Main symptoms and treatment of meningitis in adults
What is viral meningitis? Viral meningitis is the most common type of meningitis, an inflammation of the mucous membrane
development of ectopic pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy, signs in the early stages
The concept of ectopic pregnancy First you need to understand what an ectopic pregnancy is (another name is
Drugs for anaphylactic shock emergency care
Dear readers, situations sometimes happen in life, such as anaphylactic shock. Procrastination and not
Treatment of scarlet fever in children
Scarlet fever in children: photos, symptoms and treatment, prevention
Any infectious disease is serious for a child and dangerous due to its complications. Scarlet fever is no exception.
Angioedema - what is it, photos, symptoms, hereditary, face, larynx, angioedema, at home
What is angioedema: causes and symptoms, photos
Etiology of angioedema Causes contributing to the development of angioedema can be: Insect bites. Severe consequences
Overwork is harmful for Parkinson's patients
Parkinson's disease - what is this disease in simple words, the reasons for the development of the disease, where does it come from and how is it expressed?
Parkinson's disease is a degenerative neurological disease that occurs with the destruction of neurons and a decrease in
Appendicitis - symptoms, pain, causes, removal surgery, medications, preventative nutrition
One of the most diagnosed pathologies of the abdominal organs is appendicitis - inflammation of a small worm-shaped
Marfan syndrome. Disease history
Marfan syndrome: diagnosis and treatment
Marfan syndrome is a hereditary pathology, the progression of which results in damage to connective tissue. IN
Instructions for Amoxiclav 125 mg: composition, pharmacological properties and features of use
Quite a controversial opinion arises regarding the use of antibiotics. However, in conditions of constant development and
Sclerosis is
Causes of multiple sclerosis known to medicine: pathogenesis and etiology
Most of us mistakenly believe that sclerosis is a disease of old people who lose their lives.
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