Vaginal discharge during pregnancy: what does the color mean?

The method of examination by transvaginal ultrasound is increasingly being approved by gynecologists. Their passion for the diagnostic procedure is associated with its high degree of reliability and information content. The specialist can discern even minor inflammatory processes, giving a full assessment of the condition of the internal organs. In our case, the female reproductive organs. Women in early pregnancy can participate in the examination.

However, the procedure has disadvantages. Women who have undergone an ultrasound of the uterus report discomfort accompanied by brown discharge. About increased abdominal tone, aching pain in the lower back. Usually these symptoms are mild and disappear quickly.

Situations are cause for concern when, after diagnosis, the patient’s well-being quickly deteriorates, and instead of scanty brown discharge, bloody discharge occurs profusely. However, even in this case, there may be nothing to worry about. Often, ultrasound of the uterus provokes premature menstruation, which is not considered a pathological phenomenon.

But if a woman feels increased pain, the temperature rises, and her appetite disappears, it would be a good idea to call a doctor who can distinguish between menstruation and bleeding.

What to do if there is spotting after an ultrasound

Vaginal ultrasound is often performed in early pregnancy. From the beginning of the second trimester, such a study is not a common practice, but has a number of indications in individual cases. With its help, you can assess the condition of the cervix, determine the presentation of the baby's place, etc.

This study, like a regular ultrasound, does not negatively affect the fetus and should not have bad consequences. So, if bloody discharge appears after an ultrasound examination, you should contact a gynecologist, as these symptoms may indicate the development of pathology.

Ultrasound is safe and performed by a doctor. Infections through the device are excluded, since a special condom is placed on the sensor before insertion. A doctor does not have the right to force a woman to do a transvaginal ultrasound; however, it is with the help of this study that ectopic conception and other pathologies can be determined. Therefore, it is recommended to listen to your doctor.

Elimination of bleeding

What to do if pregnancy is accompanied by significant or scanty bleeding? First of all, a woman must remain calm and not panic. Not in all cases such a violation leads to fetal death.

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Is it possible to maintain a pregnancy if there is bleeding?

Of course, yes, provided that you register with the antenatal clinic in a timely manner and immediately seek medical help. Even if the discharge is minor and your overall health is good, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Bleeding after ultrasound during pregnancy

To find out how to stop bleeding, you need to determine the cause of its occurrence. To do this, the woman is sent to undergo tests and undergo the following diagnostic procedures:

  • general urine and blood tests;
  • blood test for HIV and syphilis;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • blood test for hCG levels;
  • examination of a smear for vaginal flora.

If there is a suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy, a diagnostic laparoscopy is performed.

The main goal of treatment in the early stages of gestation is to stop bleeding and prevent miscarriage.

Treatment includes the following:

  • hemostatic drugs – Dicynon;
  • antispasmodics that reduce uterine tone - No-shpa;
  • hormonal drugs that provide the level of progesterone necessary to maintain pregnancy - Duphaston, Utrozhestan;
  • sedatives (tinctures of motherwort, valerian);
  • vitamin therapy – Magne B6, vitamin E, folic acid.

In case of a frozen pregnancy, mandatory curettage is indicated. After the procedure, hormonal therapy and drugs aimed at restoring the functions of the circulatory system are prescribed. If a woman is diagnosed with a negative Rh factor, after curettage she is given anti-Rh immunoglobulin to prevent Rh conflict.

Treatment of ectopic pregnancy is only surgical. During surgery, the fertilized egg embedded in the tube or the fallopian tube itself is removed.

After the first successful results of treatment, when the pregnancy can be maintained, the woman is given complete rest. In some cases, bed rest is recommended. Intimate life when there is a threat of miscarriage should be completely stopped. All prescribed medications must be taken for a long time, even in the absence of bleeding and satisfactory health. The exact dosage and duration of administration are determined by the attending physician.

Therapeutic measures for placenta previa depend on the intensity of the discharge. If they are abundant, an immediate cesarean section is prescribed, even if the fetus is premature. Subsequently, the woman undergoes treatment aimed at restoring blood loss.

With scanty discharge, they are limited to opening the amniotic sac. However, if this measure is ineffective and the discharge does not stop, a caesarean section is also indicated.

Bleeding caused by placental abruption is more difficult to diagnose, since this pathology involves internal bleeding combined with external bleeding. In 25% of cases there is no external discharge at all. To stop the bleeding, a cesarean section is performed with further treatment to compensate for blood loss.

Can Clexane cause bleeding during pregnancy?

This drug is used to treat thrombosis, angina, and renal failure. Reviews about it may be contradictory. Indeed, taking Clexane increases the risk of miscarriage, so its use is only permissible under close medical supervision.

Bleeding after ultrasound during pregnancy

In addition to increasing discharge, the drug can cause side effects such as hemorrhoids and local allergies. It is prescribed in cases where the effectiveness of its use outweighs the possible risks.

Clexane is contraindicated for:

  • threat of spontaneous abortion;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • some diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • tuberculosis.

Application of Duphaston

The drug is prescribed to replenish progesterone. This is a hormone necessary for a successful pregnancy. For bleeding during pregnancy, Duphaston is prescribed in the first trimester.

Bleeding after ultrasound during pregnancy

The dosage is calculated individually, taking into account the patient’s hormonal disorders, the nature of the discharge and her general well-being. The most typical dosage is 40 mg of a single dose of the drug and further doses of 10 mg three times a day.

Duphaston is taken until the symptoms of threatened miscarriage completely cease. In the future, it is possible to change the dosage to maintain the normal course of pregnancy.

Like most medicines, Duphaston can cause side effects. These may be inflammatory processes in the kidneys, constipation, hemorrhoids. In some cases, negative reactions from the liver (signs of jaundice) may occur. In case of such side effects, the drug is discontinued. It can be replaced with other drugs, for example, Utrozhestan. Duphaston does not have a negative effect on fetal development.

Self-medication at home using untested traditional medicine is unacceptable! Only the attending physician can prescribe hemostatic drugs and other medications!

Brown discharge after ultrasound during pregnancy

There are different reasons why brown discharge is observed after a transvaginal ultrasound. They are often associated not with the procedure itself, but with processes in the woman’s body. So, they may indicate fetal implantation. This process is natural and normal.

There are other reasons that provoke bleeding, they are not physiological and require treatment:

  • Cervical erosion can cause brown secretion after ultrasound.
  • Infectious pathologies.
  • Disturbances in the development of pregnancy, including ectopic conception.
  • Placental abruption.

It should be remembered that ultrasound does not provoke the development of the problem, but helps to detect it.

Is it possible to do an ultrasound during pregnancy?

Questions about whether it is possible to do a pelvic ultrasound a large number of times, whether it harms the woman and child, and whether ultrasound can cause bleeding are relevant. Ultrasound itself is the delivery of ultrasound frequencies from a special receiver, which is directed to the part of the body that needs to be examined, including the pelvic organs.

The emitted sound is reflected from the tissues, and the resulting “echo” is recognized by the device. The sound signal is converted into an electrical signal, processed and appears on the monitor screen. There is no official confirmation that ultrasound is dangerous. In this regard, this type of diagnosis is considered the safest, fastest and most accurate way to assess the condition of pregnancy.

Using ultrasound, various pathologies and developmental abnormalities in a child are detected. Based on the results of the examination, the safest option for delivery is determined.

Reasons for the appearance of discharge after ultrasound

There are many reasons for brownish secretions during pregnancy, and not all of them are related to ultrasound diagnostics.

In some cases, a secret associated with the procedure may appear if:

  • The organs of the reproductive system are highly sensitive.
  • The organs of the reproductive system are supplied with a large amount of blood due to the dilation of blood vessels.
  • The cervix was affected.

The discharge that occurs after this type of study should be scanty, and it does not last long. In rare cases, during the examination, small injuries may appear on the inner surface of the vagina. The discharged blood mixes with normal discharge, and therefore you may notice a brownish leucorrhoea lasting 1-2 days.

Possible consequences

The test is considered one of the safest ways to check the progress of pregnancy. Some unpleasant symptoms may appear after a vaginal ultrasound. Abdominal diagnosis, as a rule, does not have any negative consequences.

After an ultrasound, the following conditions may be normal:

  • Unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen.
  • Abdominal tension.
  • A meager secret of a brownish tint.

To find out exactly what consequences the study may bring, you should consult your doctor. If a woman feels tension or abdominal pain for a long time, or spotting appears, she should consult a gynecologist. Perhaps such symptoms are not a consequence of ultrasound, but developing diseases that pose a danger to the woman and child.

Causes of pathology in the early stages - up to 15 weeks

Sometimes small spotting of a brown or dark color occurs at the very beginning of pregnancy, at 2 weeks. Some women may mistakenly perceive them as the beginning of menstruation. In fact, this is the result of the attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. Implantation bleeding may occur somewhat later, even at 5 weeks. It is not dangerous and does not cause discomfort.

At the beginning of pregnancy, bleeding after intercourse is possible. If it is minor, there is no need to worry. But if they become regular and are accompanied by other negative sensations, there is a threat of termination of pregnancy.

Let's look at the main causes of bleeding during pregnancy:

  1. Miscarriage. Spontaneous abortion before 28 weeks. It occurs for various reasons. Among them are pathologies of the structure of the genital organs, endocrine and infectious diseases, genetic pathologies of the fetus, stress, excessive physical activity or injuries. The risk of miscarriage is very high when bleeding occurs at 8 weeks of gestation.
  2. Ectopic pregnancy. It occurs as a result of tubal obstruction, when the fertilized egg cannot penetrate the uterine cavity for further development. Bleeding in this case often occurs at 6 gestational weeks, when the fallopian tube can no longer stretch. This is an extremely dangerous condition for a woman, which requires immediate surgical intervention.
  3. Frozen pregnancy. Usually occurs in the early stages. During a frozen pregnancy, the bleeding is not severe and is accompanied by minor pain in the lower abdomen. The woman is required to undergo mandatory hospitalization for curettage of the uterine cavity and removal of the fertilized egg.
  4. Bubble drift. With this pathology, bloody discharge is accompanied by the discharge of small bubbles. Vacuum aspiration and sometimes removal of the uterus are indicated.
  5. Cervical erosion, fibroids, polyps. These neoplasms in the organ cavity are not directly related to pregnancy, but can cause bleeding at 3-4 weeks and later.
  6. Infectious diseases. They can not only cause severe bleeding, but also harm the development of the fetus. Therefore, such diseases require immediate treatment.
  7. Insufficient progesterone levels.
  8. Cervical cancer.

Some procedures, such as taking blood from the umbilical cord (cordocentesis) or examining amniotic fluid (amniocentesis), can cause a small discharge mixed with blood.

During a miscarriage, contractions occur in the uterus, which tries to get rid of the fetus. One of the signs is discharge with clots, and sometimes together with fragments of tissue of the fertilized egg. If the pregnancy could not be maintained and a spontaneous abortion took place, curettage of the uterine cavity will be a mandatory procedure, since even minor remnants of the fertilized egg can cause an infectious process and other complications. The presence of clots may also indicate a missed pregnancy.

  • At week 10, a pathological condition may occur due to disorders of the blood coagulation system.
  • At week 11, the risk of miscarriage decreases, but this does not mean that the appearance of spotting should not alarm a woman. They can appear after violent sexual intercourse, physical trauma or severe overheating, for example, after visiting a sauna.
  • At 13-15 weeks, a woman is recommended to undergo tests to identify possible fetal malformations. Such tests will help avoid complications in the second half of pregnancy.

Impact of ultrasound examination

Today, an integral part of mandatory screening is an ultrasound procedure. Some expectant mothers fear that the procedure may harm the baby. You can often hear that after an ultrasound, a woman started bleeding.

The discharge in this case is insignificant, lasts no more than two days and does not harm either the mother or the unborn baby. They can be caused by hypersensitivity of the internal genital organs or accumulation of blood.

What other reasons could there be for brown or bloody discharge during pregnancy?

Bleeding during pregnancy is a dangerous symptom that requires urgent medical attention. It is often accompanied by pain in the abdomen and other unpleasant sensations. The only normal option when blood during pregnancy is not dangerous is implantation bleeding.


What pathologies are accompanied by blood secretion:

  • Spontaneous abortion most often occurs in the early stages, in the first three months. May occur as a result of fetal damage. Signs of a miscarriage are cramps, pain in the lower back and bleeding. In this case, you need to consult a doctor; you may need to undergo additional tests.
  • Ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg is implanted outside the uterus. This condition is dangerous, it can lead to internal bleeding; untimely elimination of the pathology leads to infertility and other negative consequences.
  • Placenta previa is its abnormal location. May lead to bleeding. Women with this abnormality may need to continue their pregnancy in a hospital setting under medical supervision.
  • Detachment of the baby's place - the placenta is completely or partially separated from the uterine wall. The condition is accompanied by pain and bleeding and poses a great danger.

Some discharge may not be related to pregnancy - they often indicate the development of erosion, the progression of STDs, some infectious and fungal diseases, and hormonal pathologies. They can occur due to injury, including during sexual intercourse. The appearance of bloody vaginal secretions requires consultation with doctors.


Since bleeding of various colors and intensity is the first sign of a threat of spontaneous abortion, in order to avoid this as much as possible, you need to follow preventive measures:

  1. When planning a pregnancy, future parents need to undergo a comprehensive examination. To do this, genetic compatibility tests are taken. If incompatibility is discovered, doctors will be prepared for this and will take measures in advance.
  2. Even before conceiving a child, it is necessary to cure all infectious diseases, and while carrying a baby, avoid contact with sick people, spend less time in stuffy crowded places and spend more time in the fresh air.
  3. From the first day of pregnancy, the expectant mother should avoid stress and take natural sedatives, such as motherwort or valerian extract.

And remember: the main thing is a positive attitude and compliance with all recommendations of the attending physician.

Bleeding is one of the fairly common complications that accompany pregnancy. For most expectant mothers, spotting causes concern, and sometimes real panic. Indeed, even minor discharge may indicate a risk to the development and preservation of the fetus. However, the condition does not always signal a threat of miscarriage.

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The nature of bleeding may vary. For some, it is a weak spotting discharge without pain, for others it is strong, sometimes profuse, accompanied by cramping pain in the lower abdomen, chills, and dizziness. According to statistics, such a pathology occurs in 20-25% of pregnant women.

Bleeding after ultrasound during pregnancy

The expectant mother must remember: whatever the causes of the pathological condition, she must inform the gynecologist about them. Any discharge, even very scanty and not causing discomfort, is regarded as a pathology and can be dangerous for the development of the fetus. Bleeding is most often diagnosed in the first trimester of gestation.

When to worry

Normally, the discharge should not have any extraneous shades. A milky secretion that does not cause discomfort and has no aroma is considered non-pathological. The discharge should not have a large volume, the consistency is normally uniform, without foreign inclusions. Otherwise, you need to contact a gynecologist.

What to do

If pain or foreign discharge occurs, you should consult a doctor. You may need to undergo additional tests, a smear, and an ultrasound to determine what processes are occurring in the body. It is not recommended to take any medications on your own; only a gynecologist can prescribe effective therapy.

When to see a doctor

If leucorrhoea appears with a foreign odor or an unnatural color, you should consult a doctor. Discomfort should be caused by discomfort, greenish or yellow discharge, as well as gray, white leucorrhoea of ​​heterogeneous consistency, bloody discharge, and clear, abundant discharge like water.


Every pregnant woman should carefully monitor her health. Expectant mothers who are included in the so-called risk groups should be especially careful.

Among the preventive measures aimed at avoiding pathological discharge during pregnancy, the following can be identified:

  1. Maximum limitation of physical activity and emotional stress.
  2. Avoid cycling, heavy lifting, fast running, strength sports, and walking on stairs.
  3. If certain indicators are present, minimize, and in some cases completely eliminate, sexual activity.
  4. Do not use tampons or douche, which may cause increased discharge.
  5. Drink enough liquid (at least 8-10 glasses a day).

Important conditions for prevention are the prevention of abortions, proper contraception, treatment of gynecological diseases before conception, and the birth of children under the age of 35.

Bleeding in early pregnancy, as well as in the third trimester, is quite treatable. Compliance with all the instructions of the attending physician will allow the woman to avoid negative consequences and give birth to a healthy, strong child.

Light brown discharge after an ultrasound may in some cases be normal, but often it appears for other reasons. This type of analysis is planned. Using an ultrasound examination, it is determined whether the child has diseases, what gender he is, etc.

Sometimes women observe discharge after an ultrasound, especially for transvaginal examination. Often they are caused not by the diagnosis itself, but by other factors that can pose a threat to the woman and child.


To prevent the development of pathologies during pregnancy, when planning to conceive, you need to undergo examinations and cure diseases and infections. During pregnancy, STDs pose a particular threat to the fetus; they can lead to infection of the fetus, premature birth and other abnormalities.

It is necessary to undergo all scheduled examinations in a timely manner and follow the doctor’s recommendations. It is important to give up bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right.

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