Late pregnancy and childbirth: their features and risks

It must be admitted that late pregnancy is becoming more common in the modern world. The number of women wanting to get pregnant after 35 years is constantly growing, and there are very serious reasons for this.

Is it good or bad to give birth after 35 years? Why are more and more women postponing pregnancy? Are you interested and concerned about these questions? Read and get detailed information. Need answers to your questions? — Ask in the comments, and our regular readers will help you. Already have experience? — Tell us about it in the comments, we are all very interested!

Conception and the course of late pregnancy

Late first pregnancy causes a lot of joy and no less fears

It has been noticed that after 35 years of age it is difficult for a woman to conceive a baby - this is the main problem. An interesting fact is that a woman aged 25 can conceive 20% faster than a woman over 40. The fact is that it is quite difficult for a fertilized egg to attach to the wall of the uterus, this can lead to frequent miscarriages.

You should know that a woman may not even be aware of a miscarriage, which will be in the form of heavy menstruation.

At the beginning of pregnancy, it is imperative to carry out all tests for the presence of possible diseases in women after 35

The second difficulty is the exacerbation of already acquired chronic diseases. As you know, over time, various diseases do not disappear, but accumulate. Moreover, when pregnancy is late at 45, illnesses can negatively affect not only the health of the mother, but also the baby.

Remember! Diseases of the heart, blood vessels and renal system are particularly aggravated in women after 45 years of age.

Spouses treat late pregnancy more carefully and judiciously

However, despite all the risks, statistics on late pregnancies indicate that a quarter of women are ready to give birth after 40 years. There are even women who could not conceive a baby for a long time and, after 50 years, agree to carry their child to term. However, it happens that during menopause a woman may become pregnant and not realize it. So a woman can guess about a small miracle only at the first movements of the baby.

Many women, wanting to get pregnant after 35, turn to the possibility of IVF fertilization. Read more about it in this article. But remember: late pregnancy seriously affects the health of the expectant mother. Get more information here.

Is there a chance?

Today, doctors offer many options for solving the problem using advanced scientific methods. But even after 35 years of age, it is possible to conceive a child naturally, the main thing is to approach the issue thoroughly. Of course, first of all, this concerns the health of the couple.

It is necessary to visit not only specialized specialists, but also a comprehensive examination. Otherwise, the presence of chronic diseases, such as asthma or diabetes, can cause many difficulties during pregnancy.

In addition to a medical examination, doctors usually recommend carefully analyzing your lifestyle, opportunities, reducing stress, trying to eliminate stress, revising your diet in favor of healthy foods and giving up bad habits. It is worth noting that the listed points apply not only to expectant mothers, but also to fathers, including giving up smoking and alcoholic beverages. The negative impact of tobacco and alcohol on sperm fertility has long been proven, even at a young age, not to mention men over 35 years of age. Also, during the preparation stage, men should avoid situations where hypothermia or overheating of the genital area occurs.

In addition, to speed up the process of conception, a woman is recommended drugs that strengthen the second phase of the menstrual cycle and increase the level of the pregnancy hormone (progesterone), folic acid and vitamins. The future father will also benefit from taking men's vitamins. The choice should be made in favor of natural products that combine a whole range of useful vitamins and microelements. For example, the Spermatrend product stimulates the process of sperm formation, restores prostate function, normalizes testosterone levels and harmonizes a man’s sexual sphere. Selenium, zinc, vitamin E, carnitine and ascorbic acid, which are strong antioxidants, protect sperm from damage and stabilize their flagella. Arginine improves blood circulation in the genitals. By increasing the number of active and healthy sperm, Spermatrend restores and increases sperm fertility. By the way, men notice the effect of its use within 2-3 months.

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Problems and risks of late pregnancy

Women who become pregnant after 35 years of age are especially observed by a doctor, as they are at risk. Management of late pregnancy shows that a woman is more susceptible to unpleasant symptoms that affect the lifestyle of the expectant mother:

  • Toxicosis;
  • Weakness;
  • Pain.

To feel better, many women do gymnastics for pregnant women.

Of course, women at 25 years old can also suffer from these symptoms, but they find it easier to endure such difficulties and cope with them faster.

Note! A disease such as gestosis is more common when a woman has a late second pregnancy.

Also, according to statistics, at the age of 25, every 15 women are hospitalized to maintain pregnancy, but at the age of 35, every seventh woman needs medication to maintain pregnancy. Therefore, both young women and expectant mothers at the age of 40 should undergo examination during pregnancy.

Management of late pregnancy involves constant monitoring by a doctor.

Risks of late pregnancy may include sudden bleeding, which can occur at different stages of pregnancy. Traditionally, this is observed due to age-related hormonal imbalances.

It is worth considering that after 35 years of age, the likelihood of becoming pregnant with twins or twins increases. This puts a lot of stress on the mother’s body, which adds to the problems of late pregnancy. Also, carrying twins is quite difficult and very rarely does the mother reach the end of her term.

My birth at 35 years old

It’s all banal, when I was pregnant I thought about how I would write and tell everyone, but now I don’t know where to start. Well, I’ll start from the beginning - divorce, second marriage, trying to have a child and failures... Two years of infertility, we both are fully examined and the doctor’s verdict is that everything is not very good with my husband, of course we are both being treated, a lot of pills and dietary supplements. Finally, we are accepted for IVF, and immediately before this procedure we need to do another ultrasound, of course, think about the problems. I’m worried, and then they say, “You have gastrosalpings, it should be removed before IVF, there is a risk of miscarriage,” etc. My God, how painful it is to postpone the day of conception, but nothing can be done - they say it must be done. In the meantime, there is no Moscow registration yet, and all the ensuing consequences are the search for a doctor and a hospital where it would be quick and inexpensive, and, of course, preferably of high quality... And now a miracle doctor has been found, to hell with the money, they should have done it faster, so I want to get pregnant. They do a laparoscopy, the doctor after the operation during a round says this in passing: “We also flushed out your pipes there, so there’s no point in climbing.” Great, we blew it and blew it. A month passes after the operation, the second one, I can’t wait to get my period so I can go for IVF, but it’s still not there, well, who knows, the cycle goes wrong, and then it hurts, and suddenly... The test shows two stripes, I don’t believe it, and there’s more to come .. tests and also two. We are crazy with joy, I go to the medical center, I go into the office, at the end of the day the doctor looks tired - “Well, what are we doing today, Sveta?” and in response, “And today we thank you!!!” A surprised look, and then a sea of ​​joy - my doctor jumped up and started hugging me with tears in her eyes - for them, every pregnancy is a holiday. I thought that the most important thing was to be able to get pregnant and then somehow carry it to term. We save the contract with 10 working days. , everything seems to be thought out, ultrasound at 14 weeks, a happy father is sitting next to us, our little happiness is on the screen, the doctor says, “You’re having a boy,” to which my husband then said, “You don’t have to say it, I saw it myself.” . No pathologies, nothing like that, everything is fine. 16-17 weeks, in the evening it started to lubricate, we go to the clinic - they put them to bed, don’t worry, it happens, and meanwhile it’s Christmas outside and in the village. There is no ultrasound doctor, there will be only tomorrow. I spent the whole night on magnesium, the cramping pains do not stop, my doctor is just delivering the baby and is also doing nothing, just injected her with nosh-pu. Nobody said anything, but the result of the ultrasound the next morning was that the child died, the heart was not beating. I will not describe everything - how labor was induced, how kelp was placed in the cervix, how, and especially under what conditions I gave birth to my dead son... Gloom and darkness, the desire to die... The thought of my daughter, how she is without me, keeps me going. I’m a bad mother, I didn’t save, I didn’t, I couldn’t…. My husband is 36, I am 34. This was his first opportunity to have a child, I’ll leave and give him the opportunity to have children with someone else, but he says that he only needs me. He supported me like no one else. We get up and try again, the Lord seems to see all our suffering and gives another pregnancy - this one was interrupted at 12-13 weeks - a girl. No one knows why this happens. A bunch of tests - and zero, zero, nothing. What to do??? Find a doctor. And we find her - Shamanova Maria Borisovna. First, examination, assumption of the diagnosis and its confirmation later. The blood is very thick, it begins to thicken more and more as the child grows, he lacks nutrition and oxygen and dies. But the doctor assures that she pulled out such people and there was not a single case of death in her practice - I pray to God that I don’t become the first. Let's try again - I decided for myself - the last one, I can't condemn my children to death forever... Pregnancy!!!! Hooray!!! Just a nightmare for doctors - a beloved client of the Center for Psychotherapy and Rehabilitation, every week, twice a week, and then every other day I was there. We donate blood and monitor the indicators, give IVs and help the baby with nutrition, do an ultrasound in a week and see how he is doing, how the blood flow and nutrition of the placenta are…. CTG every other day. And of course, every evening there is an injection in the front wall of the abdomen to thin the blood, I have given so many of them…. From the eighth week until the birth, the dosage increased all the time, I want to say one thing - it’s just fortunate that there was an opportunity to buy them, one injection costs about 500 rubles, and also a contract for pregnancy monitoring, a contract for childbirth and manipulations not included in the price of the contract... How much there were days of despair, so much joy, for the first time he quietly knocked from there, how many times did I run to the doctor and cry - “he won’t move”, but the professionalism of the staff and doctors of the Center for Psychology and Rehabilitation raises no doubt - it was they who nursed and nurtured my son. About 7 months ago, an aunt sat on my stomach in a trolleybus, I had just left home from the clinic, I turned around, arrived at the clinic with tears and hysterics, without a single word, softly and affectionately, and most importantly, everything was done urgently and without waiting in line to find out -Thank God - everything worked out. True, after that my husband didn’t let me go on public transport anymore, he drove me himself. And at 28 weeks I start whining that it’s time to induce labor, that I’m very worried about the baby, and that at this point the babies are already surviving. To which my doctor says, well, another week, another week, let him grow up, it’s early, so we get to 37 weeks. It was decided to go to the family home, because... We live far away and it’s not clear how to give birth somewhere else with such blood, if anything, but this is the second birth and it is expected that it can be quick. I come to bed, on Constitution Day, June 12, my doctor is on duty, he sees me and looks at my neck, he looks good. Nothing. I settle down in the room, watch TV, well, it’s time to go to bed, bye this and that, it’s eleven o’clock - I lie down and hear an obvious click in the lower abdomen, something, somehow, uncomfortable, I get up and feel water flowing, oppa, water They're probably leaving. I don’t know what it is, didn’t the first birth start with this? I called the doctor - “Maria Borisovna, are you still at the clinic?” “No, I’m home, I’ve already finished” “You’ll probably have to go back - I think my water is breaking” “Now the doctor will look at you and if anything happens, they’ll call me.” And really, five minutes later the doctor comes and takes me to the chair - the verdict is water, 2 fingers are open, let's go give birth. Well, my son is just like his father even before he was born; he also decided to be born on the 13th, just like my husband. I called my husband, he was simply stunned, got excited, and came to see me because... they wanted to give birth together. The first to arrive was the husband, he was so cool in doctor’s clothes, which were a little short for him, we walked around nothing, as long as it was bearable, we sang songs. M.B. arrived, looked and went for the anesthesiologist, the pain was already unbearable. I want an epidural! And then this wonderful man comes, looks at the map and says, “What, citizens, with such blood, what kind of epidural, do you want to remain crippled for life, everyone gives birth and you give birth like that.” Why did I ask, did he also give birth? I think that if it weren’t for the presence of my husband nearby, he would not have restrained himself and would have answered me, let him forgive me, I wasn’t very clear anymore. They gave me permission to take Pramedol, oh my goodness, maybe I’ll get at least a little sleep, that’s what my doctor was hoping for, but that wasn’t the case, it didn’t work, in general, my body was taking its toll on me. I inhaled “laughing gas” and floated away, heard my husband saying “wake up” to me, but I didn’t sleep, I just floated away somewhere out of pain. It’s as if there are two realities and you begin to see yourself from the outside. I reproached myself, said, why do I need this, and never again in my life and inject at least something, at least heroin. The doctor, after these words of mine, took my husband aside and asked if I was addicted to drugs. Now we laugh, but then there was no time for laughter. I swim further and further, rushing, full dilatation, but my cervix is ​​not ready, they put on an IV and I wriggle on the bed like a crucified person for another hour. I was lying down all the time, it was easier for me to lie down, but I simply couldn’t stand, I arched, leaning my head and heels, my heels still hurt, I was leaning so hard. My husband massaged my feet for the entire 7 hours, it was easier, I don’t know how he endured it, his hands hurt for a long time afterwards. And here are the cherished words - you can sit on the chair, but I can’t even get up, the contractions and pushing just don’t stop, the midwife says, let him lie here, he’ll come out on his own, well, no, I don’t have the strength to wait until he comes out, I have to push, the pain will increase and help him be born. My husband carries me to a chair; in fact, it was planned that he would come out for the birth itself, but that’s how it all turned out, he didn’t come out and “received” our son. Here is the last push, here the head is born and now gently again and EVERYTHING…. They take him away right away to check if everything is fine, 3080 g, 50 cm. 8/9 on apgar - just a hero for 37 weeks and such a difficult pregnancy. 07 hours and 13 minutes on the morning of the 13th! My husband has tears of joy, he stands stunned, we hug with M.B. We praise each other how great we are, we cry. Dad was given a son, he took him to the department, and for the next two hours he ran back and forth between me and him to once again make sure that this was not a dream. We were discharged on the 4th day, I have a tiny gap on the outside, everything is fine with my son. WE DID IT!!!! Through tears, despair, disbelief and faith, LORD, THANK YOU. Until now, it seems that this is a dream, but here he is, the most beloved boy is sleeping in his crib, dad comes up and stands quietly, looking at him, HAPPINESS!!! My little sister fights for the right to drive the stroller every time - she loves it. Two weeks later we went to the clinic with a car full of cakes, sweets and champagne, I thanked everyone - the doctor, the nurse, the midwife, the laboratory assistant, the ultrasound doctor, the girls from the day hospital and those who took my blood every week, looking for veins that were no longer there... THANK YOU EVERYONE! It’s just fortunate that there is such a clinic in Moscow, it is run by such a wonderful person who has gathered such professionals under his wing. Every time I go to church, I not only say thank you to the LORD AND THE HOLY VIRGIN, but also write the name of my doctor, Maria, in a note for health - maybe my little concern will make her difficult task a little easier. Only thanks to her, my wonderful doctor, Maria Borisovna Shamanova, and the Lord God, this became possible - my family happiness. My husband, by the way, after giving birth together, did not lose interest in me at all. Girls, don't give up!!! You are not alone, there are many of us, and believe me, there are also enough doctors who know their job and know how to help. We're almost three months old. Well, in a long, slightly stupid way, I told how at the age of 35 I became a mother for the second time, and my husband became a father at the age of 37 for the first time. Now he wants a daughter, but I probably won’t dare anymore. Anyone who needs help or advice, write, I’ll help in any way I can.

Diseases during late pregnancy

The latest pregnancy is fraught with great danger - the development of diabetes mellitus in the pregnant woman. This risk group includes all women who become pregnant after 35 years of age. Diabetes begins to appear in the third trimester, when a woman’s blood sugar rises sharply. This can lead to pregnancy complications and the following symptoms:

  • Deterioration in health;
  • Chest pain;
  • Sudden weight gain;
  • Weight loss;
  • Cramps in the limbs.

The doctor leading the pregnancy must monitor the woman’s well-being

In addition, late pregnancy at 40 years of age can be complicated by gynecological diseases. The most common is uterine fibroids, which can have a bad effect on pregnancy.

Remember! The tumor-like formation of fibroids grows during pregnancy and changes the normal position of the fetus in the uterus.

Myoma complicates the baby’s nutrition with all the necessary microelements. Also, in the presence of any tumor-like formations, late pregnancy and childbirth are contraindicated.

How to prepare for a second pregnancy after 35 years

The main goal of preparing for pregnancy is to avoid overloading the body of the expectant mother. Having decided to plan a second baby, a woman must:

  • undergo a full examination by a therapist, gynecologist and dentist in order to identify and treat possible diseases;
  • take vitamins (after consulting with your doctor about selecting the required complex and dosage);
  • maintain a healthy diet, completely eliminating all harmful foods from your diet;
  • walk more in the fresh air, do at least basic exercise, sleep at least eight hours.

It is very important to find a competent doctor who you can completely trust and strictly follow all his recommendations.

Don't despair if your attempts to get pregnant end in failure. Nevertheless, age makes itself felt, affecting a woman’s reproductive capabilities, and if at 20 pregnancy occurred immediately, after 30 years it can take from six months to a year.

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