What are moles? Essentially, this benign formation is a pigmented area of the skin,
Lactofiltrum - composition and effect on the body First of all, peristalsis slows down due to
Causes Thickening of the walls of a child's place is a serious and dangerous pathology. It can be caused by a number of reasons.
Round ligament pain is usually sharp and occurs in the abdominal cavity or at the level
26 Feb02118 Translation by Veronika Maslova: A child who eats too much milk too quickly may
Symptoms and causes of ARVI in the second trimester A pregnant woman becomes infected with ARVI through airborne droplets,
Why does the lower back hurt in early pregnancy? What causes lower back pain in early pregnancy?
Bloody discharge after curettage Bleeding after curettage of the uterine cavity is a natural result of the procedure.
Fetal development at week 22. The baby’s nervous system is improving, and formations are formed on the surface of the brain.
When to use a home pregnancy test? On many pregnancy test packages you can read: