How to correctly determine fertile days and what is it?

Fertility in women - what is it?

This term comes from the Latin word fertilis, which means fertile. Fertility is the ability of an organism at puberty to produce offspring. You need to know that this indicator is determined not only in females, but also in males, because for conception it is necessary that both partners do not have any disruptions in reproduction. In practice, women are more likely to encounter this term and are forced to resort to various examinations and methods in order to increase their fertility and give birth to a long-awaited baby.

Fertility in men is determined by a laboratory test, during which sperm is assessed using special indicators - the Kruger index and the Farris index. To determine whether this coefficient is normal in a woman, you need to do several studies, the first of which is an ultrasound of the ovaries on the 5-6th day after menstruation. During diagnosis, the doctor sees the presence of growing follicles and gives a forecast of the likelihood of fertilization. Hormonal studies, during which the ratio of the hormones FSH and LH are determined, help show a more accurate picture of a woman’s fertility.

Fertile age

Nature has determined that people can reproduce only during a certain period of their life. If a man can perform this function from puberty until old age, then for women it is not so simple with fertilization - they can conceive and give birth only before menopause. Based on these norms of body functioning, the fertile age is considered to be the period from 15 to 49 years. Girls planning to give birth should be guided by this time frame; they should not put off this issue for too long, because at a younger age the prognosis for pregnancy and childbirth is more favorable.

Fertility days

Often girls do not know exactly when their fertile period occurs during the menstrual cycle, and do not take into account the significance of this indicator when planning a pregnancy. It is a mistake to do this, because in this case the moment when the chances of conceiving a child are maximum will be missed. It will be correct to determine fertile days and apply this information in a timely manner.

You need to know that almost every month a female reproductive cell matures in the ovary under the influence of estrogen. Approximately on the 14th day after the start of the menstrual period, ovulation occurs, the egg enters the fallopian tube, beginning to move towards the uterus. She is capable of fertilization within 24 hours. Taking into account these time frames and the lifespan of sperm, the fertility window is determined - it opens 5-6 days before ovulation and closes 1-2 days after it.

What is fertility

The term “fertility” itself has Latin roots. It comes from the word “fertilis” - fertile, fruitful. This concept denotes the possibility, the ability of an organism to reproduce offspring.

If we talk about applying the concept to men, we mean his ability to fertilize a woman, and if to a woman, her ability to conceive a healthy, strong child. One way or another, we are talking about absolutely healthy people who are sexually active and belong to certain age categories.

Fertility in a woman is established with the advent of a regular menstrual cycle and ends with the onset of menopause. Male fertility begins with the production of active sperm capable of fertilizing a ready-made egg. There are 4 stages of fertile age for women:

  1. The early stage is reproductive. It starts from the first menstruation until the girl is 20 years old. The following characteristic features stand out: a cycle is established, ovulation occurs quite rarely, hormonal levels are balanced. If a girl is sexually active, pregnancy is possible.
  2. The average reproductive period begins at 20 and lasts up to 40 years. Hormonal levels return to normal, become stable, the menstrual cycle is regular, there are no serious health problems. This period is considered the most favorable for childbearing.
  3. Late reproductive stage - duration from 40 to 45 years. Hormonal levels become unstable, but ovulation and the cycle are still stable. Age-related changes begin in the body. It is still possible to get pregnant naturally, but pregnancy requires serious medical supervision.
  4. The stage of diminishing fertility begins at age 46 and lasts until age 60. This is the period of menopause, which is characterized by decreased hormonal levels. The menstrual cycle becomes increasingly irregular and eventually ends. Getting pregnant naturally is incredibly difficult or even impossible; if this happens, you will need to take a course of hormonal medications to carry a child to term.

Of course, you can get pregnant at very different ages - evidence of this is evidence of many cases where women gave birth well over 70 or, conversely, too early. For example, a girl from Peru, Lina Medina, became one of the youngest women to give birth - when she gave birth to her daughter, she was only 5 years old.

The children in both the first and second cases were completely healthy, with normal height and weight. This once again confirms that each organism is unique.

The age that is called the most optimal for women in labor is from 20 to 40 years. This is a normal process, both from a biological and medical point of view. If we talk about the fertility range in general, taking into account facts from different countries, this is 15 – 49 years.

Men retain their reproductive functions throughout their lives. The only thing that can interfere with fertilization is the influence of age and external factors.

What does female fertility depend on?

What does a woman's fertility depend on? First of all, on indicators of the health of the reproductive system, the general condition of the uterine tubes and endometrium. The second factor: the regularity of the menstrual cycle, ovulation - they indicate natural changes in the ovaries, uterus, and signal the release of an egg from the ovary.

Problems with conceiving and bearing a baby can arise if a woman has diseases of the pelvic organs - infections, serious inflammatory processes, endometriosis. Smoking or drinking alcohol has a very negative effect on your ability to get pregnant. There are other factors:

  • obesity, excess weight problems that cause hormonal imbalance;
  • frequent stress, nervousness;
  • adhesions in the pelvis;
  • the phenomenon of “synechia” - the tissues inside the uterine cavity grow together;
  • problems with the thyroid gland: hyperfunction or hypofunction, serious disease - diabetes. These factors can cause improper hormone production;
  • surgical intervention in the uterus: early abortions, operations;
  • possible disruption of the immune system, which can provoke sperm rejection.

In order to avoid any problems with childbearing, you need to seriously take care of your body, reconsider your habits and nutrition, and play sports. Be sure to undergo a doctor's examination and take the necessary tests.

How to determine a woman's fertility level

Female fertility includes three stages:

  1. Conceive.
  2. Take it out.
  3. Give birth.

From this comes the following division into high, medium and low. The last category means that out of the three main abilities, a woman can do one thing. For example, the ability to conceive a baby, but the inability to bear it.

fertility in women
Fertility is male and female

A normal (average) indicator means that a woman is able to conceive a child without problems, carry a child to term on her own (without the use of hormonal stimulation) and give birth without resorting to surgical intervention.

A high fertility rate indicates a woman’s ability to conceive, carry and give birth several times with minimal interruption. Pregnancy can occur even during menstruation or lactation.

It is very difficult for women with high fertility to choose the right and, most importantly, effective contraception. Experts recommend that they give birth to the desired number of babies and undergo sterilization.

Interesting fact: there is no contraception that would give 100% results! The highest level of protection is provided by hormonal drugs (99%), followed by the intrauterine device (97%). Condoms can only provide 95%.

There are many ways to find out about your fertility level, such as home or clinical tests. Clinical tests are carried out in the laboratory using ultrasound examination of the ovaries.

The specialist assesses the parameters and number of growing follicles. Also, the relationship between connective and hormonal tissues is considered. As a result, a fertility forecast is compiled, measured in points from – 2 to + 2. A minus score means a low chance of conception, a plus score means high fertility.

You can take a clinical blood test, which will also indicate your fertility level. This is a blood draw for hormones. It is used to determine the concentration of FSH (follicle-stimulating) and LH (luteinizing) hormones.

If the level of the first is higher than LH, this indicates exhaustion of the appendages. The so-called “home” tests have a second name – ovulation tests. The principle of their operation is similar to pregnancy tests: the strip is lowered into the urine to the desired level and the result is expected.

There are two stripes: result and control. Effective: bright, indicates high fertility, means that you can try to conceive a child. If it is paler than the second one, there is no ovulation in this cycle.

If you are not satisfied with the result of your home test, do not despair. You can always consult a doctor to establish an accurate analysis, which is effective in 95% of cases.

Factors affecting male fertility

Male fertility indicates the ability of sperm produced by men to fertilize a woman's egg. This ability actively manifests itself from the age of 15, with peak activity from 20 to 50 years. At a certain age, fertility decreases, the amount of testosterone decreases, and the composition of sperm changes. This also affects potency - it becomes worse.

fertility in women
Fertility decreases with age

The fertile age of a man is up to 80 years or more. However, age cannot but have an impact on the reproductive system - the possibility of fertilization is much lower. Of course, the indicators depend directly on lifestyle and health status. What factors negatively affect fertility rates:

  • nervousness, stress;
  • problems with excess weight, obesity;
  • mechanical damage or trauma to the pelvic organs;
  • infectious diseases or inflammatory processes of the genital organs;
  • diseases in the chronic stage (diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension);
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • overheating of the testicles, which disrupts spermatogenesis;
  • treatment with certain drugs;
  • presence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol).

In the modern world, infertility in men is increasingly being diagnosed. According to statistics, this is due to an incorrect and unhealthy lifestyle, an incorrect work and rest schedule that causes exhaustion of the body, bad habits and an unbalanced diet.

Fertility indices for men

One of the most common laboratory tests that can determine a man’s ability to conceive is a spermogram. It is done in order to accurately determine the quality and quantity of sperm, their mobility, and shape.

The examination is carried out in accordance with WHO standards and guidelines. According to this study, a fertility index can be calculated. It indicates the possibility of fertilizing an egg during 1 sexual intercourse. There are two types of index:

  • Farris index, indicating the ratio of motile and immobile sperm in 1 ml of seminal fluid. The normal value is: 20 – 25. If the value is lower, the man has reduced fertility, if higher, the fertility is increased;
  • Kruger index: sperm parameters are determined (the size of the head, tail and neck), and the ratio of healthy and unhealthy sperm is calculated. The index readings are measured as a percentage: below 30% - low fertility, above - normal.

If the spermogram results are negative, they do not necessarily symbolize bad results and the complete inability of a man to become a father. The opportunity is there, but it is reduced.

Is it possible to increase the activity of germ cells in women and men?

If you want to know about your fertility level, you need to visit your doctor: a gynecologist or andrologist. The doctor should give you a referral for an examination, the results of which will determine whether there is a problem.

Very often, after completing a course of treatment, pregnancy may occur. If you don’t have any problems, then the reasons may be particularly physiological. There are a number of general recommendations that can help men and women improve their fertility:

  • make love regularly with your regular partner (2 times a week or more);
  • do not adhere to a low-calorie diet;
  • add more fresh vegetables and fruits, seafood and lean meats to your diet;
  • do not eat smoked meats, marinades, fried foods;
  • adhere to a healthy lifestyle: play sports or regular physical activity, quit bad habits (do not smoke or drink alcohol), drink less drinks with high caffeine content;
  • review your wardrobe: men should remove all tight trousers and underwear;
  • Recommendation for men: do not overheat (and do not overcool) the testicles.

On the shelves of pharmacies there are many drugs to increase fertility, most often these are complexes of vitamins and minerals, active biological additives: Tribestan, Spematon, Prengoton, Vitrum. They contain zinc, vitamins B and C, folic acid, and selenium.

If the case requires serious medical intervention, the doctor may prescribe more effective ovulation stimulants, gonadotropins. Both the first and second are prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

Such a property of the body as fertility is very sensitive to any changes. This is an indicator that can tell about the processes occurring in the body. If you take proper care of your body, you don't have to worry about childbearing.

Fertility window: what is it and how does the indicator affect the likelihood of conception?

If both partners have a high level of fertility, conception may not occur immediately, but may take some time. There is a concept called the “fertility window” – this is the period of time that is most favorable for conception.

fertility in women
A healthy lifestyle increases your chance of having a healthy baby.

Its duration is 6 days: 5 days before the onset of ovulation and 1 day on which it occurs. Do not neglect this opportunity: during this period the chances of getting pregnant are maximum.

In a woman’s normal monthly cycle, ovulation occurs in the middle. Of course, these are averages and may not be accurate and variations may occur. Each woman must independently determine her “fertility window.” There are several effective methods:

  • calendar method: regularly mark the first and last day of menstruation, try to determine the duration of the cycle as accurately as possible, and calculate its middle. In this way, fertile days can be calculated. The downside is that it takes a lot of time: it is recommended to conduct observations for at least 6 months. And the accuracy is not so high - only 50 - 60%;
  • The temperature method involves regularly measuring basal temperature every day after waking up. The thing is that before the onset of ovulation, temperature indicators increase: they increase by 0.2 - 0.6 degrees. The results should be recorded, and then a graph of fluctuations should be drawn. You may notice a trend after a few months;
  • the simplest and most common: using an ovulation strip test. This method is rightfully considered the most effective.

During the period of ovulation, each woman may experience her own symptoms: nagging pain in the lower abdomen, a change in the nature and consistency of vaginal discharge (it becomes stickier and more viscous), increased sensitivity of the mammary glands or a sharp jump in libido.

Of course, you should not take these symptoms as a 100% result; pregnancy can be predicted in this way, but you should not turn them into a method of natural contraception.

Pregnancy after 40: myth or reality?

According to medical statistics and many years of experience, the rate of conception in an absolutely healthy sexually mature woman is equal to 20%. The most successful age is from 20 to 30 years. After 35 years, the chances begin to decrease little by little, and at the age of 40 they come down to 5%. There are many cases of late pregnancy, and most women successfully gave birth to healthy children.

If gestation occurs with complications, the doctor uses various auxiliary means: stimulation of ovulation with hormones, IVF, cryo-freezing of a woman’s eggs during a favorable fertile age.

fertility in women
Some women resort to IVF procedure

Sometimes you have to resort to a method such as surrogacy. Thus, even those women who have reached menopause can carry and give birth to children. The probability, of course, is small: up to 30%.

Scientists all over the world disagree on what age is favorable for the birth of a baby. The thing is that lately cases of late births have become more frequent. This is due to a number of social factors: many women are pursuing careers, trying to strengthen their financial position, and perhaps are in search of a worthy man.

Most experts agree that the most favorable age is from 20 to 35, as mentioned above. The older a woman gets, the more health problems she has; chronic diseases that are in remission can be “awakened” by a hormonal surge after conception.

Pregnant women of mature age have a high probability of miscarriage, premature birth or late toxicosis. Gestational diabetes mellitus often begins to develop, and the baby may develop genetic abnormalities or develop developmental problems.

A very interesting fact: scientists from California conducted a funny experiment, the purpose of which was to find out how dangerous late pregnancy is. About 20 thousand women took part in the experiment. The results are surprising: pregnant women who gave birth to their first child after 30 live much longer than those who gave birth at an earlier age. It turns out that children of forty-year-old parents are much smarter and healthier than their peers.

There is also an opinion that pregnancy at an older age can rejuvenate the body. The condition of the skin and hair becomes better, the thyroid gland and ovaries work much more actively, the woman feels a surge of strength. If a woman is successful and happy in her personal life, she is able to fully enjoy future motherhood.

There is no need to worry about the child: the main thing is to get tested in a timely manner, do screenings and follow the doctor’s recommendations. All possible deviations and developmental problems can be noticed in the early stages, and thanks to the latest medical technologies, the risk is minimized.

If you are planning a late pregnancy, take it seriously: nature took care of this, but if the reproductive system was not started in a timely manner, certain problems may arise.

How to calculate fertile days

The menstrual cycle varies in length for different girls. This fact explains why individual determination of fertile days is so important: if you correctly calculate the date of ovulation, then as a result the chances of fertilization will increase significantly. Find out which methods of calculating this period are the most effective and are often recommended by gynecologists.

Fertile days calendar

How to calculate the most favorable time for fertilization using this method? The girl will need to keep a calendar of fertile days - mark in it the days of the beginning and end of menstruation, as well as the middle of the cycle, which approximately coincides with ovulation. You need to know that this method has a drawback - it will only be useful if you have a stable menstrual cycle. If, due to the influence of certain factors, this indicator is different for a woman every month, then the calendar method is ineffective in this case.

Discharge on fertile days

A woman who is attentive to her health notices that certain changes occur in her body at regular intervals. Using her powers of observation, she can sense what fertile days are like. They are characterized by a change in the nature and amount of vaginal secretion. Discharge on fertile days differs from usual in that it is more abundant, and in appearance it is stretchy mucus, very similar to egg white.

Why are these changes happening? In this way, the female body optimally adapts to ensure that sperm enter an environment favorable to them, and conception occurs. The fertile phase can also make itself felt by other signs: pulling pain in the lower abdomen, increased sensitivity of the breasts. Similar symptoms may occur in some gynecological diseases, so if there is an unusual change in the nature of vaginal discharge, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Find out more about what ovulation is.

Basal temperature on fertile days

This method of observation is one of the most accurate for determining the most favorable moment for conception; only ovulation tests are considered more informative. If you measure the temperature in the rectum for several months and draw up a detailed chart, based on the data obtained, you can effectively calculate the onset of ovulation.

How does basal temperature change on fertile days? On the day of ovulation, it decreases slightly, and immediately after the release of the germ cell from the follicle, it rises sharply, remaining approximately at this level until the next menstruation. Using the graph data, you can determine fertile days when fertilization of a mature egg is very likely.

The female body is very complex, and the cyclical functioning of the reproductive system was not created by nature by chance. A woman cannot become pregnant whenever she wants, on any day of her female cycle. In order for conception to take place, you need to wait for fertile days.

Reproductive period

Any woman who wants to get pregnant, or, conversely, seeks to avoid it, should know the capabilities of her body. Many representatives of the fair sex have an idea of ​​the calendar method of planning pregnancy, but much fewer women are familiar with the term fertile days.

Fertility is the ability to become pregnant and give birth to a healthy child.

What is fertility and how to determine its level

Fertile days (period) are several days in the menstrual cycle that occur before ovulation and directly on this day. The maximum chances of conception occur 5 days before ovulation, as well as on the day of its occurrence. This period of time is fertility.

Ovulation is the moment when a mature egg is released from the ovarian follicle into the fallopian tube and its further movement towards the uterus.

According to doctors, the greatest chance of pregnancy is the day before ovulation. In this case, sperm can live in the vagina for several hours, and in the uterus for approximately 5 days.

After ovulation occurs, the egg has a day to fertilize.

This calculation is an average; as a rule, a woman has individual deviations in her cycle.

Nature has designed it in such a way that a person is ready for offspring only during a certain period of life. In men, reproductive function continues until old age, but in women this period is not so long. A representative of the fair sex can become pregnant and carry a baby only until menopause.

Fertility in women lasts on average from 15 to 49 years of age. Therefore, you should not postpone pregnancy for a long time, since the prognosis for conception is more favorable at a young age.

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The menstrual cycle varies in length for different women. Individual calculation of the fertile period allows you to more accurately determine the day of ovulation, which significantly increases the chances of conception. Fertility in women can be calculated in several ways.

The calendar method involves maintaining a calendar of the fertile period. In this case, it is necessary to note the date of the first and last days of menstruation, as well as the middle of the cycle.

It is at this time that ovulation usually occurs. A significant drawback of this calculation method is that it is only suitable for those who have a stable menstrual cycle.

If the duration of the cycle is variable, then it is almost impossible to calculate the fertile period using this method.

The calendar method of determining fertile days is no more than 60% effective.

A representative of the fair sex, who listens carefully to her body, notices that some changes occur in it with a certain frequency. Thanks to such observation, you can recognize fertile days. During this period, the nature and volume of vaginal mucus changes. During the fertile period, it becomes more abundant and looks similar to egg white.

This is due to the fact that a woman’s body adapts to the most favorable time for conception. At the same time, fertility can also manifest itself with other symptoms: nagging pain in the lower abdomen and increased sensitivity of the mammary glands.

If such symptoms are not typical for a woman in each cycle, then this may indicate the presence of an infection.

It is important when using this method to measure basal temperature at the same time. Its meaning can be influenced by sex, drinking alcohol, any illness or nervous shock.

What is fertility and how to determine its level

Daily measurement data must be entered into a table. The fertile period begins with a slight increase in basal temperature, which remains at this level for several days. At this time, ovulation occurs.

You can determine fertile days using a special test that is sold in pharmacies. They should be started approximately 5 days before the expected moment of ovulation. This test works similarly to a pregnancy test, and detects luteinizing hormone.

Before using the ovulation test, you should read the instructions that come with it. Testing is carried out daily at the same time once or twice a day. You need to collect urine in a clean container and place the test strip in it for a certain time. Just before ovulation, the amount of luteinizing hormone increases sharply, which is what the test monitors.

A positive test result indicates that fertility is now high, that is, the female body is ready for fertilization.

Doctors include factors affecting fertility: a woman’s age over 30 years, excess weight, abnormal development of the egg, genital tract infections, inflammatory processes and other reasons. It is advisable that if a woman is infertile, she should be examined not only by a gynecologist, but also by an endocrinologist and a nutritionist.

Normal fertility is greatly influenced by the lifestyle a woman leads. She needs to eat well, get enough sleep, follow all the rules of personal hygiene, and not engage in casual intimate relationships. You need to be healthy not only for the sake of conception, but also in order to bear a healthy baby. To plan a pregnancy, you need to understand what fertile days are and learn how to calculate them.

Fertile days and ovulation may be absent. This is influenced by the following factors: hormonal imbalance or deterioration of the thyroid gland. Natural disorders include the lactation period - breastfeeding. Since the list of root causes is not small, you need to see a doctor to find out.

It would seem, what is needed for conception? If you have a sexual partner, then pregnancy will not take long to occur. But, unfortunately, not everything is as simple as we would like.

The hormonal background of the female body constantly undergoes various changes. This is what causes frequent mood swings.

Even slight increased nervous arousal can affect a woman's ability to become pregnant.

  1. Watch your kilograms. Both excess and lack of fat negatively affect ovulation. With an increased number of fat cells, the body turns on the process of producing hormones that interfere with the normal functioning of the ovaries. A lack of fat, on the contrary, inhibits the production of necessary hormones that are directly related to this process. As a result of such changes, the periodicity of the menstrual cycle is disrupted, and with it the regularity of ovulation. Physical activity will help control excess weight. But you should be careful not to overdo it here either. Very often, professional athletes experience irregularities in their monthly cycle. This happens due to overstrain of the body, which causes hormonal imbalances.
  2. Eat right. For a woman’s health, a balanced and proper diet plays an important role. The female body needs foods rich in protein, iron, zinc and vitamin C. Their deficiency delays the onset of menstruation, therefore, ovulation occurs less frequently. By the way, athletes often suffer from zinc deficiency. Sufficient amounts of animal protein are found in meat, eggs, fish and dairy products. Vegetarians can be advised to eat legumes with rice, as well as include soy products in their diet.
  3. Give up cigarettes. It has long been proven how smoking ages a woman’s body. The chemicals contained in cigarettes harm some functions of the reproductive system. If we consider the ovaries of a 30-year-old woman who smokes, their functional capacity is comparable to the capabilities of the ovaries of a 40-year-old woman. This indicates early decline of the body. But if a woman stops smoking, she will have every chance of restoring some functions of the reproductive system.
  4. Keep track of your cycle duration. The norm is considered to be an interval of 25-35 days. If the gap between menstruation is longer, for example, 42 days, then ovulation will occur according to the cycle. To calculate your fertile days and plan conception, you need to calculate the day of ovulation. It is considered the most fertile day of the cycle. The days preceding the start of the process are also favorable for conception. The fertile period is 4-5 days before the egg is released from the ovary. After the process is completed, the probability of conception is reduced to zero. Usually, to roughly calculate the day of ovulation, the length of the cycle is divided in half. Suppose if the cycle is 28 calendar days, then the probable day of ovulation will occur on the 14th day from the start of bleeding. But since an accurate calculation is needed, it is worth using a special test that shows the days of approaching ovulation. This test is sold in all pharmacies. Another way is to measure your basal temperature daily.
  5. Stay calm. Danish scientists conducted research and came to the conclusion that during psychological stress, the hormonal background becomes similar to that which the body experiences during increased physical activity. You need to teach yourself to get out of this state using methods of meditation, relaxation or yoga. Swimming helps many people relieve stress. It’s a good idea to remember your hobbies, which can replace going to a psychotherapist.
  6. Avoid alcoholic drinks. Alcoholic drinks change the level of the hormone estrogen in the blood. It is he who is responsible for a woman’s fertility and the ability to maintain pregnancy in the early stages. Insufficient estrogen levels prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine cavity. However, according to scientists, one glass of wine with dinner will not harm a woman’s health and reproductive ability. It is also worth paying attention to drinks that contain caffeine. American obstetricians and gynecologists believe that more than 2 cups of black coffee per day contributes to miscarriage. Therefore, in order to bear and give birth to a healthy child, you should give up alcohol and coffee.
  7. Take initiative in your intimate life. It has long been proven that irregularities in the menstrual cycle most often occur in women who do not have regular sex life.
  8. Avoid douching. There is a special microflora in the vagina that performs a protective function. During douching, this layer is washed off and there is a risk of developing bacterial vaginosis.

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What it is?

Fertility is the ability to reproduce, conceive, bear and give birth to offspring. Fertile days are the days most favorable for fertilization. Men can fertilize a woman’s egg on any day; they do not need to determine any favorable period, but for a woman, knowing the timing of her fertile days is an important component of caring for her health and the health of her offspring.

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High probability of conception

Ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of the menstrual cycle (with a 28-day cycle - on the 14th day). Deviation from the average value occurs frequently, so the calculation is approximate.

Also, together with the calendar method, you can measure basal temperature, examine cervical mucus, use special tests or mini-microscopes, take tests for FSH, LH, estrogens and progesterone.

You can definitely determine the day of ovulation using folliculometry (ultrasound).

  1. Losos, Jonathan B.; Raven, Peter H.; Johnson, George B.; Singer, Susan R. Biology. New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 1207-1209.
  2. Campbell NA, Reece JB, Urry LA ea Biology. 9th ed. - Benjamin Cummings, 2011. - p. 1263
  3. Tkachenko B. I., Brin V. B., Zakharov Yu. M., Nedospasov V. O., Pyatin V. F. Human physiology. Compendium / Ed. B. I. Tkachenko. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2009. - 496 p.

In simple terms, a woman is fertile, that is, capable of procreation, on the day of ovulation and within 24 hours after it. It is precisely this short period of time that limits the viability of the egg. But fertile days are not only ovulation, but also the days before and after it. Why is this generally accepted?

Signs of Fertility

Considering that two people (male and female) are involved in conceiving a child, it is advisable to talk about a couple’s fertility as a set of factors influencing the occurrence of pregnancy. However, most often this term is applied specifically to women.

Why do some women conceive quickly and at the time they planned, while for others a long-awaited pregnancy is possible only after medical intervention or through artificial insemination?

The peculiarity of the female reproductive system is that the process of conception is regulated by two factors: healthy genitourinary organs and the correct ratio of the desired hormonal level in certain phases of the cycle. A malfunction of one of the factors leads to infertility or the inability to bear and give birth to a baby without medical support.

So what is fertility?

Fertility is a word of Latin origin that literally translates as “fertility.” The term is used to determine the level of the body's capabilities during conception, gestation and birth of offspring.

If we are talking about a man, then we mean the ability of his seminal fluid to fertilize the mature egg of his partner. Female fertility refers to the body’s ability to “receive” sperm and “grow” a fetus in the womb. That is, three factors can be considered signs of fertility in women: the ability to conceive, bear, and give birth.

External attractiveness, luxurious forms and sexual appetite, contrary to the opinion of many men, only very indirectly indicate high fertility. It is usually not sex bombs who get pregnant easily and give birth, but women with ordinary external characteristics.

Hope for high fertility comes from a woman’s general physical health and a regular monthly cycle. But, unfortunately, sometimes even such girls can have problems conceiving.

Why do you need to know the boundaries of your fertile window?

The question may arise as to why you need to calculate fertile days at all? The answer is simple: to plan your life. If a woman wants a child, then sexual intercourse should be carried out with special diligence precisely during the fertile window, but if the woman’s goal is to avoid an unwanted pregnancy, the definition of a “dangerous period” will allow her to be more vigilant and, if necessary, use additional contraceptives.

Many ladies, based on knowledge of their own fertile period, protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy. This method is called calendar. It consists of prevention or additional contraception during the fertile period. On the remaining days of the cycle, women lead the usual rhythm of sexual activity. This method of protection, let’s say right away, is considered unreliable.

There is the so-called Pearl index - a globally accepted expression of the reliability of a particular method of contraception. So, with the calendar method it is only 55–60%. This means that six out of ten women will actually not get pregnant, but four out of ten will definitely encounter the unplanned discovery of two lines on a pregnancy test.

Knowing your fertile days cannot be considered reliable protection against pregnancy for the reason that a woman’s ovulation is not a constant value , and it may well shift under the influence of exogenous and endogenous factors, for example, during illness, a cold, after an air flight and a change in climate and time zone and also due to stress. It is also impossible not to take into account the phenomenal nature of the female body - so-called repeated ovulation can occasionally occur, and then the second egg, released from the follicle later than the first, may well be fertilized, because the lady is sure that she has entered a sterile period and is not protected.

But to plan the conception of a baby, knowledge of fertile days is a mandatory and necessary method. Only if ovulation occurs, sexual intercourse takes place during the period of fertility, and conception does not occur within a year, can we talk about possible infertility. But practice shows that some ladies quickly begin to worry - they simply have sexual intercourse on the wrong days, and therefore conception does not occur.

It is with clarification of the fertile period of a particular woman that a medical examination begins for those planning a pregnancy. And that is why your “I want a child” should begin with the ability to correctly determine the boundaries of your own fertile window.

Iatrogenic causes of decreased fertility

If a woman has reduced fertility, this may indicate that a medical procedure, surgery, or medication is to blame for the condition. Then reproductive dysfunction is not always considered pathological. After all, the main reason for decreased fertility is medical intervention. This is often a temporary effect, although it can be permanent.

Reproductive dysfunction is caused by:

Combined oral contraceptives

Taking COCs “turns off” reproductive function only temporarily. After stopping the medication, she fully recovers within a few months.

A feature of the functioning of the female reproductive system is that the ovarian reserve never increases. From birth, a woman receives a certain number of oocytes. During life, their number decreases, but is not replenished. Men have a clear advantage in this regard: they produce sex cells constantly.


Removal of the ovaries leads to a complete cessation of ovulatory processes, as well as premature menopause. All other procedures (resection, cauterization of endometriotic lesions, removal of cysts) only worsen reproductive function, but do not block it completely. Whether a woman can become pregnant depends on her initial ovarian reserve, age, extent of surgery, and other factors.


Some methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy do not affect a woman's fertility. For example, it is not affected by a condom or the use of spermicides. But there are methods that inhibit reproductive function. For example, oral contraception. Taking medications inhibits ovulatory processes. The eggs do not mature, so fertilization is impossible.


Any surgical intervention on the ovaries irreversibly reduces fertility. The reason for its violation is a decrease in ovarian reserve. That is, the number of eggs that a woman initially has.

Cancer treatment

Often, before starting treatment for malignant neoplasms of the female reproductive system, the patient is asked to donate oocytes for storage. They are frozen in case the ovaries are unable to perform their functions after completion of therapy. They can be damaged as a result of taking toxic chemotherapy drugs. They are often damaged by radiation during remote irradiation of the reproductive organs.

Artificial menopause

This is a condition that is achieved through medication to treat certain diseases. It is completely reversible. That is, it “turns off” the reproductive function temporarily, but does not affect the possibility of conception in the future.

Artificial menopause is required for some diseases that progress under the influence of hormones. Examples: breast or endometrial cancer, uterine fibroids, endometriosis. Sometimes this is a temporary measure. For example, a woman goes through menopause for a year. During this time, the myomatous node disappears or becomes much smaller, and therefore it is much easier to remove it surgically.

Sometimes artificial menopause is a condition in which a woman is constantly. For example, in the case of treatment of inoperable endometrial cancer. However, in such situations there is no longer any need to talk about pregnancy. This is purely about preserving a woman’s life.

How to determine fertile days?

There are several methods for determining the period of fertility in the female cycle. They are distinguished by accessibility, simplicity and reliability. Let's look at each one.


The advantage of the method is its accessibility - any woman can easily count her fertile days. The downside is that the method does not take into account the individual characteristics of the body in women and girls, possible shifts in the timing of ovulation due to stress, illness, travel, etc. Ovulation is regulated by hormones, and their ratio may change for various reasons. The calendar method is more suitable for women with a regular cycle.

The first day of menstruation is considered the first day of a new female cycle. After menstrual bleeding is completed, a woman’s body produces follicle-stimulating hormone, under the influence of which several follicles on the ovaries begin to mature, but one (in rare cases, two) will do this faster than the others, and the development of the others will be inhibited, leaving only the dominant follicle. A couple of days before ovulation, the level of the LH (luteinizing) hormone increases, and it is this hormone that provokes rupture of the follicle and ovulation itself.

This process generally takes 14 days. Ovulation in most cases occurs in the middle of the female cycle. But we remember the rule “plus/minus 3 days”, and therefore the fertile period is calculated using the formula:

O=D-14+- 3 days, where O is the boundaries of the fertile period, D is the duration of the cycle for a particular woman.

Knowing this, you can calculate individual boundaries. If your cycle lasts 28 days every month, then ovulation should be expected on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle, counting from the first day of menstruation, and the first day of the fertile period will occur on the 11th day. The fertile window ends on day 17 of the menstrual cycle. If your cycle is 30 days long, then ovulation should be expected on day 16, and the fertile window will begin on day 13; a woman’s fertile period will end on day 19 of the menstrual cycle.

If the duration of the cycle cannot be determined because it is unstable, in obstetrics it is customary to calculate the average duration over the last 4–6 months. The women's calendar will help with this. You need to add up the duration of the last 4-6 cycles and divide by the number of cycles. This way you will know your average duration and can then make calculations using the above formula.

Naturally, with an irregular cycle, the accuracy of the method is significantly reduced.

Symptothermal method of fertility recognition

The author of this technique is the Austrian doctor Rötzer. The essence of the method is that a woman must keep a calendar in which she will enter daily data on basal temperature, cervical secretion and the position of the cervix relative to the exit from the vagina. The method is quite accessible for home diagnostics, its accuracy is higher than the calendar one, but errors are possible. More so than the calendar one, it is suitable for ladies with irregular cycles and breastfeeding women.

The essence of the method is that the entire cycle is divided into several stages - before ovulation there is a period of infertility, during the period of ovulation there is a period of fertility, after it there is again a period of infertility. Each must be confirmed by double signs.

The onset of the fertile period is indicated by an increase in basal temperature (it must be measured every day at the same time, without getting out of bed, with the same thermometer), an increase in the amount of cervical mucus (discharge becomes more abundant, it resembles transparent, viscous raw chicken protein) , softening and lifting of the cervix (determined by independent palpation).

Features of certain groups of women


In medical practice, cases of pregnancy occurring during breastfeeding have been reported, despite the protective properties of the hormone prolactin, which is secreted in milk and protects a nursing woman from pregnancy.
This is due to the resumption of sexual activity during breastfeeding - as soon as sexual intercourse is resumed, the protective hormone ceases to act, and the nursing woman again becomes capable of pregnancy.

This phenomenon is also observed in women with high fertility. Thus, when sexual activity resumes, the fertile days of lactating women do not differ from those of non-pregnant women.

Probability of pregnancy

The probability of getting pregnant on fertile days is the highest. But even correctly determining the boundaries of the fertile window does not guarantee a woman that pregnancy will definitely occur. Much will depend on the health of the partners, the fertility of the man, the age of the partners, etc.

The highest probability of conceiving on fertile days is in healthy women aged 20 to 30 years. It ranges from 28 to 33%. Considering that the average fertility index of men who are healthy and capable of fertilizing an egg is within 30%, then the chances of conceiving at this age for women are the highest.

After 30 years, the number of anovulatory cycles per year in a woman begins to gradually increase. If a young healthy girl has 1-2 cycles over the years without ovulation at all, then after 35 years up to 5-6 such cycles per year can occur, and therefore the likelihood of conception is significantly reduced.

Over the years, a woman acquires extra pounds, chronic diseases, and hormonal imbalances, which can also cause a lack of pregnancy even during the fertile period.

Hormonal disorders can be indicated by brown discharge on fertile days, false negative or positive results of ovulation tests.

What are fertile days in women and ovulation - what is the difference

What are fertile days in women and ovulation - what is the difference-minFertile days and ovulation are related, but they are not the same concept.
According to experts, the greatest chance of getting pregnant occurs the day before the egg is released. It is this moment that is determined by ovulation. It falls in the middle of the cycle. From the moment the egg is released, there are 24 hours for the sperm to fertilize it. At the same time, it can live in the vagina for several hours, in the uterus - no more than 5 days. This should be taken into account when choosing a favorable time for conception.

Fertility begins and disappears in separate phases, which is influenced by the condition of the female body. Its onset occurs at about 14 years of age and persists until approximately 50 years of age. Young girls are always more likely to conceive, since the body works smoothly and many risk factors that are typical for middle and old age are absent.

The timing of your fertility can vary, and many factors influence this:

  • overweight, obesity;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the immune system;
  • heavy physical activity;
  • previous abortions and surgical operations;
  • presence of systemic diseases (diabetes mellitus);
  • bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking);
  • insufficient rest, insomnia.

All about the effect of duphaston on ovulation and conception

Impaired fertility may depend on ovulation. If for some reason it is disrupted, the possibility of conception is significantly reduced.

Fertility is also influenced by reproductive age, which is divided into 4 phases:

  1. The early period is from the beginning of menstruation until the age of 20. At this time, hormonal regulation begins. The chance of fertilization at this age is high.
  2. Average – from 21 to 40 years. For most people, menstruation is stable during this period, as is the onset of fertility. The body is as ready as possible for fertilization and gestation.
  3. Late is the time from 41 to 45 years. The endocrine background is unstable, and there are disturbances in hormone production. The chance of fertilization is very low.
  4. Decline of reproductive function – from 45 years. The menopause begins and the body loses its ability to fertilize.


Reproductive age varies from person to person. It can be influenced, and there are cases where, even after 50 years, a woman could carry and give birth to a healthy baby without any problems.

Myths and truth about fertility days

There are many myths about fertile days among women, many of which have no scientific or medical confirmation. Here are some of them.

In the days before ovulation you can conceive a girl, on the day of ovulation you can conceive a boy.

This myth was born on the characteristics of sperm. Since the sex of the child depends solely on the father, and, more precisely, on what type of sperm fertilizes the oocyte (with the genetic set XX or XY), for some reason it is believed that germ cells with the XX set are more tenacious, and XY sperm are faster.

Therefore, to conceive a girl, it is recommended to have sexual intercourse before ovulation, so that only the most tenacious (XX) survive the egg in the genital tract, and it is recommended to conceive a boy during ovulation and the day after it. In fact, scientists have not found any differences between these two types of sperm - neither in the speed of movement, nor in the period of viability. Therefore, the method of planning the sex of a child by ovulation on fertile days is nothing more than a myth.

You can get pregnant immediately after your period, because sperm can survive for more than a week

In practice, sperm do not live that long. If this happens, it is a very rare case of phenomenal increased male fertility.

But in any case, after menstruation, the female body must go through the stage of follicle maturation, and therefore it is not possible to get pregnant in the first 4 days after the end of menstruation, unless, of course, some hormonal disruption occurs, which will significantly speed up the release of the egg. And even in this case, conception is unlikely - an immature oocyte is not capable of normal division.

Nevertheless, those taking precautions should remember the scanty probability of such an outcome.

To conceive a child

From the first day of the fertile window, have unprotected sexual intercourse once every two days - this will help you not to miss the favorable moment. After sexual intercourse, do not rush to get up and run to the shower; lie down with your legs raised higher - this will facilitate better passage of sperm through the genital tract. Do not use lubricants or douche before sexual intercourse.

Avoiding coffee, strong tea and chocolate increases the likelihood of successful conception,

Knowing all the parameters of the menstrual cycle, it is worth trying to conceive a baby of the gender that future parents want. It depends on the dad whether a boy or a girl will appear, since women always have an X chromosome, while men have a Y or X. Each sperm is characterized by the presence of two chromosomes, the set of which determines the sex of the unborn child:

  1. If the XX chromosomes are combined, a girl will be born.
  2. When combined XY - boy.

Male and female sperm have a number of differences that have a big impact on which one fertilizes the egg. The fact is that the former are more agile, as a result of which they reach their goal faster. And the latter, although not as fast, are more tenacious.

Thus, in order to become pregnant with a girl, you must have sexual intercourse two to three days before the release of the egg. In this case, the “male” sperm will die, giving the “female” sperm the opportunity to achieve their goal. To conceive a boy, it is better to wait until the day of ovulation occurs. This method does not provide a 100% guarantee of obtaining the desired result, but it significantly increases the chances.

Regardless of what gender of child the future mother and father want to give birth to, it is necessary to learn how to correctly determine the most favorable time for fertilization. This can be done with the help of a specialist or at home. Among other things, the girl’s body itself is able to give some clues about readiness for conception.

Tips and tricks

​​Having determined your fertile period, strictly follow the recommendations of specialists. If you want to conceive a child, then from the very first fertile day, have unprotected sexual intercourse regularly once every two days. After coitus, lie still with your legs raised above your head. This will make the difficult task of sperm traveling to the fallopian tubes easier.

Avoid using intimate gels and lubricants, as well as douching before and after sex. Avoid drinking coffee, strong tea and dark chocolate, as caffeine reduces a woman's fertility. Give up bad habits.

In order to exclude unwanted pregnancy, on fertile days, pay special attention to the use of barrier contraception (condom). Avoid this method of contraception such as interrupted coitus.

Sperm can even be contained in the lubricant on the head of the penis, and therefore during the fertile period this number of germ cells may be quite enough to conceive a child.

About the symptoms of ovulation and its 8 main signs, watch the following video.

medical reviewer, psychosomatics specialist, mother of 4 children

How are fertile days characterized, what is it? Today, the problem of conception and normal pregnancy is becoming more and more urgent for a large number of women.

For a modern woman, accumulated knowledge about how her body functions is of great importance. Calculating your fertile period will help you achieve a long-awaited pregnancy and happy motherhood. Knowing what the fertile period is will be useful for those who are afraid of facing an unwanted pregnancy.

What is the concept of “fertility”? This term is derived from the Latin word “fertilis”, which means “fertility”, “fertility”. It can be considered the opposite of infertility. The concept was initially used by gynecologists and reproductive specialists as a characteristic of a person, indicating the possibility of procreation. Moreover, this applied not only to women, but also to men.

If we consider the union of two people, then fertility in this case will be the probability of this couple to conceive, bear and give birth to a child.

Male fertility occurs when a representative of the stronger sex has a good spermogram, the parameters of which can be determined in any laboratory.

Female fertility is understood as a combination of three signs: the likelihood of conceiving, the ability to bear and give birth to a baby. Depending on the presence or absence of these signs, fertility is determined, which can be normal (if a woman has all three signs) or low (if one of the signs is absent for some reason). Increased fertility occurs when the fairer sex does not need to rest between births.

About the concept of fertility

The term fertility comes from the Latin “fertilis”, which translates as fertile or fertile.
The concept is the antonym of infertility, it means the ability of a man to impregnate a woman and the ability of a woman to bear and give birth to a child. The word applies only to people who are in the so-called reproductive period. It differs depending on gender. In men, reproductive age begins at approximately 14-16 years, that is, from the moment when seminal fluid containing living and active germ cells begins to be fully produced and lasts as long as they are produced. Peak male fertility occurs between 18 and 35 years of age. However, you can become a father at 80.

What does fertility mean in women? It begins with the onset of regular menstrual flow and subsides with menopause. It is generally accepted that female reproductive age is between 15-49 years, but there are often cases when mothers become mothers even after this age limit. The concept of “female fertility” includes 3 factors: the ability to conceive, bear and give birth to a child. If difficulties arise with at least one of the factors, we can talk about low fertility.

Female reproductive potential is determined by physiology. Even before birth, girls are assigned the number of possible sex cells that will mature throughout their lives. Usually it is up to 500 eggs.

Normally, in a healthy woman, the egg should mature in each cycle, but after 35 years, anovulatory cycles are possible, when the ovaries do not regularly produce germ cells, which reduces fertility. By the age of 50, the ovulatory reserve dries up and it becomes increasingly difficult to get pregnant. This process, at any age, can also be affected by other factors:

  • weight problems;
  • stress;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • bad habits;
  • excessive physical activity.

What factors influence female fertility?

The main ones are:

  1. Hormone levels. The chance of getting pregnant is influenced by a woman’s hormonal background; a lack or excess of certain hormones will be an obstacle to childbearing.
  2. Lifestyle. Tobacco and alcohol abuse, as well as lack of sleep and stress negatively affect the ability to become pregnant.
  3. Age. The most favorable range for the first pregnancy is 20-26 years. As age increases, the number of cycles without ovulation increases, and fertility decreases.
  4. Weight. Being underweight or overweight negatively affects both health in general and fertility in particular.
  5. Surgical interventions or diseases of the reproductive system.

Calendar method

The fertile period in women is determined quite simply. It is necessary to divide the number of days of the menstrual cycle in half, and add 2 days before and after to the resulting value.

For example, if a girl’s menstrual cycle is 30 days, then dividing this figure in half, we get 15. The period favorable for conceiving a child is in this example from the 13th to the 17th day.

In order not to miss her fertile days, a woman should keep a calendar in which she will mark the start and end dates of her period. Based on the data obtained, it will be possible to approximately calculate the period during which conception is most possible. However, the calendar method has significant drawbacks: unfortunately, not every female body works stably, like a clock. Very often, representatives of the fair sex complain about changes in the length of the monthly cycle. It is also necessary to take into account that in certain cycles there may not be ovulation at all.

This method is perfect for girls with a clear monthly cycle and excellent memory, who will not forget to mark the necessary dates on the calendar.

Calculating your fertility window

How to calculate fertile days? We have already mentioned that the most optimal time for conception is a few days before and after ovulation. During the fertile period, the “most persistent” sperm, even after several days of waiting, is ready to fertilize the egg.

Sperm and egg

In order not to miss this important time, several methods of calculating it are used.

Calendar method

The method is very simple, but not very reliable. Suitable only for women with a regular menstrual cycle.

To calculate favorable days for conception, you need to know the length of the cycle (from the beginning to the beginning of menstruation). And subtract 14 days - this will be the day of ovulation.

There is a high chance of getting pregnant on the day the egg is released, 5 days before and 2 days after.

  • With a 23-day cycle, the fertile period will be from days 4 to 11.
  • With a 29-day pregnancy, conception is possible from 10 to 17 days.
  • With a 34-day period, fertile days are from 15 to 22.

If the bleeding is not regular, then to calculate the woman will need to keep a calendar for one year. Having determined the length of the shortest and longest cycle, calculate using the formula: subtract 19 from the shortest, and 10 from the longest. Ovulation will take place in the resulting time period.

The calendar method is not considered a reliable means of preventing pregnancy, although many people use it.


A gynecologist will help determine the favorable time to conceive a child. He prescribes folliculometry (several ultrasounds - usually 3-4). The procedure is performed several times during the cycle and allows you to analyze the growth of the follicle. When the Graafian vesicle reaches a size of 18-22 mm, good days for conception begin. A sonologist (ultrasound doctor), observing the behavior of the ovaries for several days, can approximately calculate the period of time when it is possible to become pregnant and when a woman is not fertile.

Girl, doctor, ultrasound

If during folliculometry the size of the Graafian vesicle reaches 20 mm, and the next day fluid is found in the retrouterine space, then the oocyte has been released - ovulation has occurred.

Cervical fluid analysis

The greatest chance of getting pregnant is during the ovulatory phase. At this time, the position of the cervix changes and its secretory activity increases. The discharge, which was scanty at the beginning of the cycle, becomes transparent and watery. Patients say that it becomes like egg white. Cervical fluid can tell you when fertile days are approaching if you carefully monitor it at each interval between bleeding.


After ovulation, the mucus thickens and becomes like a thick cream.

Fertility determination by discharge

Determining fertile days using this method involves monitoring changes in vaginal discharge.

During the onset of fertile days, the discharge becomes more abundant and dense, acquires a stretchy character and becomes similar to raw egg white.

This can be explained as follows: in the cervix there is a mucous plug that prevents pathogenic bacteria from entering the uterine cavity. During ovulation, under hormonal influence, it acquires a liquid consistency and, flowing from the cervical canal, enters the vagina, thereby allowing sperm to penetrate to their destination - the uterus. Mucus is saturated with salts, proteins and microelements, providing a favorable environment for fertilization. This method is suitable for those who are attentive to any changes in their body and detect the slightest changes.

Calculating fertile days based on ovulation symptoms

Favorable days can be determined by some physical changes:

  • tingling in the mammary glands, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort;
  • a small amount of bloody discharge: mistaken by many for the beginning of menstruation, this discharge is actually real droplets of blood released when the ovarian follicle ruptures when the egg is released;
  • increased level of sexual desire: nature provides for the maximum number of sexual contacts during the period of fertility, which is why women note an increase in libido.

Unfortunately, not every woman pays attention to such changes. In this case, the reliability of the indicators depends on physiological capabilities, pain threshold and sensitivity.

Can pregnancy always occur during the fertile period?

Unfortunately, correct and accurate determination of the fertile window is not the key to a successful pregnancy. In order for conception to take place, it is important to comply with many factors.

  • You need a healthy, high-quality egg. With age, the quality of oocytes decreases and the likelihood of pregnancy decreases.
  • You need the right hormonal “accompaniment”.
  • We need a healthy, motile sperm that can travel a long way through the reproductive tract or wait for an oocyte in the reproductive tract, demonstrating viability.

After fertilization, the embryo faces one more test - implantation, which also must be successfully completed, otherwise pregnancy will not occur.

There are many nuances of oocyte maturation. For example, an overripe egg that entered the fallopian tube with a great delay cannot be fertilized; it is not viable.

The eggs may not allow themselves to mature every month, and then the woman experiences anovulatory cycles. Normally, in a young and healthy woman this is possible 1-2 times a year, and in women over 35 years old - up to 6 times a year. That is why it is always easier to get pregnant at 20 years old than at 35 and older.

If you have determined the boundaries of your fertile window, start from what goal you want to achieve.

From the first day of the fertile window, use barrier contraception measures - condoms - and other contraceptive measures if necessary. Don’t forget to take hormonal contraceptives on time and don’t miss another pill.

Interrupted sexual intercourse during the fertile window in 10% of cases leads to the conception of an unplanned baby. Sperm may be contained in a lubricant that naturally moistens the head of the penis.

The symptoms of ovulation are described in the video below.

Charting your basal temperature

Fertile days are determined using a basal temperature chart. This method is considered perhaps the most accurate. Its essence lies in the systematic daily measurement of temperature in the anus.

Data should be collected under the same conditions every day if possible. Temperature measurement should occur early in the morning at the same time, while the woman has not yet gotten out of bed. Changing the temperature measurement even by an hour can result in unreliability of the graph. You can use both a mercury and an electronic thermometer. Today, special thermometers for rectal use are produced for this purpose. The data is entered into a personal notebook or notebook and then analyzed. The beginning of fertile days will be marked by a slight increase in basal temperature. Measurements must be taken for at least six months, only then the fertile period can be determined with maximum accuracy.

Of course, not everyone likes this method. It is popular with highly organized, result-oriented individuals, as it requires adherence to a precise measurement schedule and causes significant inconvenience and discomfort during use. But if pregnancy is the main goal, then, as they say, all means are good.

Using special tests

The search for a favorable period can be done using special tests, reminiscent of the well-known pregnancy tests. They are freely available in any pharmacy, so every woman can measure her fertility using this method. This method is probably the most comfortable, least time-consuming, and most accurate in results. Tests are carried out a couple of days before ovulation occurs. The test result becomes positive when the level of luteinizing hormone in the urine reaches its maximum concentration. As a rule, five test strips are provided in the kit, so you can measure your fertility for several days in a row. Manufacturers of such tests recommend carrying out diagnostics in the afternoon, without drinking too much.

The presented method can be used by almost anyone. The disadvantages of the method include the need to spend money on purchasing the test and its one-time use.

Determining the fertile phase - secrets and methods

In practice, it turns out to be quite difficult to determine the most favorable period for conceiving a baby. Ovulation does not always occur and not everyone experiences specific symptoms. Moreover, these signs are often subjective in nature, which sometimes does not allow you to independently understand whether day X has arrived or not. For this purpose, several methods have been developed for determining ovulation both at home and in the doctor's office.

The simplest way to help calculate ovulation is to draw up a special calendar. This method is only suitable for women with a regular cycle, since otherwise errors are likely.

For this purpose, you can use a simple calendar, in which data will be entered on the start and end dates of menstruation for six months. Based on the information obtained, the cycle length can be calculated. Ovulation usually occurs two weeks before the start of a new period. For example, if the cycle is 25 days, then the egg is released for fertilization on the eleventh day. When the duration of this period is constantly changing, it becomes incredibly difficult to guess the desired day in this way.

In pharmacies, in order to determine the day of ovulation, you can purchase a special test that reacts to an increase in LH levels. It is carried out several days before probable ovulation, because this indicator begins to increase a couple of days before the release of the egg. To obtain the most accurate result of such a diagnosis, you should take into account some nuances:

  • Do not use morning urine. The most suitable period for this procedure is considered to be from ten o'clock in the morning to ten in the evening.
  • Before the test, you should not go to the toilet for two hours.
  • You should avoid drinking any liquid four hours before the procedure.
  • It is important to carefully study the instructions, since each type of test may have its own characteristics. For example, one sample involves preliminary collection of urine in a container, while another allows the use of a direct stream. And expensive versions of such equipment can even determine the onset of ovulation using ordinary saliva.

In order to determine the days of ovulation, you can try measuring body temperature in the rectum. This procedure is carried out in the morning, immediately after waking up, for several months. For convenience, the obtained data is entered into a table, one scale of which indicates the days of menstruation, and the other indicates the temperature (usually at the moment the egg is released, it increases slightly).

After critical days, basal temperature can vary between 36.6−36.9 degrees. With the onset of ovulation, this value reaches 37 degrees and sometimes exceeds it. To obtain the most accurate data, you must always carry out the procedure with one thermometer and at the same time, lying in bed.

When compiling a table, it is worth considering that this method is only suitable for girls with a regular cycle. In addition, the measurement results can be influenced by many factors, among which it is necessary to highlight: illness, short or restless sleep, taking certain medications, stressful situations, drinking alcoholic beverages.

You can find out quite accurately about the onset of the ovulation period during an examination in a gynecological chair. The doctor usually immediately notices a visual change in the cervix, which softens and opens slightly.

To confirm the onset of a favorable time for conception, a specialist can refer the girl to undergo an ultrasound, which allows not only to determine the onset of ovulation, but also to calculate its stage.

Medical diagnosis is usually carried out in cases where, despite numerous attempts, it has not been possible to become pregnant over a long period of time. Ultrasound can be performed as early as the tenth day from the start of a new menstrual period. At the same time, specialists monitor the growth of the dominant follicle located in the ovary.

There are several basic ways to determine your own fertile window. Of these, the most common is the above calendar calculation. But you should know that ovulation does not have to occur exactly on the same day. And here errors and inaccuracies may arise, which can cause an unplanned pregnancy.

Ovulation is regulated by hormones. This powerful support for the body does not depend on the will of the woman, that is, it is impossible to bring ovulation closer or further by force of will. But it can “shift” under the influence of various situations in which the hormonal balance is disrupted:

  • fatigue, stress, shock, shock;
  • lack of sleep, exhaustion of the body;
  • illness (from exacerbation of chronic ailments to colds or acute respiratory viral infections);
  • time zone change, flight, climate change.

This means that the calendar method is unreliable and cannot be relied upon. It only gives a rough idea of ​​when to expect your fertile time.

You can more accurately determine the approach of ovulation in other ways.

  • Ultrasound of the ovaries - usually performed on the 5th-6th day of the cycle to assess the fertile prognosis in order to understand whether it is possible to count on conception at all in this cycle. If there are signs of maturation of at least five follicles, the fertility prognosis is favorable. From the 10th–11th day of the cycle, ultrasound shows an increase in the dominant follicle in size. The closer to ovulation, the larger it is.
  • Blood test for hormones - the so-called luteinizing peak indicates the approach of ovulation: approximately 16-24 hours before ovulation, the concentration of the hormone LH reaches its highest values. The analysis begins with the onset of the fertile window, based on calendar calculations and ultrasound results.
  • At home, a pharmacy ovulation test can come to the rescue. There are test strips that are immersed in urine, and there are modern reusable electronic devices that determine not the level of LH, but the level of estrogen in saliva. The tests do not show the beginning of the fertile window, they are only focused on the approximate day of ovulation (plus or minus a day).
  • The temperature method involves measuring your basal temperature daily. A rise in temperature above 37.2 degrees indicates that ovulation is approaching. The method itself is not very informative, but can effectively complement home testing with ovulation tests, confirming or refuting their results.
  • A symptomatic complex of signs is the symptoms that women note as signs of the approach of the fertile period. Typically, doctors are skeptical about this method, because objective symptoms of ovulation are not described in medical encyclopedias, they do not exist. Many generations of women, however, claim that they guess that ovulation is approaching by a change in vaginal discharge; it becomes viscous, viscous, similar to raw chicken egg white.

Almost everyone claims that sexual desire increases significantly, they want intimacy, some have chest pain, nipples become more sensitive, some experience pain when the follicle ruptures on the right or left side in the lower abdomen at the location of the ovaries.

Fertility determination using ultrasound

Fertility can be determined using an ultrasound examination on days 5-6 of the monthly cycle. The doctor has the ability to accurately determine various factors of fertility: the number of follicles in the ovaries, the size of the ovaries, the ratio of connective and hormonal tissue, etc. If it is determined that these signs do not correspond to the norm, the doctor will notify the patient about this and prescribe appropriate treatment.

The disadvantage of this method is the need for significant financial costs. It is used most often by women who do not have a planned pregnancy and who need to determine the presence of any abnormalities that interfere with conception.

Thus, when deciding to give birth to a child or, conversely, to protect yourself from an unwanted pregnancy, a modern woman needs to know when that very moment occurs in her cycle, to have an idea of ​​the main functions and characteristics of her body.

Anyone can use methods to determine fertile days if they have the time and desire. If determining fertility when planning pregnancy causes difficulties, you can contact specialists: gynecologists or reproductive specialists.

To increase your fertility, a woman needs to take care of herself: lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, maintain personal hygiene, and visit the necessary doctors regularly.

We must remember that it is important not only to get pregnant, but also to bear, give birth, and raise a child. Perhaps this knowledge will lead all women in need to such long-awaited and happy motherhood.

What does fertility depend on?

Fertility is influenced by many factors, because the success of conception also depends on the general health of the woman.

We list the main ones:

  • Age. The older a woman is, the less often she experiences full ovulation;
  • Excessive thinness or obesity (read whether you can get pregnant if you are obese);
  • Prolonged stress and tension;
  • Chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • Adverse habits (tobacco smoking, drugs, alcohol addiction);
  • Long-term course of inflammatory processes;
  • Gynecological diseases;
  • Unbalanced diet, lack of essential vitamins and minerals in the daily diet;
  • Unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • Long-term use of certain medications;
  • Frequent gynecological surgical interventions (abortion, cleaning, etc.);
  • Regular use of uncomfortable, low-quality underwear;
  • Problems of an immunological nature, in which sperm are rejected in the woman’s body;
  • Prolonged dehydration of the body.

The presence of at least one of these factors is always taken into account to determine female fertility. If problems with conception are identified, the “provocateur” should be eliminated. To do this, sometimes you have to change your lifestyle.

Fertility in a woman is the ability to become pregnant, carry and give birth to a baby. At birth, a normal woman has about 400 eggs, which are contained in immature follicles.

During puberty, under the influence of hormones, eggs acquire the ability to mature and exit into the fallopian tube to meet the sperm. During each menstrual cycle, one (rarely two or more) eggs can mature. Thus, the process of ovulation (the release of an egg from the follicle) is directly related to the concept of female fertility.

In addition, in order for the egg to meet the sperm, normal patency of the fallopian tube is necessary. Female fertility also depends on the condition of the endometrium of the uterus, where the embryo is implanted for further growth and development. And the condition of the uterus and its cervix should ensure the normal development of the embryo and prevent premature birth.

All these processes are under the control of the hormonal system, which regulates certain processes in the female reproductive system. Therefore, a woman’s fertility is irreversibly linked to this aspect.

In order for pregnancy to occur, many processes must occur: ovulation, the meeting of the egg and sperm and the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus.

When a couple has been unable to conceive a child for a year or more, a specialist may recommend that they make a fertility prognosis and determine their chances of conceiving.

Fertility prognosis is determined as follows: on the 5th-6th days of the cycle, an ultrasound diagnosis of the pelvic organs is performed. The volume of the ovaries (normally about 2-8 cm3) and the number of follicles in it (normally about 4-6 small ones) are determined. These indicators are called a fertility test. If they are reduced, this indicates declining fertility and reduces a woman’s chances of becoming pregnant.

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The test data is supplemented by a study of the level of sex hormones FSH (follicle-stimulating) and LH (luteinizing). This hormonal test compares the ratio of FSH and LH.

If a woman wants to have a child with such indicators, then she should hurry, since the fertility prognosis is not very favorable.

Important! In men, the concept of fertility is determined by the fertility index, which is calculated based on spermogram data. The formula takes into account the number of viable and active sperm.

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