Symptoms of the disease - pain in early pregnancy

When the expectant mother first learns about her new position, she is overwhelmed by many emotions, including fear. She listens to all her sensations and responds to every alarm signal from the body. The same should be done if the uterus hurts during pregnancy. This symptom should not be missed, because normally it should not be present.

A woman should not worry if she feels some tingling or pinching in the uterine area. This indicates implantation of the embryo on its wall. This sensation may occur 6-12 days after conception. Such pain in the uterus in the early stages of pregnancy should not be particularly noticeable.

Is this normal?

During pregnancy, the uterus enlarges and becomes heavier. Due to this, the load on those ligaments that hold it in the pelvis increases. Due to the increase in size, other organs are displaced and the abdominal muscles become tense.

This condition is normal. A woman may experience weak, long-term or short-term strong, as well as stabbing pain in the uterus during pregnancy - they should not cause fear. It is advisable to lie on your side. But if the pain does not go away, you need to consult a gynecologist.

Outside of pregnancy

Most of the unpleasant sensations localized in the projection of the uterus in a non-pregnant woman are difficult to attribute specifically to the pathology of this organ. Most often, manifestations of diseases of the pelvic organs “simulate” intestinal diseases. For the convenience of primary diagnosis, their distinctive features should be listed:

  • The pain syndrome characteristic of intestinal pathology (especially functional) usually has a cramping character. That is, increased pain alternates with periods when it weakens or disappears.
  • The intensity of unpleasant sensations changes under the influence of physiological effects - vomiting, passing stool or gas.
  • Pain is extremely rarely felt only in the projection of the small pelvis - especially in the groin area. A different localization is more typical for them, including one that affects several areas of the abdomen at once.

Pain in the uterus or its appendages, on the contrary, has exactly the opposite qualities. Their intensity and character largely depend on the original cause, and in terms of localization they are always quite limited.


The development of this pathological process can also occur in several ways, but all of them should not be considered. Chronic inflammation is extremely rarely accompanied by any pain, manifesting itself only in disturbances of the menstrual cycle and reproductive function. Therefore, the acute course of the process should be cited as a typical example:

  1. The pathology usually begins with a change in the general condition - pain is already a secondary symptom. The woman begins to experience weakness, decreased performance, and fever with a moderate increase in body temperature.
  2. Pain syndrome due to inflammatory lesions of the pelvic organs (endometritis, salpingitis, oophoritis) develops gradually. First, a feeling of discomfort appears (complaints that the stomach is “pulling”), which gradually transforms into a constant aching pain.
  3. Against the background of persistent unpleasant sensations, as well as intoxication, the occurrence of pathological discharge from the genital tract - ichor or pus - is noted. But their appearance is possible only when the process is localized directly in the uterine cavity or tubes.

Against the background of endometritis, a change in the nature of menstruation is usually observed - they become painful and scanty.

Emergency conditions

In gynecology, there are also some acute conditions, the development of which can occur quite suddenly. Without timely correction, they can lead to fatal complications. The pain syndrome accompanying their appearance is characterized in each case by slight differences:

  • Ovarian apoplexy is usually caused by the normal process of ovulation, which leads to accidental rupture of a nearby vessel. In this case, a hematoma quickly forms in the area of ​​damage, or bleeding develops into the abdominal cavity. This disease is characterized by the occurrence of acute intense pain in the lower abdomen, which tends to increase.
  • Torsion of the tumor stalk - a superficial fibroid or ovarian cyst - also usually occurs spontaneously. But the pain syndrome in this case is aching and constant, and intensifies to a maximum within several hours.
  • The birth of a myomatous node is a fairly rare complication, but is also accompanied by unpleasant sensations. They also develop gradually, but are localized both in the projection of the uterus and in the depths of the perineum.

For all of these conditions, emergency surgical treatment is indicated, aimed at eliminating the pathological formation.

Other violations

Also, pain in the uterine area is often caused by certain diseases that are difficult to attribute to a specific group. They can be caused by many reasons, although in each case their course is almost the same:

  1. Endometriosis develops due to abnormal movement of cells in the inner layer of the uterus outside of their normal location. It is characterized by a typical combination of symptoms - the onset of the disease at a young age, an increase in the volume and duration of discharge, and nagging pain that accompanies menstruation.
  2. Functional pain belongs to the premenstrual syndrome (PMS) complex, preceding the onset of menstruation and continuing during the first days of this period. The nature of the discharge usually does not change; less often, a decrease in its volume is noted.

It is not for nothing that these two conditions are given as an example within the same group. They are distinguished by a pain syndrome that is similar in nature - the unpleasant sensations are associated precisely with the onset of the next menstruation. But the line between them can be drawn only after special diagnostics.

When the expectant mother first learns about her new position, she is overwhelmed by many emotions, including fear. She listens to all her sensations and responds to every alarm signal from the body. The same should be done if the uterus hurts during pregnancy. This symptom should not be missed, because normally it should not be present.

A woman should not worry if she feels some tingling or pinching in the uterine area. This is talking about on her wall. This sensation may occur 6-12 days after conception. Such pain in the uterus in the early stages of pregnancy should not be particularly noticeable.

During pregnancy, the uterus enlarges and becomes heavier. Due to this, the load on those ligaments that hold it in the pelvis increases. Due to the increase in size, other organs are displaced and the abdominal muscles become tense.

This condition is normal. A woman may experience weak, long-term or short-term strong, as well as stabbing pain in the uterus during pregnancy - they should not cause fear. It is advisable to lie on your side. But if the pain does not go away, you need to consult a gynecologist.


The uterus is a muscular organ, so increased tone may be normal for it. In the early stages, it occurs due to hormonal changes in the female body. At 6-8 weeks, such pain appears due to the fact that the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus. This physiological process does not require treatment. In mid-pregnancy, pain occurs due to the strong growth of the uterus. In the third trimester, this condition is a signal of preparation for childbirth. The pain appears sporadically. To stop them, relaxing and taking an antispasmodic is enough.

Sometimes pain in the uterus during pregnancy occurs not because of hormonal changes, but simply as uterine spasms. For example, this can happen after sex or when your bladder is full.

Possible causes of pain in the lower abdomen

The result of hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman may be a slight stretching of muscle fibers, which causes pain in the lower abdomen.

However, the causes of pain may be much more serious. Hormonal disturbances in the body can become harbingers of increased uterine tone.

Uterine tone is a contraction of muscle fibers, leading to pain in the cervix. The reasons for a sharp contraction of the muscles of the uterus can be:

If the cervix hurts during pregnancy, especially in the first weeks, then it is possible that the whole problem lies in the condition of the intestines. During this unusual period, when the fair sex suffers from toxicosis, there is often anxiety from a bloated abdomen, indigestion, colic, and pain, which provoke pain in the neck.

Therefore, a pregnant woman should adjust her diet and exclude all foods that can lead to indigestion. Indeed, at the very initial stage of fetal development, even constipation can affect an increase in uterine tone, which is extremely undesirable at this stage of pregnancy.

Pain in the uterus can also be caused by gynecological health problems. All kinds of hormonal changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy can become a kind of activator of various kinds of diseases. A striking example is the formation of ovarian cysts.

Only a gynecologist monitoring the course of pregnancy can resolve questions about the possible treatment of such diseases or delaying treatment until delivery. Pain in the lower abdomen at the beginning of pregnancy can also result from the occurrence of any diseases not related to gynecology. It can be:

  • inflamed appendix;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • pancreatitis;
  • the presence of stones in the gall bladder;
  • exacerbation of gastritis;
  • bloating and indigestion.

In order to diagnose the presence of a particular disease, it is necessary to undergo all types of examinations prescribed by the doctor.

Types of pain

A woman can usually describe what kind of pain in the uterine area she experiences during pregnancy.

It is worth considering in detail all the varieties:

  • stabbing pains may indicate appendicitis and urolithiasis.
  • Cutting. Occurs in the early stages. If they are felt on the left or right, this may be ectopic development of the fetus. In some cases, this pain extends to the anus and legs. In the area of ​​the womb, such sensations arise due to interruptions in the functioning of the urinary system.
  • Tingling. In the first trimester, they appear due to the preparation of the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus so that the fetus can develop. In this case, the ligaments are stretched. Most often, discomfort is observed in women who experience discomfort during menstruation.
  • An aching character localized in the right hypochondrium with irradiation to the lower abdomen manifests itself in the case of an inflammatory process in the gallbladder.
  • Cramping pain occurs when there is a threat of miscarriage. You must consult a doctor immediately.
  • Pulling can also be a harbinger of interruption. If they are accompanied by bloody discharge, placental abruption can be diagnosed.
  • Severe pain at the end of the third trimester indicates the body is preparing for childbirth. At this moment, the pelvic bones diverge, which is why all the unpleasant sensations are concentrated in the area of ​​the sacrum and womb.
  • Dull, incessant pain in the navel area, coupled with loose stools, fever and nausea indicate pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • If the uterus hurts as if during menstruation , but already while expecting a baby, this is a signal of the attachment of a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. And in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, this indicates a threat of premature birth.

Any pain that continues for a long time and is not relieved by antispasmodics is a reason to urgently call a doctor.

Menstruation and physiological ailments

Often pain in the lower abdomen occurs during menstruation. If the pain is tolerable, has a pressing, spastic nature, and the discharge is of medium abundance and without clots, a physiological peculiarity of the body is often stated. You can ask your doctor to prescribe a suitable antispasmodic. Otherwise, you should undergo a gynecological examination - perhaps there are some hidden diseases of the reproductive organs.

If the uterus hurts, you need to find out if there is any pathology of this organ.

For physiological reasons, uterine pain also occurs in the following situations:

  • During the period of ovulation, when the egg matures and leaves the follicle. Similar discomfort occurs on the 14th day after menstruation, in the middle of the cycle.
  • A few days after conception, when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall. It is believed that young women experience pain more often if they are in early pregnancy.
  • During intensive fetal growth. Sometimes pain begins in the early stages of pregnancy, if the woman has had illnesses or damage to the body of the uterus, adhesions are present.
  • Closer to the birth of the baby. Gestation ends and contractions begin, causing discomfort.

MORE ABOUT: If there is a delay of 1 day, there may be pregnancy.
One day late: could there be pregnancy? Questionable signs of pregnancy There is no danger if these are training contractions. But the uterus can also hurt due to the threat of spontaneous abortion or premature birth. Therefore, it is worth consulting with your doctor.

Unpleasant sensations in the form of spasms are possible after childbirth and are also natural. This is how the organ tries to regain its previous shape. They intensify during breastfeeding due to a reflex response to nipple stimulation.

Many women experience uterine pain during menstruation. The causes of this symptom are often physiological. Every second representative of the fairer sex complains of dysmenorrhea.

The uterus hurts a lot: causes and consequences

However, on other days the woman’s health remains normal. Pain in the uterus appears 1-2 days before menstruation and ends on the 2-3rd day of bleeding.

The unpleasant sensations are pressing or pulling in nature and can be spastic. They arise as a result of contraction of a muscle organ. If you can’t bear the pain, you can take an antispasmodic.

Dysmenorrhea has no unpleasant consequences. It is important to contact a gynecologist in time and make sure that there are no other abnormalities. Many women report that monthly pain and discomfort go away after giving birth. Why is still a mystery.

Pain caused by the following factors is not dangerous for the mother and fetus:

  1. Implantation of fertilized egg. Pain in the lower abdomen may occur several days before the expected start of menstruation, even before the delay. The most likely cause of discomfort is the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine tissue.
  2. Sprain of the uterine ligaments. In this case, pain is observed towards the end of the first trimester. By this time, the uterus becomes larger and slightly changes its location (rises).
  3. Increased levels of progesterone in the body. Without this hormone, normal gestation is impossible, since it is what makes the ligaments and joints elastic. Pain occurs due to hormonal changes in the body.
  4. Morning sickness. Toxicosis (especially vomiting) is one of the common reasons why the lower abdomen hurts in the early stages of pregnancy.
  5. Constipation. Pregnancy affects not only the human reproductive system, but also the digestive system. This results in bloating and difficulty defecating.

If pain occurs when walking

If a woman feels that her cervix hurts while walking during pregnancy, there is no need to worry. This option is considered normal. Minor discomfort may occur due to the fact that the uterus grows and the muscles stretch. Quiet rest reduces the severity of these symptoms. If the pain is severe and acute, then you should consult a doctor.

Women who have encountered this phenomenon need to independently determine where the pain is more localized. It is enough to place your palm on the abdominal wall and slowly press on the stomach, while determining a specific place. This examination must be carried out in a supine position.

In most cases, expectant mothers experience pain when walking after physical exertion, stress or hypothermia. There is no need to take pills, just calm down and relax. But if the ligaments of the uterus hurt so much during pregnancy that they do not allow you to move, this indicates serious pathologies.

Stomach hurts in the first days of pregnancy

It often happens that a woman has a stomach ache in the first days of pregnancy . The pain can be nagging, paroxysmal, and feels reminiscent of pain during menstruation. As a rule, such pain occurs as a result of the so-called uterine tone. The tone of the uterus is characterized by tension and some contraction of the uterine muscles, as a result of which these pains occur.

Most often, uterine tone occurs due to some imbalance of hormones in the body at the initial stage of pregnancy. Typically, in such cases, a deficiency of the hormone progesterone secreted by the ovaries is detected. This condition can manifest itself as a result of inflammatory diseases in the pelvic organs, an imbalance in the release of certain hormones, tumor diseases and some other reasons. Tone can also occur due to physical overexertion, severe stress and anxiety.

In the presence of such pain, a pregnant woman is usually sent for an ultrasound examination, where they can confirm guesses about the presence of uterine muscle tone. It is also necessary to analyze the venous blood for the concentration of the hormone progesterone in it and thus confirm or refute the occurrence of abdominal pain due to its deficiency.

    Pain in the lower abdomen after ovulation Pain in the right side during pregnancy Pain in the left side in the lower abdomen Kegel exercises for prolapse of the uterus Redness of the cervix Treatment and prevention of headaches during pregnancy Pain in the lower back on the right side

As a rule, if there is a deficiency of progesterone, a pregnant woman is prescribed drugs containing it, such as Utrozhestan or Duphaston. It is also recommended to maintain physical rest, rest and lie down as much as possible. If there is some kind of psychological stress, it is recommended to take valerian preparations and avoid exciting situations.

In addition to all of the above, sexual rest is necessary, since some substances contained in sperm, as well as sexual contact itself, can cause contraction and tone of the uterus.

In case of severe pain, the doctor may recommend taking No-shpa to relieve painful spasms, as well as the use of certain rectal suppositories, for example, Papaverine, to relax the tense muscles of the uterus. In addition, medications containing various magnesium compounds are prescribed to relieve uterine spasms.

If the abdominal pain is very pronounced in the first days of pregnancy, the pregnant woman may be hospitalized in a specialized department for further examination and preservation of the pregnancy.

Cervical pain

While expecting a baby, the cervix takes on its anatomical position. It protects the uterus and appendages from infection. This allows you to more effectively maintain the health of the fetus.

Why does the uterus hurt in the cervical area during pregnancy? Firstly, this may signal hypertonicity. Due to low progesterone levels, such sensations appear. Its deficiency provokes termination of pregnancy. Another reason is an excess amount of prolactin. Often occurs due to nervousness, infection, high physical activity.

Pathological pain

These conditions include problems that are associated with the threat of miscarriage, ectopic and frozen pregnancy, and placental abruption.

Each case should be analyzed separately:

  • Threat of interruption. In this case, the woman feels nagging and aching pain in the uterine area. They may be accompanied by bloody discharge. The progress of the process manifests itself in the form of increased pain, a cramping nature is noticeable. Without specific treatment, premature birth or miscarriage may occur.
  • An ectopic pregnancy is the attachment of a fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity. The most common variety is the trumpet one. Painful sensations arise on one side, do not last long, but are intense, up to loss of consciousness. At 8-12 weeks, a rupture of the fallopian tube may occur. Diagnosis occurs using ultrasound, and treatment is only surgical.
  • Placental abruption. Can happen at any time. The pain is so severe that the woman has to choose a forced position. There may be no vaginal discharge. There are signs of fetal hypoxia and internal bleeding. If this condition is not treated, there is a risk of intrauterine death of the child. In addition, this is a very big threat to a woman’s life.
  • Frozen pregnancy. If the process occurred in the first trimester, a woman may not understand whether the uterus hurts during pregnancy. The doctor will see this by the fact that the size of the organ does not correspond to the standard. Nausea and sensitivity to smells may occur, and then the symptoms suddenly disappear. Cramping pain appears in the lower abdomen.

Pathological nature of pain in the first weeks of pregnancy

Pain may occur due to infection of the reproductive organs. More often, women who are promiscuous and do not use barrier contraceptives suffer from this. Infections cause inflammation of the mucous membranes, and without treatment, pathogens penetrate into the tissues, which leads to serious complications. Inflammatory processes affect nearby organs and can affect the entire pelvic cavity.

Pain in the uterus often occurs due to inflammation.

The uterus also hurts in the following conditions:

  • Neoplasms – fibroids, ovarian cysts. If the latter leg is torsioned, the discomfort intensifies and radiates to the lower back.
  • Adhesive process. Pain sensations appear in waves, radiating to the anus and lumbar region.
  • Endometriosis. Characterized by the development of cells of the uterine mucosa outside its normal location. If you do not respond to pain, they will begin to grow into the abdominal cavity and even penetrate other organs. Surgery will be required to get rid of endometriotic lesions.

An ectopic pregnancy, in which a fertilized egg is implanted outside the uterine cavity (mainly in the fallopian tubes), is accompanied by a gradual increase in pain. At first it is nagging in nature, but after a few days the intensity of the symptoms intensifies, the pain increases, and radiates to the lower back. The temperature may rise. In this condition, urgent surgery is required; you need to call an ambulance.

  • Cutting in the lower abdomen. A sensation as if cutting in the lower abdomen, more often manifests itself in the early stages of pregnancy; girls who have painful periods are more likely to experience this symptom. If the pain occurs periodically and is considered mild, there is no need to worry. Intense manifestation indicates uterine tone.
  • Nagging pain in the lower abdomen and twitching of the cervix indicate a high probability of spontaneous abortion. A woman should take an antispasmodic and immediately consult a gynecologist. If the condition is accompanied by heavy bleeding, placental abruption is possible.
  • Cramping pain reminiscent of discomfort before menstruation. Their appearance in the early stages indicates improper attachment of the fertilized egg, tubal or ovarian pregnancy, and emergency termination is indicated.
  • Expanding pain in the cervix during pregnancy after the thirty-sixth week indicates the preparation of the uterus for childbirth. During this period, the pelvic bones diverge, and pain can radiate to the sacrum and pubis. If you experience intense pain and contractions, you should consult a doctor and undergo a vaginal examination.

If the pain is constant and antispasmodics do not help, the woman should consult a doctor as an emergency.

  • sharp, stabbing pain that appears suddenly and covers the abdomen may indicate the development of appendicitis or urolithiasis;
  • with cystitis, pain appears behind the pubis, the woman faces a frequent urge to urinate;
  • attacks of dull, aching or acute pain in the lower abdomen that can radiate to the intestines indicate the development of cholecystitis or pancreatitis;
  • dull pain indicates the development of various gastrointestinal pathologies.

MORE ABOUT: How an ultrasound is performed at 12 weeks of pregnancy and what it shows: interpretation and table of norms
Attention! The development of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system is not uncommon during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the growing uterus puts pressure on various organs and disrupts their natural functioning.

Unfortunately, not all women carrying a baby manage to avoid the unpleasant sensations in the stomach that arise in the early stages. When pain occurs, it is important to promptly assess the possible risks of the following pathologies:

  1. Hypertonicity of the uterus. This condition is the most common cause of lower abdominal pain in early pregnancy. With hypertonicity, the uterus becomes “stony”, deformed and interferes with the correct positioning of the embryo in the womb. This in turn can lead to miscarriage. Uterine hypertonicity requires treatment and constant monitoring by doctors.
  2. Anembryony. About fifteen out of a hundred women face this problem. With anembryonia, the baby becomes unviable in the first weeks of pregnancy. In addition to pain, a woman may feel malaise, nausea, vomiting, but symptoms such as toxicosis and swelling of the mammary glands disappear.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy. If not diagnosed in a timely manner, this condition can have negative consequences for a woman’s body and call into question further attempts to become pregnant.

What can you do if your uterus hurts? Since this is a muscular organ, pain occurs due to spasms. Taking any antispasmodic agent, in particular No-Shpa, will help alleviate the condition.

If the uterus hurts very much, what should you do in this case? It is allowed to take Paracetamol or Ibuprofen as an additional painkiller.

The complaint “the uterus hurts and hurts” is a serious reason to seek medical advice. And this dangerous symptom cannot be ignored.

What to do?

It is important to remember that in normal conditions the cervix hurts during pregnancy calmly and unobtrusively. If the sensations become unbearable, acute and frequent, accompanied by bleeding, you should immediately contact your doctor.

If your ligaments hurt, rest will help relieve the discomfort. You can try taking a knee-elbow position to unload the spine. Another good method is to place one pillow under your stomach and squeeze the other between your legs. Taking a warm shower will also relieve symptoms.

The characteristic pain at the beginning of pregnancy quickly passes. The main thing is to be patient and visit your gynecologist regularly. If you follow all his recommendations, you will be able to maintain good health.

Author: Irina Levchenko, doctor, especially for

In early pregnancy, women often experience pain in the uterus. This symptom can have several possible causes, and although most of them do not indicate serious health problems, in some cases women need medical attention.

At the very beginning of pregnancy, the uterus is significantly smaller in size compared to the second and third trimesters. Therefore, pain in this part of the body is usually not associated with the pressure that an enlarged uterus puts on other organs. In addition, women during this period do not yet have time to gain weight, which means that it also cannot be the cause of discomfort.

However, uterine pain is one of the most common symptoms of early pregnancy. In this current article, we will look at potential causes of this pain, which include adjustments in hormonal levels and changes in muscles.

Uterine tone during pregnancy

Unfortunately, the onset of pregnancy is sometimes accompanied by many dangerous problems that can cause miscarriage or the onset of premature labor; one of these reasons is uterine tone . This reason is one of the most popular among women during pregnancy. This condition is a painful contraction of the uterus that can occur even in the first trimester of pregnancy. For all pregnant women, it is necessary to know the symptoms by which you can understand that the uterus is in good shape? This knowledge will help you consult a doctor in time to prevent bad consequences.

How to recognize uterine tone?

A pregnant woman has the opportunity to independently determine the tone of her uterus even before she consults a specialist. A sign of uterine contraction is the appearance of periodic pulsation and spasms in the lower abdomen. A woman may experience similar sensations during the onset of painful menstruation. In addition, a woman during pregnancy may feel a kind of petrification; it may seem to her that the uterus has become like stone. The concept of uterine tone in itself is not the name of the disease; it is only evidence that dangerous changes begin in the female body, which can cause the death of the fetus.

Cramping localized pain is one of the main signs of the onset of uterine tone; if a woman feels it, she immediately needs to go to a specialist. The doctor must give a referral for an ultrasound, which can refute or confirm the diagnosis. Uterine tone during pregnancy, the symptoms of which a woman has discovered, requires compliance with a number of rules. First of all, a woman should often be in the fresh air and be extremely careful. She must completely eliminate overwork and stress from her environment.

If the uterus is in good shape, then the sensations may not always be painful. If you are wondering how to determine the tone of the uterus yourself, then first of all the woman should lie on her back. One of her hands should lie on the front of the thigh, and the second should be placed on the place where the uterus is located. If the surface of the thigh and the uterus have the same tone, then this indicates normal tone. Otherwise, you will feel the uterus harder. At the beginning of pregnancy, short-term contractions of the uterine muscles can occur without any discomfort and only for a few seconds.

Uterine tone at the end of pregnancy

Starting from 28-30 weeks, a woman can feel the tone of the uterus much more strongly, it can be more painful. If uterine tone appears at 38-40 weeks, then this indicates the imminent onset of labor; this period of pregnancy is considered full-term. The most dangerous is the appearance of hypertension, which can appear before the full-term period. Moreover, such sensations with uterine tone can be quite painful and sharp. At this point, the risk of premature birth increases.

If a woman experiences prolonged hypertension, lasting from an hour to several days, then she should be under special control. In this case, a spasm of the uterine vessels occurs, as a result of which the placenta deteriorates, thereby impairing the blood circulation of the fetus. In such a situation, the child begins to develop poorly. The most dangerous consequences in this case may be internal uterine bleeding and placental abruption. If the tone of the uterus during pregnancy is revealed only when examined by a doctor during an ultrasound scan, this means that this condition is not life-threatening for the pregnant woman and her unborn child.

Treatment of uterine tone

Once a woman knows all the signs of uterine tone, she has the opportunity to independently monitor the condition, consulting a doctor if necessary. Usually it is the doctor who determines why uterine tone occurs. However, in any case, a woman should reduce mental and physical stress, take medications prescribed by a doctor, sedative pills or tinctures.

What does it feel like to have uterine tone?

So, what are the most common and basic sensations a woman experiences during pregnancy if the uterus is in good shape:

    heaviness in the abdomen, which is usually permanent; constant occurrence of pain in the uterine area, which in its nature resembles contractions; the appearance of pain in the pubic or lower back area; a hard belly, which may become tougher during special periods; petrification of the uterus; shortening of the cervix, however, this symptom can only be determined during a medical examination; presence of bleeding.

Common Causes

Below are the most common causes of pain in the uterine area during early pregnancy.

Uterine round ligament pain

The source of pain in the lower abdomen may be the round ligaments of the uterus

Pain in the round ligaments of the uterus occurs because the uterus enlarges and the ligaments that support it stretch to accommodate the developing fetus. This pain usually occurs in sharp, stabbing attacks on one or both sides of the uterus. The attacks can be sudden and last only a few seconds.

Pain in the round ligaments of the uterus occurs without warning. Some women experience particular discomfort when changing body position in bed. Additionally, the problem may occur when a pregnant woman gets out of a chair or bed.

Pain in the round ligaments of the uterus can cause some discomfort, but it does not indicate the development of serious health problems.

Pelvic floor muscle pain

Many women experience pain in the pelvic floor muscles while bearing children. This symptom can occur in the early stages of pregnancy, especially in those women who have already given birth to children. A stretched uterus is one cause of this pain, although hormonal changes can also affect the pelvic floor muscles.

Pain in the pelvic floor muscles manifests itself in different ways. Women can feel it in the area of ​​the uterus itself, as well as in the area of ​​the bladder, vagina, back or abdomen.

Some women experience pain in their pelvic floor muscles after injury, such as a tear. This problem may cause other symptoms, such as urine leaking from the bladder when jumping or sneezing.

This type of pain does not indicate problems with the developing fetus, but it should be understood that it may get worse as the pregnancy progresses.


Early pregnancy is often accompanied by cramps similar to those that occur during menstruation. This symptom may develop against the background of increased progesterone levels or an enlarged uterus.

Some women worry that cramping may be a sign of miscarriage. Intense cramps that get steadily worse can indeed indicate pregnancy loss, especially when they are accompanied by bleeding. However, in many cases, cramping is only a temporary symptom and is not an indicator of any problems.


Hello. I'm 11 weeks pregnant. bicornuate uterus with the cervix posterior. a child in the left horn, a hematoma in the right. 3 days ago I started having severe pain, it’s difficult to describe the nature, for example, when I had an ovarian cyst it hurt so much, or when examined on a chair with instruments. the pain is greater in the vagina and radiates to the anus, precisely on the left side, where the baby is. It hurts so much that it hurts to sit, my side pulls, when I walk I spread my legs because it hurts to connect them. sometimes it cuts, sometimes it stabs, sometimes it spasms. When the gas goes away, I scream. I feel like when I walk, everything will fall out from the inside. the right side is soft, the left side is hard. I visited the doctor and said that everything was fine with the child. I lie down a lot, but I can’t even lie down, it hurts so much as it puts pressure on my anus and vagina. I just don't have the strength anymore. I drink duphaston, noshpa. Can you tell me what it could be? Thank you.

The cause of pain in the lower abdomen can be 4 factors: threat of miscarriage, problems with the intestines or bladder, pinched nerve in the sacrococcygeal spine.

Without examination and ultrasound data, it is difficult to say anything definitely.

In the latter case, wearing a bandage will bring relief; in addition, you need to consult a neurologist.

Take a general urine test and consult a gastroenterologist.

If you remove these 3 reasons, then go back to the gynecologist and insist on hospitalization in the gynecological department.

Based on materials:

http://www. missfit. ru/berem/pervye_dni_beremennosti_simptomi_bolit_zhivot_vydeleniya/

http://sovetyberemennym. ru/boli-pri-beremennosti/bolit-tonus-matki-beremennosti. html

http://lady. mail. ru/forum/topic/pervye_dni_beremennosti_esli_bolit_zhivot/

http://mamapedia. com. ua/beremennost/oslozhnenia-beremennosti/boli-v-matke-pri-beremennosti. html

Less common causes

The following are problems that are less likely to cause uterine pain in early pregnancy.

Ovarian torsion

Ovarian torsion is characterized by twisting of the ovaries or fallopian tubes around the tissues that support them. In some women, this problem occurs as a result of the development of ovarian cysts, although in many other cases, torsion occurs without obvious causes or associated symptoms.

Pregnancy does not cause ovarian torsion, but this condition can occur during pregnancy. It is a medical emergency because it can block blood flow and thus cause the ovary to die.

Sometimes the ovaries burst, which can cause life-threatening bleeding. In such cases, urgent medical attention is required to save the life of both the mother and her child.

Ovarian torsion usually causes sudden, sharp and severe pain that gets progressively worse. It does not go away or weaken under the influence of massage. In some cases, the pain is so intense that it causes vomiting or fainting.

Ectopic pregnancy

After 35 years of age, the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy increases

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when an egg implants and begins to develop outside the uterine cavity. This usually occurs in the fallopian tubes. Factors that increase the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy include the following:

  • age exceeding 35 years;
  • previous operations on the pelvic organs;
  • smoking;
  • early ectopic pregnancies or pelvic inflammatory diseases;
  • endometriosis;
  • sexually transmitted infections (STIs);
  • in vitro fertilization.

An ectopic pregnancy is not viable. If it continues to develop, it can cause harm to organs and even pose a threat to life.

Once a fertilized egg is implanted in the uterus, it can no longer travel to other places. This means that if an ultrasound confirmed the development of the fetus in the uterus, then the woman should not worry about an ectopic pregnancy.

Pathological symptoms in the first days of pregnancy

The first days of pregnancy are not always pleasant.
Some women experience painful toxicosis, others suffer from depression or insomnia, and still others have quite severe stomach pain and spotting. Let's talk about the pathological symptoms that appear in the first days of pregnancy, indicating a possible threat to the life of the unborn baby, what to do if they appear, how to behave and how to help your body not reject the fetus. There are, in fact, only 3 such pathological signs. These are severe early toxicosis, strong uterine tone and bloody discharge from the vagina. Let's look at them separately.

As a rule, its first symptom is excessive drooling. Then nausea and vomiting appears. Most often, women experience attacks of nausea early in the morning and they (attacks) can be successfully combated using traditional methods. Tea with the addition of mint leaves (but not store-bought with flavorings), with lemon or lemon balm very well tidies up the stomach.

Doctors say that in the first days of pregnancy, these symptoms often appear in young women who are not psychologically ready for motherhood. And thus their body “fights” the embryo. Another version is that the baby, in fact, is a half-alien creature, and as a result, a response from the body occurs.

When does toxicosis become dangerous? Frequent vomiting (about 20 times a day or more) is dangerous, when everything a woman eats and drinks in a day comes out along with vomit. Thus, the body does not receive nutrients, and her unborn child suffers from this. The expectant mother begins to quickly lose weight, she may become dehydrated - an already fatal condition, because as you know, a person can live no more than 3 days without water. In such a difficult situation, urgent hospitalization is required. In the hospital, the expectant mother is waiting for IVs to saturate the body with moisture and remove toxins + vitamin therapy. In very severe cases, when nothing helps, it is recommended to artificially terminate the pregnancy (abortion). Thus, in the early days of pregnancy, symptoms can be dangerous for mother and baby. But the achievements of modern medicine make it possible to treat almost hopeless cases, the main thing is to start treatment in a timely manner. So, do not despair if you have severe toxicosis. Doctors will definitely help you.

Uterine tone

Many women experience stomach pain in the first days of pregnancy. These unpleasant sensations are almost identical to premenstrual or menstrual ones. Therefore, women may not pay attention to this sign at all, expecting monthly bleeding, which still does not occur. What is tone and is it so dangerous?

Gynecologists love to play it safe, referring all girls with tone (and tone periodically occurs in absolutely all expectant mothers) to hospital treatment and prescribing antispasmodics, however, there is nothing wrong with tone if it lasts a few seconds/minutes and does not differ in regularity (does not occur every 40 minutes, for example, like contractions).

The mechanism by which tone occurs is quite complex; we will not consider it in detail. But the main reason for this unpleasant and sometimes painful phenomenon is a lack of progesterone, which provokes the threat of termination of pregnancy. A lack of progesterone, in turn, can occur due to hormonal reasons (for example, due to an excess of “male” hormones), tumors or inflammatory diseases. More often, in the last and first days of pregnancy, the stomach hurts, if there is more than one fetus, during stress, physical exertion, etc.

The woman herself can diagnose these spasms. And the gynecologist only confirms the correctness of the diagnosis. During an external examination, the doctor observes strong tension in the uterine wall. But if the spasms are not severe, the woman herself may not notice these symptoms, and this is the norm. Many women are diagnosed with this condition based on the results of an ultrasound examination. However, modern experts, supporters of evidence-based medicine, consider diagnosing tone using ultrasound to be uninformative and erroneous.

But when your stomach hurts in the first days of pregnancy, it is not as dangerous as in later stages. The fact is that uterine spasms can cause disruption of the uteroplacental blood flow, as a result of which the baby does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients.

Treatment is prescribed depending on the duration of pregnancy, possible causes and severity of the condition. If this pathology is observed in the first trimester, and its cause is a lack of progesterone, the woman is prescribed drugs containing this hormone (Duphaston, Utrozhestan).

The tone must be removed if it is painful. For this, antispasmodics are usually used - tablets or injections of No-Shpa and Papaverine rectal suppositories. In more severe situations, when treatment is carried out in a hospital, droppers or injections with magnesium sulfate (“magnesia”) and soothing suppositories (most often valerian tincture or tablets) are usually prescribed. Of course, it is recommended to have sexual rest, stay in bed, move less and worry less.

The most dangerous situation is when in the first days of pregnancy the stomach hurts and blood begins to discharge from the vagina. We will look at the second symptom in more detail.

Spotting and bleeding during pregnancy

At the very beginning of pregnancy, namely during the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterus, women may notice brown or bloody discharge in small quantities on their underwear; in these very first days of pregnancy, no further symptoms appear. Implantation bleeding usually occurs 7-10 days before the expected start of menstruation. This is one of the clearest signs that conception has occurred.

It is much more dangerous if bleeding occurs after the onset of delayed menstruation. And there are several reasons for this. In the first days of pregnancy, discharge may be associated with erosion of the cervix, mechanical damage to the vaginal mucosa (for example, during sexual intercourse), polyps of the cervical canal and decidual polyps. But the most common reason for the appearance of blood is a threatened or already begun miscarriage. If there is a threat, when in the first days of pregnancy the discharge is insignificant, the situation can be saved if you consult a doctor in time and start treatment. But if pieces of the endometrium are already separated from the vagina, and cramps in the lower abdomen are observed, then it is unlikely that doctors will be able to save your pregnancy, but in any case, you need to see a doctor urgently. It is also necessary to know that the most dangerous weeks in terms of possible bleeding are those when, according to the “schedule,” menstruation should begin, that is, the 4th, 8th, 12th, etc.

Bloody discharge may also occur during an ectopic pregnancy. Other signs of this dangerous condition include too low a hCG level (determined by a blood test), pain in the lower abdomen, in advanced situations, sharp pain occurs, and body temperature rises. An accurate diagnosis can only be made with the help of a diagnostic operation, during which, if the doctors’ fears are confirmed, the fertilized egg is removed from an organ that is inappropriate for development (usually from the fallopian tube).

The norm in the first days of pregnancy is colorless, stretchy, odorless discharge. If there are no sexually transmitted infections and the vaginal microflora is also in order, then these symptoms should not cause concern.

Other causes of pain

Other health problems can cause pain in the uterine area, many of which are not even related to pregnancy.

Some women think that their uterus is higher than it actually is, and because of this, they believe that it becomes the source of pain coming from the abdomen.

Below are some other possible causes of abdominal pain and their accompanying symptoms.

  • Liver pain associated with the development of gallstones or other liver problems may cause pain in the upper abdomen and be accompanied by dark urine.
  • Kidney pain occurs due to pyelonephritis (kidney infection) or kidney stones, which usually cause intense pain in the middle or upper back. In addition, such problems often cause painful urination and fever.
  • Bladder pain is associated with infection of this organ. It may develop along with abdominal pain and difficulty urinating.
  • Pregnant women may also confuse pain originating in the digestive system with pain originating from the uterus. Constipation is a common pregnancy complication that can cause sharp, shooting pain.

Pain after gynecological examination

Many women describe the discomfort that appears after a gynecological examination during pregnancy. The reason for its appearance is changes in hormonal levels and increased sensitivity of the cervix. Gynecologists say that this is a natural reaction of the body and do not find anything threatening in such a change. Any mechanical impact can cause pain, even sexual intercourse with a loved one.

The appearance of pain in the cervix in the early stages of pregnancy is dangerous. This condition can cause miscarriage. At the first suspicion, the expectant mother should consult a doctor. In cases where the cause is active uterine tone, the woman is recommended to take medications containing progesterone. They provide support and reduce the risk of early pregnancy loss.

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Pain localized in the lower abdomen in the 1st and 2nd trimester is more often associated with the influence of pathological factors. In the 3rd trimester, its appearance is often due to the rapid growth of the uterus and an increase in the size of the fetus. We cannot exclude the possibility of developing dangerous diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system - they also often become sources of significant discomfort. Diagnostics will help to establish the cause of pain; self-medication is unacceptable.

Treatment and home care

Treatment options for lower abdominal pain depend on the cause of the problem. Pregnant women who experience symptoms in the pelvic floor muscles or round ligaments of the uterus can relieve them with the following tips:

  • move your knees towards the chest to relieve pressure on the uterus;
  • change your body position more often;
  • Gently massage the affected areas of the body and the surrounding muscles;
  • Take over-the-counter pain medications, but do so only with the advice of your doctor;
  • Eat significant amounts of fiber and stay hydrated to prevent constipation;
  • Get plenty of rest to reduce muscle fatigue.

Doctors save women from ectopic pregnancy either with the help of medications or surgery.

Surgeries also help eliminate ovarian torsion. In some cases, doctors are able to save the affected ovaries, but sometimes they have to be removed.

When should you see a doctor?

You should consult a doctor if intense cramping develops during pregnancy.

During the first trimester, a woman should visit the doctor at least once to confirm the pregnancy, assess its viability and ensure that the fetus is developing in the uterus. During your visit, you can discuss different types of pain with your doctor to understand which ones are normal during pregnancy.

You must report pain in the uterine area to your doctor if:

  • intense spasms occur;
  • the pain is getting stronger;
  • abdominal pain develops along with bloody stools;
  • There are signs of liver problems, such as pain in the right upper abdomen.

You should go to one of your nearest emergency medical services if:

  • heavy bleeding develops, reminiscent of menstruation;
  • the pain is difficult to bear or occurs suddenly and does not go away;
  • pain is accompanied by fever;
  • there is blood in the urine;
  • you experience symptoms of kidney stones, such as intense back pain or cramping.

Pain as a sign of ectopic pregnancy

Sometimes painful sensations in the early stages may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. Normally, a fertilized egg should attach to the wall of the uterus. However, there are cases when it does not reach it and is attached to the lumen of the fallopian tube. In this case, they talk about tubal pregnancy.

If the egg reaches the uterus, but for some reason bypasses its bottom and walls, and the cervix becomes the site of implantation, then a cervical pregnancy has occurred. When examined in the mirrors, an enlarged cervix is ​​visible. Both cases are very dangerous and can cause serious complications, including rupture of the fallopian tube and peritonitis.

An ectopic pregnancy is indicated by:

  • cutting or stabbing pain to the right or left of the uterus;
  • general weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • the appearance of bloody or brown discharge.

If you have an ectopic pregnancy, you should go to the hospital immediately. In this case, surgery may be required.

Inflammatory process and infections

If the uterus hurts, the reasons may be hidden in a bacterial or viral disease. Most often, infections occur in women who are promiscuous and do not use barrier contraception.

The consequences of such diseases are quite dire, and treatment is long. Remember that the sooner you contact a gynecologist and begin therapy, the less likely it is to develop complications.

Causes of pain in the uterus

Infections can be sexually transmitted or occur for other reasons. Women often suffer from E. coli. This microorganism normally resides in the digestive tract.

But for various reasons (usually due to wearing tight underwear), it penetrates the vagina and settles in the uterus. Treatment of infectious pathologies is always complex.

Antibiotics for oral and topical use, antivirals and antiseptics, immunomodulators and probiotics are prescribed. It is not possible to choose the right therapy on your own.

If the problem is not treated in time, the infection will spread to neighboring organs: fallopian tubes and ovaries. Pathology threatens the formation of adhesions, poor health and even infertility.

Nature of pain in the uterus

The localization, strength and nature of the pain will help determine whether there is a danger to the woman and the fetus. Indeed, in some cases, spontaneous miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, or even diseases of organs located near the uterus are possible. In this case, immediate treatment is necessary.

Early nagging pain

If they occur in the early stages and are accompanied by bloody discharge, this indicates a threat of miscarriage.

A nagging pain in the later stages may indicate placental abruption. This is a sign of serious danger for both the pregnant woman and the baby.

Stitching pains

In women who have suffered from painful periods, mild stabbing pains usually indicate that the round ligaments of the uterus are being stretched.

Severe and sharp stabbing pains often indicate the appearance of other diseases - urolithiasis or acute appendicitis.

Cutting pains

In the early stages, they are often a sign of ectopic pregnancy. More often they appear on the right or left side, radiating to the anus.

So if your uterus hurts during pregnancy, it is best to consult a doctor. He will be able to check whether it is dangerous and whether complications should be feared. In addition, abdominal pain in early or late stages sometimes occurs due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or other diseases.

If the uterus hurts, you need to look for the cause and eliminate it immediately

The uterine organ occupies a leading place in the female reproductive system.
Therefore, when the uterus hurts, it is necessary to take the manifestation of such symptoms seriously, especially for women who have not yet known maternal happiness. Pain in the uterus can be of various types: acute or chronic, constant and periodic. There are cases when the uterine organ may hurt during or after sexual relations, as well as during periods of menstrual bleeding.

To find out the causes of pain, you should contact your doctor. As a rule, before making a diagnosis, the doctor conducts an examination, which includes a visual examination of the patient, ultrasound diagnostics, and taking smears for cytological analysis.

If necessary, a colposcopic examination followed by a biopsy may also be prescribed.

Pain in the uterus can have various causes, which only a gynecologist can accurately determine. Often pain can be caused by the following sources:

  • Inflammatory processes of the genital internal organs;
  • Structural changes in the uterine organ.

It is important to note that if the uterus hurts badly, it does not always mean that pathological processes occur in it. Diseases of the gastric and intestinal tract, as well as the excretory system, can cause pain in the abdominal area, and it is quite difficult for the woman herself to understand what exactly hurts.

Aching pain in the uterus of a constant or periodic nature can be caused by a number of inflammatory diseases:

  • Adnexitis;
  • Oophoritis;
  • Endometritis;
  • Salpingitis.

The above diseases can develop in a chronic or acute form. The cause of their occurrence is considered to be the spread of pathogenic bacteria in the body, as well as infection with infections transmitted through sexual intercourse.

The latter include chlamydia, mycoplasma, trichomonas and others.

If a woman has suffered severe emotional stress or has reduced immunity, as well as endocrine disorders, then the causative agent of the infection is activated, and, as a result, the uterus may hurt.

The uterus is the most important organ of a woman’s reproductive system. It is necessary for bearing the fetus and is located in the middle pelvic region.

When an inflammatory process occurs in the body, it is accompanied by pain. However, pain does not always indicate a disorder; sometimes this symptomatology is a natural process.

In order to understand why the uterus hurts, you need to visit your doctor. There are many factors that influence the manifestation of discomfort in the reproductive organ.

During the menstrual cycle, most women experience pain in the uterus, most often this is due to structural features of the body. Every second girl complains to the gynecologist about discomfort during menstruation.

Painful sensations begin to appear a couple of days before menstruation, and the symptoms completely disappear on the second day after the start of bleeding.

The uterus hurts a lot: causes and consequences

Women are interested in why the uterus hurts during menstruation. The thing is that the organ begins to contract more often, which causes spasms in the muscles, which lead to discomfort.

Many women note that after the birth of a child, pain in the uterine area goes away. Scientists have not yet established the reason why pain disappears.

Pain in the genital area occurs due to a viral infection. In most cases, inflammatory processes occur in women who are promiscuous.

At the same time, they use special contraception measures. For this reason, infections occur that are quite difficult to treat.

The main thing to understand here is that if a woman immediately turns to her doctor and begins immediate treatment, then the likelihood of developing pathological processes is sharply reduced.

Infectious processes can appear not only through sexual transmission, but also for other reasons. It hurts in the uterine area if a girl has E. coli in her body.

This bacterium always resides in the human body and is located in the digestive tract. Many women prefer to wear tight underwear, this becomes the reason why the bacteria changes its location.

From the digestive tract, the stick moves to the vagina, and then becomes firmly fixed in the uterus.

E. coli needs to be treated only comprehensively. Unfortunately, self-medication in this case is undesirable, since the nature of the microorganism can only be determined through laboratory tests.

This situation threatens that adhesions will form on the uterus, and this, after a certain time, will lead to the patient becoming infertile. In addition, patients experience constant poor health.


To understand the cause of discomfort, you need to know how the uterus hurts and the main symptoms of the disorder. Discomfort in the organ sometimes occurs due to the presence of tumors.

Most often, a girl is diagnosed with fibroids. As a rule, in most cases the neoplasms are small in size, then the doctor may decide that there is no need to treat this pathology.

This is only possible if the tumor does not cause discomfort and there are no visible signs of disease development.

Doctors are often consulted when the uterus hurts when pressed. Such symptoms indicate that the neoplasm that has appeared in the organ is endometriosis.

The uterus hurts a lot: causes and consequences

These tumors are benign, but they cause an increase in the size of the uterus, intestinal system, and abdominal cavity. With this disorder, a woman experiences severe pain that is quite difficult to bear.

If these signs are left unattended for a long period, then a disorder of the reproductive system occurs and most often the patient loses the opportunity to become pregnant.

Treatment of this disease is quite complex and takes a long time. The choice of therapy depends on the stage of development of the disease, as well as what type of tumor has formed in the reproductive organ.

Pathologies of the uterus

Sometimes during menstruation, pain occurs not only for natural reasons; pathology can be triggered due to disorders that are congenital or acquired.

Most often, the cause of the malaise is partitions; they have different types. The septum can be saddle-shaped, bicornuate or unicornuate.

In rare cases, the patient is diagnosed with agenesis or hypoplasia of the uterus, and this leads to serious consequences. Agenesis means that the patient does not have a reproductive organ.

A woman’s symptoms with this disease are different, but they are provoked by the fact that due to the absence of an organ, neighboring systems begin to shift.

The uterus hurts a lot: causes and consequences

The discomfort and symptoms of this disease persist for life, and infertility can no longer be cured. However, partitions can be corrected; modern medicine allows this to be done.

In the first trimester, a woman experiences pain due to the fact that the organ begins to increase in size. However, severe pain occurs in pregnant women who had infectious diseases before conceiving a child, and there are also adhesions on the organ.

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When an increase in volume occurs, the soft tissues are stretched, and this leads to unpleasant symptoms.

It is worth noting that such an ailment is not a serious pathology and does not require treatment. However, during a consultation with a gynecologist, the patient needs to be told about the signs of the disorder, since it is impossible to determine the type of pathological process without a special study.

Internal systems begin to produce the hormone progesterone, which is needed to relax internal soft tissues. When the level of the hormone in the blood is normal, there is practically no pain.

However, there are times when progesterone levels increase significantly. Then pregnancy is at risk, since the muscle tissue of the uterus is greatly weakened and is not able to hold the fetus inside the organ.

Miscarriage can be prevented if you seek medical help at the beginning of the disease.

As a rule, pain in the uterus is a normal condition during gestation. Discomfort occurs due to the fact that internal systems are preparing for the birth process.

The pain itself manifests itself as a result of the fact that the reproductive organ begins to contract intensively. This often occurs during training contractions, when the body prepares internal systems for the birth process.

However, these symptoms may indicate premature labor. At the same time, discharge appears and water drains. It is also possible that other signs of impending labor may appear.

Women are interested in what to do if the uterus hurts in such a situation. The main thing is not to panic; you need to go to the hospital. If the pain is strong enough, then you need to call an ambulance.

Other causes of pain

Sometimes the causes of discomfort are pain in neighboring systems.

The most common diseases are:

  • constipation or loose stools;
  • digestive tract problems;
  • urinary system disorder;
  • adhesions;
  • anal fissures;
  • inflammation;
  • haemorrhoids.

Most women are in no hurry to seek medical help, relying on the fact that the problem will resolve itself. However, such an attitude can lead to serious consequences.

To identify factors causing discomfort, a gynecological examination is necessary. The doctor will listen to the patient’s complaints, analyze information about the nature of the pain and discharge from the genital tract, as well as previous diseases.

Laboratory and hardware diagnostics will be required:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • a smear from the vagina, cervical canal and urethra to detect infectious agents that can cause inflammatory processes;
  • culture to detect microbial growth, determine the sensitivity of pathogens to antibiotics;
  • gynecological ultrasound examination.

Additionally, specific instrumental studies may be prescribed to confirm a possible diagnosis. This can be hysteroscopy, colposcopy and biopsy, hysterosalpingography.

It is possible that the doctor may recommend examination of sexual partners with whom the patient has had sexual intercourse recently, even if they have no complaints.

In case of severe pain, it is necessary to undergo a gynecological examination to avoid the consequences of hidden pathology.

Gynecological problems should be differentiated from other conditions that can cause pain in the lower abdomen. These include:

  • hemorrhoids, colitis, anal fissures;
  • adhesive bowel disease, appendicitis;
  • pathology of the urinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis);
  • osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine;
  • pelvic bone injuries, abdominal bruises.

If no problems with the reproductive organs are identified, but there is another pathology, the gynecologist refers the patient to a doctor of the appropriate specialty.

The therapeutic course will depend on the condition that caused the pain. If inflammation is caused by pathogenic bacteria, antibiotics will cope with it. When exposed to viruses, antiviral drugs are needed.

The doctor may also prescribe intravenous infusion therapy to remove toxins, a course of immunomodulators and probiotics, and physiotherapeutic procedures.

You should not self-medicate; if alarming symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Prevention of uterine diseases is aimed primarily at maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preventing inflammatory processes. It is necessary to give up bad habits, have sex with a trusted partner, do not forget about physical activity and undergo preventive gynecological examinations at least once a year.

  • A lot of women come to see doctors complaining that their uterus hurts.
  • For some - before or after menstruation.
  • For others - during pregnancy, for others - after sex or generally against the background of complete health.
  • And it’s good if this issue is resolved with a doctor, and not with a neighbor or friend.
  • Because pain in the uterine area should always be taken seriously.
  • This may be a sign of quite serious illnesses.
  • It is impossible to cope with them without qualified help.

Other causes of abdominal pain

Sometimes pain, cramps or discomfort appear for reasons that have nothing to do with pregnancy. Despite the fact that the stomach hurts in the area of ​​the uterus, the cause must be looked for in a completely different way.

  1. Diseases of the digestive system - hepatitis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, intestinal obstruction, dysbacteriosis, food poisoning.
  2. Diseases of the genitourinary system – cystitis, pyelonephritis or other infections.
  3. Sometimes there is pain in the lower back. They radiate to the stomach, simulating uterine pain.
  4. Pregnant women may also develop preeclampsia of varying severity.
  5. Risk factors include high blood pressure, obesity, and kidney disease.
  6. Characteristic symptoms of preeclampsia include swelling, high blood pressure and protein in the urine. This pathology is very dangerous and difficult to treat.

The first days of pregnancy: if your stomach hurts

is a condition that is accompanied by significant changes in

The whole body. The work of all organs and

systems and primarily the genital organs. All this is accompanied

Certain sensations, including pain, which are considered

Normal. But pain can also be a sign of trouble.

the fallopian tube towards the uterus, and the uterus at this time prepares for

Its implementation. Under the influence of sex hormones, the uterus quickly enlarges

In volume due to an increase in the number and volume of muscle fibers -

Middle layer of the uterus. They swell and stretch slightly at the same time.

The ligaments on which the uterus is suspended in the pelvis.

Sensations, the degree of which depends on the sensitivity of the woman. More

Sensitive women may experience significant nagging pain below

Belly. Less sensitive women usually feel no pain at all.

The egg (embryo) is in no way connected with the mother’s body. He eats

With its own food reserves it moves towards the uterus. Interrupts

Pregnancy cannot occur during this period.

The cavity of the uterus and is embedded in its wall. The process of implantation of the embryo into

The uterine wall may be accompanied by some short-term pain and

Minor (a few drops) bleeding. This pain and bleeding

They are called implantation.

Sensitivities, but they are rarely significant, most

Women do not feel anything at all at the time of implantation. But if a woman

I caught this point, you should know that after the embryo is introduced into

Pain in the uterine wall can be a sign of trouble.

Caused by increased contraction of the muscles of the uterus, which tries to

Get rid of the embryo. Normally, these contractions are suppressed by the female

The sex hormone progesterone - it provides the most active

Support of pregnancy in the first 12–16 weeks.

There is a threat of termination of pregnancy. Contractions of the uterine muscles

Accompanied by cramping pain in the lower abdomen - such pain should

Alert the woman and force her to see a doctor. If the pain is very

If they are strong, you should call an ambulance.

In cases, medications are progesterone analogues. Usually this

Utrozhestan or duphaston, which a woman takes the entire first time, and sometimes

And the second trimester of pregnancy. After this period, the mature placenta

Usually completely covers the need of a pregnant woman’s body for

Associated with the growth of the uterus, swelling and stretching of its tissues, as well as

The tissues of the tendons and muscles of the pelvis that support the uterus.

Learn to simply ignore them. There is also no need to remove them -

Taking any medications (especially painkillers) during this period

Pregnancy can negatively affect the condition of the child. But for

To be sure that threats of abortion

No, you need to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist at the antenatal clinic. After

Inspection and (if necessary) ultrasound examination, all

Doubts will disappear, and this will be a significant relief for the woman.

Appear in acute appendicitis. For acute cholecystitis, pancreatitis

Or the obstruction and bowel pain may be so severe that

It's hard to understand where they are coming from. From 5–8 weeks of pregnancy

The cause of severe pain may be an ectopic pregnancy, which

Often accompanied by severe internal bleeding.

You need to call an ambulance: the doctor will help you figure out what happened

The cause of the pain and whether the woman requires surgical help.

Severe pain in the abdomen. In this case, distinguish the norm

When pain is not dangerous

The uterus is an organ made entirely of muscles. Its main parts are the bottom, body and neck. In the pelvic cavity, this organ is held in place by ligaments. The main ones are the wide, round ligaments of the uterus, as well as the ligaments that support the ovaries. While the muscles adapt easily during fetal growth, the ligaments stretch with great difficulty. They are less elastic, which is why stretching them causes mild stabbing pain.

Sometimes the cause of pain can be a violation of the tone of the uterus - hypertonicity. Normally, it should not be there, because progesterone (a hormone that is intensely produced during pregnancy) promotes muscle relaxation. If it is not enough, uterine contractions are possible. Sometimes this leads to miscarriage.

However, there are often spasms and cutting pains that are not associated with impaired progesterone secretion and hypertonicity. The body, fundus, and cervix are subjected to spasm. The most common cause is a full bladder or recent sexual intercourse. This is practically harmless, but such situations should still be avoided.

Pain in the uterus due to pathology of the urinary tract and gynecological diseases

In the ovary where the follicle ovulated, a gland called the corpus luteum appears in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. It grows until the luteal phase of the cycle begins, and if fertilization has not taken place by its end, progesterone production declines. When the corpus luteum does not regress, a cyst begins to form. By the way, this also happens during pregnancy. In most cases, it resolves spontaneously, however, if the corpus luteum cyst is large, the woman may feel pain, namely:

  • discomfort in the lower abdomen, feeling of fullness;
  • pain during fast walking, jumping, sexual intercourse;
  • increase in body temperature from 37 degrees;
  • delay of the menstrual cycle.

Often cystitis, that is, inflammation of the lining of the bladder, can cause pain in the uterine area during pregnancy. Very often this occurs in the second trimester, when the growing uterus begins to put pressure on surrounding organs. The hormone progesterone has a separate effect on the receptors of the urinary tract.

Cystitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • constant desire to empty the bladder;
  • pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region;
  • painful urination.

Cystitis can be completely cured only with antibiotics, but those that are allowed during pregnancy. It is better not to get carried away with herbs, since many of them are not recommended for pregnant women. Qualified treatment should be prescribed by a urologist.

How to get rid of pain

First of all, cramps should not be allowed to appear - they can harm the mother or baby, lead to unauthorized termination of pregnancy or premature birth. Therefore, the fundus, walls and cervix should be relaxed. So you need to avoid active sexual intercourse, prevent the bladder from overflowing, and do not overwork. If pain does appear, you need to do the following:

  • sit in a comfortable position;
  • straighten your legs and lift them up;
  • try to relax;
  • for spastic pain, you can apply a heating pad (this must be done very carefully).

When the attack passes, it is best to go to the hospital. This is especially necessary if the pain is very severe, appears regularly, and causes a lot of discomfort.

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