Is chocolate good or bad during pregnancy?

Benefits for the body

Experts believe that this is a very healthy delicacy for the body. First of all, it directly affects mood (“happiness hormone”). While eating, a woman’s mood improves, anxiety and stress go away. Thus, eating sweets has a positive effect on the nervous system, and the calmness of the mother directly affects the condition of the fetus. Other beneficial properties of the product include:

  • Antioxidant properties (slowing down the aging of the body due to the flavonoids included in the composition).
  • Contains B vitamins and microelements (calcium, magnesium, etc.).
  • Increased tone due to the low caffeine content; with moderate consumption there is no harm to the fetus.
  • Stabilization of blood pressure.
  • Strengthening blood vessels, beneficial effects on the liver and kidneys thanks to theobromine.

Hot chocolate during pregnancy

Once again I will repeat the unwritten truth, everything is good in moderation. We have already written about the beneficial properties of chocolate; they are just as useful for expectant mothers. Just remember that chocolate is a known allergen. You just don’t need to overuse it, because infants are often susceptible to allergic reactions, let alone those who have not yet been born.

Hot chocolate is a healthy drink containing beneficial substances and vitamins. Yes, it also has the potential to have a negative effect on the body. But all side effects can be easily avoided if you do not use the product in moderation. When consumed correctly, the drink will provide taste pleasure and positive emotions.

Should pregnant women eat chocolate?

Despite the benefits, experts still prohibit chocolate during pregnancy.
First of all, this is due to a possible allergy to the product, as well as a high sugar content (especially in milk and white). Another negative point is disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system (a pregnant woman often suffers from constipation when consuming too much sweets).

White porous

This type is considered the most useless and even harmful for a pregnant woman. There is no cocoa in its composition, and the sugar level is simply cosmic. In addition, white chocolate manufacturers add various emulsifiers, stabilizers and other bad components to the composition. Therefore, including it in the diet, a woman gets more harm than good.

Black in later stages

It is recognized as the most useful, as it contains the highest content of cocoa and other good substances.

But at the same time it contains a lot of caffeine, which is undesirable in later stages. Dark chocolate contains a lot of sugar, eating which in recent months can cause you to gain extra pounds. For a pregnant woman, this phenomenon is extremely undesirable.

Dairy in the early stages

This product is not advisable to consume during pregnancy due to its low cocoa content and high sugar concentration.
In addition, manufacturers add vegetable fats to it, which cause severe harm to the health of the mother and fetus. Excessive consumption of milk chocolate in the first trimester increases the chances of miscarriage.

With fruit fillings

This type of sweets is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. It contains a high content of artificial flavors and taste enhancers, which negatively affect the health of the fetus.

Composition and types of chocolate

A rich confectionery product made from cocoa beans or cocoa powder with the addition of butter. Depending on the concentration of cocoa, chocolate is divided into the following types:

  • black – 70-80% powder (good indicator);
  • milk – 30-50% cocoa beans;
  • white – 0% cocoa.

Dark chocolate contains virtually no cocoa butter, so the bitter taste is achieved through a combination of sugar and powder. A third of the milk bar consists of fast carbohydrates - sugars, and 15% of dry cream or high-fat milk, which does not make it a healthy sweet during pregnancy. White chocolate has nothing in common with classic chocolate, as it consists exclusively of milk powder and cream, fats, sugars, vanillin and flavor enhancers.

Classic dark or milk chocolate contains the following components in varying proportions:

  • proteins – up to 8%;
  • saturated fats of plant and animal origin – up to 40%;
  • carbohydrates (mainly sugars) – about 6%;
  • alkaloids (caffeine, well-known to everyone, as well as theobromine);
  • tannins;
  • tryptophan;
  • anandamide;
  • phenylethylamine;
  • microelements (magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and others);
  • B vitamins and others;
  • organic acids;
  • flavonoids.

If we talk about the benefits of chocolate during pregnancy, then each type should be ranked depending on its properties.

  1. White chocolate.
    Does not contain cocoa, which demonstrates beneficial properties for the body. To obtain a characteristic taste and pleasant appearance, dyes, thickeners, preservatives, flavor enhancers and sweeteners are used. Sugars and fats negatively affect the body of the expectant mother, lead to blockage of blood vessels with cholesterol and waste, and inhibit digestion.
  2. Lactic.
    This type contains a sufficient amount of cocoa powder, making it a healthy treat during pregnancy. Of course, you should follow the dosage and not get carried away with filling options, because the same dyes, flavor enhancers and other chemicals are used to create a rich taste.
  3. Black.
    Despite the bitterness, such chocolate has been and always remains the most healthy confectionery product. It contains practically no sugar and fat, has a low calorie content, so it can be used for therapeutic and dietary nutrition. A few squares of treats help mom out on a long journey, as they perfectly satisfy the feeling of hunger and charge the body with energy. Of course, doctors do not advise consuming more than 30 g due to the high caffeine content.
  4. Hot.
    Mainly sold in soft packs and sticks in the form of soluble powder. There is nothing healthy in the drink - the cocoa content is negligible, but there is a high proportion of sugars, fats and dry ingredients. If you want a hot drink, then prepare it yourself (for 1 glass of boiling milk, take 2 teaspoons of cocoa and sugar).

The positive properties of the confectionery product are due to its composition.

  1. Tryptophan is involved in the secretion of happiness hormones - phenylethylamine and serotonin. They improve mood, improve the general condition of the body, help overcome depression, irritability, nervousness, anxiety and insomnia.
  2. Theobromine stimulates contractions of the heart muscle, which affects normal blood flow through the placental circle to the baby. The component also provides relaxation of the muscular system, thereby eliminating spasms (headaches, dental pain, intestinal colic). Theobromine gradually dilates blood vessels, which regulates blood circulation and helps lower blood pressure. That is, eating chocolate is a prevention of hypertensive conditions (hypertension, eclampsia and preeclampsia). Theobromine’s “competence” also includes irritating the nerve fibers inside the kidneys, which leads to their self-cleaning and removal of excess fluid. That is, we can say with confidence that chocolate helps reduce swelling.
  3. Iron is involved in the transport of oxygen to tissues and cells, increases the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells, which is important for the expectant mother. Chocolate can prevent the development of anemia in pregnant women.
  4. Magnesium ensures the development and strengthening of the child’s nervous system and lays the foundation for brain cells. For a pregnant woman, the microelement is also important, as it increases concentration and productivity, and reduces the manifestations of stress.
  5. Flavonoids, as natural antioxidants, prevent cell oxidation, thereby prolonging their life and youth. They also fight radionuclides, toxins and pathogenic microflora, strengthening the immunity of mother and baby.
  6. Caffeine in reasonable dosages (up to 150 mg per day) is not only harmless, but also beneficial. It mobilizes the body's reserves, relieves chronic fatigue and lethargy, and loss of strength.
  7. Calcium ensures the formation of the child’s skeleton, supports and strengthens the bone and cartilage tissue of the pregnant woman. It also prevents the leaching of beneficial components from the enamel, which often leads to crumbling teeth in pregnant women.

The negative impact of the sweet product is due to the following properties.

  1. Chocolate is not a natural substance, but is obtained artificially through the processing of cocoa beans, fats, oils, milk powder and sugar. It’s difficult to call it dietary.
  2. Caffeine abuse leads to overstimulation of the nervous system, resulting in worsening pregnancy problems: nervousness, anxiety, irritability, mood swings. Frequent consumption of chocolate in the evening negatively affects the quality and duration of sleep.
  3. In large doses, chocolate affects blood circulation, disrupts blood flow to the pelvic area, which can cause fetal hypoxia.
  4. Treats in a volume of more than 30 g per day increase heartburn, increase stomach acidity and can cause exacerbation of ulcers, gastritis and colitis.
  5. Chocolate belongs to the category of strong food allergens that cause an acute reaction, including angioedema. In addition, abuse of the product can lead to a congenital allergy to cocoa products in the baby and the appearance of atopic dermatitis. A side effect is that cocoa removes histamine from the body, which helps fight allergies.
  6. Due to its high sugar content, chocolate should not be consumed by women with impaired glucose tolerance.

Strict contraindications for use:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys (including urolithiasis and kidney stones);
  • hypotension;
  • diabetes mellitus or gestational diabetes;
  • allergy to cocoa products;
  • pathologies or complications of pregnancy;
  • eating disorders (nausea, heartburn, flatulence);
  • chronic insomnia;
  • obesity of the first and second degree.

In other cases, a pregnant woman can afford a few squares of natural chocolate, which will only benefit her and the baby. 20-30 g of treats are enough to improve mood, get rid of chronic fatigue and ensure the normal formation of the child’s central nervous system.

Why not: contraindications

The main prohibition before consuming sweets during pregnancy is the high risk of developing allergies. Other contraindications include:

  • Metabolic disorders in the mother (due to its high calorie content, it provokes excess weight gain, which is very dangerous during pregnancy).
  • Excessive consumption in later stages leads to an increase in caffeine levels in the body. Under such conditions, the child shows strong activity in the womb.
  • The presence of heartburn (a sweet product only enhances this unpleasant feeling).

Before including chocolate in your diet, you should consult your doctor, this will reduce the risk of developing unwanted complications.

What to do if you want chocolate

If you want chocolate during pregnancy, it is better to give preference to dark varieties of cocoa product and carefully study the composition. It should not contain preservatives, flavors, palm, soybean or cottonseed oil. The main ingredients are natural cocoa, cocoa butter, powdered sugar.

In late pregnancy, you can replace the cocoa product with carob-based chocolate. It has a composition richer in vitamins, is more easily absorbed by the body and does not damage tooth enamel.

In the diet departments you can find sugar-free fructose-based chocolate. It can be consumed in moderation even in late pregnancy.

For more information on how to make healthy chocolate from carob, watch the video:

Is it possible to eat chocolate before giving birth?

Experts advise not to abuse this delicacy before the expected birth.
The caffeine included in the composition has a negative effect on the child, disrupting his sleep. As a result, the baby will show increased activity, causing the mother discomfort (in the last months the fetus is quite large, unnecessary movements in the abdomen cause pain to the woman).

Chocolate contains a high level of endorphin, a hormone responsible for feelings of joy and happiness. This is an important point during pregnancy, which has a positive effect on the baby. In addition, the sweetness contains useful vitamins and microelements. During pregnancy, it is still better not to overuse chocolate and give preference to a natural product with a high cocoa content (at least 78%). And white, milk, and also with fruit fillings are contraindicated for pregnant women!

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