Detailed instructions for using Concor Cor tablets: patient reviews, indications, analogues

Among the huge number of different diseases that many of us have to face, cardiovascular diseases occupy a special place, mercilessly affecting not only older people, but also representatives of the younger age category. Fortunately, an incredible number of drugs created by both domestic pharmaceutical companies and foreign manufacturers are offered to combat this problem.

Today, pharmacies offer many new medications, the action of which is aimed at actively combating high and low blood pressure, but you should not purchase them yourself without the advice of a doctor, since each of the drugs has its own characteristics of impact on the body, side effects and contraindications. Only a doctor, having performed a full examination and also prescribed the necessary tests, will be able to accurately diagnose and prescribe competent treatment.

How to deal with high blood pressure, and which drug is the most effective today? Is there a medicine that can be taken without harm to the body, and can such a remedy simultaneously fight the disease and also act as a preventative? These, as well as many other questions, are asked by every person suffering from high or low blood pressure.

In this article we will pay attention to hypertension, or rather one of the most popular remedies that eliminates this disease and also relieves many associated ailments.

Concor is a pill that people diagnosed with hypertension have probably heard of, but few of them have any idea what the features of this drug are, what effect it has on the body, and what side effects may be encountered during the course of treatment.

Let's take a closer look at this medicinal product to understand why it has gained popularity and whether it should be trusted. So, what are Concor tablets for? Let's begin a detailed acquaintance with the drug.

What are the features of the drug?

Despite the fact that many remedies are offered today, most of them have a huge list of contraindications, as well as side effects. That is why some medications should be used only under the supervision of a doctor. In addition, not all are suitable for people suffering from hypertension, as well as related ailments, since medications, with their powerful effects, can aggravate the symptoms of existing diseases. That is why only a specialist should choose the appropriate drug to combat high blood pressure.

Concor tablets belong to the safest group of drugs, therefore they are prescribed by doctors very often. This drug is a representative of the “beta-blockers” group. The drugs received this name because they are able to quickly block the effects of adrenaline on the most important organ - the heart. The fact is that it is in the area of ​​this organ that there are beta-adrenergic receptors, or nerve endings that are very sensitive to adrenaline.

Almost every person has a unique idea of ​​how adrenaline can affect the human body - it literally charges it and puts it on alert. As soon as this powerful hormone is exposed, the heart muscle contracts more frequently, blood vessels constrict, and blood pressure increases. In addition, with this effect, expansion of the bronchi is observed (the volume of air penetrating into the lung area increases), as well as activation of metabolism.

Concor tablets are distinguished by the fact that they actively suppress the effects of adrenaline exclusively on the heart, which suggests that the drug is a selective agent of the “beta-blockers” group. Due to the fact that the medication blocks the action of adrenaline, the heart does not contract frequently, and the coronary arteries (those vessels that supply blood to the area of ​​the main human organ) begin to expand. Under the influence of the drug, it also effectively supplies total blood pressure (arterial pressure) and this occurs due to the fact that the volume of blood pushed out by the heart directly into the circulatory system during each contraction is significantly reduced.

special instructions

Concor for blood pressure is taken in long courses. The patient should not abruptly stop treatment or voluntarily refuse to take the drug. The dosage of the medication is reduced gradually, under the supervision of a cardiologist. During therapy, the following points are taken into account:

  • the tablets do not affect the ability to drive a car or operate complex machinery. However, in the first days of use, this medicine for hypertension causes side effects, so you should refrain from driving during this period;

Concor Cor tablets have antiarrhythmic, antianginal and antihypertensive effects

  • Patients with bronchial pathology need to take drugs from the group of bronchodilators in parallel with blood pressure medications.

The active substance of the tablets increases the body's sensitivity to allergens. Therefore, during the course of taking the medication, you should follow a diet, and you can additionally take anti-allergy medications.

In what cases is the drug prescribed?

The peculiarity of the effect of Concor tablets on the body makes it possible to use this drug in the treatment of a large number of ailments.

In the modern world, this effective product is widely used when it is necessary to get rid of such disorders as:

  1. Ischemic heart disease. This medicinal product has an effect throughout the day. It is able to perfectly maintain the coronary vessels in a relaxed state. Thanks to this, the patient’s symptoms of angina begin to disappear, or their duration and frequency are noticeably reduced;
  2. Observation of persistently high elevated blood pressure (arterial hypertension). Concor tablets help to effectively influence high blood pressure, gradually bringing it back to normal, due to which the condition of the user of the drug significantly improves;
  3. In the presence of chronic heart failure, these tablets help the heart very well. But they give positive results only in cases where the disease develops at the stage of compensation, namely, when the human heart is substantially capable of independently coping with its work. In cases where decompensation occurs (the appearance of swelling, shortness of breath, etc.), you should not use Concor tablets, since they can significantly aggravate the disease.

Symptoms of drug overdose

If the dosage recommended by the doctor is not followed, Concor can be fatal. A drug overdose is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • reduction of heart rate to critically low levels (less than 60 beats per minute);
  • unstable heartbeat;
  • critically low blood pressure levels;
  • swelling, difficulty breathing;
  • change in color of nails and skin of extremities;
  • weakness, feeling of dry mouth;
  • hypoglycemia.

At the first symptoms of an overdose, you must take the sorbent and go to an ambulance for subsequent gastric lavage. The drug has antidotes - medications with the opposite principle of action - “Isoprenaline”, “Atropine”. Complex treatment includes sedatives and diuretics.

What side effects might you encounter?

As mentioned earlier, Concor tablets selectively block the effects of adrenaline directly on the heart. But, despite this, the drug is not capable of completely eliminating the blocking of the effect of the mentioned hormone on all other organs. The remedy is not always able to stop the effects of adrenaline on important body systems, which leads to various side effects. Thus, by blocking the hormone in the bronchi, the drug can cause a disorder such as bronchospasm in the patient. Side effects may also appear on the functioning of other organs.

Many patients, while undergoing treatment with the drug Concor, observed the appearance of such disorders as:

  • headache;
  • constant dizziness;
  • gagging;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • hearing impairment;
  • poor liver function;
  • the appearance of increased fatigue;
  • all kinds of allergic reactions;
  • observation of muscle weakness.

In addition, the effect of tablets directly on the heart may be accompanied by side effects, especially if the patient takes the drug without taking into account all the contraindications prohibiting its use.

While taking Concor tablets, the patient may experience bradycardia (heart contractions are too sharp).

In addition, changes in the functioning of the body are also observed, such as:

  • worsening manifestations of heart failure;
  • extremities are constantly very cold;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • observation of heart blockades (indicates the appearance of impulse conduction disturbances in the heart area).

Doctors' opinion

Borisov Nikolay Sergeevich, cardiologist

These drugs are often used to treat diseases of the heart and blood vessels. They are highly effective, have a small number of contraindications and can be prescribed even to people with impaired liver and kidney function.

Vasilyeva Inna Stepanovna, cardiologist

The advantage of these drugs is that they can be prescribed to older people, unlike older generation beta blockers, which cause side effects.

Shukurov Chori Abdullaevich, neurologist

Bisoprolol or Concor are often used to treat hypertension. They are highly effective, but they also have their contraindications. These drugs should not be prescribed for acute heart failure, bradycardia, children under 18 years of age, bronchial asthma and cardiogenic shock.

Features of the composition and therapeutic effects of the drug

Concor tablets are designed to lower blood pressure and also reduce increased heart rate. They are used when it is necessary to normalize heart rhythm.

The main active ingredient of this medicinal product is bisoprolol. In addition, the medication contains other components (starch, calcium hydrogen phosphate, magnesium stearate, cellulose).

The effect of the drug on the body occurs about 3 hours after use, so they are not used in cases where it is necessary to provide urgent care to the patient.

The human digestive system accepts these pills perfectly. They dissolve very quickly and enter the bloodstream, and it does not matter at what point in eating they were used, before or after eating.

The most important therapeutic characteristics of Concor include:

  1. Hypotensive effect. The drug Concor is able to reduce heart pressure, while reducing the activity of the patient's hormonal system. The medicine also regulates blood pressure and the total amount of blood in a variety of organs.
  2. The effect is antianginal. This suggests that the drug can prevent the occurrence of angina attacks, since the tablets reduce the percentage of oxygen taken to the heart. Due to this feature, a decrease in heart rate and muscle contraction is observed. At the same time, Concor increases the duration of relaxation of the heart muscle, as well as the period of filling it with the required amount of blood.
  3. Antiarrhythmic effect. The medication prevents cardiac rhythm disturbances due to its sympathomimetic effect.

Compared to all other beta blocker products, Concor tablets are the most effective and very powerful. They provide excellent therapeutic results, and the treatment effect lasts for a long time. But it is very important to choose the correct dosage of the drug, since when using minimal doses, it is impossible to achieve a therapeutic effect, as well as protect yourself from diseases that arise against the background of regular high blood pressure. On the other hand, when using excessively large doses, the patient may encounter not only side effects, but also significant disorders that will be very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to eliminate.

Concor instructions

The tablets are taken orally and should be taken with a small amount of water. It is recommended to take it before breakfast or immediately after it; in order to avoid the development of side effects from the gastrointestinal tract, it is permissible to take tablets even during meals, but in the morning. They must be swallowed whole; chewing is not recommended. The dosage is selected individually and only by a doctor; independent dosage selection is unacceptable. When prescribing Concor, be sure to take into account the degree of hypertension and current heart rate readings. Here are dosing recommendations:

  • first dose - no more than 5 mg;
  • subsequently, for moderate hypertension, the dose is increased to 10 mg, if required;

  • One dose of Concor is administered per day;
  • the maximum single/daily dose is 20 mg;
  • for renal failure, severe liver dysfunction, the maximum dose is 10 mg;
  • if problems with the kidneys and liver are not severe, the dosage will be similar to that for all patients;
  • No dose adjustment is necessary for elderly people.

In case of heart failure, the course of treatment is necessarily accompanied by regular examinations and tests. You can prescribe medicine if the disease has not worsened for at least 6 weeks, and no new drugs (any) have been prescribed for 14 days.

At first, the dose is minimal, then it is adjusted, as in the case of arterial hypertension. If well tolerated, the dose is increased to the maximum, as needed.

When should you not use tablets?

The drug Concor is contraindicated in the category of patients who have acute cardiac ailments, such as:

  • acute heart failure;
  • cardiogenic shock.

Such disturbances can occur for a variety of reasons, but most often they appear in the presence of serious heart rhythm disturbances, as well as myocardial infarction, etc. If the patient has chronic cardiac failure that develops at the stage of decompensation, then it is also better to refuse Concor tablets.

This is only a small list of contraindications, so you should not purchase Concor without a doctor’s prescription.
He must conduct a number of preliminary studies before recommending the mentioned medication or other drugs that can relieve high blood pressure. Tell your friends! Still have questions? Use the search!

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