Causes and consequences of premature birth at 26 weeks of pregnancy

According to WHO, every tenth birth occurs prematurely; 15 million premature babies are born every year in the world. But when this happens to us, we are lost and completely don’t know what to do. Our author Yulia Evstigneeva talks about her experience of premature birth. “I went through this and I know this is not the end, this is the beginning: the beginning of a new, very difficult path to happiness.”

Every step was difficult. Half-bent, I clung to the railing and crawled up the steps to the pediatric intensive care unit. In the box - a bright room with transparent walls - among the babies in three incubators (a device with automatic oxygen supply and maintaining an optimal temperature, in which a premature newborn is placed - Ed.) I immediately recognized her: firstly, she was the smallest - exactly how a girl weighing 740 grams should have looked in my mind, secondly, mine: tiny, red, wrinkled, helpless and very similar to her husband.

The sensors squealed and howled in unison with my bursting heart, and I held on to the incubator and did not know how to help my baby. And why, why did this happen? After all, this is not what I wanted and expected!

babies were born at 26 weeks

You yourself and this Thy servant (name), who gave birth to this child on this day, have mercy and forgive her voluntary and involuntary sins, and save her from all violence of the devil. And save the child born from her from every poison, from every burden, from every storm of the enemy, from evil spirits, both day and night. Keep her under Thy mighty hand, and let her rise quickly, and cleanse her from filth, and heal ailments, and grant strength and health to her soul and body, and through shining and bright Angels, surround her with care, and protect her from any attack of invisible spirits . Yes, Lord, from sickness and weakness, from jealousy and envy, and from the evil eye. And have mercy on her and the baby according to Your great mercy, and cleanse her from bodily defilement and various internal pains that happen to her; and soon, by Your mercy, bring her from her bodily weakness to recovery, and deign to worship the baby born from her to worship the earthly temple, which You have built for the glorification of Your holy name.


  • Introduction
  • 25th week of pregnancy: What happens symptoms
  • Internal changes
  • External changes
  • 25th week of pregnancy: Problems and threats
  • 25th week of pregnancy: Fetal development
  • Research and analysis at 25 weeks of pregnancy
  • Ultrasound at 25 weeks of pregnancy
  • 25th week of pregnancy: Diet
  • Physical activity at 25 weeks of pregnancy
  • 25th week of pregnancy: Recommendations from gynecologists
  • Sex at 25 weeks pregnant
  • Conclusion

25 week of pregnancy

Future child.

Height - 29-31 cm, weight - 600-700 g.

Your baby is actively accumulating subcutaneous fat and has already become a little rounder this week. Now he looks more and more like a newborn.

An important event is that a special film is formed in the baby’s lungs, which will prevent them from sticking together when breathing. If a baby were suddenly born now, it might survive because the lungs are more capable of breathing than before. Of course, the chances are still too small, but nevertheless they are still not as rare as people think.

All parents should know that since January 1, 1993, new criteria recommended by the World Health Organization have been adopted in our country. This means that intensive and resuscitation care is now provided to newborns weighing 500 grams or more, born from the 22nd week of pregnancy.

We have already written about this in an article about 23 weeks of pregnancy and now we are again drawing the attention of parents to this. No matter what they tell you, from this week your child has a chance to survive, especially if he is not left without good medical care (special incubators, artificial ventilation, the steroid Betameson and any other types of intensive care).

One of the main problems for a child born at this stage of pregnancy, in addition to weak lungs, is the lack of large reserves of subcutaneous fat. Special “brown fat” maintains body temperature and provides thermoregulation to the baby’s body. When burned, this type of fat produces a very large amount of heat (sufficient to maintain the required level) and ATP (a special substance involved in the most important life processes).

Subcutaneous fat deposits are only now beginning to accumulate in the fetus, so children born at this stage find themselves in a critical situation - they lack thermal protection, they are sensitive to hypothermia, poorly maintain body temperature, and can catch a fatal cold in any breeze. Therefore, cases where newborns still survived are associated with the use of a special warm incubator in which they developed for about another 14 weeks.

This week the baby’s face takes on individual features - this is exactly what the baby will look like when you see him for the first time in the delivery room. He develops expressed emotions - he can become angry and frown, wrinkle his lips, almost cry (at least he curls his mouth exactly as if he wants to cry).

The baby has grown and almost completely occupies the entire uterus. Therefore, his movements become less active, but if he moves, then his mother feels his movement from beginning to end. By the way, the movements become the same as those of a newborn child, since the muscles of the arms and legs are already quite well formed. At this stage, the child studies more and more the information that comes to him from the outside world.

He gets scared if mom is scared, he is happy if mom is easy and happy, he works actively with her and relaxes and sleeps with her. However, the sleep phases of the baby and mother do not always coincide, although most often the child is less active at night than during the day. Scientists say that when he sleeps, he already dreams! It’s just a pity that the baby will never tell us what dreams he had in his mother’s womb.

Features of nursing

Caring for babies born at 26 weeks of pregnancy is very difficult due to the inadequate development of many organs and systems. In such newborns, the lungs do not have time to fully mature, and the production of surfactant is disrupted. This is the name of a mixture of surfactants with a protein-lipid structure that lines the alveoli from the inside, promotes their opening and prevents the collapse (sticking together) of bubbles during inhalation. If there is a lack of surfactant, the baby cannot breathe fully and experiences oxygen starvation.

In the first hour of a child’s life in case of premature birth, surfactant is administered through an endotracheal tube or a thin catheter into the trachea 1 to 3 times, depending on the condition of the newborn. The most common surfactants are Kurosurf, Surfactant-BL, Exosurf, Alveofact. After manipulation, the lungs are ventilated through a mask or nasal cannula. Since surfactant is a very expensive drug that is not always available, women may be prescribed glucocorticosteroids. The drugs stimulate the production of surfactant and lung maturation in the fetus within 2-3 days, with a high probability of premature birth.

On a note! To increase surfactant in the body of a newborn with the threat of premature birth at 25-26 weeks of pregnancy, a double administration of Dexamethasone or Betamethasone in the amount of 12 mg every 12 hours is required. Both drugs are hormonal and have a stimulating effect on the production of surfactant.

Children born at 26 weeks of pregnancy are sent to the intensive care unit or intensive care unit, where they are monitored around the clock and provided with the necessary treatment. Artificial ventilation is performed. Nutrients are administered through a vein or using a tube. Since premature babies have a tendency to have breathing problems, not only nurses, but also a neonatologist must be on duty around the clock. When the little patient’s condition improves, he is transferred to the perinatal center, where the final stage of nursing is performed.

Of course, 26 weeks of pregnancy is still too early for the baby to be born. If there is a threat of premature birth, a woman must undergo all prescribed examinations and strictly adhere to the doctor’s instructions, because every minute in the tummy is invaluable for the health of the unborn child. But sometimes, it seems as if the baby himself wants to get out into the world as quickly as possible, and labor still happens. Modern technologies and equipment make it possible to care for even babies born after 22 weeks of pregnancy, and doctors will do everything in their power to ensure that the baby grows up healthy and happy.

Premature birth at 26 weeks

Excessive sweating appears. Buy yourself a super-resistant deodorant and change your synthetic clothes to clothes made from natural materials.

This week you need to visit a doctor and take the following tests: - clinical blood test; - blood biochemistry; - general urine analysis.

During the blood test, your hemoglobin level and, most likely, your hematocrit number will be checked. Both of these indicators report the presence or absence of anemia (lack of oxygen in the blood).

The body has a balance between the production and breakdown of red blood cells (blood cells containing hemoglobin). In a pregnant woman, this balance is disrupted: there is an active increase in blood volume due to plasma, and plasma is able to dissolve blood cells. This is why many people develop physiological anemia.

The hemoglobin content falls, and the degree of blood dilution (hematocrit number) increases. This is especially true at 22-24 weeks of pregnancy. If pregnancy develops normally, the hemoglobin balance is gradually restored.

The most common type of anemia in pregnant women is iron deficiency; it develops against the background of iron deficiency, which is taken from the mother’s body by the baby.

The occurrence of iron deficiency anemia is promoted by: - ​​multiple pregnancy; - bleeding during pregnancy; - problems with the stomach and intestines, as well as previous operations on them; - taking acid-neutralizing drugs; - unhealthy diet.

Iron is found in all prenatal vitamins.

But often it is still not enough, and then the doctor may prescribe an additional dose of iron sulfate or gluconate. You can also increase your iron levels by eating liver and spinach more often.

The problem of anemia must be taken seriously, as it can create additional difficulties during childbirth. Around this stage of pregnancy, the possible birth is no longer considered a miscarriage, but is classified as a “preterm birth.” Of course, there is nothing good about premature birth; it is better if everything happens on time. But still, every day the chances that your child will survive are increasing.

Therefore, it is necessary to know the signs of premature birth in order to either prevent it, or have time to come to the hospital or call a doctor at home. According to statistics, in the summer there is a slightly higher number of premature births, which is apparently explained by the heat, stuffiness and dehydration of the woman’s body. This is why it is so important to drink more and remember to always carry a small bottle of water with you.

You remember that Braxton Hicks contractions exist (see week 23 article). These are harmless contractions and expansions of your uterus, which is preparing for childbirth. “Braxtons” last only a few seconds and occur irregularly no more than 5-6 times per day. If contractions (contractions, convulsions) occur regularly and more often than 5 times per hour, then these are not “Braxtons”, but one of the signs of premature birth.

In addition to contractions during premature birth, there are bloody, bright scarlet discharge, sharp and nagging pain in the abdomen and lower back, pressure in the pelvis, water breaking, a possible sharp increase in swelling of the face or limbs, as well as pain during urination. If you observe one or two of these signs, call your doctor immediately and call an ambulance.

What can cause premature birth? Firstly, by direct physical impact (for example, mom had an unfortunate fall).

Secondly, cervical insufficiency (isthmic-cervical insufficiency) - a specific disease in which almost painless dilation of the cervix occurs, causing labor. It is difficult to diagnose cervical insufficiency; this is usually done only after the first birth, if the child was born suddenly and without pain. Doctors think the disease may occur due to abortion or other uterine surgery, but the exact cause is still unknown.

With such a cervical defect, the mother may notice that she is in labor only when the child is already born, so sudden, quickly and painlessly does the rupture of the membranes and opening occur. Of course, this poses a serious threat to the lives of both the baby and the mother. Treatment today is that sutures are placed on the cervix, which will narrow the uterine os.

Thirdly, among the causes of premature birth are severe nervous stress and depression (see article about 23 weeks).

Other causes include polyhydramnios, placental abruption or previa, malformations or fetal death, unremoved intrauterine device, infectious diseases and hormonal imbalances in the mother. The risk group includes women who have already had miscarriages, abortions or cases of premature birth in the past.

To combat premature birth, you need complete bed rest, as well as injections of special drugs that suppress uterine contractions. Let us emphasize once again that the first thing you should do if you notice signs of preterm labor is to call your doctor! Under no circumstances should you self-medicate!

The first task facing the doctor is to find out the cause of what is happening and make a decision about the need to continue the pregnancy or carry out childbirth. At the same time, they must check the timing of the pregnancy and how it progressed. If you regularly visit the doctor, then there will be no difficulty in determining the period.

We also note that doctors can make the diagnosis “Threat of premature birth” in any case if they don’t like something or the patient’s complaints seem too suspicious to them. They play it safe and issue sick leave, often even admitting them to a hospital. In this case, you should not be particularly scared or particularly irritated with doctors. They want the best and are responsible for the child, in a sense, even more than you.

23 week - 24 week - 25 week

Popular myths.

Popular facts.

Popular tips.

Popular slang.

Treatment of threatened preterm birth

The threat of premature birth, the symptoms of which are described above, is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. In any case, even if it seems like nothing is actually happening, it is better to be safe than to miss dangerous symptoms. If you apply at the threat stage, you may be offered hospitalization in a maternity hospital, but this is not always necessary. In any case, with such complaints, you will undergo a detailed gynecological examination and tests; it is very important to assess the condition of the cervix, the condition of the child, and identify infections, if any, in the woman. Leakage of amniotic fluid deserves special attention. This is a feeling of constant dampness that increases with movement. Many women are afraid to go to an appointment if their water has broken but there are no contractions. This is fundamentally wrong. No one will immediately terminate the pregnancy if it has not reached at least 34-35 weeks, if there are no signs of infection, you will simply be admitted to the maternity hospital, the lungs of the fetus will be prepared within a few days, you will be protected from infection by antibiotic therapy and sterile conditions, and birth will occur when the baby is ready to breathe on his own. The timing of pregnancy prolongation in case of rupture of the membranes is determined by the timeliness of treatment and the condition at the time of treatment. If there are no infectious complications, the pregnancy may well be extended by 5-7 days or even more, which allows doctors to do everything possible to ensure that everything goes as smoothly as possible and that the baby is ready to be born. The threat of premature birth at 35 weeks or more with rupture of amniotic fluid is not a reason to try to prolong the pregnancy; the woman is allowed to give birth, because almost always children at this stage are quite mature and easily adapt to extrauterine life. If the amniotic sac is intact, treatment is reduced to stopping the onset of labor and taking therapeutic measures to address the causes of complications. If a woman has only a threat, outpatient treatment is possible in some cases, but obstetricians still prefer hospitalization, often simply removing the woman from the stressful environment at home and on the robot, hospitalization stops labor, and the pregnancy continues. If the amniotic sac is intact, tocolytic (relaxing the uterus) and sedative (calming) therapy is prescribed, physiotherapy is carried out, bed rest and complete rest are prescribed. In order to prepare the fetal lungs for breathing, glucocorticoids or dexamethasone are prescribed to all women upon admission to the maternity hospital. If such treatment is not successful, the contractions continue and increase in strength, and the question arises about the inevitability of the rush to be born. If you give birth at 32 weeks, as at an earlier stage, measures are required to prepare the fetal lungs. It is optimal if dexamethasone is given, and the birth is delayed at least for several days, but even within 3-6 hours, the medicine the mother receives helps the maturation of surfactant, the substance that helps the newborn’s lungs open for the first breath.

Tell me, are there any real cases of successful premature birth at 26-27 weeks?

Prayer for the baby to the holy righteous Simeon the God-Receiver

O God-receiving Simeon! Hear us, sinful servants of God (names), and do not take away your holy protection from us, pray for the goodness of the Lord, so that He may turn away His anger from us, righteously moving towards us according to our deeds, and, despising our countless sins, turn us on the path repentance and will establish us on the path of His commandments. Protect our life in peace with your prayers and ask for good haste in all good things, granting us everything we need for life and piety, so that we may live a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity, and thus we will achieve eternal peace, where we will be worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom of Christ Our God, to Him is all glory due, with the Father and His Most Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for a baby

Sweetest Jesus, God of my heart! You gave me children according to the flesh, they are Yours according to the soul; You redeemed both my soul and theirs with Your priceless blood; For the sake of Your Divine blood, I beg You, my Sweetest Savior: with Your grace, touch the hearts of my children (names) and my godchildren (names), protect them with Your Divine fear, keep them from bad inclinations and habits, direct them to the bright path of life, truth and goodness, decorate their lives with everything good and saving, arrange their fate as You yourself want and save their souls in the image of fate.

Research and analysis at 25 weeks of pregnancy

The expectant mother should undergo a routine examination at the antenatal clinic once a month. At the end of the second trimester, these visits will become more frequent. A few weeks before the baby is born, you will have to visit the doctor weekly. Before each examination, you need to take a urine and blood test.

Already at the appointment, the gynecologist will take a smear from the vagina for the presence of pathogenic microorganisms, measure weight and blood pressure, abdominal volume and the height of the uterine fundus, and also listen to the baby’s heartbeat and determine its position.

A specialist prescribes a triple test only if the mother is not feeling well and if there is a suspicion of a deviation in the development of the fetus.

25 week of pregnancy

Sex at 25 weeks pregnant

Intimacy at the twenty-fifth week of gestation is practically no different from “pre-pregnancy”, except that it becomes more tender and neat. There are no restrictions in sex, the only thing that should not be is pressure on the stomach and prohibitions from the doctor.

Prohibitions on intimate life are imposed in the case of multiple pregnancies, miscarriages in the past, pathologies in fetal development and a difficult gestation period. Otherwise, sex will only bring benefits.

25 week of pregnancy

Physical activity at 25 weeks of pregnancy

Despite the fact that a woman’s movements are no longer light and she is getting more and more tired, you should not think that sports are contraindicated for her. In this situation, everything is just the opposite. Leading an active lifestyle is not only possible, but also necessary, especially if the expectant mother has no restrictions on it.

During pregnancy, you need to do physical exercises at home and spend more time outdoors, walking in the park. If desired, a pregnant woman can sign up for water aerobics, gymnastics for mothers or yoga, which will bring invaluable benefits to her body. They will keep the body in good shape, relieve blood stagnation in the vascular network, and also eliminate swelling of the lower extremities.

However, everything is useful in moderation and before you start doing fitness, you should definitely consult with a gynecologist who will give recommendations according to physical activity. You can perform exercises only if you feel well. If you feel tired, you should stop and rest a little.

You should not overdo physical exercise, as negative changes in the mother’s body can have a bad effect on the baby’s health. He is unlikely to like intense training, which he will definitely let you know with jerks and increased activity.

Classes should be easy, but regular. Only in this case can we talk about their benefits; in other cases they will only bring harm.

25 week of pregnancy

Fetal development

The fetus at the 25th week of pregnancy reaches 30–35 cm in length, and its weight is about 680–700 g. The baby is already large enough for the mother to clearly feel his movements. The baby rests and pushes off the walls of the uterus with its legs, and reflexively grabs the umbilical cord with its hands when it comes under the arm. A layer of fat begins to accumulate under the skin, which is necessary for thermoregulation outside the mother’s womb.

The fetus already looks like a miniature newborn

At week 25, the following changes also occur in fetal development:

  • the skin ceases to be transparent due to pigmentation and an increase in the layer of subcutaneous fat;
  • the fluff on the head takes on the color that the hair will be dyed after childbirth;
  • facial features are already formed, there are eyebrows and eyelashes, the nose, lips, and eyes are well defined;
  • the hearing organs are improved, the baby can react to the mother’s voice, push or calm down when loud sounds occur;
  • the lungs continue to develop, new branches appear;
  • the respiratory system improves, the nostrils open, training inhalations and exhalations occur, during which a small amount of amniotic fluid enters the lungs;
  • the baby may hiccup, causing the mother’s belly to twitch subtly;
  • The structure of the brain becomes more complex, deep grooves appear on the hemispheres, and nerve cords are formed;
  • the ears are just beginning to take on relief and have a soft structure;
  • the bone marrow begins to work, which takes on the function of hematopoiesis, which was previously performed by the liver and spleen;
  • the genitals complete their formation and acquire characteristic shape;
  • the grasping reflex improves, the fingers clench into fists, the child feels his face and umbilical cord;
  • the fetus has phases of rapid and slow sleep;
  • the baby is able to change his facial expressions, reflexively frown, smile;
  • a fingerprint pattern is formed on the pads of the fingers, by which fingerprints are distinguished;
  • The strengthening of the musculoskeletal system continues, the bones become stronger, the muscles become more elastic;
  • the baby can already take a body position in the uterus, which will remain until birth;
  • The fetus swallows amniotic fluid, part of it is excreted in the urine, and the other part gradually forms the original feces - meconium.

On an ultrasound, all parts of the body and internal organs of the baby are clearly visible. With modern equipment, the outline of the baby is clearly visible; it looks like a newborn baby in miniature. If the fetus successfully rotates relative to the ultrasound sensor, the doctor can easily determine the gender.

Ultrasound at 25 weeks of pregnancy

At the twenty-fifth week of gestation, an ultrasound examination is not considered a planned procedure. It is prescribed only if a woman has any ailments or test results that raise suspicions among the doctor. If gestation proceeds normally, an ultrasound will be performed only in the third trimester. It is not advisable to perform this procedure unless necessary.

Based on the image on the monitor, the specialist will take measurements of the baby’s body and determine whether the degree of its development corresponds to the given period. The maturity of the placenta and the condition of the amniotic fluid will also be studied. The sex of the baby is already well determined at this stage, so the doctor will be able to announce it without any problems.

25 week of pregnancy

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