin of your palms.

Features of the disease

The main feature of the post-traumatic form of arthrosis is that it develops as a secondary disease. In other words, the prerequisite for its occurrence is another disorder in the body.

In this case we are talking about injury to the knee joint and surrounding areas. If treatment is not started on time, the price of such delay is limited leg mobility and disability.

Reasons for development

If post-traumatic arthrosis of the knee joint is a consequence of injury, it is important to distinguish between the possible causes of the development of such pathology. The mechanism of disease progression is a violation of the integrity of tissues and a deterioration in their nutrition.

There are four possible scenarios for the development of events:

  1. Damage to periarticular elements. These are all kinds of bruises, sprains and tears of ligaments, periarticular muscles, damage to the meniscus, joint capsule, etc.
  2. Violation of articulation congruence . We are talking about displacement of joint elements, which occurs during dislocations and fractures, as a result of which tissue trophism is disrupted.
  3. Ignoring injuries . For example, after a fall a person experiences discomfort in the knee, but does not attach much importance to it. As a result, the period allotted for rest and recovery is spent on your feet, which aggravates the consequences of the injuries received.
  4. Consequences of surgery.

A combination of different categories of causes of arthrosis is possible, especially with complex injuries.

Special signs

Signs of post-traumatic arthrosis do not appear immediately. Much depends on the nature of the injury. For example, after a fall on ice, you may feel pain in your knee.

Rupture of small blood vessels provokes the occurrence of edema and hematoma. Over time, these manifestations disappear and the pain subsides. With proper treatment of the bruise, the situation can be considered complete. If mistakes were made or there was no therapy as such, sooner or later arthrosis will make itself felt.

Read also: How to treat the shoulder joint at home

The disease begins with a feeling of aching pain when staying in one position for a long time, as well as acute discomfort at the beginning of movement. The pain may go away as the leg develops or, conversely, intensify under the influence of load.

As the pathology progresses, other symptoms of gonarthrosis arise:

  • swelling of the knee;
  • stiffness of movements;
  • reflex muscle spasms;
  • crunching sound when moving;
  • accumulation of exudate in the synovial bursa.

The pain symptom does not disappear, but intensifies as the cartilage tissue is destroyed. Such discomfort significantly complicates a person’s life, creating difficulties in performing simple daily tasks, such as climbing stairs. In addition, sensitivity to weather fluctuations may increase, for example, aching pain appears during the rainy season.

Stages of progression

It can be concluded that post-traumatic arthrosis develops in several stages. Initially, there is a period of time after the injury and its healing when the problem does not manifest itself. When metabolic processes in tissues are disrupted, changes become obvious, which leads to the return of pain and an increase in unpleasant symptoms.

There are three stages of development of post-traumatic gonarthrosis:

A feature of the disease is that exacerbation of arthrosis is followed by periods of remission. At the same time, the problem itself does not disappear anywhere and continues to get worse.

Agents for intra-joint administration

Ointment-like preparations can be used not only externally. Gel-based medications are effective when administered intra-articularly. This method of therapy allows you to restore synovial fluid, which loses its lubricating properties during arthrosis. The gel can only be injected into the knee joint by a traumatologist under conditions of aseptic and antiseptic rules. The procedure for using the gel is very painful, but provides long-lasting restorative results. Below are some gel-based medications for intra-articular administration.

  • Gialripayer. Contains hyaluronic acid, which has a regenerating effect on synovial fluid. Supplied with a syringe and needle. It is injected into the joint once. The result lasts up to 12 months, then repeated administration is required.
  • Intragel. The active ingredient is hyaluronic acid. Available in concentrations of 0.8% and 1.6%. The gel is intended for single intra-articular injection.

For gonarthrosis of the knee joint, gel injections are used in advanced stages. The drug does not relieve pain; on the contrary, it intensifies it immediately after administration. This requires systemic use of analgesics. Prescribing external ointment medications together with intra-articular gels is not practiced.


Gonarthrosis develops due to impaired metabolism in the knee joint, which leads to loss of softness and elasticity of the cartilage.

Destructive processes are caused by various reasons:

  • Diseases of the thyroid gland that disrupt hormonal levels;
  • Reduced patency of blood vessels in the knee joint;
  • Genetic conditioning;
  • Natural aging;
  • Past or present knee injuries of various origins;
  • Obesity (more than 20% of normal), putting severe pressure on the knee joint;
  • Inflammatory joint diseases (polyarthritis, purulent arthrosis);
  • Autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis);
  • Specific infectious pathologies (syphilis, tuberculosis, encephalitis);
  • Living in environmentally unfavorable areas, poor quality of food and water.

Rheumatologists also identify several additional reasons leading to the development of gonarthrosis. Dysplasia in newborns. With this diagnosis, the joint wears out faster. Changes in the structure of collagen lead to disturbances in the protein found in connective tissue.

Diagnosis of gonarthrosis

Experts identify several methods for identifying a pathological process in joint tissues, but all of them give a clear clinical picture only when used in combination.

Examination by an orthopedist

One of the important stages of the diagnostic procedure, which includes several manipulations at once:

  • examination of the patient, palpation of the sore joint;
  • linear measurements of bone position;
  • determination of the motor capabilities of the knee from different angles.

Additionally, the specialist clarifies: the patient’s lifestyle and the presence of bad habits; diet and daily routine; as well as the presence of surgical interventions in the joint and their nature; presence of injuries. Other diagnostic methods will help provide a more complete picture.

Clinical researches

To determine the nature of gonarthrosis, the specialist prescribes tests:

  • Blood biochemistry and ESR.
  • Analysis for protein levels - fibrinogen, as well as urea levels.

Biochemistry and ESR indicators will indicate the presence of inflammation, and an increase in fibrinogen levels will indicate the presence of necrotic changes in the joint tissues.

X-ray studies

An informative method for diagnosing pathology is taking an x-ray of the diseased joint. At the initial stage of diagnosing pathology, x-rays rarely show changes. But as it progresses, earlier images are compared with current ones, which reveal the narrowing of the gap in the joint and the rate of development of the disease.

Radiography allows you to see sclerotic changes in tissue, the presence of osteophytes and the degree of damage to bone structures.


A diagnostic measure that helps to examine the diseased joint in more detail, but does not replace radiography. Using ultrasound images, a specialist examines the condition of connective tissues and blood vessels and identifies additional structural changes.

MRI – magnetic resonance imaging

The most progressive of all diagnostic methods. Unlike others, MTP allows you to study each diseased area layer by layer and determine even minor changes in the cartilage lining. The high accuracy of the method guarantees correct and timely treatment and a favorable outcome. The only disadvantage of the study is its cost.

Therapeutic exercise for gonarthrosis

One of the ways to eliminate pain and reduce tension in the tissues of the affected joint is to return it to its previous functioning. Therapeutic exercises are effective in combination with other therapeutic measures. A diagnosis of gonarthrosis does not mean that the patient is now left without physical activity; the correct combination of several methods allows you to lead a full life.

Gymnastics are performed on a daily basis; all loads should be short-lived. The ideal position for exercise is sitting on a table with your back straight, sometimes lying on your side.

General exercises for gonarthrosis

The set of classes is universal, including exercises for stretching and relaxation, strengthening and recovery. You can select exercise therapy yourself only at the initial stage; with more complex forms, you need the supervision of an orthopedist and only an individual approach.

Exercises to stretch muscles and relieve tension:

  • sit on the table, back straight, straighten each leg one by one, foot 90 degrees, hold the position for up to 5 seconds, repeat for the other leg;
  • We lean on the table with our buttocks, our back is straight, our arms are in front of us. Without lifting your buttocks, we bend forward as much as possible and return to the starting position.

Strengthen muscles and remove pinching:

  • lying on the floor, legs bent, feet slightly apart, one by one we smoothly pull each knee to the chest without using hands, smoothly return to the starting point;
  • a simple bicycle without lifting the lower back, gradually increasing the pace, straining the thigh muscles;
  • lying on your back, slowly pull your knees to your chest with your hands one at a time, your feet vertically straight, trying to stretch your thigh muscles as much as possible;
  • lying on your side, pull one knee to your chest, then smoothly move it back as far as possible, hold the position for several seconds, repeat for the second leg.

Any gymnastics should end with restorative unloading exercises:

  • lying on your stomach, forehead to the floor, we try to smoothly straighten up, bend our knees, stretch as much as possible, feel the tension and relax;
  • sit on a chair, lean forward, body straight, arms relaxed;
  • The final exercise is walking around the room on your heels, then on your toes, raising your knees high to your chest.

Gymnastics of Doctor Belyalov

There are many proprietary methods for eliminating negative symptoms of joint disease; the most effective is gymnastics according to Dr. Belyalov. Its essence is to create resistance to movement, this strengthens muscles and improves tissue metabolism. Thanks to Belyalov’s gymnastics, the patient quickly feels relief and mobility improves.

There are only two main exercises:

  1. Lying on your back, grab your foot with both hands and try to straighten it. It is important to resist the movement and not allow the leg to straighten. The number of approaches per session is limited to 5. Painful sensations are a reason to stop.
  2. The goose step in a half squat is a difficult exercise, suitable only for those who do not have strong joint tension. We squat down and move around the room in this position for 10 minutes.

In addition to this effective technique using the Belyalov method, Bubnovsky’s set of exercises gives good results. But before performing each gymnastics, consult a specialist.

Therapeutic aqua gymnastics

The pool is an effective method of physical activity for various lesions of the spine; it is also necessary for gonarthrosis. The exercises are suitable even for those who cannot swim. The principle of training is that all activities take place in water. Simple leg swings, squats and knee rotations are recommended. Water helps relieve tension in sore joints, increasing the load on the thigh muscles.


Treatment of gonarthrosis is a long-term procedure that requires an integrated approach. Along with therapeutic measures, the patient needs to review his daily routine, give up bad habits and follow a diet. Basic nutritional requirements when diagnosing gonarthrosis:

  1. It is necessary to select products taking into account the physiological activity, gender and age of the patient. It is important to balance the diet as much as possible, add vitamins and microelements.
  2. Eat natural chondroprotectors to improve the production of collagen and hyaluron, slowing down degenerative changes.
  3. Eat less salt and refractory fats. Eat only lean varieties of meat.
  4. Drink more fluids, at least 2.5 liters per day.
  5. Arrange fasting days on low-fat dairy products several times a week.

If the patient has extra pounds, the goal of the diet is to reduce body weight and normalize metabolism. Weight loss should be gradual; the daily calorie intake should be reduced by 600 units.

Disease prevention

Deforming gonarthrosis is an incurable articular pathology, which is easier to stop at the initial stages or prevent its occurrence altogether.

As a preventative measure, patients are recommended to:

  1. Increase physical activity as much as possible, but make sure there is no serious stress on your knees and avoid injury.
  2. Consume foods rich in beneficial microelements for cartilage and bone structures.
  3. Control your weight and avoid being overweight.
  4. If you receive injuries of any severity, consult a doctor immediately.
  5. Take chondroprotectors. The sooner you start taking care of your joints, the longer they will retain their youth. It is recommended to take the drugs from the age of 35.
  6. Drink plenty of water daily.
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