How to give birth faster at 38 weeks of pregnancy
A woman may notice that her weight has decreased this week. No need to worry, the baby is fine. It’s just that hormonal changes have occurred in the female body. Before this, the main hormone was progesterone, which promotes fluid retention in the body. Now estrogen has taken its place, and excess fluid begins to leave the body.
From this week, the aging processes of the placenta begin: it becomes thinner and loses its plethora. Its weight is no more than 2 kg, and its diameter is about 20 cm. This in turn reduces the amount of nutrients that reach the child. At this stage, they are only enough to support the life of the fetus. From this week, the baby's weight gain and height begin to decrease.
In addition, the amount of amniotic fluid is constantly decreasing, but this is quite natural, since the child is growing and there is not enough space for him. However, there is enough fluid to continue to protect the baby.
At times, a woman may feel as if she is being shocked. This happens because the baby, moving down to the pelvis, touches the nerve trunks. The body is actively preparing for childbirth. Due to the constant influence of hormones, the pelvic bones move apart, the joints become more mobile, and the ligaments and cartilage become softer.
Signs of approaching labor
The first sign that may already appear is a drooping abdomen. The presence of nagging pain in the lower abdomen, lower back and cross is the next sign.
In addition to this, the release of the mucous plug, the leakage of amniotic fluid, all this brings you closer to the time “X”. Some women develop a fever before labor begins.
If this is a woman’s second pregnancy, then most likely she will give birth this week.
Read more about the signs of labor beginning here.
How a woman feels at 38 weeks
Women have been carrying their child under their hearts for quite a long time, so fatigue is present in almost everyone. Moreover, they experience fatigue not only physically, but also mentally.
Possible physical sensations
In the last stages, the body does not change much, but there are still some changes:
- Uterus. Today, the distance from the pubic symphysis is about 38 cm, and from the navel about 18 cm. If the uterus has not yet descended, then most likely this will happen this week. This will reduce pressure on the diaphragm and internal organs. On the other hand, pain in the pelvis and back of the legs will increase.
- Stomach. Because of this, the skin on the abdomen has become very stretched; it has become very dry and often itches. The navel became very stretched, and in some cases even turned out. But don’t worry, after giving birth everything will return to normal.
- Braxton Hicks contractions. During this period, both the strength and duration of training contractions increase. They are very similar to the real thing, but still they remain temporary. Basically, they occur when a woman moves. Read about how to distinguish training contractions from the onset of labor here.
- Stretch marks. This week, many women may experience stretch marks, even if they weren't there before. They look like red grooves that appear mainly on the stomach, thighs and chest. In this case, it is recommended to use a special cream or olive oil, which must be regularly rubbed into the skin.
- Breast. In the last stages of pregnancy, the mammary glands enlarge significantly as they prepare for future feeding and become sensitive. To prevent stretch marks from appearing, purchase a special cotton, thick bra. Many women experience colostrum this week, which in turn is a harbinger of impending birth. To prepare your breasts for future feeding, it is recommended to massage your nipples with a rough towel. Thanks to this, cracks will not appear on the nipples when feeding.
- Movements. The number of movements decreases as labor approaches and now their number ranges from 20 to 30 movements per hour. Firstly, the baby has little room for activity, and secondly, he is gaining strength to prepare for childbirth. A baby who is head down is even more limited in his movements. Many children like to take a nap at midday, so you don’t have to worry about him falling asleep. You only need to tell your doctor if you don’t feel your baby for a long time. Read about the importance of tracking your baby's movements here.
- Discharge. This week, the discharge is considered normal, as in previous periods, that is, homogeneous, cream-colored with a sour smell. Due to the opening of the uterus, the mucus plug may come out. Because of this, a certain amount of mucus may appear in the discharge: if the discharge becomes cheesy and has an unpleasant odor, be sure to consult a doctor, as this indicates the presence of an infection that needs to be gotten rid of as quickly as possible. The birth canal must be clean in order to receive the baby and not transmit any infections to him;
- If you see blood in the discharge, then call an ambulance, as this may indicate placental abruption. The main thing is to apply in time to save both your life and the life of the child;
- if the discharge becomes watery, then most likely you have leaked amniotic fluid. In this case, you also need to consult a doctor, as this opens up access to the child, that is, the chance of infection increases.
- Urine leakage. Due to the fact that the stomach has dropped, the pressure on the bladder has increased significantly. Now, when laughing, sneezing or sudden movements, premature urination may occur. In this case, it is recommended to use gaskets.
- Edema. If you do not have signs of late toxicosis, then most likely your swelling is due to an inactive lifestyle. Edema can also be affected by changes in the blood circulation.
- Painful sensations. Pain can be triggered by: imbalance in the intestines, bloating, premature birth, pancreatitis. A woman may feel pain in her legs, arms, back, abdomen, pelvis and other parts of the body.
- Loose stool. This is a certain preparatory moment for childbirth. Thus, the body is freed from everything unnecessary. When the intestines are empty, the contractile activity of the uterus increases, therefore, labor pains will occur much faster. During this time, a woman can lose up to 2 kg.
Benefits and harms
A normal pregnancy without complications does not prohibit sex. Sexual relations with your husband only have a positive effect on the health of the expectant mother and baby.
Sometimes couples refuse intimacy long before childbirth, fearing harm to the child. There is no need to worry about this. Indeed, during the process, uteroplacental blood flow increases, which will benefit the fetus.
Obstetricians' opinion
Modern doctors advise young parents to bring intimacy into their lives to stimulate the onset of labor. Sexual intimacy will bring the greatest effect when the baby is in no hurry to be born, and the woman is already overdue.
Husband therapy is useful because:
- mood improves;
- the uterus is smoothed;
- headaches go away;
- the birth process is gently stimulated;
- endorphins have a pain-relieving effect.
To speed up the results, you need to make love without a condom, since sperm contains prostaglandins that smooth the uterus.
If we talk about the dangers of sex before childbirth, then it is worth highlighting the following points:
- Discomfort or pain during intimacy is a signal that sexual intercourse needs to be stopped.
- Bloody discharge or the passage of a plug increases the woman’s risk of infection (only if the spouse has genital diseases).
Any unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse should be a reason to stop sexual activity and seek advice from a gynecologist.
Popular beliefs: does it help?
To believe in beliefs or not is everyone’s business.
But in the old days, our ancestors believed that intimacy between a man and his pregnant wife would lead to a difficult birth and injury to the child. Therefore, long before the birth, the husband did not touch his wife.
When it helps to give birth faster and easier
In order for intimate intimacy to help give birth easier and faster, the cervix must naturally gradually prepare for childbirth. As already mentioned, a man’s sperm contains special substances that accelerate the smoothing of the walls of the cervix. Therefore, if a woman exceeds the prescribed period, then it is better to start active and, most importantly, unprotected sex at the beginning of 40-41 weeks.
For everything to go smoothly, the expectant mother must want intimacy. During sexual intercourse, beware of pain, pressure on the abdomen and uncomfortable positions.
Lidia Savvina
The 40th week of your pregnancy has arrived, that very cherished PDR has arrived - the expected day of your birth, the day has passed, and labor has not begun. What should I do? Call your doctor, go to an appointment to check the readiness of the tissues and monitor the child. At your appointment, you will be given a CTG; an ultrasound or Doppler is also possible if the doctor doesn’t like something. Also, when checking in ordinary maternity hospitals, they like to massage the cervix. It happens like this: they insert a finger deeply into it and say the catchphrase: “Now your stomach may twist a little, this is normal.” In fact, they do this on purpose, because to check dilation, they do not need to insert their fingers so deeply into the cervix. This is done to induce labor, in other words, stimulation. Caution: Do not allow doctors to look at dilation until the 37th week. You will most likely be warned that if you do not give birth by a certain date, they will induce labor. How labor is induced in the maternity hospital:
- The same cervical massage described above
- Kelp sticks are inserted into the cervix. This procedure is painful
- Faley catheter. Painless
- Gel Prepidil. Harmonious!
- Opening of the amniotic sac. This can only be done in one case and after 42 weeks, because if the bladder is ruptured and contractions never occur, then this is a 100 percent caesarean section. The only case when it is necessary to burst the bladder: when the amniotic sac is flat, there is a small amount of water in front of the baby’s head and this prevents dilatation.
Every effort must be made to ensure that the baby appears naturally, only in this case he will come out when he is ready.
A few days before birth, changes such as drying out of the lungs occur in the child’s body, so it is very important that this process is started by the child themselves, and not by external manipulation. Below we will describe how to make sure that your body is harmoniously ready for childbirth, so as not to wait too long, that is, so that labor begins on time:
- From the 36th full week (that is, 36 weeks and 1 day), we begin to drink a decoction of raspberry leaves. For the decoction you need to: buy dried raspberry leaves at the pharmacy or collect and dry them in advance from your dacha. Pour 1 tablespoon of raspberry leaves into 150-200 ml of boiling water and leave under the lid for 15-20 minutes, strain and drink. From 36 weeks we drink 1 cup per day at room temperature.
- From 37 weeks we drink a decoction of raspberry leaves, 2 cups a day, already warm.
- from 38 weeks - 3 cups a day hot + add spices for mulled wine to the evening cup with raspberry leaves.
- More details about spices: take 40 grams of whole spices described below, grind them in a coffee grinder and into one of the cups, preferably in the evening, once a day, strictly from 38 weeks add 4 grams of these spices, then brew and drink hot. Necessary spices (you can just take in equal quantities, you can as I write): Cloves - 7g, Allspice - 9g, Star Anise - 12g, Cardamom - 11pcs, Cinnamon - 3pcs. Spices, like raspberries, prepare our hormonal system for childbirth. I’ll say separately about cinnamon, many have never seen real cinnamon in their lives, it’s worth buying it in sticks and grinding it yourself, what they mostly sell in our stores is cassia, not cinnamon, cassia is harmful, so read up on how to distinguish them and if if you need advice, then for real cinnamon we go to, already on the first page of their website it is clear what real cinnamon looks like, it is easy to grind in any coffee grinder and even easily broken by hand, this is exactly the kind of cinnamon that has all those wonderful properties that are described everywhere .
- from 39 weeks until birth, drink 4 cups of dried raspberries per day, also adding 4 grams of spices for mulled wine to the evening cup.
- From the 37th week, to soften the cervix, as well as eliminate and heal any wounds and scars, insert 1 candle with sea buckthorn into the vagina at night. Sea buckthorn suppositories are sold in pharmacies, they are used the same as rectally, that is, they are called for rectal use, but they are used in the vagina, the suppository will leak at night, so if possible, use natural cotton pads. Insert 10 suppositories for 10 days or if you like it before giving birth
- I personally was not entirely satisfied with the composition of pharmaceutical sea buckthorn suppositories, although it is close to natural and I found “Cream stick with sea buckthorn”, Manufacturer: Ural (republic of Bashkortostan), which contains only propolis - 100 mg, sea buckthorn extract - 200 mg , beeswax - 200 mg, cocoa butter - 1500 mg. But before inserting them, I recommend doing a skin test for allergies, since the products contain propolis and wax, spread the candle on the crook of your arm or wrist and leave overnight, the next day try it closer to the labia and leave overnight if there is no allergic reaction , then this super product is for you.
If, after checking, it turns out that the tissues are tight and the cervix has not yet shortened, then instead of artificially inducing labor, use the following tips to help the body open and speed up the process:
- Start taking Noshpa daily (it lowers blood pressure slightly, so it is not suitable for women with low blood pressure) or Spascuprel (homeopathy - suitable for everyone), starting from the 37th week.
- Every day, in the morning and at night, insert one Buscopan suppository into the cervix to the depth of a finger. They soften and relieve muscle spasms that prevent the cervix from dilating, starting from the date of your birth date.
- To soften tissues, eat 30-50 ml of vegetable oil every day: Corn, Pumpkin or Sunflower. They contain Omega-6, which promotes the production of prostaglandin, which helps accelerate cervical ripening. You should start doing this from the 30th week of pregnancy. Plus fish oil from 34 weeks, 3 grams per day. (Attention - until the 34th week, 1 gram)
- Massage the perineum with oil
- Sex without a condom. Much more pleasant, instead of inserting painful kelp sticks into the cervix. In addition, intimacy with a loved one, in darkness, warmth and calm, produces the hormone Oxytocin, which is responsible for contractions, and semen accelerates the process of cervical ripening.
- Bath, Sauna.
Can be taken from 14 weeks (70-75 degrees Celsius) until birth. After your birth date, you can prepare yourself the following cocktail in the sauna to induce labor: Drink a bottle of castor oil and wash it down with a glass of freshly squeezed juice prepared in half from lemon juice and orange juice. Steam thoroughly and drink a cocktail. This is a recipe for the especially desperate and despairing. After this, all that remains is to have passionate sex and the next morning the baby will be joyfully “cooing” in your arms (Just keep in mind that castor oil cannot be drunk once contractions have already begun.)
- If you’ve been sitting too long and nothing helps, use Buscopan suppositories, one at night, deeper in the vagina, they remove the spasm and help labor begin.
I would like to emphasize once again how important it is to choose the right doctor with whom you will give birth.
A doctor who knows his business well, but at the same time respects nature. Someone who won’t unnecessarily perform a Caesarean or induce labor earlier to be on the safe side. After reading this article, please close your eyes, tune in to your baby, you know him better than anyone else, now you are one with him. By the way, you can start agreeing with him on a specific birthday from the very conception. When the time comes, tell him that it’s time, tell him how much you are looking forward to meeting him, how much you love him, ask the baby to be born. You'll see - he won't keep you waiting. Happy meeting!
Unfortunately, complications can also appear in late pregnancy. The most dangerous of them is preeclampsia. In this condition, blood pressure rises sharply, swelling appears, and kidney function is impaired. A pregnant woman requires emergency medical care.
Placental abruption is also dangerous. This complication can occur accidentally, against the background of absolute well-being. Therefore, if you have a stomach ache or spotting at 38 weeks of pregnancy, you should immediately contact an ambulance.
Brown discharge at 38 weeks of pregnancy should also alert you. However, if they appeared after examination on the chair, then there is no need to worry. But their sudden appearance should be a reason to consult a doctor, as it may indicate problems with the placenta.
Many women experience lower back pain at 38 weeks of pregnancy. This may be due to various reasons. At this stage of pregnancy, the lower back hurts due to preparation for childbirth. But osteochondrosis or kidney disease can also manifest themselves. Therefore, a visit to the doctor is necessary.
The 38th week of pregnancy is the time when both the female body and the baby itself are preparing for a difficult moment in their lives - childbirth. It is quite possible that this significant event will happen any day now, so you need to have ready the things and documents necessary for admission to the maternity hospital.
How does the fetus develop?
While in the womb, the child not only grows - he develops, all the organs he needs for normal life in the future are formed. Only after he can leave his mother's body fully matured will the child be ready to adapt to environmental conditions. In other words, a child is born only after ontogenesis - the individual development of the organism - is completely completed.
Features of internal development
At the time of birth of a child, all vital organs - the heart, kidneys and brain - safely perform all the functions assigned to them. The lungs contain a sufficient amount of surfactant - a substance with the help of which the lungs expand and can already fully perform the functions assigned to them. Meconium accumulates in the intestines (original feces that leaves the baby’s digestive tract on the very first day after birth);
The development of the nervous system will occur after the child sees the world. But the vocal cords become noticeably stronger in the last weeks of pregnancy, which will allow the child to attract the attention of others in the first seconds of his new life. The bones of the skull also continue to harden. This is a completely normal, physiological process, but in some situations it can lead to ruptures in the birth canal of a woman in labor during the intrapartum period.
There is a weakening of the membranes of the placenta, which separate the baby from the mother’s body, as a result of which they become more permeable. This in turn causes the mother's blood to mix with the fetus' blood. In this way, he receives your antibodies, which will provide reliable protection against all microorganisms that “attack” the child in the very first minutes after his birth. It is this mechanism that allows the mother to transfer a piece of her immunity to the child.
External development
At 41 weeks, the baby becomes much more “beautiful” than just a few months ago. His body is cleansed of the original protective lubricant - it remains only in the groin area and in the armpits. The fluff disappears, but the hair continues to grow, so the birth of children with hairstyles is far from uncommon.
There is an intensive increase in body weight in the fetus. Due to the fact that he does not have enough space in the mother’s womb, the child is already much quieter and makes much fewer movements. However, despite this, the mother should still feel at least ten tremors per day.
That is, after 38 weeks the baby is completely ready to be born. All you have to do is wait a little and you will meet your baby!
Signs of impending labor in a second pregnancy
A multiparous woman is already familiar with what awaits her. The process of childbirth in the second pregnancy is much faster.
The mother does not need to wait for an appropriate interval between contractions, and if symptoms are detected, go immediately to the hospital.
These signs include:
- The waters have broken. After the mucus plug is freed, a colorless liquid in the amount of 1-2 liters will flow out of the woman.
- Frequent contractions. The uterus opens 2 times faster during repeated births.
- Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. A harbinger that anyone giving birth can have.
The symptoms do not differ from the signs of beginning labor as in the first pregnancy. But the baby will be born much faster.
During the second birth, after the uterus is fully dilated, the woman may have a newborn in her arms within a couple of minutes.
The number one enemy to an easy birth is stress. Meanwhile, at the end of pregnancy, almost every woman feels panic at the thought of contractions, especially in the case of her first pregnancy.
If you want to remove stress and ensure a quick and easy birth, relax. Watch good themed films, read books, spend time with friends and family.
These are the last moments of laziness when you can afford to sleep longer than two hours (in the beginning, every baby wakes up so often!) And this is the time when you have only yourself. Make the most of it.
Now you can also let yourself lie in the bath. Warm water helps you relax, reduce back pain and relieve muscle tension.
How to speed up the onset of labor?
There are a number of methods known to our ancestors.
Undoubtedly, having sex can speed up labor. In addition to a considerable amount of pleasure, during this process the cervix softens, which leads to its dilation. Also, bowel cleansing (using an enema) can induce labor. A similar effect can be achieved by using a small amount of a laxative, such as castor oil.
A fairly well-known method is massaging the nipples of a pregnant woman. This process causes uterine contractions. This organ becomes toned, which can trigger the onset of labor.
In addition, labor may cause increased activity. Of course, a pregnant woman will not be able to jump and run. You just need to move more, for example, go for walks, and also do as much housework as you can.
In a hospital setting, special drugs are administered intravenously to stimulate labor. But this is done in special cases, for example, with a “post-term” pregnancy, leakage of amniotic fluid or gestosis. This procedure is always carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.
Should labor be induced?
The birth of a child sometimes needs to be called if there is evidence for this. However, you should not pay attention only to the EDA (estimated date of birth), since the process depends on many other factors. If the cervix is not ripe, intensifying contractions can be dangerous for both mother and baby. Labor cannot be induced in the following cases:
- indications for cesarean section (this also applies to multiparous women who have had a previous CS);
- placenta previa;
- narrow pelvis and other body features;
- fetal hypoxia, polyhydramnios, developmental delay;
- infectious diseases of the pelvic organs;
- gestosis;
- high blood pressure;
- weak labor activity before.
Pashkova Alla Valerievna
Obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences.
Ask a Question
The decision to speed up labor is made only by the doctor after CTG, tests, ultrasound and other examination methods. This is necessary when all indicators are normal and the baby is ready for birth.