Vitamins with iron - benefits, harm, dosage, daily intake and doctor’s recommendations (90 photos and videos)

The synthesis of blood hemoglobin molecules is impossible without iron. In case of its deficiency, anemia is diagnosed. If anemia develops due to iron deficiency, it is necessary to take vitamins containing iron.

When performing vital functions, iron:

  • ensures the stability of genetic information, metabolism, immune and digestive systems;
  • is part of hemoglobin, ensures the supply of oxygen to tissues;
  • is an essential trace element to ensure optimal hormonal activity.

Vitamins and medications containing iron are taken only as prescribed by a doctor. Required daily doses of iron:

  • men and women - 10 and 15 - 20 mg, respectively:
  • pregnant women - 30 mg;
  • children under 7 months - 4 mg;
  • from 7 months up to 1 year - 10 mg;
  • from 1 year to 6 years – 11 mg;
  • from 6 years to 10 – 12 mg;
  • from 10 to 18 years - 15 and 18 mg for boys and girls, respectively.

Manifestations and causes of iron deficiency

A low hemoglobin content detected in a blood test serves as irrefutable evidence of an insufficient amount of iron in the body.

Iron deficiency externally manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • pallor of the mucous membranes and skin;
  • dyspnea;
  • pressing pain in the chest area;
  • loss of coordination, headache;
  • disruptions in the digestive system;
  • depression, loss of motivation and performance;
  • unstable sleep;
  • craving for pickles and spices;
  • fragility of nails;
  • drying of the mucous lips;
  • baldness;
  • acne.

Causes of iron deficiency:

  • liver diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • large blood loss after surgery;
  • excessive restrictions when following diets;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • helminth infection.

Read here - Vitamins for athletes - rating of the best manufacturers, characteristics and review of essential substances for athletes (110 photos)

In advanced cases, memory loss, heart attack, persistent depression, and stroke are possible.

In many cases, including diseases of the thyroid gland, after consultation with a doctor, it is necessary to take vitamins with iron and other microelements.

List of the best antianemic drugs

The list of antianemic drugs quickly absorbed into the blood includes drugs whose action is based on the best iron derivatives. In the correct concentration and with the necessary side components, they enter the blood literally within an hour after consumption. Among the most popular recently are the following titles:

Name of medicineActive substanceManufacturer
Ferlatum FoulFerrous protein succinilateSpain and Italy
MaltoferFerric (III) hydroxide polymaltosateSwitzerland
FenyulsMultivitamins and MineralsIndia
Sorbifer DurulesFerrous sulfate and Ascorbic acidHungary and Sweden
TotemaIron, manganese, copper gluconates (Ferrous, Manganese, Cuprum gluconate)France
FerretabFerrous fumarate and Folic acidAustria
AktiferrinFerrous sulfate and SerinGermany, Israel
VenoferFerric hydroxide sacharose complexSwitzerland
Ferro-FolgammaFerrous sulfate, Folic acidGermany

Oral iron supplements

Most of the products described in the table are sold strictly according to prescription. That is why you will have to visit a therapist or pediatrician before purchasing. You should not choose the drug yourself. The fact is that some are not suitable for allergy sufferers, while others pose a danger to pregnant women. Therefore, it is impossible to do without taking into account the doctor’s opinion.

Ferlatum Foul

Ferlatum Fol is usually prescribed for the treatment of latent and clinically pronounced iron deficiency, that is, for various types of anemia. At the same time, the product is suitable for the prevention of anemia in pregnant and lactating women, as well as in those who have an unbalanced or inadequate diet. Basic information about Ferlatum Fola is as follows:

  • the drug is a solution for oral administration or powder for dilution;
  • The dosage schedule and daily amount are prescribed taking into account age and general condition of the body;
  • The average price for a medicine is 666 rubles.

Ferlatum for anemia

Side effects are rare. But the possibility of gastrointestinal disorders cannot be denied. The negative effects of taking Ferlatum Fola disappear when the dose is reduced or the drug is stopped altogether. It is important to note that it is contraindicated in cirrhosis, hemochromatosis, and chronic pancreatitis.

The drug Maltofer

Maltofer is intended to replenish iron deficiency in the body. This universal remedy is suitable for the treatment of iron deficiency without anemia and the treatment of clinically significant iron deficiency anemia. That is why it is considered one of the most popular iron-containing drugs on the market. You should remember the following features of Maltofer:

  • you can choose drops, syrup, solution, chewable tablets are also available;
  • the dosage depends on the degree of the disease, the form of the medicine and the age of the patient, that is, it is strictly individual;
  • the price for Maltofer ranges between 241 and 583 rubles.

Maltofer for iron deficiency

Maltofer is allowed during pregnancy and lactation, but it should be used with caution. It is prohibited for children under 12 years of age, those who suffer from improper absorption of iron, from an overload of this metal or from a lack of sucrose in the blood. The drug is produced strictly according to a prescription, so it is impossible to do without prior consultation with a doctor.

Medicine Fenyuls

Fenyuls is a complex enzyme preparation with iron and a basic set of vitamins. It helps to cope with vitamin deficiency, serves to prevent anemia and to eliminate residual symptoms of the disease. Fenyuls is allowed for pregnant and lactating women. Basic information about the drug is as follows:

  • it is available in capsule form;
  • given one capsule per day for 30 days, for prevention the dose is halved;
  • the product will cost 234-346 Russian rubles.

Fenuls with vitamins

Enzymes are strictly contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the composition, hemochromatosis and hemosiderosis. Pediatricians also oppose the use of Fenyuls if the patient is under 18 years old. Potential side effects include vomiting, allergies, constipation, diarrhea, eating disorders, or worsening liver disease.

Sorbifer Durules tablets

Sorbifer Durules is indicated for iron deficiency, for anemia caused by a lack of metal in the blood, as well as during the prevention of iron deficiency. Typically, preventive measures are needed by donors or women carrying a child. Some features of Sorbifer should be remembered:

  • sold in the form of 100 milligram tablets in a digestible coating;
  • adults and adolescents are given up to two tablets, each of which is important to drink generously;
  • the average cost in the regions is 395-774 rubles, in large cities it is slightly higher.

Vitamins Sorbifer Durules

There is an impressive list of contraindications for the use of Sorbifer Durules. First of all, it should not be given to those who are prone to allergies to the smallest components of the composition. It is also not recommended for esophageal stenosis, impaired iron utilization, or increased metal content in the body.

Paradoxically, Sorbifer is given to pregnant women, but the medicine is not prescribed to children under 12 years of age.

With caution and only after the doctor's approval, this medicine can be given for duodenal and gastric ulcers, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and other inflammatory processes in the intestines. If the intake standards are ignored, the patient experiences vomiting, increased body temperature, dizziness, and lack of performance.

Totem solution

Totema is suitable for the treatment and prevention of iron deficiency in adults and children from three months of age. In this case, the cause of the disease may be hidden both behind bleeding and increased metal consumption, for example, due to pregnancy. Sometimes Totema helps if the body does not properly absorb iron. It is important to note that:

  • the product is sold in dark ampoules of 10 milliliters and is a weakly concentrated solution;
  • standard adult dose is 100-200 micrograms, that is, 2-4 ampoules per day;
  • the drug costs from 492 to 757 Russian rubles, you can actually find better offers online.

Totem oral solution

But the remedy is contraindicated in many situations. It is not given if there is intoxication with lead, manganese or copper, if there is a tendency to allergic reactions, or if there is a deficiency of sugar or isomaltose. Risks arise if Totem is injected into children under three months old. This usually leads to developmental delays or worsening anemia.

Ferretab capsules

Ferretab is prescribed for iron deficiency conditions, as well as if the goal of the recipient is to prevent anemia. The product helps with iron absorption disorders, metal deficiency during pregnancy, and bleeding. Occasionally, the cause of intake is poor nutrition. The characteristics of the medicine are as follows:

  • the medication is available in small digestible capsules;
  • used on an empty stomach, most often one capsule per day is enough;
  • the average price starts from 340-397 rubles per package.

Ferretab capsules

A few side effects from Ferratab include a feeling of bloating in the stomach, nausea, and vomiting. Slightly less often, patients experience allergic reactions and urticaria of varying severity. In case of overdose, there are no serious consequences, but increased side effects cannot be ruled out.

Actiferrin in the form of drops

Aktiferin is a drug directly intended for the treatment of anemia. From 10% to 15% of the pure iron supplied with the medicine is absorbed into the blood vessels directly from the duodenum. Such indicators make Aktiferin drops one of the leaders in articles about which iron-containing drugs are better for low hemoglobin. Do not forget:

  • the product is produced and marketed in the form of drops for oral administration;
  • the duration of treatment and dosage are calculated by the doctor depending on the person’s weight and the severity of the disease;
  • cost - from 295 rubles for a small package.

Aktiferran drops

The possibility of an overdose of Actiferrin cannot be ruled out, since the course is always prescribed individually. Symptoms of excess drug in the body include decreased blood pressure, pallor, abdominal pain, and in the worst case, coma. Possible side effects include constipation, diarrhea, nausea or skin allergies. In order not to encounter the negative aspects of the drug, you need to remember the prohibitions on use. It is not given to allergy sufferers, people with anemia not associated with iron deficiency, as well as people with fructose and galactose intolerance.

Medicine Venofer

Venofer is considered the best medicine for quickly raising iron levels in the blood. It is also prescribed to patients who cannot tolerate other drugs with a similar algorithm of action, to those who violate the treatment schedule or started it too late. Venofer is suitable if a person suffers from intestinal diseases. Remember, that:

  • the medication is a solution for intravenous administration in ampoules of 5 milliliters;
  • the dosage is always prescribed by a doctor, since Venofer is administered by drip, jet or intravenously;
  • The drug is quickly absorbed, but is expensive: you will have to pay up to 2859 Russian rubles for a package.

Venofer in ampoules

If you choose the wrong dosage, serious side effects can occur. The main symptoms of hemosiderosis usually appear. The use of iron-binding agents, as well as symptomatic medications, can help. Sometimes patients experience dizziness, bronchospasms, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, or abdominal pain.

The greatest risks are associated with intravenous administration of the drug, even deaths have been recorded.

It is worth identifying contraindications to the use of Venofer. It is prohibited for pregnant women in the first trimester, with forms of anemia not associated with iron deficiency, with hypersensitivity to components or to the active substance. Venofer should be given with caution to asthmatics, allergy sufferers, people with elevated ferritin in the blood and with diseases of the thyroid and pancreas.

Contraindications to taking the drug

Medicine Ferrofolgamma

A medicine from Germany called Ferrofolgamma quickly raises iron levels in the blood. It is prescribed for the treatment of iron-folate-B12-deficiency anemia, gastric or intestinal bleeding, and hemorrhoids. Sometimes this remedy helps with decreased thyroid function, that is, with hypothyroidism. Due to its easily digestible and relatively harmless composition, Ferrofolgamma can be used for anemia during pregnancy or lactation, and in the treatment of oncology. You should know that:

  • the drug is produced in capsules; depending on the price, different numbers of blisters are offered;
  • it is taken orally, shortly after meals, the typical dose is one capsule three times a day;
  • The approximate cost of the package is 798 Russian rubles, but you can save a lot when purchasing online.

Folic acid product

Ferrofolgamma is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components, with anemia not associated with a lack of iron in the body, with hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis, with disorders of metal excretion. Side effects from taking the medication cannot be ruled out. Most often, doctors record nausea, urticaria or anaphylactic shock.

Drugs that promote iron absorption

Iron-containing preparations are recommended to be taken together with other vitamins, retinol and copper. Ascorbic acid promotes better absorption of iron into the blood, and other vitamins increase hemoglobin synthesis. Copper activates iron accumulated in intracellular structures.

It is not recommended to take iron-containing medications in the morning and afternoon, along with medications containing calcium and wash them down with tea or coffee.

The human body can be deficient in both divalent and trivalent iron. The first type is found in animal products and is the most beneficial. The second option (trivalent) comes from foods of plant origin.

People who eat a vegetarian diet experience a serious deficiency of ferrous iron.

As a result, they are susceptible to intractable diseases and must periodically check their health and replenish iron deficiency by taking vitamin tablets containing this element.

How to quickly increase hemoglobin?

To ensure that the tissues and organs of the human body do not suffer from insufficient oxygen supply due to low hemoglobin levels, the situation must be urgently corrected.

3 ways to solve the problem:

  1. Eat foods rich in iron, folic acid and vitamin B12.
  2. Take special medications.
  3. Combine an iron-rich diet with medications.

Before you begin treatment, you need to know that diseases of the gastrointestinal tract interfere with the absorption of iron. Therefore, in addition to a blood test, it is advisable to undergo additional examination.

You also need to know that the following can interfere with the rapid absorption of iron and increase the duration of treatment:

  1. Smoking.
  2. Alcohol.
  3. Stress.
  4. Strong tea and coffee.
  5. Overwork, insufficient sleep.

Best Iron Vitamins

In the pharmacy system you can find the following names of vitamins with iron:

“Alphabet Classic” is an optimally balanced complex intended for three times a day, consisting of three servings with different compositions. Among vitamins with iron from various manufacturers, it has an increased number of positive reviews;

“Complivit Iron” is a balanced complex of microelements and vitamins, the daily portion of which includes 15 mg of iron. Prescribed for the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia.

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Vitrum is a vitamin complex that has a highly effective tonic effect. 1 tablet of the drug contains 18 mg of iron. Prescribed to patients who have suffered blood loss during surgery. Take 1 tablet for a month.

Duovit is a complex that includes, in addition to various vitamins, the required amount of microelements.

Designed to optimize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, brain activity, removal of toxins and excess cholesterol. Taking two tablets per day containing 10 mg of iron should be continued for 20 days. Contraindicated for children under 10 years of age.

Doppelhertz active is not a medicine. This dietary supplement, in addition to 10 mg of iron per daily dose, contains iodine and other necessary components. Contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Multi-tabs Classic optimizes the activity of many body systems. 1 tablet (daily dose) contains vitamins C, E, as well as magnesium and other minerals.

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Fenyuls is used to treat severe iron deficiency. This medication should be taken only as directed and under the supervision of a doctor.

Centrum is harmless, 1 tablet contains 4 mg of iron. The duration of treatment is 25 days.


The drug can be used to treat iron deficiency conditions and anemia due to microelement deficiency. For patients registered with these types of blood diseases, Hemofer can be used as a prophylaxis. Hemofer is prescribed for the treatment of anemia in pregnant women, as well as for the prevention of the disease in an unborn child. The drug does not have teratogenic or mutagenic effects, its safety has been confirmed by numerous studies. In addition, the use of the medicine during breastfeeding has a therapeutic effect on the child's body.

Iron deficiency in pregnant women

Vitamins with iron for pregnant women are prescribed only by a doctor, and their intake should be under medical supervision, since not all preparations containing iron are harmless to the fetus and the expectant mother.

For example, Ferroceron is contraindicated for pregnant women. Ferrocal and Fenyuls are the most harmless.

A course of treatment

The treatment course for anemia lasts about six months or slightly longer. All this happens under the strict supervision of a doctor, and every month the patient needs to donate blood to check the results and effectiveness of the selected therapy. Even after the hemoglobin level normalizes, the drugs will have to be taken for about two months.

Some drugs in solution form can irritate the gastric mucosa, so side effects may occur. The effectiveness of iron therapy is determined approximately in the third week after treatment was started - a slight increase in hemoglobin levels in the blood is observed. All measures taken can be considered productive if the required level is achieved within two months. After this, only maintenance therapy is prescribed.

Eliminating iron deficiency in children

Vitamins with iron for children are prescribed by doctors only after the child reaches the age of 2 years.

We recommend reading:

  • Perfectil vitamins: benefits, composition, contraindications, reviews and instructions for use (115 photos)

  • Opti-Women vitamins: beneficial properties, composition, daily requirements and features of administration (100 photos)

  • Vitamin E in products - overview, amount of content, benefits and preservation features during cooking (video + 145 photos)

Some of the best iron-containing fortified complexes for children are:

  • Naturetto;
  • Alphabet, Multi-tabs Baby, Supradin and Complivit, intended for children;
  • children's vitamin solgar with iron and others.


It is prohibited to use preparations containing iron in the following cases:

  • during treatment with certain antibiotics, drugs containing calcium, antacids;
  • oncological blood diseases;
  • together with coffee and foods containing calcium;
  • for peptic ulcers with some exceptions.

Good replacement

In most cases, doctors prescribe the following medications to treat iron deficiency:

  • Aktiferrin, price from 240 rubles per package;
  • Totema, sold for 270 - 340 rubles per package;
  • Tardiferon, the medicine will cost 150-200 rubles.

For all of the above drugs, there is a cheap analogue - Hemofer. Its price is from 80 to 100 rubles per package, while the pharmacological effect of using the drug is no worse than that of using expensive equivalents.

Side effects

Manifestations of an overdose of iron-containing drugs:

  • nausea;
  • decreased appetite;
  • dysfunction of the digestive system;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • feces are unusually dark in color.

In addition, cholesterol, which becomes more viscous in consistency, is difficult to remove from the vessels. This increases the risk of blood clots and heart attack.

Release form

Hemofer is available in the form of drops for oral use. The drug has a specific smell. Vials of the drug are available in volumes of 10 and 30 ml. The drops are convenient to use for both children and adults; they should be washed down with a sufficient amount of water. Many patients speak positively about Hemofer. The product is recommended as an optimal replacement for expensive medications.

My son developed anemia from the age of 8 months; his hemoglobin was only 87! My pediatrician immediately prescribed Hemofer. The price is ridiculous, but the drug helps no worse than expensive ones. After three months of treatment, all blood counts returned to normal. We are already 2 years old, there have been no more such incidents, and thank God!

Egor, Nizhny Novgorod.

I once unsuccessfully tried myself as a vegetarian, and as a result I developed iron deficiency and anemia. I was prescribed the drug Totema, but when I saw the price, I immediately fell into a stupor. The pharmacist at the pharmacy suggested Hemofer. I was treated with drops, now everything is fine.

Oksana, Mytishchi.

When I registered with the antenatal clinic, I was advised to take supplements containing iron, since my hemoglobin level was at the lower limit of normal. I read on the forums that Hemofer is ideal for pregnant women, so I decided to try it. After 3 months I gave birth to my cosmonaut, no anemia for me or my son.

Deterioration of the immune system, oxygen deficiency, decreased hemoglobin levels and anemia indicate a lack of iron in the body. The risk group includes children, the elderly, and women during childbearing and breastfeeding. Iron tablets, selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, will help normalize the condition.

You can normalize the level of iron in the body with the help of tablets

Photo of vitamins with iron

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