26th week of pregnancy: what happens to the woman and child
Baby's movements at 26 weeks The twenty-sixth week of pregnancy is the time when most
32 week of pregnancy photo, ultrasound, fetal weight, video
The onset of 31-32 weeks of pregnancy corresponds to the eighth month of the gestational age of the fetus. Calculation of gestational age in
Fetal development at 34 weeks of gestation
Features of 34 weeks of pregnancy for mother and her baby
Fetal development at 34 weeks of gestation Fetal size: 44 cm Fetal weight: 2 kg.
31 weeks pregnant
31 weeks of pregnancy: what discomfort is normal?
Mom, I love looking at my house and blink when I touch my little eye with my finger.
Symptoms, treatment and prevention of scarlet fever in a child
What kind of “beast” is scarlet fever? Scarlet fever is an acute infectious disease that occurs
"Baby Calm" for newborns: how to give and how many times a day
Pharmacological properties of mint: has a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect; fennel: has carminative, antispasmodic, antibacterial and
Signs of pregnancy in the early stages. How to determine pregnancy without a test
How to understand that you are pregnant in the early stages is a question that every woman asks. Some
Several ways to calculate your due date
Pregnancy period calculator For many women, the feeling of an impending or already begun pregnancy occurs before
How to detect an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages
You wouldn't wish this on any woman. This news will certainly come as a shock. Similar diagnoses
Can a virgin get pregnant? We are considering options
Sex is a physiological process that is designed not only to continue the human race, but also to receive
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