Green discharge: main causes and treatments during pregnancy  

Normally, vaginal discharge, its character, color, consistency, is constantly changing. Experts associate such transformations with changes occurring at the hormonal level. The scarcity and abundance, thinning and discoloration of vaginal discharge is influenced by which blood hormones become predominant at the current stage.

To find out the exact cause of changes in the secretion, it is often necessary to undergo an examination. You should be especially careful about your health if you have green discharge during pregnancy.

What to do if a pregnant woman has green discharge

What types of discharge do pregnant women have?

Pregnancy is a very important stage in the life of any woman. The body begins to undergo restructuring and preparation for increased work. All organs and systems of the expectant mother change, preparing to bear a strong and healthy child. In particular, the hormonal, circulatory, vascular, respiratory, muscular systems, as well as tissues located on the abdomen and bones, are subject to changes.

Small vaginal discharge indicates the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy. At the moment the egg is fertilized and fixed in the uterus, the body begins to produce a large amount of a special secretion. It is this that leads to the formation of a mucus plug. It helps protect the child developing inside the mother’s body from infection by various viruses that threaten him from the outside.

Day by day, more and more mucus is produced. If light, transparent or slightly yellowish discharge appears from the genitals throughout pregnancy, then there is no need to worry about this. This is normal.

You should be wary if ichor or blood particles appear in the vaginal area, especially in the first trimester. In most cases, the appearance of blood during this period means that the pregnancy was terminated and the child died. Sometimes expectant mothers mistake blood cells for menstrual symptoms. If you are in doubt about the cause of vaginal discharge, it is better to consult a doctor to reduce the risk of spontaneous abortion.

If a white cheesy liquid appears in the last trimester (at 35 weeks), then this is one of the signs of thrush. The disease must be treated to prevent the risk of infection of the child during childbirth. Candidiasis (commonly known as thrush) can be caused by excessive use of antibiotic drugs, as well as exacerbation of the disease during the period of hormonal surge caused by pregnancy. Thrush is accompanied by burning and itching in the area of ​​the genitourinary organs.

If thick gray or yellow-brownish discharge from the vagina is detected, this most likely indicates infection with sexually transmitted infections. It is necessary to consult a gynecologist who will prescribe appropriate therapy. But self-medication is strictly contraindicated.

The specialist in this video will talk about discharge that should alert women:

Vulvovaginal candidiasis

Candida is one of those rebellious opportunistic microorganisms that are just waiting for the slightest weakening of the immune system. This is also a recurrent disease - there are few women who have encountered it only once in their entire lives.

Due to the fact that the fungus looks for loopholes in weakening the immune system, the first trimester of pregnancy is especially attractive for it due to hormonal changes. Greenish discharge during pregnancy, if a number of signs characteristic of candidiasis coincide, can also be manifestations of this fungus.

Fungal infection is called thrush for a reason. With it, there is always a discharge, which in structure looks like a cheesy mass. The unpleasant smell is also characteristic - sour milk. The color is usually white, but sometimes light yellow or green cheesy leucorrhoea is observed. Another characteristic symptom of this fungus is burning and discomfort when having sex and urinating.

Is green discharge dangerous?

Not all women's bodies work like clockwork. Sometimes girls, along with the joy of pregnancy, discover problems in the form of greenish or bright yellow discharge. Along with this, unpleasant sensations often arise in the form of itching or burning in the perineal area. In addition, the secretion becomes more abundant, smells unpleasant, and interferes with leading a normal lifestyle.

There is no need to panic; you should consult a gynecologist by visiting an antenatal clinic. He will help determine the cause of the manifestations that caused the excitement and prescribe a medicine that will not cause other pathologies and complications that are extremely undesirable before childbirth.

Nature of green discharge

Greenish vaginal discharge has the following characteristics:

  1. The inflammatory process in the area of ​​the ovaries and fallopian tubes can be judged after the appearance of dark green (sometimes gray) mucous fluid. In addition, dark green discharge indicates that a pus-like substance is accumulating in the genitals as a result of bacterial infection.
  2. Vaginal dysbiosis that arose during pregnancy is indicated by streaks of light green discharge that smells like fish. The development of an acute vaginal infectious process is indicated by a greenish mucus-like substance. Sometimes the substances are watery or look like snot.
  3. The appearance of a pale green secretion indicates the development of an allergic reaction to synthetic underwear materials. The body sometimes reacts in a similar way to panty liners and hygiene products. If these irritants are removed, then the signs of ill health disappear spontaneously.
  4. The development of genitourinary infections (gonorrhea, syphilitic manifestations) during pregnancy is indicated by the appearance of copious green discharge.

Causes of green discharge during pregnancy

There are a large number of reasons why green discharge appears like snot. They have slight differences in early and late stages.

In the early stages

In the first trimester, green discharge occurs for the following reasons:

  1. The development of colpitis, which is an inflammatory process that develops in the mucous membranes of the vaginal area. The disease is caused by various infections, including gonorrhea, streptococci, trichomonas, ureomycoplasma, chlamydia.
  2. The development of gonorrhea is indicated by pain and burning in the genitourinary area, followed by the appearance of white-yellow or greenish pus. Over time, they intensify, causing swelling of the external genitalia and affecting the entire uterus.
  3. Trichomoniasis occurs without any symptoms, and the appearance of green discharge is caused by vaginal irritation.
  4. Chlamydia occurs with almost no symptoms, sometimes with discomfort and itching. At this time, purulent, cloudy greenish mucus-like substances come from the vagina.
  5. The occurrence of cervitis, which is an inflammatory process that develops in the cervix.
  6. The appearance of bacterial vaginosis, accompanied by fluid with an unpleasant fishy odor. There is an itching, burning sensation. At the same time, discharge is visible, plastic, like plasticine.
  7. Indication of a frozen pregnancy and threat of termination. This means that the infectious process has overcome the protection offered by the external genitalia, causing infection of the fetus.

In the later stages

At a later stage, in addition to the above reasons, pregnancy can be terminated:

  1. Chorioamnionitis is an inflammation that develops in the membranes of the fetus, which affects the amniotic fluid and infects the fetus, leading to its death. This phenomenon often causes pathology even at 9 months of pregnancy.
  2. Due to the outpouring of water around the fetus. Most often, greenish-colored water flows from 34 weeks and later.


The table below presents the main reasons for the appearance of green mucous discharge during pregnancy, as well as what symptoms accompany the pathology.

DiseaseNature of the dischargeSymptoms
Thrush (Candidiasis)At first, the secretion is liquid in consistency, sometimes it has a greenish color. Subsequently, the mucus becomes thick and cheesy. The smell is specific, sour milk. Mild pain above the pubis, redness and swelling of the vulva, itching in the perineum and outside the genitals.
GardnerellosisGreen or gray mucus that smells like rotten fish. Consistency: liquid foam. Increased discharge after sex, discomfort when urinating, abdominal pain.
GonorrheaYellow or light green mucous discharge.Painful sensations above the pubis, frequent urination, itching in the vagina, burning sensation during intimacy, hyperemia and swelling of the genital organ.
Nonspecific vaginitisSticky discharge of yellow or green color with purulent admixture.Pain during urination and during sex, frequent urge to go to the toilet, hyperemia of the genital organ, swelling and itching of the vulva.
TrichomoniasisThe mucus is copious, foamy, purulent, yellow-green in color, and has an unpleasant odor.Burning sensation when urinating, pain above the pubis, swelling of the vulva, itching in the vagina.
ChlamydiaPurulent green mucus.Heaviness in the abdomen, burning sensation when urinating, a slight increase in body temperature, swelling and itching in the external genital area.
AdnexitThe discharge is scanty, has a greenish or milky tint, and a foul odor. If the pathology is caused by gonococci, blistering leucorrhoea. In the acute form of the pathology, severe abdominal pain is observed. Other signs of the disease are nagging pain above the pubis, radiating to the back or tailbone, vomiting and nausea, and increased body temperature.
CervicitisThe secretion is mucous, and the amount of secretion may vary. Usually scanty discharge is yellow or white, less often abundant green-yellow. Dull pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort during sex, problems with urination, swelling and redness of the vulva, small hemorrhages on the vaginal mucosa.
ChoriamnionitisGreenish slimeGeneral deterioration in health, fever above 38 degrees, chills, pain in the lower abdomen.
EndometritisThe discharge is liquid, purulent and greenish in color.Severe pain in the lower abdomen, malaise.
Leakage of amniotic fluidLiquid, abundant, sometimes greenish.Redness, burning in the vulva area.
Frozen pregnancyNot too abundant greenish mucus with bloody impurities.Severe, pulling and cramping pain in the lower abdomen, high leukocytosis, mucous blood discharge from the vagina, increased body temperature.

Treatment options

After taking tests that show that everything is in order, you should take the tests again at the end of the term, which will prevent the risk of infection of the child during labor. This can be done up to 36 weeks, since at a later date the baby can be born at any time.

How to eliminate green discharge from a pregnant woman

If, along with green discharge, lingering or sharp pain in the genital area appears or clots of mucus appear, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice. After conducting the necessary research, he will tell you what the cause was and prescribe the drug that will effectively and quickly eliminate all the symptoms that have arisen. Usually medications are prescribed after 20 weeks. Such a delay is necessary so that the baby gets stronger and can withstand all therapeutic measures.

The doctor prescribes probiotics and antibiotics in the last trimester. If you ignore the doctor’s recommendations, you can cure one disease and acquire another. For example, thrush may appear. The disease is eliminated quickly and effectively after using duphaston, reviews of which are entirely positive. The use of suppositories and ointments only temporarily relieves symptoms. A few weeks before giving birth (in the third trimester), the doctor may prescribe medications that are no longer capable of harming the baby. If you ignore thrush and do not treat it at 37 weeks, the baby may become infected during childbirth.

If tests show the absence of infection in the body, then you should change your personal hygiene products. You can replace them with baby soap or care products that are designed specifically for expectant mothers.

What to do?

First of all, if you notice any changes in your body during pregnancy, you should immediately contact your doctor . You are now responsible not only for your health, but also for the health of the little man who lives inside you. Therefore, do not self-medicate, nor should you resort to traditional medicine.

By the way, the latter, in the presence of such symptoms, most often recommend douching. And choosing the wrong temperature can lead to irritation and contraction of the muscles of the uterus, which in turn threatens miscarriage or the onset of premature labor.

Also pay special attention to hygiene. In addition, check: perhaps changing the washing powder or different laundry will help solve this problem.

After consulting a doctor and as prescribed by him, it is necessary to take an analysis to study the microflora of the vagina. In this way, the reason for the occurrence of this phenomenon will become reliably known.

If you notice green discharge during early pregnancy, you should have a gynecological smear.

After the doctor conducts the necessary research, you will be offered an alternative treatment option. Modern medicine makes it possible to select drugs that do not harm either the fetus or the expectant mother. However, if light green discharge during pregnancy is the result of a disease that requires the use of more serious medications, then such procedures are usually postponed until the second trimester. The first trimester is considered to be the dangerous weeks of pregnancy, and by the beginning of the second, the placenta will have formed, which can protect the baby from the influence of drugs. And then all the vital organs will be formed, and the risk of the drug influencing the further development of the baby will be minimal.

Depending on the period, the doctor will prescribe the most gentle treatment for the pregnant woman.

Preventive actions

In order to prevent the risk of greenish discharge, you must follow some rules:

  1. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with abstinence from alcoholic beverages, smoking and drugs.
  2. Do not eat fatty and salty foods.
  3. Timely treatment of diseases developing in the digestive tract.
  4. Careful selection of sexual partners.
  5. Avoidance of promiscuity of a sexual nature.
  6. Having pelvic exams twice a year, even if there are no signs of concern.
  7. Pregnancy planning.

Most experts believe that the best method of preventing problems during pregnancy is its competent and complete planning. A special herbal complex based on herbs “ Seraphim's Collection” . This is a safe, proven and doctor-approved remedy that has a positive effect on all body systems.

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