Hexicon suppositories during pregnancy: reviews and instructions

Why are Hexicon suppositories prescribed?

The presented Hexicon vaginal suppositories provide emergency assistance in protecting against many sexually transmitted infections.
Suppositories are used both in complex therapy of STDs and for preventive purposes. It is prescribed for use by men in the form of a solution, and by women, where they are mostly used in the form of vaginal suppositories. As the attached instructions prescribe, one vaginal suppository is enough to reduce negative symptoms and cure the following diseases:

  • genital type of herpes and ureplasmosis;
  • syphilis and trichomoniasis;
  • bacterial type of vaginosis and gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia and thrush.

An important point in the issue of use is precisely the efficiency - it is used no later than 2 hours from the moment of sexual intercourse, since at a later date it will not give the desired therapeutic effect. The advantage of this medicinal composition is that it does not affect the healthy microflora and vaginal environment, while suppressing the activity of pathogenic lactobacilli.

The drug shows the greatest activity precisely in the early stages of treatment and prevention.

It is completely eliminated from the internal digestive organs and urine, without accumulating in the body, causing poisoning and intoxication. It is produced in the form of vaginal suppositories - dosage 8 and 16 mg and in the form of a solution of 0.05% - bottle volume 100 ml. The first form of the drug is most often prescribed to women, the second - for the treatment of the genitourinary system of men.

What's included

When they talk about Hexicon, they mean suppositories for vaginal use. Outwardly, they resemble a torpedo, which allows them to be inserted without difficulty. Do not be alarmed if the candles in one pack of the drug are white, and in the other with a yellowish tint. This is all within the normal range. For the most meticulous, and maybe you are one of them, I will tell you what is included in the candles.

One suppository contains:

  • chlorhexidine digluconate solution 20 percent – ​​85.2 mg;
  • macroheads in the mixture;
  • polyethylene oxide

This composition has an antibacterial and antiseptic effect. At the same time, suppositories are not only effective, but also have a mild effect. For example, chlorhexidine copes well with protozoa, which are the causative agents of sexually transmitted infections.

Can the drug be used during pregnancy?

Doctors call Hexicon a safe drug that has proven highly effective in the field of gynecology and does not disturb the vaginal microflora - which is why it can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
The administered suppositories or the applied solution act locally, without being absorbed into the tissues or entering the bloodstream, and therefore cannot harm the mother and child. Hexicon suppositories are prescribed both in the early stages of pregnancy and in the later stages - they will not harm the unborn child at the stage of formation of internal organs and systems, as well as in subsequent development, and the therapeutic effect of their use prevails over the danger of STDs. But as gynecologists note, the complete safety of the composition has not been proven by laboratory and practical studies.
Therefore, before your appointment, you should undergo an examination and consult with your treating gynecologist, eliminating the possibility of developing individual intolerance and allergic reactions to its active components. If any negative symptoms occur, stop using them and seek help from a gynecologist.

Advantages of Hexicon over other drugs

Hexicon is an antiseptic for local use. The active substance - chlorhexidine bigluconate - completely destroys only pathogenic microflora, including gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Also used as a prophylactic against sexually transmitted diseases.

Why Hexicon is considered the most effective drug during pregnancy:

  1. Does not affect the general condition of the patient.
  2. Chorgexidine does not cross the placental barrier and does not affect fetal development.
  3. There is not a single officially confirmed fact about the negative impact on the child.
  4. Hexicon is allowed from the first days of pregnancy, unlike antibiotics and other antiseptics.
  5. Does not have a harmful effect on lactobacilli.
  6. Shows protective properties even after the end of therapy.
  7. Active against a wide range of pathogens.
  8. Remains active even in the presence of foci of pus and blood.
  9. It is not absorbed in the intestines and is completely excreted by the kidneys.

Advice! Although information about Hexicon during pregnancy and reviews about it are available to everyone, the final decision on the use of the drug is made only by the treating gynecologist.

Who is recommended to use suppositories?

As prescribed in the instructions, it is indicated for use in the following cases:

  1. As a prevention of sexually transmitted infectious diseases.
  2. In the complex therapy of vaginitis of various etiologies and origins, as well as bacterial forms of colpitis.

In addition, gynecologists prescribe suppositories as part of a set of preventive measures to prevent both gynecological and obstetric infectious complications and inflammatory processes.
Indications for the use of Hexicon suppositories during pregnancy and after:

  • before childbirth or in preparation for gynecological surgery.
  • before a planned abortion and before examining the uterine cavity.
  • before the installation of the IUD.


Polina: “After childbirth and caesarean section, the doctor prescribed Terzhinan suppositories against infections. I put a couple of candles on and couldn’t take it anymore, it was impossible to stand it, it burned very strongly inside. The doctor told me that it shouldn't be like this. And I had such a burning sensation that I could go crazy, I could barely stand it. I switched to Hexicon suppositories - everything is fine, I used them for 2 weeks after giving birth.”

Katya: “During pregnancy, the following symptoms appeared - itching, burning, copious discharge with an unpleasant odor. The smear actually revealed pathological flora. It was hellish itching, until it bled. Hexicon suppositories were prescribed. Relief came within a few days. I completed the course and forgot about this horror. »

Yulia: “I suffered from thrush during pregnancy; neither Terzhinan nor Pimafucin helped me. After giving birth, I no longer knew how to treat myself so as not to give up breastfeeding. I used chamomile and Tantum Rose. The sensations from this disease were unpleasant - even crying, even a child gave me enough sleep, but this discomfort simply killed. I was first prescribed Livarol, it didn’t suit me, so they changed it to Hexicon. And, lo and behold, I forgot about the problem!”

Maryana: “I was 3-4 weeks pregnant, the smear was bad - infection, Hexicon suppositories were prescribed. I didn’t have any discharge. I started using it, but the burning sensation was terrible. The doctor advised not to wash with detergent before using it. But I washed myself with Lactacid, which contains sodium laureate sulfate. I stopped doing this, and there was no burning sensation! Moreover, the fact is that even though I washed myself from the outside, and put a candle inside, I still had the same effect. Such incompatibility!”

Ksenia: “In the first trimester of pregnancy, I had another smear test, which revealed a lot of leukocytes and fungus. I read that Hexicon suppositories can be taken during pregnancy. At an appointment with a gynecologist, I asked him to prescribe them for me, and heard that there was no need to treat anything based on my testimony. I was not very happy with his position then. But then I consulted another doctor and realized that Hexicon had no effect on thrush. In addition, it creates favorable conditions for its development.”

Hexicon: instructions

The drug is used externally, for treating the external genitalia with a solution, and internally, by introducing suppositories into the vagina.
The drug helps eliminate swelling and itching, burning and other unpleasant symptoms of STDs. Effectiveness shows itself after 2-3 days, but if there is no positive dynamics of treatment, you should consult a doctor. As a prophylactic agent, suppositories are introduced into the vagina no later than 2 hours from the moment of sexual intercourse; with later introduction, its positive therapeutic effect is reduced. For the treatment of urethritis, 1 ml is injected into the urethra for 10 days.
According to the instructions for the use of Hexicon suppositories during pregnancy, women are prescribed 1 vaginal suppository in the evening for a course of 5-10 days, although according to doctor's indications this period can be increased to 20 days. To achieve a positive therapeutic effect, it is necessary to take into account and follow a number of rules and recommendations. As doctors note:

  1. During the entire course of using Hexicon for the treatment and prevention of STDs, refrain from sexual intercourse.
  2. During treatment, it is important to regularly observe the rules of personal hygiene, and exclude soap from caring for the intimate area.
  3. If a woman begins menstruation, stop treatment and continue it after its completion.
  4. If a woman has hypersensitivity to certain medications, use Hexicon with great caution. If an allergic reaction occurs, stop taking the drug and it is important to seek help from a specialist.
  5. It is not recommended to combine with medications containing iodine.

When digestion suffers: can Mezim be used during pregnancy, and what side effects can be expected from the drug?

We will tell you how to treat nasal congestion for an expectant mother in the next article.

Oxolinovaya protection during pregnancy - will it work: https://mamafarma.wpengine.com/cold/oksolinovaya-maz.html.

Indications for the use of dosage forms of the drug during gestation

The wide variety of dosage forms of Hexicon, as well as its local effect, determine the widespread use of the drug during gestation. This medicine is especially often used when problems arise with the genital organs of the expectant mother.

Table: dosage forms of Hexicon and method of their use

Variety of medication formsList of indicationsAdmission rulesEstimated cost
Vaginal suppositories
  • prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, gonorrhea, etc.);
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases of the cervix and vagina.
The course of treatment and dosage are prescribed by the attending physician. Usually suppositories/tablets are used twice a day for a week. In particularly difficult cases, the duration of treatment can last up to 3 weeks. When inserting a suppository or tablet into the vagina, a woman must lie on her side, extend her lower leg along her body, and lift her upper leg and bend it at the knee joint. The suppository/tablet should first be freed from the shell and with your free hand placed into the hole 2 - 3 centimeters, ideally a whole finger. After administering the medicine, the expectant mother must remain in a supine position for 15-20 minutes. In order to prevent infectious diseases, the medicine is administered no later than two hours after sexual intercourse. After using suppositories, heavy vaginal discharge is observed, so it is necessary to use panty liners to maintain hygiene. The course and exact dosage are calculated by the doctor. When treated with Hexicon tablets, there are no significant changes in the nature of vaginal discharge. For this reason, this form of the drug is better suited for use during the daytime than suppositories. 260 - 340 Russian rubles.
  • cervical erosion;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the vagina and urinary canal;
  • itching in the vagina;
  • prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.
250 - 320 Russian rubles.
Gel for external use
  • burns;
  • wounds and ulcers;
  • diaper rash;
  • inflammation of the vaginal mucosa;
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • inflammation of the oral mucosa;
  • treatment of external sutures after delivery;
  • treatment of an open wound after tooth extraction.
Gel for external and local use is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin as prescribed by a doctor. Usually the course of treatment takes 7 days. When treating diseases in the oral cavity, the gel is applied to a cotton swab and the lesions are treated. 68 – 100 Russian rubles
Solution for external use Hexicon
  • prevention of viral infectious diseases of the genital tract;
  • stomatitis;
  • inflammation of the cervix and vagina;
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases of the oral cavity;
  • purulent wounds, burns.
When treating infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, you need to lie on your back and insert the tip of the bottle with the solution into the vagina. The exact dosage and course of treatment should be prescribed by a gynecologist. But usually the dose for women is 1 - 2 milliliters twice a day. The course of treatment is one to one and a half weeks. To prevent sexually transmitted diseases, the same dose of medication is administered into the vagina no later than two hours after sex. In this case, it is necessary to wipe the buttocks, pubis and external genitalia with a cotton swab dipped in the solution. When treating the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and wounds, you will need up to 10 milliliters of Hexicon, which is used to irrigate, rinse or wipe these areas for 1 - 3 minutes. The amount of solution and treatment time depend on the complexity of the disease, which can only be determined by a doctor. The drug is almost impossible to find on the shelves of domestic pharmacies. But instead, you can buy Chlorhexidine solution, which costs between 14 and 20 Russian rubles.

After medical procedures in the genital area, you must refrain from urinating for two to three hours. And also, before use, you should not wash your intimate parts with soap, since alkali suppresses the effect of the active substance.

Almost throughout my entire gestation, starting from the 4th week of conception, I suffered from candidiasis. This was due to a weakened immune system and a lack of trust in the attending obstetrician-gynecologist, who prescribed a fairly large number of medications. As a result of my negligent attitude towards health, which consisted in skipping certain medications, considering their use dangerous for the baby, I had an emergency caesarean section at 8 months of pregnancy. The child was born weighing only 1900 grams, 31 centimeters tall and with an intrauterine infection, so for another month after the birth my daughter remained under treatment in the department for premature babies. Another factor that played an important role was the fact that at the beginning of pregnancy, without even knowing about it, she began to independently treat thrush with oral medications that enter the circulatory system. Moreover, I took pills not only for candidiasis, but also for cystitis. It was only through my own mistakes that I realized that not all drugs are harmful to a developing baby when used wisely and under the supervision of a specialist. Much worse is not treating the disease and self-medicating.

Contraindications and side effects

The only group of patients who are strictly prohibited from using suppositories in the course of treatment and prevention are people with hypersensitivity to the active components of Hexicon. In this case, after inserting the suppository into the vagina, itching, burning, and swelling may occur in areas of contact with the drug. Other unpleasant reactions may also occur after using the drug:

  • stickiness of the skin of the hands and excessive dryness of the vagina.
  • taste sensations may be impaired.

In all other respects, there are no restrictions or side effects from the use of Hexicon. The drug should also be used with caution in children - in this case, doctors prescribe Hexicon D vaginal suppositories, 8 mg in volume.

About the use of Hexicon antiseptic and its other analogues in the video:

How can a expectant mother replace Hexicon?

The not very low cost of Hexicon or its absence on pharmacy shelves sometimes becomes the reason to find a cheaper or more accessible medicine that has the same medicinal properties. There are no complete analogues of this medicine that are identical in composition, but on the pharmaceutical market you can find medicines that have the same active ingredient as Hexicon, but in smaller or larger quantities, so-called structural generics. Medicines are also produced that differ from Hexicon in composition, but can be used for the same purposes; these are functional generics.

Generics of Hexicon:

  • structural: Chlorhexidine, Amident.
  • functional: Bepanten, Depantol, Hypozol.

Table: functional and structural analogues of Hexicon

Name of the medicationActive substanceDosage formIndications for use. Possibility of use by pregnant women ContraindicationsPossible side effects
Structural analogues
ChlorhexidineChlorhexidine bigluconate.
  • solution for external use;
  • vaginal tablets;
  • vaginal suppositories;
  • spray for topical use.
  • inflammation of the external genitalia;
  • cervical erosion;
  • prevention of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • inflammation of the gums and oral mucosa;
  • treatment of wounds, including burns;
  • angina.

The use of Chlorhexidine is acceptable during gestation.

Tendency to allergic reactions to the active ingredients of the drug.
  • redness of the skin and rashes;
  • itching and burning.
AmidentChlorhexidine.Solution for topical use.
  • inflammation of the external genitalia;
  • cervical erosion;
  • prevention of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • inflammation of the gums and oral mucosa;
  • treatment of wounds, including burns;
  • angina.

You can use Amident only after examination by a doctor, if the expected benefit from its use is much higher than possible complications.

Hypersensitivity to the active substance of the solution.
  • redness of the skin and rashes;
  • itching and burning.
Functional analogues
  • ointment for external use;
  • cream for external use.
  • prevention of dry skin;
  • ulcerative skin rashes;
  • burns.

The use of the medication is not prohibited during gestation.

Hypersensitivity to the active ingredients of the drug.
  • hives;
  • itching and burning.
  • dexpanthenol;
  • chlorhexidine bigluconate.
  • vaginal suppositories;
  • cream for external use.
  • cervical erosion;
  • inflammation of the vaginal mucosa;
  • postoperative treatment of the genital organs after removal of the uterus;
  • prevention of inflammation in the postpartum period.

Depantol during gestation is used only after consultation with a specialist.

The presence of allergic reactions to the components of the drug.
  • allergic rashes;
  • itching and burning.
  • sulfaethidol;
  • dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil.
Aerosol for topical use in a bottle with a spray nozzle.
  • inflammatory diseases of the external genitalia;
  • inflammation of the vaginal mucosa;
  • postoperative treatment of the genital organs after removal of the uterus;
  • cervical erosion and the postoperative period after its treatment;
  • ulcerative lesions of the oral cavity;
  • inflammatory diseases in the rectal area.
  • burns.

Based on the official instructions, we can say that the use of this medicine by expectant mothers is not contraindicated.

Individual intolerance to the components of the medication.
  • allergic reactions;
  • itching and burning.

Photo gallery: generics of the drug Hexicon

Chlorhexidine can be used during gestation

Bepanten can be used during pregnancy after consultation with a doctor.

Dexpanthenol is an over-the-counter drug

The use of the medication is permitted during pregnancy

Video: how Hexicon works

Pink or red discharge

Bloody discharge, first of all, indicates the content of blood in it. This is quite possible if you insert suppositories shortly before or after menstruation. If it should start soon, then there is no reason to worry. Check with your gynecologist whether Hexicon can be used during menstrual bleeding. If you have an intrauterine device, treatment with this drug may be accompanied by copious discharge mixed with blood.

If the bleeding is profuse and cannot be associated with the onset of menstruation, then this phenomenon may indicate a disease. It is recommended to stop inserting Hexicon suppositories and undergo a detailed examination; it will help identify some pathologies (erosive changes in the cervix) or diagnose precancerous diseases, which are indicated by the corresponding discharge.

If there are serious pathological changes in the internal genital organs after insertion of suppositories, both red and pink discharge may be observed. It is quite possible for a woman to complain that her lower abdomen is tight. Such manifestations also indicate an existing cycle disorder, endometriosis or adenomyosis.

There is no need to wait for the condition to improve (for example, when the lower abdomen stops hurting); after detecting pathological manifestations, you should contact a gynecologist as soon as possible. If the discharge has a grayish-green tint, impurities of pus are clearly visible, this indicates gonorrhea, trichomoniasis or chlamydia . With purulent discharge, you almost always feel itching, severe discomfort, and pulling in the lower abdomen.

If you detect curdled and foamy discharge, you can talk about signs of infection in the vagina, even if the lower abdomen does not hurt at all. In a healthy woman, such manifestations are not observed. Curdled discharge should be a signal to consult a doctor to identify an infection. The presence of an unpleasant putrid odor indicates infection. Bacteria and microbes decompose inside the vagina, releasing gases and causing a specific odor.

The main causes of such vaginal discharge are considered to be:

  • Candidiasis
  • Bacterial vaginosis
  • Trichomonas of urogenital type.

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Are there any contraindications

Hexicon cannot harm the fruit. But if a woman’s body reacts to the composition of the drug as if it were an allergen, you should consult your doctor.

You should not wash your genitals with soap if you are using Hexicon suppositories during this period. An alkaline environment will have a side effect. For disinfection, instead of soap, it is better to make a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Rarely, but user reviews indicate this, itching, burning, irritation occurs, and the mucous membranes become dry. Monitor the condition of your body, be patient for 10 days, and if more serious problems arise, immediately consult a doctor.

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