Hiking during pregnancy: basic rules. How long should a pregnant woman walk outdoors per day?


Walking at a brisk or slow pace is recommended for almost all pregnant women. The benefits of walking during pregnancy are as follows:

  • the cardiovascular system is trained, as a result of which the likelihood of heart disease, hypertension, etc. is reduced;
  • the risk of varicose veins is reduced;
  • the abdominal muscles are strengthened;
  • ventilation of the lungs increases;
  • the likelihood of headaches decreases;
  • The woman’s well-being and mood improves.

advice Walking will be most beneficial if you choose the pace of movement and duration of the walk based on the level of fitness of the pregnant woman and her current state of health.

In what cases can pain occur when walking?

There are many factors that can cause pain in a pregnant woman while walking. The main reason is the powerful physiological changes associated with pregnancy. Some of them are harmless, while others are very dangerous and require immediate medical attention.

When pain may occur when walking:

  1. When the sciatic nerves are pinched. The reason is an enlargement of the uterus due to the growth of the fetus. As a rule, pain is felt only on one side.
  2. Softening the adhesion between the bones of the pelvis, including the symphysis pubis. When walking, pain is felt in the pubic area.
  3. Flat feet during pregnancy can appear even in those who have not suffered from them. The reason is increased body weight and swelling. With flat feet, a woman may feel pain in her legs.
  4. Pain in joints may be present due to a lack of calcium in the body.
  5. Abdominal pain when walking occurs if the ligaments holding the uterus are overstrained.
  6. With varicose veins, the legs may swell, “buzz” and feel “heavy” when walking, especially in the afternoon.

Attention! Don't forget about safety rules. Always dress appropriately for the weather, if possible, do not walk alone (let your husband, mother, girlfriend or any loved one accompany you), and do not put unnecessary strain on yourself.


When choosing the level of load and duration of walking, it is necessary to take into account the stage of pregnancy.

In the first trimester, health walks can be taken at your usual pace. You need to pay attention to choosing comfortable shoes. In addition, you should avoid walking in too hot weather or during rain (snow) in order to prevent overheating or hypothermia of the body.

In the second trimester, it is recommended to monitor your posture so as not to provoke back pain. If you feel well, you can move at your usual speed.

In the third trimester, you should especially carefully choose a place for walking, avoiding walking on slippery or uneven road surfaces. While moving, you need to monitor your well-being and if any discomfort occurs, find an opportunity to rest. Closer to the time of birth, it is better to take walks in the presence of another person who can provide assistance if necessary.

How to walk correctly

You should walk in comfortable shoes that are specifically designed for an active life. It is best to wear sports (rather than city) sneakers or trekking boots that are designed for walking on rough terrain and hiking. These shoes have the right sole with good shock absorption, which is extremely important given the already increased load on the spine. In summer, you can choose sports sandals with a comfortable ergonomic shape, which often have a ribbed inner surface that provides a massage effect. It is best to look for such shoes in sports stores and do not spare money on them.

The heel in shoes for pregnant women should be slightly raised or have a 1-2 cm stable heel, while completely flat soles are contraindicated.

If the average speed of a person is 4-5 km per hour, then a pregnant woman should stick to 3-4 km. You need to walk without haste, without trying to meet a specific distance in a certain time. It is best to take a short rest every 15-20 minutes: ideally, you should sit down to let your legs relax. Even if a woman does not feel tired, this must be done, because after 1-2 hours the body may remind you of such negligence.

Precautions and recommended load volume

Before you start hiking, you should pay attention to some recommendations:

  • the speed of movement and duration of walking must be increased gradually, avoiding the occurrence of shortness of breath or muscle pain;
  • you should not cross your arms over your chest or keep them in your pockets - in this case, the likelihood of falling significantly increases when exposed to even minor factors (potholes on the road or a slightly slippery surface);
  • it is preferable to take walks away from high-traffic roads;
  • In summer it is better to walk in the morning or evening, in winter - at lunchtime to reduce the likelihood of overheating or hypothermia;
  • walking shoes should be as comfortable as possible;
  • Clothing should be selected according to the season and taking into account the outside temperature.

What physical activities are allowed for pregnant women?

Pregnant women are contraindicated in 2 types of activities: those with a high risk of injury and those with increased stress on the abdominal muscles. You cannot engage in boxing, various types of martial arts, skydiving, going to the gym to use exercise equipment, skiing and snowboarding, etc. This is due to the fact that a woman can get severe bruises, fractures, or cause a miscarriage with excessive stress. At the same time, walking and even jogging for short distances can be done when the pregnancy proceeds without complications, and the doctor does not prohibit it.

Walking should be avoided in places where there is mountainous terrain and the woman will have to climb a lot without steps. Hikes that require you to carry necessary equipment in a heavy backpack are also prohibited. Ideally, you should walk through regular city parks away from the roadway, so as to still breathe fresh air. If a girl wants to run, then the speed should be extremely low, and her stomach should be supported with a special belt. You should avoid conditions under which there is a risk of falling: ice, wet asphalt, poor lighting.

Any physical activity should not cause severe fatigue, so sport should not be aimed at results, but solely for pleasure.


information Slow walking over short distances has virtually no contraindications during pregnancy, except in cases of strict bed rest.

Longer walks at a fast pace should be avoided if you have the following diseases or body conditions:

  • increased uterine tone;
  • threat of miscarriage or premature birth;
  • gestosis;
  • severe toxicosis.

If you experience pain while walking, you should also temporarily stop exercising.

How much per day should pregnant women walk?

If a woman is healthy and there are no contraindications, then she is recommended to walk for 1.5-2 hours every day. If you are not used to physical activity, then walk for 30-40 minutes 2-3 times a day. At first, it is better to walk not far from home so that you can return at any time.

This will help you get used to it. Subsequently, when the body adapts, you can increase the time spent in the fresh air to 1.5 or 2 hours.

You should also take into account the biorhythms of your body. For some it is better to walk in the morning, for others in the evening.

If you work, try to walk at least a short distance from work to home, and also be sure to find time for walks on the weekends.

It is very important to know that the criterion for optimal exercise is the absence of shortness of breath. Your breathing while walking should be even, calm, and there should not be a lack of air. In addition, there should be no unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen; if there are any, this indicates increased tone of the uterus. This means there is a risk of pregnancy failure. In this case, consult a doctor immediately!

Attention! If you are pregnant under no circumstances, do not walk during the midday heat, strong wind or frost.

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Walking during pregnancy is invaluable because it is an effective way to maintain an active lifestyle, prevent possible pregnancy complications and guarantee the health of the expectant mother and child.

To give birth to a healthy and strong baby, the mother herself must have excellent health and well-being. Today, many techniques have been developed to help the expectant mother prepare for childbirth. In addition, there are basic rules that must be strictly followed.

Physical exercise plays a huge role in preparing a woman’s body for childbirth. They prepare the muscles for the upcoming stress during childbirth. In addition, it is necessary to develop the body’s endurance, strengthen the heart and the walls of blood vessels. This is done through daily walks, which should last at least two hours. Time for a walk should be specially allocated.

Active movements of the expectant mother for two hours a day can not only strengthen the heart and blood vessels, they will improve mood, strengthen the nerves, the lungs will be filled with oxygen necessary for the development of the fetus, and blood will better supply all vital systems of the body.

When should you not exercise during pregnancy?

Contraindications for walking during pregnancy:

  • ARVI, influenza, exacerbation of gastritis. You should not be outside if you are sick.
  • Increased uterine tone, bleeding from the vagina. These are serious symptoms that threaten termination of pregnancy.
  • Severe toxicosis, uncontrollable vomiting.
  • High blood pressure, swelling, protein in the urine. Such manifestations are a signal of kidney problems, which means that any physical activity is contraindicated for a woman.
  • Miscarriages during previous pregnancies are a risk of losing your baby again.
  • Polyhydramnios.
  • Cramping pain in the lower abdomen.


Walking during pregnancy is not only a pleasant, but also a very useful activity. If you did not exercise before pregnancy, consult your gynecologist and ask about any contraindications. If there are none, you can start practicing. Increase the load gradually, follow all the rules, listen to your body and then walking will bring you maximum benefit.

Especially for

— Olga Pavlova

Sometimes it’s so gray and unsightly outside that you don’t feel like going out for a walk. And this is understandable: the desire to bury yourself in a small den and not show your nose comes to many of us. But we are forced to go to work, visit stores, visit loved ones, and solve many current affairs.

Therefore, you definitely won’t be able to hibernate. And this is good. You cannot be healthy without fresh air. A is the basis of her child’s health. Therefore, the expectant mother should walk quite a lot in winter. What should be taken into account?

How does walking during pregnancy affect childbirth?

As already mentioned, physical activity during pregnancy is not only useful, but also indicated. And its beneficial effect on childbirth is obvious. Here the third trimester of pregnancy begins. After all, it is during this period that the movement of the pelvic bones begins and the body prepares for childbirth. This occurs due to stretching of the soft tissues of the symphysis. In the third trimester, this cartilage becomes mobile, allowing the baby's head to pass through the birth canal during the birth of the baby.

But what does walking have to do with it? And despite the fact that thanks to walks, the pelvic bones move apart more gently, naturally and painlessly. And this is not only an excellent prevention of symphysitis (inflammation of the pelvic joint), but also a serious aid during childbirth. In addition, the walls of the abdominal cavity are strengthened, and this will significantly help with pushing. Childbirth is much easier if the body is accustomed to physical activity and does not perceive it as stress.


The symphysis is a cartilage located in the area of ​​the symphysis pubis and connects the pelvic bones. During pregnancy, the ligaments of the symphysis pubis loosen, swell and become more mobile.

Rules for a pregnant woman's summer walk

Overheating can cause fainting, which is dangerous for the expectant mother. The effects of heat stroke are also harmful to mother and baby. Dehydration of the placental bloodstream due to vomiting, fever, nausea, and weakness negatively affect the baby and lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus.

In hot weather, you need to take water with you to quickly quench your thirst.

Don't forget to wear a hat to avoid overheating. The brim of a hat or cap visor will help protect your face from direct sunlight, which can cause age spots. You can use sunscreen or spray to protect your skin.


Walking during pregnancy is a pleasant and useful pastime. Their health benefits for the expectant mother and baby are invaluable. It is important not to forget about safety while walking and take care of your health, then the benefits of walking for the course of pregnancy will be invaluable.

Especially for

— Elena Kichak

Walking is one of the best and most beneficial free pleasures we can afford. And for women, this is also a necessary activity, which is simply criminal to neglect, not only for yourself, but also for your baby. In order not to let our thoughts run wild, let’s immediately get to the heart of the matter and sort out all the scientific and medical truths and simply the rich female experience of our mothers.

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