How long (when) do periods begin after childbirth?

Young mothers are often concerned about the question: when do periods begin after childbirth? The timing of the onset of menstruation depends on many factors: on the method of feeding the child, on the process of childbirth, on the characteristics of the woman’s hormonal system, and finally, on the woman’s age and even the number of births in the past.

When do periods begin after a cesarean section and after a natural birth? What determines the timing of the restoration of menstruation? All these questions concern young mothers.


To ensure that the first menstruation after childbirth does not come as a surprise to a woman, it would be a good idea to find out in advance when to wait for the red day of the calendar. First, let's look at the theoretical basis of this issue. Those who do not want to plunge into theoretical aspects can immediately move on to the next paragraphs of the article.

Our faithful companion is the menstrual cycle

A regular menstrual cycle is an important sign of a woman's good health. Typically, girls begin menstruation at the age of 10-12 years; on average, establishing a regular cycle takes several months. The length of the cycle is different for everyone, it depends on the individual characteristics of the body, but it should be noted that the norm is from 28 to 35 days.

From time to time, we women really want to take a break from monthly “guests,” and yet their absence means organic or physiological problems in the body, or pregnancy. In both cases, you need to contact a gynecologist to monitor your health.

To our common joy, we still manage to take a break from menstruation. After conception, during pregnancy and after birth, women experience a period during which they can forget about menstruation. This is due to the fact that incredible changes occur in a woman’s body during pregnancy and during childbirth. The entire hormonal background is redrawn.

Woman feeding baby

The hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the production of colostrum and milk, begins to be actively produced immediately after childbirth; it suppresses ovulation, that is, it normally prevents the onset of a new pregnancy while the baby is breastfeeding. Thus, nature takes care of the emerging offspring, devoting all the maternal forces to nursing the existing baby and preventing the conception of a new one.

Determining the norm

After childbirth, which took place naturally, as well as through cesarean, there is heavy discharge in the form of uterine-type bleeding. They may resemble menstruation in nature, but the blood clot contains dead tissue epithelium, dirt and mucus.

Immediately after natural childbirth, lochia occurs for 6-8 weeks. After cesarean section, the duration of discharge can be 9-10 weeks. This is the norm, and deviations are not considered if the period is 5 weeks.

Heavy discharge lasts approximately 1-1.5 months , after which within a few days you can notice a sharp darkening of the blood and the presence of clots. This means the uterus is healing. After a caesarean section, the suckers that suddenly stop indicate the presence of an infection. A peculiar smell, consistency and abnormal sensations (burning, heaviness in the abdomen, pain) indicate inflammation.

What should the discharge be like after childbirth - scanty or heavy?

The discharge that comes after childbirth should be heavy for 2 weeks while the scars heal. The color is bright, the smell is characteristic - not like during menstruation, but during simple bleeding. Any stitches that were placed (internal and external) will be felt for 3-5 months. External healing occurs within 3-4 weeks. There should be no bleeding. If uterine bleeding occurs, consult a doctor immediately. Blood serums, hormonal treatment and suppositories are needed.

Hormones will stop the bleeding, normalize the nature of discharge, and oxytocin will allow lactation to continue. If for some reason you do not want to breastfeed, let us know on the second day after birth - they will give you an anti-clotting injection to irritate the mucous gland.

Then the milk will disappear, and menstruation will come immediately after the end of lochia . You should not be afraid of discharge “not like everyone else” only if you are confident in your health. A doctor, and only he, can tell whether this is normal for your body or not. The absence of a cycle or a sudden stop of bleeding also indicates pathologies.

Important! The doctor who delivered your baby monitors the woman in labor for 40 days after discharge. If you have any suspicions, contact him for inspection and immediate action.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

Also, you should not be happy if the bleeding that began during breastfeeding lasts too long. Discharges that are short in duration indicate the presence of dead endometrium that could not come out along with the baby's place; with long durations, you are at risk of endometritis and an infectious process due to suppuration of living tissues.

This is more dangerous than the first case. If during natural childbirth one can observe a picture of the beginning and cessation of menstruation, then after cesarean this indicates deviations, since the uterus itself could not clear itself of epithelium, and hence an abscess and improper restoration of the uterus.

How long will it take to restore the female cycle?

We understand what prevents the onset of critical days after childbirth, now let’s think about how to answer the next question. How soon will the menstrual cycle be restored, and what are the reasons for early or late periods after childbirth? Can women's days begin immediately after childbirth?

As we mentioned above, it is the hormone responsible for the production of breast milk that prevents the maturation of the egg. Thus, we see a connection: the longer this hormone is produced, the longer there should be no menstruation. Therefore, when menstruation begins after childbirth primarily depends on the way the baby is fed.

Gasket in woman's hands

In today's fast-paced world, many mothers refuse to breastfeed for all sorts of reasons. Others combine breastfeeding and bottle-feeding from the very first days. And some mothers simply introduce complementary foods quite early. In all these cases, menstruation will begin earlier than for mothers who adhere to the concept of long-term breastfeeding.

We should not forget about external factors, which can, in turn, influence the restoration of the menstrual cycle after childbirth. Among them we can highlight:

  • nutrition;
  • rest;
  • peace of mind.

All these are important factors. To quickly restore your female health, try to evenly distribute your load during the day, give yourself rest and eat well.

Diagram of the volume of uterine secretions

Menstruation after childbirth while breastfeeding

If a baby is formula fed from birth, the mother will begin menstruating within a few weeks. Menstruation after childbirth with breastfeeding begins much later. We'll tell you what affects the restoration of the cycle, what its features are, what is normal, and what should alert you to whether it is possible to breastfeed during menstruation.

Table of contents
  • Why are there no periods during pregnancy and lactation?
  • The difference between menstruation and postpartum discharge
  • When does your period start while breastfeeding?
  • What are periods like when breastfeeding?
  • What color of periods is considered normal after childbirth?
  • Should I continue breastfeeding?
  • How to establish a stable menstrual cycle
  • What periods should you be concerned about?
  • When is it time to use contraceptives?

Why are there no periods during pregnancy and lactation?

From the beginning of pregnancy, menstruation disappears due to changes in the hormonal background of the body. He devotes all his strength to the development and preservation of the child.

If a woman feeds her baby with her milk after childbirth, the body is rebuilt again. Now its main goal is to stimulate lactation.

The hormone prolactin is intensively produced, which enhances milk production and inhibits the functioning of the ovaries.

Because of this, there is no menstruation in the first months after childbirth. It appears only after breastfeeding stops or when its volume decreases.

The difference between menstruation and postpartum discharge

If a woman is breastfeeding, she does not have her period for a long time. However, immediately after childbirth, all mothers, regardless of the method of feeding, develop lochia.

This is a postpartum bloody discharge with mucus.

They end before the baby is 8 weeks old. During this time, their intensity decreases significantly and their color changes - from bright red to light brown.

Lochia is intended to restore the lining of the uterus and normalize the functioning of the female body.

When does your period start while breastfeeding?

This is an individual process. Every woman starts menstruation at a different time after childbirth.

Its onset may be related to health status, frequency and volume of feedings, and stressful situations.

So, the main factors on which the appearance of the first menstruation depends:

  • Nervous overload and stress.
  • Stability of daily routine and nutrition.
  • State of hormones.
  • Chronic diseases.
  • Difficulty of childbirth.
  • Volumes and duration of lactation.

The last factor is the most important. If a baby feeds exclusively on mother's milk for up to one year, there will be no menstruation during this entire period. Then, even if lactation is maintained, critical days should begin.

If, in addition to mother's milk, the baby receives formula, menstruation may appear after 3 months from the date of birth.

What are periods like when breastfeeding?

Irregular periods after their appearance are the norm. This may continue for several months.

Compared to menstruation before childbirth, its abundance and duration differ. There's nothing wrong with that. The cycle will soon improve.

The alarm should be sounded if intense critical days continue after the 3rd cycle. In this case, it is better to consult a gynecologist.

A normal cycle is considered to last 20-35 days with discharge for 3-8 days.

When your first period appears, premenstrual syndrome and menstrual pain may occur. Among their symptoms are swelling, dizziness, nausea, and psychological stress.

If the pain is so severe that you have to turn to medications, you should consult a doctor.

It is possible that hormonal imbalances have appeared in the body, causing pain during the critical days.

Those who suffered from pain during menstruation before childbirth can, on the contrary, get rid of this problem.

Often after the birth of a child and the arrival of the first menstruation, it becomes painless and is not accompanied by emotional discomfort. The explanation for this is the uterus adopting the correct position after childbirth.

What color of periods is considered normal after childbirth?

Normally, the discharge is bright red. They can acquire a brown color only in the final days.

A dark brown color throughout the entire period is a sign of abnormalities. If at the same time a woman has a high temperature and nagging pain in the lower abdomen, this may indicate a number of diseases or an ectopic pregnancy.


Dark yellow or reddish discharge occurs due to the high content of mucus and endometrial cells.

Dark, close to black, discharge occurs when it accumulates in the uterine cavity. This is a sign of disease, so you need to consult a gynecologist.

Should I continue breastfeeding?

Undoubtedly. Restoring the cycle does not affect the quality or quantity of milk in any way.

However, the mother may experience increased nipple sensitivity and pain during feeding. Breast massage and a warm compress will help cope with this problem.

When your period begins, it is especially important to keep your breasts and armpits clean. The smell of a woman's sweat changes these days, and the child can feel it.

How to establish a stable menstrual cycle

To do this, you need to streamline your entire lifestyle, including nutrition.

The cycle quickly normalizes if:

• Eat properly and according to a schedule. Eat more vegetables, fruits, fresh herbs, whole grains, and drink as much plain water as possible.

You should include fermented milk, dairy, fish and meat products in your diet.

• Don't overload yourself, remembering to rest, do exercises and walk every day.

• Do not use birth control pills, which affect hormonal levels.

• Seek help from your loved ones in caring for your baby. A good mood and the opportunity to pay attention to yourself will help you recover in a short time after the birth of your child.

What periods should you be concerned about?

There are a number of signs by which emerging diseases can be identified in a timely manner. Having discovered one of them, you should not postpone your visit to the gynecologist.

• Weak discharge for more than 3 menstruation is a sign of hormonal imbalance.

• Irregularity of menstruation within 6 months after cessation of lactation indicates problems with the ovaries.

• The abundance and pain of menstruation for more than 3 cycles can cause the concentration of fetal tissue in the uterine cavity.

• Prolonged periods with pain, nausea and dizziness are another reason to see a gynecologist.

• The presence of nagging pain and an unusual unpleasant odor during menstruation can warn of an infection or even a tumor in the vagina.

• Curdled discharge and itching are a sign of thrush.

• The presence of spotting on normal days of the cycle may indicate an inflammatory disease.

When is it time to use contraceptives?

Breastfeeding, especially after the introduction of complementary foods, is not a reason to neglect contraceptives.

When the baby becomes familiar with complementary foods and the intensity of feedings decreases, the woman may begin to menstruate. But 10-14 days before their onset, ovulation and fertilization of the egg can occur.

In this case, menstruation may begin and then suddenly stop. This is a sign of pregnancy.

If a woman does not plan to become pregnant again immediately after childbirth, it is better to start using contraceptives from the first sexual intercourse. This is especially true when introducing complementary foods.

Gynecologists do not recommend getting pregnant immediately after childbirth. The body must recover. This will take at least 1-2 years. The health of the unborn baby depends on this.

The moment when menstruation returns after childbirth is individual in each case. However, several factors influence the timing. Decisive among them is the intensity and frequency of breastfeeding.

The introduction of complementary foods and a decrease in the number of milk feedings may well cause the return of menstruation. You may have periods while breastfeeding.

It is worth studying the features of the discharge. At the first signs of abnormalities, contact a gynecologist. It is important to take care of contraceptives before your period appears to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

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Arina Nagovitsyna

author of the publication (site editor)

JOURNALIST Higher education: Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communications

Arina Nagovitsyna recently published (see all)

  • What can a child at 3 months - 09/12/2019
  • What a 2 month old baby can do – 09/11/2019
  • Which formula to choose when mixed feeding - 09/10/2019

Can the “red days of the calendar” fall in the first month after giving birth?

Many young mothers may mistake uterine discharge after childbirth, lochia, for menstruation. What is lochia? It doesn’t matter whether it was a cesarean or natural birth, all women experience spotting after delivery. It is this discharge from the uterus after childbirth that is called lochia. During childbirth, the placenta is actually torn away from the uterus and a wound is formed in this place. After birth, as the body heals, it cleanses itself and removes remaining blood clots, mucus, and pieces of the placenta.

Girl and calendar

How long does postpartum discharge last? This process continues for approximately 6-8 weeks from the date of birth. In the first days after birth, lochia will be the most abundant and bloody. After about a week, the discharge will already be brown in color and the amount will clearly decrease. And after a month, almost unnoticeable discharge will remain.

On the Internet, you can find posts from women who write that their critical days began in a month. Most likely, they are among the small percentage of lucky women whose bodies can recover so quickly.

We would like to draw your special attention to the presence of some signs, the presence of which obliges you to contact your female doctor:

  1. quite long presence of blood in the lochia - over 2 weeks;
  2. extremely heavy postpartum discharge - in about an hour you are forced to change more than 1 pad;
  3. if there are large blood inclusions in the lochia;
  4. the appearance by the end of the first week of bright red discharge, the volume of which does not decrease even when you lie down;
  5. unpleasant odor of discharge;
  6. increased body temperature or chills;
  7. Absolute cessation of lochia in the first week.

Important! If only a month or a month and a half has passed, and women’s days have already arrived, if you see a dependence: there is a load - there are “periods”, no load - there are no “periods”, then be sure to see your gynecologist.

The main differences between postpartum discharge and menstruation:

  • Menstruation lasts no more than 7 days normally, and lochia lasts from 6-8 weeks;
  • Lochia changes color from rich red at the beginning to transparent at the end;
  • Menstruation always contains blood and therefore may have a brown tint.

In addition to natural postpartum lochia, there are uterine bleeding, which should not be confused with normal discharge. Such bleeding is characterized by suddenness and, like any bleeding, is very dangerous. If uterine bleeding occurs, it is very important to determine its cause as quickly as possible. To exclude such situations, if possible, contact an ultrasound specialist who will check whether placental tissue remains in the uterine cavity. An ultrasound examination is best performed 2-3 days after birth.

When does it start after childbirth?

Since the resumption of menstruation after natural childbirth is a strictly individual process for each organism, a distinction is made between earlier and later onset of bleeding . If your period starts after the end of lochia, this is an early resumption when the uterus contracts naturally.

At the same time, adaptation of lactation is observed - the blood produces hormones that promote rapid healing of the body. Late menstruation – a year or more after the birth of the child. This is also considered normal, especially during the second birth. Healing takes longer.

There is an interesting trend - mothers who gave birth for the first time after 30 years notice that their periods began six months or later. However, this is an unscientific fact, and medicine does not comment on it in any way.

Could there be a delay?

Delayed menstruation is impossible during the first bleeding, when a cycle is formed . In subsequent months (except for the first), bleeding may occur with shifts in dates - this is the norm, since the body is just forming the ovulation phase. Non-ovulatory cycles can also be observed, when menstruation goes “idle” without the release of an egg. This is considered normal both before and after childbirth.

Attention! Over the course of a year, a woman can have from 6-12 such cycles, but pregnancy is possible, although it is ectopic, since the egg does not completely exit the fallopian tubes. The cycle can be fully restored only two years after the birth of the baby.

When does your period start and how long does it last?

Girl in red among poppies

No one can predict the exact time of the appearance of the first menstruation after childbirth, just as no one can predict what women’s days will be like now, because we are all different.

Throughout life, a woman's body undergoes various changes. The menstrual cycle after childbirth can change significantly, and if before the discharge lasted 3 days, was scanty, came exactly 28 days later and was painless, then after such stress as childbirth, the discharge can become very heavy, lasts 5 days, and the cycle itself will be 35 days . Moreover, for the same woman, the nature of her critical days may vary after two births.

It also happens that a month, maximum one and a half, after giving birth, a woman begins to menstruate again, and this despite the fact that the young mother feeds the child on demand.

One thing is certain: if the menstrual cycle is restored, then ovulation is also restored. This means that a woman can become pregnant again.

Menstruation after childbirth: norm and pathology

As a rule, the first menstruation after childbirth occurs as usual and without complications. It is important that a regular cycle is established within 2-3 months after the first menstruation. Sometimes heavy periods after a caesarean section or after a natural birth frighten young mothers. But the volume of menstrual flow and the number of days may be the same as before, or may differ slightly.

How many days your period lasts after giving birth may vary from woman to woman. Usually it is 5-7 days. Many women who have given birth note that after childbirth, menstruation is painless, unlike before pregnancy. This is usually due to the fact that the curvature of the uterus has been eliminated during childbirth. And now nothing prevents the discharge from gently leaving the uterine cavity.

Some women still face difficulties when their periods come after childbirth. What to pay attention to and when to consult a doctor:

  • If your period does not come within 3-4 months after completion of breastfeeding. The cause may be improper functioning of the thyroid gland. And also pituitary adenoma due to high levels of prolactin.
  • If you have heavy periods after childbirth, or the discharge has an unpleasant, foul odor. The development of an inflammatory process is possible. As well as various infectious diseases.
  • If menstruation does not become regular, but occurs occasionally. The cycle should be established within 3-4 months after the first menstruation.

When your period starts and how long it lasts after childbirth depends on many factors. This includes hormonal treatment during pregnancy, the woman’s age, and the number of births. It is important to organize for yourself a nutritious diet, a sleep and rest schedule, and a comfortable moral state. Then the hormonal system will work harmoniously and correctly. The menstrual cycle will begin on time. Critical days will not bring any particular inconvenience or difficulty.

The main question: is it possible to get pregnant if you haven’t had your period yet?

Man is an idle creature, we try in every possible way to get more pleasure, but at the same time do or think less. This statement directly relates to one of the most frequently asked questions of women after childbirth: is it possible to get pregnant if your period has not yet begun?

Girl consulting with a doctor

We answer: it is possible.

Such cases are not uncommon. A mother focused on her baby can’t often take time for herself, much less listen to herself and her feelings. And if in the pre-pregnancy period a girl can often at least roughly guess from indirect signs when she is ovulating, then a mother who has recently given birth has no time at all. A woman, as a rule, has no idea about her first ovulation after childbirth. It turns out that she can continue to be sexually active without protection. And now there is a new pregnancy, which no one suspected, and may not even suspect for a long time due to the long absence of menstruation before.

Yes, of course, there are families who used the period of breastfeeding to the fullest, did not use any protection at all, and did not become pregnant. But!

If you and your husband do not plan to have children of the same age, and are also against abortion, then we recommend that you prepare in advance for such a situation and choose contraceptive methods together.

Here are several types of contraceptives suitable for breastfeeding mothers: condoms, IUDs, diaphragms, spermicides.

6 types of contraceptives

Condoms are the ideal form of contraception for women who have recently given birth. They reduce the risk of any infection entering the uterine cavity. Most representatives of the fair sex after childbirth experience a decrease in the production of natural lubrication. If you buy condoms with lubricant, this will help solve the problem of vaginal dryness and make the woman enjoy the process.

Intrauterine devices can be installed after all the discharge from the uterus has ended. On average, an intrauterine device is placed for 5-7 years, so you can also avoid unwanted pregnancy. We strongly recommend that you select this type of contraception together with your gynecologist.

Diaphragm. The advantage of this type of barrier protection is that its use does not affect lactation and the health of the child. To learn how to use the diaphragm, consult a doctor for help.

Spermicides are vaginal suppositories, tablets, creams that have a detrimental effect on sperm. This is a type of chemical contraception and sometimes spermicides can cause irritation of the vaginal mucosa. But before you abandon this method of protection, try different spermicides and you may find one that suits you.

There are several other types of contraception, but they are much inferior in reliability to those listed above. One of them is coitus interruptus. And although it is often practiced by couples, getting pregnant using this method of protection is quite simple. Another method - measuring basal temperature is too labor-intensive and with a high probability of error.

We will not consider such radical methods of contraception as abstinence and sterilization, as we consider them very extreme.

Important! For greater reliability, combine barrier contraceptive methods.

Possible effects during feeding

There is a belief that if menstruation occurs during breastfeeding, it affects this process and can spoil the taste of breast milk, discourage the baby from breastfeeding, etc. It's all a myth. The only thing that has to do with menstruation and breastfeeding is the hormone. Prolactin allows the production of milk, and oxytocin “keeps” the uterus in good shape, preventing cells from disintegrating, causing menstruation.

Breastfeeding and lactation cannot prevent the appearance of menstruation, but the cycle can suppress lactation or normalize it . It all depends on how quickly the cycles are restored.

  1. Within 2-3 months, the appearance of menstruation has a positive effect on the hormone prolactin. It has a faster effect on milk production, which makes the baby suckle better. As a result of a sharp depletion of the glands, prolactin pumps the blood again and under stronger “pressure”. By activating the iron areas of the tissue, the uterus contracts, which prevents menstruation.
  2. On the other hand, you should like this state of affairs - the faster the cycle comes, the faster lactation will improve. If this happens, menstruation may stop. This is the norm.
  3. If it so happens that the pregnancy recurs (which often happens, since many believe that a woman is naturally protected from conception during lactation), breastfeeding can cause characteristic spasms in the uterus, which will lead to miscarriage.
  4. If your period comes late, and lactation has normalized by this time (we are talking about a period of 3-6 months), then the cycles do not in any way affect the quality of milk, its production and taste.

Advice! The early appearance of menstruation (immediately after the end of lochia) can be stopped by administering the hormone oxytocin intravenously or intramuscularly. Such hormones are used naturally on the 3rd and 5th day of birth.

Is it possible to breastfeed when such discharge has occurred?

During the first and subsequent periods, breastfeeding can and should be done . An abrupt cessation of lactation through the efforts of the mother can lead to inflammation. The menstrual cycle does not affect the color and abundance of discharge.

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