Orgasm during pregnancy: harm and benefits of orgasm during pregnancy

How is orgasm beneficial for a pregnant woman?

What are the benefits of orgasm for a pregnant woman?

Is it possible to have an orgasm during pregnancy? From a physiological point of view, this peak experience in sex in a woman is accompanied by:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • increased blood supply to the pelvic organs;
  • contraction of the muscles of the vagina and uterus;
  • psycho-emotional release.

All this is not bad and safe for a healthy woman, even while pregnant. Moreover, pregnancy is often the condition for the occurrence of orgasm in a young woman who has not previously experienced these sensations. Many ladies note increased sensitivity of the genital organs and orgasmic sensations during such a period. If a woman's arousal does not find relief, this can lead to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs.

Psychological aspects

Often, the expectant mother’s desire does not disappear; if there is a decrease in it, then this can be associated with the stress on the body or with the psychological mood of the woman who is worried about the child. When a man’s desire disappears, the situation becomes much more complicated.

If you managed to maintain harmony, there is nothing to worry about. But there is no need to worry if a man is afraid of making love so as not to harm the baby. In this case, a consultation with a specialist who monitors the progress of pregnancy can help, and will be able to skillfully dispel fears if they are unfounded.

Can an orgasm harm an expectant mother?

Some women deny themselves pleasure for fear of harming their unborn child.

Some women deny themselves pleasure for fear of harming their unborn child. This is usually associated with increased anxiety due to a long-awaited pregnancy, especially if there have been unsuccessful attempts to carry a baby in the past. As a rule, doctors agree with these women. The fact is that contraction of the muscles of the pelvic organs itself can lead to miscarriage (in the early stages) or premature birth. The above-mentioned oxytocin also has the same effect.

Usually, the risk of such a development of events can be predicted in advance: it is enough to be observed by an obstetrician-gynecologist. If signs of a threat of miscarriage appear, the doctor will prescribe treatment and warn about the dangers of continuing sexual activity.

Another risk factor is the woman's health. If a woman is diagnosed with heart disease or hypertension, she should exercise caution. After all, pregnancy itself is a serious burden, and the physiological manifestations of orgasm can be very dangerous.

Therefore, your doctor will most likely recommend abstaining from sexual activity in the following cases:

  • there is a threat of miscarriage or the woman has a history of spontaneous abortions;
  • severe pregnancy associated with increased blood pressure;
  • infections;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • placenta previa and the risk of abruption.

In these cases, even an involuntary orgasm during sleep during pregnancy can be dangerous. Warning symptoms that require immediate medical attention are a feeling of a “stony stomach,” pain and heaviness in the uterus, and bleeding from the genital tract.

Obstacles to orgasm during pregnancy

Often, women continue to worry that sexual relations during pregnancy can somehow harm the fetus. Because of such fears, they become anxious about every slight change in the body. But here we should remember that pregnancy is in itself a process of continuous changes, daily, hourly, and if we talk about mood, then generally minute by minute. Now we will talk about cases that sometimes frighten pregnant women and cause them to refuse sex and, accordingly, orgasm.

• Nausea and vomiting

Dear ladies who are pregnant. These phenomena are absolutely normal for this period. They bother some people less, others more. But one way or another, every pregnant woman experiences nausea and vomiting. If these symptoms bother you, just wait them out, wait until the nausea passes and the stomach walls stop contracting, after which you can safely go to the bedroom with your loved one to get your dose of pleasure.

Changing your figure

When, closer to the second half of pregnancy, a woman begins to strongly resemble a bun, she looks at herself in the mirror, carefully touches her rapidly growing belly and sadly admits that now there can be no talk of any orgasm. But we will surprise you - it very well may! If you and your partner adapt and take a position that is comfortable for both, the orgasm will be no less intense than before. By the way, a man will also enjoy such sexual intercourse, no doubt about it.

Breast tenderness and leakage of colostrum

When your sexual partner caresses your breasts, quite severe pain may occur. But this does not mean at all that you need to stop having sex and give up orgasm. Just warn your partner to pay more attention to other parts of the body and avoid touching the breasts if possible. Also, during sexual intercourse, colostrum, that is, a woman’s first milk, can leak. This in itself does not pose any threat, the main thing is not to be distracted so as not to disrupt concentration during sexual play. Moreover, such cases are quite rare.

Change in vaginal discharge

During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes significant restructuring and many changes occur in the genitals. The volume, color, and smell of vaginal discharge changes. They can appear in very small quantities, which is why it will be too dry and you will need to use additional moisturizers for sex, or the opposite situation may happen, that is, the liquid will appear in an excessively large volume, the vagina will become slippery, causing sexual partner may have problems with erection. Also, the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the vagina can lead to the fact that a man will have to refuse oral services, since he clearly will not like this process - in every sense of the word.

• Bleeding in the female genitals

If you have sex in the last months of pregnancy, inserting the penis too deeply can damage additional vessels that supplement the nutrition of the uterus. In such cases, as a rule, doctors do not recommend sexual intercourse. If you have strong arousal, then it is better to achieve orgasm by stimulating the clitoris. Some women try to explain the situation to their husband and tell him to be less persistent and insert the penis less deeply. But, as a rule, this does not lead to anything good. Most likely, your sexual partner will not withstand such abuse and you will still not get an orgasm.

Fear of infection

If a man does not have any sexually transmitted infections, the likelihood that the child will become infected after the 7th month of development as a result of your sexual intercourse is very low. The thing is that the baby is reliably protected by the amniotic sac. Doctors say that such protection is valid until the ninth month of gestation. However, condoms should still be used for the last 4-6 weeks to fully ensure that the baby does not develop an infection.

• Having difficulty achieving orgasm

As already mentioned, during pregnancy a large number of changes occur in a woman’s body. They can both contribute to the emergence of more vivid sensations during orgasm, and the emergence of some difficulties in reaching the peak of pleasure. This should be taken for granted; it is quite possible to adapt to such hormonal changes in the female body by choosing the most favorable time for sexual intercourse, and also if the partner devotes more time to caresses.

• Fear of premature onset of labor

Despite the fact that orgasm is accompanied by uterine contractions, this cannot provoke labor. This phenomenon is just the opposite, it trains a woman’s vaginal muscles and prepares her for pregnancy.

Sex for good

Why is orgasm dangerous for a pregnant woman?

Despite the fact that pregnancy is a healthy state for a woman, it still imposes a number of restrictions. For example, when choosing a position for sex. It is necessary to avoid deep and intense penetrations during sexual intercourse. In the last 2-3 months before giving birth, you should not put pressure on the abdomen.

More accessible than vaginal orgasm in terms of position, but more powerful, and therefore riskier, is clitoral orgasm during pregnancy. Although there may not be a direct effect on the uterus, physiological mechanisms can negatively affect the course of gestation. But it is not contraindicated for women who do not have the above health problems.

Let's sum it up

Orgasm during pregnancy, provided it is normal, is an absolutely safe phenomenon. You should not limit your sex life without a doctor's order.

It is a myth that orgasm during pregnancy is harmful! On the contrary, it is pleasant and useful for both mother and her future baby. Do not deny yourself and your spouse the pleasure once again unless there are good reasons for it. Pregnancy is a magical time. During this period, couples should get closer, because they will soon have a long-awaited addition. Don't move away from each other! Remember that when a baby appears and demands your attention, the time for sex may be somewhat reduced. Enjoy each other to your heart's content!

How does orgasm affect the fetus?

A woman is always concerned about the question of whether the fetus will feel influence from outside and whether orgasm will cause him trouble. But nature provides everything in such a way that the fetus, completely immersed in the amniotic fluid, the muscular corset of the uterus, receives maximum protection under the subcutaneous fat layer. Although he feels as much as possible all the changes and fluctuations from the outside, all sensations are smoothed out for the safety of development. There is no risk of fetal harm during sex.

The flow of blood to the uterus during orgasm brings with it a lot of useful substances and oxygen, which is so necessary for the child to fully develop. In addition, the voluptuous feeling during orgasm inevitably leads to the release of endorphin hormones, which is a source of joy and pleasure.

Important! The positive emotions experienced by the mother cannot but affect the well-being of the fetus. On the contrary, if a mother is constantly nervous and experiences dissatisfaction during sex for fear of harming the child, then these emotions are passed on to the baby. And this has an extremely negative impact on its development.

If you have frequent sex, is orgasm dangerous for pregnancy?

Orgasm is safe if pregnancy proceeds at a normal pace and without complications. It is worth considering that in the last weeks it can stimulate labor. Otherwise, frequent sex is a good workout for the cervix, sperm softens it, thanks to its elasticity, the process of labor will be faster and painless.

If both partners want this, then sex will only benefit both physiologically and psychologically. If a gynecologist recommends abstaining from sex, citing medical contraindications, then you should listen, because the health of the baby and mother comes first.

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