Planning pregnancy and Utrozhestan: benefit or harm?

They get better not from pills, but from not restraining themselves: after all, any drugs are stress for the body, which causes changes and, as a result, anxiety, which in many people causes appetite.

Control yourself, that's all. I advise you to think a hundred times about taking it if your program is normal. I finally found an adequate doctor who said I didn’t need support, a male gynecologist, reproductive specialist, who removed the erosion for me very well with a radio wave, I can trust him. A doctor's prescription is not a panacea; you still have to think for yourself.


Believe me, I was almost on apples, I definitely didn’t eat buns, and I still gained weight. Everyone has their own body. When I drank Utrozhestan, I gained a couple of kg, but when I stopped, everything came back. When I put the candles on, there was no weight gain and I felt much better. But with the arrival of M everything went away. Sofya Sokolova published an article in Pregnancy Planning, July 14.

Sofya Sokolova published an article in Planning the sex of a child, July 10. Sofya Sokolova published an article in Pregnancy Symptoms, July 13.

Sofya Sokolova published an article in Gynecology, July 6. Olga-baby replied to a topic on the All about pregnancy forum. Ceres replied to a topic on the Diagnosis of Pregnancy forum. MalSveNik replied to a topic on the forum All about pregnancy planning.

MaShaF responded to a topic on the Donation and Surrogacy forum. Author: Miledyfire Created 15 hours ago. Author: AlyenKa Created 10 hours ago. Author: Galochka. Girls, please tell me, do you gain weight when you take Utrozhestan? Thanks everyone!!! Elena October 9, Russia, Severodvinsk. Natalia Videli on the website May 14, October 9, Ukraine, Donetsk.

Almost everyone says that they didn’t gain weight. Why did G scare me so much?

User comments

Natalia Seen on the site May 14, October 10, Ekaterina October 9, But I can’t vaginally, I now have Viburkol.

Is it even possible to combine them?.. Ekaterina October 10, I haven’t encountered Viburkol, I can’t say anything about compatibility. Ekaterina Seen on the site August 8, October 9, Russia, Moscow.

Natalia Seen on the site August 8, October 9, Russia, Podolsk. I drank for a very long time in the morning..

I also drank for the first 4 months. Plus there was toxicosis, I felt sick for the first 3 months. So during this time I didn’t gain any weight at all, but my tummy grew! Well, now the weight gain is normal.

G told me that you can recover quickly and strongly!.. So I want to find out from you how it really is?.. Thank you again. It's individual...

Utrozhestan and excess weight...

The analysis confirmed thrush, and I am vaginally introducing utrozhestan into the pregnancy for 15 weeks. Please tell me, can utrozhestan be administered vaginally for thrush? ICN, pessary, 31 weeks of pregnancy. She was admitted to the pathology department with contractions once a day at 31 weeks. The neck is 18mm, the internal throat is open 2mm. They removed the tone and put in a pessary. I continue to take nefidipine and insert utrozhestan 3r mg suppositories.

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It’s very difficult to walk with Duphaston in the early stages. I have long cycles of days, now I’m on day 44 of my cycle, my period hasn’t come. Lower abdominal pain. I was sick, the cough remained very strong and frequent that it was already painful to cough. And today very sharply, my stomach started to hurt, straight down, and where the pelvic bones are. Mastopathy when taking utrozhestan. Good afternoon

I had surgery to remove fibrodynoma several years ago. At the moment, there are many small cysts in the breasts, the chest constantly hurts very much two weeks before the critical days. Now I am planning a pregnancy and the doctor prescribed Utrozhestan and menstruation for me. I went to the doctor because of the spotting, the cycle was not regular, constant delays, she prescribed me to take utrozhestan from 4. Delay and utrozhestan. My last menstruation was on July 28th of this year.

It was then that I stopped drinking Duphaston for a week.

My period passed and I was scheduled for a colposcopy in August. Afterwards, the doctor said that it was necessary to do a biopsy of the cervix because diarrhea was caused by hormonal drugs. For the treatment of cysts and endometriosis, first OK was prescribed, now Duphaston. OK I drank for 2 months. Duphaston with a break of a month, the first day of admission was yesterday. To both, the reaction is in the form of loose stools several times a day.

Utrozhestan is a progestin drug. Progesterone, the active substance of the drug Utrozhestan, is a hormone of the corpus luteum. Manufacturer: Besins Healthcare, Belgium. Doctors' opinions, What people write, Forum.

Last year, the doctor prescribed mg of utrozhestan per day for 30 days vaginally. A month later it turned out that the pregnancy had stalled, resulting in a medical abortion. During these 5 months I have gained weight. I feel bad, what should I do? Pregnancy weeks, shortened cervix, they told me to take Utrozhestan in the morning and evening, they can’t place a scribe without an analysis and a repeat ultrasound, what should I do if my whole body swells very badly, everything hurts?

Bottom line

With low levels of progesterone in the female body, pregnancy becomes almost impossible. Hormone deficiency can be caused by various reasons: insufficiency of the luteal phase, the presence of diseases or pathologies, unstable emotional state, excessive physical activity and others. Since the hormone plays a key role in conceiving a baby, it is necessary to increase its level to normal.

In such cases, gestagenic drugs are often prescribed; among them, Utrozhestan is especially popular. However, according to progressive medicine, these are quite rare phenomena at the planning stage, and doctors often abuse this type of drug, attributing non-existent properties to them. It is important to remember that you cannot make a decision on treatment with gestagen on your own; the medicine is prescribed only by the attending physician after an examination and identification of the exact cause of low progesterone levels.

In some cases, HRT is not at all effective; proper nutrition and an active lifestyle will bring much more benefit, for example, with low weight and lack of cholesterol in the blood.

Have you taken Utrozhestan? Did you manage to get pregnant and carry the pregnancy to term?

Hormonal drug Utrozhestan reviews

Temperature Good afternoon. Throughout the 29-week pregnancy, the temperature rises from time to time to 37.2.

Now it has been at this level for several days in a row. There are no symptoms of the disease. Weakness, lethargy.

Utrozhestan doctor reviews

At the last appointment, the tests were Temperature after transfer. Good day. Today is my fifth day of postponing the five-day period. I felt weak and drowsy all day, had a headache in the evening, took my temperature - 37 degrees. What to do if tomorrow the temperature remains elevated? Menstrual cycle. I take utrozhestan at a dose of mg 2 times a day. How to count the cycle now??? Delay of menstruation. In April there was anembryonia at 8 weeks. After this treatment, the cycle improved, but the pregnancy never occurred.

My last period was on July 22. From days 5 to 13 of the cycle I started drinking sage. Itching and burning in the vagina. I put Utrozhestan suppositories to normalize my cycle. There is no sexual partner. Three cycles were prescribed.

Indications for taking Utrozhestan when planning pregnancy

The drug is prescribed mainly in the presence of problems that arise due to a lack of progesterone and interfere with the successful conception of a baby:

  • infertility due to luteal insufficiency;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle, dysmenorrhea;
  • excess estrogen;
  • miscarriage in the past due to hormone deficiency;
  • fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • endometriosis;
  • premature menopause caused by ovarian failure due to hormonal imbalance;

Utrozhestan is also prescribed for the prevention of uterine fibroids and hormone replacement therapy in combination with estrogens.

How to cancel?

Abruptly stopping the medication can lead to serious consequences for pregnancy. The female body needs time to gradually get used to reducing the dose of progesterone. To do this, doctors develop an individual withdrawal plan.

We suggest you read: How to determine the onset of menopause or pregnancy

How to stop the medicine correctly? If the daily dose is 400 mg, the withdrawal regimen for Utrozhestan during pregnancy may be as follows:

  • the dose is reduced to 300 mg, duration of administration is 2 weeks;
  • the next two weeks the dosage is reduced to 200 mg;
  • 100 mg over the next 7 days;
  • absolute withdrawal of the drug.

How long to stop taking the drug? Cancellation lasts 1 – 1.5 months, depending on the initial dose and the individual characteristics of the woman. When reducing the number of capsules, care must be taken to prevent bleeding. If bleeding occurs, you need to temporarily increase the dose of the hormone.

With large dosages of progesterone, it is allowed to reduce the amount of the drug consumed by 100 mg per week. If the dose was initially small, it should be reduced by 50 mg per week.

Characteristics of the drug: its purpose and release form

Even if the egg has been fertilized, it is too early to talk about pregnancy. The fertilized egg must attach to the wall of the uterus, which is impossible if the mother’s body produces insufficient amounts of progesterone, the so-called pregnancy hormone. If there is a lack of progesterone, a woman is prescribed Utrozhestan, a synthetic analogue of this hormone.

The drug is available in two forms:

  1. Non-opening round capsules (similar to large pills). Most often, this form of the drug is prescribed orally, but according to the instructions, it can also be used vaginally. One capsule contains 100 mg of progesterone (orange pack).
  2. Unopenable oval-shaped capsules (so-called suppositories). The candles look like a large elongated white capsule. They are taken either orally or inserted vaginally. Most often, this form of medication is used for vaginal administration. One capsule contains 200 mg of progesterone (lilac pack).

Indications for taking Utrozhestan when planning pregnancy

1. Progesterone deficiency , which is characterized by:

  • menstrual irregularities (irregular menstruation or delays);
  • low body temperature in the luteal phase (that is, in the period after ovulation).

Progesterone is a hormone that takes part in preparing the uterus to secure the fertilized egg inside it. It begins to be synthesized in the corpus luteum of the ovary after the egg is fertilized. If the corpus luteum produces it in insufficient quantities, then the mucous membrane covering the uterine cavity from the inside, called endometrium in gynecology, does not develop as expected. The fertilized egg cannot implant and the pregnancy fails.

A woman may not even realize that pregnancy has occurred, but has failed. She will perceive a delay in menstruation as a simple glitch in her cycle. And the woman will mistake the bleeding that occurs after the rejection of the fertilized egg for menstruation. In fact, such bleeding will be a consequence of a miscarriage.

That is why Utrozhestan is prescribed to women who experience low body temperature in the second phase of the cycle, which indicates low progesterone levels, as well as women with “habitual miscarriage” in the past.

For the same reason, Utrozhestan is also prescribed in preparation for in vitro fertilization (IVF). The drug creates the best conditions for implantation of the embryo in the uterine cavity and the likelihood of developing a full pregnancy after artificial insemination increases significantly.

Impaired progesterone production is also observed with shortened (less than 21 days) or extended (more than 35 days) menstrual cycles. Therefore, to maintain the second phase, taking Utrozhestan is also necessary.

2. Prevention of endometriosis. Artificial progesterone is prescribed to women to prevent endometriosis.

With endometriosis, the uterine mucosa begins to grow pathologically or penetrate into the deeper layers of the uterine tissue.

Figure 1 - Layers of the uterus (for a visual perception of the growth of the endometrium beyond its limits)

Most often the disease occurs in women:

  • with a shortened menstrual cycle;
  • with impaired metabolism (in this case, there is a significant increase in weight up to obesity);
  • who used intrauterine contraceptives before planning pregnancy;
  • whose age is in the range of 30-45 years;
  • with increased levels of estrogen (excess of this hormone is confirmed by a special blood test for estradiol).

Due to the presence of this disease, a woman may not become pregnant, since endometriosis is often accompanied by the formation of cysts inside the fallopian tubes, in the ovaries, and on the wall of the uterus. And this reduces the patency of the tubes, disrupts the function and anatomy of the ovaries, and makes it difficult for the embryo to implant into the uterine wall.

Therefore, gynecologists recommend that women at risk take Utrozhestan before conception.

The drug promotes:

  • normalization of the menstrual cycle in case of its disturbances;
  • creating the necessary conditions for fixation of the fertilized egg in the uterus;
  • maintaining pregnancy when there is a threat of losing the child.

Although it is believed that the drug does not suppress ovulation, it should not be taken before the egg is released from the ovary, since the presence of progesterone in a woman’s body during the first phase of the cycle (i.e. before ovulation) can negatively affect conception.

Indications for taking Utrozhestan during pregnancy

After ovulation, a woman’s body produces large quantities of progesterone, which is necessary for the growth of the endometrium. Under the influence of progesterone, the uterine mucosa thickens and is enriched with blood vessels, which is necessary to supply the embryo with nutrients and oxygen.

But not all women produce this hormone in sufficient quantities. Therefore, in the early stages, Utrozhestan is prescribed for prophylactic purposes in case of miscarriages and isthmic-cervical insufficiency in the past.

The drug is also prescribed if there is a threat of miscarriage due to increased uterine tone. With low progesterone, the uterus begins to actively contract, causing fetal rejection. If the tone of the uterus is caused by a lack of this hormone, then taking the drug will help reduce the contractility of the muscles of the fallopian tubes and the uterus itself, giving the woman the opportunity to bear and give birth to a healthy baby.

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