Contraceptive drugs: which pills are better to choose after 35-40 years?

Birth control pills must be taken after age 40 for various reasons. During this period, the body undergoes age-related changes. The reproductive system begins to prepare for the upcoming menopause. To reduce the unpleasant consequences of the preparatory process and avoid late pregnancy, doctors recommend choosing the right hormonal drugs.

Late pregnancy

Combined oral contraceptives

Combined oral contraceptives (COCs) - this category of drugs stops ovulation, thereby avoiding unplanned pregnancy. COC operates on the basis of two substances:

  • artificial gestagens;
  • estrogens.

Together they give 100% maximum effect. If we compare the next group of hormonal drugs - mini -pills (see below) and combined oral contraceptives , then the use of COCs will be more suitable in adulthood, but in some cases there are contraindications for use. There are 3 types of COCs:

Microdosed is a type of contraception that is perfect for women over 35 years of age (before menopause), who have never given birth, and who are sexually active. Hormonal tablets of this subgroup are also suitable for those who have never resorted to using hormonal drugs, as they have a minimal list of side effects and do not affect their well-being:

  • Jess - price 1100-2300 rubles;
  • Dimia - cost 740-1500 rubles depending on the number of pieces in the package;
  • Logest - cost 770-1600 rubles;
  • Mercilon - price 1500-1700 rubles;
  • Miniziston - cost 450-520 rubles;
  • Lindinet - price for 21 pills per package 500-560 rubles;
  • Novinet - cost 500-1200 rubles.

Low-dose - hormonal contraceptives that are suitable for young, mature, parous, nulliparous women and for those who have regular sex life. Low-dose tablets are most often taken if, for some reason, you have stopped taking micro-dose drugs:

  • Silhouette - price 1650 rubles;
  • Tri-mercy - 1000-1200 rubles;
  • Lindinet - 21 tablets per package cost 500-560 rubles;
  • Miniziston - cost 450-520 rubles;
  • Regulon - cost 470-1650 rubles;
  • Rigevidon - price 320-600 rubles.

High-dose - most often this type of drug is used to treat and prevent any hormonal diseases, due to the increased dosage of hormones. As a method of contraception, it is perfect for women over 35 years of age, in case of ineffectiveness of drugs with a lower dosage:

  • NonOvlon;
  • Triquilar - cost 600-670 rubles;
  • Ovidon - cost 600 rubles;
  • Trisiston;
  • Tri-Regol – pack of 21 pcs. tablets are sold at a price of 300-350 rubles.

COCs can be divided into several subcategories; they differ in the sequence of hormone actions:

  • Single-phase - substances are mixed with each other in all tablets of the cycle.
  • Biphasic - throughout the entire intake, the amount of estrogen remains unchanged.
  • Three-phase - the proportions of estrogen and gestagen change 3 times during a monthly intake.

The principle of operation of COCs operates approximately according to the following scheme:

  • Systematic ovulation does not occur.
  • There is a significant amount of mucus inside the uterus itself, making it impossible for sperm to penetrate inside.
  • The density of the endometrium increases significantly. The chances of fertilization of the egg are reduced to 0.

All indicators are a significant barrier to the onset of an unplanned pregnancy; together, all three actions completely eliminate the occurrence of pregnancy.

Contraindications to the use of combined oral contraceptives

There are also a number of contraindications to the use of COCs :

  • already pregnant;
  • cardiac diseases;
  • increased number of platelets in the blood;
  • smoking;
  • malignant tumors (breast cancer);
  • breastfeeding period;
  • age after 40 years.

Side effects

If a woman nevertheless crosses the line of contraindications and decides to take combined oral contraceptives, then a number of side effects appear as a result:

  • drowsiness;
  • headache;
  • loss of weight and appetite;
  • loss of stability of menstrual cycles;
  • increased growth of unwanted vegetation;
  • lack of interest in intimacy.

The above points are minor side effects. More serious consequences of a course of taking COCs in the presence of contraindications may be:

  • dermatological rashes (urticaria , ringworm, etc.);
  • significant weight gain;
  • problems with pronunciation;
  • hypotonic and hypertensive attacks;
  • frequent aching pain in the chest area;
  • systematic migraines
  • swelling of the legs , arms;
  • thrombosis.

Risk of side effects

Packages of pills most often say that severe side effects develop in a small percentage of cases. If you approach the issue scrupulously, you can easily question this statement. And here there are two sources - reviews of girls after use and research by doctors.

The root of the problem is that any external hormones sometimes overturn all the body's systems. And no one, even the best specialist in endocrinology or gynecology, can completely predict the development of the situation.

side effects

In reviews of girls left on the Internet, you can learn about the following points:

  • The pills caused the development of depression. They made the woman irritable and hysterical. The emotional background changes sharply, motivation disappears;
  • There is a rapid gain of excess weight. Sometimes girls rate this as a decent payment (for example, for getting rid of acne and blackheads). But in many cases the situation becomes critical;
  • Instead of getting rid of acne (or regardless of the purpose of taking it), they appeared or became even more numerous.

And the number of comments talking about such negative personal experiences is very large. Many doctors note that in the case of incorrectly selected tablets, this is not surprising. A detailed preliminary study would help avoid this situation. It would be enough to know the level of female and male hormones so that, for example, acne does not appear.


Doctors continue to sound the alarm about such a life-threatening side effect as thrombosis. With this disease, the number of platelets in the blood increases. Normally, these cells are responsible for coagulation. When there is an excess of them, coagulated blood clots get stuck in the veins and “stick” to the walls of the vessels. Normal blood flow is disrupted, severe pain and swelling, and cyanosis of the extremities occur.

The disease is serious and without proper medical care can lead to death. Even after one incident, you will have to use compression stockings or an elastic bandage for the rest of your life. Drink expensive anticoagulants, use ointments. And the loads will quickly make themselves felt by pain.

To avoid the development of thrombosis, you need to find out in advance whether you are prone to this disease. If your blood counts are already abnormal, taking birth control may not be a good idea.

Mini-pill preparations

Experts in this field recommend choosing drugs with minimal estrogen content - mini-pills . Drugs in this category are the most relevant due to their safety and effectiveness.

This category includes the following effective hormonal drugs:

  • Laktinet - cost 730-800 rubles;
  • Microlute - cost about 1,500 rubles;
  • Charozetta - price for a package of 28 tablets is 1400-1500, for a package of 84 tablets 3450-4020 rubles;
  • Exoluton – price for 28 pieces of tablet. 2200-3270 rub.;
  • Micronor - cost 350-430 rubles.

Almost all modern hormonal preparations contain a natural component - an analogue of the female sex hormone estrogen. This hormone does not pose a threat to health and does not change hormonal levels. Consequently, these hormonal contraceptive pills contain only artificial gestagen and estrogen. In other words, these pills are called single-component hormonal contraceptives.

More often, drugs in this category are prescribed to women over 35 years of age who have already had childbirth, because in this case the woman has enough of her own estrogen, and its excess can only cause harm. First of all, the risk of malignant neoplasms increases because the uterine tissue will become several times denser. Also, if there is an excess of estrogen, the body will begin to produce the natural male hormone - testosterone, in which case the following negative consequences cannot be avoided:

  • increase in vegetation over the entire surface of the body;
  • increased hair greasiness;
  • purulent rashes.

To avoid these undesirable consequences, the action of gestagen is quite sufficient. The principle of its action is almost the same as in combined oral contraceptives:

  • there is no ovulation;
  • difficulty in introducing sperm into the uterus;
  • a small percentage of egg implantation in the uterus.

Instead of a normal menstrual cycle, only spotting occurs. Contraindications and side effects are the same as for COCs

Birth control pills are more necessary after 40 years of age than at a young age. During this period, pregnancy can be not only unplanned, but also dangerous for both mother and child. The risk of developing various pathologies in a child is much higher, and childbirth for a woman at the age of 40 is much more difficult than for young mothers. It is worth noting that an abortion can negatively affect a woman’s health at the age of 40, so doctors strongly discourage it.

At this age, doctors prescribe hormonal contraceptives not only to prevent unplanned pregnancy, these drugs help to avoid various diseases of the reproductive system, menstrual pain, cancer and many other problems.

Also, hormonal contraceptive pills after 40 years are prescribed for menopause or premenopause. Typically, gynecologists recommend birth control pills as a method of protecting sexual intercourse, but if there are diseases or significant contraindications, they select an alternative method of contraception.

Do women need protection after 40?

Are you over 40 years old, so are you sure that you no longer need to worry about contraception?
And here you are wrong! Many women aged 40 to 50 still need protection from unwanted pregnancy. It's no secret that for most of us who have reached middle age, conceiving a child becomes an undesirable event - the children are already adults, and we want to live at least a little for ourselves. In addition, late pregnancy can lead to various gynecological and hormonal problems. Despite advances in medicine and obstetrics, doctors still warn about the risks of late pregnancy: among them the risk of genetic diseases, difficult recovery after childbirth, a higher risk of complications, exacerbation of chronic diseases. It is for this reason that women over forty need to be especially careful when choosing contraceptives.

Emergency contraception in adulthood.

This method is used to prevent unplanned pregnancy, which is carried out immediately after unprotected sexual intercourse. Currently, pharmacological companies also present a wide range of drugs in this industry, these can be hormonal drugs, various spirals, and non-hormonal drugs.

The medicinal effect of hormonal emergency contraception is to suppress the production of an egg, or prevent the sperm from colliding with the egg and its penetration into the uterus. After a woman takes such drugs, the cervical secretion thickens, as a result of which sperm does not penetrate the uterine walls. Ovulation does not occur and because of this the egg is not released and the sperm die.

If sperm penetrate the uterine walls and fertilize the egg, then under the influence of the drug, hypotrophy of the endometrial layer occurs, so the further course of pregnancy does not occur, the embryo is released along with the course of the menstrual cycle.

Emergency hormonal contraception shows high rates of effectiveness, approximately 95-99%. Gynecologists strongly do not recommend using emergency contraception for their patients in adulthood, especially after 40 years. This is associated with an increased risk of internal and external bleeding, as well as the development of other serious side effects.

Other types of contraception

For women over 40, pregnancy is quite rarely a planned event. These are always complications for the woman, the possibility of developing pathologies and other undesirable consequences. You can protect yourself not only with birth control pills, which were described above. There are other effective methods of contraception:

  • condoms (both male and female);
  • barrier products (caps, sponges - inserted immediately before sexual intercourse);
  • intrauterine device;
  • spermicides;
  • hormonal agents (rings, patches, implants);
  • surgical intervention (sterilization).

Condoms are the most popular means of contraception, which is suitable for almost everyone, so they can be used by women over the age of 40.

The most important advantage of this type of protection against unwanted pregnancy is the complete absence of contraindications and the elimination of negative effects on the body. This distinguishes condoms from other methods of protection, which have a number of contraindications and even tend to cause various side effects. In addition, condoms reliably protect against unwanted infections that can be sexually transmitted.

No matter how reliable this method of contraception is, it also has several disadvantages:

  • feeling of discomfort during intimacy;
  • decreased overall sensitivity;
  • low level of satisfaction from sexual intercourse for both partners;
  • allergies to fragrances, latex.

The degree of protection provided by condoms is significantly lower than that of intrauterine devices and oral contraceptives. If used incorrectly or the wrong size is chosen, minor cracks may appear in the latex. Through them, sperm can easily penetrate the vagina, which is no longer safe for a woman. Moreover, the condom may slip off or break. This will cause some inconvenience and, more importantly, increase the chances of getting pregnant.

Intrauterine devices are first on the list of the most effective contraceptives after birth control pills. They are divided into:

  • regular spirals (copper/silver);
  • hormonal IUDs.

They are installed only by an obstetrician-gynecologist for a period of 2 to 5 years or more, depending on the type of spiral chosen. During the first six months, you may experience discomfort in the lower abdomen, as well as menstrual irregularities.

Women over 40 years of age are recommended to use hormonal IUDs. This is due to an increased degree of protection against unwanted pregnancy and the exclusion of ectopic pregnancy.

Spermicides are protection against unwanted pregnancy, the action of which is based on the destruction of sperm entering the vagina. The base substance in the composition creates a protective film around the cervix, preventing it from contacting sperm. The chemical in the composition is responsible for their destruction.

This product has several convenient release forms:

  • vaginal suppositories;
  • foam;
  • gel;
  • tablets that foam;
  • special films (soluble).

This method of contraception is recommended for women over 40 years of age, as it shows quite effective results and has no contraindications other than individual intolerance to the components.

The only disadvantage of this product is the excessive formation of foam, which causes some discomfort and stains the laundry.

  • Vaginal hormonal ring (after insertion it does not cause discomfort, is not felt in the body, remains effective throughout 1 menstrual cycle).
  • Plaster (glued to the skin in the thighs, abdomen, upper outer side of the shoulder/torso; used from the 1st day of menstruation for 3 weeks in a row; after - 7 days break, after which the procedure is repeated).
  • Implants (6 silicone capsules are inserted under the skin into the area of ​​the inner forearm. The capsules contain a hormone, which after implantation is released and evenly absorbed into the blood in small doses. The effect lasts for 5 years.)

Sterilization is a surgical intervention based on the following operating principle: the fallopian tubes are subjected to ligation, excision or laser coagulation. This completely eliminates the possibility of getting pregnant. It is extremely difficult to decide on such a step, since it is impossible to restore reproductive function in the future.

Women should be extremely careful about their health, especially after crossing the threshold of 40 years. This also applies to the choice of contraception. Correct selection and strict adherence to recommendations for a particular drug is all that is necessary to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Most drugs have medicinal properties that will help restore women's health, hormonal balance, normalize menstrual cycles and even increase libido.

It is important to understand that you should not self-medicate and if you have any problems, you should contact an experienced gynecologist, who, based on the results of tests and studying the state of health, will be able to prescribe the right drug and keep the woman healthy.

In order to choose the right contraceptive, you need to have a good understanding of their types and understand the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Some types of contraceptives:

  • have a positive effect on the menstrual cycle of women after 40 years of age,
  • help reduce the risk of reproductive diseases,
  • relieve symptoms of incipient menopause and promote increased libido,
  • improving overall well-being and mood.

The estrogens and progesterones they contain help prevent uterine fibroids and other unpleasant diseases.

Many women are afraid to use contraceptives, but they are completely safe.

The most common include:

  1. Condoms. At any age, this type of contraception continues to be in demand. Condoms are a reliable method of protection and have the only drawback: in adulthood, a man’s penis has less sensitivity, and a condom can reduce the sensation of penetration.
  2. Intrauterine device. The degree of protection against unwanted conception of a child when using this product reaches 90%. It is possible to install an intrauterine device into a woman’s body for a long period. And in most cases it is easily removed and does not cause discomfort. However, IUDs should not be used by women with thin vaginal walls and diseases of the genital organs, as this can lead to bleeding and inflammation. ParaGard, which does not contain hormones, and Mirena, Liletta and Skyla, which contain progestin, are considered good today. Both types must be inserted and removed by a doctor. ParaGard, which contains copper, may increase menstrual bleeding.
    Hormonal IUDs can ease or eliminate periods and are especially attractive to women with severe bleeding problems. However, some people experience acne or ovarian cysts. Indicated for many women aged 40 to 50 years, including those who are obese.

    IUDs are the best method of contraception for women aged 40 to 50 years. By installing an IUD at the appropriate age, you can be sure of protection until you enter menopause, and they have very few contraindications and side effects.

  3. Vaginal ring

    Vaginal ringA thin, clear, flexible ring that inserts itself into the vagina and releases the same hormones as oral contraceptives, blocking ovulation to prevent fertilization.
    Each vaginal ring is valid for one month. Like the pill, the vaginal ring often makes periods more regular and less painful, which is important for women approaching menopause. On the other hand, the ring may increase vaginal discharge. Side effects are similar to those of combined oral contraceptives (pills).

    A vaginal ring is often a good choice for non-smoking women who do not have serious health problems. For smokers or with health problems - such as a history of breast cancer, migraine headaches or blood clots - this method is contraindicated. Women who are obese or have high blood pressure should also avoid the ring.

  4. A hormonal implant (Implanon and Nexplanon) is not a very common product in our country; it is a flexible rod the size of a matchstick, which is inserted under the skin of the humerus. The process releases a steady dose of progestin, which prevents fertilization.
    Common side effects include irregular and unpredictable bleeding or spotting. Some women lose their periods.

    This is a good method of birth control for most healthy women between the ages of 40 and 50. However, it may interact with some medications, including antibiotics. Women with hormonal implants are protected as effectively as after sterilization, but without surgery.

  5. Hormonal pills. This method is most popular among women aged forty years and older. Taking this remedy is not difficult: it is quick, convenient and truly reliably prevents unwanted pregnancy. However, there are also contraindications: the tablets can lead to side effects in vascular diseases, migraines, diabetes, kidney failure, vaginal bleeding and other health problems. Before taking them, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Smoking and taking hormonal contraceptives.

Before prescribing hormonal drugs, the gynecologist will not only conduct a visual examination and collect all the necessary tests, but will also inquire about the presence of a bad habit - smoking. The fact is that the hormone estrogen has the ability to slightly increase blood clotting.

Smoking has a much more intense effect on the circulatory system than hormones. Accordingly, the simultaneous use of hormonal drugs and smoking in most cases leads to the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels. This subsequently causes heart attack, stroke and other serious diseases.

Nicotine, which is found in large quantities in cigarettes, increases the heart rate and greatly increases blood pressure; in combination with the hormone estrogen, this will greatly increase the load on the heart muscle, which in turn leads to the manifestation of coronary artery disease.

There are many more adverse outcomes from the combined use of hormonal drugs and smoking. For example, the human papillomavirus, this disease can be asymptomatic throughout life, but if it is “awakened” with the help of nicotine and hormones, then this virus can even lead to uterine cancer.

Health and contraceptives

Everyone will answer the question about the role of women on Earth in their own way, and, most likely, they will be right. Meanwhile, nature intended that the main female function is childbearing. Even a thousand years ago, beautiful women blindly fulfilled this task: they got married early and gave birth to at least 6 children, regardless of social status.

Menstruation was an event for them, because usually they were either pregnant or breastfeeding. They had virtually no problems with women.

Everything has changed in the last 100 years. In an effort to realize herself in society, the woman stopped having more than 1 - 2 children and breastfeeding for longer than 5 - 6 months (these are the results of social surveys). If pregnancy occurs, it is terminated without thinking about the hormonal imbalance that abortion entails.

How can this end? The growth of oncology, infertility. The latter is triggered by the shutdown of the ovaries, which also leads to early aging. At the same time, the skin fades and cardiovascular diseases develop.

That is, the woman has adapted to new conditions in society, but her body has not. Hormonal medications can correct the situation. They are designed in such a way as to best suit female nature and protect her from both unwanted pregnancy and female diseases.

How to choose good birth control pills in adulthood?

You should not approach this issue on your own or based on feedback from friends. In order to choose the contraceptive pills that suit you, you need to visit a gynecologist who will conduct the necessary examination and prescribe the appropriate drug for you.

What does a gynecologist pay attention to when choosing hormonal pills?

First of all, the gynecologist collects an anamnesis, paying special attention to the genetic history, the presence of diseases that occur in a chronic form, as well as previous diseases. These factors can serve as a significant contraindication to taking hormonal oral contraceptives. Next, the doctor conducts a visual examination of the woman, examining the skin, mammary glands, and also measures blood pressure and weight.

After a visual examination, the specialist will prescribe many tests for hormonal levels, blood sugar, ultrasound of the mammary glands and pelvis.

A gynecological examination will also be carried out, during which a smear will be taken. Perhaps the gynecologist will refer you for a consultation to an ophthalmologist, since long-term use of hormonal drugs increases the risk of various vision-related diseases.

Before deciding which hormonal pills are best suited, the doctor individually takes into account the biological type, that is: examines the hair on the pubic bone, asks the patient about the symptoms that accompany menstruation, cycle disruption or its complete absence, diseases occurring in chronic shape, as well as the type of mammary glands.

Birth control after 30?

Minidose drugs are optimal for this age, since changes occur in hormonal levels. The concentration of hormones in this case is higher compared to microdosed drugs. At the same time, the risk of endometriosis, fibroids and other sexual pathologies is reduced.

Forget about the myth that says that a woman cannot become pregnant during menopause: the likelihood of conceiving still exists.

It is after 30 years that it is worth starting to switch to mini-pills if menstruation is heavy and prolonged.

How do mini-pills work?

In this case, there is only one hormone - progestin, which thickens the cervical mucus and promotes complete exfoliation of the endometrium. Allowed for use during lactation.

Positive aspects of taking hormonal contraceptives at the age of 35 – 40 years

More women treat contraceptives with mistrust and fear, primarily this can be associated with fear of significant weight gain. However, scientists have long proven that the idea of ​​weight gain is just more stories and myths.

If the drug is selected individually by an experienced doctor, then there can be no talk of any physiological changes in the body. There are a number of advantages that hormonal birth control pills have at the age of 30 – 40 years:

  • Complete protection against unplanned pregnancy;
  • Reducing the possibility of the occurrence of gynecological diseases, such as: various tumors, fibroids, cysts, erosion, osteoporosis, etc.;
  • Completely exclude the development of ectopic pregnancy;
  • They strengthen bone tissue, making fractures much less common, which is very important for women after 40 years of age;
  • The emergence of a favorable mood for frequent intimacy;
  • Improved daily mood;
  • Normalization of the body’s hormonal levels, due to which the skin becomes smooth and the nail plates are significantly strengthened;
  • Delayed menopause;
  • Protection against inflammation of the genital organs;
  • The menstrual cycle is adjusted and pain during it is eliminated.

Prices for hormonal birth control pills range from the lowest to the most expensive drugs, and there is plenty to choose from. The cheapest tablets cost 200 rubles (Exinor-F), and the most expensive ones cost approximately 4,000 rubles (Charozetta, Exluton). Many cheap drugs are analogues of expensive drugs, their principle of action is the same and the price in this case does not affect the effectiveness of the drug, the difference lies only in the active substance. But still, you should remember that neither the name nor the beautiful packaging speaks about the effectiveness of this drug; you can only rely on the composition and quality of the drug that the doctor recommends to you.

Features of the use of hormonal tablets

I think you already know that all these remedies are effective if certain rules are followed. After all, the lack of regularity will provoke a cycle failure or lead to fertilization. Such tablets are taken every day and even at specially selected hours. You should start taking it on the first day of your period and continue for 21 days. Then you need to take a break for 7 days and then start all over again. Please note that there is no need for a break with the mini-pill. If you have been using the pills regularly, but there is no menstruation, then you should continue taking them.

But if used irregularly, cessation of menstruation may signal pregnancy. If this happens, stop taking the medication. After completely stopping the medication, menstruation will stabilize within two months. Also at this time, about 80% of women can become pregnant.

Please note that as soon as you start using the chosen product, spotting may appear. This is not a reason to interrupt the course. If you continue taking it, the unpleasant discharge will soon disappear.

Remember that if the regimen for taking such medications is used incorrectly, pregnancy may occur. If the delay is more than 12 hours, then the effectiveness weakens.

That's all I wanted to tell you about birth control pills. Don't risk your health and don't buy pills just because your friend is taking them. Sometimes the price of a mistake can be the opportunity to get pregnant. Immediately consult a doctor who will choose the right option for you. If you liked the article, you can share it with your girlfriends. And also subscribe to blog updates. Be happy and see you soon, dear friends!

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