Signs of pregnancy: two stripes, test and other ways to determine pregnancy

If you are planning to become a mother, then you are probably wondering when is the best time to take a pregnancy test. Should you rush to the pharmacy immediately after you suspect conception, or should you wait until your menstruation stops? Which test should you prefer? You will find the answers in the article.

Photo: Ivona –

Rating TOP 5 best pregnancy tests

In pharmacies and stores we see many different types of tests, for example, inkjet, electronic, tablet and strip, but how each of them differs is another question. In our article we have collected tests of different types; they are the ones that have gained popularity and respect among users. This TOP includes the following products:


Let's take a closer look at the range of products presented above.


Frautest is produced by a well-known German company that produces products to determine conception, determine ovulation, and detect infections. Pregnancy is determined by the amount of hCG in the urine. From the beginning of fertilization of the egg, the amount of this hormone increases, and this indicator is recorded by the rapid test. The sensitivity of this device is 15 mIU/ml and, according to the manufacturer, the test is performed without waiting for a missed period. The result is assessed after 3-5 minutes.

Sensitivity15 mIU/ml
Revealing the resultafter 3-5 minutes
Usage3 days before the delay

Price category: from 85 to 90 rubles.

  • accuracy of the result – 99.9%;
  • shows the result 3 days before the expected date of menstruation;
  • high sensitivity (15 mIU/ml).
  • Often there are defects (blurring of stripes).

I bought this test twice and it never let me down. The first time it showed one line, although I thought it was inaccurate, because the pregnancy was obvious, but it turned out it was menstruation. The second time he showed 2 stripes, and the doctor confirmed the pregnancy. I heard a lot about Frau's testimony of unreliable information, however, he did not let me down. I recommend.



The kit in question contains 2 strips that determine pregnancy, 5 strip tests that determine ovulation and 7 containers for collecting urine. Frautest planning is recommended for use on the first day of a missed period; this test also guarantees the accuracy and speed of determining the result, since it has an optimally high sensitivity (from 25 mIU/ml). The reliability of the FRAUTEST test system is over 99%. The determinant must be stored in a dry place protected from the sun.

Sensitivity25 mIU/ml
Revealing the resultafter 3-5 minutes
Usagefrom the first day of delay

Cost: from 380 to 400 rubles.

  • ease of use (the set includes containers for collecting urine);
  • Includes 5 ovulation tests;
  • high accuracy of the result (above 99%).
  • not found.

This kit lasts a long time, the ovulation tests are accurate, they have never failed, I have never been lucky enough to use pregnancy tests, I expect a delay, but my periods come on time. The kit includes a large number of containers that collect urine - a big plus; you rarely find unnecessary utensils at home, and the container is sterile, so you don’t need to wash it before use. I'm happy with the set, I recommend it.



This digital device is the world's first test that determines the gestational age in weeks, identical to an ultrasound examination. The device combines 2 tests - first it determines the presence of the pregnancy hormone with an accuracy of over 99% (when used from the 1st day of the expected menstruation), and if you are pregnant, it indicates the period in weeks from the moment of conception (1-2, 2- 3 weeks and more than 3 weeks). The accuracy in determining the number of weeks from the moment of conception is 92%. Judging by the reviews, the test shows the exact result in weeks 5 days before the delay, however, it all depends on the characteristics of the body and the level of hCG in the blood.

Revealing the result3 min
Usagefrom the first day of delay, less often 5 days before menstruation
Sensitivity25 mIU/ml

Price: from 480 to 520 rub.

  • definition of pregnancy in weeks;
  • accuracy of the result – 100%;
  • waiting time – less than 3 minutes.
  • not found.

The best test ever used. I did it 5 days before the delay, I didn’t have the strength to wait. After 3 minutes of agonizing waiting, I saw the plus, and then the numbers, there was no limit to my joy. Regular tests do not show this, only from the first day of the delay. I recommend it to everyone, this device has helped me become happier.



Evitest has become a clear leader in the accuracy of determining the result. The indicators under consideration have gained universal popularity due to their German quality and availability. The sensitivity of the test is 20 mIU/ml. Therefore, this test is able to determine the presence of pregnancy after 5-10 days from conception. The kit includes a special pipette, with the help of which the process of determining conception becomes much easier; there is no need to collect urine in a special container. If the integrity of the packaging is damaged, it is recommended to purchase another test strip, as it is possible to obtain an unreliable result.

Revealing the result3 min
Usagefrom the first day of missed menstruation
Sensitivity20 mIU/ml

Price tag: from 170 to 190 rubles.

  • high sensitivity of the test (20 mIU/ml);
  • accuracy of determining the result – 99.9%;
  • The kit includes a special pipette that simplifies the use of the test.
  • not found.

I have purchased Evi many times, both inkjet and electronic - it always tells the truth. I do it even before the delay, the last time, 3 days before the expected period, I showed a ghost stripe, I did the same, but after 2 days, the stripe was comparable in color to the control. If there is no pregnancy, there won’t even be a ghost there, that is, the test is really honest. Thanks to the manufacturers, I recommend it.



This test is a universally recognized international expert and has gained its popularity due to the absence of defects and unreliable results. Easy to use, Premium Diagnostics gives you timely and reliable answers, saving you time and helping you maintain top-level emotional peace of mind. To get a reliable result, you do not need to collect urine in a container, and this factor is an excellent alternative to “strip” traditions, which cause minor difficulties during the procedure. Among other things, this cassette has a window in which after 2-3 minutes you can see the exact result, without blurred stripes.

Revealing the result2 minutes
Usage3 days before the expected menstruation
Sensitivity10 mIU/ml

Price category: from 120 to 140 rubles.

  • quick determination of the result (2 min);
  • high sensitivity of hCG (10 mIU/ml);
  • no need to collect urine (test cassette);
  • shows the exact result 3 days before the expected date of menstruation.
  • not found.

The device is very cool, I liked the speed of determination and the accuracy of the result even before the delay. High sensitivity is the best option, suitable for impatient people who want to know about happiness as soon as possible. I’ve done it all 2 times in my life, and I’ve never lied. I did the last one 5 days before the delay; the second stripe, although not bright, was quite noticeable. I like the test and recommend it to you too.


When is the test necessary?

How to use a pregnancy test so that the result is more accurate and truthful? Ideally, any test, be it Evitest or HomeTest, should be carried out from the first day of the delay, which is exactly what is written in most instructions. It is believed that from this day on, the concentration of the hCG hormone has a sufficient level that the test can recognize.

When it comes to testing, the starting point is ovulation. The hCG levels depend on the time of its onset. If ovulation was early, then you can find out about the presence of pregnancy a few days before the expected delay. If ovulation is late, then there is a chance that the pregnancy test on the day of the delay will show one line. Testing in this case must be repeated after a few days.

Another question that concerns women: when is it better to diagnose conception: in the morning, afternoon or evening? It's best to do it in the morning. In early pregnancy, the highest level of concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine is observed precisely in the morning, immediately after sleep.

Comparative table of the presented tests

In order to compare the presented products, we recommend taking a look at the table with their characteristics below.

TestUsage (before delay)Sensitivity (mIU/ml)Result appearance (min)Price, rub)
FRAUTEST EXPRESS ULTRA-SENSITIVEin 3 days153-5from 85 to 90
FRAUTEST PLANNINGfrom day 1253-5from 380 to 400
CLEARBLUE DIGITALfrom the 1st day, less often within 5 days25less than 3from 480 to 520
EVITEST PROOFfrom day 1203-5from 170 to 190
PREMIUM DIAGNOSTICSin 3 days102from 120 to 140

Jet test

As can be seen in the photo of pregnancy tests, the inkjet test consists of a cassette with a holder and a cap. This test system has maximum sensitivity and can be used a couple of days before the delay. Here are more advantages:

  • high degree of reliability of the result;
  • convenience and comfort of use;
  • hygiene of the procedure.

The disadvantage is the higher price.

How many days does the test show?

Tests with different sensitivities show results over different periods of time. Let's consider below the optimal time to determine the result.

Tests equipped with a sensitivity of 10 mIU/ml are capable of detecting pregnancy 7-10 days after embryo implantation. It makes no sense to conduct research earlier, since tests with greater sensitivity are not currently commercially available.

Tests equipped with a sensitivity of 15 mIU/ml allow you to determine pregnancy 10 or more days after conception has occurred. Such tests most often include inkjet devices; they have an electronic display. Although tablet tests with similar susceptibility to hCG are also commercially available.

Tests with a sensitivity of 20-25 mIU/ml are able to determine pregnancy no earlier than 15 days after fertilization of the egg. Similar devices are represented by strip strips. These tests are the most affordable, but at the same time have the least accuracy. Moreover, the earlier the woman conducts the study, the lower it will be.

in the case when you see an almost invisible line from delayed menstruation, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. A ghost can mean a frozen pregnancy, or the formation of any tumors, not always benign. Take care of your health.

Traditional methods: how to determine pregnancy without a test at home in the early stages

Clinical tests and express tests are standard procedures for determining pregnancy, but traditional methods, based on many years of observations of women, enjoy well-deserved popularity and trust. They are based on the chemical reaction of the elements in urine with the active substances added to it. It turns out to be a kind of home express test - a test using improvised means.

  1. Using baking soda. During pregnancy, changes in the chemical composition and acid-base balance occur in urine. After adding baking soda to a clean container of urine, a chemical reaction causes the soda to bubble and fizz. This reaction indicates the absence of pregnancy. If conception has occurred, the soda will settle as a white sediment to the bottom of the container;
  2. Using iodine. The principle of the method is similar to the previous one. One drop of regular iodine is added to a jar of pre-collected urine. If its particle remains on the surface as a whole drop, without breaking up into small grains during the first few seconds, then we can say that there is a pregnancy. If the iodine immediately dissolved without lingering on the surface, then conception did not occur;

  3. Feeling the pulse of the abdomen. A woman's body during pregnancy undergoes significant changes associated with an increase in blood supply to internal organs. Accordingly, the volume and flow of blood to the uterus and fallopian tubes, in which the embryo develops in the early stages, increases. Therefore, you can identify the first days after conception by measuring the pulse on your stomach in the navel area, going down two fingers. Here you need to place the fingers of one hand on your stomach and listen to the pulse. In pregnant women, the blood supply to this area increases, the pulse quickens and can be heard well.

On a note! Traditional methods of testing pregnancy do not guarantee a 100% result and are not scientifically based or confirmed by modern medicine.

Traditional methods are still in demand due to their accessibility and the ability to get quick results without leaving home. They are absolutely harmless to health and do not play a decisive role in determining pregnancy. The use of traditional methods has more of a psychological effect than the final result.

What to look for when choosing

The criteria for choosing a high-quality test will help you purchase an effective and worthwhile device that determines pregnancy or its absence.

  • Place of determination. Not all tests are used in any location without urine collection. Jet tests must be placed in a container with urine and wait 3-5 minutes. When collection is not possible, then purchase a tablet test, which is easy to perform both at work and in the shopping center.
  • Deadlines. After ovulation has passed a week or less, and you can’t wait to see 2 stripes, purchase tests with a visibility of 10 mIU/ml. Such devices can show results 5 days before the expected menstruation.
  • Determination accuracy. Today, electronic tests that show either plus, minus, or weeks are considered the most accurate. The visibility of mIU/ml is not written on the packages of such tests, but there is information on the Internet that states sensitivity over 30 mIU. However, this statement is incorrect. Electronic tests have the highest visibility and determine pregnancy or lack thereof accurately and with certainty.


The choice of devices is extensive. What is each of them?

Test strips

These are paper strips with markings. This type is common and budget-friendly.

It must be used according to the instructions and placed in a container with urine for a clearly indicated time. Otherwise, it will get wet or, conversely, will not show the true result.

Strip tests are popular and, most importantly, they provide reliable information.


It is considered the most convenient to use.

In order to use it, you need to place the specially treated edge under a stream of urine, wait 3 minutes and see the result.

This type is considered the most hygienic.

Tablet or cassette

How to take this pregnancy test correctly? You need to take a small amount of urine into the pipette included in the package and drop it into a special window.

It is considered the most reliable.

Digital electronic

This is a reusable device that determines not only the presence of pregnancy, but also the duration. This is a new generation determinant that shows the likelihood of conception.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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