Vitamins when planning pregnancy Vitrum pronatal

Rating of the best vitamins for planning pregnancy

The best vitamins for planning pregnancy from imported manufacturers1Vitrum Prenatal Forte934 ₽
2Elevit Pronatal1 860 ₽
3Femibion ​​Natalker Ⅰ475 ₽
4Pregnakea550 ₽
5Solgar Prenatal Nutrients1 338 ₽
6Doppelhertz active For expectant mothers457 ₽
7Vitaginal934 ₽
8Folio655 ₽
The best Russian vitamins for planning pregnancy1Complivit Trimester 1 trimester330 ₽
2Alphabet mom's health419 ₽
39 months Folic acid286 ₽

Reviews for Prenatal Vitrum

Reviews from pregnant women indicate that the Vitrum Prenatal vitamin complex is in demand and is the best option for many due to its composition. Reviews of Vitrum Prenatal Forte also often contain the opinion that this drug is convenient for pregnant women to take, since it is enough to take only one tablet per day. Women note that Vitrum Prenatal improves overall well-being and does not cause side effects. In addition, pregnant women notice that these vitamins reduce the symptoms of toxicosis.

The best vitamins for planning pregnancy from imported manufacturers

Foreign manufacturers are developing special complexes for women who are preparing for pregnancy. They are suitable to be taken while preparing for a successful conception. When a woman’s body is saturated with important vitamins, microelements and other substances, the chances of implantation of a fertilized egg increase significantly, and this also contributes to the proper development of the child.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte

The first place in the ranking was given to the American complex of vitamins and minerals Vitrum Prenatal Forte. It contains 13 vitamins and 10 minerals. This remedy is recommended during pregnancy planning, as well as during pregnancy and even after childbirth. With this complex, a woman will avoid vitamin deficiency and micronutrient deficiency.

Take these vitamins 1 tablet after meals. It is better to do this after breakfast, but it is important not to wash it down with tea or coffee, but only with a glass of clean water. This complex is sold in 30, 60, 100 and 120 tablets. Since it is advisable to take them further and with the onset of pregnancy, it is more profitable to buy a large bottle at once.

Women who preferred Vitrum at the pregnancy planning stage leave mostly positive reviews about this complex. But at the same time, many are confused by the size of the tablet (almost 2 cm). But this complex has a rich, balanced composition, which most of its analogues cannot boast of, so it deservedly tops the ranking of the best.


  • along with other components, the composition contains iodine and iron;
  • Stably maintains hemoglobin;
  • gives energy, strengthens immunity;
  • With them, conception happens many times faster.


Elevit Pronatal

The second position in the ranking is occupied by the German complex Elevit Pronatal. It is enriched with vitamins, minerals and microelements. This multivitamin is indicated for expectant mothers during preparation for conception, during pregnancy and after the birth of a child. Vitamins and minerals are contained here in the optimal doses required at any of the listed stages.

The drug is available in oblong tablets of grayish-yellow color. They are smaller than Vitrum, but some women still find them difficult to swallow. To solve this problem, the tablet has a separating line that allows it to be easily broken. Take Elevit Pronatal 1 tablet per day with meals or immediately after. Take the drug with a small amount of clean water.


  • 12 vitamins + 4 minerals + 3 microelements;
  • do not cause nausea or other side effects;
  • scored tablets.


Femibion ​​Natalker Ⅰ

Third place in the ranking went to another German drug - Femibion ​​Natalker Ⅰ. This dietary supplement contains 9 essential vitamins and an iodine compound. This complex is recommended to be taken from the moment the couple starts thinking about pregnancy and during the first 12 weeks from the moment the fetus is implanted.

This supplement comes in the form of small, almond-shaped, film-coated tablets. Their color is light peach and they are easy to swallow. One package is enough for exactly a month of use. Dosage regimen: 1 tablet per day with a small amount of water. Femibion ​​is comfortable for the stomach and provides the body with everything necessary at the pregnancy planning stage.

Reviews about Femibion ​​Natalker Ⅰ are mostly good. It is well tolerated by the digestive system, invigorates, improves the condition of the skin, and reduces hair loss. Femibion ​​Natalker Ⅰ is deservedly included in the ranking of the best, since it well supports the body of the expectant mother and promotes a speedy onset of pregnancy, in the absence of serious problems with the reproductive system.


  • good folate content (folic acid, L-methylfolate);
  • tablet size and shape;
  • invigorate, increase immunity;
  • effectively prepare the female body for conception.



In fourth place in the ranking was the drug Pregnakea from Vitabiotics (UK). The complex includes 11 vitamins and 5 minerals. The drug protects the female body from the development of deficiency of vitamins and microelements with the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy.

Pregnakea is a hard gelatin capsule. They look quite stylish, since the manufacturer’s logo is depicted in white on a brown background. Take the drug one capsule per day with food or immediately after the main meal. You can take Pregnakea vitamins only with clean water. Chewing them is not recommended.

In reviews, obstetricians-gynecologists and women who took these vitamins at the planning stage note that Pregnakea allows you to make good adjustments to the health of the expectant mother even before conception. This vitamin complex deserves to be included in the ranking of the best, since its composition is balanced, the capsules are of a convenient size, and side effects are extremely rare.


  • effective composition in preparation for pregnancy;
  • standard size capsules that are easy to swallow;
  • well accepted by the digestive system if not taken on an empty stomach.


Solgar Prenatal Nutrients

The fifth position in the ranking went to the American complex Prenatal Nutrients from Solgar. The advantage of this complex is that all macro and microelements are contained in it in chelated form (easily absorbed). Produced exclusively from natural ingredients without added sugar, salt, yeast, gluten or other potential allergens.

Prenatal Nutrients is available in lilac-colored and fairly large tablets. Despite this, they are swallowed quite easily and do not injure the throat. Dosage regimen: 2 tablets per day with meals. The supplement is well accepted by the female body, including the digestive system.

In reviews, expectant mothers praise Prenatal Nutrients for giving them strength and improving their appearance. When planning a pregnancy, the Solgar complex deserves to be among the best because it contains beta-carotene, from which the body itself “extracts” vitamin A, and not in the form of cheaper and less beneficial retinol acetate. And thanks to the easily absorbed form of iron, it does not cause constipation.



Doppelhertz active For expectant mothers

The German Doppelhertz complex for expectant mothers was given sixth place in the ranking. The components of the complex are selected to best prepare the female body for the upcoming pregnancy and childbirth. The supplement contains 11 vitamins and 5 minerals.

Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

If a woman is going to start taking Virtum Prenatal, the instructions for using the product must be followed very precisely.

The instructions for Virtum Prenatal Forte include taking one tablet daily after meals. Vitamins should be taken with a small amount of water, but the tablet should not be chewed. As a rule, Virtum Prenatal for pregnant women is recommended to be taken in the morning, immediately after breakfast.

The duration of the course of taking the drug is determined by the attending physician.

The best Russian vitamins for planning pregnancy

Among Russian vitamins, women planning a pregnancy can also choose suitable complexes for themselves.

Complivit Trimester 1 trimester

Pharmstandard produces a series of vitamins, Complivit Trimester. The complex marked “1st trimester” takes first place in the ranking. The composition of this drug is optimal for the female body at the planning stage and in the first months after conceiving a child. The complex contains sufficient amounts of vitamin B9 and iodine. It does not contain an excess of vitamin A, and the other components are present in adequate proportions.

Complivit Trimesterum is available in the form of not very large round tablets, coated with a white coating. Take the drug during meals or immediately after the main meal. Dosage regimen: 1 tablet per day. Vitamins are swallowed without problems and do not leave an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth.

Reviews of the drug Complivit Trimesterum are good both among obstetricians and gynecologists and among women planning pregnancy. This complex is included in the rating of the best due to its balanced composition (12 vitamins + 8 minerals + lipoic acid and lutein) and the proportions of these components, specially selected when planning pregnancy and in the first months after its onset.


  • adequate proportions of incoming ingredients;
  • easy to swallow tablets;
  • strengthens the woman’s body before the upcoming pregnancy.


Alphabet mom's health

In second place in the ranking was the vitamin and mineral complex Alphabet Mom's Health. Contains 13 vitamins, 11 minerals and taurine. The dosages of the active components are developed according to the needs of the woman’s body at the planning stage and during the process of bearing a child.

The daily dose of Alphabet Mom's Health is divided into 3 tablets of different colors. Recently, experts have begun to pay more and more attention to the joint and separate use of nutrients, which affects their better absorption by the body. The tablets are small and easy to swallow. It is optimal to take the supplement 3 times a day. But if a woman forgets to drink another portion, then she is allowed to drink 2 at once.

According to reviews, this domestic product is liked by many women who are planning a pregnancy. They note that with this dietary supplement they have a surge of strength and also improve their appearance. The Mother's Health Alphabet is included in the ranking of the best because it allows women to feel pleasant changes in their body while they are planning a pregnancy.


  • the compatibility of useful substances in one tablet is taken into account;
  • small tablets that are easy to swallow;
  • increases immunity, gives vitality.


9 months Folic acid

The third position in the ranking is occupied by the drug from Valenta Pharm - 9 months Folic acid. During pregnancy planning, this is the most necessary vitamin. Each tablet contains 400 mcg of vitamin B9. Often during preparation for conception, especially if the expectant mother is eating well, taking multivitamins is not necessary. Taking this into account, such mono drugs become a real godsend.

This folic acid is produced in small yellow tablets that are easy to swallow and do not injure the throat. It is enough to take this vitamin once a day for 2-3 months before the planned conception. This will prevent the risk of neural tube defects in the fetus.

This drug is especially well-received by those who are not supporters of synthetic multivitamin complexes during the planning period. But even such women realize that their bodies will need a lot of folic acid and it will not be possible to compensate for its deficiency with proper nutrition alone. If conception is successful, it can be supplemented with potassium iodide and Omegamama from the same manufacturer.


How and when to take

The drug is taken one tablet per day, since it contains exactly the daily norm of all necessary biologically active substances and minerals. The pill is swallowed without chewing, washed down with a sufficient amount of water (at least 150 ml).

It is recommended to take the vitamin after meals, especially if you have stomach problems (gastritis, ulcers, high acidity, etc.).

Vitrum Prenatal is taken in a course that averages one month. In some cases, the daily dose and course of administration are increased, but only if the doctor prescribing this dietary supplement has grounds for this. There is no need to regulate this process on your own; an excess of vitamins in the body does not lead to anything good.

Do planners need vitamins?

If your diet is perfectly balanced, you have year-round access to fresh vegetables and fruits “from the bush”, you don’t get tired at work, rarely get sick and never get nervous, then perhaps this article is not for you - you can easily do without vitamins at this stage planning a child (if, of course, you really exist).

But for all other women, taking certain vitamins during preparation for conception and pregnancy will be very useful. An insufficiently varied diet, stress, and fatigue lead to a lack of vitamin “reserves,” which during pregnancy increases the risk of:

Do vitamins help you get pregnant?

A pleasant surprise - taking vitamins in preparation for pregnancy increases the chances of success and can speed up conception! Well, how can you not drink them after that?

Expert commentary

There is a whole direction in medicine - pre-pregnancy preparation, that is, preparation for pregnancy at the planning stage, which includes not only a clinical and laboratory examination of spouses, but also the creation of a certain vitamin reserve. In order to properly strengthen your body and create favorable conditions for pregnancy, you need to start taking vitamins 3-4 months before its onset. In the body of the expectant mother, all biochemical processes are accelerated, therefore, the need for vitamins also increases by 1.5-2 times.

pharmachologic effect

The action of the drug is aimed at replenishing the body's vitamin and mineral resources. Its components:

  • regulate metabolism (proteins, fats, carbohydrates);
  • improve metabolic processes;
  • stimulate the removal of toxins and waste from the body;
  • increase immunity (nonspecific);
  • increase the overall resistance (resistance to external factors) of the body;
  • participate in the synthesis of biologically active substances (enzymes, hormones);
  • regulate the functioning of all body systems;
  • have a positive effect on blood composition;
  • adjust the functioning of the nervous system.

In addition to the fact that a multivitamin has a positive effect on the body of the expectant mother, it also does a lot for the baby:

  • participates in hematopoiesis;
  • actively involved in the synthesis of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA);
  • prevents the development of defects during the formation of the fetal neural tube;

  • normalizes the growth and development of all organ systems of the baby.

The action of the drug is aimed at replenishing all the resources that are necessary for the health of the mother and her little miracle.

Why does the future dad need vitamins?

Many couples are unable to conceive a child due to decreased male reproductive function. Male fertility depends, among other things, on a common lack of vitamins.

To improve sperm quality and grow an “army” of healthy and active sperm, a man needs to take:

Folic acid (B9). It promotes the formation of motile sperm with the correct structure.

Vitamin E. Prevents sperm damage.

Vitamin C, zinc, selenium. They normalize sexual desire and support sexual activity.

Expert commentary

The stronger half of humanity also suffers from vitamin deficiency, so both spouses need vitamin prophylaxis. In men, taking vitamin complexes increases fertility!

Reviews from pregnant women about the pills

Each tablet contains 1 vitamins and 10 minerals that help develop a healthy baby:

  • Vitamin A (retinol)
  • Vitamin E
  • Beta carotene
  • Vitamin D3
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamins B1
  • AT 2
  • AT 6
  • AT 12
  • Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)
  • Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5)
  • Vitamin PP (nicotinamide)
  • Biotin (Vitamin B7)
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Copper
  • Zinc
  • Iodine
  • Manganese
  • Chromium
  • Selenium
  • Molybdenum.

Other substances in the tablets:

  • Stearic acid
  • MCC
  • Magnesium stearate
  • Croscarmellose sodium
  • Silicon dioxide
  • Titanium dioxide
  • Triacetin
  • Hypromellose
  • Dye E129 (charming red)
  • Dye E151 (brilliant black).

Folic acid

This is one of the main pregnancy vitamins. It is absolutely necessary for the development of the embryonic nervous system (neural tube). If at the beginning of pregnancy a woman has a serious deficiency of folic acid, then this is fraught with disturbances in the development of the fetus.

Expert commentary

Folic acid is necessary both in preparation for pregnancy and after it occurs. This B vitamin is involved in the processes of cell division and growth, in the production of amino and nucleic acids, and in the formation of all blood elements (red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets). All this is of significant importance in the process of the birth of a new life.

The recommended minimum dose is 200 mcg/day. Included in the vitamins “Femibion”, “Folio”, the complex “Elevit pronatal” and “Vitrum prenatal”.

During pregnancy

Vitrum for pregnant women is the optimal drug, as it ensures the normal course of pregnancy and protection from possible complications during this time. Vitamins for pregnant women help reduce the likelihood of developing birth defects and promote the proper formation of the fetal brain.

In addition, reviews of Vitrum Prenatal vitamins for pregnant women indicate that the product improves the well-being of the expectant mother, reduces the intensity of toxicosis , improves immunity and prevents anemia. The composition of multivitamins is optimal for the period of gestation and for use during lactation. In this case, the instructions must always be followed.

Vitamin A

This is a useful vitamin that is necessary for pregnancy and planning, but under no circumstances should you get carried away with it! Hypervitaminosis of vitamin A is fraught with a teratogenic effect - it can cause malformations in the fetus.

According to recommendations developed by international organizations dealing with the problems of congenital deformities in children, the maximum permissible dose for pregnant women is 6-10 thousand IU (2-3 mg) per day. Doctors consider lower dosages optimal: 0.8 -1.5 mg per day.

" Note! Vitamin A accumulates in the body, so if you have taken medications with a high content of it (for example, Aevit), it is advisable to postpone planning a pregnancy for six months.

Expert commentary

During pregnancy, excessively accumulated vitamin A can lead to birth defects in the fetus.

Daily dosage 1.5-2.0 mg/day. The optimal amount is contained in the Elevit pronatal and Vitrum prenatal complexes.


You should not take the drug in the following cases:

  • individual hypersensitivity to its components;
  • state of hypercalciuria , hypercalcemia , hypervitaminosis ;
  • pernicious anemia ;
  • vitamin A hypervitaminosis;
  • excessive calcium and iron content in the body;
  • urolithiasis , excessive excretion of calcium in the urine.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E regulates the production of female sex hormones, normalizes the menstrual cycle - so it is quite capable of increasing the chances of conception.

Expert commentary

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is necessary at the planning stage of pregnancy, as it is actively involved in the synthesis of sex hormones, and therefore in preparing the body for conception. It prevents miscarriages and fading of pregnancy. A powerful antioxidant, it protects cells from oxidative damage. As a rule, our body lacks this vitamin, so taking it in preparation for pregnancy is necessary.

The daily dosage of vitamin E is 100-400 IU/day; it is non-toxic even when the dosage is 10 times higher. Included in the Femibion ​​vitamins, Elevit pronatal and Vitrum prenatal complexes.


Vitamins for pregnant women Vitrum Prenatal includes 10 vitamins and a number of minerals that meet the needs of mother and fetus.

These substances are necessary for the proper construction of organs and tissues, as well as to maintain health and prevent the depletion of a woman’s body reserves.

The drug is intended for:

  • prevention of congenital malformations and deformities;
  • formation of the nervous system and all parts of the child’s brain;
  • proper construction of the child’s skeletal system;
  • combating toxicosis;
  • increasing immunity;
  • protection against pathologies during pregnancy;
  • supply of calcium to the body;
  • milk production and improving its quality.

The drug has shown itself to be particularly effective in the prevention of chronic placental insufficiency and in the complex treatment of threatened miscarriage, as well as in chronic vitamin deficiency caused by dietary deficiencies.

Vitamin C

This vitamin is especially recommended for those who smoke (or have smoked in the recent past) and are planning to take it, however, in a dosage of no more than 100 mg per day, it is indicated for absolutely everyone, unless there are individual contraindications.

Expert commentary

Among other things, this vitamin is necessary for the complete absorption of iron, which means it is an effective prevention of the development of anemia, vascular disorders, and toxicosis.

Dosage 60-100 mg/day.

Included in Elevit pronatal and Vitrum prenatal.


But with selenium, which is popular today, it is better to be careful and play it safe. This truly essential microelement can accumulate and simply poison the body. Therefore - no self-appointments!

Expert commentary

Selenium is an immunomodulator, an anti-inflammatory element that enhances the effect of vitamins C and E. Together with magnesium, selenium controls cell division, preventing tumors. At the same time, selenium, when accumulated in excess, can have a toxic effect, leading to peeling of the skin, hair loss, and nervous disorders. Before taking additional selenium, you need to determine its level in the body.


Drugs with similar effects include:

  • "Bio-Max";
  • "Vitaftor";
  • "Vitatress";
  • "Glutamevit";
  • "Complivit";
  • "Duovit" and others.

Before replacing one remedy with another, it is important to study the recommendations for its use and consult with your doctor. Otherwise, you can harm not only yourself, but also the baby growing inside.


Magnesium is often called the “main female mineral”, as it affects the female reproductive system and is involved in the processes of contraction and relaxation of the uterus. Let's drink!

Expert commentary

Magnesium is one of the main elements in a living cell. It is of greatest importance for the functioning of the heart, and also provides tissues with oxygen, dilates blood vessels, reduces pressure, prevents the occurrence of blood clots and coronary artery disease, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system (both central - combating stress and overexertion, and peripheral - improves the nervous system). conductivity, eliminates cramps). Together with selenium, magnesium ensures the normal functioning of the endocrine system (in particular the pancreas) and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Together with vitamin B5 and folic acid, it prevents various congenital pathologies, miscarriages, and normalizes the process of childbirth and breastfeeding.

The recommended daily dosage is 300-500 mg.

For women planning pregnancy, we recommend Magne B6 or Magne B6 forte.

As you know, Siberia is on the list of regions of Russia where iodine deficiency is especially severe. This means that iodine is indicated for all of us simply based on where we live. Unless, of course, there are contraindications...

Expert commentary

Iodine is involved in the functioning of the endocrine system - it affects the production and metabolism of thyroid hormones (thyroxine and triiodothyronine), which are important for sexual function. In the reproductive sphere, the lack of this microelement results in various pathologies: spontaneous abortions, fetal anomalies, infertility.

We live in an iodine deficiency area, so taking iodine is essential. The daily requirement is 200 mcg. However, there is also excess production of thyroid hormones - thyrotoxicosis, therefore, before prescribing the drug and determining its dosage, thyroid hormones TSH, T3 and T4 should be tested.

What vitamins do pregnant women need?

If a woman’s body lacks vitamins, then first of all she herself will suffer from their lack, as they used to say: “The child will draw out all the juices.” In order for pregnancy to benefit the expectant mother (everyone knows that a woman blossoms again after childbirth), it is not enough to simply drink any vitamins, it is necessary to take into account their need for the duration of pregnancy. Please note that an excess of nutrients is just as harmful as a deficiency, so we will briefly describe the need for specific vitamins by trimester.

In the 1st trimester, a woman’s body especially needs folic acid and vitamin B6. It is these substances that help cope with nervousness and toxicosis, and also have a beneficial effect on the baby’s nascent nervous system.

The 2nd trimester can be considered the most important in the development of a child, and therefore vitamins A, D and E are added. In addition, the latter substance has a beneficial effect on women’s health and improves immunity. Calcium and iron supplements are also recommended at this time, the effects of which are known to every expectant mother.

In the last trimester, if there are no pathologies, nothing new is introduced; they continue to take those vitamins that were most suitable for the pregnant woman.

Multivitamin complexes: which one to choose when planning pregnancy

Instead of looking for each element separately, selecting the dosage and drinking handfuls of drugs, it is much easier to buy a vitamin complex, which already contains everything you need in the correct dosage. However, there are almost no special vitamins produced for those planning to, and multivitamin complexes and vitamins for pregnant women do not always meet the needs of those who are just about to join the ranks of expectant mothers. You can’t do it without consulting a specialist!

Expert commentary

The approach to choosing a vitamin complex remains controversial. Here it is important not to go into a state of hypervitaminosis, which is also unfavorable. When prescribing the drug, we evaluate each patient (married couple) individually. What is important is the presence of extragenital and concomitant pathologies, initial indicators of laboratory examinations for microelements (magnesium, potassium, sodium, chlorine, iron, etc.), the influence of the living environment (iodine deficiency, iron deficiency areas).

The drug "Femibion-1" meets many requirements - it contains the necessary folic acid, vitamin E and iodine. In addition, pregnant women can continue taking Femibion-1 in the first trimester. At the planning stage, the vitamin complexes “Elevit pronatal” and “Vitrum prenatal” also worked well. There is no ideal vitamin complex, you just need to choose the optimal one, taking into account the state of the body.

Together with our expert Elena Telina, we analyzed popular vitamin complexes, as well as special vitamins for pregnant and planning mothers. The result is this table, which can be used as a reminder when choosing a vitamin complex.

Vitamin complexExpert commentary
"Femibion-1"Contains essential folic acid, vitamin E and iodine. In addition, pregnant women can continue taking Femibion-1 in the first trimester.
"Elevit pronatal"Optimal in composition for pregnant women, they have proven themselves well at the planning stage. These complexes are suitable for patients for whom iodine is contraindicated (with hyperthyroidism or thyroid adenoma). You may need to take additional iodine after receiving your thyroid hormone results.
"Vitrum prenatal"
"Vitrum prenatal forte"Suitable for planners. They contain enough folic acid, an optimal amount of magnesium, iodine, vitamin E, and calcium.
"Pregnoton"This biological supplement is more suitable for women with PMS and menstrual irregularities (vitex extract affects the production of sex hormones and prolactin). Not all patients like the taste of this drug.
"Pikovit"Quite a depleted complex.
"Multi-Tabs Classic"Anyone planning a pregnancy can recommend any of these complexes.
"Super Complex NSP"Overly concentrated complex.


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Virtum Prenatal price, where to buy

The price of Virtum Prenatal Forte (30 tablets) averages from 310 to 400 rubles. The price of pregnancy vitamins depends on where exactly they are sold.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte (100 tablets) can be bought for an average of 800-1000 rubles. The price of Virtum Prenatal Forte 100 tablets in Ukraine averages 200 UAH.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Vitrum Prenatal Forte (table p/o No. 100) Unipharm
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  • Vitrum Prenatal Forte (tablet no. 30) Unipharm

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  • Vitrum Prenatal tablets No. 30Unipharm

    RUB 423 order

  • Vitrum Prenatal tablets No. 100Unipharm

    969 RUR order

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  • Vitrum prenatal plus 100 tabletsEagle Nutritionals, Inc./ Unipharm, Inc

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  • Vitrum prenatal plus 30 tabUnifarm Inc., USA

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  • Vitrum prenatal 30 tabletsUnifarm Inc.

    RUR 398 order

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  • Vitrum Prenatal Plus No. 30 tablets Eagle Nutritionals, Inc.,/Unipharm, Inc., USA
    164 UAH order
  • Vitrum Prenatal Plus No. 100 tablets Eagle Nutritionals, Inc.,/Unipharm, Inc., USA

    426 UAH order


  • Vitrum Prenatal film-coated tablets No. 30, Unipharm

    170 UAH order

  • Vitrum Prenatal film-coated tablets No. 100, Unipharm

    366 UAH order

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Elevit or Vitrum: which is better when planning pregnancy

Today there is no doubt that when a woman plans to conceive, her body requires a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. For this purpose, many complex drugs have been developed, the most popular of which are Elevit Pronatal and Vitrum Prenatal. However, many girls wonder: what is best to take when planning a pregnancy? Let's try to answer it by looking at the composition and differences in the characteristics of these two drugs.

Side effects

While taking Vitrum Prenatal, the following side symptoms can be observed:

  • Swelling of the skin
  • Rashes
  • Severe itching
  • Lethargy
  • Excessive irritability.

With long-term use of the vitamin complex, the occurrence of seborrhea, the development of disorders of the renal system, and irritation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract cannot be ruled out.

Before planning a conception, it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive examination, which will allow you to prescribe the necessary support for the male body; prescribed vitamin therapy will increase the chances of experiencing the happiness of fatherhood.

Elevit Pronatal or Vitrum Prenatal: comparison

The general component composition of these two drugs is selected so that the content of all useful substances corresponds to the limits of their daily intake. Both complexes are produced abroad: Elevit in Germany, and Vitrum in the USA.

In order to determine their differences from each other, it is necessary to evaluate each drug according to the following criteria:

  • constituent elements;
  • how the drug is used;
  • presence of contraindications and side effects;
  • price category.

The main characteristics of Vitrum and Elevit are identical. However, let’s take a closer look at how they differ:

  • Elevit Pronatal contains more vitamins A and D3, as well as magnesium. In all other respects (with the exception of the complete absence of phosphorus), Vitrum’s composition wins: it contains more vitamins E, C and group B.
  • If we take into account the method of taking the drugs, then there is not much difference. Elevit is taken once a day 15-20 minutes before meals, and Vitrum can be taken after meals.
  • In terms of the number of contraindications, Elevit is in the lead. It should not be used in case of hypersensitivity to any of the components, renal-liver failure, lactose intolerance. Vitrum has one contraindication - hypersensitivity.
  • Side effects statistically occur in equal numbers of cases. When taking Vitrum, only an allergic reaction to the drug may occur. The list of side effects of Elevit is much longer: disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract, various problems in the functioning of the nervous system, staining of stool black.
  • The last point of comparison is price. Although it should not have much importance in choosing a drug to prepare for a desired pregnancy, it is worth noting that the cost of Vitrum is much lower.

From the above, the conclusion follows that each drug has both disadvantages and advantages. The choice always remains with the expectant mother. However, you should not be guided only by reviews on the Internet, and before using any drug you should definitely consult your doctor. It is also advisable to conduct blood tests to determine the content of various substances in it, since taking vitamin-mineral complexes can also cause hypervitaminosis in some of its components. This in turn will lead to negative consequences in the process of pregnancy planning.

What is the difference between Vitrum and Elevit for those planning a pregnancy?

When a woman chooses a vitamin-mineral complex to prepare for pregnancy, she needs to take into account the following characteristics of the drugs:

  • Folic acid content, as it is responsible for preventing the occurrence of fetal malformations.
  • The amount of calcium - the development of the child’s bone and joint system depends on it.
  • Iodine – it promotes the development of fetal brain structures.
  • Magnesium - in sufficient quantities prevents the occurrence of uterine tone, which can lead to miscarriage in early pregnancy. This macronutrient also contributes to the normal development of the baby’s nervous system.

As we can see, the folate content in both drugs is the same. However, there are differences in other elements: Elevit has more magnesium, and Vitrum has more calcium and iodine.

Thus, the choice of drug for the period of planning conception should be justified by the indications available to the woman herself. You should not prescribe any vitamin and mineral complexes on your own without first consulting your doctor.

Elevit or Vitrum: reviews on which is better when planning

Examining the reviews of women about taking various drugs during the planning period, we can say that there is not much difference in their choice. However, most girls still choose to take the Vitrum Prenatal Forte complex during this period. Their decision is based on several factors: a richer composition, a single dose and a price that is significantly lower than Elevit.

If we talk about the side effects of these two drugs, they occur equally in girls planning a pregnancy.

Anastasia Krasikova, obstetrician-gynecologist, especially for

Vitamins during pregnancy - video

In this video, a specialist talks about what and what kind of vitamin does in the body of a pregnant woman, what is the risk of its deficiency, and what is the danger of its excess. Be sure to look, this is important for every expectant mother to know.

Multivitamin preparations are a chance to replenish the mother’s body reserves in city or winter conditions, when not enough of them are supplied with food. Vitrum Prenatal also contains micro- and macroelements, which are no less important during pregnancy planning, fetal development and even during lactation.

Biologically active substances adjust the functioning of all systems and organs of the mother, help the proper formation and development of a new life inside you. Therefore, you should not neglect such benefits during pregnancy, especially if there are direct indications for this.

Did you take Vitrum Prenatal while planning your pregnancy or while carrying your baby? Did you like these vitamins? Share your opinion and experience in the comments, this will guide those young mothers who are faced with a serious choice of vitamins for themselves and their little one.

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