Rules for the use of Viburkol suppositories during pregnancy

Women with children are familiar with the drug Viburkol, since this drug is often prescribed to treat infants. But sometimes you have to “get acquainted” with this medicine even before giving birth, since Viburkol suppositories are used during pregnancy to solve many health problems. Let's figure out what kind of drug this is.

Viburkol helps solve a whole range of problems during pregnancy

During pregnancy, many experts recommend using homeopathy to treat certain diseases. After all, expectant mothers should not take many of the usual medications, as they can harm the baby.

And homeopathic remedies act more gently, they are safe, but quite effective. Viburkol is one of these drugs. This medicine has a wide range of indications.

How it affects the body

The suppositories in question do not suppress the inflammatory process, but, roughly speaking, optimize it, preventing the disease from becoming chronic, restoring the body’s immunological resources, and also having a detoxifying effect on the body.

Viburkol belongs to complex-action drugs, since it contains 5 components of plant origin and 1 component of mineral origin. For example, the same chamomile extract has a positive effect on a woman’s body during labor pains, as it has an analgesic effect. The achieved effect is supported by the action of belladonna. Plantain has a calming effect, nightshade has a tranquilizing effect, and anemone helps normalize hormonal balance.

What kind of remedy?

The drug Viburkol is produced in the form of rectal suppositories. The term “rectal” answers the question of how to use suppositories: the product is introduced into the anus. The drug is produced by a German company specializing in the production of homeopathic remedies.

The principle of homeopathy is to treat the disease, not relieve the symptoms. The body is affected by small doses of substances. Including substances that can be toxic in large doses. That is, the principle is used: “all poison and all medicine, it’s all about the dosage of the drug.”


Vibucol suppositories are a complex drug, it contains five main active ingredients:

  • Chamomile flowers. The product effectively soothes, relieves inflammation, and helps cope with uterine hypertonicity.
  • Belladonna grass. The component relieves inflammation and synergizes (enhances) the healing properties of chamomile.
  • Plantain. This is a well-known antiseptic that promotes rapid healing of injuries. In addition, this component helps relieve pain and stop bleeding.
  • Black nightshade. The effect of this component is diverse, it calms, relieves fever and spasms, and has a mild laxative effect.
  • Lumbago. The component normalizes hormonal levels, calms, and normalizes sleep.
  • Calcium carbonate. This is the only mineral component among plant materials. It helps regulate metabolic processes.

The excipient is solid fat that melts at body temperature.

Advice! Vibucol is a drug with a unique composition. There is no analogue with a similar composition.

Pregnancy and Viburkol

Viburkol suppositories are prescribed to almost all expectant mothers, since this medicine, based on the action of medicinal herbs and formed elements, has no side effects. Viburkol suppositories belong to the category of homeopathic medicines and do not cause allergic reactions.

This drug is prescribed if a woman feels pain and cramping in the lower abdomen. The latter, by the way, can cause premature birth or lead to termination of pregnancy. According to the instructions, you need to take Viburcol twice a day, morning and evening, one suppository. But if the disease is not accompanied by severe pain, then you can take this drug once a day, that is, using one suppository. Long-term use of this homeopathic remedy is fraught with unpleasant consequences associated with mental disorders in women.

Almost all pregnant women say that Viburkol, produced in the form of suppositories, has a beneficial effect on their female body during this important period. This drug has a sedative effect because it contains medicinal herbs such as chamomile and belladonna. In general, it is absolutely safe for a woman’s body and her unborn child.

Of course, this homeopathic remedy comes with instructions, but it does not require detailed study. Viburkol can be used for various diseases, as well as during pregnancy, without fear of any unpleasant consequences.

Impact on the unborn baby

Viburcol contains 6 main components, which ensure its effect on the body of a pregnant woman and a developing baby:

  1. Pharmaceutical chamomile: reducing irritability, calming, reducing the severity of inflammatory processes, reducing hypertonicity of the uterine apparatus.
  2. Belladonna: enhances the properties of chamomile, reduces inflammation.
  3. Plantain: This natural antiseptic reduces pain, thins mucus and has a slight hemostatic effect.
  4. Nightshade: has sedative and antipyretic effects on the human body, relieves muscle and blood vessel spasms, and gives a slight laxative effect.
  5. Lumbago: normalizes hormonal levels, calms the central nervous system, relieves sleep disorders and depressive moods.
  6. Calcium carbonate: necessary for rational calcium metabolism in the body.

The health of the unborn child is the main concern of every pregnant woman. In order not to harm the developing body, it is very important to take any medications only in consultation with your doctor.

Viburkol is an absolutely safe, natural drug that does not have any negative effect on the baby, leading to normal condition of the expectant mother.

In what cases is it prescribed

Most often, mothers are faced with the need to use this drug in the first days of their baby’s life. But some women become acquainted with Viburkol during pregnancy. The need to use these candles arises when:

  • toning the uterus (it can cause sudden termination of pregnancy);
  • severe cramps and pain in the lower abdomen;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system;
  • the need to lower body temperature;
  • for the purpose of pain relief during childbirth;
  • nervous overexcitation;
  • convulsive syndromes.

Most often, Viburkol suppositories are prescribed to expectant mothers in case of inflammation of the respiratory tract, accompanied by an increase in temperature. This drug has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects, so it can quickly normalize the health of a pregnant woman.


Vibucol is widely used to treat expectant mothers, as it helps solve a wide variety of problems.

Viburkol is also prescribed for pregnant women

The drug is prescribed:

  • to relieve increased tone of the smooth muscles of the uterus and relieve the threat of interruption;
  • for inflammatory diseases of various nature;
  • to reduce temperature;
  • to eliminate flatulence;
  • as an anesthetic drug.

The drug is most often prescribed for uterine hypertonicity; about a fifth of pregnant women face this problem. In this case, the risk of miscarriage is very high, in order to maintain the pregnancy the following is prescribed:

  • hormone replacement therapy for progesterone deficiency;
  • Viburkol to relieve spasms of smooth muscles.

Viburkol is prescribed without fear, since the drug does not have a negative effect on the baby.

Advice! The safety of the drug is confirmed by the fact that the instructions recommend its use for the treatment of infants. For example, as an antipyretic during teething.

In addition, suppositories are often used in the prenatal period and even at the time of childbirth, since the drug reduces the likelihood of such complications as incoordination of labor. Studies have confirmed the safety and effectiveness of this homeopathic medicine.

Sometimes Viburkol is used to prepare for childbirth


Doctors recommend using Viburkol suppositories every 20 minutes for 2 hours until the health condition is completely normalized if the symptoms of the disease are severe. In other cases, this drug is used twice a day - morning and evening.

If the purpose of this remedy is to lower body temperature, often caused by inflammatory processes in the respiratory system, then we should proceed from the following. If the temperature does not exceed 37.5 degrees Celsius, then it will be enough to take 4 Viburkol suppositories during the day. But if the temperature exceeds 37.5 degrees Celsius, then the number of suppositories used should be increased to 6. Treatment should not be stopped if the temperature has dropped and the body’s condition has generally stabilized. On the contrary, for preventive purposes, doctors recommend using suppositories for another 3-4 days, introducing them into the rectum in the morning and evening.

Very rarely, the use of this drug is ineffective, and against its background the symptoms of the disease become even more aggravated. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Pregnant women generally respond very well to the use of these suppositories. Doctors also note their positive effect on the body. But on websites and forums for expectant mothers you can also find somewhat opposing opinions. For example, some women say that Viburkol, despite its considerable cost, does not always promise to be effective. There are also those who note side effects of its use - the occurrence of allergic reactions and possible mental disorders.

Advantages of the product

Women who were treated with Viburkol noted the following benefits:

  • quick effect, the drug is no less effective than anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs, but much safer;
  • absence of side effects and contraindications, with the exception of individual reactions of the body;
  • simple application.

However, there are women who are dissatisfied with this remedy, believing that it is not very effective. There is certainly a therapeutic effect from its use, but it may not last long.

To relieve hypertension and treat various inflammatory diseases, the expectant mother may be prescribed the drug Viburkol. This is a multi-functional product. It relieves inflammation and spasms, reduces temperature, and relieves pain. Moreover, the product contains exclusively natural ingredients - four plant extracts and one mineral.

Side effects and contraindications

As already mentioned, Viburkol is completely safe for both the mother’s body and her baby’s body. If we talk about the side effects of this medication, then only in some cases Viburkol can provoke allergic reactions in the form of skin rash or itching. In this case, you should immediately contact your doctor.

If pregnancy is not a contraindication for the use of the drug, this already says a lot. In the only case, the prescription of these suppositories may be considered inappropriate or such that it may pose a threat to women’s health - in the case of a woman’s individual hypersensitivity to some individual components of the drug.

Precautionary measures

The only absolute contraindication to the use of Viburkol suppositories is individual intolerance to any of the components. In this case, various allergic reactions may develop, ranging from skin rashes (urticaria) to Quincke's edema. In other cases, the drug is well tolerated.

Only a doctor can prescribe the drug


To summarize, it is worth noting the advantages that this biological drug has. Firstly, there are no products similar to it in terms of action spectrum and composition today. Secondly, Viburkol suppositories are quite effective; their effectiveness can only be compared with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Thirdly, the use of these suppositories is not associated with any side effects. In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur. The advantages of this treatment include its convenient dosage form. Viburkol is also non-addictive and does not have any age restrictions. The fact that it can be prescribed to newborn babies from the first days of life, pregnant women, as well as women breastfeeding, already says a lot. In addition, these suppositories can minimize the side effects of other complex biological drugs with which they are compatible.

The life of your baby begins not from the moment of his birth, but from the moment of conception. Therefore, you should take care of your own health so that the baby is comfortable and well in the womb.

Reviews about Viburkol

Yulia, 26 years old: “Almost the entire pregnancy I had increased uterine tone, the threat of miscarriage and low placentation. As a result, the gynecologist prescribed complete sexual rest, the absence of any physical exercise, and even walking long distances. My only salvation from uterine tone is Viburkol suppositories, which I started taking from the 14th week of pregnancy until almost childbirth. Viburkol suppositories did not have any harm on my well-being or on the baby, I felt very good throughout the pregnancy. I recommend suppositories to all pregnant women who are faced with the same problem as me.”

Effect of the drug

Viburkol has the following effect:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • pain reliever;
  • antispasmodic;
  • soothing;
  • mild antipyretic.

Viburkol suppositories are a natural-based drug. Therefore, its effect on the body is as gentle as possible. The medicine does not harm vital organs, but allows them to recover if their activity has been disrupted as a result of the disease, and the recovery is carried out by the body itself. The action of all homeopathic medicines is based on this. The drug is especially effective if used as soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear.

Viburkol enters the body through the mucous membrane of the large intestine. Gradually absorbed into the blood, it has both local and systemic effects. But the concentration of active substances in the drug is such that the drug does not tend to cause intoxication of the body (unlike medications created on the basis of chemicals). This is very important when it comes to treating an expectant mother. Indeed, in this case, you can be sure that neither her health nor the fetus in the womb will suffer.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The drug should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. Candles must always be in their original packaging, and they can be removed from the blister only as needed. The medicine must be protected from exposure to direct sunlight, since even at a low temperature in the room, under their influence they can simply melt.

The shelf life of the medicine is 3 years. Therefore, after purchasing the drug, the expectant mother can use it not only for herself during pregnancy, but also subsequently for her baby. And you don’t need to worry that the drug will soon become unusable.

The only drawback of this safe and fairly effective homeopathic medicine is its fairly high price.

So, Viburkol suppositories have proven well, which is why in many families this drug takes a place in the home medicine cabinet. Many women claim that it was thanks to the use of this medicine that they were able to carry their pregnancy to term. Despite its safety and natural composition, self-medication is strictly prohibited during pregnancy. Your doctor will tell you exactly how to take this medication depending on the specific case.

Viburkol price, where to buy

The price of Viburkol suppositories for children in Ukraine ranges from 88 to 115 UAH. You can buy candles in Kyiv at the nearest pharmacy, since more than 150 pharmacies in the city have the drug in stock.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


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Methods of use

How are Viburkol suppositories used? The instructions indicate that during pregnancy, as well as before and after it, they are administered exclusively into the rectum. Under no circumstances should you conduct experiments with vaginal administration of the medicine, especially while bearing a child.

The action of rectal suppositories is very fast - the active substance of the drug is absorbed in the same way as drugs when administered by injection. There are many vessels in the anal region of the rectum, and the medicine immediately enters the bloodstream. With this administration of the drug, its adverse effects on the mucous membrane of the digestive organs - the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, and liver - are eliminated.

Some patients complain that rectal suppositories “get dirty.” To prevent such a problem from happening, the drug does not need to be held in your hand for a long time, because its material can melt almost immediately upon contact with body temperature. You should first wash your hands with cool water, this will help keep your fingers cool. You can also use rubber gloves.

The suppository is inserted in a supine position - in this case the anus muscles completely relax. In no case should you use force when using a candle, because no matter how soft it is, in this case you can damage the mucous membrane. Some patients try to lubricate the suppository with Vaseline oil or some other oily substance to facilitate insertion. This absolutely cannot be done, because this substance is capable of reacting with the active substance of the drug, and it is not known how such an effect will affect the body. After administering the medicine, you should be in a supine position for 30-40 minutes, this will allow all the active components of Viburkol to be absorbed.

Folk remedies and methods of prevention

Most often, Viburcol is taken during pregnancy to prevent spontaneous miscarriage. But you can try and prevent a similar condition that requires the use of medications. To do this, the expectant mother needs to start thinking first of all about herself and her child. Therefore it is advisable:

  1. Ensure complete rest, even bed rest.
  2. Medicinal plants will help normalize the emotional state: valerian root, motherwort, chamomile.
  3. In severe cases, with severe nervous shock, a woman may be recommended to attend several psychotherapy sessions.
  4. A fashionable solution lately is yoga, which brings a woman into a state of harmony with herself and the world around her.
  5. Vitamin therapy will also not hurt: nutrition should be balanced, rich in vitamins B, C, E.

No matter how safe the drug is, it can only be taken while waiting for the baby after consultation with the doctor. Self-treatment on someone else's advice can end in failure. Take the time to go to a medical facility at the first unpleasant symptoms.

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