How the Japanese calendar 2020 will help determine the best day for conceiving a certain gender: chart, horoscope, calculation example

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Author of the article: Ekaterina Sergeevna Churaeva

Practicing obstetrician-gynecologist, ultrasound diagnostics doctor

For future parents, the Japanese table for determining the gender of the child will be useful. This is an alternative way to find out if the birth is a boy or a girl.

In this case, you don’t need to spend a lot of time, you don’t need money and you don’t need to wait for a certain period of pregnancy. This explains the enormous popularity of the method both in Japan and abroad.

History of the Japanese table

The table for determining the sex of a child is Japanese, which is no coincidence. In this country, from time immemorial, it was considered a matter of principle to have a son, an heir. Families in which only girls appeared were not accepted by society. Those who never had a boy had to adopt him. It was important that the adopted boys had common blood with their father, so many difficulties arose.

In order to obtain information about gender in advance, a Japanese table was developed to determine the gender of the unborn child. This factor made life much easier for future parents. Early determination of the child's gender, which the Japanese table helped with, made it possible to plan the gender of children in advance.

In many states it was also important to have male children who had the right to inherit family property and to participate in the division. Therefore, this method quickly found applications far beyond Japan.

Today, this method is used all over the world and helps parents obtain information about their future children. For many it is no longer so important whether the baby is born a boy or a girl. Information is needed to prepare things of a certain color.

Japanese child sex chart for 2018: history

The history of the Japanese method of determining the sex of a child goes back to ancient times, when for rulers the birth of a male heir was of fundamental importance, which was associated with the opportunity to continue the dynasty of rule.
If we talk about the cultural mentality of the Japanese, it is worth noting that the birth of a boy in a family was considered important not only for imperial families. The presence of a son directly determined the position that a man occupied in society. This is precisely what is connected with the creation of the Japanese method of child planning, which was developed by Japanese sages and healers many centuries ago. It is interesting that from ancient times the tradition of the obligatory birth and upbringing of a boy has migrated to the present day, which is why many couples even resort to adopting an heir in the event of childlessness or the birth of only girls in the family. Therefore, the Japanese table for determining the sex of a child is still very popular to this day.

Japanese baby gender determination calendar for 2020

The Japanese calendar consists of special tables, based on the data of which it is possible to determine the gender of the unborn child, and even plan the conception of a boy or girl by choosing the “correct” method for this. The basic principle on which the table is built is a comparison of the month in which conception occurred (or will occur) with the dates of birth of the partners.

Operating principle

The principle on which the Japanese calendar for determining gender is based has a completely scientific basis, supported by discoveries in such fields of knowledge as biology or genetics. If we turn to the information presented in school textbooks, we can recall that the sex of the unborn child is determined at the moment of conception, and depends on the set of chromosomes received from the parents.

A woman is a carrier of only X-type chromosomes, that is, chromosomes that determine the female sex. A man’s genetic set includes two types of chromosomes: X and Y, so conceiving a boy is possible by merging a female X-type chromosome with a male Y-chromosome. In the case when, at the moment of conception, a woman’s egg unites with a sperm carrying the X chromosome, the couple will be given the birth of a female baby.

The calculations presented in the Japanese gender determination calendar indicate a high level of awareness that ancient Japanese doctors had regarding the process and genetic characteristics of conceiving a new life. After all, the principle of operation of the table is based precisely on taking into account the presence of X or Y-type chromosomes in a man’s DNA.

According to the compilers of the calendar, the human body is subject to hormonal changes depending on the time of year, and therefore the predominance of female or male chromosomes in a man may vary in different months. The susceptibility of a female egg to join with sperm carrying different types of chromosomes may also change. Thus, the Japanese gender determination calendar has every chance of accurately indicating to future parents the gender of their unborn child.

Instructions for use

The Japanese calendar attracts with its simplicity and does not require complex mathematical calculations. It consists of two tables, which are processed in the following order.

  1. It is necessary to know the month of birth of a woman and a man. In the table, the birth months of the parents are marked in horizontal (male) and vertical (female) columns.
  2. At the intersection of the birth months of a man and a woman there is a number. You need to remember it, and then move on to the second table.

  3. To use the second table, you must know the date of conception of the child. This parameter is of fundamental importance, so the date should be calculated as accurately as possible.

The date of conception is not the date the pregnancy test was taken or the date your period was missed. Conception occurs on the day of ovulation, or within 2-3 days before and after it. Ovulation for most women occurs 2 weeks after the start of menstruation. Thus, if conception occurred, for example, at the end of March, and a woman took a pregnancy test after a missed period, in mid-April, then the month of conception should be considered March, not April.

  1. Having determined the month of conception, you should find it in the second table (horizontally), and find in the table the column of intersection with the number obtained in the first table (the numbers are located vertically). The resulting cell will contain the result of determining the sex of the baby.

Today there are a large number of versions of the Japanese sex determination table. In some of them, the boy/girl designations are represented by a blue or pink column, in others - by a cross or a circle. You can even find tables in which small images of a boy or girl are drawn. Do not be afraid of such diversity - regardless of design, the principle of operation of all tables is identical.

Planning method based on parents' birth dates

If we carefully examine the two tables of the Japanese calendar, we can conclude that it takes into account three factors: the woman’s date of birth, the man’s date of birth and the month of conception. Based on the date of birth of the future parents, it can be established that for any couple there is a limited number of months during the year in order to conceive a child of the desired gender. Thus, the method based on parents’ birth dates will also be useful for couples who are just planning a baby and want to conceive a boy or girl.

Calculation example

Calculating the gender of your unborn child using the Japanese calendar is quite simple. So, for example, if the expectant mother was born on September 20, and the father’s birth date is March 12, the calculations for this couple will be as follows.

  1. We find at the intersection of the columns of the first table of the calendar the number corresponding to the month of birth of the future parents: September and March. In this case it is the number 9.

  2. The couple knows the month of conceiving a child - February. We are looking for the intersection of the month of conception with the number 9 in the second table.
  3. The result is ready! Most likely, the couple is expecting the birth of a girl.

How to calculate the gender of a child using the pregnancy calendar?

The Japanese pregnancy calendar helps to calculate the gender of the child. To determine, you need to know the months in which each parent was born. You will also need to know the month of conception of future children.

How to find out the gender of the unborn child using the Japanese table?

  1. You need to find the month of birth of the mother in the column and the month of birth of the father in the row, and compare them.
  2. The resulting number is searched using the second table. Going down the column in it, you look for the month of conception.
  3. Based on which direction the graph deviates, it becomes clear whether a girl or a boy will appear.

Japanese pregnancy chart

That is, the Japanese table for determining the sex of the unborn child consists of two parts. The technique is simple, its application is clear for everyone who wants to try it. There are many sites on the Internet that allow you to use this method without using tables: by entering all the information you will immediately get the result.

This method can be used not only for an existing pregnancy, but also when planning one. It is necessary for conception to occur in a certain month. This information will be useful to people planning a child of a certain gender.

Gender of the unborn child - Chinese table

This manuscript was invented by Chinese ancestors. It is compiled taking into account the phases of the Moon - the eternal satellite of our planet, and certain characteristics of the female body. These features include the change of blood that occurs every month.

Important: Chinese sages are sure that it is the monthly menstrual cycle that affects the gender of the unborn child.

Chinese table for determining the sex of the unborn child

The Chinese table will help you quickly and easily find out who will be born - a boy or a girl:

  • The table consists of 336 cells with the letters “D” and “M”, where D is a girl and M is a boy
  • Vertical numbers indicate the mother's age. In order for the calculations to be accurate, add 9 months to the age of the woman in labor.
  • Months are indicated horizontally

Important: If you are planning to conceive a boy, choose the age of the expectant mother and look for the letter “M”. Opposite which months this letter is located, in those months you will be able to conceive a boy. This is also what you need to do if you want to conceive a girl.

The accuracy of this method is more than 75%. The main thing is to correctly determine the month of conception.

Does the date of birth of the parents determine the gender of the baby?

It turns out that the Japanese table determines the sex of the child based on the birth months of the parents; the exact date is not needed. In addition, it is imperative to know the month of conception. No further data will be required. If there is a lack of information, it is impossible to obtain a result using this method.

The Japanese table helps to calculate the gender of the child, the pregnancy table helps with this. It turns out that to obtain the necessary information you do not need to go to hospitals, take tests, pay, or wait. The whole process will take no more than a couple of minutes. It is fast, convenient, safe, unlike most scientific procedures, which give more accurate results.

This method appeared as a result of long-term observations of those who were born to certain parents, that is, in other words, such a determination of gender is a sign, on the basis of which the tables are compiled. The accuracy of this sign is approximately the same as that of other signs, for example those related to the weather.

The gender of a child is determined randomly when an egg is fertilized. In the natural course of things, nothing affects this process, including neither the age nor the date of birth of the parents.

On whom and on what does the sex of the unborn child at conception depend: on chance, man or woman?

How does the table work?

We all know that the sex of the unborn child depends on the fusion of the chromosomes of the mother and father. In a woman, the egg contains the X chromosome. Male sperm can contain two types of chromosomes: X (female) and Y (male).

Thus, the gender of the baby is determined by the man. As scientists previously argued, it was impossible to predict which chromosomes would connect. If two X chromosomes fuse, the result is a girl, if X and Y are a boy.

However, Japanese scientists have refuted this theory. They believe that the connection of chromosomes depends on the period when conception occurs. At a certain time, a man’s body is capable of producing only one or another type of chromosome. As a result, 2 tables were formed, which indicate the most favorable periods for conceiving a child of one gender or another.

You should not think that at other times it is impossible to conceive a boy or, conversely, a girl. However, the probability drops significantly.

Is there a 100% method for determining the birth month of parents?

A pregnancy calendar is needed to calculate the sex of the child, which the Japanese table contains. This method is convenient due to its simplicity, but is not scientific. The results obtained from it were not substantiated, just as the uselessness of this table was not confirmed.

The Japanese table for determining the sex of a child based on the birth dates of the parents can be used to obtain estimated information. That is, it will not be possible to accurately determine the sex of the child using the Japanese table.

In general, statistics indicate 50 percent of errors obtained when using this method. That is, in 50 percent of cases the theory is confirmed.

Difficulties arise if the parents were born close to the transition of one month to another, or conception occurred during such a period. Perhaps it is in such cases that errors in calculations occur.

There are special procedures for comparison:

  1. Using an ultrasound, you will get a result with a 90% probability, provided that the baby turns the right way and does not block the view with arms or legs.
  2. A DNA test of the mother’s blood for the presence of Y chromosomes that are atypical for women is a way to find out the sex of the unborn child with 99.99% probability.
  3. You can do a chorionic villus biopsy and get an accurate result. In this case, it is possible to infect the fetus during the procedure or even provoke a miscarriage. Therefore, a biopsy is performed in extreme cases according to the doctor’s indications.
  4. To exclude genetic pathologies, amniotic fluid is analyzed. The result includes information about gender with 100% accuracy. The procedure can cause miscarriage or infection of the fetus. It is carried out in case of predisposition to chromosomal abnormalities.

When is it possible to determine the sex of the unborn child during pregnancy and how to find out who will be born by the last menstruation, by the shape of the mother’s belly and by other folk signs? At what week of pregnancy can you accurately find out the sex of the baby using an ultrasound?

How to use the calculator

  1. Enter your date of birth and the date of your planned conception. The date of conception is entered as an approximate date. In the middle and at the end of the year, the day of conception is actually not important. The date determines whether it is before or after the Chinese Lunar New Year and which month it belongs to.
  2. Click the button “Calculate the lunar age of the mother and the sex of the child.”
  3. The calculator will carry out all the necessary calculations, give you your lunar age, convert the entered date to a date according to the lunar calendar and tell you who, according to the Chinese, you are more likely to be born with as a result of conception at this time.

To quickly assess the forecasts for the neighboring months, you can simply refer to the table below the calculator.
There, find the line with the mother’s lunar age and the column with the lunar month of conception. At the intersection of these rows and columns is the gender prediction (“M” (boy) or “D” (girl)). According to Chinese statistics, the accuracy of sex determination is 75-80% .

Even if you don't believe in it, try it, let it be a little fun. Don’t forget to share in the comments whether the prognosis is correct (if conception has already occurred and you know the results of the ultrasound).

Remember that no lunar calendar can simultaneously take into account all the characteristics of all women!

The lunar calendar is not Gregorian; the number of days in a year and months may differ (not significantly) from our usual calendar. All dates in it are tied to the phases of the moon.

Japanese calendar (table) for conceiving a child of a certain gender: pros and cons?

The popularity of the described calendar (table) is determined by the list of the following advantages:

– provides the opportunity to determine the sex of the child ; – is easy to use; – if you believe the reviews of parents, it has a high level of accuracy; – helps to plan the gender of the baby based on the date of conception . Be that as it may, the Japanese calendar (table) is not a 100% guarantee. That is why you should not blindly believe him. Some moms and dads admit that nothing worked for them.

How accurate is the Chinese table for determining the sex of a child based on the date of conception and the age of the mother?

Whether to believe the sign or not is everyone’s personal choice. For some, everything comes together and the gender of the baby is the same, but for others it turns out the other way around: the Chinese calendar for determining the gender of a child shows a boy, but a girl is born, and sometimes even two girls at once. Together with the table, many plan the birth of children of certain genders. This tablet was invented in ancient times along with the Chinese horoscope, when medicine was not yet able to calculate the sex of a child using special equipment, because it simply had not yet been invented.

The Chinese tablet helped many people calculate the sex of the child; to do this, they only needed to know the lunar age of the mother and the month the child was conceived. This method was also used to plan the sex of the baby. This sign also came to us in Russia a very long time ago, and our parents (mostly mothers) determined gender using it. They drew these signs for each other and sent them in letters to future parents, since there were no electronic mailboxes like there are now. Those who lived close to their friends simply brought this sign to the pregnant woman’s work or home and, together with her over a cup of tea, carefully looked at the Chinese gender determination calendar and eagerly tried to calculate the sex of the unborn baby.

Should you trust the Chinese calendar?

Many people firmly believe in such tables and calculations. And no matter what method you use to determine the gender of your future baby (traditional or non-traditional), remember that regardless of the gender of the child, you will love him with all your heart.

Oddly enough, this calendar does not take the father’s data, although the father’s role here is no less than the mother’s. As you know, fetal genes contain Y chromosomes, which determine male sex. That is why science questions such a method of determining the sex of a child as the ancient Chinese conception calendar. Most likely, the methodology of such a calendar is still based on coincidences. Of course, no one forbids you to engage in this kind of calculations.

Some statistics and real reviews

No one is counting the coincidences of this ancient calendar, but a small survey was conducted on one of the many forums for mothers:

“Did the prediction turn out to be true?”:

  • yes - 274 people (77.84%);
  • no - 66 people (18.75%);
  • partially (because twins or triplets were born) - 12 people. (3.41%).

Review No. 1: Um, for the most part these are coincidences, but you can probably find out the sex of the baby only with an ultrasound (and sometimes with errors), but certainly not with Chinese calendars of dubious origin.

Review No. 2: I have two sons, the third according to the calendar is also a boy. We wait ).

Review #3: Strange calendar, 21-year-olds should almost always give birth to girls!

Review #4: I’ve probably seen this calendar about 100 times online. But I didn’t even know that I needed to add 9 months to my age. Therefore, the first calculation showed a boy, and the second a girl. And it worked out!! Girl!

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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