Why during pregnancy in the early and late stages there is a strong feeling of hunger and how it can be satisfied

During pregnancy, feeling constantly hungry may seem like a normal response to the demands of your growing body. However, the state of hunger should correspond not only to the condition and lifestyle of the expectant mother, but also to the period of pregnancy. And if the question is why hunger occurs at night or why, when we are full, we continue to eat, then we need to understand this in more detail, which we will try to do together.

According to the sensations of hunger, pregnancy can be divided into trimesters corresponding to the period of gestation.

In the first trimester, the desire to eat may constantly arise not because it is required by the fetus, which at this stage of development requires an increase in the diet by the mother, but rather due to the self-hypnosis of a woman who has learned about her situation. Overeating during this period may be prevented by the presence of toxicosis. Nausea and refusal to eat will please obese women with weight loss, but do not forget that toxicosis is a temporary phenomenon and weight gain during pregnancy is inevitable. And if there is no toxicosis, then excessive food consumption, especially with regard to such psychological issues as “eating” stress, will lead to an expansion of the stomach and the presence of extra pounds in the woman, and not in the fetus.

In the fight against anxiety or stress, food should not be allowed to become a kind of antidepressant when you want to eat a lot of sweets or fatty foods. Subsequently, it can be much more difficult to cope with extra pounds; the stomach will get used to more food.

The opinion that food is needed not by the mother, but by the child - these are temporary excuses that will cease to be relevant immediately after the birth of the child. But the child will be born, and hunger will not go away, which can lead primarily to endocrine disruption and obesity. A friendly environment and daily walks in the fresh air will help you cope with such hunger. And when you have free time, you should find something to do that will allow you to take your mind off things. For me, attending water aerobics classes for pregnant women became a similar hobby.

In the first trimester, a woman should eat in small portions, but quite frequently - up to five times a day. Nutrition during all periods of pregnancy should be given special attention. Cottage cheese and other dairy products, whole grain bread and other fiber, as well as fruits and vegetables must be included in a pregnant woman’s diet. There is no need to ignore taking vitamins. During this period, the body begins not only to work with redoubled force, but also to secrete hormones that are unusual for it. Therefore, to prevent excessive weight gain, nutrition should be moderately high in calories and always healthy.

It is worth mentioning that in the first trimester the baby does not yet require to eat a lot, but if the pregnant woman feels the desire to eat something special, then this typical state of hunger should be satisfied. For example, during my first pregnancy I constantly wanted ice cream and meat without eating enough other foods. But as soon as I satisfied my great hunger needs with very small portions of meat, the feeling of hunger went away. And if you know that by the end of the first three months of pregnancy the child reaches a weight of 20 grams and a height of 9 cm, then questions about excessive hunger should disappear even for particularly suggestible mothers. It costs nothing to feed such a baby with regular portions.

The second trimester of pregnancy is a very comfortable period, but passes quickly. The belly is not yet visible, the health is excellent, hemoglobin is normal. The child begins to grow and the skeletal system is formed. You want to eat a lot more, and the feeling of hunger during this period is explained by the growth of the fetus and its new needs. The diet must continue to be followed. At the same time, it is worth increasing your intake of foods rich in calcium. For normal stomach function, you should not indulge in fatty, salty foods and avoid smoked foods. We continue to enjoy vegetables and fruits that will not be available after the birth of the child, but during pregnancy will help the functioning of the stomach.

During this period, the feeling of hunger at night may increase. Such hunger is dangerous for mom’s health, because when we eat at night, we activate our stomach. The stomach works, and at this time the intestines sleep. Overeating at night is fraught with discomfort in the general condition, leading to constipation and, again, weight gain. Therefore, the best option for the night is to leave an apple or carrot nearby (by the way, these products perfectly clean plaque from teeth and prevent caries) and a glass of water or milk. This way we will avoid extra pounds and satisfy the feeling of hunger.

There is no need to eat before going to bed; a working body will not be able to get proper rest and will force the pregnant woman to toss and turn in search of sleep. What if you go to work in the morning?! Therefore, you need to have dinner for the last time 2-3 hours before bedtime. Then we won't have time to get hungry. And as additional information, I will give the average height and weight of the baby for 6 months - the child on average reaches 32 cm in height, but the weight remains small - up to 650 grams. The baby's main weight gain will begin in the next and hungriest period of pregnancy.

The third trimester has its own characteristics. Hunger in the last three months has been a constant condition. It is during this period that the baby actively gains weight, adding an average of 600 grams per month. But if we compare the concept of hunger with the development of the child, then it is necessary to take into account that hunger during this period is dangerous for both the child and the mother. In the last months of pregnancy, it is necessary to use calcium and food products containing it with caution. Now the child’s skeletal system is forming and strengthening, and during childbirth, the baby’s bones should be able to adapt to the mother’s body, and then childbirth will be easier.

Another difficulty that arises as a result of a constant feeling of hunger is overfeeding a child who is in the process of building up subcutaneous fat. It is more difficult to give birth to a large baby and surgery is often required.

During the entire period of pregnancy, it is considered normal if a woman gains up to 16 kg in weight. Of course, a lot depends on growth, but this is the golden mean that speaks about proper nutrition and the healthy functioning of the body. With the birth of a child, it is this weight that will be easily lost with standard child care.

As a result, I would like to note that during pregnancy you can eat everything, but not much. You can suppress the feeling of hunger without harm to your health with fruits and berries. And I can only hope that my experience will be truly useful for expectant mothers. Have a successful pregnancy and healthy children!

Video. Nutrition during pregnancy

>>Increased appetite during pregnancy

Food preferences during pregnancy

Approximately 25% of women experience cravings for at least one type of food during pregnancy. Such food preferences arise spontaneously in early pregnancy and can be almost irresistible. Doctors and scientists have still not been able to determine exactly what the reasons for this manifestation are. It is not clear whether such desires are caused by changing hormone levels, emotional changes, or something else.

What food do pregnant women crave most often?

40% of women want sweets

35% crave salty or pickled snacks

16% of expectant mothers want spicy food

9% of women are drawn to fruits (green apples, citrus fruits and other sour foods)

How often do women follow their dietary desires?

36% of women eat whatever they feel like eating every day

34% of women eat what they crave every other day

24% of women allow themselves to do this once a week

6% of women indulge in food more than once a day

Frank conversations of women. What food do you crave during pregnancy?

I always want something salty or spicy. Yesterday I persuaded my husband to go to a Mexican restaurant and I have never experienced such pleasure. — Emma

I have a craving for sweets all the time. Bread with chocolate spread, puffed rice, sweet cereals, small donuts covered in chocolate or sugar. I know that all this is harmful for me and I allow myself such things no more than once a month. — Alla

I really want mashed potatoes and gravy and nothing else. Sometimes I think that I will never want anything else again. - Valeria

I often eat peanut butter and aspic. Last pregnancy I was crazy about shrimp. - Elena

I'm pregnant for the third time and I want tomatoes every day. Throughout my first pregnancy, I carried apples in my purse, and during my second pregnancy I had no desire for anything. On the contrary, I rather didn’t feel like eating, I had no appetite at all. - Daria

How to satisfy your appetite and food preferences during pregnancy without harm?

As practice shows, only a few women during pregnancy feel a craving for healthy foods (spinach, broccoli, oatmeal, etc.). Most people want ice cream, chocolate and cakes. Of course, it is very difficult to resist such temptations, especially in your position, so sometimes indulge yourself, but always remember the little organism growing inside you. The following recommendations will help you better control your gastronomic desires:

Eat a full breakfast every day.

Eating a full breakfast helps combat the urge to grab something before lunch. A good breakfast would be a glass of orange (or other) juice, yogurt, eggs, white toast, oatmeal, muesli, fruit and nuts.

Do exercises regularly.

Walking also has a good effect. They are not only good for your well-being, but also help get rid of boredom, which leads to excessive eating of chips, salty crackers, cookies or other foods you don’t want.

Teach yourself that everything is possible in moderation.

For example, try eating not the whole serving of ice cream, but only half. Or instead of a large chocolate bar, a small one. If such small portions only increase your appetite, then eat the entire portion, but do it less often.

List of foods useful for reducing appetite without consequences for the child

If the above recommendations do not help, take the advice of nutritionists and eat low-calorie but filling foods:

  • Jacket potatoes, cooled. Potatoes contain up to 220 kilocalories. If you eat according to certain rules, the vegetable will help you get rid of hunger for a long time. For example, cooled boiled potatoes, peeled, cope perfectly with hunger.
  • Low-fat varieties of fish and meat. Turkey, chicken, quail, pollock or hake fillet is the best way for a hearty and healthy lunch, dinner or breakfast. More beneficial properties will be retained in the product if it is steamed or baked in the oven.

Healthy substitutes for unhealthy foods

Below are several options that allow you to replace foods that are undesirable for pregnant women with useful analogues:

  1. Try low-fat frozen yogurt instead of ice cream
  2. Instead of sweet soda, make mineral water with fruit juice added to it
  3. Instead of donuts and muffins, buy a whole grain baguette and spread it with jam.
  4. Instead of cakes and pastries, buy bread with bananas and nuts. If the temptation is very great, you can indulge in meringue with strawberries
  5. Instead of sugary cereal, try brown sugar oats
  6. Instead of potato chips, eat low-fat chips or popcorn
  7. Instead of full-fat sour cream, try low-fat sour cream or yogurt
  8. Fresh or frozen fruit works well instead of canned fruit.
  9. Instead of cookies, bake homemade peanut butter crackers.
  10. Instead of a cheesecake or creamy dessert, try a whole grain cracker or low-fat vanilla rice pudding.

Menu for pregnant women for every day

If you create a balanced menu, take into account the correct ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

MondayBreakfast: oatmeal cooked with milk, light fruit salad.
Lunch: served with vegetable soup, sliced ​​fresh vegetables, and prune broth.

Snack: consists of homemade cheesecake and fermented milk drink.

Dinner: steamed vegetable stew, prepare a vinaigrette with lemon juice, herbal tea.

TuesdayBreakfast: steamed omelet with finely chopped herbs, a cup of green tea.
Lunch: durum wheat pasta, vegetable stew with steam cutlet, berry juice;

Snack: prepare low-fat cheesecakes with raisins, natural yogurt.

Dinner: bake turkey fillet in foil, sliced ​​fresh vegetables.

WednesdayBreakfast: grated cottage cheese with dried apricots, lean bread with jam, carrot juice.
Lunch: boil a few potatoes, steam fish cutlets, and cocoa.

Snack: eat berry jelly with biscuits, banana.

Dinner: prepare stewed vegetables, wash down with a glass of fermented baked milk.

ThursdayBreakfast: buckwheat, whole grain bread with butter, citrus juice.
Lunch: have vegetable soup with meatballs, sliced ​​fresh vegetables with olive oil, and herbal tea.

Snack: snack on a bun with milk or fruit salad.

Dinner: steamed veal cutlets, black bread, green tea.

FridayBreakfast: serve zucchini pancakes with low-fat sour cream, a boiled egg, a slice of bread with butter.
Lunch: thick turkey goulash with gravy, stewed vegetables, cherry jelly.

Snack: drink a fermented milk drink with cookies.

Dinner: cabbage and carrot cutlets, boiled beet salad, drink rosehip infusion.

SaturdayBreakfast: prepare oatmeal with berries, wash it down with fresh juice or chamomile tea.
Lunch: beetroot soup served with boiled chicken meat and dried fruit compote.

Snack: homemade cheesecake with fermented baked milk.

Dinner: prepare boiled potatoes with fish, bread.

SundayBreakfast: have breakfast with grated cottage cheese with steamed dried fruits, a green apple, tea.
Lunch: prepare cabbage soup, rice meatballs, tomato juice.

Snack: berry jelly with a bun, banana.

Dinner: stewed vegetables, green tea with milk.

Pregnancy will only bring positive emotions if you keep a diary and write down recipes for healthy dishes. After the baby is born, the habit of eating vitamin-rich foods and leading an active lifestyle will remain, so your immune system will be strengthened, and a slim figure will be your reward.

Video: Why do pregnant women crave salty food so much?

It's no secret that pregnancy is the most difficult and absolutely individual period in the life of any woman. It is full of all sorts of difficulties that cannot be predicted, but the expectant mother must be prepared for their appearance.

Accepting them correctly and learning to cope with them are the main tasks of a woman that must be completed for her future comfortable life. Among them, special attention is drawn to the special appetite of women, which can truly surprise outside observers.

Strange taste solutions are not the biggest problem. A really big difficulty can be the constant feeling of hunger that a pregnant woman may experience from the very early stages.

If some mothers complain of headaches, then many others claim that they constantly want to eat during pregnancy. No matter how strange it may be, this is a completely ordinary problem for expectant mothers, which often causes great discomfort and interferes with a full life.

What to do if you can’t sleep at night because of hunger and run to the refrigerator every hour? But what if in the early stages of pregnancy you are still working, and the constant desire to eat prevents you from concentrating on your business?

Initially, this difficulty is due to the fact that now a woman has to eat for two in the most literal sense of this expression. During pregnancy, the speed of all metabolic processes increases, which means the absorption of consumed food occurs faster. This is one of the reasons that causes you to feel hungry every two hours, and sometimes even more often.

It should also be noted that during the period of bearing a child, a woman needs everything possible. That is why often an expectant mother may want to eat rather strange combinations of foods that hardly any of us would try in ordinary life.

When the body lacks certain substances, it immediately sends a signal to the brain that it is necessary to replenish their supply. Accordingly, an impulse arises—the desire to eat one or another product that will contain a sufficient amount of the missing minerals or vitamins. Therefore, the desire to eat many different foods can be explained by a lack of certain nutrients that are necessary for the normal development of the child and mother.

In a situation where you constantly want to eat during pregnancy, the psychological factor of the mother also plays a big role. If in their ordinary lives many women monitor their nutrition, plan their diet wisely, and do not allow themselves to eat unnecessary unhealthy foods, then during pregnancy they forget about everything and become “machines” for consuming any food they might want. This often becomes the reason that the expectant mother listens to the urges of her body and eats not the most healthy foods in unlimited quantities. There are also situations when women lose control of themselves, which leads them to the hospital for a certain time.

Causes of increased appetite

It’s worth noting right away that the problem cannot be left to chance. After all, extra pounds are a direct path to varicose veins, back pain, large fetuses, and therefore difficult childbirth, and so on. Doctors name the following reasons that provoke a constant feeling of hunger:

CauseWhy is this happening
Hormonal changes in the bodyIt is mainly due to this factor that the mother wants to eat a lot and often, and also those foods that she would hardly have combined with each other before pregnancy.
Psychological attitudeCaring grandmothers, mothers and friends tell the young girl that now she must eat for two. And under the influence of such provocateurs, she begins to “pamper” herself with tasty treats, without fear of gaining extra pounds. Gynecologists confirm the fact that the mother needs more calories than before pregnancy, because the developing body inside her requires useful substances for growth and development. However, the dose should be increased by only 300 calories, and not by a couple of extra pounds.
DepressionUsually this condition is characterized by a lack of such an important substance as serotonin or the hormone of joy. Being in a depressed state (especially during a “spontaneous” pregnancy, with problems with the future dad and at work), mommy tries to replace the missing emotions with food. Many women have noticed the same behavior in themselves in everyday life, when any sadness you want to snack on something tasty or just chew something so as not to be so nervous.

The fact that a strong feeling of hunger appeared during early pregnancy is not a problem in itself. This is a normal reaction of the body.

It is worth noting that some girls were so frivolous with their appetite, devouring everything indiscriminately and without restrictions, that by the end of pregnancy they managed to gain up to 40 - 50 kilograms. To prevent this from happening, you must follow some rules to normalize your diet.

Watch the video about the nutritional habits of a pregnant woman:


One of the important stages of pregnancy is drawing up a diet plan that will help the expectant mother control herself and her increased appetite.

First of all, it is important to consume neutral foods that are not too sour or sweet (which can cause a jump in the amount of certain substances, which can affect the developing child). Jam, buns, jam, cakes - all of them will not be able to help you adequately calm down the feeling of hunger, but will remain in your body in the form of additional fat deposits or a jump in blood sugar levels.

It would be much healthier and more correct to eat a piece of meat or poultry, a vegetable salad or fruit, which will give you additional nutrients and create a feeling of satiety.

Moreover, simple carbohydrates from starchy and sweet foods are digested much faster than carbohydrates from plant foods, so when consuming the latter, you will feel hungry again much later.

If you constantly feel like eating during pregnancy, then you should try to increase your consumption of both animal and plant origin:

All these products are absolutely irreplaceable, since they play the role of “builders” in the baby’s developing body, because the baby’s soft tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments) are formed and develop with the participation of protein. In addition to the above products, the expectant mother also needs to eat meat dishes.

Basic nutrition rules for a young mother

To avoid turning into a baby elephant by the end of pregnancy, you should follow simple nutritional recommendations:

  • If you experience constant hunger in the early stages of pregnancy, unrelated to illness, you can satisfy it with healthy foods (dried fruits, biscuits or cereal cookies, muesli).
  • You can eat often, the way you want, just introduce restrictions on portion sizes. For example, no more than three to five spoons or a fist-sized portion. And to make it psychologically easier, you should take dessert plates for a snack. On them, small portions will not look as dull as on large plates.
  • Whole grain bread will provide fewer calories than white bread. You can also eat bread.
  • In the eternal bustle, ladies often forget about the simplest thing - water. The expectant mother does not always really want to eat; she may be thirsty. To reduce the amount of food consumed and also avoid dehydration, it is recommended to stay hydrated and drink one glass of liquid before meals.
  • Acidic foods provoke feelings of hunger. They irritate the walls of the stomach, which provokes the desire to eat something else.
  • Fruits are your best friends. They will not only saturate the body with useful vitamins and microelements, which is so important for mother and child, but will also help fill the stomach with fiber, which is low in calories.
  • Meat will help you stay full longer. Yes, it’s hard to get enough of fruit or cereal alone. The natural protein contained in meat allows you to feel full sooner and avoid going to the refrigerator longer. However, it is worth remembering that against the background of the same unstable hormonal levels, constipation and other gastrointestinal problems may occur. Therefore, it is better to consume meat products boiled and steamed.
  • Dairy products and cheeses will help saturate the body with calcium. Thanks to this, in the future it will be possible to avoid problems with brittle hair, nails, and crumbling teeth. Hard cheese is an ideal snack product.
  • The speed of food absorption is also of great importance. Scientists have long proven that only a calm, measured meal will help you feel full without overeating. After all, the feeling of fullness comes within 20 minutes of starting a meal. Therefore, those who like to eat on the go or in 5 minutes should reconsider their habits. To prolong the process, you can make it a real art: set the table beautifully, cut out figures from your least favorite fruits, look out the window and admire the views.

Regularity of meals

Also, for the diet, it is important not only its internal content, but also the regularity of food consumption. If you train yourself to constantly go to the refrigerator and have a snack, albeit little by little, then the body easily gets used to constant food intake and begins to demand it itself. It would be much more correct to make a rule for yourself according to which meals are taken no earlier than two to three hours after the previous one. This will allow you not to overeat, but at the same time satisfy. At first, such a schedule can be very difficult, but soon your body will adapt to the conditions set before it.

In addition to such drastic measures as following your diet, you can also use small tricks that sometimes help to significantly simplify the solution to the problem that arises when you constantly want to eat during pregnancy. For example, to avoid feeling hungry at night, you should drink or eat a small amount of something nutritious before going to bed. If you really want to eat a bun, then you should replace it with whole grain bread. It is rich in fiber, which is absorbed slowly and will keep you feeling full for a long time.

From this video you will learn more about proper nutrition during pregnancy:

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More on this topic

The first days of pregnancy were different for every woman. But, interestingly, each remembers in detail how the early stage of her interesting position proceeded.

Pathologies that provoke increased appetite

The reasons for regular trips to the refrigerator are not always so rosy. The following diseases can provoke a constant desire to eat:

  • diabetes;
  • stomach ulcer, gastritis;
  • hyperthyroidism.

If the expectant mother knows that she has problems in these areas, she should definitely tell her gynecologist about it.

Ideally, before conception, you need to take care of yourself and treat existing diseases.

But pregnancy can be unplanned, and in chronic forms it is not always possible to foresee this. To exclude possible pathologies, the doctor will suggest taking tests, and then adjust the treatment and tell you about the rules of nutrition.

When mom doesn't know yet...

When we talk about the very first weeks of pregnancy, as a rule, we are talking about the time when the expectant mother still does not even suspect that a new life has arisen inside her. During this period, the body begins to show the very first signs, as hormonal changes begin. Although it also happens that the sensations that many experience, some do not manifest themselves at all.

For example, a pregnant woman may suddenly have a sharp rise in temperature, but after a couple of hours it also unexpectedly returns to normal for the woman. Or at some point her lower back will ache or her stomach will ache - these are the first sensations that cannot yet convey important news to the pregnant woman.

It is believed that in the first days of pregnancy, the body itself partly understands that a fertilized egg is developing in the uterus, but this information has not yet reached the brain. Therefore, he is at a loss, not knowing how to react to the changes taking place. At the same time, most women admit that in the early stages of pregnancy the thought suddenly comes to almost everyone’s head: “Am I pregnant?”, although there seemed to be no reason for this. If you realized that you were expecting a baby closer to the 12th week, then you have already experienced a variety of sensations.

Avoid overwork

So, how does pregnancy manifest itself at different stages and how does a woman feel? First of all, the familiar feeling of overwork appears. A pregnant woman (if she is not yet aware of what has happened) thinks that she is getting sick, because her body aches like before the onset of a cold, she constantly wants to sleep. But no matter how much time a woman spends in her sleep, she begins to “nod off” within a few hours after waking up, without having time to do important things or work.

It turns out that by sending such sensations to a woman, the intelligent body accumulates strength for the upcoming changes and gives the woman the opportunity to come to her senses if she has been mentally or physically exhausted. Almost every pregnant woman says that at such moments there was simply no way to fight sleep - as if someone was pressing an invisible button so that she would instantly turn off.

Doctors explain: this happens during pregnancy because the body switches to an energy-saving mode when overload is unacceptable. So, every time a woman tries to do something tiresome or “overwork,” the body immediately stops it, as if teaching the fair sex to set priorities now.

Don't eat clay

How else does the early stage of an interesting situation manifest itself? Of course, in most cases a pregnant woman does not feel like eating or, on the contrary, she is constantly overcome by hunger. It all depends on the state of the body, lifestyle and physique.

It is believed that thin girls at this time begin to lean on buns because they are drawn to them. Thus, the body rushes to stock up on the fat it needs, which will also serve as protection for mother and baby. Women in the “body” can become selective in their diet, and after childbirth they often become much slimmer than they were.

In general, pregnant women's relationship with food becomes difficult right away - this is how pregnancy manifests itself in almost everyone. Someone, suffering from toxicosis, already in the early stages cannot see raw meat or nuts and eats only canned corn. There are also those who pretend to love pickles. Of course, there are lucky women who don’t know what morning sickness is and can eat absolutely any food without problems, but there are only a few of them.

After the 12th week, the situation returns to normal, but keep in mind that the course of pregnancy itself suggests strange eating behavior throughout the entire 9 months. For example, vomiting that a woman experiences from the moment of conception can haunt her until the birth of the baby.

This manifestation of an interesting situation can and should be fought. To get rid of the unpleasant feeling that occurs in the morning, you need to eat a small piece of cookies before you even get out of bed. Also avoid stuffy and smoky rooms - otherwise you are guaranteed to faint.

This stage of pregnancy is also characterized by the fact that you may be drawn to inedible “products” (chalk, earth, clay). It is believed that in this non-standard way the body tells you what elements are missing in your diet. Also, by the way, it does this when it sends you a signal to eat a food product that is unusual for you.

Consult your doctor - perhaps after a series of tests he will prescribe you a course of vitamins. Try not to eat what you really want - after all, these “products” can lead to poisoning or infection in the body, which is dangerous in your condition.

Feeling hungry as a result of illness

As a rule, during pregnancy, the feeling of hunger is a normal and rather ordinary state, which should be taken for granted and try to overcome it within yourself. But in rare cases, constant hunger even during pregnancy may indicate the presence of pathological processes.

The following pathologies should be excluded:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • diabetes mellitus and other endocrine disorders;
  • gastritis;
  • hyperthyroidism.

Such pathologies are detected extremely rarely during pregnancy; as a rule, if they exist, the woman knows about them even before carrying a baby, and then recommendations for eliminating hunger are of a completely different, medicinal nature.

Waiting for a baby is a charming and trembling period in the life of every woman, so no feeling of hunger, even a constant one, is unlikely to overshadow this wonderful moment. Listen to the recommendations of your doctor, do not abuse harmful products, they still have no benefit and, of course, enjoy an unforgettable period in your life.

During pregnancy, even the sight of your favorite delicacies becomes unbearable, and an addiction to foods that you previously did not like at all arises.

Taste quirks during pregnancy can be very diverse: the desire to eat everything indiscriminately, mix incompatible foods, or, conversely, aversion to any food.

Everyone knows that pregnant women are often “craving pickles,” and if suddenly a woman is seen eating pickles, this will certainly raise questions about her possible “interesting situation.” In addition, there are a lot of stories, even anecdotes, when in the middle of the night the expectant mother has a desire to eat something exotic, such as strawberries or peaches in the frosty winter. Often, pregnant women have completely strange needs: to eat sand, chew clay, chew chalk, etc. And it happens that, on the contrary, a previously favorite product or drink may begin to cause disgust even at the thought of it. The attitude towards smells also changes: favorite perfumes provoke attacks of lightheadedness, and “kitchen” aromas can even cause nausea and even vomiting in expectant mothers.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy

The main reason that explains changes in taste and the appearance of strange desires when choosing food is hormonal changes

in the body of a pregnant woman, namely the effect of progesterone.


– the main hormone of pregnancy, its influence is especially pronounced in the first months of expecting a child. During this period, progesterone is produced by a special structure of the ovary, called the “corpus luteum”, and after 16 weeks of pregnancy, the function of progesterone production is taken over by the placenta, which is fully formed by this time.

Under the influence of progesterone, successful implantation occurs (attachment and implantation of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus), the muscular structures of the uterus are maintained in a relaxed state, and this prevents the development of the threat of miscarriage. In addition, progesterone affects the preparation of the mammary glands and the formation of lactation.

In addition to its direct effect on the organs of the reproductive system, progesterone has a pronounced effect on the body as a whole.

The fact is that certain transformations occur in the body of the expectant mother, aimed at supporting the course of pregnancy and creating the most favorable conditions for the development of the unborn baby. Progesterone plays a leading role in these processes, and under its influence, a special accumulation of sensitive cells is formed in the brain, which is called the “pregnancy dominant”. This nerve center regulates the functioning of all organs and systems in such a way as to protect the unborn baby from various negative influences.

It is due to the work of the “pregnancy dominant” that many expectant mothers develop various quirks of taste.

Defensive reaction.

A change in taste preferences is also a defensive reaction aimed at protecting the body from harmful substances and, conversely, stimulating the intake of useful ones. It is precisely this protective property that explains the appearance of aversion, for example, to coffee and various spices. After all, these products can lead to the development of a threat of miscarriage. Therefore, the “pregnancy dominant” works to rid the body of these unwanted products.

If something is missing...

Many expectant mothers experience an irresistible craving for sweets, baked goods and chocolate. This is due to the fact that a pregnant woman needs more energy

, which means more
, of which there are many in various sweets.

And the well-known craving for salty foods is explained by the fact that the body needs to compensate for the lack of minerals,

in particular -
, an additional amount of which is necessary for the expectant mother, since as pregnancy progresses, blood volume increases and, accordingly, the balance of fluid and mineral components changes.

Increased need for vitamins and minerals

- This is also one of the main explanations for taste quirks during pregnancy. The development of new life in the body requires an increased supply of many vitamins and minerals. This may explain the expectant mother's desire to eat strawberries, oranges and other fruits. After all, they are an excellent source of a wide variety of vitamins. This desire arises most often in the evening and at night, because it is during these hours that the work of that part of the nervous system where the “pregnancy dominant” is located occurs most intensively.

Thus, in the first months of pregnancy, “food intuition” is formed. The body tries to cover new needs for nutrients, vitamins and microelements, and outwardly this manifests itself in such taste quirks.

Sometimes paradoxical, inexplicable changes in taste perception occur. For example, expectant mothers often develop a metallic taste in their mouth, which is often explained by a decrease in the amount of iron ions in the body. This can lead to anemia - a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood (iron is part of hemoglobin and is the most important functional component of this compound). Anemia leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to organs and tissues of both the fetus and the mother, and if left untreated, there is a threat of chronic hypoxia or bleeding. It would seem that at this stage the “pregnancy dominant” should turn on - so that the woman has a desire to eat something fortified with iron: apples, boiled red meat, pomegranates. But here’s the strange thing: just the opposite – the expectant mother is disgusted by them. This phenomenon has no scientific explanation yet. Such “whims” of the body should be compensated by taking specially developed vitamin and mineral complexes for expectant mothers. The amount of vitamins and mineral components in them is selected in such a way that pregnant women do not experience a lack of nutrients.

Psychological reasons

. Sometimes taste quirks during pregnancy do not have a special physiological basis, but occur for a number of psychological reasons. It is known that expectant mothers, in addition to physiological changes, also experience psychological changes, and special eating habits may be a manifestation of these changes. Pregnancy, even the most desired one, is in any case stress associated with a change in lifestyle and worldview. Not all pregnant women can calmly cope with such changes, and therefore some develop irritability, tearfulness, and a need for increased attention. Indeed, during this period a woman needs special care from others, and changing her taste preferences is one of the ways to receive this increased attention.

In fact, it is rare that the taste quirks of expectant mothers are explained by only one of the above reasons. Most often they appear as a result of the influence of a complex of physiological and psychological processes occurring in the body of pregnant women.

How to behave

In most cases, a sudden desire to eat something can be indulged - of course, if we are talking about safe foods. For example, if you want chocolate, you can eat a small piece. The limitation applies only to quantity. If you want to eat a kilogram of strawberries or a bar of chocolate, you should limit yourself, as excessive consumption of these products can trigger the development of an allergic reaction. Excessive salt consumption will lead to thirst and changes in water-salt metabolism. And eating a lot of baked goods and sweets will contribute to unwanted weight gain.

Some expectant mothers sometimes have a desire to drink beer and try various delicacies saturated with artificial colors and flavors. Everyone knows that both alcohol and artificial food additives can harm the full development of the fetus, therefore, if such desires arise, you should try to replace these products with something else. For example, beer - for black or brown bread, chewing gum - for aromatic fruits.

When to see a doctor?

If taste quirks begin to interfere with your normal rhythm of life, thoughts about food do not leave you alone, or there is a persistent desire to try something absolutely unhealthy, you should contact a doctor.

It happens that pregnant women want to try something inedible: chalk, clay, raw earth, iron, etc. Such desires may be a sign of a lack of certain minerals, such as calcium and iron. In this case, the doctor will prescribe additional tests for the content of trace elements in the blood and, if necessary, recommend taking additional trace elements.

And in conclusion, I would like to say: in order to minimize the troubles associated with changes in taste preferences, you should make your menu varied and attractive in appearance, do not forget to indulge yourself in moderation with sweets or, conversely, pickles, and also take the vitamin and mineral complex recommended by your doctor for pregnant women.

There is a popular opinion that a pregnant woman must eat for two. Most expectant mothers listen to this advice and do just that, but at the end of the term there is a price to pay in the form of hypertension, swelling, back pain and other disorders.

Women expecting a child are often tempted to eat something tasty, and sometimes it’s not even tasty, but just to eat something, to chew something. What to do in this case? Is it normal to have a constant craving to eat during pregnancy and why do you even crave it?

Body and mood: changes are coming

The course of pregnancy, of course, at an early stage has a number of features. In addition to all of the above, a woman may also feel the desire to empty her bladder more often. This is explained by the fact that the uterus grows from the very first day of pregnancy - thus, already during this period it can put a little pressure on its “neighbor”, who is responsible for urination.

Due to extensive hormonal changes, emotions will replace one another at incredible speeds. Therefore, do not be surprised that even little things will irritate you or that you suddenly want to cry. Try not to shout at your loved ones, no matter how much you want to - remember that this is how pregnancy manifests itself, and in a couple of minutes you will be ashamed of your action. Over time, these emotional outbursts will smooth out, but be prepared for the fact that you will cry with emotion at the sight of babies (even in advertising) for the entire 9 months.

The early stage of an interesting situation can also manifest itself at the physiological level. First of all, a woman stops menstruating. At the very beginning of pregnancy, unpleasant sensations appear in the mammary glands, because they are the first to begin preparing for childbirth. The breasts may become swollen and painful, and the nipples may become sensitive to even the slightest touch. Sometimes even wearing a bra can cause discomfort.

The promotion of an ideal image of women through the media and the obsession with their appearance lead to the fact that some women find it difficult to accept the fact that their figure changes during pregnancy. Lack of self-acceptance pushes some women to take drastic measures. Is fasting appropriate during pregnancy? Is it possible to ignore food? Absolutely not!

A lot has been said and written on the topic of fasting, and there are still many very different points of view on this issue. Among the many advantages and disadvantages of refusing food, there is still one indisputable point: fasting should not be practiced by pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Sometimes malnutrition is not a healing procedure at all. It happens that ladies simply ignore certain dishes, hoping that providing the body with fewer calories will save them from gaining weight. Skipping meals also occurs due to negligence, forgetfulness or constant busyness. However, whatever the reason, this behavior can have serious consequences for the developmental health of the fetus and even health problems later in the child's life.

Hunger in early pregnancy

It is during this period of time that women in labor begin to experience a piston feeling of hunger, as well as a feeling of insatiability. Some are sure that this phenomenon is absolutely normal and even demand from their loved ones to provide a continuous flow of goodies. Others control their weight, and when they observe a sharp increase in it, they come to doctors with complaints about eternal constipation and so on. that they cannot cope with the constant desire to eat. A competent specialist will explain to the pregnant woman the causes of the problem and give her recommendations.

Fasting during pregnancy: negative consequences for women and children

The body, deprived of sufficient quantities of nutrients, begins to rebel. The expectant mother develops a severe headache, and problems associated with cardiovascular diseases, if any, worsen; Kidney stones and hypertension may develop. In general, fasting can lead to exhaustion of the body (depending on its duration), which leads to vitamin deficiency, protein and fat deficiency. This is unacceptable for an expectant mother! A diet that is too strict weakens the body, often causing a feeling of chronic fatigue, and sometimes even leading to depression, which is also completely unnecessary for women carrying a child.

What do experts say about the consequences for a child of fasting during their mother's pregnancy? Researchers from Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands found that hunger during the first weeks of pregnancy has a significant impact on a child's health even into adulthood. From their research it follows that ignoring food can lead to genetic changes, the result of which will come back to haunt you in adulthood. The study authors concluded that children who are undernourished during the first ten weeks of pregnancy have some characteristic differences in genes compared to their siblings of the same sex. “Starving” children had fewer substances that control the amount of protein synthesized by cells.

A mother's use of a hunger strike during pregnancy can increase the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, the birth of a low-weight baby, and lead to future diseases of the nervous system: depression, mental disorders, and poorer brain development. Hunger in the early stages of pregnancy (the first trimester) can affect brain development and is associated with the risk of developing addictions and disorders in the future, such as schizophrenia.

At the same time, fasting does not solve the problem of extra pounds for the expectant mother. Most often, weight loss associated with malnutrition occurs due to the burning of muscle tissue instead of fat and ridding the body of water (due to non-absorption of carbohydrates).

Pros of losing weight

The following can be considered positive aspects of losing weight during pregnancy:

  1. Combining weight loss with physical activity will improve your night's sleep, making it deeper and longer. This helps to increase daytime energy and performance.
  2. Physical exercise reduces the risk of developing gestational diabetes, a dangerous disease in which sugar levels exceed normal levels throughout pregnancy. Diabetes provokes pathological complications during the birth of the fetus.
  3. By giving preference to fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, you will quietly lose extra pounds, preventing weight gain in the future.

Pregnant women should not starve – what should you do?

Active weight loss in an interesting position is excluded, but excessive weight gain also does not benefit either the mother or the baby. What to do?

As in many areas of life, the key is moderation. To lose weight, you need to eat, but eat healthy. In this context, it seems clear that proper nutrition, providing the necessary amount of calories and nutrients, is the basis for the health of both mother and child. It is also worth remembering that you should not skip meals, but you should try to balance them. Weight gain during pregnancy is an absolutely normal phenomenon, and there is no need to protect yourself from it, remembering that on average body weight gain ranges from 11-13 kg. There will still be time to lose weight after pregnancy, but now you need to think about something completely different.

How many kilograms does a pregnant woman need to gain?

Weight gain is an inevitable consequence of bearing a child, but this does not mean that all women should necessarily lose weight.

The weight gain of the expectant mother ranging from 10-12 kg is physiological and is due to the following factors:

  1. The weight of the fetus is on average 3.5 kg.
  2. Amniotic fluid – 1 kg.
  3. Uterus with membranes – 900 g.
  4. The weight of the placenta is 700 g.
  5. Increased blood volume – 1.5-1.8 kg.
  6. Intracellular fluid of a woman – 1.5 kg.
  7. Enlargement of mammary glands and subcutaneous fat – 3.5-4 kg.

From the second trimester, a pregnant woman gains approximately 350-400 g per week. A weekly weight gain of more than 500 g becomes a cause for concern. Thus, by monitoring your scale during pregnancy, you can monitor your weight gain.

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