Cold feet: causes and treatment in adults and children

From time to time, every person faces the problem of cold feet. Changes in body and environmental temperature, as well as changes in lifestyle and health, are some of the most common causes of cold feet. Adjusting these factors usually helps relieve symptoms.

In this article, we will look at these and several medical causes of cold feet. We have also listed home remedies that you can use to keep your feet warm and comfortable.



feeling of cold in the legs

In winter, the cold is primarily felt in the legs and arms. This is due to the fact that in these parts of the body there are few muscle fibers that produce heat, while there is practically no adipose tissue capable of retaining it. Our blood is the only source of heat.

At low temperatures, blood vessels contract and blood flow to the extremities decreases. For a healthy person, it is enough to massage the limbs or warm them in warm water to restore blood circulation and warm up. If after such manipulations the feeling of cold does not go away, this may indicate a health problem.

The prerequisites for constantly cold feet are:

  • Blood pressure surges. When the pressure rises, the blood vessels spasm, and blood cannot flow into the small capillaries. Low blood pressure, as well as VGSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia) lead to a decrease in blood pressure, therefore, it cannot reach the feet.
  • Varicose veins With a decrease in the muscle tone of the vessels, the structure of the walls is deformed.
  • Endocrine disorders. These include thyroid pathologies (hypothyroidism), menopause, and diabetes.
  • Anemia. If the level of hemoglobin is low, then the body does not receive enough oxygen, which is a source of energy.
  • Lack of water in the body. When the water balance is disturbed, the blood becomes viscous, and to protect against the disturbance, a spasm occurs in the vessels.
  • Long and frequent smoking. Heavy smokers experience constriction of blood vessels, which causes a decrease in blood supply.
  • Age. In older people, tissues (fat, muscle) are depleted, which is why their feet often get cold.
  • Mycosis. Coldness in the extremities occurs when there is a fungal infection not only of the legs, but also of the internal organs.
  • Neurological problems. This could be nerve damage, hernia (in the lumbar or sacral region).
  • Stroke. When the passage of nerve impulses is disrupted, paralysis and paresis develop, which leads to loss of sensitivity.
  • The presence of parasites in the human body.

If you see your pathology in the proposed list, in order to relieve the feeling of cold in your feet, consult a doctor. The specialist will select effective treatment.


reasons why feet may be cold

Metabolic disease

Diabetes mellitus, varicose veins, obesity, Raynaud's syndrome - with the listed disorders of the body, the blood vessels malfunction and the limbs freeze. Constant medical supervision is required to relieve symptoms of exacerbation.

Freezing feet bring discomfort and unpleasant sensations to the owner. Such ailment becomes the main cause of unplanned consequences: this includes cystitis, colds, and impaired tissue regeneration of the feet. If the appearance of chilliness in the extremities is not associated with hypothermia, a trip to the doctor will become a necessary measure.

Traditional methods of treatment


salt foot bath

If your feet are cold, you can use proven methods to improve your well-being:


If your feet are cold, you can take salt baths. To prepare, you need to dissolve 2 tablespoons in a liter of hot water. salt (it’s better to take sea salt), add rosemary, cinnamon or clove oil (10 drops). To dissolve the oil, you will also need to add 2 tbsp. milk. Place your feet in the prepared solution and sit for 10-15 minutes. Your feet will relax and warm up quickly.


Add powder to a bowl of water at the rate of 1 tbsp. per 1 liter of liquid. Mix well. Place your feet in the container and wait about 30 minutes. The water should not be very hot, but at a tolerable temperature. After the time has passed, wipe your feet dry and put on woolen socks.


You should first warm up your feet. Give a massage, the movements should be stroking, kneading. 2-3 minutes is enough. Then rub apple cider vinegar on your feet to absorb it. Put on your socks. It is better to do this before bed to enhance the effect of the product. Vinegar helps dilate blood vessels. It can be replaced with vodka, alcohol or triple cologne, the effect will be similar.

Red pepper

Add 2 tsp to 200 g of alcohol. dry powder. Place in a dark place for 10 days. Strain the prepared tincture and rub your feet every day (better before going to bed). To prevent an allergic reaction to pepper, you must first treat a small area of ​​skin with the resulting composition. If after 10 minutes there is no burning sensation, the tincture can be used.


Chop 5-7 onions. Place them in a bowl and add a little vegetable oil of your choice. Place your feet in the basin and start kneading the onion pulp with your feet. This must be done for 20 minutes. Then wash your feet thoroughly, moisten your hands with oil and massage your feet. This manipulation will “accelerate” blood circulation and relieve fatigue in the legs. It is enough to do it several times a week.


To prepare the tincture, you need to take 50 g of fruits or flowers, pour 500 ml of alcohol (vodka) over them. Leave for 2 weeks. Strain and take 1 tsp. three times a day. Treatment will be long-term; it will take at least 2-3 months to eliminate symptoms.


Dry crushed leaves (1 tsp) pour 1 tbsp. boiling water Leave for 40 minutes (it is better to use a thermos for infusion). Take 2 tbsp. before meals for 3-4 months.

Vitamin compositions


vitamin formulations for cold feet

You can solve the problem of cold feet with the help of vitamin mixtures. Here are some of the most effective formulations:

  1. Take 300 g of garlic and onion, 3 lemons (they should be with peel, but without seeds). Grind the prepared products using a meat grinder or a blender. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly, transfer it to a sterile jar and cover with gauze. Take 1 tbsp in the morning immediately after sleep and on an empty stomach. The medicinal composition is enough for 3 weeks. Then you can take a break for 1 week and again prepare a useful medicine.
  2. You can improve your condition and start blood circulation by taking a honey-vegetable mixture. To prepare it you will need: 250 ml of juice from fresh vegetables (carrots, beets, horseradish), lemon juice, 250 ml of honey. Mix all ingredients and use 2 tbsp. in the morning, before meals. The mixture must be stored in the refrigerator.

Warming cream

In order to quickly warm your feet, you can make a special composition. Take baby cream or Vaseline, add red pepper (extract), camphor oil and rosemary essential oil. Before treatment, feet must first be washed and patted with a towel.

Rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves

It is better not to treat the disease, but to prevent it. Cold limbs syndrome, like many diseases, is unlikely to manifest itself if preventive measures are carried out periodically. The methods are simple and effective:

  • A good helper will be alternating loads on your legs: walking, running, standing.
  • Massage of the feet and legs perfectly relieves fatigue from the limbs.
  • Don’t discount the effects of soothing creams, gels, and ointments.
  • In chilly weather, loose shoes and warm socks are advisable; dry them constantly upon returning home.
  • Eating in the morning is considered a good habit; energy production occurs in the presence of calories.
  • The use of warming baths with added salt will be a wonderful gift for feet that are constantly cold. This procedure has a beneficial and relaxing effect on the body.
  • In the evening and free time, it is recommended to massage the feet for better blood circulation: kneading, patting, rubbing.

The reasons for freezing extremities lie on the surface. Preventive measures in the form of walking, hardening (cold treatment), regular exercise and proper diet have not been canceled. It is useful to walk barefoot at the dacha in the summer, and to give up slippers in the apartment in the winter; the syndrome will subside.

Compliance with the mentioned rules aimed at treating or eliminating the symptoms of cold feet will relieve discomfort and make the body resilient and invulnerable.


Useful tips


If your feet are cold, massage helps

You can get rid of the symptom of cold feet using simple methods that can be performed at home. So what can you do:

  1. Take every opportunity and go barefoot more often. At home - on a massage mat, on the beach - on pebbles, in the park - on grass. Constant impact on your feet will help warm them up.
  2. Try to sit less, move, warm up, do squats, squeeze and unclench your feet. Do not let blood stagnate in the lower extremities.
  3. Every morning, after waking up, massage your feet. Rub your feet first, and then each toe separately. You can also purchase a special massager, with which you can provide targeted effects and your feet will stop freezing.
  4. Contrast baths help improve blood circulation in the lower extremities. Prepare two containers: 1 – with hot, 2 – with cold water. First, put your feet in 1 basin, hold for 5 minutes, then in 2. The time of exposure of the feet to cold water should be less, 1 minute is enough. If the hot water has already cooled down, it should be heated. Repeat this approach 3-4 times. The last container into which your feet will be placed must be filled with hot water, otherwise you will not be able to warm up.

Using this comprehensive approach, you can speed up the blood in your legs and get rid of the feeling of cold. Take care of your well-being and be healthy!

What to do if old people have cold feet

Doctors will help you most accurately determine the causes of cold extremities.

Why are old people cold?

We figured out why old people get cold, now we’ll look at several effective methods of getting rid of the constant feeling of cold:

  • To safely heat your shoes from the inside, you can put warm paper or a napkin in them, so you won’t damage their appearance.
  • There is no need to wear many layers of clothing to enhance the effect; it is enough to wear two pairs of socks made from natural materials, with warmer ones last. This will ensure that you stay warm and will allow you to relax. However, make sure that the elastic band of the socks is not too tight, otherwise you will get the opposite effect, since the blood flow in the vessels of the legs will be impaired.
  • Avoid getting your skin wet; keep your feet completely dry.
  • You can purchase thermal insoles that can regulate the temperature in your shoes. They are extremely easy to use: they are charged from a power outlet, the batteries last up to 6 hours of continuous use, but you will have to choose shoes that are more spacious.
  • Get closer to the ground, walk barefoot on the grass, and to enhance the effect, you can use special massage mats. You will notice significant improvements in blood circulation and increased energy.
  • Make special foot baths with a calming and relaxing effect. Start to harden yourself by alternating between warm and cool showers.
  • Spend more time outdoors, walk, run and lead a more active lifestyle.
  • Minimize the number of cigarettes you smoke or completely give up unhealthy habits.
  • Buy a foot massager or do self-massage using warming ointments and creams. But do not forget that a stable result will be noticeable only with regular procedures.
  • Take comfortable postures and leg positions, make sure that there is no pressure on the vessels and blood circulation is not disrupted.
  • Remove spicy, salty foods, as well as drinks containing caffeine from your diet.
  • Wear loose shoes and keep your feet dry at all times.
  • Drink enough clean water. The normal amount of fluid consumed for older people is 1.5–2 liters daily.
  • Monitor your immune system. Drink vitamin complexes, eat foods high in vitamin C, and ensure the correct balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body.

Thyroid problems

Constant chills may be a consequence of a weak thyroid gland - hypothyroidism, when it does not produce enough hormones. Other symptoms of this condition are weight gain, weakness, painful and irregular menstruation in women, swelling, but without tests and consultation with a doctor, a diagnosis cannot be made. Try to eat more seaweed, fish, eggs and other foods rich in iodine. Thyroid problems should not be left to chance. Untreated hypothyroidism can lead to depression, memory problems, poor brain function and thyroid shutdown, which can be life-threatening.

thyroid problem

Recipes for decoctions and teas

A variety of teas will help improve blood circulation.

Ginger tea: stir half a teaspoon of ground ginger in 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Drink hot, adding a slice of lemon, in the morning (on an empty stomach) and in the evening (an hour before bedtime).

Tea with ginger: when brewing black tea, add fresh ginger (grate) or powder - half a teaspoon - to the cup. You can add ground nutmeg along with ginger (to taste).

Dandelion drink: leave fresh or dried dandelion flowers (1 teaspoon) in a glass of boiling water for 5 minutes. Drink two glasses a day (morning and afternoon, regardless of meals).

Hawthorn drink: leave a teaspoon of dry (crushed) hawthorn fruit in a glass of boiling water for 5 minutes, add honey and drink as tea.

Emotional stress

Often, nervous tension leads to cold feet. A person may feel chills throughout the body. In this case, sedatives of plant origin or herbal remedies will help. To strengthen the nervous system, you need to play sports, walk in the fresh air, attend massage sessions, etc.

Cold feet can also be caused by hormonal imbalances, high blood sugar levels, osteochondrosis, or taking certain medications that cause vasospasm.

To find out why your feet are cold, you need to consult a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations. If no pathologies are found, you can try to improve your condition using the methods described below.

Exercises to improve blood circulation in the legs

We've figured out why your feet get cold at home when it's warm. Something definitely needs to be done about this problem. Among the many exercises to improve blood circulation in the legs, you can always choose the ones that are suitable specifically for yourself and perform them, which is very important, systematically (morning and evening). When performing, concentrate on the leg muscles.

Exercise 1 (to restore blood circulation in the capillaries): lying on your back (on the floor), place a cushion under your neck, lift your legs and arms up at a right angle. Perform vibrating movements with your arms and legs (shake), without bending them, for one to three minutes.

Exercise 2. While standing, perform rolls from toe to heel with both legs (20-30 times).

Exercise 3. Sitting on a chair, extend your straight leg forward, move your toes up and down (10-20 times).

Exercise 4. Performed similarly to the previous one, only do the movement with the foot.

Exercise 5. Lying on your back (on the floor), stretch your arms along your body. Pull your toes towards you one at a time (10-15 times with each leg).

Exercise 6. Perform half squats, tensing the leg muscles (10-15 times).

Exercise 7. Walking on the outside of the foot (1-2 minutes).

Exercise 8. Goose-stepping.

Exercise 9. Lying on your stomach (on the floor), put your hands under your head, bend your legs at the knees. Perform rocking movements from side to side (1-2 minutes).

Exercise 10. Lying on your back, raise your legs straight and lean them against the wall, bringing your buttocks as close as possible to the wall. Stay in this position for 5 minutes.

Exercise 11. Sitting on a chair (your back rests against the back of the chair), raise your straight legs parallel to the floor, move your legs as if swimming.

Exercise 11. Collect small objects lying on the floor with your toes.

Exercise 12. Standing on your toes, stretch your arms straight up, trying to stretch your spine as much as possible (count from 30 to 60).

The execution order can be chosen arbitrarily. With systematic exercise, you will feel a feeling of lightness in your legs, and the feeling of cold in your feet will gradually go away.


All systems and organs under the guidance of three - the heart, liver and hypothalamus - .

The liver uses biochemical reactions to heat the blood. Pumped by the heart, it runs throughout the body, evenly delivering heat to all its parts. Therefore, the vessels can be compared to the pipes of central heating radiators.

Depending on the external temperature, the “pipes” either expand to transfer excess heat outside the body (in summer) or contract to better retain it (in winter). But this process can be disrupted under the influence of various diseases or pathologies, which cause constant “frozenness”.

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