Colds as a sign of early pregnancy


While expecting pregnancy, women try in every possible way to find out whether conception has occurred even before the onset of menstruation. To do this, for centuries, humanity has been observing changes in the condition of a woman who is expecting pregnancy. One of the characteristic manifestations of the condition is general lethargy, fatigue, and possibly a slight increase in temperature, which gives a slight chill. This condition borders on the symptoms of the onset of an acute respiratory disease. Therefore, many say that a cold is a sign of pregnancy and they predict such a development of the situation even before the delay of the cycle. Gynecologists call a cold an indirect indicator of pregnancy, since this condition does not manifest itself in all women, and it can pass unnoticed by the expectant mother herself.

The woman caught a cold

  • Causes of colds during pregnancy
  • Treatment

Colds as one of the signs of pregnancy

Many women planning a pregnancy try to determine the onset of conception even before the start of the menstrual cycle.
They do this with the help of some signs that have already become generally accepted. At the beginning of pregnancy, a woman often feels weak, lethargic, and often has a fever and chills. It is when this situation arises that such a mild cold is often perceived as a sign of pregnancy. In addition to these symptoms, a woman may complain of drowsiness, nasal congestion and even a runny nose. Indeed, according to experts themselves, a cold can be a sign of pregnancy. This process often develops, since during this period the woman’s body is especially weakened, so it is susceptible to various viruses and infections. Colds occur in pregnant women immediately after conception due to changes in the body's hormonal levels. Thus, the expectant mother adapts to the upcoming trials. With a delay in the menstrual cycle, women may experience nasal congestion. This process is caused by the fact that progesterone, which is produced by the corpus luteum at the beginning of pregnancy, is able to retain fluid in the body, as a result of which the nasopharyngeal mucosa swells. At this time, due to nasal congestion, a woman may begin to snore, even if she has never snored before. It is this hormone that can cause an increase in body temperature, which, as a rule, does not rise above 37.5. Despite the fact that a cold can often be a sign of pregnancy, it is still necessary to consult a specialist after the first symptoms appear, because ARVI or flu pose a great danger to the child's life. If the following symptoms occur during pregnancy, you should definitely visit a specialist:

  • obvious signs of ARVI;
  • deterioration in the well-being of a pregnant woman.

A cold can be regarded as the first sign of pregnancy only if the occurrence of this disease has been ruled out. It can especially be considered a manifestation of conception when symptoms appear at a time atypical for a cold.

At the beginning of pregnancy, body temperature can rise to 38, thanks to the pregnancy hormone progesterone.

Early pregnancy can manifest as a minor cold in up to 80% of women. Such a process, occurring in a weakened body, cannot cause any complications, so there is no serious reason for concern. However, it is important to take measures aimed at alleviating the condition of the expectant mother; for these purposes, you must entrust your health to a doctor, completely abandoning self-medication.

The most important thing that is required of a woman is to monitor her body temperature. It is allowed to increase it to 37.8; some experts claim that in their practice there are cases when pregnant women had a temperature of 38 for a long time.

A runny nose, which appears in the first weeks of pregnancy, can bother a woman until the birth itself, and often disappears only after the birth of the child. Such a runny nose should not be treated with special medications or folk remedies, since the cause of its occurrence is pregnancy, you just need to wait for childbirth.

It is also categorically worth refusing to lower the temperature using special means, because such interference in the natural process can cause serious complications. The only thing that can be done for a runny nose is to carry out nasal rinsing procedures, which facilitate nasal breathing, which improves sleep and the general condition of the expectant mother.

That is why it is so important to know what causes such changes in the body - a cold or pregnancy, after which you can carry out treatment or take measures aimed at alleviating the woman’s condition. Having discovered signs of a cold in the early stages of pregnancy, it is important to adhere to the following actions:

  • maintain bed rest;
  • do not be nervous;
  • drink warm tea;
  • stop using medications.

If a pregnant woman feels unwell without a cold, it is useful to drink a cup of tea with honey and lie down in bed. Also, with the onset of pregnancy, the expectant mother should sleep 2-3 hours more per day than before, and if necessary, increase the duration of rest. For a woman’s health and the full development of the child’s fetus, one must not forget about daytime sleep; one should go to bed immediately after fatigue occurs.

Some women are interested in how to distinguish pregnancy and a cold from each other without the help of a specialist. However, it is impossible to do this on your own, since one state of the body does not exclude the occurrence of a second. Only specialists - a gynecologist and a therapist - can make a correct diagnosis.

The danger of a cold for the fetus

A cold, like any other illness suffered during any period of pregnancy, can negatively affect the development of the fetus. The most dangerous period is considered to be up to 6-8 weeks, when the risk of miscarriage (self-abortion) is especially high.

Any pathology occurs due to decreased immunity, and vice versa, every disease contributes to decreased immunity.

When viruses or bacteria appear, the body produces antibodies to fight them. It often happens that because of this, embryo rejection occurs.

The appearance of snoring and runny nose

After conception has occurred, a woman begins to undergo hormonal changes; her body is rebuilt to carry a baby. In almost half of expectant mothers, this goes unnoticed, unless toxicosis is present, and only closer to childbirth. Others begin to feel discomfort in the initial stages of pregnancy.

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Photo: colds as a sign of pregnancy

At night it is snoring, and very strong. Family members notice the symptom, but the woman herself notices a sore throat, runny nose, sneezing or cough. This can be attributed to various reasons - allergies, poor ecology, insufficient humidity in the room, but mainly to a cold.

Due to the fact that the body secretes hormones, the mucous membranes inside the nose dry out. This is precisely the consequence of symptoms that are similar to ordinary acute respiratory infections. Women, not knowing that a cold can be a sign of pregnancy, begin to treat themselves, which harms the baby.

Could a cold be a sign of pregnancy, or what signs should you look out for? A venous network begins to appear on the chest. In addition, the areolas around the nipples darken, and pigmentation appears on the skin. The nose may bleed on its own, and there is profuse salivation.

Difficulties with peristalsis may occur that were not previously noticed. A cold in the early stages of pregnancy manifests itself as a sign:

  • Pigment spots appear;
  • Saliva is produced abundantly;
  • The stomach is swollen;
  • Blood is discharged from the nose;
  • Leg cramps are troubling;
  • The stool is broken.

It should be noted that if a runny nose appears due to a hormonal imbalance, then the woman will have no skin reactions, fever or cough. If nasal discharge is accompanied by these symptoms, then it is a common cold or an allergy. These diseases also appear during pregnancy, which significantly aggravates the situation.

Symptoms that require you to see a doctor

This is regarded not as a question, but as a sentence; are they connected? Imagine that another life begins to develop in the female body, another heart will soon beat and a new protective system will form. Its functioning is ensured by the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which is produced by the membrane of the fertilized egg, from which the placenta will form. This is a double burden, the viral barrier is weakened during pregnancy, and a cold is considered a symptom.

Important: With a general decrease in immunity, the risk of infectious and viral diseases is high. Therefore, in early pregnancy, colds are regarded as one of the signs of conception.

Many women know that the causative agents of colds can negatively affect the health of the mother and child. Therefore, for those who are at the stage of planning a pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor if there is a suspicion that fertilization has occurred. But how can you separate pregnancy symptoms from cold symptoms?

In the first days after conception, women feel some discomfort, complain of weakness in the body, drowsiness. These sensations are often accompanied by chills, aches in muscles or joints, a runny nose, or perhaps just a stuffy nose. Having measured the temperature, you can see 37.2°C (or so) on the thermometer. There is a dry cough that appears when freezing.

Colds in early pregnancy

A cold in the early stages of pregnancy is an insidious disease that can undermine the health of the expectant mother, and therefore the baby. Let's look at how to deal with colds in early pregnancy and how to prevent this disease.

A cold in the first months of pregnancy is a dangerous disease, since it is not so easy to treat. And all because you cannot take medications during pregnancy, as they can harm the unborn baby. You have to become more sophisticated in the methods of treating colds and protect yourself from drafts, hypothermia and seasonal ailments.

But what to do if you do catch a cold and the disease begins to progress? Need urgent treatment! The first thing to do is seek help from a hospital. Because your doctor will be able to prescribe a safe way to treat a cold that will quickly relieve you of the disease and will not harm your unborn baby.

Many health workers who encounter women with colds in the early stages of pregnancy claim that colds do not cause serious complications for the baby. But this does not mean at all that it does not need to be treated. Do not forget that advanced disease is much more difficult to treat, especially when it comes to pregnancy.

The causes of colds in early pregnancy are varied; you can catch the virus anywhere, even while sitting at home. Moreover, a cold can appear quite unexpectedly, even at the height of the summer season.

Doctors say that the most common cause of colds in early pregnancy is a weakened immune system; by the way, it is precisely because of a weakened immune system that pregnancy comes with complications. The immune system is responsible for our health, and it is it that decides who will get sick and who will not be bothered by a cold even in severe frost. It is necessary to strengthen your immune system so that it is at its best, then no cold during pregnancy will definitely bother you.

In addition to weakened immunity, there are several other causes of colds during pregnancy, let's take a closer look at each of them.

  • Chronic diseases and their exacerbation. We are talking about seasonal allergies, cardiovascular failure, peptic ulcers and other diseases that significantly reduce the body's protective functions. It is difficult for the immune system to maintain the health of the expectant mother, whose allergies have worsened, at the proper level, so sometimes chronic ailments develop into a cold. So during early pregnancy you should be more careful about your health.
  • Stressful situations. Yes, it is stress at the beginning of pregnancy that can cause a cold. Nervous exhaustion, stress and constant worry gradually exhaust the immune system and, as a result, a cold. Try to make the period of waiting for your baby the calmest in your life, so as not to expose your health and the health of your child to potential dangers.
  • Hypothermia of the body. Sometimes it is enough to wet your feet, and a cold will immediately make itself felt. Take care of yourself, dress according to the weather, remember that during pregnancy, first of all, you need to think about health, not beauty. Hypothermia can occur not only in autumn or winter, but also in summer. To do this, just eat cold ice cream or stand under the air conditioner or fan and a cold will not take long to catch up.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Proper nutrition can take care not only of a beautiful figure and health of the body, but also prevent colds. Many experts argue that most of the immune cells are located in the intestines. And overeating, eating spicy, salty foods or gastritis can undermine the immune system. And “special” culinary preferences in pregnant women can cause colds in the early stages of pregnancy.

There are many causes of colds during pregnancy, all of them depend on the immune system and lifestyle. Therefore, in order not to cause a cold in the first months of pregnancy, try not to be nervous, not to overeat and support your immunity as much as possible with healthy vitamins.

Cold symptoms in early pregnancy can easily be confused with symptoms of other diseases. Let's look at how a cold manifests itself during pregnancy and how to recognize it.

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The first sign of a cold is mild malaise, headache and fatigue. After a couple of days, the patient's condition worsens. Malaise and headaches include loss of appetite, cough, sore throat and runny nose. Unlike the flu, cold symptoms depend on less severe viral infections.

As a rule, the cough is dry and moderate. The temperature does not rise above 38 degrees or is within normal limits. Please note that the first three days of the onset of a cold are an active period. If you do not pay attention to the symptoms and start treatment, the disease will progress.

During pregnancy, especially in the early stages, if you suspect a cold, a consultation with an ENT specialist and a general practitioner is required. Proper treatment will protect the health of the mother and unborn baby and prevent complications and viral infections from occurring.

A cold in the early stages of pregnancy is dangerous not only for the baby, but also for the mother. The consequences of a cold can be dire; the most dangerous are miscarriage and polyhydramnios. But don’t get upset right away if you have a fever and feel slightly unwell. The female body, even during pregnancy, is able to cope with the most serious diseases.

Therefore, sometimes, even an advanced cold may not have any effect on the health of the unborn baby or the course of pregnancy. Please note that if during pregnancy, a cold appears like herpes on the lips, then this is a good sign. Since this guarantees immunity from colds for your baby.

Diagnosis of colds in early pregnancy is carried out by the attending physician. The diagnosis of acute respiratory infections is made only after a complete examination of the pregnant woman and taking into account health complaints. During the examination, special attention is paid to tonsils in the throat and plaque, as well as mucus discharge from the nose, that is, a runny nose.

Among the side effects of a cold in early pregnancy, the most common are:

  • Lack of oxygen for the child and pathology.
  • Inflammation of the internal genital organs.
  • Bleeding.
  • Difficult birth.
  • Early loss of amniotic fluid.
  • Fetal growth retardation syndrome.

A cold in the early stages of pregnancy, that is, in the first trimester, can cause damage to the baby’s central nervous system. This is why it is very important to see a doctor during pregnancy. If, after suffering from a cold, pregnancy proceeds without complications, then the danger to the baby has passed. But be sure to take the necessary tests to confirm the health and proper development of the child.

Treatment of colds in the early stages of pregnancy should only be done under the supervision of a doctor, since there are many dangers and threats to the baby that a cold can cause. Let's look at the most common treatments for colds in early pregnancy.

  • Rinsing is the simplest and most effective way to fight a cold. Gargling effectively fights colds and prevents complications such as sore throat, rheumatism or inflammatory processes in the kidneys. For pregnant women, medications based on chemical components are contraindicated, so it is recommended to gargle with sage infusion, chamomile, sea salt, calendula, and salt with iodine.
  • Aromatherapy and inhalations - copes well with colds in the absence of fever. Inhalations can be done with eucalyptus oil, rosehip oil, chamomile or hyssop. To carry out inhalation, heat a kettle of water and add a few aromatic drops of essential oil to the water. Sit over a bowl of water and cover yourself with a towel and breathe in the healing aromas. Please note that during pregnancy, allergic reactions to various drugs, including aromatic oils, may occur, so carefully monitor your sensations during the procedure.
  • Nasal drops - despite the fact that many drugs are prohibited during pregnancy and the treatment of colds, nasal drops are allowed to be used only after the approval of a doctor. If you have been prescribed vasoconstrictor drops, you should use them for no more than three days. Since long-term use of nasal drops depletes the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, and this can cause atrophy of the olfactory nerve endings.

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Homeopathic medicines effectively fight colds. They will be especially effective if the treatment is carried out under the supervision of a homeopathic physician. The doctor must select a special treatment that is absolutely safe during pregnancy, especially in the early stages.

Don't forget about vitamins. Thus, vitamin C can cure colds. But if you are allergic to vitamin C, then experimenting with detailed treatment during pregnancy is not recommended. In addition to vitamin C, it is recommended to consume teas and rose hips, raspberries and currants.

Physiotherapeutic procedures and ultra-high frequency therapy are contraindicated during pregnancy. This also applies to immunostimulating drugs. Any type of treatment for colds in early pregnancy should be under the supervision of a doctor.

Treating colds in the early stages of pregnancy with folk remedies is the safest and most effective way to get rid of the disease and not harm the baby. Let's look at treatment recipes that will safely get rid of a cold.

The first thing that traditional medicine recommends for the treatment and prevention of colds is to limit or completely avoid smoked, spicy, salty and very sweet foods. Reduce the amount of food in your diet, give up heavy foods, give preference to plant-based and dairy foods.

Runny nose in the first weeks of pregnancy

During pregnancy, a condition such as a runny nose may occur. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the reasons for its appearance may be different. However, they can be divided into 2 main groups - a runny nose in pregnant women, which is not dangerous, and a runny nose, as a sign of a pathological process.

Pregnancy imposes certain restrictions on a woman, since she must constantly think not only about her health, but also about the health of her baby. Therefore, you should not take medications at this time without consulting a doctor. This is especially true in the first trimester of pregnancy, that is, the time when the rudiments of the baby’s main organs appear.

Sometimes, women consider a runny nose as a sign of pregnancy.

Why does a runny nose appear in early pregnancy?

A runny nose in the first weeks of pregnancy, which is associated exclusively with the gestation period, does not require treatment. It is provoked precisely by the changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman. First of all, we are talking about vasodilation, that is, the expansion of blood vessels. This is a compensatory process that should improve microcirculation in the fetoplacental system. However, vasodilation occurs throughout the body, including in the nasal mucosa. Therefore, plasma more easily sweats into the interstitial space, leading to the appearance of mucous-watery nasal discharge. In addition, the increased plasma volume creates certain prerequisites for this condition.

By what signs can one distinguish a cold during pregnancy from the usual one that is characteristic of gestation?

During pregnancy, not only a runny nose in pregnant women can occur, but also a common cold, which requires treatment, as it can lead to certain complications of gestation. These may be inflammatory processes that affect the paranasal sinuses and lower respiratory tracts.

Inflammatory runny nose has the following characteristic signs:

- nasal discharge is most often purulent in nature; - a runny nose may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature; - cough and sore throat appear; - weakness and body aches, if the runny nose is of viral origin, etc.

It turns out that a cold is characterized by the presence of signs of an inflammatory reaction, which has varying degrees of severity.

Colds and runny nose in early pregnancy, how to deal with it?

How to deal with a runny nose in pregnant women if it causes discomfort? In mild cases, it is better not to try to get rid of a runny nose in the first weeks of pregnancy. If mucous-watery nasal discharge restricts a woman from her usual way of life, then it is recommended to instill nasal drops based on sea salt. These drops are approved for use during pregnancy. It is necessary to instill one or two drops into each nasal passage three to four times a day. Drops made from sea salt help to slightly constrict the blood vessels, which reduces the amount of liquid sweating through them, but do not harm either the pregnant woman or the fetus.

Thus, a runny nose at the very beginning of pregnancy can be associated with various reasons. Establishing the exact cause helps to carry out effective and safe treatment to make a woman’s life easier. Obstetrician-gynecologist Marina Slavina

Attention! The Site Administration does not provide any medical services. All materials are for informational purposes only. The same applies to the advisory section. No online consultation will ever replace face-to-face medical care, which is provided only in specialized medical institutions. Self-medication can cause irreparable harm! For any diseases or ailments, please contact your doctor!

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  • Runny nose as a sign

A runny nose during pregnancy is common and quite common. Of course, you always want to alleviate the condition as quickly as possible. After all, nasal congestion not only causes a lot of inconvenience to the mother herself, but also prevents the supply of sufficient oxygen to the unborn baby.

However, before using any medications, it is necessary to identify the reason why the runny nose appeared: pregnancy, however, is not the time for experimentation, and most drugs contain chemicals that are contraindicated for pregnant women.

Runny nose during pregnancy at various stages

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to avoid a cold. Hypothermia, drafts, wet cold weather, temperature changes, seasonal epidemiological conditions, reduced immunity - all this often causes a runny nose in pregnant women. After all, the female body during the period of bearing a baby is very susceptible to any changes in external factors.

Runny nose in the first trimester

A runny nose at the beginning of pregnancy is highly undesirable , since some types of infections lead to impaired fetal development. The most dangerous thing is to get rubella for the first time, which causes not only mucous discharge from the nose, but also a cough, rash, and enlarged lymph nodes.

You should know that the main vital organs are formed in the first months after conception. This is why it is so important not to get sick during the first trimester: during pregnancy, a runny nose, even in a mild form, can develop into serious illnesses:

  • sinusitis and other types of sinusitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia.

Treatment of these ailments is often quite lengthy, using a large number of drugs, which can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

Uncontrolled and thoughtless use of potent medications to quickly get rid of a runny nose, cough, fever and other cold symptoms can cause significant harm to the fetus. But high body temperature itself poses a significant threat to the baby. Therefore, you still cannot do without medications, but they must be safe for the unborn child.

A severe runny nose in a pregnant woman in the first week after conception, when the woman is not yet aware of her “interesting situation,” can provoke a miscarriage before a missed period. This happens because the embryo is very vulnerable in the first days of pregnancy.

Since colds are fraught with serious complications for pregnant women, the best option is to plan a pregnancy when there are no outbreaks of acute respiratory viral infections, for example, early autumn. At this time, the state of the expectant mother’s immune system is optimal, and viral infections are not yet so common.

Runny nose in the second trimester

The middle of pregnancy is considered the calmest and safest time: a runny nose at week 20 no longer causes as much harm as in the first trimester. Developmental defects in the baby at this stage are no longer possible, but a cold can still have a negative impact on the child:

  • there is a risk of fetoplacental insufficiency, that is, the placenta does not cope well with the function of providing the fetus with nutrients and oxygen;
  • there is a possibility of damage to the nervous system, since it actively matures in the second trimester;
  • the baby may be born prematurely and at low weight. But this is only in the case of a serious illness or thoughtless use of medications.

In addition, a runny nose during pregnancy, at about 19-20 weeks, can provoke an abnormal process of egg development. Therefore, when a woman is expecting a girl, she should be especially careful about her health during this period. Otherwise, the baby may be born infertile.

Sometimes expectant mothers in the middle of pregnancy, knowing that the peak of danger has passed, begin to treat a runny nose with antiviral or antibacterial drugs. However, this should not be done without a doctor’s prescription.

also undesirable to use homeopathic remedies uncontrollably . Although they are considered safe because they consist of natural ingredients. But you should understand that some herbs are much stronger than traditional medicines.

Runny nose in the third trimester

In late pregnancy, a runny nose becomes quite dangerous again. Therefore, any ailments should be taken seriously. Colds can lead to serious consequences:

  • provoke premature birth. Of course, even if this happens at 30 weeks, with the help of modern technologies, as a rule, babies are saved. But, nevertheless, there is a real threat of miscarriage;
  • lead to premature onset of aging of the placenta, due to which the fetus is early deprived of protection. In the womb, the child, naturally, will not get sick, but various toxins and medications taken by the woman during illness can penetrate into it;
  • disrupt the hormonal balance, which at 34 weeks promotes the production of breast milk. After all, it is the hormones of the placenta that are responsible for its formation, and during a cold it experiences an enormous load;
  • cause infection to enter the amniotic fluid consumed by the child. That is why, at 37 weeks of pregnancy, a runny nose, even in a mild form, is a reason to take a urine test more often. But gynecologists often recommend such an event throughout the third trimester, because it helps to monitor the health status of mother and baby and, if necessary, take timely measures.

A runny nose at 38 weeks of pregnancy requires a lot of attention, because in this case, after birth, the baby immediately enters the world of infections. Therefore, in order not to expose the baby to unnecessary danger, it is important for a woman to be cured before giving birth.

All women in labor who are admitted to the maternity hospital with signs of a cold are placed in a department with women who were not registered as pregnant. In this case, immediately after birth, the baby is isolated from the mother so that the baby does not get sick. After all, a weak child’s body may not be able to cope with the infection.

Chronic runny nose during pregnancy

When a runny nose does not go away for quite a long time during pregnancy, chronic rhinitis is usually suspected. There are many reasons for its occurrence. In particular, these may be:

  • professional reasons (gas pollution, dust, contrast temperature, etc.);
  • general diseases (vegetative-vascular dystonia, neuroses, adenoids, cardiovascular failure and others);
  • tumors and polyps in the nasal cavity;
  • displacement of the nasal septum;
  • hormonal changes and stress;
  • prolonged use of medications for the common cold and many others.

But only after the diagnosis has been clarified can we proceed to direct treatment, so consultation with a qualified specialist is necessary. If a woman knows about the presence of a chronic disease, then appropriate measures should be taken at the first manifestations of the disease.

Moreover, if you are prone to runny nose, pregnant women should pay more attention to their health. To do this, as a preventive measure, you can inhale with essential oils, drink herbal infusions and eat foods rich in vitamin C.

Chronic runny nose during pregnancy significantly affects the quality of sleep, which makes the woman tired and very tired. Therefore, it is usually difficult to do without medications or healing procedures.

Is a runny nose a sign of pregnancy?

There is a popular belief that a runny nose is a sign of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the first few weeks after conception are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • nasal congestion;
  • fatigue;
  • brokenness.

Such manifestations are caused by a sharp change in hormonal levels, and a pregnant woman may have difficulty breathing until childbirth. The infectious nature of these symptoms cannot be ruled out. If you are still interested in whether a runny nose can be a sign of pregnancy, then the answer is simple: theoretically it is quite possible.

Rhinitis of this form is quite common. However, specific treatment for runny nose in pregnant women does not require . The mucous membrane will return to normal some time after birth. Therefore, you should definitely visit an ENT specialist, who will rule out allergic or inflammatory rhinitis. After all, incorrect therapy often leads to serious complications.

Often pregnant women are frightened by a runny nose with blood: this is a common occurrence during pregnancy. After all, the vessels in the nasal cavity during pregnancy are very fragile and sudden blowing of the nose can cause damage to them.

It is important to understand that treating any disease during pregnancy is quite difficult, including a runny nose. After all, it is not advisable for an expectant mother to use the most effective pharmacological drugs. Therefore, a woman needs to make every effort to avoid getting sick at all.

The article is presented for informational purposes. Treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor!

Cold treatment

A cold before the delay as a sign of pregnancy is the norm, since the hormones progesterone and estrogen are active in the body of the expectant mother. This phenomenon can provoke temperature fluctuations; it can either significantly decrease or increase.

Often pregnant women observe low-grade readings on the thermometer. All you need to do is drink hot tea and go to bed. Any illness requires bed rest. In pregnant women this need increases. Sleep time should increase by several hours.

If a woman has a fever or there is an infection in the body, then medication cannot be avoided. Drops and all kinds of nasal sprays can have a detrimental effect on the body. Treat a runny nose in safe ways:

  • Establish a drinking regime, preferably tea, compote.
  • Rinse your nose with a solution of sea salt. You can purchase Aqua Maris or make the solution yourself. Take a spoonful of salt per glass of water and rinse it a couple of times a day.
  • It is recommended to sleep with the head of the bed raised.
  • Inhalations with the addition of essential oils are effective. For example, fir oil has antibacterial properties.

If your critical days are delayed, you should definitely visit a doctor. During pregnancy, you need to carefully monitor your health, because the baby’s health depends on it.

What kind of runny nose can be considered a manifestation of pregnancy?

Hormonal runny nose, which is one of the signs of pregnancy, can be distinguished from various kinds of pathological conditions using certain, specific symptoms. Medical specialists identify the first signs of a hormonal runny nose, characteristic of pregnant women:

  • Increased salivation.
  • Pigmentation of the skin.
  • The appearance of a clear venous pattern in the area of ​​the mammary glands.
  • Darkening of the areola.
  • Flatulence.
  • Disorders of intestinal motility.
  • Diarrhea, periodically alternating with constipation.
  • Convulsive syndrome affecting mainly the calf muscles.
  • Possible nosebleeds.

It should be emphasized that if a runny nose is caused precisely by changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy, then the patient does not have such clinical symptoms as urticaria, inflammatory lesions of the larynx and nasopharynx, copious nasal discharge of a mucous or purulent-mucosal nature, a significant increase body temperature, cough reflex. Otherwise, we are talking about a disease that requires adequate treatment, and allergic or cold processes can develop during pregnancy, which significantly complicates subsequent therapy!

Breast tenderness/pain (28%)

Many women experience similar sensations every time their period approaches. In this case, during pregnancy, breast tenderness may be unusually severe. By far, this is one of the most common signs of pregnancy.

Relatively few women report this symptom in the first weeks of pregnancy. Usually the breasts increase significantly in later stages. But a slight increase, with a certain degree of observation, can be noticeable even earlier.

What causes colds during pregnancy?

The body of the expectant mother is especially vulnerable to various viruses, microbes and other pathogens, this is due to hormonal changes and a weakened immune system. It is for this reason that colds and acute respiratory diseases while expecting a baby are not a rare phenomenon, but quite alarming. Infections are especially dangerous in the first weeks of pregnancy, when the skeleton and vital organs of the unborn baby are being formed.

A cold in the early stages of pregnancy can even cause a miscarriage. In addition, medical experts identify the following undesirable complications that can result from an infectious or viral disease in a pregnant woman:

  1. Fetal hypoxia.
  2. Abortion.
  3. Inflammatory processes affecting the genital area.
  4. Congenital anomalies in the development of organs and systems of a child, the formation of which occurred at the acute stage of the pathological process.

Colds worsen a woman’s general condition; in addition, if nasal breathing is difficult, a pregnant woman has to breathe through her mouth, which significantly increases the risk of developing infectious processes. Allergic rhinitis often appears during pregnancy, since the expectant mother's sensitivity to various allergens increases many times over.

Changes in food preferences (5%)

In the first weeks of pregnancy, expectant mothers sometimes notice a sharp increase in appetite. Others, on the contrary, complain of a decrease in appetite up to its complete absence. Often a woman radically changes her menu, showing a deep aversion to familiar products and a sudden craving for previously hated ones.

As a rule, the expectant mother begins to gain weight at a later stage, from about 2-3 months of pregnancy. And in the first weeks of pregnancy, some women even notice weight loss.

Features of treatment

Colds in the early stages of gestation appear due to the woman’s reduced immunity. Pregnancy is often accompanied by cold symptoms. ARVI should not be ignored. Seeing a doctor will help solve this problem.

To do this you will need to undergo an examination. The specialist will select the appropriate treatment as necessary:

  • homeopathic medicines (many of them are safe during pregnancy);
  • nasal drops;
  • vitamins;
  • inhalations with oils (chamomile, eucalyptus or rosehip oil are suitable for the procedure);
  • gargling with infusions of medicinal herbs (this method of treatment is indispensable if the expectant mother has been diagnosed with inflammation of the throat).

In addition to taking medications, women are advised to drink more fluids, adding lemon, raspberries, and honey to tea. A proper diet will help alleviate the condition.

If you have a cold during pregnancy in the early stages, you need to give up heavy foods, exclude flour, fatty and smoked foods. Food should be light and healthy (fermented milk products, fruits, vegetables, lean boiled meat, fish).

On the recommendation of a doctor, you can resort to traditional recipes. For a runny nose and nasal congestion, you can drink an infusion of garden strawberry or raspberry leaves. You need to take the drink 3-4 times a day, one of which is required before bed. This measure will make nasal breathing easier at night.

Drowsiness, fatigue

This sign is also often indicated among the first signs of pregnancy. Although, of course, sleepiness can be caused by a variety of reasons, in combination with other signs it can suggest a possible pregnancy.

As you can see, there are quite a few signs of pregnancy, and they appear in a variety of combinations. Some women feel a good half of the above, others notice only a delay in menstruation, as the most “textbook” sign. And some do not suspect pregnancy until the baby’s first movements or significant changes in their figure. However, this is quite rare.

Happy pregnancy!

Preventive recommendations

A runny nose is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon that, regardless of the causative factors, has a negative impact on a woman’s well-being and mood. To prevent the occurrence of rhinitis, you must:

  • Avoid large crowds of people.
  • Strengthen the immune system.
  • Systematically ventilate your home.
  • To walk outside.
  • Always dress appropriately for the weather, avoid hypothermia or overheating.
  • Systematically carry out home sanitation, which consists of carrying out wet cleaning and clearing the room of dirt and dust.
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