Prayer to Matrona of Moscow for conception and pregnancy

We are often asked questions - what prayers should be read to preserve pregnancy? How to pray to Matrona about pregnancy? What prayers exist for pregnancy and conception? Below we will tell you which prayers will help you successfully bear a child, which prayers will help you conceive a child, and which saints you need to pray to in order to get pregnant, and which ones for the miracle of childbirth to occur.

At all times, among followers of all religions, pregnant women have had a special status. The period of the birth of a new little life endows a woman with special spiritual purity and cleanses her from previous sins. But it also happens that pregnancy does not come, doctors throw up their hands and make disappointing diagnoses, and loved ones advise prayer. There is no need to be skeptical about these tips, because who, if not the Almighty, can perform a miracle? Every day a huge number of people pray to the Lord and the Saints, and their prayers do not go unanswered. And requests for the gift of children and pregnancy make up a significant part of these prayers.

How to pray for pregnancy? Prayers for pregnancy can be either canonical or coming from the heart, expressed in your own words. But for any prayer, the most important thing is sincerity and humility before the will of God. Prayers for the gift of children can also be addressed directly to the Lord, because it is no coincidence that a newborn child is often called a gift from God. Prayer of the spouses for the gift of children “Hear us, Merciful and Almighty God, that Thy grace may be sent down through our prayer. Be merciful, Lord, to our prayer, remember Your law about the multiplication of the human race and be a merciful Patron, so that with Your help what You have established will be preserved. By Your sovereign power You created everything out of nothing and laid the foundation for everything that exists in the world - You created man in Your image and, with a sublime secret, sanctified the union of marriage as a foreshadowing of the mystery of the unity of Christ with the Church. Look, O Merciful One, on us, Thy servants, united in a marital union and begging for Thy help, may Thy mercy be upon us, may we be fruitful and may we see the sons of our sons even to the third and fourth generation and live to the desired old age and enter into The Kingdom of Heaven is by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom all glory, honor and worship is due with the Holy Spirit forever. Amen".

Requests for conception are also addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos, because She knows all our aspirations for children and their fate, and it is to Her that the main prayer for pregnancy is addressed.

Why does God prevent you from conceiving a child?

Before you read a prayer for conceiving a healthy child, you should think about why the Lord does not allow the couple to conceive a baby. The Orthodox Church talks a lot about infertility. It is believed that a child is God’s gift, and it is not given to everyone. Some people are destined to undergo difficult trials in order to become parents. Someone, having resigned himself to his fate, remains childless until the end of his days. Each person has a separate path, which should not be tried to be corrected by methods unrecognized by the church.

Prayers for pregnancy

The Lord always gives Christian believers tests according to their strength - priests and religious books tirelessly repeat this. If we are talking about infertility, then perhaps this is a kind of punishment for past sins - betrayal, deception, foul language, theft and other acts. Often a woman cannot become pregnant after her first abortion. From the point of view of clergy, regretting pregnancy and its termination is tantamount to murder.

God does not give a child to the mother who was once able to give up her own baby. To get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child, the couple are ready to do anything. IVF, surrogacy, the use of donor cells - all this is also considered a sin. If the first child was conceived and born in a way not recognized by religion, and the spouses did not repent of their deeds, then it happens that the Almighty does not give a second child.

The reason for the lack of pregnancy, as church ministers say, can be:

  • unmarried marriage;
  • past sins;
  • lack of faith in God;
  • sinful thoughts;
  • alcohol abuse and drug addiction;
  • violence;
  • another calling and destiny.

The Orthodox Church believes that if the Lord does not give a child, then a person is assigned a different task in this life. It is worth remembering that many saints were born to elderly parents and were “begged and cried out” by God. Perhaps the time for the birth of a child has not yet come. Priests advise childless couples to be patient and pray to Christ for the gift of children.

Life path of Blessed Matrona

Saint Matrona of Moscow lived a very difficult life, full of trials. She was crippled from birth and had no eyes. When she was not yet born, her parents decided that they would send her to an orphanage, since times were difficult, they had to work a lot and, in addition, they already had three children. But this, fortunately, was not destined to come true: Matrona’s mother had an unusual dream that a wonderful bird sat on her shoulder, but her eyes were closed. Matrona’s mother realized that this was a dream from God and decided to leave the child in the family. When Matrona was born, her mother immediately realized that the dream was prophetic.

When the baby was baptized, a miracle happened: after the priest dipped Matrona three times in the font, everyone present in the temple felt a wonderful fragrance that emanated from the baby.

Rice. 3. Matronushka loved to pray since childhood.

From an early age, the girl loved going to church; at home she had her own prayer corner, where she spent a lot of time praying. Her relationship with her peers did not work out from the very beginning: the children teased and offended her. She learned to go to church on her own and never missed a single service.

For her pure and open heart, fervent prayer, as well as for her suffering, the Lord gives her a great gift: at the age of 8, she, being blind, begins to see with spiritual eyes. She could see what healthy people could not see, she could foresee the future, and warn a person against something bad. Through her pure prayer to God, people began to be healed. From then on, huge queues lined up at their house: Matronushka accepted everyone and helped everyone who sincerely asked her for it and believed in God.

Rice. 4. Even in childhood, the Lord miraculously revealed to Matrona the beauty of God’s world, she saw everything with her own eyes.

When Matrona grew up, she began to go on pilgrimages to holy places with the daughter of a local landowner. Going to Kronstadt, they visited St. Andrew's Church, where the great Russian preacher John of Kronstadt served. The saint was delivering a sermon at this time. Seeing Matrona, he called her to him and predicted before all those praying her special service to the Russian people during the time of persecution of the Church of God.

At the age of 17, Matrona lost her legs. And she also accepts this illness with gratitude. Now she receives all her visitors sitting on the bed.

Rice. 5. This is how Matrona, sitting on the bed, received everyone in need.

In 1925, Matrona moved to Moscow. And there she did not stop helping people, even though she herself had a very difficult life. Stalin himself visited the saint; she predicted to him that Moscow would not be taken by the Nazis.

Long before her death, the Lord revealed to Saint Matrona the date of her death, but even knowing this, she continued to pray to the Lord for the weak and needy, and through her prayers, miracles continued to happen. The blessed old woman reposed in the Lord on May 2, 1952. She was buried at the Moscow Danilovsky cemetery. On May 1, 1998, her relics were transferred to the Intercession Monastery, in 1999 the blessed old woman was canonized as a locally revered saint, and 5 years later the church-wide canonization of the saint took place. Now her holy relics can be venerated in the Moscow Intercession Monastery, where even now she continues to help everyone who comes to her with faith.

How to pray to get pregnant

It is better to go to the temple to pray for the conception and birth of a child. But you can also make a petition to the Lord at home. It is advisable to have an icon to which prayer will be addressed, but this is not a prerequisite. The Lord is in a person’s heart and can hear a request that is not even spoken out loud.

Read prayers out loud, in a whisper or mentally - everyone chooses for themselves. All options are acceptable. It is a mistake to believe that in a sacred place God will hear requests faster. The main thing is that the request is sincere.

In order for prayer for infertility to help, you must follow the rules of the ritual.

  • When turning to the Lord with requests and hope for pregnancy, you should first confess and cleanse yourself of sins. Thus, the couple will increase the chances of a speedy fulfillment of their cherished desire. Admitting your mistakes is half the way to healing the soul and harmony with yourself. As you know, everything in the human body is interconnected. If there is peace in the soul and heart, then other organs are healed.
  • You should pray for the gift of a baby together with your spouse. We must remember that children must be born in a legal marriage. It is better if it is concluded “in heaven”. There are cases where spouses were able to conceive a child only after the wedding and blessing with prayer.
  • When reading a prayer, you must believe in its power with all your soul. If you pronounce words about petition dryly or without sincere faith, you can not count on a positive result. During the ritual, a woman should imagine herself as a future mother and think that a new life will soon be born in her body.
  • You shouldn’t tell everyone about your prayers for your child. The fewer people who know about your requests, the better. Envious and evil tongues can only do harm and lead you astray. It’s good if your spouse knows about the prayers. He may wish to join the ritual and independently ask the Almighty for a child.
  • To read the prayer you must be alone. It is worth turning off the TV and phone. It is important that nothing distracts from the sacred rite.
  • The prayer for conception must be addressed to a specific Saint. Before turning to higher powers for help, you should find out as much information as possible about them. It happens that people unknowingly turn to an icon, from which they need to ask for the repose of a deceased person.

A request for a child should not be a one-time request. If the spouses decide to turn to God for help, they must pray regularly. It is important to ask not only for pregnancy, but also for the Lord to send you strength to fight the illness and help you heal your soul and body.

Life of the Saint

Matrona Dmitrievna Nikonovna, better known to the world as Matrona of Moscow, was born in 1881 in the Tula province. The girl was the youngest child in the family; her parents were no longer young. Due to poverty, believing that the fourth child in the family is an extra mouth, when Matronushka was still in the womb, the mother decided to get rid of her.

But since abortion and the murder of a child were out of the question in an Orthodox family, the mother decided after the birth to send the child to a neighboring village, to the Golitsyn orphanage. Even before her birth, the girl appeared to her mother in the form of a bird with a human face, the bird's eyes were closed. The mother accepted the dream as prophetic and decided not to take the child to the orphanage. And Matrona was born with her eyes closed - blind.

From the age of seven or eight, the girl Matrona discovered a gift: to predict and heal the sick. When her relatives learned about the abilities of the very young Matryushenka, and that’s what her mother called her, then the fame of the healer spread throughout all the nearby villages. People flocked to the Nikonovs’ house for help, even from other provinces and districts. She raised even those who were dying.

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All her life, Her Beatitude Matrona of Moscow fought for every soul that came to her. There was nothing magical in her actions, she did not enter into conspiracies with dark forces, she simply had God’s gift and thanks to this she helped people throughout her life.

Days of Honor

In the Orthodox world, it is customary to venerate the Holy Matronushka on May 2 (new style), the day of her death. On this day, divine services in honor of the Matrona of Moscow are held in Orthodox churches.

Which patrons should I contact?

Many couples don’t know who to pray to in order to get pregnant. Every righteous person is responsible before God and intercedes for the person who asks. If you turn to the praying ministers of the church and ask who to read the prayer for conception, you can hear about several saints who help in the fight against infertility.

We have heard the magical power of the Matrona of Moscow and the Mother of God - Saints who cannot be indifferent to a childless couple. To get pregnant, prayers should be addressed to Xenia of St. Petersburg, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Alexander Svirsky, Peter and Fevronia.

The Wonderworker Roman and Archangel Gabriel also help to cope with infertility and bring the moment of conception closer. Healing from childlessness by prayer occurs by turning to Jesus Christ himself and the Lord God.

Prayer to the Lord

A prayer to become pregnant and give birth to a healthy child is read to God. Couples who prayed to the Lord talk about the miraculous power of petition. For many of them, the Almighty sooner or later sends a baby. The most powerful prayer to get pregnant “For the gift of children.”

If a prayer for the birth of a child during infertility helped, and the couple managed to conceive, we must thank God for the happiness sent and ask for the health of the unborn baby.

Holy Mother of God

The most famous Saint is the Mother of God. All believers turn to her with various requests. A prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos for the conception of a child is considered miraculous. The “Quick to Hear” icon holds a baby in her arms. It was this woman who was chosen by the Lord for the birth of Jesus Christ, the main follower. Therefore, the prayer of the Mother of God, like no other, helps to cope with suffering. The Mother of God understands the feelings of a childless woman and helps her find the joy of motherhood.

They read a prayer to the Mother of God for conceiving a child in front of an icon with a burning church candle. It is believed that it also helps during pregnancy, when there is a threat to the child’s life. The prayer for the gift of children is pronounced sincerely; you need to ask to send a baby not only for yourself, but also for your spouse.

The prayer for conception at the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Annunciation and Dormition has special power. It should be remembered that the child should not be conceived during fasting. Therefore, the prayer of the Kazan Mother of God can be said when the soul requires communication with the Almighty, and one can try to conceive on the permitted days.

Nicholas the Wonderworker

A prayer to help you get pregnant can be addressed to Saint Nicholas. The miracle worker is considered the protector of young children, families and expectant mothers. When saying a prayer, you should ask for forgiveness of sins.

Spouses who place their hope in Saint Nicholas pray that the Wonderworker will intercede for them before the Almighty and help them become parents.

Alexander Svirsky

Prayer to Alexander Svirsky helps an infertile couple conceive a son or give birth to two babies at once. The petition grants healthy offspring even to those couples who have not been able to establish the reason for the lack of pregnancy.

You need to read a prayer to conceive a child with a pure heart and forgiven sins. It is better to come to the temple, confess, and then turn to the Saint, asking for the birth of a child of the same gender.

Peter and Fevronia

A request for relief from childlessness should be made to the intercessors of families and children - Peter and Fevronia. It is believed that the face of the Saints is an example and represents a symbol of fidelity and respect for spouses.

A prayer to Peter and Fevronia for the conception of a child and the birth of a healthy baby is said in front of an icon depicting these Saints. The petition has the greatest power on the day of family, fidelity and love, which is celebrated on July 8.

Roman the Wonderworker

All couples facing difficulties in conceiving should read a prayer to Roman the Wonderworker for the gift of children. The Divine Saint helps to gain strength to solve health problems.

As reviews say, it is better to read a prayer to Roman the Wonderworker for infertility at dawn through an open window, and not in front of an icon. It is recommended to say the words of petition every Friday no later than 5 a.m. with an empty stomach. However, clergy say that it is not necessary to adhere to such a framework. You can turn to the face of the Saint with a request to “resolve infertility” at any time when your heart and soul require it.

Archangel Gabriel

There are two known prayers to Archangel Gabriel for conception, which have special power. First, a request for help is read. A childless couple prays that the Saint will protect and protect them from possible sinful deeds and thoughts, and also ask the Almighty to forgive existing offenses.

The second prayer “On Conception” is also read together with the spouse.

Luka Krymsky

A prayer for pregnancy is said to Saint Luke, who is also considered the patron saint of married couples. During the reading, the woman and the man ask the Saint to convey their words to the Almighty and fulfill their deepest desire - to become parents.

The prayer to Luke of Crimea for conception is read in front of his image at home or in church. After this, you need to cross yourself and light a candle.

Prayer to the Mother of God for the gift of children

“Oh, All-Merciful, Good and True Defender of ours, Lady Theotokos, who knew the happiness of Motherhood, in whom you received the excitement, hopes, anxiety and sorrow of all earthly mothers, do not leave with Your prayers those who fall to Your holy and miraculous icon of these servants (names) and ask Your Son and all God have permission for infertility, in childbirth there is help and happiness, and as a baby they have reliable protection and protection.
Look, O Most Pure Mother, upon these Thy servants, united in marital union and begging for Thy help, may Thy mercy be upon them, may they be fruitful and may they see their sons' sons to the third and fourth generation and may they live to the desired old age and enter the Kingdom The heavenly Thy Son and our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom all glory, honor and worship is due with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen". There are several icons of the Mother of God that are considered “feminine”, helping in women’s affairs. These icons are prayed for marriage, family happiness, and, of course, for pregnancy and easy childbirth, as well as for the health of children.

Petitions to Paraskeva Pyatnitsa

Martyr Paraskeva has long been loved by the Russian people. The saint dedicated her life to God, preached the faith to the nations, and was honored with martyrdom. Mother Paraskeva, in heaven, intercedes with God for all those who turn to her with requests for the gift of children and family well-being.

Prayer to Paraskeva Friday for the birth of a girl:

Oh, holy and blessed martyr of Christ Paraskeva, maiden beauty, praise of the martyrs, purity of image, magnanimous mirrors, wonder of the wise, guardian of the Christian faith, idolatry flattery to the accuser, champion of the Divine Gospel, zealot of the Lord’s commandments, vouchsafed to come to the haven of eternal rest and in the chamber of the Bridegroom your Christ God, brightly rejoicing, adorned with the extreme crown of virginity and martyrdom! We pray to you, holy martyr, to be sorrowful for us to Christ God, whose most blessed sight will always rejoice. Pray to the All-Merciful One, Who opened the eyes of the blind with His word, that He may deliver us from the illness of our hair, both physical and mental; with your holy prayers, kindle the dark darkness that has come from our sins, ask the Father of Light for the light of grace for our souls and bodies; Enlighten us, darkened by sins, with the light of God’s grace, so that for the sake of your holy prayers sweet vision will be given to the dishonest. Oh, great servant of God!

O most courageous maiden! Oh, strong martyr Saint Paraskeva! With your holy prayers, be a helper to us sinners, intercede and pray for the damned and extremely negligent sinners, hasten to help us, for we are extremely weak. Pray to the Lord, pure maiden, pray to the Merciful, holy martyr, pray to your Bridegroom, immaculate bride of Christ, so that by your prayers, having escaped the darkness of sin, in the light of the true faith and divine deeds we will enter into the eternal light of the never-evening day, into the city of everlasting joy, in now you shine brightly with glory and endless joy, glorifying and singing with all the heavenly powers the Trisagion of the One Divinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Paraskeva’s prayer for the birth of a girl does not include the request for a child itself; it should be added at the end, formulated in your own words. It happens that in some families the inability to get pregnant causes discord and leads to misunderstanding between spouses. Prayers to the righteous woman will help revive love and strengthen the marriage union.

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