What the color and smell of urine say about your health

The smell of urine can be influenced by many factors, ranging from poor diet to cancer. The factor that provokes the changes can only be determined by a doctor after laboratory tests. Often, if the cause of the odor is a disease, the patient is concerned about the accompanying symptoms. In this case, it is recommended not to delay visiting the doctor. Timely treatment will relieve the disease and complications after it.

Urine should not have a foul odor, which in some cases is one of the signs of the presence of the disease.

Causes of unpleasant odor

The aroma of urine changes with age. For example, in an old person, the quality of work of all organs decreases, and fewer enzymes are produced to break down and remove chemicals from the body. Incontinence can also occur, which is why older people sometimes smell bad urine. In this case, it is recommended to use urological pads and odor eliminators.

In addition to age-related changes, doctors identify the following factors that provoke a repulsive odor:

  • inflammatory diseases of the urinary system;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • dehydration;
  • taking certain medications;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • vitamin B.

What can the color of urine indicate?

Cloudy or brown urine

If your urine turns brown or cloudy, this may indicate the development of a urinary tract infection, as well as the appearance of kidney stones. If it is still an infection, in addition to the characteristic color, the urine will have a strong ammonia smell, or even a slight sweetish smell. All these odors indicate the activity of pathogenic bacteria in the body.

In addition, a urinary tract infection will be indicated by a frequent urge to urinate, pain and cramping in the lower abdomen, as well as a small amount of urine released. In any of these cases, it is worth visiting a urologist and getting tested for the presence of infectious agents.

If it turns out that there is an infection in your body, follow your doctor's advice and start taking antibiotics. Self-medication and attempts to eliminate bacteria with folk remedies, as a rule, do not lead to anything good and only delay the start of treatment. Remember, folk remedies can complement the main treatment, but only under the supervision of a specialist.

Some people notice cloudy urine, but they are not in a hurry to tell the doctor about it, because they consider this problem to be trivial. In fact, this is an alarming symptom that indicates an excess of certain minerals, in particular, an increased content of calcium or phosphorus in the body. And this is a dangerous condition that leads to bone fragility.

Moreover, if during urination, in addition to a cloudy color, you notice increased foaming of the urine, this may indicate a high protein content in the body or problems with the kidneys. If the problem does not disappear within several days, rush to report it to your doctor.

Red urine

Very often a person gets scared when he notices the red or pink color of urine while urinating. This symptom does not always indicate problems with the body. For example, a pink-red color may appear several hours after eating blackberries, rhubarb, or beets. True, after just a day the color of this biological fluid should return to normal.

If this does not happen, everything is much more serious. Redness may appear due to blood particles getting into the urine, and this situation hints at an infectious disease or the appearance of kidney stones. In some cases, red urine is the first sign of a tumor developing in the kidneys or bladder. In men, red urine may appear due to problems with the prostate gland.

Among other reasons for this change in the color of urine, doctors identify mercury poisoning. By the way, medications used to treat tuberculosis can turn urine red. In any case, it is better to consult a doctor with such a symptom and find out everything before unpleasant consequences occur.

Orange urine

If your urine has a slightly orange tint, there is generally nothing to worry about. As a rule, this indicates moderate dehydration. Just start drinking more fluids and the symptom will disappear immediately. Other non-dangerous causes of this condition include eating carrots, pumpkin and parsley, that is, foods containing orange pigments - carotenoids. Some dietary supplements that contain these pigments can also change the color of your urine to a yellow-orange color.

However, if you have deep orange urine and it is not related to your diet or medications, it makes sense to consult a doctor. This symptom may indicate problems with the liver or bile ducts. For example, increased bilirubin due to inflammation of the liver or blockage of the bile ducts, in the first stages, announce themselves precisely by a change in the color of urine.

In fact, orange urine is one of the symptoms of jaundice, which means it indicates problems with the liver. Therefore, if you notice a change in the color of your urine against the background of pale stool, as well as yellowing of the sclera of the eyes and skin, visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Brown urine

Dark brown urine is a fairly common occurrence and does not always indicate health problems. Often this symptom appears as a result of eating legumes, aloe vera or rhubarb. Changes in the color of urine and the use of certain medications, in particular muscle relaxants, laxatives and antimalarials.

Some diseases are also characterized by urine discoloration to brown. In particular, a similar color may hint at certain liver or kidney diseases, infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as acute hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, or even oncology of this organ. If such symptoms are caused by a disease, then in most cases it is triggered by the release of large amounts of bilirubin into the urine.

Sometimes, brown urine is the first sign of porphyria, a rare genetic disease associated with a high content of porphyrins in the body and their increased excretion in the urine. Finally, this symptom can occur in people with a rare disease called rhabdomyliosis. In this category of people, the urine turns brown due to the rapid destruction of muscle tissue cells.

Green urine

Normal urine is yellow, and most often tends to change color from clear to dark yellow. And if your urine suddenly has a greenish tint, there is a reason to take a closer look at your own body. True, you shouldn’t panic right away. Sometimes, a large amount of consumed asparagus, green beer or other products that contain green food coloring turn urine this color. Some medications can also turn urine green. And even diarrhea, sometimes, manifests itself in this way.

According to doctors, in rare cases, green urine appears due to an intestinal infection, for example, when the body is affected by Proteus. Some bacterial lesions of the urinary system can also cause the appearance of green urine, which means you should not put off going to the doctor with this symptom.

Neon yellow urine

Sometimes completely inexplicable things happen to the body. After visiting the toilet, a person suddenly notices the bright, neon yellow color of his urine. In fact, everything is explained quite simply. This unusual color may indicate consumption of B vitamins, especially cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12). Don't worry about it. As soon as you stop taking the vitamin complex, the color of your urine will quickly return to normal.

Blue urine

It seems strange, but some people may notice a bluish tint to their urine. As with the greenish tint, a blue color can appear if you eat foods that contain large amounts of blue dye. Medicines that contain this dye can also turn urine blue.

However, a bluish tint to this biological fluid may appear for health reasons. Thus, some individuals exhibit hypercalcemia, i.e. excess calcium in the body. In this case, a bluish tint to the urine indicates an imbalance of this microelement.

Colorless urine

Quite often, a person notices that his urine has become too clear and even colorless, like water. This indicates that you are drinking too much water. In other cases, urine clarity is caused by taking diuretics or alcohol abuse, which also has diuretic properties. Such cases should not cause alarm, because by giving up alcohol and medications, as well as limiting your water intake, you will notice how your urine has turned yellow again.

However, if you experience a frequent urge to urinate, accompanied by clear urine, and this continues for a long time, consult a doctor immediately. Diabetes mellitus may manifest itself as such symptoms.

What does the appearance of a specific odor mean?

If the urine becomes smelly, the patient should pay attention to the persistence of this symptom.

There are factors that cause an unpleasant, pungent odor, but do not require treatment. For example, if a patient has abused alcohol or eaten garlic, the urine stinks. If the aroma does not change during the day, the patient should consult a doctor. In other cases, the strong odor of urine is associated with pathological processes in the body. The specificity of the aroma can only suggest a disease, but only a doctor can make a final diagnosis.

Ammonia smell

The ammonia smell of urine can appear with kidney pathologies.
This chemical element is always present in human urine. As its concentration increases, a pungent odor of ammonia appears. The symptom is caused by conditions such as dehydration, stagnation of urine, excessive consumption of protein foods, and taking medications. In addition, liver diseases and inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system can cause a strong smell of urine.

Acetone in urine

Urine with the smell of this organic substance is a harbinger of a number of dangerous diseases. Normally, the human body excretes a small amount of acetone every day through urination. But if the patient feels the acetone aroma of urine, its concentration has exceeded the permissible limits. Pathology is caused by the following diseases and conditions:

  • Diabetes. When the disease occurs, sweet urine appears.
  • Exhaustion of the body. Excessive exercise without following the drinking regime and diet.
  • Poor nutrition. The menu is dominated by fatty and protein foods.
  • Stomach oncology.
  • Intoxication, including alcohol.
  • Prolonged vomiting, for example, with toxicosis, eclampsia and intestinal flu.
  • Thyroid diseases.

Sour smell is a sign of fungal infection

A sour odor of urine appears in people infected with candidiasis.
Sometimes women's urine tastes like sour milk or sauerkraut. In this case, there is a possibility of damage to the genitourinary system by Candida fungus or thrush. In addition to the fact that the smell of urine has changed, the patient is tormented by accompanying symptoms, such as:

  • burning and itching when urinating;
  • curdled discharge with a sour odor;
  • white coating on the external genitalia.

Sweet aroma

If your urine has a sharp, cloying, sweetish odor, there is a risk of a disease such as leucinosis. The disease is characterized by a disruption in the production of certain enzymes for the breakdown of amino acids and their subsequent removal from the body. As a result, toxins accumulate and gradually poison the body, causing the appearance of a specific odor. The disease is usually diagnosed in early childhood.

Smell of mold

Mouse odor is caused by a congenital disease in which the production of the liver enzyme that breaks down phenylalanine is impaired. In case of illness, all fluids secreted by a person have a specific mold aroma. The disease is accompanied by slow development, convulsions and lethargy. Neglect of treatment leads to severe damage to the central nervous system.

Fish scent

A fishy smell of urine appears in people with sexually transmitted diseases.
If the urine smells strange, for example, like rotten fish, this indicates the development of trimethylaminuria. This rare pathology is expressed by metabolic disorders and the inability to remove trimethylamine from the body. The disease is quite rare and is usually detected in early childhood. Fishy, ​​unpleasant urine odor in women is also caused by some sexually transmitted diseases, such as trichomoniasis. With the disease, the patient feels pain when urinating, burning and discomfort in the vagina. A woman is tormented by copious discharge with an unpleasant aroma of fish.

Rotten or clayey

E. coli, when entering the vagina or urinary system, causes a repulsive odor in which the urine smells like eggs. This often occurs with intestinal cancer or inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs. The acrid odor is accompanied by other symptoms: frequent urination, cloudy urine. Blood or pus also appears in the urine.

What else causes specific odors?

  • Vitamins and antibiotics. With prolonged use, yellow urine appears with a pronounced aroma of drugs.
  • Bacterial inflammation causes urine to smell like bleach.
  • A hangover causes beer-like urine odor in men.
  • Enzymopathy. If there are enzyme production disorders, the urine may smell like smoked meats or roasted seeds.
  • Nutrition. The urine smells strongly of food that the patient has been overindulging in.

Other possible diseases and their manifestations

The reasons for the unpleasant odor of urine most often lie in pathological processes. Infectious lesions of the genitourinary tract are common problems. Among them, the leading ones are urethritis, cystitis, and pyelonephritis. A timely diagnosis and prescribed treatment will help avoid other unpleasant symptoms and complications.

In case of infections, doctors explain the smell of urine this way: a large number of pathogenic microorganisms and the toxins they secrete get into the urine. If you notice that the smell has changed, you should consult a specialist.

Urine smells like rotten, spoiled eggs due to the following infections of the excretory system:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • balanoposthitis;
  • prostatitis.

Illnesses also manifest themselves with other symptoms. When urinating, due to irritation of the mucous membrane, a stinging and burning sensation is felt, aching pain occurs that radiates to the lumbar region, and cloudy urine is released, sometimes with traces of blood. When the smell of rot is added to the listed symptoms, specialists check for purulent foci in the kidneys or rectal fistulas.

The stench of urine combined with difficulty urinating in men indicates prostatitis. Another manifestation of this disease is weak erection.

The odor of the secreted fluid is worsened by infections of the reproductive system: gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis and syphilis, which may not manifest themselves for a long time (especially in men). Violation of the bacterial flora of the vagina in women, in addition to the unpleasant odor of urine, is accompanied by specific discharge.


You may notice not only a pungent odor, but also the fact that the urine has become dark in color if you have liver failure. In this case, the pigment bilirubin enters the blood and is excreted by the kidneys. Normally this shouldn't happen.

Late-stage cancers also worsen the odor emanating from urine. For cancer patients, it smells like spoiled meat.

Ketoacidosis in adults is one of the complications of diabetes mellitus. Most often it occurs when there is insufficient production of insulin or untimely administration of this hormone. The pathological condition manifests itself as headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, as well as a specific odor of acetone from the mouth and urine. Sweet-smelling urine is another sign of high blood glucose (diabetes).

Conditions when urine smells like sulfur or rotten eggs, or acquires a sweetish or other aroma, are usually accompanied by general intoxication of the body. It manifests itself as weakness, headaches, and attacks of nausea.

Why does a pregnant woman's scent change?

A woman, while expecting a baby, notices that the smell of her urine has changed. In this case, you must immediately visit a gynecologist and get tested.

The appearance of foul-smelling urine in a pregnant woman is a 100% reason to consult a doctor for consultation.
The strange smell of urine can cause serious pathologies such as eclampsia and diabetes mellitus in pregnant women. Other causes include poor blood flow in the pelvic organs, which results in urinary stagnation. This is a dangerous condition, since pathogenic bacteria actively multiply in urine residues, which can cause inflammatory diseases. It should be remembered that pregnancy significantly reduces the body's protective functions and makes a woman more susceptible to various infections. To avoid illnesses, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene and support the immune system with vitamins.

Urine in a child

The urine of newborns does not smell anything. Breastfeeding adds flavor to the foods mom eats. Formulas and complementary foods also flavor the baby's urine. When the smell becomes pungent, you need to look for its cause. Congenital pathology will manifest itself from the first days of life.

The group of such diseases includes:

  • The sweet acetone smell of leucinosis (congenital disorder of amino acid metabolism).
  • The aroma of cabbage or beer is a sign of homocystinuria (impaired methionine metabolism) or tyrosinosis (impaired tyrosine synthesis, which threatens severe pathology of the liver and kidneys).
  • Urine with the scent of soaked apples is a symptom of diabetes.

All of these congenital abnormalities can be fatal, so at the first sign of them, you should immediately show the child to a doctor.

There is another symptom that deserves special attention: an acetone odor indicates a lack of glycogen reserves and can lead to non-diabetic coma as a result of dehydration. This is a very dangerous condition for babies and should not be ignored. The smell of rotten eggs indicates the development of pyelonephritis. In this case, the sooner the child is consulted by a specialist, the better. In addition, any viruses and infections can aromatize urine with ammonia due to an increase in its concentration. In this case, the first aid will be to drink plenty of fluids. If there is any change in the smell of urine, whether the child has complaints or not, parents are obliged to show the baby to the pediatrician.

Diagnostic measures

A patient whose urine smells bad for a long time should consult a urologist or gynecologist. The doctor will conduct an examination, listen to complaints and collect anamnesis. Sometimes consultation with other specialists is necessary: ​​endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, oncologist. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a number of instrumental and laboratory tests:

Determining the causes of fetid urine includes laboratory and instrumental tests.

  • General clinical urine analysis. Elevated white blood cells indicate inflammation. The analysis examines the characteristics of urine: density, transparency, color, specific smell, presence of blood and purulent inclusions.
  • Bacteriological culture of urine. If a pathogenic microorganism is present in the material, the study will determine it.
  • Microscopic analysis of urine sediment.
  • Instrumental studies: ultrasound, MRI, CT, x-ray. They help the specialist to see changes in the patient’s organs and tissues and identify neoplasms, since a tumor is often the cause of pathology.

Diagnosis and treatment

Any clinical and laboratory examination necessary for clarification or initial diagnosis involves tests and instrumental studies.

At the laboratory stage, the patient’s blood and urine will be taken for general and biochemical analysis. Instrumental diagnostics are carried out using ultrasound, CT, MRI, and urography. An accurate diagnosis is the key to correctly selected therapy.

Complex treatment is tailored individually for each patient, taking into account the physical characteristics of the biological fluid:

  • The sweetish smell requires a revision of the diet: all sweets are removed, with the exception of honey. Alkaline mineral water is prescribed, fats (a source of glucose) are limited.
  • Unpleasant-smelling morning urine indicates the need for adjustment with diuretics and a prophylactic course of antibiotics. Daily fluid intake increases in accordance with the patient's body weight.
  • An ammonia smell is a sign of bacterial inflammation, which can be controlled by an individual course of antibacterial drugs, increased immunity, and strengthened vascular walls (rose hips).
  • Rot indicates the development of an infection, and therefore requires the prescription of antibiotics in accordance with the sensitivity of the pathogen to them. This treatment is combined with the external use of chamomile infusion (enemas and douching).
  • A moldy smell is a symptom of hereditary fermentopathy; it requires a revision of the diet and a course of special therapy, which is developed by a geneticist.
  • Acidic urine with a lemon aroma indicates thrush. Treatment: one-time Flucostat or Diflucan, or a course of antifungal therapy in difficult cases.
  • Any post-coital odor in urine indicates the presence of bacteria in a woman’s vagina and requires careful hygienic care using external anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents. Rarely, a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed orally or in the form of rectal suppositories. Everything is decided by the examination.
  • The smell of rancid oil is eliminated with an infusion of fresh dill (250 ml of boiling water per 2 tablespoons of dill, leave for half an hour and drink before each meal). This is a symptom of increased methionine content in the body. It involves changing your daily diet after consulting your doctor. In the worst case, it can warn of cystitis.
  • If the patient has chronic prostatitis, then the appearance of a smell in the urine is an unfavorable symptom, indicating the spread of inflammation and warning of possible malignancy. This requires urgent medical attention with an individual choice of therapy.

Treatment for the appearance of fragrant urine has the sole goal of eliminating the root cause of the symptom, thereby preventing the development of many unwanted pathologies. A medical examination is the only sure way to solve this problem.

How is the treatment carried out?

First of all, the cause of the pathology is eliminated. It is necessary to treat illnesses comprehensively; the selection of a therapeutic regimen depends on the disease.

Treatment for fetid urine depends on the causative agent of the pathology, which can only be determined by a doctor.
In case of inflammatory processes, it is necessary to use antibacterial drugs, follow a diet and carry out preventive measures. Enzymopathies are usually treated with therapeutic nutrition, excluding foods that the patient’s body cannot digest. In parallel, it is allowed to take herbal medicines and homeopathy. After treatment, the patient needs to do physical exercise and lead a healthy lifestyle to avoid relapses.

If the patient, due to physiological characteristics or age, is accompanied by an unpleasant smell of urine, this phenomenon can be combated with the help of special means, for example the drug “Duftapet” - a remedy for the smell and stains of urine. Various urological pads are widely used; they also contain unpleasant odors and are convenient to use.


Unpleasant-smelling urine has its own symptoms, which are accompanied by changes in transparency and color. The main clinical manifestations are as follows:

  • Urination becomes painful.
  • Dull pain appears in the lower back.
  • Symptoms of intoxication increase: nausea, weakness, migraine.
  • In women, the vagina becomes inflamed.
  • As a rule, regardless of the cause of the unpleasant odor, a specific symptom complex predominates in the clinic: pain in the abdomen, dysuria, the appearance of impurities in the urine (red blood cells, white blood cells, mucus), irritability, dry mouth and thirst, a feeling of fatigue, loss of appetite and weight loss , unpleasant coitus, menstruation irregularities, decreased daily urine volume.

Such manifestations are typical for both adults and children, however, in children they are much more acute and develop rapidly. In any case, the combination of an unpleasant odor and similar symptoms is a reason to seek medical help.

How to get rid of pathology

Having determined why the urine began to smell atypical, they move on to eliminating the influencing factors or begin treatment to get rid of the disease accompanied by this unpleasant phenomenon. The main proposals for eliminating the pathological phenomenon include:

  • Visit a specialist if you have persistent symptoms that do not disappear even after eliminating all possible influencing factors. The doctor will determine the necessary examination and develop subsequent treatment.
  • At home, you can use decoctions of knotweed, cranberry or lingonberry - they are recommended to be consumed instead of tea.
  • A review of the diet will be required, eliminating foods that provoke an unpleasant phenomenon.
  • It is necessary to adhere to the correct drinking regime, consuming at least two liters of purified liquid during the day.
  • Control over intimate hygiene should be tightened, given the proximity of the anus to the vagina. Ideally, washing is carried out after each bowel movement, which avoids the penetration of pathogenic microflora into the urethra.

Treatment using pharmaceuticals becomes possible only after an accurate determination of the disease causing the phenomenon in question. If the problem is in the kidneys, diuretics are required. Kidney failure may require hospitalization. In case of infection of the genitourinary system, treatment should be comprehensive with the use of antifungal agents and antibiotics. Most often, therapy is carried out against the background of a diet in which it is necessary to limit the consumption of flour, fatty and sweet foods, focusing on fresh fruits and vegetables.

You should remember that self-medication is inadmissible, which will avoid unnecessary complications.

People get old and start to smell

. At the same time, the person himself only perceives the smell coming from other people, and almost does not notice how he smells. Therefore, many people over 50 years old do not even suspect that they have a specific smell that is not very pleasant to others and which cannot be removed even by expensive perfume. This smell is called senile, and it appears mainly due to a decrease in the production of hormones in the body.


- a fairly important stimulus for sexual attractiveness. Even if a woman looks young after 50 years old, her age can be determined by the smell emanating from her body. After a woman loses reproductive function, her amber becomes unpleasant, indicating her advanced age and inability to reproduce. It turns out that this is due to the evolutionary need to distinguish age by smell in order to select young and healthy partners for mating.

Poets would say that women

They smell worse with age due to despondency, melancholy and loneliness. But scientists are accustomed to relying on scientific facts and actively began to look for justification for such a widespread phenomenon. So recently, Japanese scientists announced to the whole world that with age, aromas that are not very pleasant to the sense of smell come not only from grandmothers, but also from old people. A specific fragrance is a natural part of human aging, associated with age-related changes.

The fact is that after 45 years

The human body begins to produce fatty compounds - 2 nonenal. Their number increases with age, and even thorough washing does not help get rid of them. Nonenals are part of sebum, which is constantly secreted and oxidized. Therefore, within a few hours after taking a bath, the old smell returns again. This explains the fact that the smell of old age is present in all older people, even those who take a shower every day and devote sufficient time to personal hygiene.

Old age is not a joy, the reason for the appearance of a characteristic smell in the company of older people

There may also be the following reasons:

1. Chronic diseases

. Metabolic disorders, slagging of the body and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If there are disturbances in the functioning of the digestive organs and regular constipation, the processes of food rotting occur more intensely, which can provoke the appearance of increased gas formation and unpleasant odors. For example, patients with diabetes always have an unpleasant trail of odors.

2. Poor nutrition

. It has been established that the smell of senility is more pronounced in those people who consume high-calorie fatty foods and are overweight. To reduce the aroma of aging, after 50 years you need to give up all foods that overload the gastrointestinal tract. These are sausages, fatty meats, margarine, butter, pasta, buns, pies and sweets. In old age, you should include more vegetables and fruits in your diet, drink more water and green tea with lemon.

3. Insufficient level of personal hygiene

. Low financial standards and the desire to save money force many pensioners to give up daily showers and baths. The reasons for refusal of frequent washing in older people are also loneliness, lack of incentive, strength and poor health. In addition, over the years, the sweat glands begin to work less actively, the secretion of fatty grease noticeably decreases, and a person thinks that it is enough for him to wash once a week.

4. Urinary incontinence

. After 50 years, many women experience various problems in the functioning of the genitourinary system, the most common of which are uterine prolapse and urinary incontinence. A sweetish trail coming from women is a sure sign of this problem. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of the smell of urine using perfumes; you need to wash it every time or eliminate the problem surgically.

Fortunately, the smells of old people

are not a death sentence, they can be eliminated by regularly observing the rules of personal hygiene, changing underwear daily, washing clothes regularly and using high-quality perfumes. In houses where older people live, you can also often smell an unpleasant odor. To get rid of it, you will have to do repairs or general cleaning of the room using disinfectants. The old smell from the house will not disappear until you throw out all the old things and furniture, change the wallpaper or wipe the walls with a bleach solution.

You will have to constantly ventilate the room until the old smell leaves the apartment or house.

Old man smell

should not become a reason for refusing to help and care for our elderly loved ones. Take care of them, treat them with respect and understanding. Don't upset them by telling them that their house has a distinctive odor. After all, after retirement, every person may have the same aroma...

What to pay attention to

It is impossible to make a definitive diagnosis based on odor changes alone. The true cause is determined based on laboratory tests, ultrasound, and cystoscopy. When examining complaints, the doctor will definitely ask about accompanying symptoms and atypical signs.

If your urine smells bad only in the morning

If a change in odor is noted only in the morning, after the first urination, then this indicates the following situations:

  • minimum amount of drinking along with plenty of food;
  • kidney or urinary stones;
  • neoplasms in the organs of the urogenital tract;
  • prostatitis, prostate adenoma.

The symptom occurs if the night before a man or woman had anal sex without accompanying perineal hygiene and without a condom. The symptom disappears after normalization of nutrition, drinking and sexual hygiene.

Not only the smell has changed, but also the color

An important criterion for health is not only the smell of urine. The diagnosis also takes into account the shade. With bacterial inflammation of the kidneys, the urine may turn orange. With progressive deficiency, the urine darkens and becomes thicker.

White urine is a sign of kidney failure in the terminal (last) stage.

With hemorrhagic cystitis, the urine turns pink due to the appearance of blood:

  • macrohematuria – excessive bleeding from the bladder;
  • microhematuria - blood is detected in the laboratory.

Pain and discomfort appeared

Pain when urinating and simply nagging pain above the pubis along with changes in urine tests indicate acute inflammation. A common cause is inflammation of the bladder and urethra.

Pain and discomfort are a reason to take urine tests: general, daily, according to Nechiporenko and others. Based on the data, additional blood tests are performed, smears from the cervical canal in women, urethra in men.

Other reasons for changes in the properties of urine

Quite often, changes in the properties of urine do not occur as a result of the development of diseases. For example, the liquid may smell like garlic, sulfur, or ampicillin due to the consumption of certain foods or the use of antimicrobials. Regular cabbage, due to the sulfur compounds it contains, can enhance or worsen already unpleasant aromas. Seasonings, especially garlic and curry, cardamom or cumin, can also change the properties of the contents of the bladder.

Changes also appear when a woman is carrying a child. However, the reasons may be factors that existed before pregnancy. During this period, it is very important to carefully monitor any unusual nuances. For example, it is considered most dangerous for pregnant women when the liquid has a sweet aroma, a hint of rotting apple or acetone. Such symptoms may indicate the development of diabetes mellitus in pregnant women, the occurrence of eclampsia or nephropathy.

It has been noticed that during the process of bearing a child, inflammatory processes most often occur in the bladder or kidneys, resulting in the appearance of fluid with a purulent or sour spirit. In the third trimester, it is possible that the ureter may be compressed by the enlarged uterus, which causes stagnation of the contents and increases the ammonia smell. Another reason why a pregnant woman’s own urine may not smell very pleasant is the increased blood supply to the mucous layers of the body, including the nasal membranes. As a result, even the most ordinary urine and natural discharge can seem foul.

Quite often, discomfort is caused by poor hygiene, partial urinary incontinence, cystitis and other reasons.

Liver odor of urine

In patients with liver damage, mercaptan is formed in the body, the smell of which is difficult to confuse. It is so nasty that it is added to natural gas to detect leaks.

It is difficult to describe what mercaptan smells like. It is said to reek (this is the most appropriate description) of mice and decaying flesh. The appearance of such a fetid mixture indicates a severely advanced form of the disease. This is also indicated by a change in the color of urine, which darkens and foams, becoming like beer. Changes in the liver can be detected by undergoing an ultrasound of the liver.

Why does your body smell like urine?

The smell of human skin also indicates various diseases. If the skin exudes a “urine” odor, there can be many provocateurs.

Causes of unpleasant odor:

  • In kidney failure, the skin has an ammonia aroma due to the accumulation of residual nitrogen in the blood plasma.
  • Bad “urine” body odor after long-term drug treatment is due to the accumulation of some active components of the drugs. More often this occurs after taking diuretics, drugs to lower blood pressure, cytostatics and hormonal drugs.
  • The reflection of an unpleasant odor on the skin during inflammation is explained by severe intoxication of the body and the intensive removal of pathogens through the pores. Usually after recovery the condition returns to normal.

This problem definitely needs to be treated. Lack of therapy leads to psychological problems, reclusiveness, and severe mental disorders.

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