What is a birth certificate and how can I get it?

What is a birth certificate

A birth certificate is a document issued to a woman within the framework of the Health project at 30 weeks of pregnancy (if there are more than two fetuses - at 28 weeks).
Its main task is to motivate medical institutions to provide comprehensive and high-quality services.

Organizations with a license to operate in the specialty “obstetrics and gynecology” and conduct dispensary observation of a child under 1 year of age have the authority to issue the document.

Along with the birth certificate, a woman working under an employment contract receives a certificate of incapacity for work for pregnancy and childbirth.

You can find out how to obtain a birth certificate, as well as what documents you will need for this, on our website.

If birth documentation has not previously been issued

In the event that a pregnant woman refuses to register, or is observed in commercial institutions, such a certificate can also be issued at 30 weeks, and at 28 for a multiple pregnancy. This happens in gynecology at the place of residence, but at the same time, the expectant mother must have an agreement with the FSS (Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation). Such paper is required in order to cover the costs of the children's clinic and services in the maternity hospital.

In practice, there are cases when a patient enters a maternity hospital without such a certificate. This happens if:

  • this act was not received in advance;
  • a pregnant woman goes into premature labor;
  • the issued certificate was lost.

Attention! When a patient is admitted without this paper, the maternity hospital must independently request the registration of a report from the gynecology department where the woman in labor was observed. The pregnant woman's exchange card is used as the basis. When this is impossible, the maternity institution can independently issue the document, but the first detachable part will no longer be in it.

State maternity support program and the function of the Social Insurance Fund in this program

The national project “Health” is part of a large state program for the growth of “human capital” in Russia, the start of which was announced back in 2005.

The goal is to improve the performance of medical institutions and increase the priority of primary care for patients.

The maternity certificate program is part of a project aimed at increasing market competition among antenatal clinics and maternity hospitals.

At the same time, the regional social insurance fund provides them with the necessary forms, monitors compliance with the legislative framework relating to these documents, takes into account the correctness of their issuance and the validity of payment, and also makes payments on invoices.

The source of funding is the budget of the FSS of the Russian Federation - it transfers funds to regional branches.

The legislative framework

The regulations on the birth certificate, the form of the birth certificate (B 0000000), the form to be filled out, instructions for it and standard books for accounting for funds are reflected in Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 701.

According to him, the document consists of 6 parts:

  1. Spine.
  2. Coupon No. 1 for antenatal clinic.
  3. Coupon No. 2 for the maternity hospital.
  4. Coupon No. 3-1 for a children's clinic (first six months of service).
  5. Coupon No. 3-2 for a children's clinic (second six months of service).
  6. The certificate itself is a confirmation of receipt of services.

All citizens of Russia and those women who are in the country legally have the right to receive a document.

The document is also issued upon adoption of a child, if his age does not exceed 3 months. The adoptive parent has the same rights as a parent, according to Article 137 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

For medical institutions, funds received under the certificate are additional financing, which can only be used for certain purposes (RF Government Decree No. 852):

  • remuneration of workers (at least 40% for antenatal clinics, at least 60% for maternity hospitals);
  • purchase of medical equipment and materials;
  • purchase of medicines.

Institutions are prohibited from using funds from birth certificates to compensate for the costs of utilities and major repairs..

What assistance cannot be paid for?

A woman has the opportunity to keep coupons if she considers that the services were not provided in full or at an insufficient level of quality. The transfer of coupons is her right, not her obligation.

In most cases, the stated cost is not enough to cover all services provided. But within the framework of the main package, the government has determined this amount to be sufficient.

If special care is required due to identified complications, assistance is not included in the scope of the birth certificate. This will require additional reserves, although the medical institution cannot require the woman to pay for them.

This document will be issued for each subsequent child while maintaining the established amount. You cannot perform the following actions with a birth certificate:

  • restore in case of damage or loss;
  • receive money in cash;
  • cash out or sell to others;
  • pay for services at a private medical center.

Without a certificate, a clinic or maternity hospital cannot refuse to register a newborn or attend birth. According to the law, a woman herself chooses a maternity hospital that suits her in all respects. Since the maternity hospital receives money for the patient, there are usually no problems with choosing an institution.

In emergency cases, an ambulance will take the woman in labor to the nearest maternity hospital. You can choose a medical institution only if there are indications for hospitalization in a specialized medical center.

Tags: issue, what, generic, certificate, term

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Why do you need a birth certificate, what to do with it and what rights it gives

Interested parties in obtaining a certificate are medical institutions that receive funds from the Social Insurance Fund.

Why does a mother need a birth certificate for her first child and subsequent children? For the expectant mother, the presence of this document gives the opportunity to choose an antenatal clinic and maternity hospital at her own discretion.

This right also exists outside of the “Health” project, however, the provision of services to nonresident persons and those who register outside their registration is more readily provided with a certificate.

A birth certificate at the birth of the first child, as well as at the birth of subsequent children, gives a woman absolutely the same rights.

Its issuance is aimed at solving a number of problems:

  • legal protection of women from substandard medical services;
  • increasing wages for medical staff;
  • creating competition between antenatal clinics, maternity hospitals and children's clinics, which increases their professional level.

Important! If observation or childbirth occurs on the basis of a paid contract, a birth certificate is not issued.

To receive a completed form, a pregnant woman contacts an antenatal clinic and presents the following documents:

  • passport;
  • insurance policy;
  • SNILS (required only for working women).

Instead of a passport, a military ID or officer's ID may be presented . For women giving birth under 14 years of age, an alternative document is a birth certificate.

Coupon No. 1 and the counterfoil remain in the antenatal clinic. If a pregnant woman was observed in several institutions, priority is given to the one that covered the longest period.

The condition for receiving it is to remain registered for more than 12 weeks, as well as scheduled examinations at least 3 times.

The remaining coupons, together with the exchange card, are transferred to the maternity hospital at the time of admission. Ticket No. 2 is filled out and remains there.

You can find out how to choose a maternity hospital based on your birth certificate on our website.

Will they be admitted to the maternity hospital without a certificate?

Immediately after the introduction of the program, most young women from rural areas began to wonder whether they would be admitted to the maternity hospital without a birth certificate.

A woman may be without a document for the following reasons:

  • failure to receive paper on time;
  • loss of document;
  • early labor - contractions begin suddenly, so the case is characterized as an emergency and the rules for providing emergency medical care apply.

A woman who is a citizen of the Russian Federation does not pay for services, therefore employees of an obstetric institution:

  • restore compensation paper for the exchange card;
  • They issue a new form without coupon No. 1.

Certificate issuance form

A birth certificate is a document of strict accountability. It is a printed product equipped with special protection against counterfeiting.

Forms are issued to institutions by the FSS . For ease of completion and perception, the document is “colored” in wide stripes of pink and green.

The form for providing the certificate can only be paper. Electronic birth certificates are not issued.

The form must be filled out legibly, in Russian, with a blue or purple pen . More than 2 corrections are not allowed - they must be certified by the signature of the manager.

On the right to choose medical institutions and doctors

A woman has always had this right and retains it, regardless of what accompanying documents she draws up.

Thanks to birth certificates, additional financial support is simply provided. But it is still worth paying attention to compliance with the principle of territorial affiliation. This is especially important in the presence of any pathologies or additional complications.

In case of emergency hospitalization, the doctor himself decides which institution is best to choose in a particular case.

Birth certificates are not money intended to solve personal financial problems. This is especially worth remembering. The state takes care of additional funding for the healthcare system. Therefore, the certificate cannot be cashed or issued to third parties. Rules for document preparation are available on the official websites of institutions or regulatory authorities that oversee these issues.

Distribution of funds according to the certificate

Each birth certificate provides for the distribution of 11,000 rubles between medical institutions. Funds are transferred to the organization’s personal account according to the coupons received.

The distribution is made as follows:

  • 3,000 rubles - to the antenatal clinic or other institution where the woman was observed during pregnancy;
  • 6,000 rubles - to the maternity hospital or perinatal center where the birth and care of the newborn took place after it;
  • 1000 rubles - to a children's clinic that provides dispensary monitoring of a child for the first 6 months of his life;
  • 1000 rubles - to a children's clinic that provides dispensary monitoring of the child for the next 6 months of his life.

Find out on our website about financial support for a birth certificate.

Where to send the document after childbirth

When a mother and her newborn have already been discharged from the hospital, she often does not know what to do with the remaining birth certificate after birth. Be sure to save the document. It will still be useful.

The next stage is observation by a pediatrician. Please note that it also makes sense to negotiate with your doctor in advance so that:

  • the doctor had the opportunity to serve one more patient;
  • In this case, take into account the factor of the territorial proximity of the child’s place of residence to the medical institution.

Knowing why a birth certificate is needed after childbirth, we can say with confidence that during the initial 12 months of life the baby will survive. The danger is that infants are at particular risk, so their health requires serious monitoring. It is necessary to visit a pediatrician as often as possible, especially since newborns at one, three, six and 9 months undergo a general medical examination.

Urine and blood tests are required so that the pediatrician has a detailed understanding of the baby’s health and potential problems. Coupons No. 3-1 and 3-2 are provided by social security to compensate for the cost of monitoring services for a baby up to one year of age.

Register of birth certificates


a municipal or state health care institution participating in the program reports to the Social Insurance Fund.

This is necessary to receive funding under the birth certificate program.

Submission of reports to the Social Insurance Fund occurs monthly, no later than the 10th.

Medical institutions provide tear-off coupons and a register of birth certificates.

The latter is a document that, in addition to information about the organization itself, provides the following information:

  • The woman’s full name, her address, passport series and number, SNIILS number;
  • cost of the coupon;
  • exchange card number;
  • number of weeks of pregnancy when registering at the antenatal clinic;
  • number of weeks of pregnancy at the time the certificate is issued;
  • time period of observation in the institution;
  • information about sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth;
  • date and code of the birth result.

Certain columns do not need to be filled out by one or another organization, depending on its specifics..

Payment under the certificate is not made in the event of termination of pregnancy or death of the mother, as well as if the conditions for receiving funds are not met.

What does the paper look like?

Let's look at what a birth certificate looks like according to the approved form. The document consists of a counterfoil and 3 coupons, which differ in denomination and are used to receive compensation for the provision of services for monitoring the health of the mother, child and ensuring the birth process.

The box contains the following information:

  • Full name of the pregnant woman;
  • compulsory medical insurance and SNILS number of an individual;
  • date of issue of the form;
  • recipient's signature.

Birth certificate form

The main form of the birth certificate indicates:

  • date and time of birth of the baby;
  • gender, height and weight of the baby;
  • how many children does the mother have?
  • Recipient's full name;
  • SNILS;
  • Compulsory medical insurance;
  • the name of the medical institution where the birth took place.

Coupons 1, 2, 3-1, 3-2 contain, with some differences, information about the mother, baby, residence address, date of birth, insurance policies, and woman’s passport data. The coupons also have a reverse side with information about the second (third, etc.) child.

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