How to treat epilepsy and what to do if a person has epilepsy
Brain diseases are one of the complex pathologies that cannot always be controlled. This
ankle examination
First aid for dislocation of a joint and bones: limbs, elbow joint
Fractures, sprains, bruises – such troubles can affect anyone. Timely and competent actions in
How to relieve biliary colic at home
Biliary colic is a symptom that is accompanied by a pronounced pain attack of an unbearable nature. Development mechanism
Second degree burn
Clinical picture of 4th degree burns of various types and their treatment
From school life safety lessons, everyone knows that according to the nature of severity, there are 4 degrees of burns.
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Our body is 70-80% water. Its amount depends on various factors, including
First aid for cardiac arrest: basic methods and techniques
Most people take the respiratory system for granted. People with certain medical conditions may experience problems
small burn
First aid for burns with boiling water at home and treatment of burns with folk remedies
Today it is considered absolutely commonplace for a person to work with hot objects and liquids. Every woman
Pulmonary hemorrhage: symptoms, causes and treatment
The respiratory organs play an important role in the life of the body. Normally, a healthy person can hear
Mushroom poisoning
What to do if you are poisoned by edible and inedible mushrooms?
Mushroom poisoning occurs when eating poisonous mushrooms and when processing rules are not followed.
10 ways to stop nosebleeds. Causes and rules of first aid
Sometimes bleeding indicates the development of chronic pathologies that need to be treated. Epistaxis or hemorrhage in
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