Darsonvalization - application, instructions, contraindications

Welcome everyone to my online diary!

Today I want to share my experience of using the Darsonval device, I will tell you what it is, what it is used for, how to use it at home, I will share the results of using Darsonval on myself, and I will also talk about the indications and contraindications for its use.

I heard about the Darsonval device, or rather, I saw it for a long time: I once saw an advertisement on TV, where they told and showed how to use it to rejuvenate the face, I saw how a girl moved a small device that made a small crackling sound and the flickering of small sparks across her face . I was young then, I didn’t have any special health problems and I just decided to remember it for the future.

I didn’t notice how this “future” came, and with it, problems with health and appearance. Looking for opportunities to improve the health of the body, since I didn’t want to go to the doctors, and I already understood that it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it later, I ended up in the Argo company, which distributes fairly high-quality products for improving the body, I signed up with it and acquired the funds I needed.

Once in this company they offered me to buy a Darsonval device for home use with a 50% discount, they told me about its capabilities, which were not limited only to rejuvenation, as I initially thought :) Naturally, I did not refuse and bought this device for myself.

Darsonvalization, the mechanism of action of Darsonval currents and the body’s reaction

Darsonvalization is one of the physical factors, which is based on the effect on the human body of an alternating high-frequency pulsed current of high voltage and low strength. The method was proposed in 1892 by the French physicist J. A. d'Arsonval, after whom it was named. Local therapy is currently used in medical practice.

The active factor is electrical discharges: “quiet” with a small air gap and turning into a spark - with increasing gap

Depending on the method of carrying out the Darsonvalization procedure, the current has an irritating and even cauterizing effect:) Frequent alternating directions of the current cause tissue ions to oscillate with the formation of heat, weak mechanical fluctuations of the current in the tissues are due to the piezoelectric properties of the tissues.

Ozone and a small amount of nitrogen oxides, formed in the air under the action of a discharge, also penetrate into the pores of the skin:) Under the influence of primary physical factors, processes of energy transformation into biological processes occur in the body, realizing changes at all levels of the organization of living matter: subcellular, cellular, organ , systemic and organismal.

Biologically active substances formed as a result of the absorption of energy from primary factors excite not only tissues and receptors at the site of their formation, but also, spreading humorally, affect the endocrine glands and vegetative centers that are sensitive to such influences.

Physiological reactions of the body to Darsonval currents

When using the Darsonval apparatus, the following physiological reactions of the body are observed:

  • Vasomotor reactions: expansion of arterioles, capillaries, increased hyperemia of the skin
  • Relaxation of spastically narrowed vessels, reducing their increased tone
  • Inhibition of peripheral receptors - analgesic effect
  • Increased activity of metabolic and trophic processes
  • Reducing congestion
  • Acceleration of resorption of infiltrates
  • Death of microorganisms or delay in their development on the surface of the skin
  • Decreased function of sweat and sebaceous glands
  • Reducing pain, itching, paresthesia

The combined effects of current and ozone, which are heterogeneous in nature, provide synergistic effects:) Thus, ozone therapy is used for healing effects in everyday life, namely, to relieve fatigue, lower blood pressure, improve well-being, and increase mental and physical performance. Ozone has found wide application for impact bactericidal effects in high concentrations in the treatment of septic processes.

Therapeutic effects of Darsonval currents

  • Antipruritic, analgesic, vasomotor effect
  • Stimulation of regeneration of damaged tissues
  • Increased tissue metabolism with improved tissue trophism
  • Reduction of venous stagnation phenomena
  • Normalization of blood pressure numbers and reduction of vascular tone
  • Anti-inflammatory effect in chronic inflammatory processes in the skin and mucous membrane
  • Improving the functional state of the skin: increasing elasticity, preventing the development of wrinkles, hair loss
  • Stimulation of callus formation in fractures

Attention! If you use the Darsonval device at home, you must first consult with your doctor and get his recommendations on the use of Darsonvalization.

Benefits of Darsonval for hair

These devices are widely used to strengthen hair follicles, stop and prevent hair loss. Under the influence of electric current, hair growth accelerates, its strength and appearance improves, and fat content decreases. Improving blood supply allows you to cope with many scalp problems, such as dandruff, seborrhea, and fungal diseases.

To carry out darsonvalization, a special comb attachment is used. It is pressed tightly to the scalp and slowly drawn from the forehead to the back of the head through previously carefully combed hair. You can supplement the effect of the procedure with medicinal or cosmetic masks: after Darsonval, the compositions will be much better absorbed into the scalp, and therefore their benefits will increase.

For preventive purposes, it is enough to conduct sessions two to three times a month, but to solve acute problems, the frequency of procedures and the duration of the course are best agreed with the attending physician.

Darsonval indications for use:

  • Diseases of the peripheral nervous system, predominantly with pain syndrome (neuralgia, neuromyositis, spinal osteochondrosis, decreased sensitivity, numbness)
  • Sensorineural hearing loss
  • Neurocirculatory dystonia of cardiac type
  • Migraine
  • Sleep disorders
  • Enuresis
  • Alopecia
  • Varicose veins
  • Raynaud's disease
  • Hemorrhoids, anal fissures
  • Toothache, diseases of the oral mucosa (gingivitis, stomatitis, stage 1-2 periodontal disease)
  • Trophic ulcers and skin damage
  • Skin diseases: limited form of neurodermatitis, baldness, acne, Furuncupesis
  • Long-term non-healing wounds
  • Hypertonic disease
  • Kidney and urinary tract diseases
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

How to choose darsonvalizer

How to choose darsonvalizer

All devices are essentially the same; they produce high-frequency pulse current within 100 kHz. They differ, as a rule, only in the presence of attachments and the design of the body itself.

The following glass attachments may be included with the darsonvalizer:

  • Mushroom (main) - suitable for the face, thighs (for cellulite), treatment of dermatitis, psoriasis and other skin lesions.
  • In the form of a comb - used for hair, as a prevention of baldness.
  • T-shaped (slingshot) - suitable for the neck and spine (can be used on the spine only after consulting a doctor).
  • C-shaped - for varicose veins on the legs.
  • Tube-shaped - universal nozzle.

Specialized attachments are produced separately that replace the tube-shaped one - rectal, vaginal, nasal, ear, gum. As a rule, they are not included in the standard package. The nozzles must be free of cracks and damage, and there must be no moisture inside.

Darsonval instructions for use

Darsonvalization is carried out in two ways: Contact - the electrode is placed directly on the human body; Remote - there is an air gap between the electrode and the human body

When using the Darsonval device at home using the contact method, the electrode is applied to the recommended area of ​​influence and an individual dose of exposure is selected according to the criterion: to a comfortable level - a feeling of light warmth - a quiet discharge that does not cause irritation or pain.

With this technique, if the pathological focus has a large area, to improve the sliding of the electrode, the skin is lightly powdered with talcum powder, and the wet skin is dried. The vacuum electrode is moved without pressure, with light linear or circular movements, without lifting it from the surface, across the impact zone.

When using the Darsonval apparatus at home using the remote method, the electrode is placed over the pathological focus with an air gap, which leads to the formation of a spark, the strength of which depends on the size of the gap. The stronger the spark, the stronger the cauterizing effect.

When using both methods, 2 methods are used: labile - when the electrode moves over a small area of ​​the problem area, and stable - the electrode motionlessly acts on the pathological area.

The instructions for using the Darsonval apparatus for some techniques, for example, for acute respiratory diseases, respiratory diseases, include elements of SU Jok acupuncture, which is based on systems of correspondence of the hands and feet to individual organs and systems of the human body.

An example of the use of Darsonval for acute respiratory infections


Darsonval for the face (it’s easy to learn how to use the device correctly using the instructions below) is a classic technology for eliminating various defects and preventing their occurrence.

The device is also actively used in medicine to treat a number of pathologies and diseases. To avoid the opposite effect, it is important to familiarize yourself with the main contraindications before the procedure.

Exposure to high-frequency microcurrents is contraindicated in patients with:

  • arrhythmia, various disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • increased hair growth (hirsutism), hypertrichosis;
  • tendency to allergic reactions and individual intolerance;
  • thrombophlebitis, rosacea;

    Darsonval for face. How to use it yourself correctly. Videos, reviews

  • serious mental disorders;
  • patients with tuberculosis, epilepsy;
  • diagnosed with oncology;
  • infections accompanied by fever, elevated temperature, during exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The use of Darsonval is contraindicated in cases where the patient has a pacemaker, as well as under the age of 6 years, during pregnancy and lactation.

My experience using the Darsonval apparatus

Having purchased the Darsonval device, at first I didn’t particularly attach much importance to its versatile effects on the body, I was concerned about approaching aging, I didn’t want to look older than my age, and I began to use it on my face, carried out courses, all according to the attached instructions.

It’s difficult to talk about the results, because in addition to darsonvalization I also use other procedures, also facial exercises, in general, I rejuvenate as best I can. Darsonvalization of the face is carried out in courses of 10-12 procedures daily, for 10-15 minutes, a break of 2-3 months is taken, and the course is repeated. During the procedure, you can use cosmetics for better absorption and impact. I like this procedure, and I also like the fact that you don’t need to go to a beauty salon, but can perform the procedure at home.

But the time has come and my husband and I began to pay more attention to our health, namely, to travel to sanatoriums, and immediately, in the first sanatorium in Essentuki, I heard the word “Darsonval” when the doctor suggested undergoing this procedure to affect the collar area and head due to with headaches.

My use of Darsonval for headaches and hair loss

Having heard a familiar word, I refused, choosing another procedure, but decided to take a look at how such procedures are carried out in sanatoriums. I didn’t see anything special, the device looked different from mine, but the operating principle was the same.

Returning home, I pulled out my device, began to study in detail the instructions for using Darsonval: how and on what areas it can be used and realized that, one might say

There is not a single area on the human body where it cannot be used

Device structure:

Design of the Darsonval apparatus

  1. Frame;
  2. Intensity control with power switch
  3. Mushroom-shaped electrode attachment,
  4. Electrode attachment Ear
  5. Electrode attachment Comb

The first area where I began my impact on my body was, of course, the area of ​​the head and collar area. For this purpose, the device comes with a special attachment-electrode - a “comb”. To influence the collar area, I used the “Mushroom” nozzle :)

The intervention was carried out in courses: ten minutes for each area - a total of 12 courses. The sensations were pleasant, at first it was unusual, the crackling sound that the device produced was frightening, but then I got used to it and even added intensity to enhance the impact.

Impact on the collar area

At first I didn’t notice any effect, but I repeated the courses with all my persistence and didn’t notice how my blood pressure normalized and my headache stopped hurting. This inspired me and now, whenever I suspect a headache, I take out my device and begin a new course of treatment.

The results pleased me: in addition to the fact that the headaches went away and my blood pressure returned to normal, my hair loss stopped and new ones began to grow.

I received another important result from using the Darsonval apparatus when I began to use it to treat a dental disease.

The fact is that for as long as I can remember, gumboil regularly appeared in the same place on the gums - this is such an unpleasant and painful thickening that dentists could not cope with, explaining this by the fact that somewhere out of their reach In place of one of the teeth there is an unfilled gap in which bacteria develop in an environment favorable to them


I underwent physiotherapy procedures prescribed by doctors several times, everything went away for a while, and then everything returned to normal again :) And once again, feeling discomfort in my favorite gum, I decided to try the Darsonval apparatus on it. I used the “Ear” electrode attachment for this.

The exposure was carried out on the gum itself, isolating the lips and teeth from touching the electrode itself. The procedure was unpleasant, but I, knowing that the ozone produced by the device has a detrimental effect on bacteria, continued the procedure. I must say that after the fourth procedure everything went away for me and then it didn’t show up for a long time.

Now, at the first suspicion of my problem, I begin a course of intervention and everything goes away very quickly. The result means a lot to me, because the prospect of losing another tooth did not make me very happy.

special instructions

When using Darsonval for the first time against acne, the exposure time should not exceed 5 minutes. Subsequently, the duration of the session is gradually increased and brought to 10-15 minutes.

Before starting the procedure, it is imperative to remove all metal jewelry (earrings, bracelets, chains, etc.).

During the period of darsonvalization, it is necessary to refrain from using products that have a drying and irritating effect on the skin. These include acid-based drugs used in acne therapy: Baziron AS, Skinoren, Azelik, salicylic acid, etc.

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