Exercises after childbirth: gymnastics for a young mother

A woman’s figure after giving birth to a child is far from perfect. For nine months the baby grew in the womb. And his belly grew with him. And if the expectant mother allowed herself excesses during pregnancy in the form of sweets, ate a lot and moved little, or this is not her first pregnancy, then it will be more difficult to return to girlhood. But nothing is impossible, and exercise after childbirth will help you achieve this goal.

It is important for us women to please both men, friends, and ourselves. Agree, it’s nice when men look at us with admiring glances. It's nice to look at yourself in the mirror, admiring a toned, slender body without unnecessary folds. It's nice to wear tight clothes and not be afraid of unsightly folds on the sides.

All this is not only pleasant, but also important for health. Excess weight has a bad effect on our mood, greatly reduces life expectancy, interferes with an active lifestyle, and worsens the condition of the cardiovascular system and joints. As a result, stress and guilt develop, which we try to eat up with something tasty. Vicious circle.

But don’t despair, exercises for moms, proper nutrition and healthy motivation will lead us to the desired result.

When can I start classes?

After the baby is born, every woman strives to return her figure to its previous shape as quickly as possible.
However, experts do not recommend rushing too much. In the first months, it is better to limit yourself to light exercise, and only if you have no contraindications. A few days after the birth of the baby, if the birth took place without complications, the mother can begin to do the first set of exercises after childbirth to retract the abdomen and quickly contract the uterus.

Later, after 2-3 months, you can do more complex exercises after childbirth to load all muscle groups.

Star complexes for recovery after childbirth

Video complexes of classes from famous fitness trainers and world stars are very popular. Thanks to such programs, classes at home are more active and effective.

Cindy Crawford Complex “New Dimension”

The body restoration system is designed specifically for young mothers and is based on gentle exercises. There are three parts of the program in total.

Complex A lasts 10 minutes, focuses on stretching, and takes place at a calm pace. The exercises are relevant for those who gave birth a week ago. It is advisable to do them for up to a month. If it is necessary to increase the load, it is allowed to repeat the exercises twice in one session.

Video: “New Dimension” by Cindy Crawford, Complex A

The second part is complex B. It takes 15 minutes and involves more intense exercises - moderate cardio and strength training. It is necessary to practice this part every day for a month; it can be combined with exercises from the previous part of the program.

Video: “New Dimension” by Cindy Crawford, Complex B

The last part, complex C, is the most difficult. You can start it no earlier than two months after the birth of the baby, and practice until the desired forms are achieved.

First exercises

The very first exercises include Kegel exercises, breathing exercises, back exercises and chest exercises.

Breathing exercise

  • While still in the maternity hospital, if your birth was natural and uncomplicated, you need to start training your abdominal muscles. Conventional abdominal exercises, of course, are not suitable for women in labor, but breathing exercises can be an excellent option for quickly regaining your figure. To do this, you need to lie on your back, bend your legs and place them on the bed, on your full foot. Take a deep breath through your nose, sucking in your stomach. Hold your breath for 3–5 seconds. Exhale sharply through your mouth, inflating your stomach, and also hold your breath. Relax, rest. You need to start this kind of gymnastics with 5-6 repetitions, increasing the number of exercises every day.
  • After you have mastered the first exercise and it has become too simple for you, you can introduce the next element of exercise. Now, when inhaling, you need to not only pull in your stomach, but also lift your buttocks. Make sure that your lower back does not lift off the surface. Start introducing new elements gradually, with 2-5 exercises. Every day, increase the number of exercises by 1-2.

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How to tighten a sagging belly and loose skin after childbirth

Kegel exercises

This gymnastics after childbirth allows you not only to tighten your figure, but also to restore tone to the muscles of the pelvis and vagina, which is very important for a woman’s health.

Flaccid muscles in this area can cause conditions such as urinary incontinence or uterine prolapse.

Weak vaginal muscles can also lead to loss of sexual desire and satisfaction, and this is a sure path to sexual discord between spouses.

  • For those who are not familiar with this complex, you need to start training with the simplest exercise. In any place and in any position, squeeze the vaginal muscles and hold in this position for 3-5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 20–30 times. You need to perform 8-10 approaches per day. In order to understand which muscles need to be squeezed, do a short test. When going to the toilet, try to stop urinating and then continue. During the test, you will clearly feel how to perform this exercise correctly.
  • More advanced women can perform more difficult exercises. One of the most effective is the “ladder” exercise. To perform this exercise, you need to control the vaginal muscles well enough. Tighten the lower part of the muscles first, then the middle and finally the upper. It's like you're climbing stairs. Hold the contraction for a few seconds, and then relax the muscles in the reverse order.

Chest exercise

Exercises for the chest can be done at any free minute. Exercise will help you maintain breast shape after you stop breastfeeding. These exercises can be started immediately after giving birth.

  • Sit up straight and watch your posture. Clasp your arms in front of your chest, elbows pointing out to the sides. Squeeze your hands forcefully. At the peak of the force, hold for a few minutes and loosen the lock. Repeat the exercise 10–20 times.
  • Wall push-ups. This exercise is very simple to do and does not take much time. Stand facing the wall and lean your hands on it. Hands should be shoulder-width apart. Push up, making sure your elbows are pointing down. Push-ups can be performed during the day at any free moment.

Exercise for the back

For women who were involved in fitness before pregnancy, you can perform exercises such as twisting or super twisting, and for those who are not familiar with such exercises, they can be replaced by turning the body in different directions, bending over and squats. The load on the back must be selected especially carefully.

It is better to start with basic exercises to avoid straining your back muscles.

Later, when you have fully recovered from childbirth, you can choose an individual training schedule for yourself. You can do fitness, yoga, jogging or go to the gym.

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Yoga classes after childbirth to restore the body

How to remove belly fat

Removing belly fat after childbirth at home is not that difficult. You just need to do abdominal exercises regularly.

Do not forget that if you have diastasis after childbirth, you cannot perform some exercises and it is very advisable to wear a bandage, especially when carrying a baby and lifting weights.

You should not treat diastasis as a cosmetic defect. If your abdominal muscles are weakened, this can lead to health problems:

  • pain in the lower back and abdomen;
  • indigestion, constipation;
  • hernias.

If you have diastasis after childbirth, you should not strain your abs too much. Therefore you cannot do:

  • almost all abdominal exercises;
  • planks;
  • fitball exercises;
  • yoga poses aimed at stretching the abdominal muscles;
  • various twists.

You can get rid of grade 1 and 2 diastasis with abdominal exercises after childbirth. With the second degree of muscle divergence, it is better to exercise in a bandage. Watch your breathing, no need to inflate your stomach too much.

Exercises allowed for diastasis:

  1. lifting the pelvis from a supine position;
  2. wall squats with a ball between the knees to an angle of 90°;
  3. abdominal retraction;
  4. alternately pulling the feet towards the buttocks from a lying position.

Well, if the problem of diastasis does not exist, then exercises for the abdomen after childbirth will help us:

  1. body twisting;
  2. planks;
  3. classic abdominal exercises with leg or body lifts;
  4. wall squats;
  5. pelvic lifts.

It is best to train different muscle groups, starting with warm-up and stretching. It is believed that fat begins to burn only 15–20 minutes after the start of exercise. Take this time to warm up. 2-3 workouts a week for 40 minutes will help you get a good figure.

In addition to physical exercise, you can do abdominal wraps, massage, and take a contrast shower. These procedures will help tighten sagging skin and rid the body of excess fluid.

What you need to know

When you decide to take care of your figure, after giving birth you need to understand that exercise should be conscious and enjoyable. Only in this case will training bring not only benefits, but also real pleasure.

In order to achieve maximum results, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Choose a specific time for daily activities when you can devote 30-40 minutes to this activity without being distracted by other things.
  2. Exercise in a ventilated room or in the fresh air.
  3. Take your time, do all exercises slowly and consciously.
  4. Do not try to immediately start heavy loads; you need to increase the intensity gradually and smoothly.
  5. Breathe correctly, freely and easily.

And if the goal is to lose weight, it is important not to forget about proper nutrition

Don't forget about your diet. In combination with physical activity, proper nutrition will help in losing weight after childbirth.

The following rules apply here:

  • you need to eat 5-6 times a day;
  • a single amount of food should fit in the palm of your hand;
  • drink up to 2 liters of water per day;
  • there is no need to limit yourself to delicacies, but you need to eat them slowly and in the first half of the day;
  • It is advisable to consume vegetables and fruits raw;
  • limit carbohydrates, especially fast ones.

What time to study

Probably every young mother has noticed that at certain times of the day physical work comes easier to her, but at other times the same activity only brings fatigue and weakness. So, according to research results, scientists have found that the best time for physical activity for a person is in the morning from 10.00 to 12.00 and in the evening from 16.00 to 19.00. It is at this time that the body is ready for physical activity, which means that exercise will not bring fatigue and poor health, but will give vigor and strength. It is this discovery that is successfully used by professional athletes who design their training schedules taking this fact into account.

Also, do not forget that in the evening hours you can only do relaxation and stretching exercises, and strength training should be left for the morning hours.

Five minutes a day to restore your belly

Restorative exercises after childbirth involve different sets of exercises. Probably the most difficult place is the stomach. Enlarged abdominal muscles entail a number of inconveniences that cannot be eliminated as soon as possible. Mainly, this is the absence of the urge to urinate and defecate, which is fraught with difficulties, including embarrassment.

Abdominal exercises can also help in getting back in shape. In addition, it is very important to perform the exercises, and not limit yourself to wearing a bandage.

The bandage only fixes the muscles, however, does not cause them to decrease, and, therefore, does not lead to renewal. To renew your abdominal muscles, it is enough to constantly perform a couple of basic exercises.

Such charging will not take longer than five minutes, however, if performed conscientiously and continuously, it will give significant results:

First exercise

We lie on our backs, bend our legs slightly at the knees, press our feet significantly toward the floor, and place our palms on our stomachs. As you exhale, we deeply draw in your stomach and fix this position for 5 seconds. Then we take a deep, slow breath and repeat the lesson. You can do 8-10 repetitions in one approach.

Doing the “bridge” exercise

We take the same position as in the first exercise. After exhaling, lift your pelvis, raise your back and strain your buttocks, drawing in your stomach. This is not an easy task, so at first there may be problems with its implementation. There is nothing terrible about this ; over time, the muscles will gain activity and strength, and the number of repetitions can be increased.

How to combine raising a baby with physical activity

Many mothers complain that the child takes up too much time and sometimes there is no strength or desire left to exercise. In this case, you can easily combine exercises with caring for your baby.

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Walks. Give up the stroller and, in the warmer months, place your child in a slim or kangaroo carrier and go hiking! Walking burns a lot of calories, and the added challenge of having a baby will help tone your abdominal, leg, and buttock muscles, as well as strengthen your back muscles.

Games. Play more outdoor games with your baby. With a child in your arms, you can squat, turn your body and bend over. In this case, the child will have fun, and such games will bring you a lot of benefits.

Features of gymnastics after cesarean section

The first training, if the birth took place by caesarean section, can be carried out no earlier than after 4 months and only with the permission of the doctor. At first, you need to avoid jumping, running, and abdominal exercises.

It is best to start training with visits to the pool and exercises on a gymnastic ball. These types of activities allow you to evenly distribute the load on the entire body, preventing injuries and suture dehiscence.

To gradually accustom your body to stress, a diaphragmatic breathing exercise is suitable - lie on the floor, pull your stomach in as much as possible and tense your abdominal muscles. Inhale slowly, stop breathing for 5 seconds, then slowly exhale and relax. Do 15 times.

Another exercise that is allowed to be done after a cesarean section is to lie on the floor face up, bend your legs, inhale, and try to touch the palm of your right hand to your right foot. Exhaling, return to the original position. After exhaling, repeat the exercise with your left arm and leg.

How to combine exercise with homework

Running a home can provide you with many opportunities for ongoing physical activity. Look around, you see trash on the carpet, bend down and pick it up, make sure your legs don’t bend at the knees, bending like this during the day will quickly remove your belly fat and give you a wonderful stretch.

Avoid using a mop. Wash the floor at an angle. This will also contribute to the rapid restoration of your figure after childbirth.

Another trick that young mothers use is to give up the TV remote control. Tuck it away and you'll be more likely to get up and move when you want to change gears.

Every woman after childbirth wants to recover as quickly as possible and return to her previous shape. However, physical activity is important not only for external attractiveness. Playing sports will give you energy and protect you from many diseases, which is very important for proper child care. After all, only a healthy, vigorous and cheerful mother can give her baby the necessary amount of love and care.

A complex approach

There are very few representatives of the fairer sex whose only problematic area after childbirth will be the stomach. In most cases, the whole body has a need to restore and bring muscles into activity. This means that it is necessary to deal with postpartum difficulties in a complex manner, that is, perform a variety of exercises and use all parts of the body. If you are breastfeeding, you should exercise after feeding. For lessons you will need comfortable clothes, a small pillow and good health.

All movements during gymnastics must be performed measuredly and carefully:

Exercises for weight loss after childbirth

We take a place in a horizontal position, face up. The legs need to be bent at the knees, the feet should be brought together and pressed firmly to the floor. We extend the arms along the body, palms directed downwards. We straighten our legs, do not separate our knees , and squeeze our toes 10 times (as if we were attracting claws). Then we return the legs to their original place. Without changing the position, we lift 1 leg up, straightening it completely at the knee, and pulling the tip toward and away from us. Moving the feet must be done 10 times with high amplitude. Then we do the same actions with the other leg.

Exercises for the abs

We lie on our backs, bend our legs, spread our feet, and place our arms behind our heads. We take a slow breath as we rise and, lying on our back, exhale quietly, as if saying the sound “ha-a-a.” The exercise must be done 10 times.

Exercise after childbirth to remove sides

Now we lie down on our side. To avoid inconvenience, you can place a small pillow under your neck. This exercise is similar to the previous one . We perform the exercise on any side, performing 10 times.

Then we turn over onto our stomach, place a small pillow under the base of our tummy, and support our torso on our elbows. We inhale, and as we exhale we move our pelvis forward. As we inhale, we take first place. The lesson is performed 10-12 times. During the procedure, it is important not to put pressure on the chest.

Exercises for recovery after childbirth to strengthen the muscles of the perineum

The starting place is sitting or in a horizontal position. We try to focus the muscles of the vagina and anus one by one. This activity requires training , since every time it may seem, at first glance, that the same muscles are shrinking. If the distribution is clear, you can try to perform a “wave” of reductions from the anus to the pubis. Relaxation of your lips and mouth muscles and control of your breathing will undoubtedly help you perform this exercise correctly. This activity is very reminiscent of the popular Kegel procedures, which consist precisely in reducing the muscles of the perineum at a different pace. Such exercises will be useful both before and after childbirth .

Exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles

We lie on our sides. The head, shoulders and pelvis form a direct line, the legs are bent at the knees. The lower hand needs to be placed under the head, the upper hand is bent and rests on the surface with a fist or palm in the navel area. Being in this state, as you exhale, lift your pelvis (support on the upper handle), while inhaling, lower it. Repeat 10 times .

We take a lying position face up, bend our legs, feet rest on the floor, arms lie along the body. As you exhale, you pull your socks on, and try to reach your left foot with your left hand, inhale - we return to the original position, exhale - we repeat the exercise, however, we now reach with our right hand to the right foot. We perform 5-6 repetitions on the right and left sides.

We get on all fours. The head, shoulders and pelvis are at the same height, the knees are located approximately shoulder width apart. We exhale , attract the stomach and lift the left palm and right leg from the plane, inhale - we return to the original place, exhale - we repeat the exercise, changing the “diagonal”. We produce 10-12 times.

We continue to study. This time, rest on the palms and insteps of the feet. As we exhale, we raise our pelvis, straightening our knees and distributing the weight onto our palms and insteps. As you inhale, take the starting position . We perform 10-12 repetitions . We lie down on our side again. The lower arm is straightened and placed in front of a direct angle to the body, resting on the palm. The upper handle is extended along the body. As you exhale, lift your pelvis off the surface and rise slightly. As you inhale, we return to the initial pose. We perform 8-10 repetitions on each side.

A set of exercises after childbirth for the abdominal and back muscles

We stand facing the wall. We rest our palms and forearms against the wall, legs bent and shoulder width apart. We draw in the abdominal muscles . There is practically no movement , only the abdominal muscles are tensed.

Gymnastics for young mothers

How to get back in shape quickly after childbirth? After all, there is an acute shortage of time - the baby requires maximum attention.

Especially for young mothers, private fitness instructor Olga Demina has developed a set of simple and effective exercises that will only take a few minutes to complete.

This complex consists of blocks lasting 10 minutes each. You can do several blocks at once or one at a time throughout the day. Your task is to repeat each block three times during the week, studying every other day. As a result, within a month you will be able to significantly strengthen your muscles and tighten problem areas.

Before starting each lesson - no matter how many blocks there are in it - warm up for 5-10 minutes. Take three or four deep breaths, stretch upward, then bend down and try to touch your fingers to the floor. After this, make several wide swings of your arms in different directions and march in place, raising your knees high.

To perform the exercises you don't need any equipment - just a little free space. It is better to train one and a half to two hours after eating. And an hour after class, you can eat some low-fat protein product - cottage cheese, a piece of chicken or fish, as well as soy cheese are suitable.

Please note: If you gave birth by cesarean section or had a complicated labor, be sure to consult your doctor before starting classes.

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