Is it possible to use ACC during pregnancy, in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters, and what do reviews say about use during breastfeeding?

While a woman is expecting a child, she needs to be especially careful about her well-being. The human body is designed in such a way that during pregnancy there is a decrease in immunity. This is necessary for the normal development of the unborn baby and to prevent his rejection. Cough accompanies many colds, including in expectant mothers. The drug “ACC” (tablets) will help cure the pathology. It is effective against both viral and bacterial pathologies. This is what will be discussed further. You will find out whether ACC can be taken during pregnancy. Also find out what experts think about it.

What do the instructions for use say?

Before using any medicine, including “ACC” effervescent tablets, you should first read the instructions. The instructions indicate that the medicine should not be taken during pregnancy and after childbirth (during lactation).

The manufacturer does not have sufficient research data to talk about the complete safety of the medication for a child. The instructions indicate that the composition does not have a teratogenic effect on the embryo, but can pass through breast milk.


The period of waiting for a baby is a big burden on all organs and systems of the expectant mother, including the immune system. That is why, despite careful avoidance of crowded places, pregnant women often become ill with a viral infection. The first clinical symptoms of a viral disease are nasal congestion and cough. Sometimes the cough can be so strong that the expectant mother cannot sleep at night and cannot breathe fully. Viral infections must be treated immediately, since a seemingly harmless cough can cause hypoxia in the fetus. Do not self-medicate and at the first sign of a cold, consult a specialist. As a rule, to relieve the symptoms of a cold and the discharge of phlegm, the specialist recommends to the expectant mother medications that thin out viscous sputum and relieve dry cough. One of the drugs used during pregnancy to treat cough is ACC. During pregnancy, it is not the first choice drug.

What is the drug ACC?

ACC belongs to the group of mucolytics. The therapeutic effect of the drug is based on diluting viscous sputum, expanding the lumen of the bronchi and removing pathological mucus from the body.

The main active ingredient of the ACC drug is the amino acid acetylsteine, which has pneumoprotective and anti-inflammatory effects.

The main indications for use of the drug are:

Self-treatment: doctors' opinion

Doctors say that the medicine “ACC” cannot be taken on its own during pregnancy. The drug is prescribed exclusively by a medical professional. In this case, it is necessary to take into account all the risks and expected benefits from the correction.

Doctors report that in some cases the use of the described medicine is allowed. At the same time, doctors talk about the following information. Any cough is very dangerous for a pregnant woman, as it can cause involuntary contractions of the reproductive organ. This leads to unpleasant consequences in the form of a threat of miscarriage or premature birth. That is why in these cases doctors allow the use of the drug "ACC" during pregnancy.

Side effects

The likelihood of side effects from taking acetylcysteine ​​increases significantly during pregnancy. This is why it is important to follow the dosage. Side effects of treatment include:

  • noise in ears;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • hives;
  • headache;
  • heartburn;
  • swelling of tissues;
  • stomatitis;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Side effects develop if the dosage regimen is not followed.

The drug is used with caution in case of dilated veins in the esophagus. ACC should be avoided if you are prone to bleeding.

Important: It is not recommended to use ACC during breastfeeding. If the need for treatment is urgent, consultation with a specialist is required.

How to use the product

The drug "ACC" during pregnancy is prescribed in a dose of 200 to 600 milligrams of acetylcysteine ​​per day. The duration of correction is determined by the doctor in each individual case. In some situations, the composition is combined with other medications.

A large amount of liquid allows you to enhance the effect of the medicine. Water in the body contributes to the effective dilution of sputum and its separation. Recovery with this regimen occurs faster. Before use, the drug should be diluted in half a glass of water. You can store the prepared medicine for no more than two hours.

The drug ACC during pregnancy: instructions for use

Before you start taking ACC during pregnancy, it is better to first read the instructions for this drug. The manufacturer clearly states that the product should not be taken during pregnancy and lactation. Therefore, for mild forms of the disease, it is worth looking for a less dangerous drug.

Acc during pregnancy. Composition and pharmacological properties

ACC cough medicine is a mucolytic agent that affects the body's respiratory system. Once in the intestines, the drug is actively absorbed into the blood and neutralizes thick bronchial mucus. There is also a high pneumoprotective activity of the drug, which makes it possible to remove chemical radicals from the lungs. In addition, the drug provides an additional release of glutathione, the most powerful antioxidant in the human body. It has an antitoxic effect and stimulates the immune system.

On a note! The active substance of the drug is acetylcysteine ​​in doses of 100, 200 and 600 mg. Excipients include: sucrose, sodium hydroxide, vitamin C, orange, honey or lemon flavoring.

ACC is available in several pharmaceutical forms:

  1. Acc powder. The drug is made in the form of small white granules, packaged in disposable sachets of 3 g. The dosage of the drug is 100 or 200 mg. Before use, the powder should be dissolved in a small amount of warm liquid (milk, juice, water, tea). Taken as a hot drink after meals. This form of ACC allows you to evenly distribute the dosage of the drug throughout the day. In addition, the packaged form is convenient to take with you to work or school if the treatment does not require bed rest.
  2. ACC tablets. The product is available in the form of instant, round tablets with blackberry flavor. In addition to acetylcysteine, they contain citric acid, lactose, and sodium citrate. Tablets go on sale in a dosage of 200 ml. For children under seven years of age, Acc 100 is produced, and for adult patients with severe disease - Acc Long 600.
  3. Amazing syrup. Available for children in a dosage of 100 mg. Outwardly it resembles a colorless solution with a cherry aroma. The kit includes a special measuring container (syringe and cap). After opening the bottle, the shelf life of the drug is reduced to 18 days.

Acc during pregnancy. When is Acc prescribed?

ACC is prescribed for various pathologies of the respiratory system of bacteriological or viral nature. The main reason for its use is to remove too thick bronchial secretions. The drug is also active against purulent-inflammatory pathologies in the bronchi.

The drug is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • Pneumonia.
  • Bronchiectasis.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Bronchiolitis.
  • Lung abscess.
  • Bronchitis (including the chronic phase).
  • Asthma.
  • Emphysema.
  • Tracheitis.
  • Cystic fibrosis.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Otitis.

Important! ACC during pregnancy can only be prescribed by a doctor. Self-administration of the drug may affect the overall course of pregnancy.

Acc during pregnancy. Directions for use and dosage regimen Acc

The standard regimen for taking the drug ACC in tablets or granules suggests a three-time dose of 100-200 mg of the substance per day. ACC Long involves use once a day for 5-7 days. It is better to take the product after eating food.

The duration of therapy depends on the nature of the disease. The average course of treatment lasts about a week, but for diseases such as cystic fibrosis or bronchial asthma, treatment can last up to 6 months.

On a note! The hot drink Azza retains its properties for 2 hours. It is not recommended to take the prepared drug afterwards.

Use of the drug in the first trimester

Until about 12 weeks of pregnancy, the formation of the main systems and important organs of the unborn baby occurs. Any outside interference at this stage can lead to unpleasant consequences. Some of them become irreversible.

It is for this reason that the use of the drug in the first trimester is contraindicated. Even if you have a severe cough, doctors strongly advise you to avoid this drug and give preference to natural recipes or safer medications.

Feedback about use

Numerous positive reviews from pregnant and lactating women posted on various forums confirm the safety of the drug.

Representatives of the fairer sex who suffered from bronchitis in the first trimester and took ACC during pregnancy note that taking the drug in combination with antibiotics approved for this period significantly alleviated the condition. Sputum discharge was noticeably improved, coughing attacks were less frequent, and breathing improved. The main thing is that no harmful effects on the embryo were observed. The children of all patients were born healthy.

The safety and effective action of ACC during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester are also confirmed by reviews of women who took it. They mention the rapid action of the medicine. Most patients experienced noticeable relief of well-being already on the second day of taking the drug. No side effects were noted.

The opinion of nursing mothers is also positive: patients confirm the compatibility of acetylcysteine ​​and breastfeeding, as well as the complete absence of harm to the baby’s health.

Using medication before childbirth

The medicine "ACC", the price of which is within 200 rubles, is not recommended to be taken one month before the expected birth. This is explained by the fact that the active substance is absorbed into the blood and passes into breast milk. If childbirth occurs a few days after using the composition, there is a risk of the medicine entering the baby’s body.

In the last month of pregnancy, doctors advise replacing this medicine with something safer and gentler. Inhalations are a good way to treat coughs in such situations.

Contraindications for use

ACC should not be prescribed to pregnant women:

  • In the presence of individual hypersensitivity to the constituent substances
  • If there are gastrointestinal ulcers in the acute stage
  • For pulmonary hemorrhage or bloody sputum
  • For pathologies of the liver and kidneys
  • Disorders of phenylalanine metabolism (phenylketonuria)
  • For arterial hypertension
  • For varicose veins of the esophagus
  • If you have lactase intolerance
  • For bronchial asthma (if there is no sputum).

Doctors' recommendations

  1. Doctors, when prescribing the drug "ACC", the price of which you already know, recommend starting with minimal doses. If the medicine has an effect, then you should not increase the dose. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing an adverse reaction.
  2. Doctors advise taking the composition after meals or during meals, dissolving it in clean water. If you use powder, you can add it to tea or juice. It is important that the liquid is not hot.
  3. Experts prohibit the simultaneous use of ACC medication with drugs that block cough receptors. This combination will not allow a productive cough to develop and will only worsen the situation.

Alternative Treatment

After all, there are alternative drugs that are no less effective, but recommended during pregnancy. Let their use last longer, but be safer for the fetus and the health of the expectant mother. For example, for dry or wet cough during pregnancy, experts recommend getting licorice root, ambroxol syrup or its analogue, marshmallow, breast milk 4, warm milk mixed with a spoonful of honey, butter and cocoa, inhalations with a nebulizer.

With this approach to the treatment of colds, you can be confident in the safety of the methods and medications, since they are based on substances of natural origin, and therefore are completely safe for a pregnant woman.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that ACC, on the recommendation of the attending physician, is quite acceptable for the treatment of colds, but its long-term use, even if well tolerated, is not recommended, since there is a high probability of pregnancy complications that are difficult to eliminate.

Areas of use

Acceptance of ACC is indicated in the following cases:

  • acute or chronic inflammatory process in the bronchi;
  • inflammation of the trachea caused by a bacterial and/or viral infection;
  • acute lung injury of an infectious-inflammatory nature;
  • acquired chronic pathology of the respiratory system, which is accompanied by irreversible expansion and deformation of the bronchi and a purulent-inflammatory process;
  • repeated attacks of suffocation caused by spasms and swelling of the bronchial mucosa;
  • collapse of the lung lobe due to blockage of the bronchi by a plug of mucus;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of one or more paranasal sinuses;
  • severe dysfunction of the respiratory system due to mutations in the gene for the transmembrane regulator of cystic fibrosis;
  • preparation for examination of the trachea and bronchi using an endoscope, for x-rays with contrast and for active (with the creation of a vacuum) suction of contents from the cavities of the respiratory organs;
  • removal of viscous secretions from the respiratory tract after trauma or surgery;
  • eliminating an overdose of paracetamol.

Other areas of application of ACC: for washing the accumulation of pus in organs or tissues as a result of the inflammatory process, for drainage of the nasal cavity, maxillary sinuses, middle ear, for the treatment of fistulas, the surgical field during surgery in the nose and on the temporal bone located behind the external auditory passage.

Purpose of the ACC

When the expectant mother begins to cough, self-medication is strictly forbidden. First you need to visit a doctor and, according to his recommendations, begin the fight against the disease. In any case, when a lady is carrying a baby under her heart, she must remember that the treatment is selected first of all so as not to cause severe harm not only to herself, but also to the child.

ACC is a modern and effective substance that has a mucolytic (expectorant) effect. It acts in such a way that it separates viscous and thick mucus and removes it from the pathways that belong to the respiratory system.

Special Recommendations

The use of ACC has its own characteristics:

  1. If the drug is used to treat asthmatics, then high-quality postural drainage should be ensured.
  2. It is not recommended to take acetylcysteine ​​with antibacterial drugs at the same time. There should be a gap of up to 2 hours between them.
  3. During treatment with ACC you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water. This will enhance the mucolytic properties of the drug.
  4. Acetylcysteine ​​reacts chemically with certain materials used in aerosol devices. If silver products come into contact with ACC, they may lose their shine, but this does not affect the therapeutic properties of acetylcysteine ​​and does not cause harm to the patient.
  5. Each dosage form of the ACC drug has its own recommendations on routes of administration, which should not be neglected.

ACC, as well as other drugs based on acetylcysteine, should not be taken together with antitussives (Tusupret, Glauvent), since sputum stagnation may increase against the background of suppression of the cough center.

Indications for use of ACC

It is advisable to start taking the drug in the treatment of bacterial and viral diseases of the upper airways. There is usually only one reason - due to the accumulation of viscous sputum in the bronchi, its discharge is difficult, and in order for this process to occur independently, they resort to the drug. Among the diseases when prescribing the above drug:

  • laryngitis;
  • tracheobronchitis (including acute, obstructive, chronic bronchitis);
  • tracheitis;
  • ectatic disease;
  • sinusitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma.

Release forms of this drug

ACC is produced in the following forms:

  • granular form;
  • effervescent tablets;
  • solutions for intramuscular and intravenous injections.

Effervescent tablets can contain different quantitative compositions of acetylcysteine. ACC 100, for example, contains 100 mg of the active substance in one tablet, and ACC Long contains 600 mg of acetylcysteine. A medical sachet with ACC 200 granules respectively contains 200 mg of the active drug. The bag of granules should first be dissolved in 1/2 glass of water and, without stopping, drink immediately.

ACC in the form of a solution is not used at home. Doctors administer such intravenous injections slowly over 4-5 minutes; the easiest way is to instill the solution using a dropper. The doctor prescribes and cancels this procedure.

Side effects

Both pregnant women and other patients may experience the following side effects when taking ACC:

  1. Sometimes the gastrointestinal tract after taking ACC can react with nausea, vomiting, stool upset, a burning sensation in the esophagus, and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
  2. Some patients may experience allergic reactions to the use of the drug, which manifest themselves in the form of rashes on the skin, which are flat, raised pale pink blisters that are very itchy. And sometimes a sudden change in the lumen between the small bronchi and bronchioles may occur as a result of contraction of the muscles of the bronchial wall.
  3. If the patient has increased sensitivity, and the parenteral form of ACC was not injected deep into the gluteal muscle, then a slight, quickly passing burning sensation may occur. This can be avoided by injecting deeply.
  4. If ACC is used for inhalation, a reflex cough may appear, indicating irritation of the respiratory tract. It is also possible that inflammation of the mucous epithelium lining the oral cavity and a runny nose may occur.

Quite rarely, after using ACC, patients complain of nosebleeds and tinnitus (ringing in the ears or noise in the head).

Is it possible to take smecta during pregnancy?

Smecta is usually used for various diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, and diseases of the digestive system. Smecta is a drug that is of natural origin; it removes various harmful substances and breakdown products from the body. Smecta is usually well tolerated by both small children (from the first days of life) and adults, and it also has a pleasant taste.

Smecta during pregnancy, thanks to its enveloping and absorbing properties, helps get rid of pathogenic bacteria, waste, toxins - in general, all those substances that cause illness. Smecta is recommended for pregnant women in the following cases: diarrhea (caused by poor-quality products, medications, allergies, rotavirus or intestinal infection), heartburn, belching, bloating, gastritis, colitis.

Smecta powder during pregnancy will help not only protect the mucous walls of the stomach, but also restore, soothe, and also eliminate the irritating effects of hydrochloric and bile acids, and remove toxins, gases, and pathogens from the body.

Contraindications to taking smecta during pregnancy are intolerance to any components and intestinal obstruction. In very rare cases, vomiting and fever may occur. Women who are prone to constipation should avoid taking smecta; the drug can also cause hemorrhoids and blood clots, which are very dangerous during pregnancy.

You can take the drug either once or as a course, it depends on each specific situation and its severity. When prescribing smecta, the doctor will determine the appropriate dosage that is suitable in a particular case. Typically, adults are prescribed up to 3 sachets per day; if you are taking several medications, you must maintain intervals between doses that are at least 2 hours.

Heartburn, belching, burning sensation, heaviness in the stomach - all these symptoms are quite severe, especially unpleasant during pregnancy. Therefore, you should not be a hero and endure all the hardships of the situation in silence. It is very important for the expectant mother to feel comfortable and good, because then the baby in her tummy feels the same.

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