Destruction of the vitreous body
Destruction of the vitreous body, or the dangers of “harmless” floaters before the eyes
Destruction of the vitreous body is an ophthalmological disease characterized by severe opacification of the fibers located in
mechanism of hormonal regulation
Types of human hormones and their functions. Types of hormone tests
Classification by origin The mechanism of hormonal regulation includes a variety of functions. It's possible
Candida ointment for nail fungus
The best and most inexpensive ointment for toenail fungus: TOP-19
Ointment for nail fungus on the toes or hands Fungus on the nails - onychomycosis -
diffuse goiter
Differential diagnosis of diffuse toxic goiter
Thyroid diseases are quite common, especially in endemic areas. Diffuse nodular goiter of the thyroid gland occurs
Retinal pigment abiotrophy
What is retinal abiotrophy and is it possible to preserve vision with this disease?
Retinal pigmentary abiotrophy is a rare ophthalmological abnormality that affects one person from
Birch sap: benefits and harms, collection rules, storage and preservation
We all remember the taste of birch sap from childhood - so fresh and sweet. IN THE USSR
Methods for correcting congenital cataracts, causes, consequences and prevention
Cataract is a pathology of the eye lens that leads to partial or complete loss of vision.
geographical distribution
Diagnosis of dirofilariasis in dogs. Dirofilaria immitis (heartworm)
Dirofilariasis is a little-known disease for the average person. It is one of the most commonly diagnosed
Late pregnancy
Contraceptive drugs: which pills are better to choose after 35-40 years?
Birth control pills must be taken after age 40 for various reasons. During this period the body
Electrophoresis with nicotinic acid: description of the procedure, indications and contraindications, action, reviews
Medical (medicinal) electrophoresis Electrophoresis is a method of physiotherapy, the main techniques and techniques of which have been developed
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