Let's do it on our own... Self-anesthesia of childbirth

Childbirth pangs seem to have been bestowed upon women since the times of the Old Testament. Much water has passed under the bridge since then, but childbirth and pain remain almost synonymous for many. Can a woman in labor fight pain on her own or is this only possible with the help of medications?

Let's start with the fact that pregnancy and childbirth are physiological, not pathological processes. Therefore, under no circumstances should they normally be accompanied by unbearable pain. Unfortunately, with the progress of science and technology, which gives a person undeniable advantages and provides him with comfort in modern life, we are moving further and further away from nature, and its laws are becoming less and less significant for us. Pain during childbirth is a completely natural phenomenon, but this pain can normally never turn into torture of a living being. This pain plays a protective role for the body. In addition, scientists have found that during the natural, physiological process of childbirth, pain ensures the normal formation of the maternal instinct. Pain relief in animal labor causes females to abandon their young more often.

Pain relief for childbirth yourself

Of course, a person is guided not only by instincts. And yet, between mother and child, in addition to the tangible connection - the umbilical cord, there is also a subconscious, psychological connection. During childbirth, not only the expectant mother experiences fear and pain, but also the newborn baby. Therefore, mother’s calm, confident voice, her help, support, the fact that during childbirth she thinks not about her pain, but about him, the child, calms him down, feels sorry for him and rejoices at his birth - all this has an invaluable effect on the baby, and on the woman helps you to endure all unpleasant sensations easier.

Relaxation is the basis of labor pain relief

The biggest and most important secret that will help a mother make childbirth as painless as possible and even get joy from the process

- this is relaxation. This skill must be acquired during pregnancy. A calm, relaxed state of the mother greatly contributes to a successful and easy birth.

All natural pain relief

work to relax a woman, give her pleasant sensations, and therefore effectively relieve pain.
During childbirth, pain can only occur during contractions
; pushing is painless. Relaxing during a contraction can significantly reduce pain, and relaxing between contractions significantly restores strength.

Let's take a closer look at all the methods that can help with this.


Visualization is working with images. A trip to the world of dreams helps you relax. Imagine some wonderful situation with your own participation. You can use a real story from the past or create one based on your dreams about the future. Draw yourself situations in which you experience the most positive emotions. Returning from positive dreams, you will find that your body is completely relaxed. This is an indispensable method for childbirth. Visualization is a very powerful tool for materializing thoughts. Use only images. You can imagine your queen as a blossoming bud releasing a bee. At each contraction, try to see and feel how the wave picks you up and carries you to its crest, then lowers you. This may not happen right away. Give part of your time to fantasies and get help... from yourself.

Especially for beremennost.net – Elena Kichak

Breathing during childbirth: diaphragmatic breathing

This is breathing with the diaphragm, when we expand our belly

, rather than raising our shoulders. This is how babies, opera singers and simply healthy people breathe. You should learn this type of breathing during pregnancy.

During childbirth, it is very effective to combine diaphragmatic breathing with relaxation of the muscles of the perineum and pelvic floor as you exhale. Don't forget to relax your facial muscles as well.

From 37 weeks, it is recommended to perform diaphragmatic relaxation breathing daily in a complex of osteopathic gymnastics

and continue to use it during childbirth. You can learn more about this in the “Guide to Preparing Parents for the Birth and Raising of a Healthy Child” and on the CD “Preparing for Natural Childbirth.”

General relaxation and diaphragmatic relaxation breathing in the second stage of labor until the midwife asks the woman in labor to actively push allows the woman to restrain the desire to push. And this provides pain relief during labor

, smooth movement of the child towards the exit, slow stretching of the perineal tissue, reducing the likelihood of ruptures.

Calm, just calm. Relaxation techniques during childbirth

An important point that determines the normal course of labor is the woman’s ability to relax. As a reliable method of natural pain relief, relaxation techniques will make childbirth easier not only for the mother, but also for the baby.

Relaxation , or relaxation, plays a big role during childbirth. It helps reduce pain during labor, helps the cervix dilate more quickly and the fetus freely passes through the birth canal. Relaxation helps a woman rest between contractions, preserving strength for the period of pushing, which requires significant physical effort. The ability to relax will be useful for a young mother in later life. After all, 10-15 minutes of complete relaxation sometimes give the same effect as several hours of sleep, and relaxation also helps you fall asleep if you have insomnia.

As you know, in the first stage of labor - during contractions - very painful sensations can occur. If a woman does not have the proper skill to reflexively (in response to pain) relax, tension in the muscles of the perineum develops, dilatation of the cervix worsens, and the blood supply to the mouse, which is in good shape, is disrupted. As a result of these processes, the pain intensifies and the vicious circle closes. Due to the tightness of the woman, the child suffers: tense muscles of the perineum, a spasmodic cervix, hypoxia (deterioration of oxygen supply due to pinched vessels and impaired blood supply to the placenta) complicate and lengthen the process of childbirth.

Conversely, relaxation relieves tension, thereby reducing pain, improving blood circulation, including blood flow in the placenta; relaxation allows the cervix to open faster, and the baby to move freely through the birth canal, being born.

Basic Rules


In order for you to be able to relax your body during childbirth and, thereby, ease the course of the birth process, you need to bring the ability to relax to a reflex, to ensure that your body completely obeys you. This can be achieved through regular relaxation exercises. There are several relaxation methods. Daily exercise requires 10-15 minutes, which can be allocated, for example, before bed. It is necessary to perform all the exercises: during childbirth you will intuitively choose the most suitable one for you. It is better to conduct training in silence (especially during the first classes) and in a comfortable position, so that nothing distracts you at first. You can gradually complicate the task, because you must be able to relax regardless of the presence of other people nearby, in an unfamiliar environment, in different positions - nothing should prevent complete relaxation. Remember: in the first stage of labor, only the uterus will work (contractions are not subject to the person’s volitional control). And you need not to interfere with muscle contraction, which ensures the dilation of the cervix. This will be the best help a mother can give to a newborn baby.

Exercise 1: method “by contradiction”

The state of complete relaxation is not familiar to us, so in order to feel relaxed muscles, you must first tense them.

Sit or lie comfortably. You can put pillows under your head or arms. You should be warm, your clothes should be loose, not constricting your body. The main thing is that your position does not cause the slightest discomfort.

Start with breathing: learning to control it helps significantly during childbirth. Breathing can help you relax, as well as control your state of relaxation and its depth. Take a calm, slow breath, then exhale the same way, relieve tension.

After this, focus your attention on your legs. First, curl your toes, feel the tension in your muscles, then relax them. Bend your feet, feel how your calf muscles tense, then relax them, feel the warmth spreading through your legs. Do the same with the arm muscles, then try to tense and relax the muscles of the pelvis and perineum, abdominal muscles, and chest muscles. Lastly, work the muscles of the neck and face. They NEED to be given special attention, because... it was found that the muscles of the lower part of the face (chin, mouth, cheeks) are reflexively connected with the muscles of the cervix. Watch your breath: you should not hold it. This exercise takes 10-15 minutes to complete.

Exercise 2: “spreading relaxation”

Start the exercise by relaxing some part of the body, for example, your arms. Feel how limp your muscles are, how warmth fills them, how heavy your hand has become. Gradually spread this feeling to other areas: shoulder girdle, chest, other arm, etc. Imagine a soft, soothing wave of relaxation slowly rolling over you until you feel a sense of relaxation throughout your entire body. Your arms and legs fill with a pleasant heaviness, you are too lazy to move them. The facial muscles are relaxed and do not tremble. Breathing is quiet, calm. Stay in this state for at least a few minutes.

You need to get out of the state of relaxation gradually, without rushing. Take a deep breath and exhale. If your eyes were closed, open them. Squeeze your fingers and toes one by one. You should be especially careful when taking a vertical position: slowly, slowly rise.

Exercise 3: “contrast relaxation”

Perhaps this is one of the main exercises. During labor, you will feel your uterus contracting and tightening during contractions. You must, rising as if on the crest of a wave, relax all other parts of the body during the contraction. Only in this case will contractions most effectively contribute to the dilation of the cervix. Otherwise, tense muscles will block the “road” for the baby being born and will significantly complicate the natural course of childbirth.

To simulate the situation of childbirth, it is necessary, against the background of tension in one part of the body, to relax all the others. For example, tense your right hand, clench it into a fist, feel how dense the muscles have become, feel the discomfort associated with prolonged tension. Then relax your entire body, keeping your right arm tense. Someone can help you by monitoring the tension and relaxation of your muscles and giving you commands. Now complicate the task: tense both arms at once, and relax the muscles of the head, neck, torso and legs. Then tense your left leg and left arm - the right half of your body should be relaxed. If your assistant feels tension in a part of the body that should be relaxed, he should say so and give the command: “Relax your left leg.” To make the task easier, you can massage the given area. Another method of relaxation is based on the effect of reflex relaxation of the desired area of ​​the body in response to a massage performed by a partner - the touch reflex. If you get into the habit of relaxing in response to your partner's touch, then light massage movements during childbirth will help to effectively relieve tension in the right areas of the body.


To achieve the main goal - relaxation - all means are good. During childbirth, it is advisable to use the most effective of them. And which relaxation methods are most suitable for you and what exactly helps you achieve the desired state of relaxation, you need to find out experimentally even during pregnancy.

Aromatherapy. The use of aromatic oils for medicinal and prophylactic purposes is now very common. In minimal concentrations, affecting the olfactory receptors, as well as in microdoses entering the body through respiration, oils of various plants can have a wide variety of effects. For relaxation, oils with a calming effect are usually used: ylang-ylang, lavender, jasmine, neroli. During childbirth, when using an aromatherapy cocktail, a cocktail of oils from these plants produces an analgesic, antispasmodic (spasm-relieving) effect.

There are some precautions to take when using aromatherapy. Before first use, it is recommended to apply a drop of oil to a paper handkerchief and smell it. The appearance of adverse symptoms (sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, redness of the eyes, skin, sore throat) may indicate an allergic reaction and individual intolerance to this oil. In this case, it cannot be used. In addition, during pregnancy the use of peppermint, chamomile, rosemary, thyme, and juniper oils is not allowed, because they can cause uterine contractions. Allergic reactions are most typical for citrus oils, rosemary, juniper, and thyme.

Meditation. Sometimes it is separated into a separate method of relaxation, called “visualization.” To help relieve tension and achieve a relaxed state, it is recommended to call on your imagination and memory for help and mentally transport yourself to some place where you feel very easy and calm.

Relaxation and positive mental images

Take advantage of every opportunity to relax during labor. Train during pregnancy by practicing Peace of Silence . During labor, start by simply telling yourself between contractions, “Relax.” Provide yourself with pleasant music or sounds of nature; dim the lights, create an atmosphere of privacy and comfort. A short prayer helps many people relax. Positive thoughts are very effective

. Think that the fight will definitely end and there will be rest.

With a contraction lasting 60 seconds, only 20 of them are the most painful. Try to determine the end of this peak - the moment from which the pain begins to decrease

At the next contraction, the onset of this moment will be a signal for you to exhale with relief and further relax the perineum
and the whole body. In addition, increasing intensity of contractions is a signal that you are getting closer to your reward - the birth of your baby.

During a contraction, exhale the air along with the pain.

. Imagine that you are packing the pieces of pain into lumps and that they are floating away from you like clouds.

After the contraction ends, take a deep breath. Then, as you exhale, try to release the accumulated tension. Don't remember the previous contraction or try to imagine the next one. Be transported to another planet - pleasant memories, pictures, images.

Think about the baby

, focus on how it moves through the birth canal.
During and between contractions, imagine rose petals opening gracefully, this will help your body open up
and release the baby.
During a contraction, tell yourself: “Don’t resist, let the baby out
It is very important not to resist the process, but to internally agree with it with all your soul. When a contraction approaches, you want to grit your teeth and shout “no,” but do the opposite, relax your mouth, smile and whisper “yes

Breathing relieves pain

Proper breathing has a distracting and pain-relieving effect.

At the beginning of the contraction, you should exhale completely through your mouth, and then inhale deeply through your nose. The ratio of the duration of inhalation and exhalation is 1:1. This is the so-called “slow, economical” breathing. Some women, especially when contractions become more frequent and intense, find it easier to breathe “like a dog” - often and shallowly. This is also acceptable, but at the beginning of the contraction it is still recommended to exhale completely and take a deep breath. At the end of the first stage of labor, when the baby's head drops down, there is a desire to push, although pushing is not yet possible. The following type of breathing helps to overcome this desire: first, as usual, a full exhalation and a deep inhale, and then - breathing “on a count” - several (usually 3-4) short inhalations and exhalations, ending with a long exhalation through lips elongated into a tube. After a long exhalation, short inhalations and exhalations are carried out again. Proper breathing helps reduce pain, save energy, and disconnect from the desire to push.

In some childbirth preparation centers, along with breathing exercises, voice gymnastics is practiced - singing various vowel sounds. This allows you to learn how to control your abdominal muscles, helps to relax the muscles during childbirth, distract you and thereby reduce pain.

Singing and sounding

Voiced slow exhalation helps to relax and removes “clamps”, which promotes faster opening

You can sing during childbirth in different ways, all options are effective. You can sing the sound “ A
” with your mouth open.
The sound is open and loud. You can hum
through closed lips using the closed sound “M”.
In this case, the sensation in the body resembles vibration
You can make low, drawn-out moans, or even growl
- such “deep” sounds are very helpful.
Be sure to keep your face, lips, and throat area relaxed

Knowledge is power!

Currently, many maternity hospitals and antenatal clinics offer childbirth preparation courses. During the classes, future mothers and fathers will consistently learn the features of the course of all periods of labor: contractions and dilatation of the cervix, expulsion of the fetus (full dilatation, pushing), discharge of the placenta; are taught correct behavior in each period, breathing, position, methods of monitoring their condition, methods of self-anesthesia. At the same time, the future parents choose a maternity hospital, decide on the presence of the father or one of their relatives at the birth, etc.

To achieve maximum emotional comfort, modern maternity hospitals are equipped with wards that, with excellent technical equipment and the necessary medical equipment, maintain comfort, bringing the atmosphere closer to home. For psychological support of the woman in labor, the presence of her husband, other relatives, and personal assistants is allowed. They calm the woman down, help her focus on her sensations, breathe correctly, facilitating the natural birth of a child, provide the necessary assistance, provide pain-relieving massage, etc. The practice of placing the baby on the mother’s stomach immediately after birth and early breastfeeding is becoming increasingly widespread, which contributes to a quick, painless and normal course of the third stage of labor and the timely establishment of lactation.

Some maternity hospitals have developed methods of alternative childbirth (using water, standing, squatting, etc.). Alternative methods have their supporters and opponents, but in the case of each pregnancy the decision must be made individually, taking into account all contraindications that can result in severe complications during childbirth.

If the father of the child wants to be present at the birth, in addition, has been trained in prenatal courses and knows how to help a woman giving birth, then his presence, assistance and feasible participation can be very useful. The husband can massage his wife in labor, serve as a support when choosing the most successful position during contractions, support and encourage the woman in labor.

Massage techniques With your palms on your stomach (it is more convenient for your husband or assistant to be at the back), your fingers make stroking movements from the center to the sides, as well as in a circle and from side to side. Then they stroke and rub the lower back with circular movements. Kneading and pressing in the lateral corners of the lumbar rhombus (the dimples above the buttocks) also has an analgesic effect. In the same area, you can massage the skin with fairly intense circular movements. Pressing the skin with your thumbs in the area of ​​the anterior iliac spines (pelvic bones palpable in the inferolateral abdomen) can also be effective This method is somewhat similar to acupressure - pressing on active points on the skin, which has an analgesic effect. You can massage a point located on the back of the hand in the depression where the metacarpal bones of the thumb and index finger meet. In order to find it, you should spread your fingers as far apart as possible: under the well-contoured tendon of the thumb, the desired depression is determined. An effective massage is a point located on the inside of the shin , 4 fingers above the inner ankle. Massaging the last points speeds up the process of dilation of the cervix.

Touch and massage during childbirth

During different periods of labor, your attitude towards touch and massage may change - you just liked them, but after a few minutes they are already annoying and distracting. But in any case, your assistants should master the techniques of pain-relieving massage:

  • massage with the pads of the thumbs the pits of the lumbar
    and sacrum areas;
  • light facial
    with fingers;
  • massage of the projection point of the uterus
    on the palm (between the bases of the third and ring fingers);
  • stroking the back of the fingers up along the spine
    and down the sides;
  • rolling
    the fists on both sides of the sacrum, in the area of ​​the center of the buttocks, in the area of ​​the iliac crests;
  • placing palms on the lumbar
    and sacrum area crosswise;
  • opening
    ” the pelvis with the palms - two palms on either side of the spine in the lower back, then we spread the bases of the palms outward, sliding over the skin;
  • pressing
    the “cups” of the palms on the pits and warming them up, massaging the iliac crests with the palms;
  • pressing on the sacrum
    - place the palm of one hand on the other and press on the sacrum, gradually increasing the force by five counts, and also gradually loosening the pressure by five counts. This technique will help with strong contractions;
  • sawing
    - while inhaling - from top to bottom, rub the lower back and sacrum in a zigzag manner with the edge of your palm, while exhaling - from bottom to top;
  • kneading
    hands and feet; large muscles of the shoulder, thigh, buttocks, legs;
  • stroking
    the back and thighs for better relaxation.

More information about pain-relieving massage techniques

you can read in a separate article. To help you, massage techniques, along with birthing positions and partner support, are clearly shown in the video guide “Preparing for Natural Childbirth.”

Non-medical ways to relieve pain

  • Relaxation techniques Childbirth educators, nurses and women who have used this approach recommend it primarily as a noninvasive way to reduce muscle tension and pain during labor. Progressive body relaxation—a mental “walk” through your body to relieve tension—is something you can learn ahead of time and practice before and during labor.
  • Massage Ask your partner to massage your arms, legs or back during labor to help you relax and reduce tension and pain.
  • Swaying After the rupture of amniotic fluid, sitting is not allowed; it is only permissible to sit on a duck or a toilet seat. During contractions, you can try gently rocking back and forth, breathing and relaxing.
  • Walking Walking, even just along your bed, reduces discomfort and at the same time helps make contractions stronger and more regular.
  • Changing body position Do not stay in the same position for more than an hour, and do not lie on your back. Instead, try sitting up in a bunk or chair, lying on your side, squatting, rocking on a birthing ball, or leaning forward over the back of a chair or bed. You can lie on your back only if you do not experience dizziness (they can arise from compression of the abdominal aorta by the pregnant uterus) and if it is comfortable for you.
  • Hydrotherapy Try sitting in the shower with the massage jets directed at your back, or soaking in a jacuzzi. Not all birth centers or hospitals have bathtubs or showers in their rooms, so if you want to use this relaxation method during labor, think ahead and choose a facility that does.
  • Applying Heat or Cold A heating pad or ice pack applied to your back can relieve muscle tension, improve circulation, and relieve pain.
  • Breathing techniques Special breathing techniques will help you relax and take your mind off the pain during contractions. During childbirth, three techniques are used sequentially (slow breathing, light breathing and alternating breathing).
  • Music Find out in advance at the maternity hospital whether you can take a phone or player with you to the maternity unit. If yes, then take it and listen to your favorite relaxing music on headphones.

Much of the above is taught in childbirth preparation courses.

Birth positions and movement (read more...)

During childbirth you need to move, take different positions, special birth positions. The worst thing you can do is just lie there. The complex of osteopathic gymnastics for pregnant women consists of birth positions. Having mastered it during pregnancy, you will make childbirth easier for yourself. After all, it will be easy and comfortable for the body to take familiar poses that will facilitate the opening of the pelvis

and child advancement.

Freedom of movement during childbirth

- the right of a woman in labor. In modern Russian maternity hospitals, women giving birth are often asked to simply lie down with contractions. Choose a maternity hospital for natural childbirth, taking into account the capabilities and rules of the particular maternity hospital. Read more about the criteria for choosing a maternity hospital for partner natural childbirth in this article.

Relaxation techniques

  1. Contrast technique.
    Ideal for those women who do not know how to properly relax the body. In this case, relaxation is compared to intense tension. And the best way to help in this situation is muscle tension, which will occur completely consciously. When a woman begins to perform the contrast technique, she should take a comfortable position lying or sitting. You need to take turns straining different parts of the body with all your might (legs, arms, lips), and then very sharply relax so that the body feels this relaxation. You need to be in a tense state for about 10-30 seconds. Depending on the woman’s physical fitness. When a woman learns to completely relax her facial muscles, we can guarantee that she will be able to relax the rest of her body.
  2. Gradual relaxation.
    This technique is perfect for those people who have no problems with imagination. In order to achieve success, you need to relax a specific part of the body and begin to spread this relaxation throughout the rest of the body. In most cases, experts recommend starting from the toes and gradually moving up.

Aromatherapy (read more...)

This is also a recognized natural remedy for pain relief during childbirth, promoting relaxation of the woman in labor and an easy, harmonious birth. of lavender and verbena are especially effective during childbirth.


When choosing essential oils, pay special attention to their quality. As a rule, cheap oils are diluted with synthetic substitutes, which means they have less effect. Essential oils can be used in different ways: in an aroma lamp, aroma pendant, or by adding a couple of drops to massage oil

or a bath.


It is worth keeping in mind that homeopathic preparations should be used separately from essential oils, since essential oils can neutralize
the effect of homeopathic remedies.

Choose the methods that you like for your birth

As you can see, there are quite a few ways to make your childbirth less painful, easier and more harmonious. Natural childbirth without pain

- this is reality! You can combine natural pain relief methods as you wish, use them all, or only those that you like. Think over your birth, draw up a detailed plan, and discuss it in every detail with your assistants and maternity hospital staff.

And when the big day arrives, remember to completely relax

, let go of all worries, achieve complete peace of mind. Your assistants must also be absolutely calm. Then the hard work of giving birth to a child will be remembered as the most joyful experience in your life, and your happy meeting with your baby will be a well-deserved reward for your efforts.

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