Angiovitis when planning pregnancy: reviews, why it is prescribed and instructions for use

  • Indications
  • pharmachologic effect
  • Reception scheme
  • Side effects

Angiovit is a multivitamin complex that includes several B vitamins, which have a direct effect on the formation and development of the fetus. These are B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride), B9 (folic acid) and B12 (cyanocobalamin). Increasingly, doctors prescribe Angiovit when planning pregnancy, if the woman’s body lacks these same vitamins. In some cases, the drug at this stage may be prescribed to a man who is going to become a father in the near future. This increases the chances of a successful and safe conception.


Many, planning to become parents soon, are interested in why Angiovit is needed when planning a pregnancy, what pharmacological effect it has on the body. The first thing you need to understand is that you cannot take it on your own, without a doctor’s prescription. Only a specialist, after an examination, can definitely say whether you need these vitamins at this stage or not. Indications for their use are the following pathologies, conditions and diseases:

  • for women - in order to prevent deficiency of those B vitamins that are contained in Angiovitis: after all, their deficiency when planning pregnancy can lead in the future to very negative consequences - the development of various physical pathologies and heart defects in the fetus;
  • the risk of a woman developing hyperhomocysteinemia while carrying a baby, when the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood increases, a substance that disrupts fetoplacental blood circulation (read more about fetoplacental insufficiency), which has a teratogenic and toxic effect on the fetus;
  • if a woman is in a high-risk group, i.e. she has already had complications with pregnancy in the past or among her relatives there are those who were diagnosed with a heart attack, stroke or thrombosis before the age of 50;
  • treatment and prevention in women planning to become mothers of cardiovascular diseases that are associated with increased blood levels of the above-mentioned homocysteine: angina pectoris II or III degree, ischemic stroke, sclerotic cerebrovascular accident, diabetic vascular disease;
  • Angiovit is also prescribed when planning pregnancy for men in order to increase the quality, speed and permeability of sperm, which will ensure the success of the conception procedure.

It is well known that as a result of a deficiency of B vitamins, anemia can develop (read more about it during pregnancy here). For the future fetus, this disease is dangerous due to vital weakness and underdevelopment. A baby may be born with a delay in physical, mental and mental development. All of the above indications are due to the pharmacological action of Angiovit when planning pregnancy.

pharmachologic effect

It was already indicated above that Angiovit contains three vitamins from group B, and each of them has a certain beneficial effect on the body of future parents at the stage of pregnancy planning:

  • B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) is necessary primarily for a woman: after conception, it helps reduce signs of toxicosis, reduces irritability, ensures the synthesis of amino acids, from which proteins are then formed that are simply necessary for the normal, full development of the nervous system and brain cells in the child;
  • B9 (folic acid) in Angiovit is important for the future father in that it significantly reduces the number of low-quality, defective sperm with an incorrect set of chromosomes, thereby increasing the chances of conceiving a healthy and strong baby; for a woman, this vitamin is necessary because it prevents such serious and terrible congenital defects in a child developing in the womb, such as hydrocephalus, anencephaly, malnutrition, neural tube defect, cleft lip, mental and mental retardation;
  • B12 (cyanocobalamin) in Angiovit at this stage is necessary for the body of future parents, as it can lead to the development of anemia and disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, which should not be allowed during pregnancy.

If a lack of these biologically active substances is detected in the body, certain problems may arise either with conception or with the further formation and development of the fetus. To prevent this from happening, the supervising doctor prescribes this drug and explains in detail how to take Angiovit when planning a pregnancy: dosages, regimens, timing.


Patients who used Angiovit as a means of supporting the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems were satisfied with the result. Most of them indicate not only the relatively low cost of the complex, but also its effectiveness. Many claim that they have not experienced any side effects, including allergic ones, and therefore the food supplement is classified as low-allergenic.

In addition, patients noted an improvement in the general condition of the body, cessation of shortness of breath, pain in the heart area, and stabilization of the functioning of the nervous system. It was also noted that coordination of movements was improved, and cramps in the lower extremities, which most often appeared during sleep, disappeared.

Reception scheme

The regimen for taking Angiovit when planning pregnancy is very simple and usually does not raise any doubts. Firstly, it is described in detail in the instructions for the drug. Secondly, it is determined by a doctor leading a married couple who plans to soon become parents. The rules for vitaminization are simple and acceptable to everyone:

  • the usual dosage of Angiovit when planning pregnancy is 1 tablet (this is the only form of release of this vitamin complex) per day;
  • The regimen for using the drug does not depend on food intake: it can be taken before, after, and during meals;
  • and this could be breakfast, lunch, and dinner;
  • As for the question of how long to take Angiovit when planning a pregnancy, it is resolved very easily: the course of treatment is usually from 20 to 30 days.

However, you should always keep in mind that the drug dosage regimen may be varied by the doctor who is monitoring the condition of the young couple. If the risk of pathologies in the unborn fetus is too great or conception does not occur due to low sperm quality in men due to a deficiency of B vitamins, the dosage of Angiovit at the stage of pregnancy planning can be increased, but only with the permission of a specialist.

He can also extend the period of its reception. For example, very often women continue to take Angiovit after conception, so that the deficiency of such useful vitamins does not affect the formation and development of the fetus. The huge advantage of Angiovit when planning pregnancy is the minimum number of contraindications and side effects.

Angiovitis: what is it?

To begin with, it should be clarified that Angiovit is a vitamin complex that is intended to replenish the body's reserves . In particular, this applies to deficiency of B vitamins.

The drug is widely used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. This is due to its ability to lower homocysteine ​​levels, which minimizes the likelihood of thrombosis, ischemia and other ailments.

Photo 2
Angiovit tablets

As for the chemical composition of the medicine, folic acid (vitamin B₉) predominates in it. In addition, the drug is rich in compounds such as pyridoxine hydrochloride and cyanocobalamin.

The medication is available in the form of regular tablets, which are coated with a special coating. Among the analogues of this remedy are such popular complexes as Vitabs Cardio and others. This particular medicine has a similar effect.

Side effects

The only contraindication for taking Angiovit is individual intolerance to this drug, but this is extremely rare. But side effects from taking it for too long or an increased dosage are much more common. It can be:

  • in some cases - allergic reactions of both general and local nature: urticaria, angioedema, skin itching, etc.;
  • headache;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin;
  • dizziness;
  • sleep disorders;
  • dyspepsia: nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, belching, flatulence.

If Angiovit was prescribed during the period of pregnancy planning, but the symptoms noted above began to appear, you must inform your supervising doctor about this. He will either reduce the dosage or stop the drug altogether, finding an alternative to it. When planning pregnancy, the vitamin complex Angiovit has a very positive effect on the bodies of future parents, and it can be taken without any fear of negative consequences. It allows you to reduce any risks of developing various complications during pregnancy and birth of a child. At the same time, there is absolutely no need to be afraid that with the onset of pregnancy Angiovitis needs to be canceled, because it has a beneficial effect on the female body in the first months after conception.

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Gynecologists strongly recommend a responsible approach to childbirth, advising you to plan your pregnancy in order to minimize the risks of developing any abnormalities in the embryo. To prepare the female body and create favorable conditions for the growth and development of the fetus, women are often prescribed certain medications. Angiovitis when planning pregnancy is one of them.

Despite the fact that this is a completely safe vitamin supplement, every representative of the fairer sex should take it on the recommendation of a doctor, strictly observing the dosage and duration of the course. At the planning stage of pregnancy, doctors prescribe angiovit in order to compensate for the deficiency of B vitamins, knowing that their deficiency in some can lead to the development of serious abnormalities in the fetus - heart defects, physical and mental abnormalities, etc.

Possible complications

If the drug was started to be used without taking into account the body’s rejection of its main structural substances, or there was an overdose, the following side effects can be expected:

  • allergic reactions of general and local type (rashes, itching, redness);
  • angioedema, which is expressed in swelling of the subcutaneous tissue, mucous membrane and skin;
  • dizziness, headaches;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • destabilization of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, nausea, flatulence, belching).

Such complications are extremely rare, but they still occur when this remedy is used incorrectly.

Expert opinion

Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

It is especially important to pay attention to them if they appear when a woman takes vitamins during pregnancy. In this case, you need to immediately report the problems to your doctor in order to adjust the dosage regimen or cancel it altogether.

Characteristics and composition of Angiovit

Agniovit is a combined vitamin preparation consisting of an increased dosage of B vitamins, namely B9 (folic acid), B6 ​​(pyridoxine hydrochloride), B12 (cyanocobalamin). They directly influence the development and formation of the fetus. Their intake from food is often not enough, therefore, for successful conception, and especially pregnancy, the gynecologist recommends that a woman take them in tablet form.

Sometimes Angiovit is even prescribed to a man when planning a pregnancy in order to increase the chances of a successful conception. Read more about pregnancy planning for men →

The pharmacological effect of the drug is to accelerate the metabolism of a special amino acid - methionine - and reduce the concentration in the blood plasma of free homocysteine, which provokes vascular damage and the development of atherosclerosis, depression, senile dementia, Alzheimer's disease, vascular ischemia of the heart or brain. Elevated levels of homocysteine ​​in young women can cause miscarriage, retardation of intrauterine development and/or the formation of pathologies in the embryo.

Normally, during conception and attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus, the level of homocysteine ​​decreases, which ensures the complete formation of the placenta. At high amino acid concentrations, the risk of vascular damage increases. This threatens the development of placental insufficiency or severe defects in the fetus.

Vitamin B6 improves the conductivity of nerve impulses and is involved in metabolism. B9 prevents cell mutation and the development of such serious pathologies as cleft lip, heart defects, neural tube defect, hydrocephalus, etc. B12 affects hematopoietic processes, activating hemoglobin synthesis and the production of red blood cells.

Description of the drug

The described vitamin complex is presented on the market in the form of white, thin-film-coated tablets. It contains B-group vitamins (B6, B9, B12) and glucose. The combined composition is selected in such a way that its main effect is aimed at the metabolism of one of the essential α-amino acids (methionine) of the human body. The main action of Angiovit is considered to be:

  • acceleration of the metabolism of sulfur-containing α-amino acid - methionine;
  • decrease in the content of free homocesteine ​​in the liquid part of the blood (plasma).

Angiovit prevents hyperhomocysteinemia and eliminates the possibility of increased methionine content. Namely, such conditions are the leading factor in the development of 70% of serious pathologies

th myocardium.

Angiovitis effectively eliminates congestion in the capillaries, returning microcirculatory processes to normal. Its intake helps prevent heart attacks and thrombosis.

Indications for prescribing Angiovit

This vitamin complex is prescribed not only at the planning stage, but also during pregnancy. Angiovitis normalizes fetoplacental blood circulation, that is, the exchange of blood between mother and fetus during its intrauterine development.

The drug helps prevent:

  • miscarriage;
  • hypovitaminosis of vitamins B;
  • defective formation of the placenta;
  • anemia in a pregnant woman;
  • pathology of the neural tube in the embryo;
  • intrauterine anomalies, defects, weakness of the immune system in the fetus;
  • retarded physical and mental development.

Also, Angiovitis during planning and during pregnancy is indicated for those women who have been diagnosed with fetoplacental insufficiency or chronic miscarriage in the past, as well as those who suffer from heart disease, vascular disease, diabetes, and women whose relatives under 50 years of age had a heart attack or ischemia , stroke, thrombosis.

Instructions for using Angiovit: dosages, methods of administration

The regimen and duration of taking the drug may vary from woman to woman. It all depends on the general state of health, homocysteine ​​levels in the blood, the presence or absence of vascular pathologies and heart diseases.

Usually, before conception, the gynecologist prescribes Angiovit 1 tablet once a day. According to the instructions, it is advisable to drink it in the morning, although there is no fundamental difference in the time of administration. Most often, doctors recommend taking the tablet at any time of the day with a sufficient amount of water.

You should know that it is unacceptable to violate the integrity of the shell, that is, you cannot chew, snack, or crush the tablet. Thus, you can reduce the effect of vitamins to nothing.

The duration of the course is determined individually, but usually it does not exceed 20-30 days. Sometimes, with high levels of methionine and homocysteine, taking 2 tablets per day is justified.

Contraindications to the use of Angiovit during pregnancy planning

An absolute contraindication is an allergy to any of the vitamins, manifested by a local or general reaction - itching, sneezing, nasal congestion, angioedema, urticaria.

No other contraindications have been identified.

Side effects

Most often, the drug is well tolerated. The primary development of an allergic reaction with local or general manifestations is rarely observed.

While taking vitamins, some note the following unwanted symptoms::

  • dizziness;
  • sleep disorders;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin;
  • headache;
  • dyspeptic disorders - flatulence, vomiting, heartburn, nausea, epigastric pain.

If these signs appear, you should stop taking the drug and consult your gynecologist again.


Cases of overdose of Angiovit have not been recorded, however, uncontrolled intake and increased doses of vitamins can cause symptoms of hypervitaminosis:

  • High concentrations of vitamin B6 – numbness of body parts, impaired fine motor skills of the hands.
  • Hypervitaminosis B9 in a pregnant woman can cause asthma in a newborn.
  • Excess B12 can provoke peripheral vascular thrombosis, pulmonary edema, and anaphylactic shock.

Drug interactions

Often, before planning a pregnancy, a woman may be prescribed various medications to treat existing chronic ailments.

A woman who is serious about her own health and the health of her unborn baby will definitely consult about the possibility of combining Angiovitis with other medications she is taking.

Seemingly harmless, Angiovitis, in combination with other medications, can have the following effect:

  1. with thiamine – increase the risk of allergic reactions;
  2. with analgesics, antacids, estrogens, anticonvulsants - reduce the amount of folic acid;
  3. with antitumor and antimalarial drugs – reduce the effectiveness of folic acid;
  4. with diuretics – their effect is enhanced;
  5. with potassium preparations, salicylates, antiepileptic drugs - the absorption of vitamin B12 is reduced.

The combination of Angiovit with cardiac glycosides, aspartame and glutamic acid is beneficial due to increased myocardial contractility and increased resistance to hypoxia.

Experts do not recommend combining Angiovit with hemostatic agents.

Angiovitis is valued in obstetrics due to its proven serious preventive effect for the expectant mother and her baby. Angiovit is also indicated for men as a means of improving the quality and viability of sperm. But we must not forget that violating the regimen of using this drug and taking it without authorization may result in harm to the patient instead of benefit.

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There are preparations with a similar composition, but slightly different dosages of vitamins. These are Triovit Cardio (tablets) and Medivitan (solution for intramuscular or intravenous administration).

The need to replace Angiovit with these medications is only within the competence of the gynecologist. He may also recommend other vitamin complexes containing a more expanded list of vitamins, for example: Hexavit, Alvitil, Beviplex, Elevit Pronatal.

Agniovitis when planning pregnancy is very useful for the body of future parents. In men, it can improve the quality of sperm, reducing the number of defective ones, and in women, it can prepare the body for conception. Moreover, a pregnant woman can continue taking Angiovit in the first trimester. Vitamins will help the proper formation, formation and development of organs and systems of the embryo, and in the expectant mother they will prevent the threat of miscarriage and ensure normal blood circulation of the placenta.

Author: Nadezhda Martynova, doctor, especially for

Vitamins Angiovit: composition and purpose

Angiovit is a complex of vitamin B, each component of which has a positive effect on its area of ​​“responsibility” in the body of the expectant mother. The complex is extremely useful for the development of the fetus itself, which is why taking it is so important when planning, as well as at the initial stage of a woman’s pregnancy.

Here is this life-giving list of Angiovit components. Vitamin B6, popular in therapy, is actively involved in most metabolic processes and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. With the participation of vitamin B12, red blood cells and hemoglobin are synthesized. A deficiency of this component can cause anemia in a woman. A fetus carried by an anemic mother will constantly experience oxygen starvation, which has the most negative effect on its development. And the woman herself, against the background of “anaemia”, still at the stage of planning pregnancy, is haunted by the feeling of fatigue, malaise, she often feels dizzy, and even fainting is possible. This is an absolute reason to start taking a vitamin complex.

The third important component of the Angiovit vitamins is B9, folic acid, which is responsible for preventing mutations, the risk of which occurs during cell division in the developing fetus. Such prevention often helps to avoid severe pathologies in the unborn baby.

Another problem can be avoided by taking Angiovit. It will help reduce the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood of the expectant mother, inhibiting its penetration through the placenta, thereby preventing negative effects on the fetus. Angiovit should be taken by women who have already experienced miscarriage or other abnormalities during pregnancy. It is also worth taking seriously the issue of taking vitamins for expectant mothers, whose immediate family members include people with impaired heart function and a tendency to vascular diseases and thrombosis.

Angiovitis for men when planning pregnancy

It is absolutely advisable and justified from a medical point of view to take this set of vitamins to both partners planning a child together. For how long and how much Angiovit should be taken, the doctor will advise. Experts are unanimous in their opinion that B vitamins have a positive effect not only on the male body as a whole, but also directly on sexual function. The healthy lifestyle that a man chooses, supported by physical exercise and taking Angiovitis, increases the motility and permeability of sperm, their quality characteristics, which contributes to successful conception.

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