What should be the normal discharge after childbirth?

Every woman eagerly awaits the birth of her baby. In each case, the birth process takes place differently: the fetus passes naturally through the birth canal (with or without ruptures) or the child can be born with the help of doctors performing a caesarean section. But regardless of the course and result of the process, representatives of the fairer sex experience discharge after childbirth. How long they last, the color, the smell - the article will tell you everything. You will learn about the signs of pathologies that occur in women after giving birth.

What is postpartum discharge?

The final stage of the birth process is the separation of the placenta or baby's place. This happens almost immediately after the baby is removed and the umbilical cord is cut. The place from which the placenta separated remains a wound surface, which, accordingly, begins to bleed.

Postpartum discharge is called lochia. They have a slightly different nature of origin than regular menstruation. The duration of lochia also differs from menstruation. While in the maternity hospital, specialists examine women daily. Attention is paid to the color and consistency of the discharge, as well as the presence or absence of an unpleasant odor.

Immediately after birth

What kind of discharge should there be in the first hours after childbirth? Immediately after the placenta is removed, the woman begins to actively contract the uterus. To enhance the effect, obstetricians apply the baby to the breast. Sucking movements and stimulation of the nipples contribute to the compression of the organ.

After giving birth, the woman remains in the maternity ward for several hours. A heating pad with ice and a press are placed on her stomach. This is necessary to prevent severe bleeding. The volume of blood coming out should not exceed 500 milliliters. The discharge during this period of time has a pronounced bloody character with an admixture of mucus and clots. This is how the remains of the placenta and membranes that were not removed come out.

discharge after childbirth how long does it last types of normal

What type of discharge occurs after childbirth?

Lochia consists of blood cells, ichor, plasma, scraps of the lining of the uterus (dying epithelium) and mucus from the cervical canal, so you will notice mucus and clots in them, especially in the first days after childbirth. When pressing on the abdomen, as well as during movement, the discharge of wound contents may increase. Keep this in mind, if you want to get out of bed, you will immediately gush. Therefore, we recommend that you first place a diaper under your feet.

Lochia will constantly change its character. At first they resemble menstrual discharge, only much more abundant. This is good because the uterine cavity is being cleansed of wound contents. After just a few days, the lochia will become slightly darker in color and less in number. In the second week, the discharge will be brownish-yellow and acquire a mucous consistency, and after the third week it will be yellowish-white. But blood impurities can be observed for a whole month after childbirth - this is normal.

The smell of discharge in the first hours

What should the smell of discharge after childbirth be like? In the first hours, a woman may feel a stench. This is largely facilitated by the influence of hormonal levels, because after the baby is removed, active production of oxytocin and prolactin begins. Therefore, the new mother becomes more sensitive.

There is no need to worry about such discharge. Until you are transferred to the postpartum ward, doctors carry out careful monitoring. If anything goes wrong, doctors will definitely take action. But in most cases, the discharge is normal, and the woman ends up in her room 2-3 hours after a natural birth without complications.

The first few days

Many women wonder: what is discharge after pregnancy, what should it be like? During the first few days after the birth of the child, intensive discharge of lochia is observed. During this period, the woman’s birth canal is open, so regular hygiene procedures must be carried out to avoid infection. If infection occurs, the woman will definitely notice it. You can find out below what discharge is abnormal after childbirth.

Lochia in the first 5–7 days has a rich red or burgundy hue. They are quite thick and there is an admixture of mucus. Some women find lumps or clots. This is also the norm. During the first week of breastfeeding, the mother may feel slight pain in the lower abdomen. These sensations vaguely resemble contractions. Thus, contraction of the uterus occurs - this is the norm.

To improve the release of lochia, doctors recommend lying on your stomach more often during the first days. Wearing a postpartum bandage is also encouraged. The device effectively supports the abdominal wall and prevents the uterus from bending and trapping blood.

how much discharge there is after childbirth and what kind of discharge should be


When thinking about how long discharge lasts after childbirth, it is worth noting that the process of cleansing the body can be accelerated by following these recommendations:

  • you need to give the baby breastfeeding on demand (if there is no milk, the doctor can prescribe oxytocin to the woman);
  • you need to regularly empty your bladder (every 3 hours) and bowels (at least once a day);
  • It is better to sleep and lie on your stomach;
  • Once a day, you can apply a cold heating pad to your lower abdomen.

All these actions stimulate contraction of the uterus, causing rapid discharge of discharge after childbirth and helping to restore the genitourinary system.

After discharge: first days at home

What color should the discharge be after giving birth in a week? Immediately upon arrival home, a woman may notice a change in the nature of the discharge. One week has already passed since giving birth. The bleeding wound that was in place of the placenta is gradually healing. The uterus returns to normal size, but still extends beyond the pelvis.

In the second week, there are fewer lochia. They gradually lighten, and there is no longer that intense red color. There is also a gradual thinning of the mucus. If in the maternity hospital a new mother had to change the pad every 2 hours, now a disposable hygiene product lasts for 4-5 hours. If personal hygiene is observed, the discharge does not have an unpleasant odor.

how long does discharge after childbirth last color smell

Color of natural lochia after childbirth

Based on the characteristics of the discharge after childbirth, the condition of the woman’s genitourinary system is judged. If the delivery went well, then the suckers will have the following shade:

  • Bright red. This secret has the smell of fresh blood. The presence of clots and particles of epithelium is allowed. In this case, the content of red blood cells is responsible for the brightness of the shade.
  • Pink-brown. They are observed on the 4th day after delivery. The concentration of erythrocytes in the secretion decreases, and the content of leukocytes increases. There is a musty aroma.
  • Yellow - white. The separation of such lochia is observed 10 days after the birth. The secretion is quite liquid and does not smell of anything. After five weeks, the blood impurities disappear, leaving only mucus. After this the suckers will stop.

Postpartum discharge occurs against the background of pain in the lower abdomen. The attacks are similar to contractions. If a girl is giving birth for the second time, the pain can be quite severe.

Do not begin sexual activity until the discharge stops. This can provoke the development of serious complications.

By the end of the month

Many people are interested: by the end of the fourth week, what kind of discharge should there be? After childbirth, lochia continues for quite a long time. It would seem that a whole month has already passed, and the discharge does not end. This is fine. It’s worse if the lochia stops after two weeks or even earlier.

During this period, a woman can use thin sanitary pads. The volume of discharge continues to decrease. They lighten, approaching the red color. The uterus has almost completely returned to its normal size. The woman does not feel pronounced contractions or pain. By the end of the first month, the discharge has no odor. The birth canal has completely closed, but, as before, regular personal hygiene must be maintained.

How long do lochia last after childbirth?

The heaviest discharge occurs on the first day. Try not to panic if the bleeding seems to increase when you go home. Simply walking or running for a long time can increase blood flow. If the pad becomes completely wet within an hour, you should lie down and rest. If bleeding continues at the same rate for an hour or more, or if you observe larger clots, then it is extremely important to immediately consult a gynecologist, and if there is heavy bleeding, call an ambulance.

How long do lochia last after the second birth, should it really be shorter? Based on observations and reviews from mothers, after the second or subsequent births, the amount and duration of discharge does not change.

Other signs requiring medical attention:

• discharge remains red for more than 7 days after birth;

• there is an unpleasant putrid odor;

• you have symptoms of fever or chills.

End of period

How long does the discharge last after childbirth and what kind of discharge should there be? It is quite difficult to answer this question immediately and unambiguously. Much depends on the woman herself: her individual characteristics, the course of labor, her physical and emotional state.

Lochia usually lasts for 6–8 weeks. But normally they can end within 4-5 weeks after the birth of the child. In the last 7–10 days, the discharge becomes brown or yellowish in color and has a mucous consistency. They do not have any odor if hygiene products are changed in a timely manner. After just a few days, lochia completely takes on the appearance of transparent mucus, which turns into normal, natural discharge corresponding to the day of the menstrual cycle.

How long does the discharge last after childbirth?

Lochia begins to be released from the moment the placenta is rejected and normally will last an average of 6-8 weeks. The intensity of postpartum discharge will decrease over time, and lochia will gradually lighten and disappear. This period is not the same for everyone, as it depends on many different factors:

  • intensity of uterine contraction;
  • physiological characteristics of the female body (its ability for rapid postpartum recovery);
  • the course of pregnancy;
  • progress of labor;
  • the presence or absence of postpartum complications (in particular inflammation of an infectious nature);
  • method of delivery (with a caesarean section, lochia may last a little longer than with a physiological birth);
  • breastfeeding (the more often a woman puts her baby to her breast, the more intensely the uterus contracts and cleanses).

But in general, on average, discharge after childbirth lasts one and a half months: this period is just enough to restore the mucous epithelium of the uterus. If the lochia ends much earlier or does not stop much longer, then the woman needs to see a doctor.

Caesarean section: features of postpartum discharge

What kind of discharge should there be after a birth performed by caesarean section? Doctors say that the way the baby is born does not in any way affect the nature of the lochia. But after a cesarean section, the blood volume may increase, as the vessels of the uterus are injured. That is why, after such an operation, a woman and her baby are discharged only for 7–10 days.

After a caesarean section, a new mother needs to especially carefully monitor her well-being and discharge. This group of women is more likely to develop complications and pathologies. If you are concerned about the color or consistency of the lochia, or are concerned about their volume, talk to your doctor during your daily check-up.

what should the discharge be like after childbirth?

Discharge after childbirth: how long does it last, normal, signs of pathology, prevention of complications

Postpartum discharge due to pathology

Many women are interested in how long does spotting last after childbirth, and in what cases are they a sign of pathology? One of the most common complications is increased bleeding in the first few weeks after the baby is born. There are early and late bleeding. The first develops within a couple of hours after delivery. The second can be observed up to forty-two days after the birth of the baby. Causes of pathology:

  • Decreased uterine tone or its complete absence. In this case, severe bleeding develops immediately after birth and can be fatal.
  • Violation of the separation of the placenta, when particles of the placenta remain in the uterine cavity.
  • Injuries of the birth canal. Often during childbirth there is a violation of the integrity of the vagina, uterus or cervix. This happens spontaneously during the expulsion of the fetus or as a result of medical manipulations.
  • Blood diseases that interfere with blood clotting.

Normally, heavy bleeding continues up to seven days after birth. If bleeding does not stop after this period, you should consult a doctor.

Pathological bleeding can be sharp and wavy. In the first case, it is quite abundant from the very beginning. Blood flows in a stream. In the second, the bleeding either subsides or intensifies. In both cases, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

Women often experience an increase or decrease in the duration of postpartum lochia. In the first case, discharge with blood continues for more than one and a half months. This phenomenon may be a sign of weakness of the uterus and a decrease in its contractile function. In the second, the bleeding is scanty and ends earlier than expected. This symptom is observed when there is spasm of the cervix, the presence of a blood clot that prevents the passage of blood, or a violation of the separation of the placenta. Both cases are pathological and require therapeutic measures.

Sometimes lochia changes color. Normally, the discharge observed in the first days after childbirth is bright scarlet. After a couple of weeks they turn yellow or brown. After 3 weeks they become pale yellow.

Sometimes lochia may be dark, almost black in color. This phenomenon is normal if other symptoms are not associated: unpleasant odor, abdominal pain, fever. Darkening of the discharge may be the result of postpartum hormonal changes in the body of a young mother.

You should be concerned if the discharge turns yellow-green, which could be a symptom of endometritis.

This is an inflammatory process in the lining of the uterus or its muscular layer. Postpartum endometritis can be observed both during the birth of a child naturally and during a cesarean section. The causes of the disease are hormonal changes and decreased immunity. Symptoms:

  • Yellow-green discharge with an unpleasant odor.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Pain when urinating.
  • Chills.

If such symptoms are detected, it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist, since advanced pathology can lead to serious consequences, including the transition of the disease to a chronic form.

Sometimes postpartum discharge becomes thick, white, and takes on the appearance of a curd mass. This is a symptom of candidiasis, or thrush. The pathology is quite often observed after childbirth and is associated with disturbances of the vaginal microflora. The disease occurs as a result of decreased immunity. Symptoms:

  • thick leucorrhoea with a cheesy consistency;
  • itching, burning and other unpleasant sensations in the external genital area;
  • redness of the vaginal mucosa.

Many women are concerned about blood from the anus that appears after childbirth. This phenomenon may be a symptom of hemorrhoids. The disease often develops due to constipation, which is observed in expectant mothers during pregnancy. Often accompanying symptoms are pain and a feeling of incomplete emptying during bowel movements. The disease is very dangerous, as in advanced cases it can lead to cancer.

Blood from the anus worries a woman after childbirth and when a fissure forms in the anus. This often happens during labor. In this case, blood discharge is extremely scanty. You can only see them on toilet paper. Bleeding from the anus is accompanied by unpleasant sensations during bowel movements.

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Pathological process

You already know what the discharge should be like after childbirth, but it wouldn’t hurt to find out everything about the pathological processes of this period.

  • If there is a premature cessation of lochia, then this indicates the presence of interference. There may be a large clot in the uterus that is blocking the release of mucus. The uterus may also become kinked, causing blood to accumulate in the fundus. In the presence of a septum, adhesions or neoplasms, such cases are more common.
  • Excessive mucous secretion may indicate uterine perforation or poor blood clotting. This phenomenon can be life-threatening and therefore requires timely intervention. Any damage or rupture of the birth canal must be repaired immediately.
  • The appearance of curdled clots and a sour smell indicates thrush. This phenomenon is often encountered by women who have recently given birth. Candidiasis is not particularly dangerous, but it brings a lot of unpleasant sensations. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out appropriate therapy.
  • Inflammatory processes often occur in women giving birth. What kind of discharge should there be after childbirth in such a situation? The mucus takes on a cloudy hue. In the final stages, purulent inclusions can be detected. The woman also notes the presence of an unpleasant odor, itching or pain.

All pathological processes must be eliminated immediately. Some of them require drug treatment, others require surgical treatment. If you are concerned about unusual discharge: very scanty or, on the contrary, abundant, with an unpleasant odor and color, contact your gynecologist. You should call a doctor immediately if you experience weakness, fainting, increased body temperature, or low blood pressure.

what kind of discharge should there be after childbirth

Quality of bleeding

To assess the progress of recovery of a woman’s internal organs, doctors use a number of characteristics of postpartum processes. Taking into account how long the discharge lasts after childbirth is just one of the indicators. Others include the appearance of the bleeding and its smell. Together, they make it possible to determine the normal discharge rate after childbirth and possible deviations.


The recovery period determines the normal composition of secretion:

  • 1-3 days: blood;
  • Week 2: blood clots, mucus is allowed;
  • end of 1 month – blood smears.

Purulent fluids at any time indicate an internal infection.

The appearance of clots and mucus in the first days after childbirth.

Transparent discharge, approaching the consistency of water.


  • 1-3 days: scarlet currents;
  • after 3 weeks, brown flows begin (the blood coagulates, the wound heals);
  • By the end of the restoration of the uterus, secretion fluids become transparent, light pink or with a yellowish tint.

The bright yellow and greenish color of the currents signals inflammation. An obvious green color indicates an advanced form of endometritis and suggests immediate consultation with a doctor.


The smell of blood in the initial stage of secretion is normal. After the third week it takes on a slight mustiness, which again is ok.

Discharge after childbirth with an unpleasant odor is a signal of inflammation! The characteristic smell of rot indicates an inflammatory process. Sour - about a possible fungal disease. If such bleeding is accompanied by deviations in color, an examination by a gynecologist is mandatory.

It is important to remember several subtleties of diagnosing discharge.

  • Dangerous bleeding is accompanied by general malaise and dizziness. The temperature reaches 38 degrees Celsius. There is a pulsating heaviness in the lower abdomen. It is important to listen to your body and monitor how you feel.
  • Redness of the vaginal mucosa along with a “cottage cheese” discharge indicates thrush. This is not uncommon when recovering from childbirth, but it is still better to consult a doctor for treatment.
  • Dark secretions look scarier than they actually are. At the end of 3-4 months, black-brown or black flows are normal.

Number of allocations

The amount of bleeding after childbirth can also be used to judge women's health. What should the discharge be like after childbirth - intense or weak? The strength of secretion varies depending on the period. So, in the first few weeks the normal intensity is one, and as time passes it is another. The amount of liquid released is indicated by the fullness of special sanitary pads for young mothers.

Normal secretion strength:

  • in the first two weeks after birth the flow is very profuse;
  • the course becomes more sparse after 2-3 weeks;
  • at the end of the recovery process (week 8-9), the discharge is only smears. For hygiene, you no longer need special postpartum pads with maximum absorbency.

Deviation from the above diagram is a signal of disease. If bleeding in the first days is not intense, the cause may be a congestion or blood clot that prevents the release of contamination.

The reverse situation is also dangerous: heavy bleeding ends by the end of 2 weeks. If this does not happen and large amounts of fluid continue to be released by the third week, the patient may have poor blood clotting.

In both extreme cases, an urgent visit to the doctor is necessary.

Drawing conclusions

Every woman experiences discharge after childbirth. How long it takes, types, norm and pathology are described for you in the article. Doctors recommend using special sterile pads for women in labor in the first days. During the entire period of presence of lochia, it is forbidden to use tampons, since these hygiene products can cause infection. Maintain hygienic conditions after childbirth, monitor your well-being and the amount of discharge.

After the end of lochia, the discharge becomes habitual. Subsequent menstruation can begin either a month later or after the cessation of lactation. Be sure to check with your gynecologist what kind of discharge you should have after childbirth before the baby arrives. Good luck to you and have an easy birth!

Lochia species

Depending on the color, lochia can be of three types:

1. Red lochia after childbirth. How long does this type of discharge last? They last for the first 4-5 days after birth and are red in color - hence the term. They consist mainly of blood, pieces of membranes, decidua, meconium and cervical mucosa.

2. After red lochia, serous ones appear. The initial discharge gradually changes color to brown and then turns yellow over about a week. Serous lochia contains fewer red blood cells, but more leukocytes, separated from the developing endometrium and mucus from the cervix.

3. Lochia alba, or white lochia, is a whitish, cloudy fluid that is discharged from the vagina for about 1-2 weeks. These secretions mainly consist of decidual cells, mucus, leukocytes and epithelial cells, cholesterol, and fat.

How long does lochia last after childbirth?

How long does lochia last after childbirth? The duration of this period can be from 4 to 8 weeks, but on average it is most often 42 days.

The number of lochia may vary. For some women, painful contractions of the uterus can lead to heavy bleeding with clots, which reduces the healing process.

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