Pain shock is manifested by a reaction to pain, as a result of which primarily the nervous, cardiovascular
A fracture is most often the result of an injury that disrupts the integrity of the bone. Soft fabrics
Medical Consultant Nephrology Renal colic in men: you cannot delay treatment Renal colic is accompanied by the appearance
Signs of carbon monoxide poisoning - headache, nausea, suffocation, impaired movement at density
Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn Arterial hypertension, manifested by periodic increases in blood pressure, often leads to
Chemical burns are understood as such a violation of the integrity of human tissues, in which the main cause of it is
The drug Captopril is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs to lower blood pressure. Hypotensive
A hypertensive crisis is a serious condition in which blood pressure levels critically increase. IN
Why is high blood sugar dangerous? Impaired glucose metabolism is dangerous because it causes acute