Echinacea tincture instructions for use
Our green wards, grown in gardens to decorate the territory, can serve for the benefit of health. The category of medicinal plants includes both inconspicuous weeds - burdock, dandelion, and very beautiful and stately flowers. Echinacea tincture is recognized as one of these magnificent garden inhabitants. Instructions for using the drug for children and adults will be discussed in detail by us. From the materials in this article you will learn a lot of useful information that will strengthen your immune system at no extra cost.
Echinacea purpurea - description of the plant
The medicinal plant echinacea purpurea came to us from North America. It was not people who were the first to note the healing properties of the perennial. Injured or sick deer ate grass and recovered. Indian shamans from the Cheyena and Kiowa tribes saw this natural sacrament and decided to try the healing power on themselves. Imagine their surprise when the medicine worked! Since then, the miracle herb has been called “deer root” and used to treat a wide range of diseases.
Know! In addition to eliminating fever, pain and healing properties, shamans strongly recommended treating snake bites with Echinacea potions.
The perennial looks very beautiful, which is why it began to be used as a decorative garden decoration. The height of the bush is about a meter, the root system is represented by a powerful rhizome. The straight stems are covered with rough, lanceolate, bright green leaves. In the lower part of the stems they are collected in a basal rosette, and at the top they are arranged in a regular order.
Looking at the large (10-12 cm in diameter) flowers, it is easy to guess that the perennial belongs to the largest family - Asteraceae. The core of the collection basket is reddish-brown and dome-shaped. The reed flowers are painted in bright shades of pink or purple.
Echinacea purpurea began to be used in culture towards the end of the 20th century. Many drugs have been made on its basis, and its beneficial properties are recognized not only by traditional healers, but also by traditional medicine.
Where is Echinacea used?
What does echinacea look like and what is it? This is a herbaceous plant that entered the ranks of herbal healers many centuries ago. The Indians also knew about its medicinal properties. Echinacea has many beneficial properties, it treats a variety of diseases - herpes, intestinal infections, flu - heals wounds and ulcers, and of course, helps improve immunity.
Typically, flowers, stems, roots and leaves are used to treat and prevent diseases. Moreover, they are used both internally and externally: the plant is applied to a sore spot for skin diseases. It is also used in the form of a decoction, lotions and tea, and is used to make powder, tablets and tincture.
Let’s talk in more detail about the latter as a means with the greatest efficiency and ease of use.
Echinacea tincture composition, physicochemical properties, price
One of the most effective preparations based on a healing perennial is an alcohol tincture or tincture. It is a brown or yellowish, greenish liquid with a pleasant aroma. It tastes a little bitter.
Important! Often, a precipitate of polysaccharides can be found at the bottom of the bottle, so you need to shake the container before using the medicine.
The drug consists of rhizomes with roots mixed with ethyl alcohol in a ratio of 1:5. For the manufacture of the drug, it is permissible to use both fresh and dried raw materials. Moreover, it is not always the rhizomes that are used, because all parts of the perennial are equally useful. Therefore, you can find in the pharmacy a tincture based on herbs (leaves, baskets), rhizomes, or a mixture thereof. The medicine is packaged in 40-50 ml bottles with a screw cap or a special dropper. The cost of the drug in pharmacies ranges from 100 to 250 rubles and depends on the manufacturer.
The chemical composition of the plant is unique. Thanks to alcohol, it is completely preserved and goes into tincture to give all the benefits to the consumer. The raw materials included in the preparation are rich in the following substances:
- microelements – iron, silicon, zinc, manganese, cobalt, selenium, silicon;
- macroelements – potassium and calcium;
- vitamins – A, C, E;
- polyenes;
- polysaccharides;
- inulin;
- betaine;
- organic acids;
- flavonoids;
- tannins.
Important! Trimethylaminoacetic acid (betaine) is a unique substance. It has powerful anticancer, hapatoprotective, anti-inflammatory properties and helps protect the cardiovascular system from heart attack and stroke.
Macroelements participate in intercellular exchange. Potassium is able to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system by restoring water-salt balance. Calcium forms bone tissue and prevents atherosclerosis. It prevents cholesterol from accumulating on the walls of blood vessels.
Microelements are very important for humans. As the name of these substances suggests, they are contained in microdoses, but without them the normal functioning of all body systems is unthinkable. Iron will saturate your internal organs with oxygen and help prevent anemia. Cobalt is involved in hematopoiesis processes. Thanks to the microelement, the production of red blood cells is improved, and the processes of breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates into their energy component function normally. Manganese produces a calming effect and supports the functioning of the thyroid gland.
Selenium is an antioxidant and is a powerful oncoprotector. Cosmetics with zinc have long been known to women, but inside the body this microelement not only maintains the beauty and youth of the skin, nails and hair, it will help in the fight against epilepsy and diabetes. Silicon strengthens the walls of blood vessels and participates in tissue growth.
On a note! Everyone knows the term “vitamins,” but not everyone knows that these substances cannot be independently synthesized by the body. Therefore, a person must receive vitamin supplements from the outside every day.
Ascorbic acid, which is part of the raw material, is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory effect. It will strengthen the immune system and the walls of blood vessels. Retinol and its derivative carotene are antioxidants that have a positive effect on vision, skin and hair health. Vitamin E is also recognized as a powerful immunostimulant, due to its ability to enhance vascular conductivity. Among the important biologically active components of tincture, the prebiotic inulin comes first. It is used as a sugar substitute in the treatment of diabetes. Inulin has a good effect on digestion, because, in fact, it is dietary fiber.
Polyenes inhibit the growth of pathogenic fungi. Tannins, flavonoids, essential oils and organic acids guard the immune system. They have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiallergenic, antigancinogenic, antiviral, and analgesic effects. Polysaccharides have a positive effect on the synthesis of interferons, stimulate one’s own immunity to resist adverse environmental factors, and restore damaged tissues.
Echinacea preparations to improve immunity
When boosting immunity, in addition to echinacea tincture, medications containing the medicinal plant are also widely used.
Echinacea preparations to boost immunity:
- Echinacea P - the drug is a biologically active substance, which also includes vitamins A and B, calcium, iron, silicon, selenium, inulin, glycoside;
- Immunal - used to strengthen the human immune system. The drug contains the juice of a medicinal herb. It is recommended to take during periods when the body needs protection;
- Immunorm - developed using Echinacea purpurea juice. Stimulates the activity of the body's immune defense factors. The action of Immunorm is aimed at recognizing and eliminating foreign microorganisms;
- Estifan is a herbal medicine. Helps increase the body's defenses due to the presence of polysaccharides, essential oils, polyenes, and alkamils.
In addition to the listed remedies, you can use: Echinacea tincture Doctor Theis, Vetoron.
How to make your own tincture
If you grow beautiful echinacea in your garden, take advantage of this unique gift of nature for the benefit of your health. It is not necessary to purchase the tincture at the pharmacy; you can easily prepare it yourself.
Remember! All parts of echinacea purpurea have medicinal properties.
It is very simple to prepare useful raw materials. The above-ground part of the bush - foliage and baskets - is collected in July or August, when the peak of flowering is observed. It is recommended to dig up rhizomes in early spring or autumn. During these growing seasons, the maximum accumulation of nutrients is observed. To prepare tincture, it is preferable to take fresh raw materials.
Alcoholic tincture from rhizome
To make the potion you will need:
- 100 grams of fresh rhizome of the plant;
- 400 g of 70% ethyl alcohol;
- glass container with a screw cap.
Grind the dug up and peeled plant root. Place it in a half-liter jar and fill it with alcohol. After thorough mixing, place the container in a dark place for 15-20 days. Shake the container once every 2-3 days. After the expiration date, strain the alcohol extract, carefully squeezing the cake. Use as an analogue of a pharmaceutical drug.
Vodka tincture
Tincture can also be prepared using vodka. Place 100 grams of chopped rhizome in a half-liter jar. Fill the container to the top with a mixture of chopped leaves and baskets. Pour vodka to the edge of the jar, tighten and leave for a week in a dark place. After straining, use for course treatment.
Attention! To prepare vodka tincture, use only high-quality raw materials. Medicine infused with fake vodka can turn into real poison.
Drug interactions
The instructions indicate that echinacea can be taken simultaneously with antiviral agents and antibiotics, except for drugs of the cephalosporin group . Their combination leads to a number of adverse reactions - headaches, tachycardia, night sweats. It is also undesirable to take herbal supplements in conjunction with corticosteroids and immunosuppressants. Echinacea reduces the effectiveness of the latter.
Attention! The effect of the herb can be enhanced by other immunostimulating plants - eleutherococcus, ginseng, Rhodiola rosea.
However, if used incorrectly, such a combination can cause an overdose. It is safer to use rose hips as an additional product, the fruits of which contain a large amount of vitamin C.
At the pharmacy you can buy a complex dietary supplement with two plants: echinacea extract (200 mg) and rose hip extract (150 mg). The drug exhibits antiviral and immunostimulating properties and is suitable for preventing the body during the cold season.
Pharmacological action of the tincture
Having considered the chemical composition of echinacea purpurea, we can conclude that the perennial has a whole range of beneficial effects. Stimulation of immunity occurs at the cellular level due to the release of cytokines and phagocytes.
Activated cells suppress the growth of fungi, destroy viruses, microbes, and allergens. Systematic use has been proven to increase resistance to adverse external influences on the body. The difference between a natural medicine and common synthetic immunomodulators is that it does not temporarily support the immune system, but stimulates it to act at the cellular level. When taken as a course, the effect lasts for a long time.
Tincture rejuvenates cells, restores tissue, normalizes the function of endocrine glands. The medicine has a pronounced antispasmodic, oncoprotective, and antitoxic effect.
Echinacea in the pharmacy
The most famous commercial names of Echinacea tablets are “Immunal”, “Immunorm”, “Neoline Echinacea”. Russian pharmaceutical preparations of Echinacea often have a low concentration of active substances and a high cost per unit of active substance.
In addition, Russian legislation does not have standardized requirements for manufacturers of food additives; it does not require the manufacturer to indicate: the detailed composition of the substance in a serving, its % content of the daily norm and other data in accordance with international quality standards.
Considering the low requirements of Russian legislation for supplements, including echinacea, in pharmacies, consumers prefer to place orders on the website
For what diseases is it useful to take echinacea tincture?
The miraculous tincture, in addition to activating the immune system, is recognized as a high-quality herbal antibiotic. Synthetic antibiotics destroy all intestinal flora along with viruses. The tincture destroys pathogens selectively, without harming its own microflora. Consider the list of diseases that the miraculous composition will help overcome:
- Sore throat, bronchitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, otitis media.
- Viruses – herpes, ARVI, influenza.
- Eczema, allergic skin rashes, psoriasis.
- Stomatitis, herpetic rashes, gingivitis.
- Pelvic inflammation, cystitis, genital herpes, pyelonephritis, candidiasis, prostatitis.
- Purulent trophic ulcers, acne, burns, furunculosis, wounds and injuries, insect bites.
- Loss of energy, hyperexcitability, depression, asthenia, migraine, sleep disturbances.
Know! In addition to this large list of diseases, tincture is used for rapid recovery after suffering a long-term serious illness, surgery, chemotherapy, and exposure to radionuclides.
Indications for use
The plant-based supplement is prescribed as an additional agent for antiviral or antimicrobial therapy of the following diseases:
- acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
- first signs of flu;
- weakening of the immune system;
- colds;
- herpes virus;
- upper respiratory tract infections;
- damage to the oral mucosa (gingivitis, stomatitis);
- cystitis and other diseases of the urinary system.
The drug also helps to cope with gynecological inflammation in women and prostate hyperplasia in men, stimulates the immune system, helps cleanse the lymph nodes and blood of toxins, and accelerates regeneration processes. It is also useful to use it during chemotherapy.
Attention! Healthy people can take a remedy based on this herb during increased physical and mental stress.
Directions for use, dosage
The tincture can be used either orally or externally. Treatment tactics depend on the severity of the disease. The drug is taken orally half an hour before meals. Before swallowing the drops, keep them in the mouth for a while. Adults are prescribed 20 drops of tincture three times a day.
In acute cases of the initial stage of ARVI, the dosage is increased to 40 drops. Then, after 2 hours, you need to take another 20 drops of the medicine. Next, they switch to the usual regimen.
Taking the drug by children over 12 years of age must be agreed with a pediatrician. Take 5-10 drops of the medicine twice a day with preliminary dilution in double or triple the volume of water.
The recommended duration of course treatment should not exceed 8 weeks. After this period, a break of 2-4 weeks is necessary, after which the drug can be resumed.
To make a compress for external treatment, you need to make a solution. For 100 ml of saline solution, take from 20 to 60 drops of tincture. Soak a sterile bandage with the resulting mixture and apply to the damaged area of the skin. It is advisable to apply special paper on top and change the bandage twice a day.
The same solution is used to rinse the mouth for gingivitis, herpes infection, thrush, and stomatitis. Lotions and tampons are soaked in the described solution to wipe away acne, apply to the wound surface of the oral cavity, and relieve pain and itching after insect bites.
Remember! The dosage of the tincture is prescribed by the attending physician. Be sure to consult a specialist before taking the pharmaceutical form and follow his recommendations.
Instructions for use of Echinacea tincture
Let us consider in more detail the use of the pharmaceutical form in adults and children.
For children
A child's body is exposed to the influence of the external environment much more than an adult. Constant lack of sleep, disruptions in diet, and difficult environmental conditions in the region of residence can weaken protective functions. At the stage of immunity formation, it is necessary to constantly maintain the natural defense mechanism. It is especially important to provide him with appropriate assistance during the period of adaptation to the new environment.
Parents note that when the baby enters kindergarten or school, immune capabilities sharply decrease and the baby begins to get sick often. Echinacea tincture will help prevent illness, activate the immune system, saturate the child’s body with vitamins and remove toxins.
However, one cannot rely entirely on the miraculous tincture. This is due to the peculiarities of taking the medication in childhood. The fact is that the drug is contraindicated for use by children under 12 years of age. Ethyl alcohol has a detrimental effect on children's bodies.
Know! It is still possible to support your baby’s immunity with the help of “deer root”. Especially for children, the pharmacological industry produces other dosage forms - syrup, tablets and herbal tea.
For children 2 years old
Children aged two years are strictly prohibited from using echinacea tincture. Only external use in the form of lotions is permissible. The composition is especially effective for relieving itching after an insect bite. Syrup or decoction of the plant is recommended for two-year-old children. When consuming syrup, it is necessary to take into account the high sugar content, which can lead to the development of diathesis.
For children 3 years old
If a three-year-old can rinse her mouth on her own, it is acceptable to use a mouth rinse when she has a cold. Children of this age are also recommended to be given syrup or herbal infusion, tea.
For children 4 years old
From the age of four, children can be given a tablet form of Echinacea. External treatment is carried out according to the scheme described above.
For children 7 years old
Younger schoolchildren can take herbal infusion, tablets, syrup. The tincture is also prohibited.
Storage and shelf life of supplements
Regular Echinacea tablets retain their beneficial properties for 2 years, lozenges and lozenges for 3 years.
The drug should be stored in a dark place, out of reach of children, at a temperature of 20-25° C.
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More details
Infusion from the leaves of the plant
To prepare herbal infusion, take:
- dried leaves of echinacea purpurea – 1 teaspoon;
- hot water - 2 cups.
Fill the raw material with water and leave for 10 minutes. After straining and cooling, drink as regular tea.
On a note! Only as a last resort, after consultation with a pediatrician, can the tincture be used to treat children over 7 years of age. No more than 3 drops are diluted in a tablespoon of water.
There are no harmless medications, so before using the medicine we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the contraindications:
- progressive systemic diseases - lupus erythematosus, diabetes, collagenosis, multiple sclerosis;
- HIV infection, oncology, AIDS, tuberculosis;
- pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- allergy to plants from the aster family;
- age up to 12 years.
Attention! If the dosage is not observed, hyperexcitability and gastrointestinal disorders may occur.
We invite you to read consumer reviews about the pharmaceutical medicine:
- Tatyana purchased the tincture in the hope of protecting her student daughter from the flu. After a course of treatment, she noted not only an increase in immunity, but also a surge of strength. Now Tatyana’s entire family drinks a course of tincture every year.
- Nikolay noted that the tincture is much cheaper than tablet forms with echinacea (“Immunal”), but the effect is the same.
- For a long time, Ksenia could not convince her husband to go to a urologist with a typical male problem after 40 years. The husband agreed to take a course of tincture to treat prostatitis, which gave excellent results.
- Victoria was visiting her mother when she first had a chance to taste the miracle medicine. Suddenly feeling the first signs of illness, the girl, on the advice of her parents, drank 50 drops of the medicine and continued to use it according to the scheme. The cold disappeared as quickly as it appeared.
Today you met a wonderful guest from North America - echinacea, as well as an excellent immunostimulant based on it in the form of a tincture and instructions for use. Let the “deer root” always guard the health of your family.
Echinacea-based medications should be taken according to the instructions or doctor's prescription. It is especially contraindicated to exceed the dosage, otherwise the treatment may cause harm to the body, as well as provoke the following side effects:
- changes in blood pressure;
- tachycardia;
- overexcitement;
- insomnia;
- headache;
- diarrhea, nausea.
If such symptoms appear, you should stop taking the pills and consult a doctor..