Is it dangerous to sneeze during early pregnancy - Colds


The human nose is the organ that is first in the path of incoming air. Its functions include cleansing, moisturizing, and heating the inhaled flow. The air we breathe is not always clean. It contains many small particles in the form of dust, allergens, viruses, bacteria that irritate the nasal mucosa. In this case, sneezing often occurs. This is a reflex reaction of the body to an irritant that has entered the nasal cavity, an attempt to cleanse itself of it. It occurs in any person from a newborn to an old man. A pregnant woman can also sneeze. But is this process really safe and what causes it? Let’s look at it in this article.

A pregnant woman is bothered by her nose

  • Causes of sneezing during pregnancy
  • What are the dangers of sneezing while pregnant?
  • Sneezing as a symptom


When a woman goes to the doctor with the complaint: “I sneeze during pregnancy,” the following diseases and abnormal conditions may be the cause of the symptom:

  • colds, ARVI, flu;
  • allergies to mold, dust mites, dust, food;
  • allergic or vasomotor rhinitis;
  • foreign object in the nasopharynx;
  • side effects from taking certain medications;
  • swelling of the nasopharynx, nasal congestion under the influence of increased blood flow, which is caused by a hormonal surge (and the female body is influenced not only by the sex hormones of the expectant mother, but also by the hormones of the fetus);
  • abnormal structure of the nasal septum and other anatomical factors, such as polyposis of the nasal mucosa;
  • constipation, hemorrhoids;
  • bright sunlight, temperature changes, irritating odors.

Sneezing associated with an excess of female hormones occurs more often closer to the time of birth, while sneezing during early pregnancy may be associated with causes of a mechanical, biological or infectious nature that are independent of the woman’s condition.

How is the disease treated?

Sneezing becomes especially frequent in the last trimester of pregnancy. Therapy should be started only after visiting a doctor. If the condition of the mother and child is not in danger, then everything can be done with easy prevention.

To reduce pressure on a muscle group and reduce pain during sneezing during pregnancy, the doctor may recommend that the girl wear a special bandage belt. There is one good exercise, it also makes sneezing attacks as safe as possible and relieves a little pain. You need to lie on either side, bend your knees and carefully, not too much, press them to your stomach.

It is very effective to rinse the nasopharynx with a weak and warm saline solution. During this procedure, the nasal passages are well cleaned. The swelling decreases and quickly disappears altogether. The expectant mother breathes freely and easily, nothing interferes with the flow of oxygen to the fetus. Drops for rhinitis can be replaced with special nasal sprays Fluticasone or Nasonex.

If the attacks are caused by an allergic reaction of the body, the allergen must be identified. Only then will the doctor prescribe the safest possible antihistamines.

When “apchihs” appear due to changes in hormonal levels, you need to wait for the onset of labor. After them will come healing. You can alleviate the condition by rinsing your nose with saline solutions or chamomile infusion.

Mechanism of reflex development

In its cleansing function, sneezing is similar to coughing, but the mechanism is different: sneezing is preceded by a feeling of discomfort in the nasopharynx, provoking an involuntary short but deep breath, then a sharp, accelerated exhalation through the nose, with the tongue at this moment pressed to the roof of the mouth and the eyes closed.

When you sneeze, air, along with particles of mucus and dust, is exhaled through the nose, since the muscles of the larynx contract last in this process, as a result of which the glottis closes. In general, the act of sneezing involves about 50 different muscles, including the abdomen, back and intimate muscles.

To find out whether sneezing during pregnancy is dangerous, you need to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms, their severity, and determine the cause of the pathology.

Why is sneezing dangerous during pregnancy?

Many expectant mothers are concerned about this condition. They fear that the natural process of clearing the airways could harm the new condition. Indeed, this happens. During a sneeze, several muscle groups are involved at once. These include the peritoneum. For short periods of time, a sharp reduction can even lead to the threat of interruption.

Before giving birth, women complain of incontinence when sneezing. During pregnancy, the uterus puts a lot of pressure on the bladder, and a sharp contraction of the peritoneum provokes a small release of urine. In most cases there is nothing wrong with this. But if this symptom (incontinence) persists after childbirth, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Frequent sneezing during pregnancy is dangerous not only because of muscle contraction. This symptom may also be a sign of infection. Viral runny nose and itchy nose are not so scary. A much more serious bacterial infection is almost impossible to eliminate without antimicrobial agents (more on this below).


If it hurts a woman to sneeze during pregnancy, this symptom indicates a sprain caused by intense enlargement of the uterus as labor approaches. Pain in the lower abdomen and back with strong sneezing is also natural, since it is caused by contraction of the uterus, abdominal muscles and internal organs, as well as the back muscles, which are already forced to withstand the woman’s increased weight.

For many, pain occurs at the beginning of pregnancy and goes away after the 20th week.

Another symptom that is often found in pregnant women is urinary incontinence during pregnancy when sneezing. This unpleasant circumstance is associated with a temporary weakening and displacement of the bladder, on which the uterus presses.

A runny nose and sneezing during pregnancy is a possible symptom of colds, flu, allergies and other pathologies. Fever and chills indicate viral or bacterial infections, and various skin reactions, lacrimation without fever indicate an allergy (even if the woman was not allergic before pregnancy).

With rhinitis and sneezing in pregnant women, taste and olfactory sensations often change.

Sometimes, after sneezing, a short-term headache occurs due to strong strain. If the pain lasts longer than 30 minutes, you need to visit a neurologist, since this may be a symptom of intracranial pathologies, aneurysms.

Receptors that cause reflex sneezing are also present in the intestines. Therefore, a symptom such as constipation can be directly related to frequent sneezing in a pregnant woman.

What signs of pregnancy can be detected in the first week?

Recognizing pregnancy and identifying its signs in the first week is not easy, but it is possible. Despite the fact that most doctors say that the first signs of pregnancy appear around the 10th day. The fact is that until this moment the fertilized egg is not yet in the uterus, but only on the way to it - in the fallopian tubes. At this stage, it constantly divides and creates an umbilical cord with the placenta. In addition, cell growth occurs at this time, and the embryo in the first week of pregnancy is the size of a pea. It will attach to the wall of the uterus only in the second week.

At the very beginning of pregnancy, a woman does not feel any internal or external changes, and the first signs of pregnancy begin to appear only in the second and sometimes third week. However, there are women who feel the onset of pregnancy at the subconscious level, intuitively. A woman who is not pregnant for the first time usually feels the onset of pregnancy based on previous experience, but two separate pregnancies in one woman can proceed completely differently.

It is very interesting that a woman can notice some precursors of pregnancy already in the very first week, but this is completely individual and sometimes a woman realizes that she is pregnant only when she feels the fetus moving (at about the 20th week).

The following symptoms can help diagnose pregnancy at the earliest possible stage:

  • Increase in temperature during basal measurement. During pregnancy, the temperature measured in this way is always more than 37 degrees, so if you measure it daily, you can determine the day of ovulation and the onset of the desired pregnancy.
  • Already from the first days after conception, a woman may feel increased fatigue, apathy and irritability, so if there was a possibility of fertilization, if such signs are detected, it is worth buying a test. It is worth considering buying a test if you constantly feel sleepy, but you may find this same symptom in yourself if you work too much.
  • Mood swings, migraines and headaches can also appear in the first week of pregnancy due to hormonal changes; for the same reason, a woman may feel either extreme cold or extreme heat.
  • Sometimes, from the first days of pregnancy, a woman’s appetite and taste preferences may change.
  • A sign of pregnancy is a nagging pain in the lower abdomen, reminiscent of the approach of menstruation.
  • Delayed menstruation is a strong sign of pregnancy. But this symptom may be associated with a number of other disorders and changes in the woman’s body.

There are traditional ways to determine pregnancy at the earliest stages:

At the very beginning of pregnancy, a woman may notice enlarged veins in the shoulder and chest area as a result of increased blood flow. When all processes in a woman’s body return to normal, the size of the veins will normalize.

A runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, and nosebleeds can also be considered signs of pregnancy, but such symptoms can also occur with colds and allergies.

A metallic taste in the mouth, as a result of chemical changes in the female body, can be considered a sign of pregnancy, but sometimes a metallic taste appears due to a disease.

Bloating from any food eaten, heartburn, constipation. To reduce the manifestation of these signs, you should contact a nutritionist who will recommend a special diet. However, bloating may well be associated not only with pregnancy, but also with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, so with such symptoms you should consult an appropriate doctor.

A sign of pregnancy can be increased salivation, not only at the sight of food, but even during sleep or during a conversation, cramps in the calf muscles, especially at night.

However, cramps occur not only during pregnancy, but also with a lack of calcium in the body, and are also a sign of a disease such as varicose veins. Changes in pigmentation on the body can also be considered a clear sign of pregnancy. Dark spots on the face (especially the cheeks and forehead), a dark line on the stomach from the navel may appear in the first week of pregnancy. In addition, nipples may darken and facial hair may increase, especially in women with dark skin and dark hair color.

Breaking off extended nails can also be considered a sign of pregnancy; this occurs due to an increase in chemical elements in a woman’s body that react with the nail extension material. However, this sign of pregnancy is very peculiar.

However, none of the signs listed here can guarantee one hundred percent that you are pregnant, especially when it comes to common symptoms. In addition, most of the signs given in the article may be symptoms of diseases, sometimes even serious ones. Only a gynecologist can guarantee pregnancy, and only after an examination, ultrasound, diagnosis and obtaining the results of the necessary tests.

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Normal, mild sneezing should not be a cause for concern, but if the sneezing is frequent, violent, cascading and accompanied by severe pain, be sure to tell your doctor about it. Pain when sneezing during pregnancy is a dangerous sign if it does not go away.

This may indicate increased uterine tone, which increases the likelihood of miscarriage, bleeding, and placental abruption. Strong straining and cramps in the abdomen when sneezing are especially dangerous in the first and third trimester, as they negatively affect the condition of the enlarged uterus, which responds to every shake.

The danger of sneezing incontinence is that in the absence of qualified assistance, the bladder may not restore its functionality after childbirth.

If a woman has rhinitis, nasal congestion, problematic nasal breathing, and she sneezes a lot during pregnancy, this can negatively affect the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and lungs of the pregnant woman herself and indirectly affect the development of the fetus, causing hypoxia.

The main danger is that rhinitis and sneezing cannot be treated with vasoconstrictors, which impair placental circulation, and many other medications. Therefore, you cannot select medications yourself. The same applies to folk remedies.

Causes of frequent sneezing in pregnant women

Although it is believed that constant sneezing is caused by changing hormone levels during pregnancy, experts are still doubtful about the exact cause of rhinitis during this period. The placenta is known to produce large amounts of estrogen, which increases mucus production. Nasal discharge becomes thicker or, conversely, thinner. Among other things, increased levels of estrogen and progesterone cause swelling of the nasal turbinates, which interferes with proper breathing. Thus, it was noticed that symptoms of a runny nose spontaneously occur in women taking birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy.


All pregnant women sneeze, especially in the third trimester, but not all women require special treatment (but you should definitely consult a doctor). You can limit yourself to preventive measures, eliminating the source of irritation of the lining epithelium of the nasopharynx.

To ease the strain on muscles from frequent sneezing, you can wear bandages recommended by your doctor. If, in addition to sneezing, there are other symptoms, do not delay treatment to avoid complications, since the choice of medications for sneezing and rhinitis during pregnancy is very limited.

Regardless of whether sneezing during pregnancy is harmful, it is better not to use drug treatment at all, since it can do more harm than good. For rhinitis, regular nasal rinsing with salt is indicated. A nasal douche clears the nasopharynx of impurities, reduces swelling and inflammation, the patient gradually restores nasal breathing and the body's need to sneeze disappears.

If it is impossible to refuse medications, they must be selected with great care. Some women can help ease the pain when sneezing with exercises: squatting, pulling your legs towards your stomach while lying down.

For example, if a woman sneezes frequently during pregnancy and has rhinitis due to an allergic reaction, her doctor may prescribe some of the safest antihistamines. But first of all, it is necessary to accurately identify the allergen by exclusion, as well as through blood tests and skin tests and eliminate contact with it, otherwise symptomatic treatment will be useless.

Vasoconstrictor drops, contraindicated during pregnancy, can be replaced with nasal sprays with corticosteroids: Nasonex, Fluticasone.

But if rhinitis is vasomotor, it may be associated not with allergens, but with hormonal imbalance. This type of rhinitis, accompanied by sneezing, cannot be cured because it is caused by pregnancy. In this case, you can limit yourself to regular washing. All symptoms should stop after childbirth.

It hurts to sneeze during pregnancy

Sneezing is the process of clearing the upper respiratory tract of excess dust, mucus and other irritants. In general, there is nothing wrong with this process if it does not happen often. But how useful is this for the expectant mother, especially if it hurts her to sneeze? What danger does pain when sneezing pose during pregnancy? And why does it occur?

At the beginning of pregnancy, a woman may experience sharp, momentary pain when making sudden movements or sneezing. At this moment, unpleasant disturbing thoughts begin to visit her. Why does it hurt to sneeze during pregnancy and should she worry?

Let's look at the reasons why these painful sensations may appear.

  1. During a sharp exhalation when sneezing, many muscles contract, especially the muscles of the back and peritoneum. Such a sharp contraction can put a lot of pressure on the uterus and cause pain.
  2. Hormonal changes begin in the female body. Therefore, in the first month, the lower abdomen and lower back may hurt, especially when sneezing.
  3. The uterus gradually increases in size and the ligaments begin to ache from this unusual load. And during sneezing, even spasms may occur.
  4. Pathologies during pregnancy (miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy). In this case, the spasms do not stop and may be accompanied by bleeding.

Most often, pain when sneezing at the beginning of pregnancy is an individual feature of its course. But, if the spasms do not stop and are complicated by bleeding, you should immediately call a doctor.

The consequences of sneezing during pregnancy can sometimes be very unpleasant. Why does pain occur when sneezing in the third trimester?

  1. In later stages, pain occurs due to constant tension of the ligaments. The painful sensations intensify if a pregnant woman sneezes - the stomach immediately feels as if an electric current is piercing it. Usually this pain is strong and sharp, but, fortunately, short-lived.
  2. In the last months of pregnancy, a woman gets tired very quickly. Therefore, pain when sneezing occurs as a result of overstrain of the abdominal muscles.
  3. The lower abdomen may hurt when sneezing if the baby's head has dropped towards the pelvic floor. This increases pressure on the pelvic area, which is accompanied by severe pain in the legs.

If the pregnancy is going well and there are no pathologies, ordinary sneezing will not harm the unborn child in any way. But, if sneezing during pregnancy is sharp and frequent, then it can pose a threat.

A sharp contraction of muscles with strong, frequent sneezing has a negative effect on the uterus due to high external pressure. Especially when the uterus is significantly enlarged and reacts to every shake. The pregnant woman feels severe pain, and short-term urinary incontinence may occur.

Frequent and severe sneezing can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus. This can threaten a woman with spontaneous abortion in the early stages and premature birth in the last trimester.

As a result of uterine hypertonicity, the supply of blood, oxygen and nutrients to the fetus is disrupted, which causes the development of intrauterine hypoxia.

Sneezing during pregnancy is dangerous not only from a physiological point of view, it also indicates an existing disease.

Many doctors believe that sneezing frequently during pregnancy is very dangerous. In addition to the fact that sneezing causes contraction of the muscles of the uterus, it is a symptom of a certain disease. This may be the main manifestation of allergies, colds, acute respiratory viral infections or flu.

  1. Allergy. Histamine does not penetrate the placenta, but the deterioration of the pregnant woman’s well-being negatively affects the unborn child. With prolonged and frequent sneezing in a pregnant woman, the risk of negative effects on the fetus increases: the supply of nutrients and oxygen decreases, and developmental defects are possible. It should be taken into account that sneezing with allergies is only the initial symptom. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, the pregnant woman may develop asthma, bronchitis, anaphylactic shock, and Quincke's edema. Such serious diseases can provoke a deterioration in the condition of the unborn child, and even cause his death.
  2. Cold. Frequent sneezing during pregnancy can be a symptom of a common cold. As a result, approximately 10% of women experience spontaneous abortion, and in some cases, pathologies of the baby’s nervous system develop. Normal nasal congestion leads to difficulty breathing. And this can lead to a lack of oxygen in the fetus, its hypoxia and developmental disorders.
  3. Flu and ARVI. The most dangerous thing for a baby is frequent sneezing during viral infections, especially the flu. At the beginning of pregnancy, the virus can cause pathologies in the development of the fetus, increasing the risk of miscarriage. In the last trimester, all the baby’s organs are already formed, so the infection will not provoke serious developmental defects. But there may be a dysfunction of the placenta and the development of fetal hypoxia, after which there is a predisposition to birth trauma.

All these conditions are very dangerous for normal gestation. Without appropriate treatment, the disease can lead to uterine hypertonicity, spontaneous abortion or premature birth. Therefore, a pregnant woman definitely needs to find out why she is sneezing. And together with your doctor, try to get rid of the root cause.

During sneezing, the muscle tissue of the abdomen and back is directly involved. In pregnant women, this process is often accompanied by pain. This often indicates increased uterine tone, which can lead to early separation of the placenta or miscarriage.

If a pregnant woman sneezes heavily, then you should consult a doctor. The specialist will find out what caused this condition and whether there is a danger to the child.

In the later stages, severe stretching of the ligaments and muscles occurs, especially with a large fetus. During this period, sudden movements, including severe sneezing, pose a danger.

When women sneeze sharply, the muscles of the uterus tense along with the abdominal muscles.

And frequent, strong sneezing during pregnancy provokes increased tone, which in the later stages can cause premature birth.

If sudden pain when sneezing becomes very frequent in the third trimester, the stomach becomes noticeably hard and spotting is noted, then you need to contact a gynecologist and, if necessary, go to the hospital.

If it is painful for a woman to sneeze during pregnancy, she should definitely be examined by a doctor in order to begin appropriate treatment.

The problem with sneezing during rhinitis and allergies in pregnant women is the inability to use vasoconstrictor drops. Because they have a negative effect on the fetus and can lead to hypoxia.

To get rid of sneezing, a pregnant woman needs to drink plenty of fluids and use the following measures to combat this symptom:

  • take a warm shower or do inhalations;
  • use saline solutions to cleanse the nasal mucosa, which are not contraindicated during pregnancy: Aqualor, Aquamaris, Rinostop, Humer;
  • turn on a special humidifier, or place a bowl of water in the room;
  • sleep at night with your head elevated; for comfort, you can use additional pillows;
  • avoid contact with all kinds of irritants and allergens.

To minimize harm, a pregnant woman needs to learn how to sneeze correctly.

Helps pregnant women reduce pain when sneezing:

  • slight forward bend;
  • supporting the abdominal muscles with the hand;
  • pulling your legs to your stomach while lying on your side, curled up;
  • squatting.

To reduce the strain on muscles when sneezing sharply, you can wear special bandages.

If pain occurs after a sharp sneeze, it is very important not to be nervous, since additional stress will complicate the situation. You need to ensure yourself peace and rest. It is best to lie down in a comfortable position and massage the abdominal area. If the pain does not go away, but intensifies, then you need to call a doctor.

Just don’t panic ahead of time, there are many reasons for such pain. To establish an accurate diagnosis, you need to undergo a full examination. Therefore, it is better not to refuse the offer to go to the hospital if the doctor suspects diseases that threaten the full bearing of the child.

At home, to relieve uterine tone, you need to take a comfortable position. Lie on your back or side, talk calmly with your baby, stroking your belly. You need to completely relax your entire body, including your facial muscles.

A warm, but not hot, bath has a good effect. You can take 1 tablet of No-Shpa or put a Papaverine suppository.

If you cannot relieve uterine hypertonicity on your own, you need to call an ambulance and undergo treatment in a hospital.

October 1st, 2020 by anna

We all sneeze from time to time and perceive it as something natural. However, this simple process is very worrying for pregnant women, who may sneeze often and in large quantities, in several approaches.

And it worries me because sneezing causes pain, regardless of the duration of the “interesting” situation. Considering that the fetus also indirectly takes part in this reflexive act, it is doubly alarming.

Is it harmful to sneeze during pregnancy and how to relieve this kind of discomfort, read the article.

Despite the fact that one “sneeze” takes a few fractions of a second, it is a complex accelerated process, as a result of which debris, harmful microorganisms and dangerous allergens are removed from the upper respiratory tract.

The act of sneezing begins in the area of ​​the nasal mucosa, which reacted with irritation to the action of some provoking factor. At this moment, the person feels a slight itching or tickling in the nose. Right after this:

  • he inhales deeply, his lungs open to the maximum;
  • at this very moment the tongue clings to the hard palate, the gap in the throat decreases, and the eyes squint. Together, these actions isolate the nasopharynx and nasal cavity, and the nose takes responsibility for a sharp exhalation;
  • the muscles of the chest and abdomen contract strongly, due to which pressure in the chest and intra-abdominal space increases;
  • the lungs forcefully push air through the nose.


  1. When sneezing, do not pinch your nose and mouth, otherwise the reflex will be repeated again and again, since the body is not freed from mucus and microparticles that have entered the nasopharynx. It’s better not to hold back and sneeze into dry, clean, disposable wipes.
  2. Do wet cleaning of the room more often, try to keep the air in the apartment from being dry.
  3. Fight dust and mold, as well as other allergens. Eliminate animals and indoor plants and purchased flowers (lilies, hyacinths, geraniums) if the pregnant woman is allergic to them.
  4. Do nasal rinses regularly. It is not a very pleasant procedure, but it is an effective and absolutely safe procedure.
  5. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  6. Don’t overeat, eat right to avoid constipation, take walks in the fresh air (but not during the flowering period of allergenic plants).
  7. Avoid strong odors, in particular tobacco smoke.

Thus, sneezing during pregnancy is a common symptom that occurs against the background of allergies and viral infections. For many women, it is caused by hormonal changes and increased blood flow during gestation. In any case, treatment should be very careful, aimed at relieving unpleasant and painful symptoms at their first appearance.

Preventive measures

To prevent sneezing during pregnancy from causing discomfort, you need to be able to do it correctly. You should not cover your mouth and nose with your hands, otherwise all the bacteria and microbes that fly out will return to the body, which can harm the fetus. After each sneeze, a woman must clean her sinuses, again getting rid of the infection.

In an attempt to push out unnecessary particles, the body will provoke attacks of sneezing from time to time until the nose clears. You need to get rid of allergens as much as possible - pets and birds, feather pillows, mold, dust and odorous flowers. Spend more time outdoors and drink enough fluids (if your health allows, at least 1.5 liters per day).

You need to monitor the air humidity in the room and if it is too dry, humidify it. The nasopharynx will not dry out, this will reduce the attacks of “apchihs”. A pregnant woman should protect herself from strong odors, including cigarette smoke. Balance your diet and avoid foods that can cause constipation and hemorrhoids. Give preference to vegetables and fruits.

Bacterial sneezing

A bacterial disease poses a great danger to the expectant mother and her baby. This pathology has the following symptoms: body temperature within subfebrile values, green thick snot, possible cough and conjunctivitis. Treatment of such diseases involves the use of antibiotics. In the early stages, you can use natural medicines: garlic and onions, aloe juice. Miramistin and Pinosol are also safe products.

If the described remedies do not improve the woman’s condition, then chemical medications will be required. They should only be prescribed by a specialist. In the early stages of pregnancy, any antibiotics are prohibited. Towards the middle of the term, the doctor may prescribe penicillin drugs or macrolides.

Physiology and action of external factors

Sneezing may be caused by environmental exposure. During pregnancy, the nasal mucosa becomes more vulnerable to various types of irritants. Dry air increases discomfort and causes itching. As a result, the woman begins to sneeze.

The reflex also appears due to a change in temperature. If you were in the frosty air and entered a warm room, a sneeze begins. The opposite rule also works. Some people (pregnant women are no exception) sneeze due to bright light. It is enough for them to look at the sun or enter a bright room from the darkness - a reflex immediately appears. All of these causes of sneezing are harmless. They do not require drug therapy. It is only important to create comfortable living conditions for the expectant mother.

Sneezing and allergies

Symptoms caused by viruses can be caused by various particles in the air. They are called allergens - what distinguishes them from dust particles is their ability to activate the human immune system. Connecting with the mucous membrane, they are recognized by the immune system as microbes, which causes an inadequate reaction of its cells:

  1. Immune cells attack these particles, leading to the development of an inflammatory process.
  2. Damage to the nasal mucosa leads to irritation of the nerve endings.
  3. As a result of this mechanism, the main signs of allergies appear - sneezing and runny nose.
  4. During pregnancy, hormonal levels change dramatically, which can lead to the manifestation of these symptoms in a previously healthy woman.

Most girls are aware of the presence of allergies, so they take preventive measures to prevent it.

Prevention methods

The main sources of allergens lie in wait for a pregnant girl at home. You should immediately resolve the issue with pets - their fur and saliva are irritating. Just don’t throw them out into the street - there are many shelters for pets, or you can give your pet to relatives. The same applies to indoor plants - you need to leave only those that do not have flowers or pollen.

Pillows and mattresses, if they consist of natural materials (down, cotton wool), are best replaced with synthetic analogues. They do not allow down mites to breed and are easy to wash and dry multiple times.

Large woolen carpets from the walls and floor also need to be removed - dust accumulates on them.

Finally, the issue of household parasites (cockroaches, mice) is being resolved, since they carry diseases that are dangerous for pregnant women.

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