Compote of dried apricots and prunes with guards. How can prunes be useful when breastfeeding? The benefits of dried apricots for the mother's body

In what quantities can you eat prunes?

As you know, everything is good in moderation.
Prunes are one of those products whose quantity needs to be regulated. This is because if you eat too much of it, it can cause weak stools. In turn, this can affect not only the mother’s stomach, but also be transmitted to the baby through milk. First you need to process the prunes by leaving them in boiling water for 5 minutes. When breastfeeding, prunes can be taken in the form of compote or infusion. For compote, take two or three prunes per 200 ml of water. If an infusion is made, then simply pour boiling water over a couple of prunes.

How to choose a product

The first thing you should pay attention to is the packaging. It must be sealed. It should also be noted that foreign manufacturers indicate the presence of preservatives on the packaging; in our country, unfortunately, this is not yet recorded.

Prunes should not be dry, they should be soft, but without mold or any plaque. The package should contain only prunes and nothing else. Size doesn't matter: dried fruits can be large or medium-sized.

It is recommended to soak prunes before use in order to wash off the stabilizers from the surface that are used to treat the product for longer preservation.

Keep in mind: the presence of stabilizers is not something scary, they help preserve the product longer. If they bother you, just soak the prunes overnight.

Contraindications for eating prunes while breastfeeding

Before you eat prunes, you need to make sure that they are of high quality.
The “correct” dried fruit will have a shiny, black skin. It should feel soft and slightly elastic to the touch. If it is brown, then most likely there were violations during fruit harvesting. It is better to refuse such prunes. Also, you should not eat those fruits that have a slightly bitter taste - it is inherent in stale dried fruits.

A mother who has gained excess weight during pregnancy should not get carried away with prunes - this dried fruit is quite high in calories. Also, if the baby has the same problems (excess weight), then it is better to completely exclude high-calorie foods from the mother’s diet.

You should not eat prunes if your baby develops skin irritations, rashes, or colic in the tummy. This means that such dried fruit is not suitable for the baby, and you need to look for other options.


Contraindications for eating prunes only apply to excessive consumption, as they can cause stomach upset in the baby.

Prunes are not recommended for diabetes

Eating dried apricots is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • For allergic reactions.
  • For diarrhea;
  • In case of individual intolerance to the product;
  • For diabetes mellitus.

Compote should be canceled if the baby has an allergic reaction or indigestion.

The benefits and harms of prunes

Any dried fruit contains a huge amount of useful macroelements and vitamins necessary for breastfeeding

Their use is mandatory, but the lactation period has its limitations, which are important to know about. Taking a new product incorrectly can have a negative impact on your baby.

It is necessary to eat prunes during pregnancy and lactation, this is due to the content of plant fiber, potassium, and iron. It also contains useful mineral salts. The use of this product will help a woman recover faster after childbirth. The components will also have a positive effect on the growth and development of the baby.

Among the main properties of prunes that affect the body are:

  • Stabilization of blood pressure;
  • Normalization of water-salt balance in the body;
  • Cleansing the body;
  • For mother's skin it acts as a rejuvenating agent;
  • Increases the body's protective functions by strengthening the immune system; Increases energy;
  • Prevents the development of postpartum depression;
  • It has a preventive effect against damage to the oral cavity by various infections.

In addition, the product is known among the people as an excellent diuretic and laxative. It is also distinguished by antibacterial properties. Positively affects the functioning of the heart. Moderate intake will relieve constipation during breastfeeding.

Prunes are mildly allergenic, but how a baby might react to them is unknown

It is important to administer the product very carefully in small portions. Sometimes, if used incorrectly, the baby may develop a rash, redness, and other types of allergic reactions. Excessive consumption can also cause bloating and colic in the baby.

This is why you need to be careful when taking prunes while breastfeeding.

Excessive consumption can also cause bloating and colic in the baby.

This is why you need to be careful when taking prunes while breastfeeding.

How to eat prunes while breastfeeding?

When a young mother is breastfeeding, she can eat prunes not only in their pure form, but also use them in various dishes. For example, you can cook stewed beets with raisins and prunes.

You will need the following ingredients: 140 g beets, 40 g apples, 10 g prunes, 5 g raisins, 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream, 1 teaspoon of sugar and butter.

The process of preparing this dish begins with beets. The vegetable should be washed, then boiled, and when the beets are ready, you need to peel them and cut them into cubes.

Dried plums should be washed and then soaked for some time until they become soft. Then the seeds should be removed and the dried plums should be cut into strips. The raisins should also be washed.

Preparing apples involves peeling them and removing seeds. Then the fruit is grated. Next, you need to mix the beets with apples, add raisins, prunes, and then sour cream and butter. After this, put the mixture on the stove and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.

Can a nursing mother eat dried fruits and what are their benefits?

Dried fruits are a storehouse of nutrients. During the drying process, they lose moisture, retaining other substances. Thus, they become concentrates of useful substances. Eating dried fruits during breastfeeding is beneficial not only for the health of the mother, but also for the baby. Nursing mothers are allowed to eat almost all dried fruits

It is important to consider the timing of their introduction into the diet and the rules of use. Most dried fruits are allowed to be eaten 3–4 months after childbirth, but there are exceptions

Dried fruits are concentrates of useful substances that contain fresh fruits. A nursing mother can enjoy this delicacy at any time of the year.

Most dried fruits are rich in vitamins A, B, C, fiber, pectin, calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium and other beneficial substances. Regular moderate consumption replenishes the reserves of vitamins and minerals that the female body actively loses during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In addition, a large amount of fiber improves metabolism and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Dried fruits have the following properties:

  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • raising hemoglobin and improving blood composition;
  • improved mood;
  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • improvement of the condition of the heart and blood vessels;
  • strengthening teeth, bones and hair;
  • improvement of skin condition;
  • strengthening the immune system, etc.

In the first weeks, in the first month after birth

The first months after birth, the baby’s body adapts to the external environment. His gastrointestinal tract is getting used to the new type of food. This is why he may react incorrectly to the foods his mother eats. During this period, only those products are allowed that cannot cause allergies or additional stress on the gastrointestinal tract. During this period, most dried fruits are prohibited. The list of permitted products includes dried apples, pears, and prunes.

For allergies in a child

Even the safest foods can cause allergies, especially in children. Unsweetened dried fruits, which are considered hypoallergenic, are allowed to be eaten if the baby has an allergic reaction to some product, except in the case of an allergy to these dried fruits. For example, dried apples and pears are included in the diet for allergy sufferers.

If the baby has an allergic reaction supposedly to dried fruit, it should be immediately excluded from the diet. It is recommended that you consult a doctor, especially in the event of an acute allergic reaction.

Is it possible to boost immunity with dried fruits?

One of the reasons for poor immunity is poor nutrition of a nursing mother. The breastfeeding diet involves a minimum of foods that clearly do not contain enough nutrients. That is why today more and more doctors are speaking out against this type of nutrition.

Dried fruits can replenish the reserves of nutrients in the body, thereby strengthening the immune system. They contain many vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, which activate the body's defenses.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

Dr. Komarovsky is of the opinion that the nutrition of a nursing woman should not differ significantly from her diet before pregnancy and childbirth. Of course, he does not say that you need to eat everything. Komarovsky claims that a mother should eat all the natural foods she wants, observing the baby’s reaction from the first days of life. He speaks positively about dried fruits and considers them a useful part of the diet of mother and baby.

For constipation

Dried fruits contain a lot of pectin and dietary fiber. That is why regular use of them will help get rid of constipation. Fiber promotes the evacuation of food, since it is practically not digested and, as it were, supports food in the esophagus, which is the reason for solving the problem of constipation.

Despite this, it is prohibited to constantly treat stool problems with dried fruits. First of all, you need to find the reason. Most often it is due to improperly adjusted nutrition of the new mother. Her diet is based on porridge, chicken and Maria cookies, and there are few liquids. Synthesizing milk takes a very large amount of fluid from the body, and if reserves are not replenished, constipation occurs.

Therefore, pay attention to your diet and drinking regimen, and use dried fruits for treatment only as an adjuvant.

Dried grapes

Raisins include useful components such as sucrose, lactose, organic acids, trace elements and vitamins. When dried, grapes retain their beneficial properties much longer. The energy value of 100 grams of raisins is about 300 kcal.

Raisins during breastfeeding can have the following beneficial effects on the body:

  • increases immunity;
  • relieves stress and nervous tension (due to the high content of B vitamins);
  • the boron content in dried apricots ensures the production of vitamin D in our body, which in turn prevents the occurrence of rickets;
  • nicotinic acid eliminates problems with sleep disorders;
  • increases hemoglobin, thereby fighting anemia (due to iron and magnesium content);
  • activates brain function;
  • strengthens the heart and blood vessels (potassium helps with this).

But raisins should be consumed with caution. There is a high risk of intestinal colic in the baby. Allergic reactions often appear in the form of a rash. Do not introduce raisins before 2 months.

If you know the basic properties of dried fruits and the rules for introducing them into the diet, then you can only bring benefits to your child’s body. You also need to take into account the baby’s health status. To avoid mistakes, it is best to consult a doctor about what form and quantity to start eating fruits.

To paraphrase the famous saying of Hippocrates, your milk is what you eat. Everything that a nursing mother eats, in an adapted form, goes straight to the breast, and from there to the baby. Are dried fruits good for nursing mothers or is it too extreme food for a newborn? Should you try prunes while breastfeeding? We'll figure out.

Nutritionists believe that dried fruits can be tried by nursing mothers with breastfeeding. These are dates, raisins, dried apples, pears, dried apricots, prunes. Although they contain fewer vitamins than freshly picked fruits, they still exist. As well as a lot of useful microelements.

Pediatricians do not advise actively introducing dried fruits in the first month after childbirth. Each fruit has its own time.

Dates are credited with many healing properties. They increase immunity, make bones strong, relieve fatigue, and stimulate brain activity. And all this is true, but only partly. After all, there are no magic foods; the overall balanced diet of a nursing mother is important.

Dates contain a lot of sugar, so you can only consume 5-6 pieces per day. This is a good alternative to candy. Dates can be introduced from the third month of lactation.

Raisins relieve depression (as, indeed, any sweet foods), make blood vessels strong, save from anemia and improve sleep. But at the same time, raisins are quite difficult to digest. You can eat it, but be careful.

Details in the article about.

Prunes are a famous laxative; they relieve constipation, normalize blood pressure, and regulate cardiac activity. It may have a laxative effect on a newborn baby. It is tried from the second month of lactation.

Dried apricots eliminate excess fluid and act as a mild diuretic. Relieves stress, strengthens the immune system, normalizes blood pressure, relieves constipation. It is allowed to be introduced into the diet in the second month of lactation. It is recommended not to overeat and monitor the child’s reaction.

Can a nursing mother have dried apricots?

An ideal dried apricot does not look ideal at all: it is dry and wrinkled.

This dried apricot contains potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and other useful elements that a woman during breastfeeding lacks. According to research, this dried fruit is much healthier than fresh apricot. Dried apricots help restore strength during breastfeeding, and the high content of vitamins and nutrients will help the baby develop.

Dried apricots during lactation are good because they rarely cause allergic reactions in babies. This dried fruit contains sugar substitutes - fructose and glucose. They are harmless and give the fruit a pleasant sweet taste.

It is safest to dry apricots yourself at home. But you can also find this high quality product in the store. You need to pay attention to her appearance. Dried apricots should have a faded grayish tint. This is exactly the appearance that dry fruit takes on when it dries naturally.

The bright, shiny fruits contain chemicals that are added as preservatives. This dried fruit should not be consumed during gw. The maximum daily dose of dried apricots is 100 grams. It can be added to various dishes and cooked into compote. This dried fruit will eliminate digestive problems and save you from constipation.

Is it possible to eat prunes while breastfeeding?

Vitamins C, B, A, PP, a unique set of minerals, pectin and fiber make this dried fruit extremely healthy. Dry plum perfectly normalizes heart function. It lifts your mood no worse than chocolate and relieves postpartum depression.

This is a good laxative both for a nursing mother and for constipation in a baby.

Prunes with pits are healthier due to the special manufacturing technology.

It is a rare nursing mother who does not know what problems with stool after childbirth are. And the first thing that can be recommended in such a delicate situation is more clean water and a couple of delicious prunes. In the first month after childbirth, you need to be especially careful and eat dried fruits carefully, a little at a time, monitoring the baby’s reaction. It’s better to limit yourself to compote or plum broth. From the second month you can introduce 1-2 pieces.

After three months, you can safely eat 4-5 prunes a day - raw or as part of other dishes.

It must be said that an allergy to prunes is rare in infants. But if mom overeats, colic and even diarrhea may begin. When prunes are eaten for constipation in a baby, it usually weakens and normalizes stool. It is a mild and natural laxative.

Dr. Komarovsky says that this fruit helps with constipation, but you should not exceed the permissible limit. Otherwise, bloating and colic in the child cannot be avoided.

You need to choose prunes carefully. The shiny and slippery surface of a dry plum indicates that sulfur dioxide or other preservatives were used during drying. They are approved for use in the food industry and do not cause poisoning. But accumulating in the body, over time they can lead to various diseases. The child absolutely does not need such “chemistry”. Therefore, choose dull prunes. But without traces of mold, bugs or damage.

Can a nursing mother have dried fruit compote?

Dried fruit compote during breastfeeding will be a good source of vitamins and will not cause intestinal upset in mother and baby. You can put in the compote:

  • dried apricots
  • dates
  • rose hip
  • pears and apples

Women can drink decoctions of dried fruits immediately after childbirth. But first, prepare non-concentrated decoctions of apples and pears. with little or no sugar. You can drink drinks made from prunes and raisins while breastfeeding a week or two after the baby is born.

Compote of dried apricots and figs - after a month of lactation. If the baby’s stomach reacts negatively to the drink, administration is postponed for one to two months. However, pediatricians say that the child’s body tolerates a decoction of dried fruits well. They advise drinking it to improve the taste of mother's milk and to enhance lactation.

How to choose the right dried fruits

It is important to be able to choose high-quality dried fruits during lactation. Sulfur dioxide is often used to fumigate dried apricots, raisins, and prunes, and then sent for sale. Such fruits look bright and beautiful. Few people know that this preservative is harmful, especially for breastfeeding mothers. It leads to indigestion and other gastrointestinal problems.

Unattractive, dull and non-shiny dried fruits are the healthiest. Natural fruits are dried under the hot sun. They do not contain preservatives, they undergo natural heat treatment. Some producers place plums and apricots in special ovens and speed up the drying process using chemicals. Combustion products settle on the skin. They can be identified by a foreign chemical odor. It must be remembered that the substances with which the fruits were treated are harmful to the young mother.

Dried fruits are very useful during lactation. You should not refuse them if there are no direct contraindications for the mother and child. You can prepare various dishes and drinks from them, and consume them in their pure form. The main thing is to carefully choose dried fruits and avoid fruits with chemicals and additives. If possible, it is better to dry fruits at home. A woman needs to closely monitor the baby’s well-being and exclude the product if it is not suitable for the child.

Everyone knows about the benefits of dried fruits. They have a lot of useful elements and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the body of a nursing mother and baby. Dried apricots are no exception.

This dried apricot fruit is a source of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and other macroelements, which are so necessary for the recovery of a woman after childbirth and the normal development of the newborn.

Dried apricots are not only possible, but also necessary to eat during breastfeeding. Moreover, doctors recommend starting to take dried fruit during pregnancy.

Interestingly, the dried fruit is much healthier than the apricot itself. However, remember the golden rule when breastfeeding. Do not abuse the product and follow the norm!

Despite all the usefulness of dried apricots, it is quite difficult for the body to digest. In addition, it can cause allergies. Therefore, dried apricots can be introduced into the diet gradually and in small doses 3-4 months after birth, when the baby’s body adapts and gets stronger.

How can a nursing mother eat dried fruits?

Dried fruits are consumed raw.

Although, they will be no less useful when boiled. In addition, compote is much tastier than ordinary water.

You don't need many ingredients for a vitamin drink.

  • For 2 l. enough water, 350-450 g of dried fruits (dried apples, prunes, raisins), 1 lemon and half a glass of granulated sugar.
  • Pour dried fruits into boiling water and add lemon zest. Cook for 10-15 minutes.
  • Turn off the compote and let it brew for 2 hours.
  • Before using dried fruits, rinse them thoroughly in warm water and rinse them with boiling water. This way you will protect yourself and your child from possible intestinal infections.

If your body requires sweets, it is better to eat some dried fruits. Less sugar – more benefits!

What are the benefits of prunes?

Prunes contain a large amount of vitamins, mineral salts and other useful components. You can eat prunes while breastfeeding, because they contain plant fiber, potassium and iron. They are necessary for a nursing mother for rapid recovery after childbirth and for the baby for active growth and development.

Prunes perform a number of important functions during breastfeeding:

  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • normalizes acid-base and water-salt balance;
  • cleanses the body;
  • improves skin structure, gives a rejuvenating effect;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • relieves fatigue and gives energy;
  • lifts your mood and helps get rid of postpartum depression;
  • prevents oral diseases.

Prunes are characterized by good diuretic and choleretic, laxative and antibacterial properties. Dried plum will help relieve constipation and other bowel problems.

Prunes can be consumed as a preventive measure for cancer. Normalizes heart function and blood pressure. Dry berries will improve complexion and strengthen the body's defenses.

How to properly consume dried fruits allowed for breastfeeding?

Despite the benefits of dried fruits, they should be consumed during breastfeeding, like other products, adhering to the rules. It is recommended to introduce dried fruits mainly at 3–4 months, with some exceptions.

For the first time, eat 1-2 dry fruits in the first half of the day. If the product is hypoallergenic, a possible negative reaction appears within 1–2 days after introduction into the diet. In the case of allergenic products, doctors still recommend monitoring the reaction for about a week.

If you already eat some fruits or dried fruits, you can introduce new ones into your diet by adding them to your usual compote. You should not introduce several new products to the menu at the same time. If there is no negative reaction, you can gradually increase the dosage. The approximate recommended maximum dose for most dried fruits is 50–100 g per day. If you eat too much, it can lead to tummy problems for your baby, as dried fruits contain a large amount of fiber and organic acids. Remember that 100 g is the total amount of all dried fruits. For example, if you have eaten 100 g of dried apricots, then you should not eat others.

How much can you eat per day?

Time after childbirthWhat dried fruits can you eat?
1 monthPrunes (up to 5 pcs.), dried apples (up to 100 g)
2 monthDried pear (up to 100 g)
3 monthDried apricots (up to 100 g), figs (2–3 pieces)
4 monthDates (up to 50 g), raisins (handful)
5 monthCandied pineapple (up to 50 g)


Compote or decoction of dried fruits is the easiest form of their consumption for the gastrointestinal tract. In this way, the body receives all the beneficial substances, but it does not have to digest fiber. It is believed that dried fruits that have been boiled into drinks are more easily accepted by the gastrointestinal tract. They are recommended to eat for constipation.


Allergy sufferers probably know which dried fruits are hypoallergenic. These are dried green apples and prunes. They are recommended for use in a diet for allergy sufferers; in addition, they are included in the list of products included in the breastfeeding diet. Hypoallergenic products also include dried pears. These treats rarely cause allergies, which are most likely an individual intolerance, so they are safe for babies.

How are prunes good for baby and mother?

During pregnancy, the child “takes away” from the mother’s body all the microelements and vitamins useful for its successful development.
The same situation occurs with breastfeeding, because he receives all the substances necessary for the baby only from mother’s milk. Accordingly, a woman experiences a constant lack of minerals and vitamins for a long period. In such a situation, all kinds of vitamin complexes prescribed by doctors come to the rescue. However, not all mothers want to stuff themselves and their baby with unnatural vitamins.

Many people pay attention to natural products, which in the right quantity and balance contain everything necessary for the development of the child and the well-being of the mother. Prunes are one of these healthy foods.

Beneficial properties of prunes during breastfeeding:

This product saturates the female body with organic acids, minerals, and vitamins. By the way, dried fruits contain much more useful microelements than fresh ones. When breastfeeding a baby, prunes are also valued for the fact that they contain a lot of plant fiber. And it activates the activity of the intestines, the iron it contains prevents the occurrence of anemia, potassium helps normalize the functioning of the kidneys and cardiac system

To all its other advantages, prunes have added one more, no less important - it has a laxative effect. This property ideally solves problems with constipation in mother and baby.

Is it possible to eat dried apricots while breastfeeding?

Scientists at the Institute of Nutrition and most doctors agree that dried apricots, as well as prunes, can and should be consumed during lactation. Healthy and tasty dried fruits should be included in the daily menu even during pregnancy. Prunes are useful for a nursing mother because:

  • due to the high content of pectin, dried apricots do an excellent job of removing harmful radionuclides and heavy metal salts from the body, and this is very important, since all harmful substances can be transmitted through mother’s milk to the baby;
  • due to the high concentration of vitamins, it helps to avoid vitamin deficiency in the autumn-winter period;
  • Natural sweet substances glucose and fructose can completely satisfy a nursing mother’s need for sweets. Dried apricots and prunes will not provoke an increase in blood sugar levels and will not spoil your figure with extra pounds;
  • excellent prevention of constipation and a natural product to combat it;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • due to the high iron content of dried apricots, it is an excellent prevention of anemia, helps the body recover from blood loss during childbirth;
  • improves memory, concentration;
  • dried apricots have a diuretic effect, therefore, it is useful for women suffering from edema and for normalizing kidney function.

Recommendations for use during lactation

Advice on introducing prunes into complementary foods and into the diet of a nursing mother is advisory in nature. Each person’s body reacts individually to this or that product - even one berry can cause persistent diarrhea in one child, while it has no effect at all on another. Therefore, a woman will have to independently select the optimal dose of dried fruits that will be easily tolerated by the child.

How to properly introduce it into the diet?

Pediatricians recommend starting to eat prunes with one small berry. It is better to eat it in the morning and observe the baby’s reaction throughout the day. If no problems are found, you can continue to eat plums, but no more than 2-3 fruits per day. You are allowed to drink compote made from prunes - the daily dose of the drink is 250 ml.

If diathesis or individual sensitivity of the baby to the product is suspected, prunes are canceled and try to be reintroduced into the diet after 2 months.

If you follow the diet and the daily intake of prunes, the product will only benefit the nursing mother and her baby. It will help get rid of constipation, replenish the body with vitamins and valuable herbal components.

Recipes with prunes for a nursing mother

If you use natural foods in your mother’s diet, you can completely avoid all kinds of pharmaceutical drugs. When women wonder whether they can eat prunes, doctors boldly answer, of course, yes, because they contain many useful substances.

A mother's diet during breastfeeding must be balanced and contain all the necessary vitamins. Prunes will help with this. The main thing is not to rush and introduce it gradually in small quantities. Now let's look at some dishes with the addition of this type of dried fruit.

You can find out whether a nursing mother can eat melon in our article.

Can a nursing mother eat pomegranate? Read here.

Pie with cottage cheese and prunes

We will need:

  • Dough: egg yolk, 100 g margarine (butter), 125 g sugar and 250 g flour;
  • Filling: 500 g low-fat cottage cheese, 250 g sour cream and 200 g dried pitted plums, 3 chicken eggs, 150 g sugar, 50 g starch, optional vanillin.

Grind all the ingredients needed for the dough into a homogeneous mass, add flour gradually. After kneading the dough, keep it in the refrigerator for at least one hour. Spread the dough over the entire pan, making sure there are sides. It is advisable to have a removable uniform.

Place our dough in a preheated oven at 220 degrees for 7 minutes. Beat all our filling with a mixer until smooth and fluffy. Prunes must be washed and dried. After this, place it on our crust and pour the curd mixture on top. And put it in the oven again for 45-50 minutes, already at 200 degrees. You don’t need to take the pie out right away, let it sit there for about an hour and then cool it.

Stewed beets with prunes and raisins

We will need: beets – 150 g; apples – 50 g; prunes – 15 g; raisins – 10 g; sour cream, sugar and butter - 10 g each.

Cut the boiled beets the way you like. After thoroughly soaking, cut the prunes into strips or cubes, and, of course, remove the pits. Rinse the raisins. Grate the apples on a coarse grater, after peeling and removing seeds. Mix all the fruits together with sour cream and butter. Simmer all this over low heat for 20-25 minutes.

Beef stew with prunes

We take the following products: half a kilo of beef, about 15-20 prunes, one large onion, tomato paste, refined oil, salt and pepper to taste.

Cut the washed meat into large cubes, add salt and pepper. Fry onion in half rings. Chop the washed prunes thoroughly. Fry the beef over high heat, be sure to stir.

After 5 minutes, add onion and tomato paste. Pour broth (boiling water) over all this, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for about an hour. Be sure to stir while doing this. Add prunes and cook until the meat is completely cooked.

How are prunes useful for mother and baby during breastfeeding?

Prunes are very popular due to their taste and beneficial properties. It is rich in vitamins A, B, C, PP. In addition, it contains a lot of minerals, including calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, iron, phosphorus. It is also high in fiber and pectin. Prunes are a concentrate of useful substances that a fresh product contains - plums.

Prunes are very useful for breastfeeding. It will help relieve constipation for both mother and baby.

Regular consumption replenishes the reserves of vitamins and minerals in a woman’s body, depleted by pregnancy and childbirth. This contributes to the rapid recovery of the new mother. In addition, dried fruit has the following properties:

  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • puts metabolic processes in order in the body;
  • removes toxins;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • prevents the development of tumors;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps in the fight against viruses;
  • improves brain function;
  • improves the condition of hair and nails;
  • helps fight depression;
  • increases vitality;
  • removes excess fluid from the body;
  • helps with constipation;
  • removes toxins;
  • improves the condition of teeth and bone tissue;
  • increases hemoglobin;
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • has a beneficial effect on muscle tissue, etc.

Effect on the child, help with constipation

Eating prunes by a nursing mother has a good effect on the health of the baby. Babies often suffer from constipation. If prunes are present in the mother’s diet, this problem can be dealt with. At an older age (from six months), prune decoction can be given to a child

It is important to remember that if your baby has persistent constipation, you need to consult a doctor and find out the cause of the problem. Constantly treating constipation with prunes is strictly prohibited.

Many claim that the product may cause the baby to have diarrhea. This is only possible if the mother eats fruits in unlimited quantities. The product is not allergenic, so the risk of developing an allergic reaction is minimal.

How long does it take for prunes to pass into breast milk?

It is impossible to say exactly how long it takes for prunes to pass into breast milk. This depends on many factors: metabolic rate, the product was consumed on its own or with other food, etc. On average, the first portion of food enters breast milk within an hour and can be present in it throughout the day.

Is it possible to have prunes, dried apricots and dried fruit compote while breastfeeding?

  1. Newborns
  2. /

  3. Feeding a newborn

After the birth of a child, his mother thinks about whether she is eating right. When breastfeeding, it is important to especially carefully monitor nutrition, because all food in one form or another and in quantity enters the child’s body through mother’s milk. Is it possible for a nursing woman to consume dried fruits while breastfeeding? This is one of the most pressing questions.

People who adhere to the principles of proper nutrition certainly introduce dried fruits into their diet. They are rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as dietary fiber, which improve the digestive process. If a woman supplements her diet with dried fruits during lactation, she will enrich her own body with useful substances that her baby also needs. By consuming these products, a young mother prevents the occurrence of constipation, which women are prone to after childbirth. In addition, pediatricians recommend that if a baby has stool retention, his mother should eat dried fruits.

The benefits of prunes for mother and child

During breastfeeding, prunes are primarily beneficial for fiber, potassium and magnesium.

Many women want to know whether a nursing mother can eat prunes. Prunes are loved for their good taste and undeniable benefits for the body. Dried plums contain not only vitamins A, B, C, PP, but also essential minerals - iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, as well as organic acids, pectins, fructose and glucose. It's not so easy to find another product with such a rich composition!

During breastfeeding, prunes are primarily beneficial for fiber, potassium and magnesium. Fiber promotes good functioning of the digestive system and prevents the development of constipation. Potassium has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys and heart, magnesium protects the child from the development of anemia. Among all dried fruits, and many other products, it is in prunes that the content of these substances is maximum.

Prunes also have a beneficial effect on the female body:

  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • improves skin condition, rejuvenates it;
  • increases immunity;
  • normalizes water-salt and acid-base balance;
  • protects the oral cavity from many diseases.

Despite the benefits of prunes, you should not abuse them. If you get too carried away with this product, a woman will soon have to treat diarrhea not only for herself, but also for her child. Even if your gastrointestinal tract accepts dried plums well, regardless of the quantity, even one prune eaten can cause a laxative reaction in a child.

If a nursing mother has problems with excess weight or simply does not want to gain weight, you should know that prunes are one of the high-calorie foods. This also applies to situations where the baby is overweight; weight gain will not benefit the baby.

Dried apricots during breastfeeding

Dried apricot is a dried apricot, and it is a rich source of a large amount of vitamins, microelements, carbohydrates, fiber and organic acids. Dried apricots during breastfeeding have a beneficial effect on the digestive system of both mother and baby.

Experts recommend introducing dried apricots into the diet of a nursing woman 2-3 months after childbirth, since this product is difficult for the digestive system of a newborn. During breastfeeding, it is better to consume dried apricot not in its pure form, but by adding it to various dishes. While breastfeeding, you can prepare compote from dried fruits - dried apricots, prunes and dates. Dried apricots also make delicious desserts and even hot dishes. In this form, dried fruit retains all the beneficial substances, and the product is much more easily accepted by the child’s body.

Dried apricots can cause allergies in a child, so this product should be introduced into the mother’s diet very carefully, carefully monitoring the baby’s well-being. You should not eat more than 100 grams of dried apricots per day, since it is one of the strong allergens.

Dates in the diet of a nursing mother

Other dried fruits that can be used to make compotes include raisins, rose hips, and figs.

Healthy dried fruits include not only prunes and dried apricots, but also dates. They are useful because they contain not only vitamins, micro- and macroelements, but also essential amino acids and protein. Many pediatricians recommend that mothers eat dates while breastfeeding, as they stimulate the production of oxytocin, the hormone responsible for the amount of breast milk.

Dates enrich the child's body with calcium and magnesium, and they are known to participate in the process of bone formation. This product also helps a woman cope with insomnia, because it promotes the production of melatonin, a hormone that is responsible for good sleep. If mother eats a small amount of dates every day, the baby will become calmer, and his sleep will be deep and long.

Have you decided to introduce dates into your diet? Do this gradually, starting with 1-2 dried fruits, to check the child's reaction to the new product. If the child does not develop any unwanted symptoms, the amount of these dried fruits can be increased.

Other dried fruits that can be used to make compotes include raisins, rose hips, and figs. If you eat dried fruits, choose homemade ones. This way you will know that the fruit has not been chemically treated.

© Dima Shpiler's blog / Feeding a newborn

The benefits of raisins during breastfeeding

Like all dried fruits during breastfeeding, raisins contain a lot of useful substances, including:

  • organic acids;
  • B vitamin;
  • vitamins A, C, P, etc.;
  • flavonoids;
  • amino acids;
  • tannins;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • bromine;
  • iodine;
  • fluorine, etc.

This composition ensures a beneficial effect of the product on the body of a nursing woman. First of all, raisins replenish reserves of valuable substances, which has a good effect on the female body, depleted by pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, the product has the following properties:

  • helps with constipation;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps in the fight against viruses and infections;
  • removes excess fluid from the body and helps with swelling;
  • reduces acidity in the stomach;
  • improves mood and overall well-being;
  • improves metabolism;
  • increases hemoglobin levels;
  • helps with depression, which often affects women after childbirth;
  • improves kidney function;
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • strengthens bones and teeth;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • helps with headaches, etc.

What is the difference between raisins and grapes?

Raisins are dried grapes. As you know, when drying, moisture evaporates, which means the concentration of other substances per 100 g of product increases. The same happens with grapes. Raisins are considered healthier, but it should be borne in mind that the concentration of sugar in such a product is higher. This may provoke some negative reactions. It should be understood that, due to their watery consistency, you can eat many times more grapes without even replacing them, and eating 100 g of raisins dry is very problematic.

Introduction of dried apricots into the diet of a nursing mother

It is worth introducing dried apricots into your diet in small proportions. This dried apricot contains a whole healthy cocktail of elements: vitamins, carbohydrates, fiber, important organic acids. By consuming dried apricots in reasonable quantities, a nursing mother will quickly normalize blood pressure and improve the quality of kidney function. Experts recommend eating dried apricots not in the first weeks after childbirth, but after 2-3 months.

Dried apricots will not lose their valuable properties during heat treatment, so they can be used to make compote or add to porridge while warm.

Dried apricots are rich in the following vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamins of group B, PP, E, C;
  • Beta carotene;
  • Phosphorus P;
  • Potassium K;
  • Iron Fe;
  • Calcium Ca;
  • Magnesium Mg;
  • Sodium Na.

The benefits of eating prunes while breastfeeding

This dried fruit has the greatest benefit for the gastrointestinal tract during breastfeeding.
Thanks to the fiber present in its composition, the normalization of processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract is ensured. This point is especially important for those women who, after childbirth, often encounter such an unpleasant condition as constipation. It is enough to eat 2 dried plums a day to completely get rid of this problem or reduce its severity. In infants, the stomach and intestines are not fully formed, so their work is imperfect. In this regard, children under one year of age are divided into those who experience diarrhea and those suffering from constipation. For newborns who have difficulty defecating, prunes will be especially useful. By including this dried fruit in her diet, a young mother benefits her baby and his condition noticeably improves. It may be easier to stool as prunes are an excellent laxative.

In addition to the listed properties, this dried fruit has other qualities that are important not only for nursing mothers. Recent studies on the effect of dried fruit on the human body have shown that when consumed regularly:

  • the development of bone fragility is prevented. It is enough to eat four dried plums a day to minimize the risk of osteoporosis;
  • Prunes are a dried fruit, the consumption of which helps prevent the development of oncology. It contains coarse fibers, which prevent the degeneration of colon epithelial cells into cancerous ones. Experiments conducted by scientists on animals have shown that if prunes are consumed on a regular basis, the ability of cells to degenerate is eliminated and the risk of developing cancer is minimized.

In what form to eat

A nursing mother should try one plum first. If no reaction is observed, you can add prunes to the menu. Maximum quantity – 2-3 pcs. per day. The most gentle effect on a newborn will be not dried plum, but compote made from it. Pediatricians allow dried fruits to be introduced into the diet of nursing women from the age of three months, and compote can be drunk from the first month of breastfeeding. This drink will have a gentle effect on the body and is considered almost harmless when consumed in moderation. At the same time, it completely retains all its qualities.


Washed dried fruits 3-4 pcs. place in a mug and pour boiling water over it. Boil until boiling. Turn off the heat and let cool. If desired, add a teaspoon of sugar. The drink should be drunk half a glass at a time 2-3 times a day.


  • 10 pieces. prunes;
  • 10 pieces. walnuts;
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 3 tbsp. sour cream.

Cut the washed and soaked plums and put the nut kernels into them. Pour in sour cream mixed with sugar. Place in the refrigerator and let harden. This delicacy is very healthy. It will enhance lactation, help normalize the intestines and enrich the diet of a nursing mother who loves sweets.

You can cook many other dishes with prunes: yoghurts, casseroles, meat, vegetables, pies.

Choosing dried fruits

Do not forget about the rules for choosing a plum product. Manufacturers are unlikely to worry about whether chemicals will harm mother and baby or not. To speed up the drying process, technologists fumigate fruits with sulfur dioxide and treat them with glycerin. Therefore, on the shelves, dried fruits look extremely appetizing and temptingly shine with a greasy sheen. If these substances are not washed away, they will negatively affect the health of any person, not to mention an infant.

When choosing, you should pay attention not to huge shiny dried fruits, but to black plums, soft but elastic. The brown color of prunes is unacceptable - this means that during processing there was a violation of the cooking process

There is no need to be shy, try prunes before buying. It shouldn't be rancid. Before use, plums should be thoroughly washed and then soaked for at least 2 hours in clean warm water.

Choosing a quality product

In our country it is not difficult to purchase dried apricots. It is available in any grocery store, but it is important for a nursing mother to choose a quality product in order to extract the maximum benefits and vitamins from it for her health and the health of her baby.

Choose dried fruits, paying attention to the following signs:

  • the color of the fruit should be as close as possible to natural - gray-orange, or pale yellow, not too bright (if the dried apricots are bright orange, there is a high probability that the manufacturer used preservatives and dyes);
  • apricots must be the correct oval or round shape;
  • the product must be clean, and its rigidity must be felt when squeezed.

One of the leading suppliers of dried apricots to our country is Turkey, where the weather and climatic conditions are suitable for growing apricots and drying them.

What are the benefits of prunes?

An accomplished mother has to learn a lot of new things about the beneficial properties and negative qualities of almost every product she eats.

There are many good reasons not to give up dried fruit, and here are just a few of them:

  • Prunes are an invaluable source of trace elements and minerals that are so necessary for an organism depleted by pregnancy and lactation. It contains magnesium and sodium, vitamins B and C, potassium, iron and phosphorus;
  • It helps eliminate constipation, both in mother and child;
  • Dried fruit becomes one of the few delicacies allowed for consumption during breastfeeding;
  • Fiber and pectin, contained in abundance in prunes, normalize the activity of the intestinal tract;
  • Vision improves and cardiac activity is optimized, vascular walls and the body’s protective properties are strengthened, healthy blood composition is restored and blood pressure problems disappear;
  • Prunes become almost the only alternative to sweets and other confectionery products for a nursing mother.

We cook ourselves

Cooking a healthy, tasty and nutritious compote for a nursing mother is quite easy and quick. You will need: dried apricots, prunes, apples, pears, you can add other fresh or dried vegetables that are allowed during breastfeeding.

  1. All ingredients must be washed thoroughly.
  2. Dried apricots and prunes are soaked for some time in warm boiled water, after which the entire composition for the compote is cut into small pieces and cooked for about 15–20 minutes. For a glass of dried fruit mixture you will need about 2.5 liters of water.
  3. If you prefer a sweet compote instead of sugar, add fructose to it. This drink has a beneficial effect on intestinal function, as well as on the cardiovascular system.

You can prepare a very healthy vitamin salad.

You will need 1-2 carrots, 30 grams of dried apricots, if the baby is old enough you can add a little lemon juice.

Grind all ingredients and season with 3 tablespoons of sour cream.

How to include in the diet during breastfeeding

Prunes should be introduced gradually during breastfeeding, starting with one or two berries per day. After use, be sure to monitor the child’s reaction. If your health does not change, you can eat up to four berries per day.

If eating prunes while breastfeeding a newborn provokes poor health in the child, for example, diarrhea or gas, then you should reduce the portion or postpone the introduction of dried fruit into the diet.

It is also worth considering the age of the child. Young mothers often wonder whether prunes can be consumed when breastfeeding a newborn, if the baby is only a month old. It is better not to take risks with the introduction of dried fruit in the first month of life; it is optimal to postpone it until the age of 3-4 months. For example, a baby may react poorly to a new product at one month old, but after a few weeks the use may not cause any inconvenience.

It is better to consume dried plums in the morning so that you can observe the child’s reaction throughout the day.

Rules for choosing dried apricots and prunes

When buying dried apricots, you should pay attention to its color. A too bright shade is evidence that the apricots were dried with the preliminary use of sulfuric anhydride. This chemical element then remains in some quantity in the finished product, but it should not be in the nursing diet. Dried apricots prepared by natural drying are healthier. It is less bright, its color is light yellow or, on the contrary, brownish. The consistency of naturally dried dried apricots is denser, not very juicy, but more aromatic, and its taste is more pronounced.

The same selection criteria should apply to prunes. Don’t be tempted by juicy, melt-in-your-mouth fruits with a shiny surface. Most likely, they were also pre-treated with sulfuric anhydride for better storage. Naturally prepared dried fruit is tougher and does not look as attractive. But the risk of causing a negative reaction in the child when the mother eats such prunes is much lower.

If you couldn’t buy a natural product, you can get rid of sulfuric anhydride by pouring boiling water over thoroughly washed dried fruits for 15 - 20 minutes.

Whether a nursing mother can eat dried apricots, as well as prunes, is determined by the child’s reaction. But don’t be upset if he “didn’t like” the dried fruits. Perhaps in a couple of months the infant’s body will treat them more favorably.

The health of a baby depends on the quality of breast milk. Therefore, a woman must strictly monitor her diet; products should only bring benefits. Dried fruits contain a set of vitamins and minerals, as well as dietary fiber, which normalize the functioning of the digestive system. They can and should be included in the diet. For example, prunes during breastfeeding can relieve constipation and improve intestinal motility.

All dried fruits can be introduced into the diet during breastfeeding from the 3rd week. Compote can be cooked after the first week of breastfeeding. The first portion should be small, then the child’s condition should be monitored for two days. If no rash, diarrhea, or vomiting is detected, then you can increase the amount of fruits eaten.

If allergic reactions occur, the new product should be postponed for a month. And only after that try again. You cannot eat several types of dried fruits at the same time. The intervals between different types should be at least 3 days.

Dried fruits should not be overused. Exceeding the recommended dosage can lead to abdominal pain in the baby, increased formation of gases, diarrhea and allergies.

Before eating dried fruits, they must be thoroughly washed and doused with boiling water. In addition to compotes, they can be added to various dishes: pilaf, porridge, meat, salads.

How to prepare dried plums

In order for the digestive organs to work smoothly, prunes during breastfeeding must be included in the diet in various forms.


In the first month of a newborn’s life, it is better to prepare compote from dried plums. For a nursing mother, you need to cook it from only one type of berry with a little added sugar. To do this you need:

  1. Rinse a few berries, add water and soak for about half an hour;
  2. Boil water in a saucepan, add berries, a little granulated sugar and keep on low heat for 30 minutes.

If the baby responds well to the introduction of a new product, other berries can be added over time. Dried apricots, apples, and raisins go well with prunes.


You can make puree from dried plums. Grind the pre-washed and soaked berries in a blender. Both mother and newborn can eat purees after 5 months.

Prunes can also be added to other dishes: pies, stews or stews. Adding dried fruits to kefir or natural yogurt will be no less useful.


More benefits, of course, come from raw dried berries that have not been subjected to heat treatment. However, prunes retain their beneficial properties in other dishes. Those with a sweet tooth can make delicious candies using dried fruits.

You will need:

  • 200 g prunes;
  • 50 g each of raisins and dates, pitted;
  • 30 g of hazelnuts and, if desired, dried apricots;
  • 1 orange.

Pass all ingredients (except citrus and nuts) through a meat grinder or blender. Add orange juice and zest to the resulting mixture. Form into balls and roll in pre-chopped nuts. The treat is ready. But remember that more than 1 pc. It cannot be taken per day; it is also prohibited if you are allergic to citrus fruits.

How to choose quality prunes

First of all, dried fruits must show no signs of spoilage. Dried plums should be a uniform black color without mold or signs of damage.

If you prefer to purchase packaged products, then make sure that the package is intact. If the packaging is damaged, the percentage of humidity changes and the shelf life decreases. In order to choose a good fruit, you need to press on it. If it does not crack and does not release juice, then it can be taken. It is better to buy berries with seeds; they contain more vitamins.

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